Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1902, p. 5

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iimmm T tl E F L E S H E K T N ADVANCE JULY 17 1902 iM- lllelljoilisf = eburcb, £»A.STORâ€" Rev.J a. tvison\Vllson Services Sunday 11a m.Sc 7 p. m fiubjecta foi'jioxt Sabbathâ€" .M')niiiiiâ€" Tnc Li-jht of th« world. Evonin,' â€" D.iubleiniudddness. Baptist Cl:\urct|, Flesl:\ertori Preacl^er. Rev, H. CooKe. Sdrrioe Sutiduy m«rniug al 11 o'clock S'lbject for next Sabbath: "A wise man's mistake." Vicinity Chips t!"i;iirjicterlstics of the Past SVcck Carefully Culled for the furious -a=â€" ~ Freali lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. Housekeeper wanted, middle aged Apply at this office for particulais. T. J. Sheppard is giving special reduc- tions in ail kinds of summer dress goods this week. Call and see them. Potato bugs and insects are decidedly scarce this year. This not by. way of C'juiplaiiit. Paris green, poison fly pads and tangle ftio»,for the death of bujrs and flies, at the Medical Hall. Money lost â€" A sum of money in Flesh- erton on Thursday, July 10. Finder will confer a favor by communicating with this office. Notice to correspondents â€" Please seal all letters in future and see that the en- velope contains 2 cents in stamps. The new rate is two cents fur four ounces. Rev. Ivisoiji WilsoQ preached a sermon to the I. 0. F. on Sunday morning last in the Methodist church. The Lods^eluia- ed out 42 members strong. This society is flourishing. " The Owen Sound I. O.F. will run an excursion to Nia^^ara Falls to-morrow ( Friday ), the train leaving this station ."ibout 8 a. m. â€" Owen Sound at 7. a ni. For full particulars see advortiseiuent in another cidunin. MoKEYTO Loan â€" At4i to 4J per cent Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap. Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burnc, or Dandalu oflice Saturday after- upon. CUyton's are selling Ladies' Otford Shoes at greatly reduced prices Sizes 3, C!i ane 4 at 75c. per pair. Also a lot men's lace boots ; some lia;lit, soine heavy, from DO cents and ouodollai pet pair. Ice cream parlorsâ€" Miss O;o.ss!ey at Sliroule,0ro33loy& Co. will serveicecream, .straw berries and cream, leiiionadii and soft drinks durins tbe season, Wednesday and Saturday evenings. One dour cast of confectionery and fruit store, Sproule's block, Flesherton. Strayed from the promises of the un- dersigned, lot 2, con. 5, Arteinesia, on or about Juno 19th, 7 ewes and 8 lanib-s. Strip of brown paint en right side of backs. Anyone knowing tlieir where- abouts kindly cominuuicate with George Patterson, Ceylou. Our township fathers have a bylaw on thuir books making it compulsory to cut down noxious weeds. We noUce that the lot on which the town hall stands is ablaze with beautiful white daisies. Tlie lot will grow enough seed to supply the townshij) as well .13 ihe adjoining lots. VVould'nt it be well to apply the "Act" in this case? Polecats seem to be abnormally plenti- ful around tlw suburbs this year. Mi-. Andy Wilson killed one this we.'k while in the act of eating some of his chickens. Master tl.^hwell Whitton caught one iu a trap and Mr. J. Adams cut the leijs off three while mowing a park lot belonging to W. RIchardsiin. We notice by the Maple Creek, N. VV. T., Signal, that Mr. Ribt. Kells, son of Mr.T.Kells'of this township, has received word from the directors of the Glasgow exhibition that he had been awarded a diploma for oats which were grown on his farm. This is the third diplimia Mr. Kells hag received for oa's, the other two beiog from the N.W.T. Government and Pari.", Franje. Miss Martin writing from her home in Pre.ston, says :â€" "On lonking ovi>r the names of my pupils who wore successful in pa&sing at tlio recent promfitions, I noticed that Flora McMuUen's name was omitted. She was one of the number who jwssed froiu sr. part 1 to jr. part 2. Will you kindly m«Dtion the omission in your next isBue? By so doing yon will greatly objigenje.'' Good horse rake for pale. Almost new. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. Brick house to rent iri Flesherton. Apply to R. J. Sproule, agent, or A. Thisclewaite. Mr. Andrew \^'Il8on is not shaving customers for a tew daysâ€" he is taking a restâ€" that is â€" uui,er â€" he tackle<la skunk which was killing his chiokerw and â€" and â€" you know the rebt. Mr. Fred'Norris got a painful bruise last week. He was blocking a wheel with a htone, when, as he tells it, thinking the stone was not large enough Fro<-l like little Jack Horner, stuck in his thumb, but there wasn't any plum â€" on the con- trary the wheel tore his fingernail off and burst the flesh. He knows now it was not a pudding. County Commissioner Preston of Max- well writes Tbe Advance as follows : "I notice in the minutes of the County Council in our last issue I am represented as advocating that the county should issue debentures for S10,0OO to assist the Owen Sound General and Marine hospital. That is a mistake. I have never, either by word or vote, advocated giving the hospital any increase above the usual grant of $300." People who fire off guns should see that their muzzles are pointed where they can do no harm. On Thursday last a spent bullet from a 32 chlibre rifle dropped through a window in the residence of Mr. John White and tell on the floor. Beyond shattering the pane of glass no harm was done, but that was not the fault of the man at the trigger. He did his best to kill somebody, and he ought to be looked after . Mr. John Sheppard of this town keeps bees. Some of these bees decided that they would like to bo in the procession Saturday so on Friday evening they swarmed and look up their position on top of an aroh opposite the Presbyterian church. The cruel owner, however, pro- posed to veto their ambitious designs and proceeded to hive them. Isext morning they were back at their post on the arch, or a portion of them, and a second hiving tournament had to be gone through be- fore they would ijuit. Shortly afterward the arch fell down, whether from over- strained nerves or not wo cannot say, but it was not resurrected. Two very interesting games of lacrosse were played in Durham on Monday afiei noon before an audience of four or five hundred people. The first match was played between Durham and IVIt. Forest Juniors and resulted in a score of 5 to in favor of Durham. The second was a league match between the Seniors of the same towns and after a hotly contested game resulted in favoi of the Durham team by a score of 3 to 1. This match !s .said to have been an extra trood oni', thf playing Hiroughout being first class. The game was clean with only one man sent to the fence and o.xe'ting lang- uage was kept well in check. Tliis puts Durham in second place in the ln*ernie diate League with Owon Sound in the lead. We have been shown a letter received by Mr. R. Cleuics of Ladj I3;mk from his son W^CA'V, mailed at Ca|.ie town Juno 10. The young nMn enlisted at Saultste. Marie, and will piobably sonu be home again, as we understand Ins tro&Jisi'i^ on its way back wit:hout having been called upon to go to the front. The letter do notes a pleasant voyage, the only events being the death of a sailor and a fatal aoci- dmit v/hich the writerdoecribea as follows: "There was iiSO men of the fouith regi- ment on this boat and 3id troop of C. SiiUaJ of the 4thwere drawing feed out of aliBtchway for the horses, and when the b.igs were up at tiic top hatch they caught in the boards and loosened them, whenseven men went down to the bottom, about 50 or GO teet. One was killed and anither will likely die : two had .seven ribs broken. The other two got off safe. The dtad man was hurried at sea with military honor.s." Mr. Clemes has two sons with this contingent but no doubt boih will be home iu a few days afi the ve.ssel supposed to 1)0 bringing them has pa.s3ed Cape Vertlo islands on hor return joirney. Cuiiiitbelton Hero to the Front That famous Clyde.«dale stallion the Maxwell Jiun^iany have will stand for mares at Maxwell hotel for .season 1902 at 310 (X). Is one of the aroatest stock I getters in the countv, which is proven by hio stock, G. R. OLVSSFORD. 20a. Lightning and hail has recently done an immense amount of daninsedown c»st, through Pickering, South Dummer and other townships. E. W. Brooks of Sterling had ahorse attack e«l by a neiglib ts bees which .stung I the animal so badly that it died a few hours aftervftrds, A Capital Cure for Sore Throat Is ro use as gargle a few drops of Pol- so'i's Nerviline in sweetened water, and before retiring rub the throat and che.st vigorously with Nerviline. By morning the soreness and inflammation will have disjippeared entirely. Nerviline drives away tlio pain and cures sore throat and hoiiraene.ss f|uickly, simply because that's what it's n<ade for. Buy a 25 cent bottle from your druggisi; to-day. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Reid and children are visitiug the former's [Mirunts at Stratford. Miss Ila Crane of Owen Sound is the guest of relatives in town. Mrs. Bradshaw and son. North Dak., are the guests of her sister, Mrs. J.Boyd. Miss Osborne, milliner with Boyd, Hickling <& Co., left for her home -in Guelph on Monday. Mr. R. H. Wright of Durham was a welcome caller on Saturday. Mr. Wright is engaged in Durham's big furniture factory. Mr. Reg. Ward was the guest of Mr. 0. Richardson for a few days of the past week. Reg. left on Tuesday for the Northwest. Mr. S. Williams, Miss Minnie and Master Herbert Williams of Gore Bay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.K. Beaton during the past week. Mr. Os. Walker, Miss Walker and Miss Vande Elliott of Markdalo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Beatua on the 12th. Mr. Dave Wright of the Penetangui- shene reformatory teaching staff spent the past week with his parents, returning to his duties on Monday. Postmaster R. J. Sproule expects to leave on Saturday for a trip to Winnipeg and Brandon for a fortnight. Mrs. A. S. VanDusen returned on Monday from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Douglas of CoUingwood. Messrs. Fred Hickling and A. S. "Van- Dusen arvi this week at Windsor attend- ing Grand Lodge as delegates from Prince Arthur lodge, A. F. and A. M. During the Orange demonstratiou on Saturday at Tara, Ont., Mr, McKnight of the township of Keppel, while in the pro- cession, was run into by a vehicle, break- ing his leg. Wodiiestlay morning the harbor light, situated on the end of the north pier in Kincardine harbor, was struck by light- ning. A quantity of upwards of 100 gal- lons of coal oil was in the building and the efforts of the tiroiuen were unavailing. The steamer Pittsburg was unable to enter the harbor during the progress ot the fire and landed her passengers by iiKuns of a yawl boat. A newswiml ing game h.as made its appearance in Ontario. A s'ranger offer- ed a f.-irmer S6000 for his place and piid ?25 down to bind the biu-ijaia. Then he went aw;iy. .Along ciiine anoth^:r stranger, who otfered 87500 for the farm. He waj, told to come around in a few days. Back came the first sti-anger. The farmer gave him §205 to give up h'n option an 1 is patiently waiting for th-.- second str:inoer to recurn. During the thunderstorm last Monday afternoon Matrhew Doyle, who lives south of Keldon, was overseeing l!ie erection of a hayfork at his barn when the workmen, including himself, were scatteied and dazed by lightning. Mr. Doyle was unconscious for a few seconds, and had scarcely recovered when the girl came running from the hmse to say that Mis. Doyle had been struck by lightning and killed. They went to the house and found Mrs Doyle iu an uncoiisciius condition. The lightning had struck the house, passed down the loitd piping to the sink, where Mis. Doyle had been at work, and twisted and partly melted the metal work. Dr. Campbell of Grand Valley was telephoned fir. Mrs. Doyle remained in an unconscious condition until about 10 p.m , ^nd even yet she has not fully recovered. â€" Economist. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TaADi! Marks Cr!»Vi"CHT« SlZ. ATiTnac -Jy-wititlft H fiK,ft.-h nr.A ftoiorSpMnn may qu'c't!.- «srcrt'ii:i onr cpii.loii froc wn.ji'i.^r ad VStfoiit-lon i« i.;..-hs'j;> V'tcut'ihl.v roiio-mnlrn- li;iiir.-irljtlj •ji'.-ill«'(in;iiO. H..iJh>v,.k cm PVcntf Jul. trw*. f 'liliitt )i[;»!iicr for *â-  ' «: Mitf rrttoi-'t*. frit"ii's r;'k<n thrrtutfh Xli.-iu * Co. rjc«lT« Sc^ei;tiffc Jlnnerlcaii. K hiindtoinplv lllui;trr\t<hl vr-e^bly. I.ftrKO*t cir f .utto.i of iiiiT firiontifle louniiu. Toriiia, $3 a mr: fixir itiouth.4, SL bold br oil newidoalen. Marconi has succeeded in telegraphing for a distance of tnelve hundred miles by wireless telegraphy. TENTH ANNUAL FARM FOR SALE Only S1800, 8500, balance easy terms intereat 5%, 100 acres, 73 cleared and under cultivation, balance half cadar swamp and half mixed hardwood. Com- fortable frame dwelling, frame ptst barn half mile fiom good school and 3 railea from village of Eugenia. Apply to R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. [li â€" TOâ€" Corosito â€" ANOâ€" NIAGARA PALLS. In the matter of the estate of Alexsnrtor McPhorson, late of (be Towijshiii of Arteniesia in thp Coiuit.v of Grey, Fanner, dscoased. Notice is lioreby sjivon puranaat to the 'Re- vised BtatutoB of Ontario," 1897, chapter