Flesherton Advance, 26 Jun 1902, p. 7

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rry \ CAL&ART SHO_W ABD SALE irVE STOCK CONVENTION WAS A GEEAT SUCCESS. Prices Realized for Cattle Was Good â€" Total Receipts of the Sale $21,077. The gathering of stockmen at Cal- gary froin the 14tli to the 17th of May for the Live Stock Convention, jhow and sale, was the largest and most representative ever known in the West. Calgary is the centre of the great ranching country and it was not surprising that hundreds of »ble and prosperous ranchers, repre- wnting literally "the cattle on a thousand hills," should assemble at the meetings which had for their ob- |ect the fostering of intereats in PLASTERS FAILED, LIITIMENTS, OILS AND MANY OTHEE MEBICINES DID NO GOOD. &. ITow Brunswick Postmaster Telia of His Efforts to Cure tT'-^ Kid- ney Troubleâ€" He Suffered for Years and Tried Many Medicines, But Only Eecently Found the Eight One. Lower Windsor, N. B., .Juno 23 â€" Specdal)â€" Mr. T. H. Bolyea, post- nasiter of this place, hius- made a rery interesting statement of his ixperienco in his efforts to be our- d of Kidney Trouble which has (othered him for many years. At times he would have very bad ipells, and when these came on he »as almost laid up. He tried several doctors and used nany medicines, but nothing seemed ;o. help him in the least. Plasters, oils, liniments on the siitsi-do and doses of all kinds and JoBCriptions taken internally seem. Lo have but one result. He was no better. Finally through reading an adver- tisement ho was led to the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, Ho says: "Dodd's Kidney Pills were so highly recommended lor Kidney Trouble that after reading some testimonials, I concluded to try them accopding to directions. "I had tried so many things that I was very skeptical and had but little faith that Dodd's Kidney Pills could or would help me. However. I did not usie them long before I found tliat they were ell and more than was claimed for them. "I have received more benefit from them than from any other medicine I havo ever used , for they seem to have made a complete cure of my case. "I feel as well as ever I did and have not the slightest trace of the Kidney Trouble that bothered me ever so long. "I want to say that I belicvo that Dodd's Kidney Pills arc tho right medicine for Kidney Trouble." Mr. Belyea is very well known to everybody in this neighborhood and there are but few who have not been awaro of his seriou.s illaoss. Everyone is delighted at his im- proved health and his published statement has done much to make Dodd's Kidney Pills even more pop- ular in this neighborhood thaji^they have been. RThich evei"y farmer and rancher of the plains of Alberta is concerned. It is recognized in the west as well IS in the east that those who en- jagc in any branch of agriculture jr in any pastoral pursuits are en- titled to rank high in the communi- iy, their occupations calling for as nuch skill and intelligence ns any >f what ai'o termed the higher pro- essions. The stockmen of the torri- ;orie9 came together to interchange dews and e.xperiences with regard to Jie care, breeding and IMI'ItOVEMENT OF STOCK, â- .o receive instruction from men who lave niado a life study of such mat- ;ers, ^ul to enjoy social intercourse »ne with another. That the ad- .