JULY 17 1902 THB TLfiSHEHTON ADVANCE V â- mmmmfi ^mwn €rkxi\^ U Ui&nHei'S, Mtii'kdalo Da* genoral bauklog butiiieaa. Money lokaed •( • reariuiittbla rate. CM ou uit. A 8 VANDUSBN, J 1' Clerk 6tb UIt Court, Go Oroy laiuer of Marriage L>ie«D>e», Oouvoyaucer Notary rublio Auvtioiieor. Mouey (o loan atiipercaut. Cbarijua inoduratu. PtESHEKTON P O RJ UFaOULK VoiilmaBtur, FleabertoD < .ominiBsiouer in H.C.J,, Auctiouetir Cod- veyanoor, Appralaer and Money Lonaer Keal Estate aail Iiisurauco Agent. Deeds ujortgagBS, loftBws au'i wills oart-fiilly drawn Tip ana valuaUou» made ou cbortoHt uotice. mouey to loan at lowest rates ot interest. Col leotiona atteuJod to wltb iiromptnosa Cbargea low. Aijont for Ocean uomluiozi Sitaamabip Oomiiany. A call solicited. 3i^m\\t^ A V \V luuetB ou tlio last Monday in oaon luontli, in their lon^e room. «brl9too' hlook. Flculierton. at Biiin. T. Blakely, W. .M. : AM Gibson, Recorder -, W. Bellamy, Kiuaut-ior. Viaitiug bretbrea itvitad No. »33, A. PKIKCR AKTIITlt liODaE, A M, iueel;i in Iho Masonic ball. Strain's (jlock, F!e8Ui.iton. ovm y b'riday 'on or before the full mocn. 1.' H W Hiokling W .\I. Chas. iluusbaw, SecrctKry. /lOUltC FLESH KKTON, I. O. F. meets In ^â- > Christoo's liiock the last Kriday Dvouing J5 each month. Vi^itiii? Forestura lioartily Tilcomo. O.K.. li. Widlor ; U, S, W. A, Arm- 's troug. SHfiUfat Ou OAHTEil M 01' .fe K Out, Physician, Surgeon, etc UfUco and rciidi-.icoâ€" i^etor St., (Ticbbcvlou 'B^K. lA T. Tlibby,â€" Pliysioiau, Sur^eou J^ etc. I'lo.-hoi'tun, Out Ollloo and lloFiduiicii.ColliuKWOort street, one Mock ea.it I'reabytjrlaa churcb. May be found thure day and iiii^ht. Coroner for County of (irey. SCOTT, AKD SOFTLY Membura Collude Physic. & Buit;eono Outario Clrttiluato in Meiliciuo of Toronto IJnivoreity, t'ellowsbiii IJiploiiia , Tost Oradu- ikt e odical Bchoolaiid Hospital, Chicago, diseases of eye, ear, uo&e and tbroat Bpucially treated. H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Feversbam. axwoll. A M«n«ce to the Live SUck I rad« T P Oi'TRWELiL '' Veterinary Rurgeon Uradaate of Ontario Veterinary College, resideoco â€" Bicoci'l door south west on Mary street. This Btreet runs south Presbyterian Church. 6-w. M A :; c K Vetofloaty rtin;{30nand of - Dentist, Max- well, graduate of Ontario Veteiinary College, otfilia'ttid with Tor.)nto University. Visits Kugeu la Wddnosday from 11 a. ni. to 3 p. m., an Feyerahsm Thursday from 2 to S p. m. ^fflaJ J. W. I'liOST, L, L. b. Uarristor, Biliiitor Conveyancer, etc office â€" Xc-Xt tr> i)or.totnc3, Sproulo'a block ij'icih'jrtou. every Thursdo and, court daya N Bâ€" Owun Sound ouice, FruBt * block Pjulett street east. et LUCAS. WRIfil.'T & McAHDIiE HarrisLers Solicitors Conveyaueoro, Omcesâ€" Owen Sniuid. Ont. and Markdale Out. W H Wniaur, McAiii>l.e I U Lucas N 13â€" Flosherton ollice, MitcboU'a bank every Saluraay. PUCkEU A PATTEU80N liariisteii, Solicitors, etc MoI.M>ir8 llHiik. Owen Poi'tid TlJv;;:i: GKO ^V l'\TTKUSON li.Ul'tY f I AKAY as A MPSON.Iiarrlsters.sulicitoi s. Jiirchrm I^nudalk .\l OFi''lt!i;s ;-()wen Srunrt, MiirchiiufB Hank Hlock, N. of i'atc >rsnn IIousu Main root, every Skturduy. Alouftv to lot.li at -li per cent. A. a. M/iCIvAV, M A , K.E.BAMPSON.L.Ii.D Alvvavs in attoiidauco at Flejberton aud Duudalk Uivisioi] Uourts. ^Pniti^tfif nR. B. C. MUKRAV. L. D. H, dental Knraoon ^ bonor iimduateuf Torouto Uulvorsity and iinval Cnlleui) of Dental Hnrgoons of Ontario. Otili'p â€" Opposito Annitronn's .iowoUnry Store. Will visit ^fnxlVoll the last \Vr>rtnei..lay of each inoiith, and Duiidalk 1 aud :i Thursday u eaob