Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1902, p. 7

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\. "^ 1! i KIM EDWARD AM FAMILY SOBtE INTEEESTING STOSIES A30XJT THEM. Anecdotes Which Show the King's Character â€" Prince ot Wales at Sea. King Edward is a very quick â- wulker, and his pace sometimes taxes the power of his at lenidajnts. One dumb companion, however, nev- er I'iiils to keep at his .side, nud tlisvt Is I'eler, a French bulldog, which for many years has been everywhere with him. During one of his voy- ages with his royal masiter poor Pet- er suffered so much from swasickness that lie strained the nitisclea of the back of his e.ves, and in consequence becaaue blind. It is most touchilig to see I oor blind Peter following the King about the grounds at Saad- ringham as unerringly as though he could see. King Edward, while staying as a guest at a certain countj-y man.sion a few months ago, entered the vil- lage -school one morning ciuito unr expijctedly, and in his usual pleasant way aaked the children a few ques- tions. 'Now, my young friends,' said King Edward, cheerfully, 'I daresay Bome of you can toll me the najues of a few of o.ur greatest kings and que»"is, eh?' _ With one accord they cried out â€" 'King Alfred and Queen Victoria, Bir.' Just then a tiny slip of a boy, to whom the schoolmaster had whisper- ed .something, stood up a.nd raised his hand. 'Do you know another, my boy?" asked the King. 'Yes, Your Ma-egty. â€" King Edward VII.' His Majesty laughed, and again nskod: 'What great act has King Edward 'VII. done, pray'?' The boy lowered his head, and Btammered out: 'I don't know. Your Majesty!' 'Don't be distressed, my lad,' said the King, sniiling; 'I don't know either.' As a midshipman, Pi'lnce George, now Trince of Wales, was as full of high spirits and as fond of a prac- tical joke as boys mostly aj-o. VValk- ing through a Portsmouth street with some brother middies, he no- ticed a grocer stroking Ivis loiig beard In a very complacent manner. The boys considered, entered the shop, aud Prin.ce George as!;ed the grocer to servo him with two pounds of treacle into his extended rap. The grocer did as requested, ?uspectiiig a joke, but not a per- sonal oi». The Princ-e immediately slipped a sovereign in the man's hand, and slapred tlie cap of syrup on hisi head, and while the sticky compound traveled down the long bearf the boys sctUiipercd olt. The o;riicor quickly got over his conster- nation, and, being a sensililo man, entered into the joke, put up 'Pur- veyor to Royalty,' above the shop door, and considers that his trade has henceforth taken a turn for the better. King Edward won tlui reputation for being quite a machinist not long ago, when taking lUi tvutouiobile ride near Wiesbatien. The motor ran out of wat<."r and th<> boiler was lillod from a wayside i^pring. By- and-b.v tlie motor would not work, and his comparuon, who was an ex- pert, could find no" reason for its faiUire. I wonder," he suggested. in tentative fashion, 'if that water we took in has anything to do with it? You know these Geruuin wa- ters generally have some sort of mineri'l proi>crties in them. The boiling may cause crystjillization. and s« choke the piston.' The pis- ton rod was immediatel.v inspected, and, .sure enough, it was so crusted that for all d'-iving purpo.scs it might as well have been heavily co-ited with rust. Saaidpuper was usod, some unadulterated water found, and the journey was con- tinued. Queen Alexandra, when Princess of Wales, and her tltreo daughters', the latter being quite childreai, were staying at a quiet watering place. On returning from a short snil the princess had just stepped ashore, and th.' little princesses wero preparing to follow. One of Uie little girls was on the plank, and au old sailor instinctivel.v said: 'Take care, lit- tle lad.v.' The diild divw hersvU up haiiKhiily. and said: 'I'm not a. lit- tle lady â€" I'lu a princess.' The I'rin- CCKS of Wales, overhearing the kind- ly injunction and the ansAvor. said. with great sweetness; Tell the good old sailor you nro not a litUe latiy yet, but you lio?e to be one day." I.iltle Prince Edward of York Is already .showing a delightful sturdi- ncs.s of character. Ho has a pro- found dislike for oritlunetio, and shares the opinion of the biu'd who laid down tl:e axiom â€" 'Midtiplica- tlon is vexation' Many thnesi has the future King of EnglaiHl been â- put in the cornen-' owing to this; and rccentl.v, when he saw the hat- ed preparation of slates and arith- metic teiivg made to start the day's lcs»ins, he rose from the table, with a sigh for the impeudinu Inevitable Catastrophe, and !