â- i Irespea at tlie meetings were well vorlhy of attention will be readily •ecognizcd when it is montionetl that unong- the speakers were C. W. Pet- irson. Deputy Minister of Agricul- luro for the Territoriijs; J. It. And- rrson,. Deputy Minister of Agricul- ture for British Columbia; J. A. rurner, W. R. Stewart, U. B. Ben- aett, M. P. P., A. E. Cross. ex-M. P., and P. J. Nolan, besides a »trong delegation from the east con- Usting of Profs. Day, CroeUnan aiid Qrisdale and Messrs. Robert Miller End F. W. Hodson. There was only a moderate num- ber of entries for the Stallion Show, but everything shown was of ex- cellent quality, and spoke volumes for Alberta as a horse-raising coun- tiy. Clydesdales. Shires, Hackneys, Standard Breds and French Coach- ers were the breeds represented and all classes were judged by Mr. Rob- ert Miller of StoufTville, Ont. The show of cattle was very large, and the quality averaged high. al- though a nuntiber of tho females were old and .wme not in coif which de- tracted conaiderably from their value in the sale ring. The largo majority of the animals e.xpo.scd for sale were Shorthorns, with a few Hereforxls, Aberdeen Angu* and Ayr- shircs, all of which were .(udgod very satisfactorily by I'rof. C. E. liay. ,Tho sale passed oft exceedingly well, • and THE PRICES REALIZED, wore considered very good, taking What made your linens coarse ? Common soap 1 Sunlight Soap saves linen. SUNUGHT Soap RSDUCES £XPKN5£ Ask far Ow Oetagon Bar. into consideration the fact that some of the animals were as young as one month and others as old as twelve years. Two hundred and twenty head were disposed of at an avoraffo price of $95.80, mak- ing the total receipts of the sale $21,077. Tho top price of the sale was $290, while six excellent yearl- ing Shorthorns contributed by one breeder averaged $174 each. The following is a .summary of the re- sults of the sale : Breed. Co\i%. Bullj. Receipta No. Avenge. No. Average. Aberdeen Adeu) 10 $63.50 2 $72.50 830.00 Ayrahirea t M.OO 3 57.00 lSi.OO HercfortU M 9122 1280.U0 Shortbonu 41 78.43 ISO 103.92 18313.00 J2 63.71 163 103.00 21077.00 * total uumber of head..... 220 Average Bale price 95.80 Messrs. Alfred Mansell & Co., Live Stock exporters, Shrewsbury, shipped by ss. "Lycia" from Avon- mouth on tho 29th April, 30 Shrop- shire sheep bred by Mr. A. E. Man- sell, and purchased by Mr. Robert Miller. These sheep consisted of 14 rams and' 16 evres, which with tiie exception of one ram were all too young to include in the famous Harrington Dispersion sale, so were kept by Mr. Mansell until his final farrai sale at Bishton Hall last March. Mr. Miller is to be con- gratulated on obtaining tliese sheep which are the last of Mr. Mansell's breeding which Canada will obtain, and it is therefore to be hoped that they will arrive safely at tneir des- On Tuesday, April 29th, four Shorthorn balls purchased by Mr. J. Lawrence of Manitoba during his recent visit to England, were ship- ped by ss. "Lycia" to Quebec, by Messrs. Alfred Mansell & Co., Live Stock exporters, Shrewsbui-y. These bulls wore really line animals, two being bred by M. W. J. Hosken, and two by Mr. Roskruge, and should they reach Manitoba safel.v should prove of great service in Mr. Law- rence's herd. F. W. HODSON, Live Stock ConHuissioner. WIRE WOUNDS. My mare, a. very valuable one, was badly bruised and out by being caught in a wire fence. Some of the wounds would not heal, although 1 tried many dilTerent medicines. Dr. Bell advised me to use MINARD'S LlNIMliNT. diluted at first, then stronger as the'. sores began to look better, until, after three weeks, the sores have healed, "and best of all the hair is growing well, and is not white, as is most always the case in horse wounds. F. M. DOUCET. Weymouth. A stream five feet wide and eleven feet deep, and running at twenty feet a minute, will ^Hrovido water for 90,000 men. OLD WHfiELIN& DAYS. Citizens Rose by Candle-Light.