Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1902, p. 4

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•-^ â-  JULY 17 1902 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE ^*? [v. I F. T. HILL & CO. I I Trimmed nniinery Half=price Ladies' Sailors Half-price. Nearly lifty very pretty hits and hoiiiuts, this seasons most upto-dato creiiUons, yo on sale this week at half lirico. AIbi) Bbout ono hundred and iift^y siiihjrs at hiilf price. First comox's get best choice 250 YDS. SILK VEILING 10 cts. Twi) hundri'd and fifty yitrds beautiful Silk veiling. rei>re8eiitin){ soi)<o of our best si'llin^ lilies, that hnve been priced nil season at 15, 20, aud 25 eta., all on sale this week per yard 10 125 BUNCHES FLOWERS, EACH 5c. Several boxes of beimtiful FIowitb that we'd rather sacritioe than earry into another season's business. Many of these arc priced at 2.5 and 35 cts , but to make selliii^ particnlarly brisk, we mark them all at one price, per buncli 5 COO YARDS 10 CENT FLANNELETa'ES, THIS WEEK 8 els. 10 pieces extra heavy n most yard wide flannelette, have been pliiced on sale this vCeok, This is a line we can thoroughly recommend (o keep its color and give perfectly satisfactory wear. Special price per yard 8 2.3 & 25c MOLESKIN AT 18 and 20c. .lust a fo\T piecesâ€" probably 75 yardsâ€" best pattern heavy moleskin go on sale this week. This makes excellent Hmooks and overalls foi harvest wear, being soft and pliable, and there's no line of cotton goods that will eipial it at the price. Two lines special per yard 18 cts. and 20 lOo AMERICAN GINGHAM 7c. Nearly one thousand yards lovely fast-colored Araeri" can Ginghni^. Wo consider ourselves as being particularly fortunate in securing these very desireable go.ids, which this sen.son have hem very scarce. There is probably no other line of goods of eijual weight that will at all approach tlium for wear. Per yard 7 DRESS TRIMMINGS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Hundreds of y.irds Braids, Gimps, Jets, etc., lines worth lOo. 12Jc, 15c and upwards, on special sale this week all at one price per yard 5 DINNER SETTS 10 absolutely new pattern semi-porcelain Dinner Sets, the best (|uulitie8 and most up-to-date goods we've ever secured. Set includes 4 doz. plates, each $11. Other new lines per set 7.75 TEA SETS. 8 beautiful printed stone tea sets, clear white wear in newest printed desigm. In most retail stores these eoods would be marked 3.75, here you can have your choice for 2.90 200 DOZEN FRUIT JARS at right prioosâ€" the heaviest and best glass that money can buy. SCYTHES, SNAITH.S, RAKES, FORKS Pure Paris Green. 100 lbs. best quality, guaranteed pure, per pound 25 Get our prices on all lines of Hardwareâ€" scores of people have done so and have saved money. Why not you 1 F, T.HILL & CO VB ' VMy* Vj/ VJ^/ ^9 ' ^ ' *• They are running Sunday excur- sions from Wiarton to Owen Sound What kind of .'people are the Wiar- tonites that they allow such things ? Surely a branch of the Lord's Day Alliauco would find work cut out for it in Wiaiton. The political situation remains whoro it was last week 30 far as cillior party gaining any direct advantage over the bther is concerned. Mr. .M c- Kay is evidently safe in liis North , Grey seat, vfc'illi a majority of 5. The Liberals are slrugj^ling for Sault sto. Made aud Manitoulin and many other , couslituencies are Rceing the smoke of ; battle not afar off. The terrible accident 111 Toronto last .week by which five lircman lost their 5 lives Bcems to have been one of tho.'io fillings which it i.s impossible for .humanity to guard against. Tliecall- jiiig of fireman is a perilous one at any , time, and the great wonder ia that .nioie fatalities do not occur. These jinou are supposed to enter a burning ^building through Bniokc and lire, not ;l;nowii)g conditions inside, rescue any , inmates, direct the water whoro most jieedod and look out for