«ai(l quietly to his tutor: 'T don't think I'll do 'lith- nietic to day. 1 think I'll go into the corner again instead. If you don't mind.' Breathing Disease. Infectious diseases are breathed into the system from those affected with disease or from bad smells; yet how many women breathe daily the olTenBive steam from common soaps made from rancid fats, and keep their liands for hours in such solutions, and the clothing from such soap suds Is worn next the tender akin. No â- wonder disease and eczema are prevalent ! Users of Sunlight Soap â€" Octagon Barâ€" know the difference between that and the pure, health- ful smell from the vegetable oils and pure edible fata in Sunlight Soap. 208 have a sailor's liking for the truth, plain and unvarnished. At the time of tlie royal colonial tour a maga- zine mentioned the fact tltat Mr. So-and-So had suffered acutely from mal-<ie-mer. Captain So-.and-So had tieen seasick, and His Royal High- ness the Dulce had been sJightly in- disposed. When the Duke read this he blurted out: 'Hiunbug! Slightly indisposed indeed! Why didn't they aay at once that His Royal High- ness had been horribly seasick, and had spent a good part of one day in the greatest misery? That would have been the truth!' The story is told that when Prince Edward was with Queen Victoria at Cimiez he was playing in the Queen's room when the hour for bed arrived. The floor was littered with toys, whicli the nurse insisted on the prince putting tidily away before go- ing te bed. To tliis the prince ob- jected, but finally effected a com- promise by appealing to the Queen. "I will put them away if granny â- will help me.' he said, tunning his bright little face to the Queen, and together the great white Queen and the little baby prince picked up the scattered toys. Lord Bonald Gower tells a good story of little Prince Edward which suggests that he po.=!sesse9 some of his grandfather's well-known tact. Some one (Sir Stafford Northcote, it is said) was rather boring him a.nd his brother by a long story, so that at the end Prince George be- gan to show signs of weariness. Prince Edward (he was only four years old at the time) turned to him authoritatively at the conclusion, staying: â-  'Smile!' « SHIP'S BELL FOE THE KING. It Bears the Legend, "Prince of Wales, 1740." When the EingUsh schooner Attrac- tor. Captain W. Scott, ai'rived in Jersey City recently with a cargo of cocoanuts from Kingston, Jamaica, the Captain brought from the tropics an interesting tale of recov- ered treasure and showed to persons who visited the ship a brass bell bearing the inscription "Prince of Wales, 1740," which is to be sent to King Kdward VU. of England. The bell, which, judging from its size and shape, was formerly a ship's bell, formed part of the treasure recover- ed from the deep. "Close on to five weeks ago we anchored in the harbor of Kingston,' said Captain Scott, "and learned that two lishermen who had been lishing from a reef a few i '.es from Kingston had made an important discovery. This spot, generally as rough a bit of sea as is found any^ where, was calm this day, and the fishermen gazing down saw some- thing glitter on the bottom. This excited the curiosity of the men and one ot them stripped and dived to the bottom to invef^tigate. He came u( with a gold Mexican coin beat^ iiig the date ot 1700. 