â€" Strange Change in Public Fancy. There was a time? when "city folks" got up by tho fading dark of night and started countryward on a wheel in search of entertaiimient. They rode far and long, and pro- bably, it the truth were told; over- di<l it somewhat. That was when bicycling was treated as a fad, but. as with most fad.s, the public tired of it rapidly. A transformation in the citizens' fancies then occurred. They dropped the wheel as a no- velty, only to realize that it was a fositivo necceslty â€" a convonioncc-^.i monoy-saver on car fares. And that's what caused the big bicycle revival in tho city. Out along the highroads tho far- mer was wont to look upon the bi- cycle as some foolish vehicle for giddy touri!»ts. He said hard words about it because " it rudely shocked the tense nerves of his colt, and placed him more than ouce in an unoonventional position b.v the ditch-side. This man of the country districts has also experienced a change of thought, and probably for even stronger reasons than that of his city cou.'rfn. Can you imagine a more useful article out of town, than a bicycle ? It has tho virtue of mak- ing eight miles feel as one â€" puts the post office and your neighbor "at the turn of a pleasant spinâ€" is al- ways at your Immediate call. And these things have made the bicycle popular in the country districts. HOW TO GET A WHEEL. You should not be without a bicycle to-day. The cost of one is very easy. Write to Canada Cycle & Motor Co.. Limited, 34 Kinjt St.. VVos»t. and aak about June prices for • 'Cleveland, " "Maisv.' - Harris." "Brnntford," and "Porfecl" bl- cj'clca. v' WESSON ' FOR LKSSO IT, Man is so prone to err that he should reflect a little before drawing attention to tho mistakes of others. A professor who prided himself on his correct English heard his wife remark : â€" "X iiitend(!d to tell .June to bring a fresh bucket of water." "You doubtless mean a bucket of fresh Water," corrected the profes- sor. "1 wish .yon would im.v some little attention to your rhetoric." A few moments later he said : "My dear, that picture would show to better advantage if you were to hang it over the clock." "Ah," she replied, "you doubtless mean if I were to hang it above the the clock. If I were to hang it over the clock wo could not tell the time. I wish you would be more careful with your rhetoric, my dear." And tho learned professor became all at once very interested in his book. The following is copied from Tho Nassau Guardian and Bahama Is- lands Advocate, and shows that Salada is for sale everywhere. SALADA. "The shad..'S of night were falling fast." As down the street a good wife passed. And in her hand she bore a charm. To keep her husband safe from harm, Salada. Her "brow was" glad ; her loving mate. She knew would meet her at the gale, She knew he loved her best, but then , He loved his "cup" like other men, Salada. "In happy honaes (she) saw the light" Of stoves that glowed. And kettles bright. All boiling hard as hard could be, For why ? their inmates all dranjf tea, Salada. "Try not" Oolong, the Grocer said ; "This is the tea that soothes tho head. E'en Lipton must his 'Brands' give up. Since hr has failed to lift the Cup," Salada. "O, stay," her neighbor said, "and take Just one more sip tor friendship sake." She thought of home â€" "ITy hus- fcand'u there. Without his tea he will despair," Salada. "Beware" the stuff, they .sell in trade ; Don't buy at all, until you've made Quite sure it's stamped in letter plain As guax-anlee the famous name, Salada. "At break of day" when good wives riae. There is one thing they greatly prize And that's a cup of liquid bliss. And if .you want to know, 'tis this, Salada. A traveller "from across tho pond," On afternoons of tea was foad. The good wife told her where to find A tea that's unexoAled in kind, Salada. "There in tho twilight" they did part. And each one pondeixd, in her heart. The fact that all the fliieet tea ! Was at The Model Grocery, A falling body moves at the rate of 32 feet the first second of its drop ; at 64 feet the ne.xt : 96 feet the third ; and so on, increasing 32 feet per second during each second of its fall. Beware