â- ^«*np"Pf"wppw*sipi nm »9!f ^^"Wr fW > « V i -I: "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. â- If; VOL. XXn, NC 1092 FlestLerton, Ont., Thursday, July IT iQO:2 W. H TBDKmOIl, PBOPWETOB # 41^ TheQIorious l2th is Past' but we art) still sulliug wivlclies &nd| clocka. We have an excellent sliow- inj; (iwd we feel coiiHJenr we ciin sat- isfy you in any line you wish. We have the most up-to-date and beautiful clucks. Call and Hake your Selection- If you buy a time piece Ve sure you bay o!ie tl'.-it is reliable and we have â- what will answer that description. We ' guarantee our watches. Watch Cleaning ^ and Repairing Dottfr.. tV.A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON Kimberley From Our Own Comspvndent The wife of Mr. Albert Ellis presented her husband wi'h a little boy ou the 7th iuat. Mr. Win. LHwreuce, who ha.s been workina at Pnwassan for some time, has reiurtied homo and now assists our blacksmith in liis work. Mr. Wui. Walter lia.s returned frnm The Entrance Results Following are the results of the recent Entrance exiimination held AT FLESHERTON i'orty-five wrote and the following pas.sed : Bellamy F 5!)0, Buckinu;liani M 646, Cooper E .568. Fletcher 580,!^ Harrow E J 592, Humberstone A 550- | H •John.ston A 558, Kyrnahnn K 570, Law,, i ?( reuce B 550, Legate I 835. Madill E 676. i U MoArthur M V 620, ML-Cilmon S 622, <<] I McLean S (iOl, McLe.xl M 670, Paul F •' 1 the Soo, wheri! he basbeon workiDgsiiice • 702, Smith D 575, Wilcck A 572, Wil- McFarland, Stafford & Co. | Btautifui Day and a Happy Crowd H Is Eatimated That There Were From IfOO ta 3000 Visitor* la Town - The 5p«aktr9. spna^. : Miss Myrtle Thurston and her mother are visiting at the home of Mr.G. Wiilter.- ' Messrs. S.S. Burrett am'. J. R. SfciiTord have almost coiiiplcied the woodshed for the public school. I Mr. Wm. Plewes and his brother Simou paid a vioit to the parental home. .\11 their old acquaintances were pleased .to see theui. I Tlif Twelfth was well celebrated by iiioit of our citizens, some s?>'i"S ^° I Ri'oklvn, Fleshertou and Creemore. t â- i Mr. Wm. Best <if Woodford intends to 1 become a resident of our village soon. He has located a site on which to builJ this summer. I Miss Green of Toronto is the !;uest of , Mrs. T. Reid. ' Mr. and Mis. Jos. Smith of South I Beud, Ind. ; are visiting the home of his I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith. Master Emerson Wickensof Flesherton ' fi spending a few days with friends in HARKDALE, ONT. 3r$vg:cunty'$ Biggest and Cheapest store It is easy enon).h to buy sronds and get hold of low prices, but how about the qualities ? Are you always sure that your purchiusa is what it ought to beâ€" rhoiovwhly reliable ? You novir run any li.'ik at tliis store. We make siircs that our !;<joJ»are worthy and dependable before we offer them to you. Then to every purchHsu yuu make we add another safe- i;uardâ€" oui- guarantee which says : Money refunded if goods are nut sjitiisfuctory, S-tOO ALL-WOOL BLANKETS FUR $2.98. All-wool blankets, thoroughly cleaned and scoured, soft and lofty id finish, 7 lbs. size 60 x 80, worth S4 00, while they last 2.98 .?1.2r) COLORED DI.VIITY SHIRT WAISTS 89c. iS Dainty Dimity Shirt Waists in a vwiety of color corabinatloni, most of thoin are blue and white, pink and white. This particular line 13 correct in style and just the thing for hot weather.only 89 20c. MERCERISED FINISHED SATEEN 12c. Another glorious Twelfth has iJusseJ | the vicinity, into the shades of yesterday. The day Mr. J.VVeler has the foundation of his was glorious in more respects than one. \ new house built and is now erecting the Choice weather, warm Vut not h'.t, and a framework. crowd of about 2000 people iu town to Mr. John Smith