Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1902, p. 8

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,'\ AUGUST U 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE gujiiuejjs (S,m\fi MCULbOUQH St YOUNO -~ llankerii, Markdale Dj m geaeral b&uklnK buiiiiie»«. Mouey loMed â- ( a roasouablo rate. Call ou us. A 8 VA.NDUSKN, J P ** ClBi-k StU Uiy Court, Co Oroy Notary Public Auctloiisor. Money to loan M H per coot. Cbargea uodorato. FliEBHEKTOn P O P J 8PB0nLE~~ •* PortmaHur, Fleabertos ./ommlaiiionor in 11. C. J., Auotlonffor Con- vuyanoor. AppraUur ami Money Louder Koal fcatato and InBiiranco Aijont. Doede uiorttiaijeB loaaos an I wills oarotully drawn np and valuations made ou ehortuHt notice, iiioouy to loau at lowo»t rates oj iutoroat. Ool i\^i,!i»! at'^'Xlod to witli promptueKB i.li»i|{o« low. Agent for OcRan Dominion Bviaai»|jii) Compauy. A oallsolioited. .^omtm A O U W ineotB ou the last Monday ," .."',<'??" "lontb, in tlieii- loURo room. tuViM"" „''??''• Plusborton. at Bp m. T. He l.amy, Financier. Visiting brethren iuTlted pKINCK ABTHTU LODGE, No. .<133. A. n^,!,\., •â- '"*'"' '" ""» Uasonlcball. Strain"* t..^ ; *''''«''"-ton. every Friday on or before T.J^L'.:Zl%Jr^' ^^ «"""'"« *«• ^"" nOUKT KLESHBHTON, I. O. F. moets^ ir. . ^'if'stoo » Hlooli the lust Friday evoiiinB la eacb mootb. Visiting Forestore heartily PMical nB CAUTKR nim 'i ^ '' ? ^ °°'' I'l'yBleiau, BurRBon, etc Omco and rosidence-I'oter at., l^leshorton D**- f- ^/„ ","^t>y.-Pl'>Bloian, Surgeon ~^ etc. ITleHhorton, Ont • i„'t"° andBeaideuco. Colllugwood street, one i>lock oast I'reabytorian cburoli. May bo found llioro day and uigbt. Coroner for Couuty of BCOTT, AKD SOFTLY Membors College Pbysio. * Bnrgoono Ontario Graduate in Mediclche ot Toronto UuivurBity, Fellowship Diploma , Poat Ctradu- ato odical School and Hospital, Chicago. S t'a" °' °*'''' "*''' "°'° """^ '^'â- Â°Â»' specially H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Feversbatn. axwoll. J P OTTEWELIi " Veterinary Surgeon Sraduate of Ontario Vetortnary Coileoe. residence â€" saconrt door south weat on Maiy street. This street ProBbyteriau Charoh. runs aontb ^ Vaterliiai y riurgaon and Dentist, Max- «.â- ' «'â- ''''"»'.â- ' of Ontario Veterinary Collooe. offllia' tod with Toronto Unfversity. Vialts Ivugou la Wednesday from 11 a. in. to » p. m, iu tevershaiu Tburaday from 3 to 6 p.m. ' . •*9«t ..â-  J. W. FUGBT, L'^L. B. Barrister, Solioitor Couveyanoor, etc oBlJoâ€" Next to poKtolBco, 8)>roule'B block f ...^hiM-ton, every Tbursdo and court Jayii N Uâ€" Owen Sound olllce, Frost'" block rjulett street «aat. LUCAS, WBHJIIT A MoARDLB Harristcrti Soiicitois Coiiveyaiiccra, et Odlciinâ€" Ovvon Sound, Out and MHrkdalcCnt. W II Whiout, -MoAliDLK I II l.U( AS N II -I'liir.tierVon oCico, MltchoU'b linnk every Saiurilay. "riUCICKU A PATTEKsns *• 1-ijrrifitor.^, Holicitora, etc ^^oI.soll'B Jiimk, Owon Sound liAHRV G TUUKKli OBO W PATTEBrtON MAKAV&SA.MPSON.IinrristorB.Bolleltors. <l <)FPI(!1â- ;.