Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1902, p. 1

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<? >4 |fksl|£rt0tt •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PI^NOIPLlb ISOT MEN. VOL. XXn. NC 1095 FlcstLertoii, Ont., Xljui'sciay, Augrust 14 1002 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR & PEOPltllSTOK l^om ^n^i^^ I xpent Saturday And Sunday lit his home Creenioro was aluu visiting triouds in '^'''" ' ^t^^^^^4''-t'^)fl^^^l?^!l^4;'ii(^ here. ueighboriiood lalaly. ' ^^ Yes, WB have soinotliiug nuw and if you've never seen it, it will be worth your while just t<i upend a few lui.iutes and huve a look at our new X S^;Ow t €a$e Wb have an extra line 10 foot wall case in quirter out oak and it isn't an empty one either for we have it full of excellent silverware. ♦ ♦♦!♦♦ LADIES' &QENTS' WATCHES Our stock of Ladies' and Gents' Watches is full nnd they are the very best quality. We don't keep a poor quftliiy but our lines are up-to-date and the prices right. W . A. ARMSTRONQ FLESHERTON I Mr. and Mrs. P. McArthur of Hope- ' ville are at Mr. Johu McAithur's to-day (Mo.iday.) Euifeuia Miss Laura and Master Charley Hoi- man of the 4th lino, east, drove over on a visit lust week to their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Btune. Their cousins of course are included. Tile berry piokinp; season hascommeno- From Om- Own CotreaponderiX ' ed and the busy pickers may be seen A larao uuiiibei- of our Eugenia people 'My wending tlie way with pails, pans wem on a picnic and fisliinf? expedition to «"»d cans to the many beiry patches, rc- Kiuiberley on Saturday. The catches of turning m the evening weary and heavy ti«h was wonderful. One lady caught two l»dea. and wo aometiinea think that if suckers and a toad ; others declared ihey , so'>'e ol the city folks, who are ao anxious saw a whale and a sea serpent.but suckers to get the fruit, had to scramble through were the most plentiful and so easily ! bush and brand)lu8 with parched throats PricevUle ifrum Our Ovm Correipondent Last week's items. A picnic party comprised of the inin- oaught. However, a most delishtful time was enjoyed by all. I Mr. Ben Wilson has gone to the Soo. He is greatly mi-ised by Iha younj; people with whom he was a general favorite. BIrs. James Purvis, Miss Purvis and ' Miss Edna of Toronto,are welcome guests amongst their many friends at Eugenii. The many friends of Miss Artena CaiT j ^^ of Toronto are pleased to have her home . "f some on a visit again. She is accompanied by | her friend, MissCallin, of Toronto. | Mr. Fred Munshaw of Toronto spent j holidays visitiug hia parents at the Eu- j geuia House. . | Mr.Thomas Speiice of the Toronto Fire . "ant ^'f " building. under a burning sun, they would consider five cents a pound for berries a poor price for their labor. We are ^'lad to state that owing to the enemy of the good people at the west end of iiur lino, the new building for our Sab- bath school has at last been ooininonced, and ia n)w well advanced in construction. understand that an entertainment kind will be held in the near future in aid of the building fund, which we hope will be well patronized as the want uf a new building has long been felt, and never more so than this summer as uo S:ibbath school has been held for We also hope that i..t^8 Of this place and their guests drove , ^^^^^ ^„j j^^il ^ ^ hi.»t,nual ! the day in not tar distant when the old over to Eugenia on Tuesday last and speut a pleasant day. I Miss Gertie McLeod ia visiting friends ' «t Gait this week. j Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur and \ Master Arthur, of Onawa, Mich,, are over on a visit among their many friends and relations. Dr. I. Dixon has gone to his home in Walkerton to take some well earned holi- days. Dr. Currie of Toronto is taking his plaoe here durine his absence. MisN M. Derby of Durham is visttltig a few days with fiieudi in and around town. Messrs. Ed. Watsoa of