niuiith. F.iitll FAR 8ALU CHlt ortawl farm for sale, 100 acres, i?210n. 9"iOO cash, bnliince ensv t'l^'ms; G"i aoruA cleared aivd in good ntdte of cn"t.ivjvtIr>M; 19 arms most tiiiib- (T off. bnlanco wt'll tfnibfu'ftd. hardwood end 5tnntU»('Ii; f.'ood fr-'tnii barn, stabln nndur; g-jod frfline dwellliir' : well fenced, wntnred and In pood stftt-i of ctiU'vation; 1^ tulles from .Maxwll niid anillo from Pevorshani, whore are milN, s'oren, f-ti'. , i inHefmm rluTse factory. Apply oU. J. HPliOUL.IJ.l'Icsherton. e»AI-:i TL« atteution of live stock exportera,. tiruedurs iiiid the pro«H, m callud to tliu ci.He of H, F, Fime^ of Mission City.B.C. who was eomptned tc pay flOOO daij on »ei> Perchurun horsua exported to tho United Slates throogli the port of Sumiis, Wasbiugtoa, in October, 1901. These horsuB wotea]l aovumpaniad by the proper c<!)(i»tration papers of the American Per- cberoii Horse Breeders Associatiun, as re- t^uired by the lairs of the Uuited States. The rmitention of Oulluctur Uueetis was that, inasmuch a» ihe animals were im- |iorted to be offered for siile, they were subject to the duty. Mr. Page appealed the case, aud the tustimuny was heard by Judge DeVries ef the Board of Apprais- ers, whose headquarters are ill New York. This board have the case under coiisider- tion, and wilV raiidcr their decision sonie time iu Augu&t. The action of Collector Huestis has been rather severely ciitici-sed by " The liancli," a well-known agricultural imper of Seattle, Wash., to wliieh journal he con- tributed tho followini; defeiico of his action : "H. F. Pugf, the importer you mention, is an alien slock breeder resid- ing in Britiah Columbiii. Oa ClctoberlS, lUOl, lie iuipcirted at Suuias four stallions and six mares, making entry for same :ts pure bred stock, and claiming' that thoy were entitled tufree cntiy under the pro- vision of article No. 475 of the cxislin^ tariff, wliich provides that any animils puru bred of a recognized breed, duly rejjisterod and cortititd as retjuived by the regulations of tlio Hcjii. Secretary of the Treasury, shall bo admitted free when im- ported specially for breeding purpnsoj. Pedigree certificates were presented with the entry, but ns the anini.d.s were evi- dently imported for pale, the importer was required to deposit the amount of duty that would acruo in case the nnimalp were found not to ho entitled to free entry, and was given an opportunity to to produce satisfactory evidence that they were intended specially for breeding pui-- posee, which said evidence were lacking on entry. Neither the deputy collector at Sumas nor tliis oflicc ([uestioned tho genuineness of the regi.slration papers us intimated in your editorial, and Mr. Pago well knows that was not ttie reason that he was required to depo.sit the duty. (Note, Mr. Pat;e says "Ho never was .so informed.") It was purely a question of evidence on tlio point of purpose for which the aninral.s are imported. As you are aware, Percheron.s are valuable for draft horses, and when imported for that purpose are subject to duty, and a proper enforcement of the tariff, as well as re- gard for the protection of American stock raisers, alike demand a full investigation of tho facts." It therefore appears that the whole matter depends ou the oflioiid intupreta- tioii of the clause, " when imported for breeding purpose.s." According to Judge DoVrios the question has never before been raised, althougli it i» a well known fact that large numbers of pure bred c vttle have been sent to the United Slatc-i by Canadian breeders for sale at public auction and always