has been preparing his enjoy it. Flesherton gave them a royal drilling machine for driUing wells, welcome with eight or nine arches and flags Hyiui? galore with ever^jreen's decor Hting neaily every business place. The i inner man was not forgotten and there was plenty of provision for man and beast. Markdale band relieve<l the tensiou of the nio'iiotoiious drum beat by choice nn'.sic throui;hout the day audgave the utTair a pleasii'g musical tone. There- weie eij^ht lodges in procession, viz : Markdale, Kellt', Oranf^e Valley, Eugenia McKeo's,Proton Stat,iou,(old 244) Coy!o-i, «tid Flesherton U. P. B. A. Eugenia and 244 piovided the largest nuir.ber of members. Eugenia, which by the way, has recently lost by death two of the oldest inambera in ihe district, Messrs. Lintou and Williams, attracted much at- tention with their immaculate white shirt>s and red hat bands. The speaking was hold in Flesher's grove wl-ore seats were provided f.ir the L.dies. District MiU'ter H.McLouyhrey presided. The speeches, which ail l)rea'hed the essence of loyally. wer-3 delivered by the following gentle men in their order : Mr.Uichard.son.M. P. ; Kev. Ivison Wilson, Rev. T. Cook, Rov. L. W. Tho:n, Mr. F. T. Oarr, Mr. T. Kills, Mr. Jcdiu Lyons, and List but by nu means least, Rev. T. U. White, Disti let Chaplain, of Eugenia. Rev..Mr. Cook *'ik3 latlier possimiatio in his view of the situation, statini; his belief that OrHnaeim u would before no distant diy lie called upon once n:ore to uphoid their priuci['les, pe.rhaps by arni.s, as they di<l Eusciiia From Our Own Coi resitondent Mrs. Charles Untjaraah, accompanied by her sister, Miss Rodgers, and Miss Higgina, all of BloonifieUl, New Jersey, are visiliii<» with Mr. and Mi-s. Wood- burn at present. Eiigenin was very quiet ou the 13th, as the Orangemen and everyone else went to Klfshert<jn to celebrate. Mr. Dearie i« !i«itting along well. He has now a good many of the poles erected and expects soon to start work on his power house. Mr. Munshaw is putliiig up a fine verandah to his hotel, which will be a jjreat improvement. Mr. Win Large has the contract. Miss Bewcrnian hiis Bone 00 a visit to fneiKUat Meaford. Miss Eiu<Una Smith and Miss Norma MoMullin have returned homo from the hii;h school at Me.ifoid for iheir holidays. Rev. Ml-. White visited with fi lends at Meaford the pasc week. Vaadclenr From OtcT Own CatrespoudeHt. Hayii'g has commenced iu this no-gh- borhood. Mr. and Miss W. DoUKlily of Proton spent a few days at their aunt's, Ut^. S. Doii^bis.s, a sliurt time ayo. Markdale Presbyterians held a very . ,f yore. Wei rust Mr. Cook's forcast may 1 successful gu'don party at Mr. John jjTova fallacious, but who knows ? Mark- j Bolaiid'.s on Tuos.liiy evening last week. d»k> band rtudiiedat lections between thoi Markdale Band \v;is in attendance. The speeches. [,roceedj anioun'.od to about ?52. After tito pr..'.;r.im the various l'.dg»«| Mr. Prilcliaid, our li!»cksmi-,h, his ad- lineil vn the village siiuaro when rousing jJ-^ '" the appearance of h^s shop by re- chot-ra were jjiven for the King, Dr. Sproule, and the citizens of Flesherton, alter which thediff.Tent lods«,es dispersed sou A 864, Bellamy C 554, Fermison S , 606. (Jamey S 604, Genoe E 500, (iuy H ! 582, Hemphill J A fiO!), Karstedt F O .' 612, Morri.son R 617, Phil'p V (>D2, j McTuiah C E 1540, Smith C 563. Teeter | L A C4.3, Thiuston S A 714, Thurstou A j rf, 623, Ailcock W 671, Wilscn W G61.