^ :-Owun Sriiiid, Miireharifs Hmil: Iflo';!;, :i, of I'ltttirsoti House. Uundiilk, Main ri!ot,"vory Saturday. ^oiiov to Idmi at IJ pnr cfnt.. A. (). M.UIKAV, M A , H.E. SA.Ml'.SOK, L.L.D Ahra"s in attendance at Fleaheiton fvnd Uundalk Division Couric ^nUl^tVi} f)lt.E C. MURRAY, 1„ », S. Oontal snn;u..n 'f '•"O'-ijra.luiito of Toronto Unlvornity and :«â- '•' ^l^^')i<'"< nmua Hinji'ons of Ontnnn. ',.;â- ,".'," â- 9l'.l"'"''' ^rniKti-O]);!',; .fowelloiv fituni. Wl-I visit Ua.vw.dl tlio luHt \\Vdr>,.8.1av ufottcli mouth, and Dnndttll; 1 and .1 Tliuracliiv u tarh mouth. â- " FAn.W FOR SALE fillt o'Iki-I farm fni i-iilf. 100 acri-s, iilN), ?^10 ibkIi, balance easy tiirniB; fl) acron eliiari-d and In mod state of on tivat'on; la anrnsmost. timl). «r oir, lialaodn widl tiniljorml. Imrdwood mid Imnilock; pond friinin barn, iitnblo uiuIit- booiI frnnindwolliiii;; woll fonnnd. wiitoiiid ami in ijood •tstnofcnlt vation: IJniiloH fioni Maxwidl and i! ijsllu from Fevnvslmiu. wIk'H. are inilli HtoruB, |.tn.,J tnilri fioni idiecpo facfciv Aindv o U.J SPUOCLi:, Klcslievton. mi-3 Eugenia Planing Mills . . . (rot your Stush, Doors, I'^loorins;, Slioeting, New- ell Posts, IJalliistcrs, C'or- nor Blocks, Hand l{ailiii}r, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 anil No. 2 Sliiugle.M, Veranda and l''ittinjx,.Sid- ing.s, etc. Tiirniiij,' orall kinds tloiK- to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfar^tion in all our linos guaranteed. 3 Walker Sloan PROPRIRTOR Th« Qrowing Popularity of the Farmers' Institute na rk < I0*\ III viow of the fjt-eat Nucveas ol tli'i FsrmvrH' IiiHtitiite lui a iiicaii.s of eduuH- tlon in Ontario, tliu Dominion Depart- raent of Af{riculturo has oiicleavored to cooperate with the various local dopart- inento in uatabhahing and inipruving Hiniiliar ByHteiuu iu their raspeo- tire provinco.s. Trained speukers have beon sent to a.sei«t in the work in other pruviiiceH, aud the Ixst avairablo men in ihoHo provinces havu been pressed into service, not only in their own province, but in others as woll. By sending able andobsurvunt men from one province to another in tliis way wo hope to get to' gether a thorouglily capable corps of In- siliuie workers, familiar with the agricul- tural situation and rvquireuiunts in all part* of Canada. Prof. E. J. McMillan of Charlottetown, P. E. 1., supt. of Fanners' Institutes and etc., has prepared a sketch of the work already accomplished in Prince Edwai " Island, which iiiny be uf interest an) benefit to those interested in agricultural education in other province.s. According to Prof, McMillan :â€" "The organization of Farmers' Institutes in Prince Edward laland was first undertaken in .luno.lUOl, At that time the Hon. Benjamin Rogers, Commisaiouer of A(jricullurer, assisted by the writer and two experienced institute workers supplied by the Deimrtment of Agricultara at Ottawa, held nioeiings of farmers in the different 8ection» of the proTiiico,for the purpose of discussing the advantages of the institute system. As a result of these meetings the organization of twenty institutes wascoiupleted before the end of the year. The Farmers' Institute system of Prince Edivard Island is twofold iu its aims. It â- uoks to combine the educational features of the Ontario system with the facilities fur dealing in live stock affordtd by the old agricultural societies plan. Each drtianization is a Farmers' Institute and agricultural society combined. A govern- ment j-rant of Â¥50 is paid annually to each society, which has at least 50 mem- bers enrolled, and collects $40 per year in membership fees. A sum amounting t'l 91,000 was expended in this way last year. The total membership up U> EJoc- ember 31st, 1901, wa» 1624, inid the amount subscribed in let!) was $911. ()0. The receipts of the institutes from all sources amoonted to nearly *2,000. This money was expended in the purchiifie uf pure bred stock and in defraying the ex- penses of lecturers, Thirty-lhreo moet- iiig.s, chiefly for purposes of orgauiz>itiun were held daring the first year. At the beginning of the present year a regular Belies of institute meetings was arranged and carried out successfully. Several speakers were employed and v'lrious agri- cultural topics was brought up for dis- cu.saion,chiuf among whidi were,dairying, hog raising and chicken fattening, As all of these are live industries at present, the iutorust manifeated in the meetings wiu> ureal. The attondnnce tlirouuhciur, wu.s good, fully 2,000 people beiuy broui^ht in contact with the loclurers, who were not slow to take advaiita};e of every op- portunity to impart lossoiis of practieiil value. Already tlu- iiitluenci) of this public discussion of iigriciikutal f[iiBstioiis 18 shown in an increasod inture.st in evi'iy- tliin[5 which maku,s for tlio adviinueineiu of tho calling. The donmnd for pure brij stock for breedinu' purposi.-), which h:is more lliiin doubled during tho past ycir, iiiity bo cited ns one in.slnnce of !i lionulil already dorived for I be iii.stituiu.s. Il may al.Ho be shown that an udvaiiCL-iiuiist has lakoii place nloiii; utlior lines. The people reiilize tbia and are iin-tious that more oduc'itiunal meetings should be held." UnriiiK the nxnith of .Inly a sorios of niidsuiMiiiur K-cturos were uivcn liufoie tho Inslitutca by Prof. II. If TX'nii ami D. Druiitinond, ro|neseiUinur the Dt.niin- ion Dopartmeuf of Afjru'nltiue, beaidus .sevural'local .spoakiTS. With one or two exceptions where the ndverti.sinf,' fiiiled, they were a griind .luctiw. Thi! fiirimr.s turiiod "lawuU and ii.aiiifuHtofl iidoo|)in- lurust in the mcolii'gs. Twi'iiiy-scveii iiistitiili-.s Wore vi.saeu, iin nfternooii and evening nicotin;^ held at each The avciago altiiidanoi! at tliuiif'oriiiKm niut'l iiicH wua bctwut-n 50 aiiil GO while iu some iiisiaiiCHs thuro wi^io over 101) pcopiu prest'iit. Tho illiirsliutod locliu\'a on dairy oaltlo wliicb fonned tlio chiif fmit- uroof ilios'j inHetiUi^n vvtir.i oiiiirely new to our iarini'ia and were vi^ry well ta ceived. The avorajjo attend nice at the eTcniii!; meeting Wii.s fully 100. In thusu toil, a marked iiitiii»t w,is laUeiiuiiii free disuusHion indulged in, uiitil in iiiaiij' in- siancea it was eb'Vi'ii o'lldck lictoru ihu meoliligi could bo brouuht to a cbiMo. I'rnf Di'.au, as wiis expecUul, him done cici'llent Work. It aeeiiis to iiiu ive were Very fortunate in necuting his servicrs just e>l this LJuio, as th-; dairyini,' huaiiiess has not been growing iiiuoh of hue, iiiul I feel sure that wo may Imvo avini»,->lol the indUKtry wliereviir he ha-i gniio. .\ti. Drnmiiioiul, toi, li'i!- givm exoelkiit ent- isfaeiion. The people we c very fa>or- ably impressed with his work in live ^tock and III III ber line.i. We aboul'i like lo have both HBntlcmoii agiiin. Tho ini pri-,i»loiiH erentud by tliesii iiiectini!M hivi been very favorable niid I am tontiilent that the Ilisliiutus boi'it have burn much «lieni:thiiiied aa a ivsiill. That tlu- ch'Sn of lite priiseiit ifeiir will wiliiisi a e.niM.I- uralilo giowili in the insiituti.