as far as 1 have known freoofduty. tf the contention of Cul- loutor Huostis is eu.stnine<l, tho dectnion will generally be rrgarded as a decided injustice, and contrary to the spirit of the law. It will cause a complete cessation of the trade in pure bioJ stocU between this country and the United States, in fact it has already bad that result as far nsthulrade betweun W'asliington Terri- andB.C. is concerned. This is a matter of vital importance, not only to the Can- adian breeders who have stock for sale, but to the .Americans who have need HeartA That are Diseased Will never be cured by the ia|8e, un- nutuntl stimula'ion of liquor. First in- crease your vitality, build up the syii'ein, s'reii^then and [nirify lliu blood â€" then the hearl will resjxmd and grow strong, Ferrozonois precisely what to take, it gives you au appetite and a digestion that will look after everything that is eaten. Ferriozono innproves nutrition, wakes rich, vitalizing blood, and is postively the most [Kiwerful restorative and atrenglh- ener known to science ; it improves the nerve tone, regulates the heart action, maVes the feeble strong and the sick well. Ferrozoue will do you untold good and costs only 50 centH, at druggists, or N.C. Poison <& Co., Kingston, Unt. Sold by W. £. Richardson. A well known resident of Amaranth about two weeks ago were badly taken In by a sharper. He called and showed his stock of speotacles, gold watches, etc., which ho warranted the very best. Tho farmer did not want any spectacles as he was comiiiH out to Grand Valley on Mem- day t<j have hht eyea tested by Mr. Laur- aiico. "Why," says the visitor, "I'm the man and will lit you now. and save you' the trouble of coming to town." The bait went down, and tho traveller sold tho fanner two pairs of ^lassos, â€" one worth 50c and the other about §1.25â€" for 83 a pair. Tlio fatiner was also induced to buy a gold watch for $10, the actual cost of which is stated to bo about oOc. All of which ijie.s to prove the foolislinjcsaml risk people incur wheii they deal wiili people Abuse ar.iiouncenientB do nut a[)- poar in the local papers and of patroniz ing these pack pedlars. â€" Grand Valley Star. »JMMâ€"i â€" Ml F^I^ES H E K T O NT On Jfand _ ^ ___ For Sfaflst-y Harris, I^oxon, FieUry and Wilkinson farm implements, Fleury and Verity plows m hand all the RT't"!""/? L cf 'T""'" ^'^"^ "'« *«"•«• ^V» aianufactnre Wagon., Bugwes, Cutters. Sleig/i.s, etc. Horseshoeing pr «niptly attended to. Sri^ly on 'iZd. '""'"' "'""°''^'^'''- I^-^-K-"! 1-!- Chains YOU WANT A CARRIAGE J. H. Hk.\kd & So2< have them in variety, at vvAw prices and easy tcrni.s. ' "^ Before buying any vehicle call on ns and inspect our .... lines We are agents for the best cream separator on the market and are v/ijliiig to sell on trial. EugeiTJsgJ^lanin^ Mills . Got your SaHh, I'i^ra, Flooriiij^', .Slieeting, Kew- cU l*osl.s, Ikll listers, (Cor- ner IJlocks.Hand Kailiiig, tho best oK .Spruce Lath, No .1 ami No. 2 .Shinj;lt!.s, Vciviiida and Filting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds ilone to order. New nm of stones for chop- piir;. Satisfaction in all our linfi.s guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR f such stock for the iiuprovcmciit of their st'ids, herds and tl ickH. luiaieiliate ac'ioii should bo taken by our Live Stock Associations, and a etioiig protest entered ugain.it such unfair lulin;;. Aa "The llancli" very pertiiicnily says, '' It is well known that ninny liiiiiH make a lius- incss ')f iiiiporlini.' fio.n Canadu and from the Old World pure bred stock of all kiiid.s, and that