liB. that all creditors and others having ciainiB ouainst the estate of the said Alexander Mo- Pnorson. who died on or about the sixth day of April, A.D., looa, are required ou or before the tonrth day of August, 1902 to send by post, pre- paid or delivor,;to i\uil MoCanneSI, Prloevillo P. O.. or Duncan Muir, PricevilleP. o., executors of the last will and TsBtumont of the said de- ceased, thoir Christian and surnames,addresse9 and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and tbe nature of the securities, if auy, held by them. And further take notice that after eucli mentioned date tbe said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased anions ths parties entitled thereto, haviiigregard only tothe claimb of which tboy shall theu have notice, and that the said executors will not de liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or iiersons of whose claim notice shall Dot have been received by them at the time ol ai'.eli distribution. Dated the 30th day of June, A.D., 1902. LUCAS, WIUGHT & MoAKDLE, Solicitors for the Executors, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring. We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher and are prepared to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when yon want anything. Hickling ' Bros. 8th ci.n., Arteniesia â€" Maxwell P. O. 10 July, '02 Conrt Northern Light No. !27. Ind; pendant Order of Foresters, ot Owen Sound, will givo thoir tenth annual excmsiou to Toronto and Niaeara Falls. Per Canadian Pacific Railway ateamars Lakeside and Gsirden City to Port Dalhousie, aud the Niagaia, St. Catlieri noa auil Toronto Kailway to Niagara Falls, by Special train Uaving Owen Sound. Fimn HOBIllili JOIY 10 1902, at 7 o'clock. To Good to Niag.Good to Fare From Toronto Huturu Falls. Ueturn Owau Sound ^2.50...JuIy 19 sa.50 July 2t Rockford 2.40 •' 2.40 Chatsworth 2.30 " 2.35 Holland Centre ... 2.10 " 230 Bsrkeler 2.0S " 2.a) " Markdalo 205 ,' 4.10 Flesherton 2.0S " 2.05 " Proton ».05 " 2.05 Dundalk 2.05 " 2.05 " Corbe-.toa SM " 2.00 MalancUton 1.85 " 1.85 " Shelburne 1.80 " 1-fiO " Children halt fate. Niagara Falls tickets are good to retnr i by any regular train or by special train leaWng Toronto at 9 o'clock Monday ereniug , July 2l8£. The route by St. Catherines is the ideal and moat picturesque route between Toronto aud Niagara Falls through the garden of Can ada. Steamers leave Toronto at 8 a.m., 11 a. m., B p. m. aui 5 p. m., making close oonnuououwitti the electric cars ot the Niagara, St. CatheriQea tt Toronto Kailwav. Committeeâ€" R. nonurchy, J. T. Jayce. A. J. Lloyd, J. ncEwan, W. Wllaon. FALL TERM At the OwcM Sound, Out. Commences Monday Sept i, 1902 In a few nionth.s. at thi-i institu- tion, you can obtain the very best training in Business Subjets or Shorthand and Typewriting that can be had. .\nnouncement 1903-1903 sent on application. Address e. H. TIeming, « Prin* â- ''=^'-B'-Tg:"'B'^'^'-^'a'^'-a'-S'^''a-^?'-^'--^:^'-^--S-^'-^^!S^''^ m m m m m m m >^ (#> m C* X $ b ^ P'leslrierton Eueenia, We start our fifth year's busine.ss in Flesherton this month and take this opportunity of thanking our customers and public generally for the liberal patrtjn- age given us during the past four years which has been a gradual improvemeni every year and we are looking forward to making this year just entered eclipse all othens. We hope to be in a better position than ever to serve your want, which we will try and do to the best of our ability. We will until the first of August give vou good reductions in all lines for cash or trade, when we will by selling for cash or traue be able to do better than ever for the cash customers. OM Mines We ha.ve a good many odd lines that we will give special redaction to clear out as we want to get our stock in good shape to make room for fall stock as we expect to have a larger stock this fall than ever before. We invite every lady to call and get a fashion sheet which we give away to anyone calling. We invite all who have never done business with us to call and »ce what we can do for you fm we al- ways have something special to show, you and which we will be pleased to show. We Want 2/our Vrade And if good Goods and right Prices can secure it we we will have it. We are paying the highest price For all kinds of produce ili >& Hit \^ Of iii yk yHt Mk ik Of m T. J. 5HEPPARD i f-: i MUNMUo."''"-^- New York ' ^^^fc^s.^^^ Jt

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