Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1902, p. 2

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WHEN THE WOELD WEPT MILLIONS HAVE BEEN PLUNG ED INTO MOURNING. ttussia Thrown Back for Centur- ies â€" Germany's Abandoned Coronation. Ru.ssiu liuR been called the "Coun- try of NiiUouul Disuppointmcnt.s," BUd the tillo is not an iimppropri- ate one. Enrly in October, 18H0. It became known to llie initiated Uiat tile T.sar Alexiinclcr ]I. line! sanctioned n .•sweiiiint? .scries of re- toruis, which would, wlieii fully car- ried out. raise tlie empire at a sin- gle bound to a foremost place among .he most enlightened of the world's 'ree peoples. Some minor details inly remained to be settled, and by Uarch lUtli, 1881, the new constitu- .ion. which provided among other '.hings for a legislative as.sernbly to 5e electe<l by popular vote and for I free [iress, was ready for signature ind i)roiuulgation. The Tsar, how- iver, deferred aflixing his name to ;he document for a week, in order that facsimile copies witfht be pre- >ared for dispatch to tlie various fovernor.s of provinces; uiid before the week had ex^;)ired ho was brutal- y murdered by emissaries of the .Vihilist association. Thus, when on the very eve of ob- '.aining all that the best and brav- !Kt of her sons had been striving for fenerations, was the unhappy coun- try thrust back, in an instant, and Jirough no fault of her own, into '.he paths of reaction and of ultim- ite stagnation. KUSSJA'S DESPAIR. The reign of the present Tsar and Tsarina, again, has been one long disaiipointment tu the Hu.ssian peo- oie I'ate, croak tlic prophets, pes- limisticall.v, is against tlie Itoyal iouple. At their coronation, it will tie lemembcred, a .shocking accident Sast a gloom over what would have Dcen, under auspicious circum- itunces, one of the most, brilliant Ipectacles of modern tin;es. A gigantic open-air bancjuct was to have been given to a multitude of ITi.s Majesty's poorer subjects, but Ihe crowds got out of hand, broke )own the barriers, and more than a Lhovisaiid of them were crushed to loath in the struggle which ensiaml. Afterwards, and now, it was and is Ihe lack of an heir male to their Emfieror and Empress, wliich weighs tnoht heavily on the spirits of a sen- litive and superstitious people. No 511C who has not traveled within the xnlines of the Tsar's dominions can â- jnderstand the e.xtraoriliiiary hold tills matter has taken ujion the l{us- lian peojile. When, in 1895, the Tsarina gave birth to little Olga, '.he nation was only mildly disup- ;)ointed; but acutely so when a sflc- Dnd baby girl put in an appearance jighleen months later; and when, in I8!i'.), yet a third girl child was »n- lounced, something very like de- tpair settled uinjn the lan<l. aEKMA.\V.S DISArrolNTMENT. Last summer, when Her Majesty Was again brought to bed, hope re- vived, and thousands and thousands Df bonhres were prepared. Not one !vns lighted, however, for, for the ,'ourth lime running the baby prov- !d to be of the feniiile variety. Germany has hart to undergo more than one bitt'-r disappointment in the course of her short but event- [ul career as a full-dodged empire. Dut none probabl.v did she feci more ieeiily than that incidental to the antimely death of the Ein|>eror Kred- srick HI. True he had licen serious- l.v ill pri<u' to asceniling the throne, tjul Sir Morell Jlackeiizlo hail pro- aounced him cured, and lii.s subjects Here looking forward with gusto to his coronation, when, on .luiie 112tli, 1888. he was stricken down with malignant cancer of tin' throat, and three days later he was dead. I'HANCE'S BlTTEIt XMLL. With the withdrawal of Afajor Miirchanil from Knshoda, viinished forever her dream of a grtuit Cen- tral Africa Empire, stretching from tl o Atlantic right across the Con- tinent to the lied .Sea and (he In- tlian Ocean. To I''renchjnen this was probabl.v an even hllterer disappoint- ment than would have been t<i Eng- ll.