'They peered again into the water and saw more coins, and one of the lishermen, being a loyal svihject, con- cluded to notify the authorities at Jamaica. He did so, and the Britr- ish authorities upon investigation, recovered more than §10.000 worth of gold coin from Davy Jones' locker. They took it to Kingston. Most ol the Coins were Mexican, bearing dates between 1700 and 1735. There wore also several Spaii- i.sh, French and Knglish coins in the tlnd. "While picking up the gold, tho divers employed by the ofl'icials found the brass bell imbedded in a rock. They tried to lift it out. but it was held fast and they had to us© dynamite cartridges to blast the rook. This cracked the hell, hut when they discovered the inscription they concliKled to .send it to King Edward. believing that he would appreciate it as a coronation gift. The Attrnctor being the rir.«it shif out of port, they sent tho bell over to me and. as I w.ts about ready to raise sail, they told mo to pack it in a case upon arrival in New Y'ork and ship it to tOngland. I will fol- low out those instructions. "Kroin what I cotild learn of the story. I l>elie\e that the coins • and hell were taken from an V'nglish ship by pirnlos who. iqion being pursued, wero forced to dump tho plunder , overboard. 1'hey, no doubt, selected the reef ns the most likely spot, be- caui'e the.v would be nhio to recover it later. Why they didn't come back for it is soweihing that oven a siailor wouhtti't attempt to explain." HE COULD WAIT. In many Scottish families tho old man-servant is someUiing of an in- stitution. He enters the service of a particular family when a boy, adheres faithfully to his place for a long number of .vears. and only re- signs when the iulirmities of age are upon him. In time he becomes ra- ther imperious in tone, and claims as his rights little things that wero at first granted to hiui as favors. If any objection is urged to his de- mands he usually asserts himself with a spirit of independence. A lady tells an amusing story il- lustrative of this. Her coachman â€" a crusty old customer who had been in the service of the family in her father's time â€" gave her great trou- ble and annoyance on dilTerent oc- casions by not carrying out her iu- srtructions. At length the matter became unbearable, and she deter- mined to s:ee what effect dismissal would have upon the umtinous ser- vant. Calling him into her pre- sence, she said with as much as- perity as she could command: "I cannot stand this any longer, John. You must look out for an- other situation. You will leave my service at the end of tho month." The old servant looked at her in amusement for a minute, and then the characteristic "loyalty" cams to the .surface. "Na, na, my lady," he said. "I drove you to the kirk to be bap- tized, 1 drove you to your mar- riage, and I'll stay to drive you to your funeral!"" HAD TO BE LIFTED. A HELPLESS CRIPPLE IS EE- STOEED TO HEALTH ANT> STEEITGTH. Lame Back Had This Slan a Pris- oner for a Long Time, but at Last He Fonnd a Cure Though Giv- 1 Up by the Doctors. Napanee, Ont., July 14.â€" (Spe- cial) â€" The doctors told Simon War- ner that they could do nothing for him. He had tried many medicines and treatments with no. good re suit. He was a helpless cripple with lame back, and for a long time lUs wife had to lift him in and out of bed, the pain in his back wus so very severe. In this extrexnily a friend's ad- vice .saved him. lliis man had suf- fered with backache himself, but had been completely cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, thus when he heard that Mr. Warner was so bad he went to his home and recoumiended this medicine to him. Mr. Warner and his good wife were at first inclined to be somewhat doubtful, but here was tJio evidence that Podd's Kidney Pill.s do cure Lame Back right bofi^re their very eyos in the person of the m.an who had been cured. Surely it must be ti-ue. So after some deliberation they decided to try, and now tJiey are very much pleased that they did .»o, for in a short time Mr. 