such st<ick is penultteil to pass in freu,provided it is acooiupaniid by the proper certilieato of reulHtration. Th^ ncivernniunt dous not follow .sueli stock after it li'aves tho oustoin ollioe,und tho importer is fren to (U.iikkso of this sti'ck to any one he like.s.and at whali'ver price he can get. If Colloctor llur.ttis is upheld in this con lintioii that ( ure bred slock iiUKst b\) iinporiud for biveding pur- jKisvti only, and eaniiit \'o sold or Wnrkod, it will paralyze the wli> le Imsiiii saof iiii porting Ixrses andVijii'U Iho iMde in other lines. We think tliat the lireedi rs' Aa«o.'.i«tioii() should act r>ii this case, in onJer to brio« properly liufoie thj Iv^nid of Appraisers the wide sprend injury an adver«e decision in the Pago case would iMVe on the whole broeduig iodustry." People With Bad Breach Gonorally suffer from catarrh and should use Catarrhozone inhaler four times daily, and be cured. Tho pleasant seen tod Catarrhozone vapor spreads through every air jia.ssage of tho breathing organs, and reaches the very rcot of the disease at once ; it kills the gorras.purities and cleanses the mucous surfaces, and erradicates every vestige of catarrh iu a short time. Pure, sweet breath, free from headache, sneezing and discharge aro quickly deriv- ed from the use of Caltarhozono Inhaler. Complete outfit, gurantced to cure, costs Si 01), trial size 25c. Drugi^ists, or N.C. Poison t& Co., Kingston, Out. ^ x e n ^ Shelburue and Markdalu both seem to feel a little sour on lacrosse. Tho Shel- burue Economist prints the following serious charges against the game as con- ducted in the present day ; Iu every town whore there is a lucroo.se club there Is oure to be a subscription list â€" ju.st to pay logtimato expenses, you know. In Sholburno Hats iiave been circulated times without number, and the man who refused to come down handsomely was styled moan, a "no good," etc. Sholburne was in for senior lacrosse last year, and a number of experts put in a good time at the public expen.se. Not only was there a subscription or "guiranteo" li.st for senior lacroiaa, but there was also one for ji'.nior lacrosse. This year wo have junior lacrosse only, but there is nothing junior- like iu the way the money is bein;." spent in the district. Markdalo \vas scheduled to play hare last It'riJay, but they failed t o pu t in an appearance, and when asked by telephone what was tho matter they simply stated that they bad quit. W. li. Craig, of Grand Valley, had been notl- tied by tho Assaocintion to reforeo the game and drova over for that purpose. He will have to itet hispay.and then there is the printing, etc. All this disappoint- ment and expense mitfhthavebot-nspared had Markdale sent notice in proper time. But bheso things aro quite charactori.s'ic of present day lacrosse. There is a tendency to ignore all obligations, and honor is thrown to the winds. We ven- ture to say there aro few towns in Canada in which there are no unpaid livery au.l printing bills that have boon inouired by lacros.MB enlh«Kia^ts • that i.', it lacrosse was ever played there. In one town not a huiidied iiii'es from Shelbnnie, when too sonsdti was iloied with a cash bal.ince on hand, the niana«ei's of tliu club bought gold walchis for tho players and let quite a nmii'iev of old but lo^iiimato acoour.t.s "yo bans'." Photos ^f ^ â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery aro done In Qrst-class styic and at lowest ratea. Special artention given to copyina. Babies' photos. a specialty. Pictures fiaint'.d. MRS BULHER in^TjQiHmSiSuTlKiiHnffiiSHril; tnit/tr i^topstlie Voiisli and Tvorks off tltc Culd Laxatlvo Brcuo-Quliiino Tablets euro a ccil:l iu,.ouoJay. Ko Cure, No Fiiy. PTico3j cents Fleshertons* Tonsorial Parlor Wanted-Barber Apprentick good chance to learn for the right young man. Bring along Ya Laundry, « « ft s^^^Ea^^Mj^ Koclhar Mediril Firm in tho world has the established reputalioa for cnrtajf ..