their own .safety: As in t'.;o army there is an emulation among firemen as to T»bo shall exhibit the moat bravery and earn special mention. A lengthy freo- ,dom from accident breeds contempt of danger and really foolhardy deeds result. Wo do not know that such was actually done iu this case, but the men .'IcBti'oj'ed are said ta have known the danger they were encountering. No blame IS attached to anyone bat the .eystom ivliiclicnconragcB daring deeds at fires where lives are not at stake. and pearl pendant, the gift of the groom. Her-goiiig-away gown was of a suit of l)rown broad cloth The Ijridesmaid, Miss May Rousseaux.of Hamilton, waii prettily gonned in white lustre, and cjirricd a bouijuot of pink ro.so.s. The groom wiis •issiatod by hia brotlier.W.TIiomas Collin son, of Toronto university. The bridal party entered the drawing room to the strains of a march played by the groom's .sister. Miss Nu.sii CoUiuson. The yroonn's gift to the bridesmaid was a turquoise ring, and the groouisnian a diamond ring. The newly-woflded couple left nest morn- ing on a wedding trip to Tornnto aiid other cities before returning to thoirhoine in Hamilton. A youmj >.iian in Arthur purcliascd a bottle of medicino at a drug store the otlier (lay and after returning home and reading the directions found that it: should ! 1)0 taken in tepid water. Ho inuno'.iatoly hitched up and liuiriod back to '.ho store and asked for si>mo tepid water. The dtug'.;ist in his usual pleasant nmnner picked up a buttle, filled it with water, handed it, ihe customer, cautioning liim to warm it a little b'^fure using, ohargtul him 25 cents and took a snap shut of liini na ho wont out of the door. The Markets. C^arcfiillv Corrcr «d Kucli Wec!t! Oits ;i8 -o as Peas 77 o 77 Barley 45 10 48 Butter IB i.j 16 E'^gs fresh l'.J :« 1.1 I'ork 7 20 to 7 25 Hay 10 (JO to 10 00 I'otatoes bag ,45 'm 50 W. HOCKLEY CUaiited 2000 lbs Butter at 17cts per lb. 2 tons of Wool required at 16'jt3. lOUO dozen Eggs at 13c doz. Those are bona fide offers and will stand good for the ne.vt two weeks. Our stock ia complete in every line car- riedin a general store, including Dry Goods, Grocorios, Boots and Shoes, etc., and wo are to tlio front with a new stock of Ruadymado Clothing just arrived at low prices. Also a ft large assortment of Crockery, L>i.shu3 and Glas.sware. look: ! 4 cans Peas 25c. 4 cans Corn 2oc. ;l cims Toinatoes 25c. G Ujs. ,bip;ui Tea §100 (i lbs. Bind; Tea Jtl.OO Vii'egar, tj;allon 28c. 3 cans ijood S.tlmon. 25c. Khikod Wheat, Peas and Rico 7c. i-ook: Lailies' Wi-nppers 79c, ;iO i noli M uslin per yatd 8c, Moil's Overalls 391;. Cra.sh To wiling 4o. lie inch Shaker <)o. Ladies' Hlouses 390. Suimiuir OcUBcts , , , 25c. lioys' Long Hoots 75c, lUindsor Salt for SaSe. Full a.ssoitnu'iit of Wall Paper in st-.ock W. HOCKLEY. Collinson-Uyer.s The Advance has received n copy ef the TIaniilt.f)ii Herald of da;« July H willi the following wedding notice mnrkod: A very pretty wedding t<>ok place on July 2 at 4,.')0 p m. at Iliiiiniu View, the residence (rf Mr. and Mrs Henry Ilyurs, Hampden, wiiei) their yiiungHBt daughter, Amelia H., vas nn'ted in in»rriage to <lanies (i. Collinnon, of Humilton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.FHrqiihnr- Bon, of Durham, in the preaenco of about ^ifty guests, the briilal |Mrty standing finder n canopy of f«-rnR The bride was buoniuingly gowiit>d in white brilliantine, primmed with cliKfonand ponr!a,aiid wort the oustinnary briJsl veil md orange ^InsKonis, and cairied n bouquet of bridal Eifift. Hfv enly ornament wm » disraood V£i.lua.l3le Farm I ' In the Township of Artemesia FOR SALE BY TENDER Bealeil tonrtors will bo reonlvml liy tho exocn toi» of the ln«t will ftiiii tosLiinioiit of .