Durham arid Allie McLean of Markdule Sundayed at their homes here. Mrs. Higgins and Master Tommy of Toioiito are visiting at P. ^olgors. of the Crown Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. .John Irving of London, fijiuiiir residents of this burg, visited at D. McCorinack'a last week. Messrs. H. B. McLean and W. G.Wat- bon spout Sunday with Mr. Hugh Mc- Urae't, Doiuoch. Misi Alice Oliver of S. L., Artcniesia, arrived home from New 'vVestniinister.B. 0. lube week, wheie she has been visiting lier brotiier, Mr. Joliu Olivur,M. P, P., for the liist his ruoiilhs. Mr. J. D Brown is in town this week. This week's items. Mrs. P. Uolgor and Miss Maggie Hiu- gius, visited friends in Ovmn Sound la.st week. holidays visiting friends at Eugenia Mrs. Sawyer, Mrs. George McNally and Mrs. Charits Towell, all of Toronto, were gufsta of Mrs Fenwick foe a. short time recently. All were pleased to see Mt. Nicholson tif the veneer mill back again for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hogg and children of Oakwood have been guests at the Eu- I genia house the past week. Born â€" August 3, fcj Mr. and Mrs. Jos- I Williams, a son. Bornâ€" On July 22,to Mr.and Mrs.E.D. , Legard, ason, atill b(U'n. I Bornâ€" August 6, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher, a daughter. Mias Miiia Urahaniof Burlington Beach ; is visiting her parenti at pifsent. Mr. Willie Purvis of Toronto was tho I guest of his aunt, Mrs. Bowernian, for a few days. Stoiic8 Scttlciueut. /ruin Onr Own. Correspondent. Sullivan's Grove, formerly known .is Walsh's Grove, is situated on the Arte mesia side of tho townliue between Arto- inc'sia anil Glonelg, beiii'j lot 1, concession 4, Arte-.nesi.i. Since tho present owner, Mr. John Sullivan, has made his rosi- doneu thiio. the grove has become a pop- ular resort for picnic parties ; Mr. S. is c(|ually popular nnd long may he continue to bo so. The haymaking in l:liis section .still Miss May Neilson of Ploton Station ' seein.s to lingi-r oii, a coiiidderable amount and Miss Flossie Thurston of Fleshertoii i (at time of writing) yet remains to bo weio thu guests of Miss Maud Railey for , housed owing to the recent heavy rains, a few days. The crop, however, which is the best in The S. S. picnic 'held lust Tuesday in many yours, has mostly been secured in Mr. Mathers bush, was not voiy well at- good condition and will likely be all tended, ou account id the wet day. ' gathered ere these items appear in prii't. Mrs. Dan McDonald visited her The acreage of fall wheat in thi.s section daughter, Mis. Goo. Marlatfe of Shtl- is not Luge but the yield promises to be burne last week. I gratifying. Peas, oats and barley look Messrs. J. D. Brown and Loo Giicr e.xcellent with abundance of straw : indi- i lei t here last week for a pleasure trip ca' ions of a good root crop is also obscrv- arouud the Geoigian bay on Mr. Brown's aide. gasoline yacht, and will probably go as | The f ram era after completing enoii}.'h far north as James buy before returning, of Mr. Lyiie.s,' ijarn to hidd his hay crop, Mis3 Minnie Wbtters of Uamilt'OO, is left to complete a previous contiact, but visiting tho old home on the O. D. It., at will return to finish the barn in time for present. I the renmin.ler of his crop. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawrence of Dio- •â-  Mr Win Fletchor h:ui been seriou.sly more, Sundayed at Mr. John Parslow's, ill for the past two or three months, but D. R. ' we were glad to he.ir that had so far im- Mr John Parsli'W, Miss .\lice Panslow proved as to be ablo to take occasional and Miss Jennie Hartgrave of Swinton shoit walks abroad and sincerely hope Paik were the guexts of Mrs. and Mrs.J. that improviMiK'Ut will continue until his former robust health be rentornl. Since (lie arrival of the heircsw at the home of Mr. and \\rn. A. llazzard, fritjnd Al. apoi':it^ *â-  tv. unuisHaJl^ elated. Con- urii- ' Viesnd. .