Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1902, p. 4

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AUGUST 14 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ( F. T. HILl & CO I Bargains - for » Hugust I ^)t^ As a fitting tinipli to tlio ri'ry buht sussDii's bu^'ino^3 Bverdono by us we shall for the next four wooks offer «oiiio of the iiKwt rciiiBrl(at)lo values ever KU-cjti by us. So:iio of "Ur import invoices aio alniBily inâ€" ihf gonds re prosoiiting thoiii are already Kliipijetl us â€" and we must h'lvo room to place them in stock as soon us they arrive. While niituy linexnot appearing in print will bo .s^oridced, these will have groateii' prominence : â€" MUSLINS, ZEl'HYKS. FANCY PIQUES, etc., only 15o. 18 pieces fancy muHlins, zephyrs, piquita, etc., (about 380 yards) ropreientin!» some of this season's prettiest goods. This |)rosent8 an unusual opportunity of "locurlng up-to-date goods, tli!\t until now liave n-'t been sold for less than 25 & Wj This special clearioK price tiikea effect on Thursday inornina, per yd. 15 FANCY FRKNCH FOULARDS WORTH 14c. for 10c. 278 yarcia l.eautiful colored French Foulards. The.so are particularly uice summer goods, soft, silky eflects and make very handsome dressosor shirt waists. Full 34 Inches wide, resjular 14c, for only 10 MEN'3AND BOYS' BOW TIES 4 FOR 25c. 10 dozen beautiful silk and satin boiv ties that have never been offer- ed here or elsewhere for less than 25 cents each. Our only excuse for offering thoni now at this ridiculously low price is that our ptock is much lander than we desire it. Four tii's for the value of one 25 Remember our big HMIIIME lEPlDTHEII Buy your harvest mitts and all other hardware and harvest retiuire- ments here. This depsrtnirnt is booniiug and there is nrfreason why it should not. 1 10 and 12ic. PRINTS FOR 6Jc. Nearly 1.000 yards of benntiful fast colored prints from 30 to 30 inches wide. These are in lipht and dark grounds, stripes, floral designs, ti^ure.s, etc., and present an un- usual opportunity of securing ^ood goods cheap. No liniit as to (juantily. Actual 10 and 12^ cent Print for per yard only 6i Fancy Muslin Shirt Waists y'lc. 2:^ only shirt waists, assorted colors, perfectly fast KcIf collar and perfectly fittini;, reg. 50c for .15 AUT MUSLINS -CHEAP We've just placed in sto'jk nearly l.")00yds.of tho in.jst bcLUtifiil patterns Art Muslins thai have over como our way. You can buy theiu now fully 25 per cent, below their regular vahiei PIQUE AND DUCK SKIRTS, 81.00 15 ready to wear skirts, pifjues are nicely trimmed with insertion while others have deep frill â€" ducks are made of splendid heavy niaternils in dark ground and all are perfect in every detail. Regular prices all aea- .son have lioon 1 '.io to 1 75â€" tho balance we'll clear now at this price each, your choice 1.00 I SHIRTS AND SWEATERS-- SPECIAL â-  Men's Fancy Shirts worth up to (!5c for only 32 Men's Fancy Sliirts worth up t" SI, 10 for only ' C8 Men's heavy all-woul sweaters, worh 95c for only fi8 Ladies Sailor" '.cid Trimmed hats at half price. Extra c.iiiil prices on Men's and Boys straw hats. Extra Special prices on our entire stock of Parsols. RAIN COATS. Remarkable and unapproached values in all lines of Rain Cuals. Values and styles caimit be ini proved on. mmr^mW;^:^. F- T.HILL & CO ^^i^jje^^i^^^^'^ Township CounciL j The council of the towrmhip of Artem- ' esia met in the town hall, Flesherlon, on ' Monday Au^u.st 4, 1902. The mombeis I were all present, the Reeve in tho chair. , The minutes of session of July 7. HH)2, were read sud confirmed. Tho following communications were proaentod *ndread: T/ie clerk of tho county of Grey, a notice j regard ihglownline, Art eiiicsia and Osprey; llio cleljk of tho County of (irey, county I rates for IW^-, viz ; S. S. No. 2, 3, 4.5jfi, ! 