of Ointments for Catarrb that contain Mercury aa mercury will hUiely destroy tho sense of nmell and completelyderango ihe whole ayHtoiu wheaenbsring itthroush the mucous surfacoj, Suoh articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from roputablo ithysiciana. aa (.he diiniage they will do Is ton fold to the good you can pos.'iibly derive from thoin. Ha I'h Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Chonoy & (."o.. To- ledo, U., contalnH no ineroui y, and Is taken in- lornally, acting directly upon the blood and niuoous surfiices of the syklcni. In buyini; Hall's Catarrh Cure be «uro you get tho gonii ine. It i9 taksn interually.and ni.ide in Toledo Oblo, br F. J. Cheney & Co. 'reslimoniaU tree. SoW by DruKgiats, prion 7oc per bottle. Ball's Family Pills are the boat. •Saccharine is so sweet that one part in 10,000 of water is easily tasted. TO «tKR A coin IN OXK I».|IT. Take LaxatlTo Brooio Quinioe TabloUi. Ail drugaiats refund the money It It falls to cute, â- i. W. Srove's slKnature '• on (acb bos, SM, The German soldier airries over 64 pounds when in full marching or- der. Britain's total equipment is two or three pound.«» lighter. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATE:S. Via the Chicago and North West- ern Uailway to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake, Hot Springs and Dcadwood, South Da- kota, during June, -luly and August. A splendid opportunity is offered for an enjoyable vacation trip. Several line train.<i via the North-Western Line dail.y. Full information and il- lustrated pamphlets can bo obtaineil from B. II. Mennett, Ccneral Agent, a King street east. T'orouto, Ont. "None knew thee^ but to praiso;'^ ..^ None name<l*,^8e"b>iV to.lo>d't.Iie](^,s, j ^ At- ' It is singiilur that some, of t^^ m|>stl jiaautifiUI poes'j' ever writteiii ia exactly applicable to ',•'.-' t . CEYXON TEA. â-  â- t..t..t.,t..t>itnr>„ti,tir>litiiilitii<ntlltnfll^ Non« SulphurouSs Odorless. Every Stickâ€" A Match Every Matchâ€" A Lighter Every body ask for E.B. Eddy's "Headlight" Parlour Matches The finest matohrain the werid, made from â- oft eerily pine, and •speolally eultabla for doniMtlo use- put up In neat sliding boza«,auartad celora each bex oontalnlnsr about SS* matohaaâ€" thrae bneo In a paok- oga. For Sale by All Flrat Ciw Osalara. The Dawson Commission Go., "Tomnt^ Can. handle yo-jr butter, ECGS, POULTRY (alive or dressed)! STRAWdCRRIM, APPLI3, TOMATOES, othar Fruits, VECETABLE3 or PROIUCB to flToed advantase. Shipping tags, stamps, pads supplied. Corresponieiwie invited. •««««e«««e0*«e#«e0«9S«9**«**O*«*****#*9*9«««f • LI U ISD^^'' Don't leave your painting until ^ • â- â- %»â- Â»â- Â» â-  .the last minute. Do it now, and • • ^m^mm KB .^ '^'^ '•- '^â- â- y before tho hot July and© ipA|MT|iyO jAugust sun gets at it. Oive£ J â-  ^mee^ • â- a«^Xe >your house a chance, touch it up ^ .with * • Ramsay's Paints^ inside and outside. ' These are Z the paints for wear and tear, fop^ beauty and easy to work. Han-|| dy cans. No mess. No waste. % Price O. K. Drop us a card and ^ ask for • ' FREE. ? and sho.wing 9 • A. RAMSAY & SOM,"^'""*''! wcNTREAu Paint Makers • BOOKLET "K" telling about it some beautiful homes. fi«9*«Att>^99U( 9o9e9o9e9»99e9*9«9«9«9«9*9«9«9«9«* The total number of men the Brit- ish Emr. ire can put in the field is 1,202,000. Mii!ani'sLI[)iii)entthe&&stlialr8es!oref 165,000 Britons at present living in the United Kingdom were born \i\ India or the Colonies. Stop^ llt« Caask and works off the Cald. Lazaliva Bromo-Quinine Tablsts care li oold ta one day. No Cure. No Fajr. Price t6 coo^«. Australia holds tho world's record as tea-drinkers, consuming 7^ pounds a head yearly. New Zealanders di'ink 7i pounds. »er Ovpr SIxtr Tear*. An Old a.nd WEi,i.