'War- ner's backache had vanished. lie grew gradually stronger and better •And at present enjoys the best all- round good health he has had for many years. There is not a trace of lame back reuLaining, not a S'ingle symptom, and the helpless man who used to be a burden to. hinxself and. his wife is now strong ^nd a comfort to his faithful helptnato. He says: "We have used in all about twen- ty-five bo.xes of Dorfd's Kidney Pills, and given some away to our neigh- bors. I find that when they use a box they themselves are about as string in their recominendaUons as we are. "I Can certainly highly recommend Dodri's Kidney Pills as o. snire cure for Lame Back, for they cured me. and I never heard of a worse case." . ^ The biggest clock ever made by one man has just been finished in Chicago. It is 18 feet high and 15 feet «{uare. It sliows the evolutions and movements of the planets of the aolar sysitem. A camel carries the load of two o.xen. and can do 40 miles a da.v for a fortnight on end with a load of 400 pounds. They are (it to work at five years old. Fawle â€" "When you come to think of it, it's really rejnarkable how UMiny people trust a doctor." Cros- by â€" "Yes; but don't you think it's even more wonderful how many peo- ple a doctor trusts?" The thirteen new postage stamps lately issued in Spain bear upon them the hcxxds of Alfon.so's twelve pretlcces.s\>r9 of the sa.mo name. Of Queen Victorta's S« direct de- The Prince of Wales ia saitl to jsccndants 65 were alive a year a^o. Last year there become nominally available for inilitarv service in the Gerniiin Empire 1.645,810 young men. but of these 135.1(58 had emi- grated without leave, and over half a luiillion were sent back tor a yeivr. T.> « I'KK 1 roiw i> ox» aw. T»ko hixatiyo Brouia Qii:nl.io I'sblcts Al araii«iNt.H r»fund tlie money 1( It tn\U to ciift. B. W. aroTe't glKU^ture â- â€¢ en •.ich bos. Vo. There are 700 dilTerent photographs On sale of the ocrnuin Ihiiix-ror. and nearly 300 more which have never been publislicd. but which tho Kais- er ktfeps to give to relations and friends. linonl'8lliiiiiiiilieD£siiioirRe«r. Game fowl seldom lay over 130 egg* yearly *o cacb hca. " None knew thee hut to love thee, Hone named thee but to praise." Longfellow was not thioking al TEA when ho wrote these lines, but they describe this deiicioiu) bever- age accurately. LEMON Extra Fina Stoak ^3 50 300 or 360 sizo, PER BOX. The »i\YSO.\ COWaiSSIOy CO â-  Limited. TORONTO. »»^t^•^M^^^^^^^t^â- H^^^^^^' t ^^l^^i•4^^^4^44^^" ^ â- ^ ^^ â- ^' ^ t t i t i ' i -t ' ^^ ^ t ^^ ^ ^^ l ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^' Hon- Sulphurous. Odorless. Every Stickâ€" A Match Every Matchâ€" A Lighter KvoTf todyaak- for E.B.Eddy's "Headlight" Parlour Matches TTiB f inast matohMin th* world, mad* from 'oft oorky pine, and â- cpaclally aultabis for doniMtIo ucsâ€" put up In neat stldlnc boles, asaort*d oolor* each bo< contalnlngr about sao matoHesâ€" three boxK In a pack- ax*. For Sale by All First Class Dcal«r8. .t~H4-4>I"M''M"t-!-t-I-M"f- H "M-4" â- *t*'l*"*"f *♦"•"•*' I* '"Have you noticed the absitractcd air that Briusley wears?" "Yes; and I'm afraid it's rjitching." "Why so?" "The last tune he come to my room my umbrella W"as absti"act>- ed too." Green wood contains fully 43 per cent, of watec. and thorough season- ing usually expels but 35 i>ei" cent. of Uiis lluid. A little boy was a.'^ked by his Sun- day school teacher why a certain part of the church was called tho altar. "Because It is whore people change their names." he promptly answered. Dog licenses in Ireland cost only 29. a year, against 7s. 6d. in Eng- land. F*r ©vrr SIxtr Tt»n. Air Old .0*0 WrllTri«d Rsuxdt, â€" Mn Wiuilow's ."^oothiQgSrruphaa liasQ UNd for orcr sixLy yoan br millions of mother! for their ehildrtn while teethiof. with perfect Bitccoe^. It eoothos the ohlld, b»ft«nstiie gum?, kUays all paia, cur£i vriad coiie, and 13 the best remadr for Oiarrboia. Is pleai«nt to thQ '.asie. Sold by dnitfgijts in erery part of the wor"d. T\reuty-flTe cents a botdo. I'a value is incbloulabU. "la sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing _liyrtip, s3ilulhr Bj'alilaiLUutI* An every-day soldier is walking proudly down tho street, arm-in- arm with his young woman, when he runs suddenly against his sei^ geant. He introduces his girl very re*4iectfully to his superior officer: "My sitter, sergeant." The Ser- geant â€" "That's all right, my hoy. She used to be mine, too." Mlnafd's Lioiiueot for Blisoniatisin. The shadow of the niocn which falls on tlio earth during au eclip.so of tho sun is usuall.v 50 miles in diameter. Messrs. C. C. Richards &> Co. Dear Sirs, â€" While in the country last summer 1 was badly bitten by mosquitoes â€" so badly