\)oxiiiirli r MoI'lieiHou, ilcouaHail, im totliohour of twolvu o'clock jiooii, on Friilny, AniinstS-Jiiil, A, I), I'JOiJ. for the purcliaBO of lota sUtuou (IB), aiivontoon (17) aoil elBlitoun (18)1 in tho thir.l conoosslon uoitn of tlio Oiirliaui Itoail In tho townaliip of Artou.oHia in tho county ot Ciioy, coiitttioinu ouo luuidroil ami fifty aoroii tiioro or Icbk. This iiroportv is-tlio farm ownad by tlio lata Alixtnrlur Ucl'hcraon, (loouaKod and iHsltiiuto In'iiL excoUout locality about H ini'os from Flmherton Station and 2i utlloslroiu tlio villago of I'lioeviUa. Upon tho promi808 aro a frame liouso 20 x 91 with btono cellar; aluo a f ranio barn 15x70 wiili ift'Mo founrttttio . audBlablca bonoatb, Tbore are iw;. ^ood wnllrt on tliu pruiniBOH. Aliout BdVintty-fivo aoios aru oloAi-Qd.and of thu haiatioo ftitiiun uor'aH aro tii pood hatdwotxl biiHh. 'riiuro iHiilBO a cnnniitrabhxjnantity ot collar iu thH biisli on tho proniliiui). OONDITIOHSOP SAI.K. Thn VendoiK will produoa a llBRlBtrM'a Ab- iitrnct only, nnil bucIi doods or ilocitniuntR of tiilu as aro ia tlioir poBHusaiou. No teudor iioceabarily accopttid. TKHMrtOlfSALK. Ton p'»r cent, of tlio in'rohft^iG monoy la to V-e piid upon (li«ai'coplai)cu of tlie tender and thu l.alaiico in thirty days thoroaftor without iu- turoat. Tho t.'tnderHara to bo addvtih«nd to Noll Mc" Cannol, l*»lc- viUo. l*.o..or iJuucan Muir. Cey- 1,-in P.O., (ttXDCiitors of tlie will of Alexaiidar Mcl'hoi'Koii. ilnoAa<fvl) from whom furtlier par' tictilars may lis obtalnod. Uated July l.'itU, iwi. LUCaR, WBIOHT & McARDIiE, Vendors Bolloltora, Uweu Souud, TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Luxativo Hvoiim (Juinino Tablets, All ilruK((latH roaiiul thoiuoiioy il it (ails to euro VV t-..Urovo'uBiifuutuio is ou uaoh box 25c One eye at a time That's the way we test. Usually the eyes differ in sight. A glass wliich suits one injures the other, and ultimately both sufler. We use modem appliances, and the greatest care to avoid a misfit, A misfit would hurt your eyes and our reputation. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIA '. FLFSHERTON. Boydtf^ickling^Co* niLLINERY = DEPARTMENT. Reduced Prices on Ladies* Sailors Ladies' Walking Hats Children's Straws Trimmed Miilinery ^ * Three Boot Specials at $i.oo 30 pairs Women's Glove Grain Balmorals â€" Biveted sole â€" solid insole â€" high cut, Sizes 3 to 7. Regular $1.25 $K00 30 pairs Men's Fine BufF Balmorals â€" "Whole foxed â€" medium last â€" new toe â€" riveted sole â€" lined. Sizes 6 to 11. Regular $1.50 $hOO 30 pairs Men's Harvest Boots â€" Tan foxed â€" bellows tongue â€" solid leather â€" light, cool and durable â€" just _ right for h.aying and harvest. Sizes 6 to 11. Regular $1.25 $K00 Dollar Parasol for 65c. A sample lot of Ladies' Parasols, full size,nice assortment fimcy handles.reliable black covers. Regular Dollar line 65C 25c Girls' Silk Lace Mitts and Gloves for 10c 48 pairs Girls Lace Mitts and Lisle Thread Gloves â€" Sizes 3 to 6- new goods â€" guaranteed perfect in every respect â€" colors tan, fawn, brown and grey. Regular 25c. lOe $1.25 and $1.00 Corsets for 75c Wo have too many small sizes of good makes of regular $1.00 and ^1.25 Long Waist Corsets â€" they are perfect goods, size 19 and under â€" Avhile they lasi we'll them at 75C Specials in Ladies' Vests and Corset Covers Ladies AVhitc Ribbed Cotton LTndervests,light weight â€" full sizesâ€" short sleeves. Reg- ular 10c. 4 for 25c Ladies' Corset Coversâ€" sizes 32 to 38â€" fine white cambric,nicely finished,special 2 for 25C I^adics' Corset Covers â€" assorted sizes â€" fine white cambric--trimnied nice embroi- deryâ€"nicely finished. Regular 25c., 3 for 50C »[AFSLI>WA.R£2 DEP'T fl»ay Rakes Scvtbcs $nat3>$ lUb ^stones macmr.e Oil Cream Separator Oil Prepared Paints Uarnisbes Dry Colors Boiled Oils Kaw Oil Curpentine £veri/ihin^ treasonable and Oeasonabie. NOVELTIES IN CHINA AND GLASSWARE. t New Dinner Setts New Lemonade Setts New Tea Hetts New Fancy Glassware New Fancy China New Toilet Setts Boydtl>lckliiig&£:o«

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