- BSoa and Woine3tiiat Org. E. & K. «iij07. Their N*w JUtetltod Traat- ^'' nieui, discover.:<l end p&rfected b;thase Eminent Specialists, bas bron^bt joy 4 iappiuesiiand cocnfort to thuusaada of Uomes. 'With 30 years cspciicnce In the the Cbc FUsbeden Rarness . . emporium ? IS ? ? TrsG PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. All kinds and prices \Vhi[iH and laslo'.'i rruiiks and Yalicos, coinbs and brush, s, Sweat pads and collar p.uLs, Axlo Oroa.Hc, Hoof Oinlinciit and O.ill Cuiv, Ditts and *5nap<, Buggy Dusters and all styhu and p ices. Hubber Ruus. Woollen Uug», Hariio<8 Polislt and Metal Pidish and Everything in our tins. Ul* moore « Flesberton Ti treatment of these diseases they can enarautee to Cure or FSo Pi»yâ€" iiJrcils- V nloui, KciTTuus Debility, tSypbilla, Voricucele, Strlctura, ^^ilcet, Sscrot Uralaa, ImpaCency, t:*xual aiid Mental WcaUmaas, KiU- Qoy And Bla-.£d<Etf Olaaasaa* Their guaraute** axe backeil by Baoii Boods. ;em's Life Blood Toamarliavea «ecret ilraiBthrouirhtlie nrlne â€" tliat-3 tha reason yoa i=«l tired I ont intlie morniuif. Ytni aire not rested, yovir Iildttovs aclie, you feel despondent nd liaii! HO ambitlou. Don'tlet jrourltUe Ulood be drained anay. Drs. K. & K. I (fuarantee to Cscs o; no Pay. .LOOD POISON Syphlli' la the scoarifeof niaoklnd. It may aot to a crime to havs it, for it may be iuherlied.but It iaacrlxiioto allow It to remain la the jTstem. Lilte Iitherâ€" llkeicn. Bensrs of Mercury and Potasll treitneut. Dra. K. & K. poiitiTcly cue tUa worst caua or uo i>A7. Vamcocele h SiRicTiiaa Tha Ko-w MctSiod T»eatfiriant cures theac diseases safely and snmly. Ho painâ€" no Bolteriiiarâ€" 110 (let «dllon from taalness. Don'trisk overatiouanil rmii your sexual organg. Tte ttrictiite tls8asi8»t>sotb«d andean never returu* Drs. S.. m K. euarj.aleoC'irts. eys& Don't neglect yotir l<!dusT9. Yonracliioct'icfc tells the tais. Dou't let Doctors experiment on you. Pra. X. A K. cancure;'fmlf you are not beyoud huiaaa aid. i TSiay KBirantoo to Cuieor No Pay. CURBS OCARAM'TBBD. NO CUUB NO PAY. ConaaltaHon Fra«. BoukB jE;nt Pves, IssalM j Write for QuastlooBluuk fbt Hccdq onf*( 148 SHELBY 8TREST. DcTRoiT, Mich Treat::nont. ^tv^rytlalBS Couftdaatlal DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, Ik^sssscsiaKEasi Thorouglibred Duiham I3ull Service Cord niintOt 2<^06$e The inulor«l(!nod lin« a fine a^cd Uurhtui ull for soivlce on lot 1 H, T. & S. H. To.'insâ€" :?! [or Rnulo covf';, ^;t for thorough' r»:d» IVi'.liiuo on apiiliiutl a .lACDH LRVEU Plostiortou P.O. XaiTi worth IlBoiAr for St^rvioe, Alvin ( No. 728 ) Thi! uiivbiisii^m'd hti^ a ihorouihbn'd Tiiniworth lto.tr for a-.rvioe onlil Ull, T, AS. U., ArtoiDiwiu. Terms fl()0. Tuos. liBVisn, Prop Advance To tho end of the year for 40 cents. \ mav$rcc}it$* Wo .-ire carryini; tho iiowest styles (>{ Hua.soualile good.i in all lints ef Furniture, cui..sisuii;t of : Parlor and badi'ooni auit.s, loutnjea, sideViturds, extension ai.d centre taUle.", chair*, »iiidt>w shaiSes and curiik'ii poivs, picture^, 'jn-icU, etc , W hich \va otter at LOWEST PRICES Picluro FrHnili'g «t>il Oeneral Re- ^ iwirin;;. Und«rtftl>ir)'..; in all its » brancheit. iliatisFaetiun gnarantec'n. p W, M. Bunt, - - prop. 9 â- i â- -