-25 i^ -AT MARKDALE L^^ Twenty live wrote, the fcdlowuig pas.ied: j (^ Bradley M J 550, Bro.vu L K 6+t), '7f^ Crabcree M E 7^9, Fo^Mriy M 6;I7, i a* Hunter M 722, Irwiu F 027, Love N .588, | ^b Morrow V 551, WhitiM ,ik M 553, Bn- â- /?! chanan S 623, Lucas H (i77, McFaddiu |=Si» W 083 â€"12 i j|^ AT DUNDALK ^ Thirty-th«ee wrote, the following were jJils succe.ssful : Adair C 008, Go.idfellow H i'^ 550, Gordon I 677. Irish F 556, Rolierts [^a^ R 078, Robertson H 7i)-J. Rus.sel A 550, ] ^ Scott R 053, Blakely B 559, Cameron M j "f^ dOO, Cooper M 027, Fry M 706, McAulay i '^ A 668, Mahood E 557, iMorrow D 620, ^ Neilsoii E 033, Peterson M 550, Rundle 1 Ss V 782, Ru5.sel J 571, Winters M 588-20 j ^ AT MEAFORD Jl Forty-seven wrote, the Vollowing were â- C^ successful : Douglas W 650, Douglas J 602, Gardner E 652, Hoeiin F C 550, Howe H T 603, Jack L S 553, Kearns U 617, Kennedy H 582. Knight U 5S6, McGirr L 551, Miller A A 620. IVul R 683, Stephen E H 001, Stillwell F Efi 576, Walter R 507, Wilson T J 06O, If ArlidgeVS47, Alcock F J, Belshaw C ? N 677, Bornell J G 705, Brown .M 774, (^ Butebart M 623. Burrows E 551, Craig .A s R 097, Cramp E 550, Ewart E 821, Fiud- * lay F 795, Gardiner B 734, Harding M {â- 878, Howe A McM 678, King .M A 705, ; Manarey B A 75;5, Meilalont A 635, Miller E J 569, Mower O A 1)50, Raodle H 561. Smith M 666, WhiteUiw G 720, Young F 591â€" 3'J. AT HEATHCOTE Fourteen wrote, the fi^Uowing passed : Black E 60.3, Bradbury E 583, Conn E 086, Irwin M GSo, Isiiac C 574, Miller R 599, Thimipson L 627i Charters E 621, Com. L 609â€"9. AT THORNBURY |^ Thirty-six wrote, tliy.follov.iivj rasfcd : I ^^ GritJich V669, Hnldship E 678. 'Heu^'or ' (]{> H 595, Johnson R 614, Latter J 550, j ?8? Lewis V 571, Lou;;heed B 627, .Mc;ore C 610, Myles M 560, MoMurchv E 614, Prentiss M G 687, Smith R So50.Torrov A 630. Wheeler E M 648, .Mo..re N ti25, Dinsuiore F604, Lewis A 6-59, Hunt .\ j 622, Matthews H 573, Parkinson C 665, Smith G 568, Stinson R 789, Stinson Roy 601â€"23. AT DURHA.M Sixty-three wrote, the fnllnwiiig were successful: Bacn.s G 597, Blackburn Di 559, Calvert R 559, Canien'ii Cani?ron B 630, Coutis L .578, 702, Greenwood E 717, Kenny K 607, McCuiax' S. 682. MoKay A. 693, Park S. H. 599, Vass.^v N. 692, Walker L. 705, Wallace N. 651, Wilis G. Oil. Aljoo C. 569, Allan T. 635, Blyth W. 663, Oalder ,]. 592, Evtor J. 647. Elliot J. 701, Fair- burn R. ('>37, F;ndlay G G85, Greemvood nii 'ty • .. . 1 • r \. 6S0, Henry R. D. 072, lii.scek w. ^ lli3 piiblic 13 hist becoiuiiig iiware t)f inen, fringed ends and colored 12i :33 inch Mercerised finish dress sateens and foulards, in fast colors- new goods and new patterns, worth 18 and 20c. yard, to clear 12 SOc.BELTS FOR lOo. Another lot of Lad'cs' Sample Behs received in a variety of styles and ((Uiiliiies, prices rantjing from 25c to 50o. each in regular wav, your choice for â-º iq 20c PER PAIR TOWfiLS FOR 12i Three-quarter bleached towels, all borders, size 32x1 6. for per pair 60c MEN'S StIIRTS FOR 38c. • , â- ; . 6 dozen Men's Black and Cohired Shirts, suitable for everyday wear which ineiins they muft be fast Colors aid durable. We may say here you could not procure the material for the price we are offering them for 33 ICc. PURE SILK RIBBONS FOR 5c. Colored Ribbons in staple colors of so t quality No. 9, worth 10c. p.'r yard, this week f ?1 75 CITPS AND SAUCERS orPL.\TES 95c. doz. Auoth-jr l(jt similar to la.st in quality but much nicer Dattern,being a bluepiinttd il.ral decoraiiiii wilii considerable gold lines on edges. Yuu may have nay you wish while liiey last, plates Sc., cups and saneeis 80. or 95c dozen. Many linjs will he reduced for this month (July.) Come and sjitisfy yourself th-it values are ijuite cut of Ihe ordinary. Theaii^-ve ai-e but a few oi the many barj;ains that will await you for this mouth. By coming early the ajsorlmenl will be ^ettfr. therefore you reap the benefit. Whi-n in town have a lo^ k thiough whether you buy or not. No tniuble to sh'iw goods. ^ ^ jMdFkdarid, 0taffoM & Co. Approachcsj last, en.ses of tlie word than ono. the fact that harvos: 743. Kelly F." 