Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1902, p. 8

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JUNE 12 low THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- P""4gMB> mtuUfttimgggtmfaf t. J. Sbeppard t. X Sbeppard Change in Business We are about to make a change in our business. The nature of the change we are not at liberty at present to say, but enoug-h to tell? you that for the next SIXTY DAYS , You will be able to secure some of • ^A© QreatcQi ^argdins ever offered in ^eskcrioTt It is not often you get a chance at this season of the year to get seasonable goods at such reductions as we are going to offer you. It is not a few lines we are going to cut the price in, but everything in the store will be cut to cofst and in many cases K\ucb less,so we give you a word of. warning not to delay too long in coming as no doubt a good many of the best lines will soon clear out. The price we are going to give you i^ only for cash or trade. We positively will not charge any goods at present prices, so please da not ask for it. We are not quoting any prices as we have not got the space to do justice, bnt you can depend on getting a big reduction in anything yoa art- lcK)king for. Our Stock Jlmounts at Present to $15,000* ^i^^'iiik^^f^:^ Kg( Consisting of :- General Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Ready-to-wear Clothing Crockery Glassware Millinery Hats and Caps And remember everything is going to be"cut to cost and less. i â- ..i The change we are going to make takes^place on the 1st Aug. SO we want as riiuch of our stock as possible cleared out by that time, and to do this you can depend the prices will be cut so that we will be able to accomplish our aim. Any person owing us an account must see that It is settled before that time as after that date we will place them in other bands to collect. FLESH ERTON AND EUGENIA rrmmyKmaaa I YOONG MAN ! STOP ! THINK ] Can \i>a uiitui' iiierciintilo pursuits nnd bo su^-cessful witlmut it priictic;il business education ? C.in you Hucctssfully enter any piiifi'ssion wilhi)i\t a sound knnwledgo • )f busines? principL'S. Then wliy hcpitiite to take a course in Shorthand uv Dusinoas Subjects, at tho Owen Sound, Out. Whore you can get just wliiit you in the most practical niuthods. Full ticulars free. .'Vddipss. 0. A. FLEMING, Principal Cbe Flesberton £nit>oritini ? IS raDl par- ? ? TnE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. kinds and prices Whips and lashea, Trunks and Valico^, C"inbs and brushes, Swoatpivds and collar puds. Axle Oreass, Hoof Ointment and Onll Cure, Bitts and Snaps, liuggy Dusters and nil styles and prices. Hnbber Rnys. VVoolluii Rugs, Harnu'<a Polish and Metal Polish and Euerythins; in our line. m* nioore = Flesberton Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord HlititOt 2^06$. The nndorsigneil has a flno agea Durham ull (or sorvlcu on lot 141, T. A B. II. Tormsâ€" #1 for (jiiulo cows, *:l tor tllorouKh- jroAe Pedigree Oil api>lloati-<n. JACOn LBVEll Floshorton T.O. ^rfl»l ^uiiiuejssi €M$ â- J. W. FUOb'T, Li I.. U. Barrister, Solloitor Oouveyancor, eto oQlceâ€" Next to postoUice, Sproule'a block F'.jihorton, every Tliureila and, court Uayn N Dâ€" Owen HounJ oUloo, Froat" block Paulett street east. r UCAS, WRIGHT A McAKDLB Li llarristers Holicitora Ooiiveyaucera, et Olflooaâ€" Owoa Sounr], Out.and MarkdaleOut. W H Wbioht, MoArule I B Luoap N' Itâ€" [•'lesbaibou otUce, MltcheU's (tank 3 very Saturday. pUOKER & PATTERSON I Varristors, Solicitors, eto Molsou's Dunk, Owen Bonni HAKRT a TUUKEh GEO W PATTElliiON *,1 AKAY.%SAMPSOI><,narrlB»er8,BoHoitorB. ;Vl OKPfOKS :â€" Owen Sound, Merchat^f Hank Ulock, N. of Pattursou riouae. Enndaik Main trout, ovary Saturday. Money to loan at ik p«r cent. . G. MACK A V, M.A., U.K. (SAMPSON , L.L. Always in attendanoo at PleahertoH and Daudalk Division Oourtn. 3d OULliOUGH & YOUNG (C8:e:B:8»:^^:e3:^ce:e:^m':e:^,ceK^^:e:8:^<e:8:^^ Do a Roaernl banking biuiooss. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call ou U8. * S VANDU3RN, .J P 4 Clerk 5th Div Court, Co Grey Issuer of Marriage Iiloenses, CoaTeyancoi Sotary Public Auctioneer. Mou»y to loan at i^ per cent. Charges motfeiiate. FLESHBRTON P RJ SPBOULB Podtmastor, Flesberton .oiuuilaslouer in H.C.J., Auctioneer Con rayancer, Appraiser and Money Lender leal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds â- jovtsasas, leases aul wills carefully drawn up and valuatlous mado on cbortest notice, noney to lonn at lowest rates of tntorost. Col aotiona attended to with promptneea . iJharges low. Agent tor Ocean Bominiou 'Steauisbip Company, A call aolioited. f . .