- sysUiiii is alre.<ily amured. 8ix na'v orginiaiiMon lihvc lii-eii ciimploti'd tlma fur this y»"ir, and it in |M'(ilmt>lu Uiat nrre wi I huuHdiii hnfora it ol.'iMa. Wifli ,•(», inera»»iiiv iiieinht!r»h'p and n !ivr!v '!;»<! -gt tnuni- fa»ie<l i'l I I'o -r . - •. . ... 1 -H â- 'â- â- ' FariiuM-'' How the Cocaine HaMt dtart« Generally from using catarrh snuifx and uintiiieii'N coiitaiiiiiiK this deadly drug. It in well to remember that the oiiiy direut Kcientiff? cure for catiirrh is Ca â-  urrlioKoiitf .which curo-i by iho inhalation of medicated air. Simply breiitli Cnt- nrrhoKone, aud it will cuie all forms of catarrh, bronchitii, asthma, lung troubles and doafn-Hs. Every breath from Catarrh- o/x;ue inhaler soothes, liealri and relieves. Permanent cure guarantord even though other reniedic-s failed. 1'iy Cafarrhoisoiie, price SI. 00; Hinall sizt 25e. Druggists or N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, (Jnt. i**P~t*â€" iMfciiWiiâ€" «Mâ€" MIfcl Struck by Ligtitning. During the thunder storm which pre- vailed on Tuesday evening lightning struck the stables of Mr. George A. Sar- g'3ant,an extensive dairyman, who lives in Derby, a little crver two miles from town. The herd of about thirtyjcows had been driven into the stables, and six mep were engaged in and alxiut the building when the event occurred, krch Winter- burn was milking one of the cows, when the animal wa.t killed by the bolt and fell over on Carnnhan's legs, but fortunately he was not much injured, cither by the animal or by the bolt which caused hei death, Chas. Woods was aleo bndly shock- ed by the electric discharge. So violent was it that all the cows and men were knocked down. Stanley Felti.% a young man, had noticed that the water tank, which is filled by windmill, was running orer, and had gone to bhut off the water. He was injured worst of all, and is still confined to his bed and receiving treat- ment. One of his legs is badly burnt. The damage to the building consisted of a few shingles being. torn off. No marks could be found on the animals which were killed. The other cows do not appear to have been injured, and the milking is not affected. ftlr. Sargeant's loss is covered by insurance, and it is fortunate indeed that it was not hunnan instead of animal life that was lost. Dr. Lang wasin attendance. â€" U.S. Advertiser, Lazy Livers andSluggisli Kidneys When these organs fail to perform their proper functions, tho blood becomea poisoned and suffering and disease com- mence. This can be avoided by keeping your vitality at high- water mark, the blood rich and pure i>y taking one Ferro- zone tablet alter e.ich meal. Ferrozone lui.s a miH but rapid action on the liver and kidneys, aud i.s certainly tho greatest producer of rod vit^tlizing tdood known to science. Morning tired- ness, langour, dizziness, pain in the back and sick headache di-sappear atonce when FerroKouB is used. Get it to day. Price 50c. at druggists, or N. C, Poison & Co,, Kiii(>ston, Ont, The McCormlck Binder FL.ESHEKTON â-  oops On J^and Die For Mnsaey Harris, Noxon, Kleury and Wilkinsoi, arin imp/ements. Floury ...nd Vt^ily plows on hand all Ihe .ne,al«> all kinds of repairs for the sanie.