Flesherton Advance, 26 Jun 1902, p. 8

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.>i JmrESB ff0f Tm FLESHEKTOK AirrANCE I A( Make Hay While the Sun Shines." Is an old familiar sayiof; tbat ii no more applicable to the farmer beside the haycock on a"Eeorcbing"JuIy day tliau it is to you ia regard to oar Selliog Out Sale. The prices on general goods will never again be dnplicHted in Dundalk. Don't think either, for a momeut, that we're liere to stay for we're not. When we advcrtiBi that we'rs jjcing that's exactly what we mean. The time may be short, too. You will find it immensely to your advantage to put in a slock. One that will last some time. You cannot commence too soon. Read tliese. ^ 'Twill Ue a Lone Time Before You Repeat These Prices In Staple Dry Goods. Fla.xxxi.eelet'teai 10 ct. Flannelettes 80. Good even thread, full 83 inches wide, a good variety of patterns iuclnding piuks and blues. A quality you've never bought before for less than ten cents. 15c Angola Flannellettes l3o. We sell it mostly for men's top shirts and children's dress- es. It is au extra weight and a very soft iiui.-^h. Skirtings 12Jc Shirting lOo TheX shirting usually sold at 14c, stripes and checks in Indigo blues, 30 inches wide, splendid value at I'Hc. 10c Shirting 8c. Grey JPl£tnnels 14o Union Flannels lOo. lu plain and twill, light and dark colors, firm even thread, splendid weight. 25o All-wool Flannel 19c. Remnant Sale. HALF PRICE Over 500 yards of Remnants 20 per cent, off Wholesale Price, A Saving of Fifty per cent. 20 per cent of! wholesale price means a saving of at least Fifty per cent, on regular selling prices. That is for One Dollar yon can buy One Dollar and Fifty Cents worth of p;oods. You have, too, aa extra large choice, over 500 yards of different materials to chose from â€" none of which were overpricedâ€" one to eight yard lengths. The remnants consist of : Prints, Flannelettes, Shirtings, Cottonades, Moles, Tweeds, Ticking, Flannels, Cretonnes, Blue Denim, Towelling, Wrapperettes, Dress Goods, Press Linings, Canvas, Sateens, MusHua, Bilks, Carpets, Table Oils, Floor Oils, Bress Ducks. Those who are tardy will receive only the calls. Ootiliona des 25c Cotton adcs 19c. In bard and soft finish, extra weights, good stripes and chocks. Never sold a better cottonade at a quarter. 2O0 Cottonades 16c.^ Suitable for boy's wear, good looking pattorns.heavy weight. 25c Heavy Mole 20c. Smart looking stripes, an excellent weight and splendid wearer, 80 inch. Amona tb» uncoonted pathetic inci- deuta of the Fernie disaster, th<9 casu of Margaret Fletcher standa out prominent- ly. She ia about eighteen years of aee, a dauithter of Nova 8cotia, and the child- hood sweetheart of J. McLeod, who went west some months lince to work at the Cual Creek mines. Six weeks or more •Ko, he wrote to her, encloeinfc the neces- u^ry money for the jourtiey, and asking herto join kirn in the westeriv home as Hoon as poHsible. Togsther tlhey arrang- ed that she would cooie direct to Ferniu itiid on arrival the mniister wonid makn I hem man nnd wife It was on the west- bound train on which she was a passenger, that the girlish bride-to-be received' her 6rst iiilimHtiuD of the disaster and hop ing Against hope timt her (ianceo was not ill the ill-fated shift Hho continued her journey, turtured with doubts. »iix- ieby ami .iu'pair. She iirrived on Mon- day, learned the heart briNiking' lrulh,aiid aged in a siiiKle hour, started buck Tuea- clay inornin^-f.ir Nova Scotia. Tte Penalty oi a Fut Life Is paid for by an irritable condition of body and mind, by exhausted ennrey,pnor digestion, onstrann nerves and brokext sleep. If 70a innitfand will live tde kill- ing pace, bettlarkeep ii) mind the sustain' in(t powers of Ferrosone, a wonderful tnaic and reconstructor. Ferrozone is » blood nicker, a nerve strengtbener, a- heart and brain invigorator. It creater nppetite.iniiures perfect digestion and mi- disturbed sleep, restores the vitality and' strength lost by excessive living very quickly. Ferrozone will do you inestim- able good, try it. Price 50c per box or six- boxes for $2>60, at druggiste- or Pol-= i^oii Co.. Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. El. Richardson. Sixtocn years nt;o a flock of wild geesa were dying over Henry Moffat's fiiru in Mono, when one became exhausted and f-ll. Mr. Moffiit caught ii. an'l clipped- its niiij/9. Last week it hatched (lut half- a-dozHu goslinsr.i, the first in all lhe.se years. â€" Free Press. GrlCOGGVieS Our prices on Grocerie.i are at the " low water " mark. Now is the time to put in a stock. 'Twill pay yon. 25 lbs. Standard Grantilatd Sugar 81.00 Ludclla Tea, black and mixed, in lead packages, a richly flavored Ceylon tea, per lb ... 19c. Soda Biscuits, Christie's "Cream," or McLanghlan's, 3 lb paper boxes, per box 20c. 23 lbs Redpatha Brown Sugar..; «l.O0 Shoe Polish, New York, liquid, put np in glass bottles, regnlar 10c eize, requires no shining, per bottle.. 5c, Baking Powder, "Kitchen Queen" brand, in one lb. tins, retail usually atl5o a can. Per pound' can. TOc Raisins and Cnrranta, selects, choice fruit, free from dirt and stems, per lb 7c. Matches, Eddy's "Telegraph" and "Headlight" par- lor matches, box lOc, John Bull Pickles, In vinegar only, a choice firm pickle, well flavored, per bottle 9c. Buy in as large quantities as yonr purses will permit. The larger Iho stosk yonpntiti.the better satisfied you'll be. You may not have a chance of repeating these prices here. 'Twill be a long time before you'll repeat them anywheie els». «j. i>. EcRomrN^, iyTj:timjPLL»st <^>\ ^ K K & K: K & )^ K & K:^.K& l!^::»^*nS5;^^ Nervous .Weak Men. I ffraTe through Eand tnldd1e-a?ed men are annnally swept to a prcitiatunj Y nSDISCHETIUN, BXCBHSBB. AND BLOOD- If you have any of the followiag symptoms consult us before it is toolat*. Are yoo nerTons and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyea with dark circles under the;n, \Teak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken I eyes, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack f al^hta, changeable moods, weak luan- j, uone â-  ' ' --.--. - ^._o ; wul cure yon.' I tneryy and strength, tired morning-s, restless booiTstnnted organs, prematura decay, bone pains,' bairllocise. sor» ttuoat, etc.? |OiurIf»wM«tbo«Tir«««incnt '• Men's Lif£ Blood Nothlntr can be more demoralizing to youug^nd mlddle-a^ed men than emissions I at Bizht or secret drains through the urine. They uuEta man for business, mar- I rlsd life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youvh, natural weakness, or sexual excesses, our Ncsr Mstbod Trvrntmeat will pcsi- Uvely cure yon. CURBS QUARANTEBD. NO CURB, NO PAY. fi^So Names Used "Without Written Consent. W. A. Mvir, of Lima, O., says: â€" "I was one of tire countless victims of early vice at IS years of a^e. The drains on my system were weakening my brain as well as -my sexual and nervous sys- tem. For tea years I tried scores of doctors, electric t>eltB and patent medicines. Some helped me, none cured. I was ^ivlnfrup in despair, in fact, contemplatintr suicide when a friend ad- vised me as a last resort to give the New Method Treatment of Drs. K. A K. a fair trtaL Without confidence I consented and In three months I was a cured man. I was cured aeveu years ago â€" am married and happy. I heartily recommend Drs. K. A X. to my afflicted BaforeTicatment feUow men." After Treatment J^We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatiiral Discharges, Self Abase, Kidney and Bladder { I Diseases, and all diseases of Men and