- â€" . â€" - c FLESH EHTON J^eeps On jf^and \^^'m\^ For Ma.><sfy Harris, Nuxon, FJeury and Wilkinson fiuiriiniid'enients. Floury and Verity plows in hniid all Ihc time.also all kinds of repairs fur tUo snine. We manufscturc Wagons, Bugaies, Cuttoi-s, Sleighs, etc. IJorsi-aliooiiig pr -mptly attended to. Special attention to tender contracted fe«t. constantly on hand. Logging and PI-^w Ohaiiis w^^(:i^(i^o^s:^mi^s^^^ %m'Xm A aPcntiiJUy DR. EC. MURRAY, ti, D, B. dental sutfieon honor Rraduato of Toronto Unlvnrmty and lloval ('olloKo of Dental f4,ngoon8 of Ontario. Odleeâ€" Opposite Arinstrous's Jewellery Store. Will visit Maxwell the last Wednesday 3f each nuintli, a!id Dundalk 1 and a Thursday n each uiontii. O U M' meets o<i the J»»t Mooday m eacu month, in their loage room. Cbiriitoo' block, FloshertoD. at 8pm. T'MSJ Hlakely, W. M. ; A M Gibson, Becorder ; \i -=- - Uei.auiy.Finaacier. Visiting brettMren Itvitod FRINGE ARTHTK LODUE, No. 3M, A. A U, meets in tho Masonic ball. Strain e Uook, l''lo»hvrtou, overv FrWay on or before tho foil moon. F H W Hiokling W M. Chaa. Muuahaw, Secretary. Ta-iTiwortli Boar for Service. Alvin ( No. 7a8) The undersigned has a thoroujhbn-d Tainworlh Boar for service on l"t 140, T. St 8. 11., Anoinusin. Terms 81 (X). Tnos. Letrr, Prop. 'Boar for Service The iinderslnoed has a fine ynnng tharongU< bred YorkKhIre bosr for soivloe oulot lt4,T..t B. B., Artn.nU'la. Ilrad from .Foi<e|ih KMiher- 4tou«'t (i'oiunto Township, Strsetsville) best .A<Mk Teriim «l. 1 Jtn, 03 M. O. UM FARM FOR SALE Gilt edgo.l farm for sale, 100 acrra, *21C0, Wda cash, btilanco easy terms; Co acres cleared and in gnud statu ot cultivation; I'J arrea most timb- er oil, balance well timbered, hardwood and houilock;good franii) barn, stable under; cood frame dwcllins; well fenced, watered and in good atp.to of cultivation; limilea from Ma.xwell and i miles from Fovorahaui, whore are nillla, stores, etc.; » mile frovu cheese factory. Apply to 11. J. SPROUUE, Ploshorton. 90M-3m Eugenia Planing Mills . . . Get your Sash, Doors, Flooriiif;, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Coi- ner Block.s.IIand Kailing, the lie.st of Spruce Lath, No I and No. 2 Shinj:;le.s, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ing.s, etc. Turning of all kinds (lone to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satinfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR GDUKT V'LESIIRRTON, T- 0. V. i»ee»B Ohnstoe's lllock the last Friday evenlup lo each month. Visiting Telcome. C. R., it. Waller strong. Foresters lieartilv B.8.. W. A. A gUiUfal D'^ CAUTKR _ „ M O P & S Ont, Physician, Surgeon, eto OlUca and residenceâ€" Peter at , B'loahatlt.n YOU WANT A CARRAGE ^v DR. F. T. Hi t>1>y,â€" Physician, SnrReon I etc. Flehherton, Ont i UlBce and Residenco.Toronto street, opposite ' tho cemetery, nisy bo found there dsy and 1 night. Coroner for County of Grey. ; SCOTT, AND SOFTLY j Members CoUefie Physio. 4 Sutgeoim Ontario Graduate in -Medicine of Toronto Uuiveralty, Fellowship Diploma , Post Oradu- â-  tt e odioril School and Hospital, ChicaRo. Id liiseasoaof eye, ear, nose and throat specially [c treatod. _ ffi H. SOPTr.Y, JOHN A. BCOTT, '^ Fovorsbara. axwoll. ' jc BuadV* Democrat iUagdn? Heaud & Son have them- in variety, at right prices and easy terms. Before bnying ai^y vehicle call on us and inspect our .... lines , We are agents for the best cream separator on the market and are wilh'ng to sell tm trial. « 3I, R. Rcard $ Son. « jy* CUilson = Tle$i?erton i T P Ol'TRWBLIi ' Veterinary Surgeon Oradnata of Ontario Veterlnai residence ~ second door aoi Marv street. This street Presbyteriau Church. rinarv >oii|jA College, west on â-  Boath a>.V. -MA. 3 v K I V.iierlciaiy ^tiirfiaon and Dentist, Max- : well, Rradnaie of Ontario Veterinary Collrae, ctnlla ted with Toronto University. Viaits ; Itbgsii la WnJnesdaT front II a. m. to S p. ui., \a f ovemliaiu Thorada^ from t to fi p. m. YWfKSHrRT~BGjR Pnr servlco on lot 130-40, flrd rtnKa W. T. A P. H., Aitemeata, a thoron ghbred T.'-kstai \ \Vhlt« boar; Tartu •!. P. 0« IBN4. Pr >p< I Photos â€"TAKEN -AT THE Flesberton Photog'raph Gallery are done in firgv-class style and »' lotrest rates. Siiocial attention t<iven to cop>in|i. Pahiea' photos, a speoialty. Pictiires framed. MRS BULHER CnMi S g ii iM^ iaMttMtrijlniitfti tnJtna uvi ^'topsthe V»HRh nnd works oflT the Cold I.aMtlve Brono-gr.inlne Tablet* oorcftaold la onel»y. No Oure, No Pay. PriMUMnta Fleshertons' Tonsorial Parlor WaNTED-BaRUER Ari'KKNTICli goo<l chance to learn for the right young man. Bring along Ya Laundry. n, Olilson ' TUsbertof A .*â- :

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