^We manufacture Wa-on.-< Bug«ie«. Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing pr miptly Httendedt'' % YOU W ANT A CAR RIAGE % Bu^dV* Democrat Oladon? J. H, Heard «& Son have them in variety, at right , prices and easy term.s. I Before buying any vehicle call on u.4 ami inspect oar .... lines We are agents for the best cream separator on the market and are willing to sell on trial. « 3. R. Reard $ Son, « m I Photos Wkr^ -TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesh erton j Photograph j Gallery :] are done in fii-al-class style and at |i lowest rates. Special attention ijivpii tocopyina. Babies' photos. ft specialty. Piptures framed. MRS BULHER ^ tui»8 the t/Oiigli and works off . the Cold Laxative Brono-Quiuiuo Tablets cnreacold iu ouo day. No Curo, No Pay. Price 25oenta iMH* muson = TIesberlon •J Concord, Ont.. .July 31, 1902. Tho McCormick H. iVI. Co., P. W. Stanhope, Manager, Tor. into. Out. (Jentleinen â€" ^My attention ha.s been drawn to an advert i.semeiit inserted by the Mus.sey-llai ri-) Conipiny in Ihe Tor- unto World under date of July 31, wiili foferi-nce to ii (iel<l trial recontly held o:i my f'lnn, ciMii|iiirinL; tli6 merits of ouo of your 7-ft. biinlers wi'h one manufiictuio liy tho Miissi-y Harris company. After a further ii.io of tlie.-^o Hiacliiiies mid tlioroiiijlily tcstmir their merits, I find thai tho .Mct.'onnick maehiiio handles iiuiuh easier and doi-H tirsl class work in »:very particular. The bundle c.irrier is far su)>orior aho. Oiu seri'iu.i ohjuctioii lo the Ma.saey-Iliiiria irf thit the elevn'or chain is nut covered )ind it shells tho grai'i b;idly when dead ri|ie. Conse- (luonlly I ooii.sidiir aftor a thorough tost, that the MeCoriuiok machine doOH better Work and I have settled for the ^Ic- Coiniick and pnipose kccpiiis,' it, ami will dinpiist) .f the Mas.sey-Hi'.rris. If I were buying another inachi'io I would have a McCnrmiclviii pieferencc to :iiiy otiici'; Yoms truly (Si-ncil) D.WIDSMELLIE.' We, the niulursiuned, after using the JMcCiii iniek iiiacliiiie as well as the Miis- Hoy-HarriH, li<Miglit by our father tlieoih.r day, have (baideil after giviiiu' both uiacluiies a full test, that we prefer the McCormick and fully concur in I he above testimoiiia!. Voina truly, (Signed) NELSON J.S.MELLIE KRSKINE HMELLIE UOliF-KTKOPvHES. I). Mndill \* agent for the McCormick binder in Klisher;on and vicinity. Cl>e Ffcsberton l^arness , • Emporium ? IS Fleshertons' Tonsorial Parlor Wanted-Barber Apprentice good chance to learn for the right young man. . Bring along Ya Laundry. « « tt Jl.Ulilsoti = Tksb^rton !S? '^msssssi^^sm YiklllCOCELl h SiRICTUEE TIpotBor (llscaao is sc prevaieut araoagr tuen a« Varicocele. As it Interferca with the ntitritiua of the sexual orgfanB it produces emiaslons. loss of semeu through the urine, decay of the org-atts, pains in the loins, achiug- iu the back, nervouRuess. dce- poadcacy, basUfulnes-s palpitation »f the heart, constipatioo, and a comb nation ci these results In c-ontplete Loss of Manbootl. Thousands of younc an' middle- a;,'ed men are troubled with Striictttre. If you have reason to believe ott are I afflicted with it, doii*t