Women. i l»-VtO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No j medlciaesentC.O. D. .No names on boxes or eavelopes. fiTcryttaln; confldeatial. I Qneatlon llat and cost of treatment, FR£ G. 14a SHCLBY smecT, Drmoiv, MiON. iDrs:'Kenn8lr&K6rEaQ, TfOONG MAN r STOP ! THINK • Can you enter mercantile pursuits and l>e su...oe88ful without a practical business «ducutian 7 Cnn you successfully enter any pro'essioii without a sound knowledge of businesj principles. Then why hei>itiite in take a coarae in Shorthand or BusincHs Subjects, at the - J. W. FROST, L L. Ji. Barrister, Solicitor Uonveysncer, eta offljeâ€" Next to poatotllce, Hproute'i block FI.;ihertou, e»orj Tfaurada sua oonrl days « Bâ€"Owen Sound office, Frost* block Poulett street east. •wen Hound, Ont. Where you can get just what you want in the most practical methods. Full par- ticulars free. AiltlicH.-!. C. A. FLEMING. Principal. Cbe Flesherton , • Ifartiess • • emporium ? - ? ? IS TnE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. kinds and prices VVhtpvand lasheSr Trunks and Valicos, coiniie and brushes, S\veat|Nul<! and collar pads. Axle Grease, Hijof Ointment and Oall Cure, Bitbi and Snsps, Buggy Dusters and all stylet and prices. Rubber Runs. Woollan Rugs, Harnost roliah and Metal Polish and Euerythins in our liAe. LUOA8. WBIOHT ft McABDLE Barristers Solicitors Convey«iieers, et Oflloasâ€" Owen Boond.Ont andUarlidsleOot. W H Wbjoht, McArdlb I fi Lucas N Uâ€" pleshertoD olBoe, Mitchell's Bank •vary Saturday. fyr 'cvitLouGH ft Tomwai '*^ Usnkers, Msrkdala Do a gean»i banking business. Uooey loaned tc a ressomble rate. CsU on us. A B V.\NDUSBN, J V *• CUerk Stb l>lv Court, Co Qrey Usnor ol Marriage Licenses, CoDTeyancer Notary Putjlio Auctioneer. Money to loan at 4i ixr oent. Cbarges moderate. FLEeUBBTON P FLESH EKTON avisK â- Jfeepa fUCKiSK ft PATTERSON Darristors, Hollcltors, eto Molson's n&Dk, Owen Bound hARBT TUOKElt GEO W PATTERSON tlAKAVftSAMPSON.nnrrlBtera.Bolicitors. *I OKFIOKS !â€" Owon Seurirt, Merolmnt'B Bank Uloob, N. of 1'att.irBou House, litiodalk. Main reelvevesyBtUrfsrd&y. Money to' loan st 4$ vm sent. . a. maokay.m.a.. h.e. hamhson.l.l. Always in attendance at Klcsbertoni aud Duudalk DlTisiou Courts. a J HPSOUIjE Postmsstor, PleshertoD I uOiii inissioner in B.C. J., Auctioneer Con reyanoHf, .\ppraiser and Money Lander ' Ueal Instate and Insuranoe Agent. Deeds I mortgages, leases 804 Vvills careluUy drawn up an I valuations made ou Pborte»t notice, money to lo.tn at lowest rates ol interoBt. Col lections attended to with promptness (ibaived low. Agent (or Ocean Dominion .Btasiuabip Company. A call solicited. For Mawey Harris, Noxonv Plaary and Withinsnn furra implements, Fleury and Viitl^ plows on hand all the titBB, alsc-ain kinds of repairs fi>r the same. We manufacture WMions, Buguies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended tio. Special atteiition to tender ooutracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly un hand. Jo«i:ticj3 Z Hctttijstri! DR. B C. MURRAY, L, D, S. dental Hnraeon" herorgrHdunta of Toronto Unlverravjy stid Royal Collogn of Onntal i^.ireeoiis r>f Oirflario. Odloeâ€" Opposite Avmstroni^'s .TnweTlerv Btore. Will vltit Maxwell the lut Wmlnesday sf each n^outh, and Dundslk 1 anil » Thursday n each tq^oatb. AO D M' meets on the last Monday ID oaoai moiitli, in their loiige room. Cfcivlstoe' block. Plesberton, at 8 pm. T, Blakely, \V. M. ; A U Oltisnn, Becorrier; \V t Qpl,aiuy,Flnaaoier. Visittog brethren luvitod PRINCE ARTHTB LODtJE, No. .S83. A. A M, meets in the MasAnlohall. Strain's Uook, KIOKh^rton. every Friday oo or before the lull a>oco. F H VV Hiokling W M. Cbas. MiaiAhaw, SoLretniry. FARM FOR SALE sels lOUhf IfliBSHKRTON, I. O. F\ meets In U Ohristoe's lllock the last Friday evening In each month. Visiting Foresters heartil.