-hmen the loss of sa.v, tlibraltnr. or Newfoundland. No wonder there Were rumors of war on the one side, and the hurried cimiinissioning of ll.viiig s(|uadri)ns on the other. Italy was even harder hit over t.lio projected expansion of her (.'entral Afiii'an possessions. Ihii'll.v. she «imi;d at extending inwards li{ .â-  Hed ' Sea colon.v of lOr.vthrea so as to in- :lude nbsf.lulcl.v within lier own <lo- i millions the rich and ferliU- Aby.«i- I lininn province of Tigre, and she nl- I lo proclaimed a protectorate over the rest of Abyssinia. .Sl'AIN'.S NATIONAL fiHIEF. In this, of coin"se, she was only sopying our own method of proced- SALADA Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produceSf and is sold only in load packets. Black, Mixed and Green. bp«n tea iriniun try '^SaUda'* Ctua li% Ragged clothes quickly â€" that's what common soaps with "premiums" cost; but SONUGHT Soap R.KDUCJSS AMk. tot the OcUcoB B«r ail are in Africa, Asia, and elsewhere. But her rulers forgot that Italy is not Britain, and that Italians ore not quite the same sort of stud as are Anglo-Saxons. Even while Rome was in the act of rejoicing over what she believed was the he- ginning of a successful sysleni of co- lonial expansion, which, in the near future, should give her in Africa an over-sea empire such as England has in India, came the terrible news of the disaster of Adowa. The flower of the Italian army had gone down before the fierce on- slaught of Menelik's wild warriors; and with it had also gone down, like a child's house of cards, the half- formed, half-droamt-of empire in question. Rome crowded into the theatres that night as is the wont of the Liitin races; but the disap- pointment was none the less keen because it was masked by gaiety. Nevertheless, the loss of the Tigre province did not cat into Italy's vitals and canker there, as did the surrender • of Cuba and the I'hilip- V>incs in the case of Spain. In all modern history has no more hitter pill been forced down the reluctant throat of a proud, and once great nation, than that which was admin- istered by the United States to this latter country in 1898. That .Spain's ultimate defeat was patent to all the world save Spain, did not make the disappointment oJ the Spanish people less keen. Kalh- er. in fact, did it accentuate it. To the la.'-t the Spanish ruling classes deceived the masses; so that, incre- dible (hough it may seem, it is, nevertheless, a fact that the com- mon people never, until the lost mo- ment, entertained a doubt but that the war would result, not only in the total overthrow of the United .Stales, but in the eventual re-cstab- lishment of Spain's authorit.v. over the whole of the North and South American Continents, HOW THEY EXIST, Remittance Men in Australia. Are a Shiftless Set, The dipsomaniac remittance men, though an utterly wastrel class, arc a degree less abandoned and prolli- gate, con.ser|uenlly a degree more noteworthy than their brethren of the rogue, bankrupt, etc., order. For one roasoii lliey are never to be found in the larger towns and cities. .As if following an inexorable naT tural law, within a munlh of their arrival in Australia they gravitate toward tile interior of the continent, and, scatierc-d widely over tlm vast bush, are to be met with in every little town and village, on every sta- tion, in almost every stockman's and sliopheixl's hut, either us listless "sundowners," wandering ••swng- gies," stockmen, station hands, biish-carpentors, grooms, stable hands, rouslabf)Uts, or station cooks, .sa.vs the I-ondon Wail. When their remittance arrives