^ "f M.rtrkdalo sppnt a â- rout*, Mr. and .Mrs. appointment for preaching on this line will be re-established. When the appoint- ment was withdrawn from this liae some ten or twelve years ago the convenience of the ageil and infirm was not considered H and much inconvenience was experienced i ^^ by those who had not conveyances io^tIR to take their families to church. The same , ^f? inconvenience exists to-day, and we feu) ^|^ convinced that were the appointment re- 1 ^j^ established t here are those among U)i who, I ^j^ for similar reiisoii, do no .^ee tlui insidtj of/ y^ a church from .January to December, |, (^ would gladly avail. themselves of tho op- portunity ivei-e it presented to them. Now, Mr. Editor, in. reply to the ques- tion which I have been fre(jUontly askod in regard to the long silence of your cor- respondent, I regret to .s-iy that failing ' health and nipidly increasing inability to 1 move araund forces your coi i-cspoodent to rcsigu the position which bo feels so unable to iiU with any de^jree of satisfac- tion, and as thero are others in this sec- tion who are in every respect better (juiil- ifiedto till the position, he trusts thai, some one will take up the pen and not allow the St.)no Settlement to into oblivion. sink ULiinSii-rlcy McFarland, Stafford & HARKDALE, ONT. \ "'''- '.'..-' -,''â- "'â- â- ':"â-  • / • ', 6rey County's Biggest and 0l)eape$t store The midsummer sale of Men's and Ladies Waterproof coats for Thursday morning surpasses anything this store has ever offered in water- proofs. We have never experienced so busy a period in July as we are favored with just now ; particularly in the Rain Coats. Ruin or shine don't miss the offerim;. It represents a special purchase made direct from one of the loading waterproof manufacturesâ€" they making us a speoi-il ofl'er by taking a large quantity. The lot has just couio in and will be placed on the Bargain Counter for Thursday morning. -S3 50 MEN'S RAIN COATS FOR «2 48. I'J Men's grey lain coats, seams all sewn and velvet collar, box back style, sizes 36 to 44, at 2 48 $7 50 MEN'S WATERPROOFS FOR 85 50. 14 Men's Waterproof coats, made of Oxford Grey Covert Cloth, seams all sewn and the latest stylo Raglan, including cufl'on sleeves, every coat guarantod to give best satisfaction for 5 50 $8 00 MEN'S WATERPROOFS FOR 36 50. 16 Men's Waterproof coats, made in grey, Raglan style, extra heavy and interlined with valcanized rubber, collars are velvet and every coat guaranteed water proof. Our prices this week 6 50 $7 50 MEN'S WATERPROOF COATS FOR U 90. 17 Men's black waterproof capo coats in paramatta cloth, seams are all sewn, and can be worn with or without caf>e. This coat in regular way would sell $7 50, but you can have one this week for 4 90 m 50 LADIES' WATERPROOFS FOR $3 45. 13 Ladies' Cravenette rain Cloaks, colors black, navy, grey and fawn, yoke in back and velvet collars â€" this week only 3 45 ^^The above Rain Coats subject to 5 per cent, discount for cash A Low Price on China Tea Setts, also Dinner and Tea Setts . combined. ^^ S7 50 CHINA TEA SETS FOR S3 75. Tea Set in Dresden China â€" beautiful decoration filled in colors ^wlien complete number 44 pieces, but the teapot and one pate is broken $3 75 $7 CO TEA SET FOR $3 50. Tea Set of n neat ureen H'lral design and heavy sold tracing. When complolo number 44 pieces. Tea pot is broken, only $3 50 S7 00 TEA SET FOR S3 25. . Tea set of 44 pieces coniplote, in adainty floral decoration, blue lines on edyes, only $3 25 §8 50 DINNER AJ^D TEA COMBINED 35 90 2 Dinner and Tea Sets combinodof 95 pieces; These two are new in pat- tern and color combination, only §g <jo 40c CHEESE -DISHES FOR 23o. 29 only cljoese dishes, sold in rosiular way at 40o, our price this woek 23c 10c FLANiSELETTE FOIl 7tc. 1278 yards Flannelette, full 32'iiiches wide, in ueat stripes, usually s(>ld at 10c, our pric-j thi.s \vjek only â- ",-.,â- >.• . ;•>' i- , • .. 