\ _.,. ... , '. TTL.^^.. *m~> .Konn teloome. C. K., R. Waller ; it, 8,W. A. Arm- OUl edged farm for s«l«, 100 acres, SSlOOj ♦SCO ,j,on|. YOU WANT A CARRIAGE Ul. moore - Flesberton Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2906$* The undersigned has a flne aged Durham all for s«rrice on lot 141, T. A 8. It. Terrasâ€" »1 for gr«de cows, *» for tboroogh- reds Pedigree on applloakl >n. JACUil LEVEH Flesharton P.O. Tarnwortli Boar for Service. Alvin ( No. 738 ) The undernigned has a thoronchhred Tamw-'rth Boar for aervice on l>t 140, T. A 8. B., Artemeaia. Tenns Ul.OO. Tho8. Lbvbr, Prop. oaeh. balanca «asy terinH; 03 acres cl<9nr»(l aud Id giiod stste of oultivatinn; 12 scriis most Mnrb- er off^ balanro wnll tinilwred, hartlwood aud taerahH^snoit rratne barn, stable nnilar; good raniadfiHIiiii; : Iwoll fenced, watered snd in - , ste of oult vation: Ii luiloa (roira Msxwell aoid % mile* from Fevershnm, where are mllU, CVKTRR _ , ,, . , • , . A„.i., â€" MO P ftSOut, PhyaJrtan, Snrgeon, stores. "«?•:*."»"" ''^?,"' "''SO"", '"<"°'''i,.^'^'^ ! Offloe aud residence-Peter 8t.,Ple»b«ton io B. J. bVkOULK, Kleslierlon. WM â€" wa Vf PriKriil Buady» Democrat, Ulagon? J. H. Heard & Son ktve them in variety, at pric€» aiwl easy terma. Before buying any vehicle call on us and inspect our .... lines We are agents for the best creaaa sej.>ara' on the market and are wilHng to sell on trial â-  % 3e He fleard $ Son. etc , Boar for Service The onderslgDedhas a Ans ynnns tlinrnoih- brsd Yorkshire boar for Mrviee on lot i74,T.* S. n Artems'la. Itred from .losoph hssthar- ^os's 1 Toronto Township, Streit«»*ll«i best «v6* Teriae •!. 1 Jan.lM M.O.i>M Eug:enia Planing Mills . . . Get your Sash, Poors, Flooring, Sheeting, Nevtr- ell Posts, Ball ustetti, Cor- ner Blocks.Hand Kailing, the best of Spnico Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of nil kinds done to onlcr. New run of stones for chop- |Hng. Satisfaction in all our lines gnaranteod. S. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR I Y^H' !•'• X. ntfctoy,â€" rbyilclan, Burgeon â- *^ etc. PlBKherton.Ont ] Office snd KesldcDee.Tnroiito street, apposite tlio ceuistery, may be found thero day and ulRht. Coroner lor County of Qrey. *; 8COTT, AND SOFTtT c: > Members College Fhyilo. A Sorgeb., . Ontario Oradnate In Medicine of TonoiMO University, Fellowship Diploma, Post (Iradu- «c « e<tlo*l HebonI and Hosiiilal, Chicago, dlsvas^aof eye, ear, nose and throat spealally treated. H, SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, FcTershsM. aiwetl. T P OrTBWEU. ' VeterlDary 8nrge«<i Oradnsts of Ontarfo Telerlnary College, reAiilenee â€" suiond door south west on I Marv street. This street rans sontb Presbrlarton Chnrob. Vhiai-Iiisiv i«iirg.ion and Dentist, Mas- wfill, graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collige. cinila'ted with Toronto UnlTnn>ity. Visits Kngeii is \VoilnesdAV from 11 s ni. to 3 p. in,, «n Feyershaiu Thursday from II to S p.m. YORKSHIRE BOAR For serylcoonlot I39-40, 3rd range tV. T. * Ru K.. Art'uiieHis, a thoroughbred Y.i-kshI WI«l#«baftT«rQHiek. r. CAIB)«-..Prip X.fU3!i!Vi0^f^^iSSf*l^!i!3S^'f^i>S'^>^}^(^>' Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery ar« done in firal-claaa atjile and nt lowest rate*. S(>e<:ial attention l^iTPn to copying. Babies' photot. » spocialty. Pictures framed. MRS BULHER i!n!n!iifOiift!»^iifiniiwinJtnSin RiOi8n!riiiJ oir Pt«nttlie l'»aKb and w»rk9 the (;t»l«l Irfksailve KR«»4)alnln« Tablsta onre a cold la CM day- M* OSare. Mo Pay. Pries KcenU Olilson • ?U$l>ertoti Fleshertons' Tonsorial Parlor WANTKtK- -Barber Apprientice good chance to learn for the right young man. Bring along Ya laundry. neWif^ti - fief b< ton ^^ «•.

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