they spend a glorious week in some way- side or village public house, assidu- ously drinking from morning until far into inch night, never drunk â€" it is inipo,ssible to make a "dipso" tirunk â€" dreaming wonderful lieer-in- spire<l visions of delight, hut eating not at all. When theii' hist lienny is expended the publican, who â€" par- asite that ho i.sâ€" knows and likes the cla.ss, gives them grails a Mask of rum or whisk.v, and llicy wiindor dis- consolately otT. Their whole ambi- tion, then, is to exist with as lit- tle ellort as possible imtil their next remittance arrives, and then iinoth- er glorious â€" save tjie marki ' â€" "booze." But to existâ€" that is the problem. The majcu'ity trudge wi-arily from stntion to station with hlaaket an<l bill.v, not seeking work â€" they loathe work â€" but bogging just enmign lea and flour to keep body anil soul to- gether. The pity is that llieir beg- ging appeals are seldom, if ever, refused. .So they live. .Smne. hew- ever, fearing the privatidiis of n tramp's life, seek eniplo.vnient . These arc men who con ride, who nnder- Btand horses, who can handli! an ax, or who can cook. Employment is given lliPin from charity, clot h<«s and rations, too, but they are Jiaid no wnges, for it is known that their services, svich as they nrv, can nev- er he relied on. If the loniit.tance man inn get hold of a shlllliiK ho will Walk twenty, nay, If necessary, liftv, miles In order to spend it In driiik. A HOY SOLID En. A iiniipie instance of an Knglish lail taking port in the late war was nnntionotl at the prl70 distrilaition at Cheltenham Collego recently. The principal said that one of their prtv HonI 8chtdarf». a boy narked (Iriflllhs, not yet thirteen years of iige. had served In the war and won a eoupl* of medals. They hod been married but two months, and they still loved each other devotedly. He was in the back .yard blacking his boots. "Jackl" she called, at the top of her voice. "Jack, come here, quick!" lie knew at once that slie was in danger. Ho gra.spod a stick and rushed up two flights of stall's to the rescue. He entered the room breathlessly, and found her looking out of the window. "Look!" said she. "That's the kind of bonnet I Want you to buy me." Gibbs â€" "It's no use arguing, my dear, 1 anx going to give up our iiew in church. I can't stand that new preacher any longer." Wife â€" "Dut, .John " Gibbsâ€" "But nothing, Maria. I haven't slept a wink for the last throe Sunday mornings." "O Woman In our hours of ease. Uncertain, coy and harJ to please." There is one thing that certainly will please you, if you get It, and that is CEYLON TEA. Lead packets. All grocers. ♦-- THE POSTMASTER. OXD GEKTLjEMAN'S naerow ESCAPE FKOM DEATH. A Very Interesting Personal Ex- perience VVhicti Contains Some Good Advice for Others Whose Lives Ha.y Be Threatened. Lovctt, Ont., Aug. 25â€" (Special)â€" Every man, woman and child foi miles arouoMl knows Mr. C. A. Har- ries, the genial I'ostmaster al Lovett. Mr. Harris is a hale old gentlenmr 75 years of age, and considering hii advanced years is remarkably wel' preserved, strong and healthy. But he was not always so. Five oi six years a:go he was at the point of death, being fearfully run down and a complete wreck with Bright's Disease. He was so low that no one evci dreamt that he could pull through, and yet he is alive and well to-day. This is a statement of the case in Mr. Harries' own words : â€" "In 1897 1 was at the point of Joath with Bright's Disease, and was a complete wreck. I could not even dress myself or turn in my bed, but now I urn a well man, and 1 attribute it all to Hodd's Kidnev Pills. "I am 75 years old, and for a man of my years I feci quite strong and healthy. 