that 1 thought I would be disfigured for a couple of weeks. I was advised to try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and did uo. The eflect was more than I expected â€" a few ap{. licatioiis completely curing the irritation, pre- venting the bites from becoming sore. MIN.'VUD'S HXIJIENT is also a good article to keef- ofT the mos- quitoes. â- Yours truly, W. A. OKE, Harbor Grace, Nfld.. Jan. 8, 1893. Texas has more counties than any other State in the Unionâ€" 2'11: in all. Penns>"lvania 1 as 67 and N'ew York 61. Mlnard's Liniment is tlie best, Although tho population of the United States is only 22 to the sciuare mile, yet N'ew York averages 14 to every house. Minard's LinimeDi Cures LaGrlppe, The average age of people alive in England is not quite 28 yoais. Irish people average a vear older than English . w p c. nsT Atop« till* Conftli ntid works off the Cild. Zdxailva Bromo-Quinino Tableis cure a cold taosoday. No i.uro, No fay- Prico 16 cents. THE MOST POPULAF3 OBNTIPRICB. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Pr«**rvss the teolh. Sweetsn* tho braath. StrongthsRS the gums Tho area of the Chajinol I.sles is but 75 s«iua.re miles, while the Isle of .Man has -'27 square miles. Yet tho former have ;).">. 000 to the lat- ter's 55,000 people. When washing greasy dishes or pot^ and pans. Lever's Dry Soap (a pow- tler) will remote the grease with the greatest ease. Ft'ih eggs are now so successfully Carrie*.! tliat out of ."jOO.OOO salmon eggs si-.ut hust .vear from Califor.nia to New Zealand, onl.y 57.000 wero lost, though they were ."Jl days on the road. How's This I We olcc One numlred Uollara reward for «nr ci\»p of Catarrh lh.it cuouoc be cured M Uail's Cntarrh Oiirc. F. J. CHENKY & CO.. Tolod?, O. W*. the umler^isncd have kiiovru V. 1. Ohener (ut the lust to year*, and belief* hlin perfectly hoaornlile !n all buslnwa transaction' and OnnnclnllT able to cirr; out any obligations mntie lir their firm. WKST * Til i: .VX. WUol(!i>ale I)rii«sli<tl. Toledo. O. WAUDIKU, KIXNAN * XI.VK- VIX. Wholc-nnle Dri;^-t.srs. Tuledo. 0. H.Tirs t'ntnrrh Core 1» taken Internsllf, acting dliec'ily upon the Mood and mncoiii siirfaops at the system, feeciuionlnls sent »..- !""icc 75c per buttle. S)d ty «ll ilriig- ilsts. Un:ra Kamlly PtllB are th* bwb Brass Band Instruments, Drum*, Unifbrma Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowost pric-oB ever nuotod, Fine cttUdoguo^ SCO illubtr*; ions, mniica tree. Write us for linji thing In Mu«lc .ir Ituilcal Inslrunivnt-. WHiLET RQIOB & CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont and Winnipeg, .Mao Oents'Sisits Gleaned or Dyc^l : ^Uo Ladiw' Wear of all kinds, ftuil }Ious© Hangings of e*ery descrinUoa. GOLD MEDALlar LYtRS. BBITISH ArUEBICAN DYEJING CO'Y. Alontreal. Toronio, Otlaira & Quebeo, Dominion Lino Stoamshlitt MontxeAl to T.iT«rpool. Bosion to Urer- pool. Poriluid to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. Ltirge aud Vnfit Stenin^:p«. Superior aocotnn^odBtloa for all classes aft>U'*onger«. -Salooas and StAternooiB mre aniidf^htp*. ^pt'AlalalteitUonhas '^o^n (livun to tbO Second Suloon und Thiid-ClaM iiecoiumuuattoti. F»r ratt-a of package and all particulars, apphr to auy tv^ftitt of the Company, or RichnrdN Mills A Co, D. Tormocc 40o.. 7TdlataSt Bofckm. Munlreal aul Forlloa^ Huiii»neSwiiioV.stoc*M(iii£iM tn lOxlt D«horiii»r. Stopi»win»of all a«<-afruM rolling. MakMMdiff«rent*»riu»rlii, ill •tie*, with •amobUd*. 8xlr»rU lloniK rtf^tiinoBlftltfrM. PrlMfl SOorc-n I «1 t'.3.May8, 'OlJfcirlT jr»;C»]i»vl»Dfc IT. XI. ISyn. P^IKS BEtlQIITON. rBlrfivId, lawa, U. VooDa Photo.€wcravwo_ '^ J. IJOKES tNC. C9 =^ lOii BAY STRCCT.â€" lOROlWlO t THE CAMADA PEHMANENT ^ and WESTERN CANADA l{ MORTCACE CORPORATION ] Toronto 3tr««;. Toronto. INVESTMENTS $23,000,000 • â-  Proj dent. GKORGK GOODEUHAM • • • • l«t. Vioe-Prehldent and MsrK,iinT- Director, J. II KRUKUT MASO.N" Jnd VicePiesidci.t. W. H. BKATTV X BONDS li which KxOv'Utora aid Trusleea ore nu;h(.r»od 'o iMvist rni»t I'unda. â- .\sn\ nhrh nro ncceplabli ii dcpcftil, by Cud;mH. u iiovoriinuut., aro ISSUED AT 4 PER CENT. 4-H-H-H"J"I-J-HH'W-H-f .*">>•

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