neglect it. It will ruiu you. Don't let doctors exp^ri ^eut on you by cutting, stretchinif or tearing it. Our No'W Mctbud Xr«atixieat dissolvtiii the stricture tissue hence it disappears and can never return W cure Varicocelii and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The treatmen ma.' be taken at home privately. Send for our Free Illustrated Book un Vartcocelet | 3erioture aud iileet. Wo KUAraatfie to Cure or No Pay. ladder Allseraal comptalnts affect thMeorgrans. hence tlie Icldne.Ti area great ecurco of diseuse. Have tou acliing- or weakncas over tlie small ot the back, teiid<!nc7 to urinate (reiiueiulv, deirosit in utloe, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in »hi- marnlntr. Don't neglect your kidneys. Oar Now M«ttio<l Treatment is (Tuaraatced to cure any disease of these organs or no pay. • J»-No Naxaes Used Without Written Consent. O. W. RoTre, of Jactison, Mich., says:â€" I had â- varicocele in the secondary stni^e and two strictures of 8 years siandinij. I wa3 operated t'li twice, uuderifoinc^ great sufFertnf;, but only got temporary relict. I was finally advised to tr^" the wex*' Mctliod Traatmeiit of Drs. K. .«: K. The enlurci'd veins disappeared ia six weeks, the strictnrc tiBsne was removed in eifc'-ht weeks and my sexnal enerpy and vitality retvrned r-o I was a man in every respect. I Tccomnieiid you doctors with my whole heart." CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Hefore Tre.-\tmf nt , Aiter Treatment, We treat ami cure Nervons DobllltT. tost Manhood, Varicocele, Stricture, Syph- ilis, Gipet, We.ik Parli, Gonorrhcraa'nd Unnatural Discharffes. Consultation Free. Books Free. Wriie lor Question LUt for llome Treatment. ^ Ors. Kennedy h Kergan, Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service 140 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MirrH. Eli^S^Sj^i^ ? ? TOE PL,\CE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. All kinds mill prices NVhips «ml litHhifR rrtiiik< mill VrtliooH, o^niilis ninl brushes, SwontpivK aii.i coU.ir puds, .Vxle Gre.isc, Houf Ointment ami tJull Ciuv, Bitt-s ornl 8nB|i«, Biipuy I)iisti>ra hihI ,i1I stylos Hiid pi'iouH. lluhluT Itiiiis. Woijllon Rug', llnin<i-n I'l.liHli i\iul Mt;|!»l Vcli^li hikI Rvvivtltlnjf in our line. ^•«; s!?ertMi Tliii uniterfiif^nod 1ia» a fine ai^ed Dnrbaai ull lor sorvicuoii lot i-ll, T. Hi S. K. TerniB â€" iH (or Krade cows, *;1 for tboroufjh r«dH I'tdib'iise uu applicatit'U .JACDH LEVKH yieshortou r.o. 'JTcviTiwortli Boar for tScrvice. Alvln ( No. 738 ) TtiH uiidDrsigiicd hiiK a thor<>ui«I>l<7H>d TaniW"rth Hour for service on l"t 140. r. A S. R., Ariniiosis. Terms SI 00. Tnos. IjEvbk, Proj). 1*. I Advance \ f U$l)«rtonFsiriiUure t I ttlareroctns. S We art) ciirryiiii; tlie ncwttit styles of ac»soii;il>lo goods in uM lints of t'^iirnitun;,|coiisisiiti>; of : Parlor and b<«lr(«)tii suits, I(iuii;;es, sidolui.uiln, tixtt'ii.'iii'ii mid centio talitt!)', cliiiii's, window Hhttdes mid curtiiiii iM>!i», ]iicturo«, ea«el», I'tc , Which \Ye oiror at LOWEST PRICES Piclttro Frnraiiig and General Ro {miring. Undertakint; in ,tll its brnnche*. Satisfaction guaraiiieGd. Vi \\w (-Mid of the y Oil r for 40 j W, H. Bunt, Prop. # %<V*^^%%^^%'^* ♦'•.•w*'^,^

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