7ie, SPECIAL I.N MILLINEi;y-. ' '.' ' • -' ' â-  '''''' All trimmed millinery on sale at just one-ha'f the former price. No one who values the principles of ooonomy lets Bargain Day pass with- out a vi.iit to this store. Tliero is ahv.ay.s something that .-iijpcals especi- ally to yourself, your pcr.'ioiial wants or the wants of your home. jMdff^ilai^d, 0t4ffoM & Co. From Oiir Owa Coirespondeid Miss iM. Thurston ha^ returned to Tor outo after spending Home time visiting her sister, Mis. G. H. Waller. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wallacj of French Biiy ai 'J visiting at the home of Mr. D. ^^''"'"^'"'' itfualitv is considered, and we can prove It to voui- entire satis â- son of .. , • " -I,' n .• . . , , i' i", ,. Well, yes, but let urf tell you, if you do not know it al- ready, that the weather i,s not t,ln3 only thing that is catchy. Our pTices come in ahead of the Aveather on that score, when Mr. R. Gilra nd Mr. I'eteis y a;i(i iiir. r ecerson 01 <.~ .• ' -i' n • i- ~ ,", ,. ^, . , . „ . .^ ,. . . taction. 1' olio Winer are some 01 our .seasonable hnes. Chicaao gave a lejturo on Spintuahsni in j " ^..»i.^j..^ i.m.o. Parslow on Sunday Mr. R. L.Murliim;r of Shelburne spent Saturday and SntD'iav ioaud Hii>und Ptice- villc. nnd M.-<-,. .-V. MtCiible of Dtirham "! >â-  ^t^;B'inllOll "II Sii'i Mr were â-  day. ftl. tho Union church on Sunday evenini'. The lecture which deult with i.caching new to tniiiiy, was well attended. Miss nhoilH Soul is the gue.st of her sister, Mrs. R. I). Carruthois Mr. Wir.. licJit, .sr , »ill conimenoe builrtinu his new house, the cellar being almost ilug, and tl'e ni.ntc rial near by. Bornâ€" On the 5tb, inst., t<i Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Walter, n son. A lar^fi^ pnrly of EuL'inia people held a picnic by tho river side at Mr. Hurd's fnrni on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Cox of Coiling- wood nru visitioa at 'ho home of her par- eiits, Mr. mid Mrs. J. I'lewes. Mif>s Hiilha fiUTuihi-r-" of W^udehouse is the i^iiest of Miss A. H«'Uchaii. Mis. W. Sbmn had a pleasant visit from her brothers, Mes.'<rs. Dinwoodio, Cheap Excursion. The A. 0. U. W. will run a cheap ex- cui«ioii fniin (>rangevil!e to Owen Sound and UbIhiv Bi-noh on Friday, .AiUgusl 15, leaving ( h'angevilie a? 3 a. u). The fnros will be : Orrti.govillc, Si.20. Dimdalk SI, I'i-i>t<.n !t5o.. t'lushorti.n 35e., M.-irk- dalevOii. Cnildivn half faro. Tlio tiain will leave Owi ti Sound on the return lu*. 8 }>. m. Sue )K>fct«r» for Ordered. Oiotliingf A. Spocicilty A full ussorluieot of Men's Suit lengthK io worsted, tweed and Venetian twist, made np with tlio I O.St triuiiiiiiit;.s and lit guaranteed. Men's Shirts 25o up. Men's Fast Black Half hose, 2 pr. f.,r2uc Men's Shirts and Drawers, pei- suit. . 50c Men's t)veialls ... 50c to 81.00 per pah- Men's .All-^wojl Tweed Suit worth ^7 00 for ?4 50 Men's All wool Worsted.", worth 310-50 for $SM Jlen's Dong., Con«. ai.d Hals line stock, all aiivcs, worth gl2 00, for SI. 50 Mull's Heavy CioiMu Kip Bids, double half Solo, slungod solo, and guarnn- leed to nive satisfiiction ?2.25 Men's Split Bluchers, heavy sole.. Si. 50 Men's Cirain Bhichors.heavy aole. . §1 75 Men's Uand ma<le English Kips, hpHvy Sole, 2 rows nnils, and guarantfu<l waterproof ?2,75 ( Also a full lino of Wraj pmettes, Sieovo Flannel, Shirtiiiu', CottMiia<le Tmveiliiig, Prints, Apron Gin'.;li,-im CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS ioiJ LINOLEUMS. ( lOU:!!' Ml'o Fletci>«;r of j tutthei- faritcuLir:!. Hardware Department IBisxclex* T^sfifiKie, All Si?a.nds. ISix (liferent kituLs to choose from. Binder Gloves and Mitts from 2oc. to 7oc. rhrcshers mitts, hog and calfskin. Hayforks, Ropes, Tracks, pulleys, every- thing complete, at lowest prices. OILS and VARNISUESâ€" Heavy Macliino Oil, }l*w 0,1. IVib-i Turijentlue si.l Viiinish. Also Dry color*. All h>zus of glas.s m â-  M«diamon<'. I'aria Or«e>t;ii f. .r r R G, K.\RS'rprj?"' ...f. -inaii^^i tm _-i

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