8, 9, 10,-11, 12, 14, 17, 1 A. 4E., ana's' A. M. & O. I Hy-laws (112, to close (•ertniii roads not liovv requiro.l fir public use ; C13. to levy , rates f.ir cnunty, township and school I purposes ; 014, re;;arding certtin li(|Uor license?, and 610,to .ippoirit collectors for 1902, wore introduced and road a first time. i Muirâ€" Thompsonâ€" That by-laws 012, : 013, 014 and G15 be now road a second' lime. â€" Carried. j Thompson -Boyd â€" That ccuiicil now ' yo into comniilti'o of the whole on bylaws 012, 013, 014 and 015â€" Carried. j The ouncil then went into committoo ; on said by-laws, Mr. Boyd in the chair. Mr. Boyd presented by-laws GI2 and 614, an passed in conmiittoe and askod council Io further consider by laws 013 and 615, 111 account of school trastees ostnn'ites for l'A02 iiot beina nil in the bands of the ;-loik as \)y-lHW required. Muirâ€" Boydâ€" That by-laws 612 and 014 as report«-d by cornniittee be now read a third time, si:;ned, sealed and en- tered in bylaw book. â€" Carried. Muirâ€" Boydâ€" That W. H. Thunslon be paid £00 00 on account of his jiriuting contract of l'J02' â€" Carried. Roy<l-.Mur -That R. P. Legtlo be paid $3 lor grinding grader blade. â€" Carrii-d. Thompson â€" Boyd â€"That iho cleik bo pai I $5 for time ami expenses atlendiit'.; the e:(Ua'izil.ion of county assossinent at Owen Sound. â€" Carried. Thompsonâ€" Muir--TI'at (he reeve be |>aid $2 for services on coninntteo re fnwnlinc, .Artetnoaiannd Proton. â€" Car- ried Muir-~Oibsonâ€" That tho follownig ac- <.'Ounts for gravel used on roads duly cer- tified by overseers bo paid : John Tee t jr. »5.25 ; W. Fi.-her, &175 ; M. Sjolt, r>b eonis ; Wm. Fis'ier, $tl.05 ; R. Akilt, .if2.0) ; J.hn T.ii.ter, §.>.!);» ;John llurnett, «1.00 ; W. J. Mend. 82.40; M. S-ott, 81.00 ; J. Oliver, «1.50 ; Oeo. White, .<C4.80 , Oeo Miore, $1.50 ; Rnbt Aki'lt, «t4..55 ; C. McMilUn, WTO ; H. Hewitt, ;?fl.OO'; 'i'lios. Noiibitt,!t.)c.jnt«. -Carried. Thoinjwo'iâ€" Muirâ€" Tirnt the clerk rundur the township of l';:i|iliMsia a'l nc- oounl fors>atnte talxjrduno on townline, Mild r<ii|aA/il a dtatpmeut of uinie done by ^.11 ;)l.rrtsi xf.it 1901 unl 1902. - CarrU) 1. I'liyd -Muirâ€" Tlj it as the county council has notified this council to repair townline at lot 80, 2 S. D. R., Artcnie.^ia and O.iprey, the reeve and Mr. Thonip son are hereby appointed a committee to inesl a eiJiuniittee of Ospiuy council to consider the matter and that Mr.Preston.i ^-» J |-k « >• cmotycou icillorl)er.-(iu.^.stod, to attend LirCaL KCUUCtlOnS I W. HOCKLEY the joint nieetinir. â€" Carried. Council ad jouriied. Diarrhoea Wealcens the System .\nd if not checked becomes a chronic condition. No remedy compares with Nerviline, which is preprwed «[>ecially for stomach and liowel troubles. As a radical cure fur cranifis, colic.ga.s iii the stomach, summer complaint. Nerviline excels every- tiling iti the medii-al line, is an iiidisptuj' silile household staple,and costs only 2.">c. Buy a bottle today. IN READY-MADR CLOTH INQ The Owen Sound Appeal. The apjieal made by tho town of Owen i Sound against the county assessment, | which was recently heard by ,Tudge Orens- j or, resulted in a victory for tho town, tie' county being saddled with glSO of costs. FoUoniiig is a comparison of the last council i'(]aalization and th;\t made hy Judge Creas.ir. This will efl'eot a saving of alxnit 5*100, so that we have no cause to ariimlilo .\t the resul t. Osprey will .al«o s.ivc a few do llnrs. The townships which will feel it inost keenly are Ki'ppel, Hcdland, Beniinck, Normanby,Egreinont ami Snlliv!iii Munici- Co Council Equalization hy palities. Ef|Ualizaliou Judue Creasor. Artomesia. .. ei, 140,000 S!l,fi00,3fi3 Bentinck 1,10.5,000 1,837,039 Uollii.gwood. 1,300,000 l,8!)0,70fi Dei by 700,000 1,000,000 Egrcinint . . ,. 1,345,000 1,1)00,000 Enphrasi.i . . . 1,170,000 i,i7o,oon nienelg iH)0,O00 900,000 Holland flon.ooo 1,331,470 Krppel 700,000 1,. 100,000 Norman by . .. 1,570,000 2,;W5,O00 Osprey 1,000,000 1,380,000 I'lolon 1,100,000 1.(1.18,000 Sarawak .... 2;!0.OfX) 307,000 St Vincnnt.. 1.420,000 2,058,000 Sullivan 1,225,000 l,8ri2,OO0 SyHenliani 1,230,000 1,023.000 0*en Souml. 