-TaiBD Rkmxdt. â€" Mr*' Wiuiilow'« SoobhiajSyrin liaa beon uieU for orer sirty TOftM hy millions of niothors for thair ohildieii whiiB Ceethn;?, witll i)eiTocl, micoom. It M>othoi tho child. AoflOTis tho Kuiiii). till Iff* all piiin, Lures wind roilc, And is tho befit remedy for !)iiirrhie.i. Is p'.e'^'aiit to tho uaio. Sold by dniggista in cvorj part of tho wor d. Twcuty-ave conta a bobcle. It-a valilo is iooaioulahlo. 'to sure and ask for Mr3. Wtnaloir's Soothine .ay^up, £:ulbaSB ai>attlBr.kihLL "From experience, sir. Whenever my neighbor's dog can't sleef , I'm just as wakeful as he is." MWs Unimeiit for lllieumatlsin 800 tons of snails were sold in Paris during 1901. Lifebuoy Soap â€" disinfectantâ€" is strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as a, safeguard againsit infectious di.senscs. Fourteen pounds out ol every hun- dred of food wo eat consists of po- tatoes. Wabash Railroad. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pue- blo, Glenwood Springs, Col. ; Salt Lake City, Ogden, Utah; Hot Springs and Deadwood, South Dakota. Lowest round trip rates ever made from Canada to the above points. Tickets on sale Juno 1st to 2i.st, and J«ne2fith lo 30th, inclusive. Special e.xcur.sion June 22iid to 23th. Other cheap cxcuiigions during July and August. All tickets good until October 3 1st, l,!i02. All tickets should read via Petroit and over tho Waba.sh, the short and true route to all Colorado points. This will be the grandest oi>por- tunity e\er given the people of this country lo visit this beautiful coun- try of grand mountain scenery nt a low rate. Full i)aiUculars from nnv railroad agent, or J. A. RICHAHDSON, Uist Fass. Agent, northeast corner King and .Yon 9 etroets, Toronto. Ctistomor â€" "I want a shoe that is both comfortable and stylish.". Shopman â€" "I'm very sorry, madam, but the age of miracles is past." Minard's Liniment Cures La Cfipjie Professor â€" "Tell me to what class of maladies insomnia belongs." Stu- dent â€" "Why â€" er, it is a contagious disease.'.' "I never hoard it so des- cribed. Where did you learn Wiis. ?" Minard's Liniment Istlisbest The expenses ol municipal govern- ment in London last year were S17,- 000,000 less than those of New York.. â-  W P C. 1134 THE MOST POPULAR OBNTlFRIOE. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Praaervea the teelh. Sweetenn the breath. Strengthene ihs gums Bm$$ Band â-  natrumanta, Drums, Uniforms Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A @AHO Lowest prices ever quolod. Kino cntniigufs 500illUMtraUonR,nhtiIeu froc. WiMtu.aHi«p.i.uy, thing In MiikIc iir llnnlcal ItKlrunicotf,^ WHilEY ROYGB & 00., Limited, Toronto, Ont. and Winnipeg, Man CLEANING LADIES' . . . ^ ''m^^^ C*D be done perfeotl; by our French Prooeli; .iXtf ia ...f BSITUH AWBRIOAW DYIINQ CO . ' J ' < MONTKFAU TOSONTO, OTTAWA * (JCKBEO Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to UrurpooL Boston to Liipr- pool. Portlud to l.ileri>oat Vi» {Jutma- town. Iamb ami KMtt3to>m»bip(. Superior itcuoin:. nditllon for Kll claMoa of raronKxrii. gufoou and St..\>iir. oni STB »nml»hlps. 3p»-clol iilteutlonliM Iwvn Blveu to >))• pcond Snloon und Thlrd-Cliu« scoonimo.lution. Fm nil« 1.1 pa«^»go anri >11 psnioulitn, apply ta; any ingeul . . ef bho Company, or WALKINt'^ OR RichnriU, MUlt k. Co, 77 dlate St. Bixtoa. r. Torr»nM »Oo.. MuntrvaJ an 1 Portlaa4 ' H(^ miHftlie'* rson'T if- Hv nUmDVaiiTiiuBEiiiHiiii Hiiniar.B8win«V, stock Xaik«t itn<lCa.lf Dthniiier. Stopimviniiot nil act* 'r<^R> r<-a:n|l. Hkk<4 4K 'llfftmit nar niai kt , .^11 lirM, with flttna blade. Kttrarta lloraa. T.vtimontatefTf*. PrlMfl aOfr'?n.l %\ |r.rUia!;lfttirorl«.i[nOh«tr.n.f.r«fil US. May«,'01l..r|;>i«;Cui.iJ.iDe( 17, V,18yn. tiRaSBSKlauTOS, rilraaM Wood « Photo. Emcr^vi^g^ ^J.l.J0MEStNf..t9.^ -166 BAY STRCer â€" lORONlO -,:ii{€i?S^

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