'oto. Kn.x, \A . L. 6r(i,Mc 1 time is ahvavs with them Avhcn they deal with us. Out- ytock w!^S^.'!^in;;^i?H:''55a Me^!:am^i)\'j'« ^^J"'^" "^"^" "'»' P'''ces t^s lowest and our desire to please is 557, N.ibij A. 708, Webber A. 710, Weir: cei'tui 111 v genmiie. Let us quote a foAv of the sea.st)uable thino.:! ' """ ' ' stock : J. 699. Honor Ut>!C.-i vis last sbingliii'! I'. Mr. Matthew MeAtthnrof ited hid sister, Mrs. Edwhi Cullis, week. I Mr. Wm, Buchanan is iimking prepar ation to build a new home Report "f Rock vale public ."ohool f«'r the month of .June. I"t. 1 jr. â€" I'lllii M.iy Gi^noe, Miiinio Aroi.str.ing, Weshy Smith, Elwoo.1 I'nit- ridge. I't. 1 No. 2-EUiii Smiih, Eddie White, Reta Beti.s. Al.bie Gidesiiie. Pt. 1 sr. - ll.iiliy Philips. Walter Fisber, Gert.e Fmlier, Nellie Fi-thor. Pt. 11 jr.â€" Richie Clark, Aiiiiio Betts, Jinimic Arina'UMig. y\iity White. Pt. 2 sr.â€" EIna Park, Eri.io Ru.x»o"l, to their various homes. The day wis marked by no distiirb.mc. s an^l so fur as the public cou'd jud<,:e little drinking was , »t n â- done and no .piarreling indulgiil in. | Mr. and Mrs. iVm, Hut.-hiuson re- | KIlie Arm>«tiong, Miy Gillespio. | EveryDcKly v.. ed it one of the most'tumed home ou Saturday .after a two i, Jv. 2-SHm Snnps...i, Lima Armstrong, 4,v.Ihv1 ' and iileHsint celehnLtioiis Ibevi . , .- • • . ,! Leila tia'k, I'aiiitie rorteou.n. had ev'i a.t.i a'*r •'*^'"'â„¢'^ "â- ' '"'â- ^ ; weeks visit wiih friends at I xb.lJge and \ ^be following three c'as.ses The Udiea' Aid of the Methotlist church ' Kn>ery. ^ ^ | result of the pi-oHiotion -.-.-.wi. g«ve dinner ind au|)per to l«r,^e numbers! »*.»»*^ 01 der of merit. UCW i;i Meo's Suits, iri'd woikiiiausi'ii.! and iraterial, S7 suit f>.r. Men's Suits, §10 value, for . " Men's suits, §12 value, for . . . . . . These are !>ol(I at cost for a : ' Siia'u-<?f F!aiine:l,por yard Gc. - bootcli plaids pot- viird licre;; ...lOc. - reg. 12 and lo. Slvn-n hats, a big stocic anil gel your liai'vesl but, or Svv.nctiiiii:^ l^iliuoral Shoe .splendid harve.st .shoe ... 8 5o â- • • lO Oi) to ruu them ott'. â- J Cottonades. idc, reg.... 25c- nipperetto gjods, 10 to 12k., ' ova Sc to 75c. each. Oa;l Sunday. 90c. show the Names in Sr. 2 to jr. 3â€" Jennie Park, Maggie 1 Fiiiley : ni Bunt's furniluiy',vaierooni»,which that i The wlury nf Mr, T. Muaay.Principal i . - • u g»ntle«ian had kindly phueil at their dia- of theCollef-iate at Oweu Soui.d.has been , ^'ishcr, Freddie Russell. V.»al. M >s. Thompson gave meals at the i,^„,^lj„ 51,^,00 » year. Jr. 3 to sr. 3-\era Plnlipe. town hall and her own bakery. In this l""'>- , , .,â- ,-. â- â- â- "A proniiiieiit farmer named Robert; ^r. 3 to jr. 4 â€" losepii ^lJnl*oll, Oe«i. killed near ' •'""kI'*'!. Selena ThoUipROn, Reta Thonip- M>n, Je(»ie Philips, Ethel Fisher, Ida I way uiiala were secure I without any tire- ( A prominent Nome waiting and everybody went home Johnston Has acciden'ally P*V?r- .„ , ^. - I Walkortou ou Thuriday last by falling 7"h2r Kieshtrton will welcome the Orange-' . ».- k m. t > « » „ rwler pmi .s heartily if they al-ould decide to ^^o'" » ^"^ '" ^" ^"- ^' J"«.>»t*>n 1 Ave. f»t us again. VM 09 jov* «( »§«' Average attendance for the month 44. U. >V. STarFORD.Tuttchei. ta\Ut ma&'i eoo^rs a SpeciaUy, Men's and Liclies stunmar nudaiwoiiâ€" a .'spteii-liJ line of the best goods. Hardware Department Our (iftidwHro dtpaitineiit is cmiplote in every lioe. Wo have hayf.irk sliiig«, biii'ler twine, binlug yhivoti, rakea, fi'ik.'*, stylhes. snaitli^, etc. fer haymaking aiidlmrve«t. Pans gi-ceii for your potatoes. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN ANY yVANTlTY F. a KARSTEDT, FLE5HERT0N ropca and Everything