2,000,000 2.fi22.O0n Men ford .... 400,000 570 OOO Diiihion 250,000 1150,000 TlKuiihury . . 10(l,0( 200,000 Doiulalk . . . . 115,000 115,000 Hanover .... 25t),000 250,000 Maikdalo. . .. 200,000 200,000 820,746,000 $29,120,47>-l tMAI ML£^ BO VEAnS* ^M^BB !|R|^ EXPERIENCE ifi ^. "TSS^ ln»<'«iH »'.i in i-T tU'\}f i»-iitMt.iiV.'f>, r'.....-TiMiiw-.. tnr*»r.rn X'unn A ("o. n-ooiv* V ;.l;fi t 'i»n..>ii 1 Ijr Olnr'nxrd r-'ptly. I.r.ritfl r+r f.r.ttuutl nor P<'lt." I. !!i: J ii.riihl, Trunin. 13 a i*"*"' fonr mor.tlis, >i. Sclrt by nil n*.^.'..ii»^li»ra. mi\W S Co.'S'^""**''' New m »jrteiij. ( •l.it. ffa r ^i..\7B»hiu«lJii,li.a Men's all-wool tweed' suits, $9.00, reduc- ed to C 75 Men's Fiinoy tweed suits, $7.50, reduced to 5 00 Boys' 3 piece suils,i'3. 75, reduced to i 95 Boys' 2 pio(!BSuits,l'3 00, reduced to 2 25 Dress Goods. 20O yds. fancy dress goods, regular selliiig price ;}0c. t i 40,^, reduced to ..... .10 Boys' blouses, regular prices COc reduced to 45 Great soaps in tlunnelete shirts. 50 Men's flaimeletto shirts, regular 50 ceiit, :;learing out at 35 Tailor-made Suits A snap^for young men, regular glfi and tl7 suiis for 13 and 14 Every suit guaranleBd to fit, or no sale. STRAW HATS. Men's tine stiaw bals 25 to 30o for. . . .20 Ladies sailor hats, regular 50«iid 60c for 40 24 Alon's Sweaters, clearing out at. . . .08 12 Boys sweaters, clearing out at ... .45 lA large assortment of Ladies kid gloves, regular 81.25 and ?1.15 goods for 1)0 A Large Assortment of Fancy I Cilassware l^idbcst price paid for BuUer and Edd$.*««« j Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. TO CURe A COLD INONB DAY Take I,axativo Brouio Quinine Tablets. All drURghts leliuirt the luouuy if It fails to euro W fc..Urovu'i) siguuture i» on enoli box aso Eye Strain Belies Character. Defective sight produces unnatural expres. sJon. Perpetual frowns caused by an eflfort to see better often belie °^ ctiaracter. We are experts fn fitting glasses that malce facial distortions unnecessary. W. A. Armstrong, iEWCLCR AND OPTiCI^^ ' FLrSHERTON. Boyd,l^iclilind^€o. Clearing Sale of • . Men's, Youths' and Boys- Clothing. During August we shall materi- 4*1 /li J^ '^'^^ reduce the prices of Ready â- ^J > Made Clothing â€" we have phiced some large orders for fall and want all odd sizesâ€" odd patterns â€" incomplete lines- odd !j;armentH and HO on, cleared out. Ail line are up- to-date, perfect in every respect.good patterns, relialjle cloths, well trinmicd and tailored and made up in tirst class style. The prices Ave mention speak for themselves, the reductions are gen- uine and you can save money on every Clothing purchase during August. THESE LINES DESERVE SPECIAL nENT.ON. For rien. $r).00 Tweed Suits selling for $3.25. ,$5.25 " " $3.85. $«.00 " " $3.75. $(5.25 " " $3.95. $6.50 " - " $4.00. y| For Boys. 30 Boys' Two-piece Suitsâ€" some "" pleated back â€" some Avitla belt â€" some plain â€" all made from good all wool tweed â€" light medium and dark colors â€" neat patterns. Sizes 25 to 30. lleguuii price iS>3.00and $3.50â€" we'll sell them during August to clear at $2*30* August Reductions in Ladies' Whitewear Ladies' L^nderwear Cambric Embroideries Valenciennes Laces , ' Summer Hosiery. Specials for Preserving Timel I ! • $1.00 25 Pounds Standard XXK Granulated Suyarfor Gem Jars â€" all sizes. Granite Preserving Kettles â€" all sizes. HARIDlATi^RIB DEI>'T Harvest Requisites . CKADLES MACHINE OIL GRINDSTONES BINDER WHIPS HA VEST MITTS, I>lyi"MiLOwtl:i. £<ix3tcler Twrineâ€"We ^- sell it and recommend itâ€" it is undoubtedly the f^ best on the marketâ€" cheapest and most 'satis- factoryâ€"once usiul always used. Leave your order ^>^%'^^/%/%%/%/%^/%^^ The largest and most comprehensive stock of China. Glassware anil Lamp Goods ever shewn hero. Specialties in Fancy (ilass and (iJiinaware. Prepared Paint â€"Dry Colors - Oils â€" Turpentine Bovd^l^ickling&goi

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