1 con.sider llodd's Kid- ney Pills a good medicine to take :n the Spring, a.s> 1 have found it a great blood purifier. "As a PoS'tmaster I come in con- tact with a great many people, and I know of my personal knowledge that a great many in this country are using Uodd's Kidney Pills with the best lesults." Such evidence should be most, con- vincing to any who may still doubt that Dodd'.s Kidney I'ills will cure Uright'B Disease. The honest, earnest, straightfoi^ ward testimony of snich ropuxable people certainly deserves the con- (Idence of everyone. If Bodd's Kidney nils can and do cure Bright's Disease, which is the very wor.st form of Kidney Trouh'c, they oertuinly will cure any of the le.seer forma. The death rate at Santiago de (.'uba under Spani.sih rule was 137 p«r 1,(1(10. Now, under American sanitation, it has fallen to T2. Lifebuoy Soap â€" disinfectant â€" is strongly recomir.ondod by the medi- cal professij)n ns a safeguard -against infectious diseases. I MlQQiU's LimiDsni cures coroci in com. The biggost nugget of tin on re- cord has been found at North Dun- das, in Tasniftnia. It weighs ,'),'1IK> pounils, and is G7 per cent, iiuro tin. I bought a horse with a Rupposed- ly incurable ringbone for 5.'0.00, cured him with $1 (K) worth of MINAHD'S LINIMENT, and sold him in four months tor $85.00. I'ro- 111 on Liniment, $,-.4.00. moise; derosce, Hiotel Keeper. St. Phillip's, Quo., Nov, let, 1901. Anxious Wifeâ€" "Mr. Dunner has called again for that money you owe. 1 wish you'd see about it, or something dreadful will happen. He says ho won't waitâ€" anyâ€" longer â€" a'^tiini â€" is â€" nuiney!" t'nlm llu.s- band â€" ".So it is, my love. I'd for- gotten. Tell him I'll pay himâ€" in time." Anil itorli* •(! Ihv t'atd tKlfttivff Bronm (^utnlnA TablrU ctira i o«ld la ont J»*. No Cum. N 'â-º r»| Trice %o«nti. An.v child over seven can be pro- secuted as a criminal in Kngland; but in (ierinnny twelve Is the limit of rcaponsibillty. $33.0O '1H» rillO PACIKIC COA.S'l' from Chicago via the Chicago A North-Wcstern U'y every day during •Septcnilicr nnd October. One-way soioiid-clasB tickets at very low rates from (Chicago to points In Colorndo, Utah. Montana, Nevada. Idaho. Ore- gon, W'ashinRton, California nnd various othir polnti. Also special round-trip Homescekcrs' tickotn on tlrst nnd third Tucadayn. August, Hcptonibor nnd October to Pndflc Coast and the Wcot. Full partlcu- IniH from nearest ticket agent or nddretw 11, 11. Ucnnott, 3 ^4lSt King St., Toronto, Ont. LEMONS Extra Fine Stock 300 or 360 size, $3.50 PER BOX. The DAWSOX COMMISSIOX CO., Limited. TOROXTO. WHOLESALE Staple Olothing Alas PANTi, KNICKERS, OVeRALL.6, aMOOK*. Ac. A^k your dealer ior these goods- BEST EVER. WYLD. DARLING COMPANV, LIMITtB, TlMVrO. GUR BRANDS. King Edwrd ma deadlight" 'â-  Eagle " " VJotorIa " " Little Comot" Don't Experiment with other and inferior brands, USE EDDY'S Claraâ€" "Men are the most impa- tient creatures!- Harry know.s that 1 have an olTcr from Mr. Oldcha'P, who is just rolling in wealth, yet Harry is just as unreasonable and babyish as if he thought I really cured for that old greybeard. Hurry is so ugly about it that he won't do me the smallest favor." Moth- ei^-"\Vhat did you ask Harry to do?" Clara â€" "I merely asked him to wait and be iny second hus- band." Seven physicians arc attochod to the personal retinue of the Czar. MIflarfi's Llnlmeot Cuies Colds etci Germany has 22 shipyards, em- ploying 60,000 men. Minafd's Liniment Cures Olphtlierla, TO TELL THE AOE OF FISH. At a recent meeting of the Koynl Society of London it was demon- strated by photographs that tsh scales show annular markings which indicate successive years of growth. The lines formed in summer are more widely sei>uruted than in win- ter. These indicate the growth of the fish in years. This is simply an a|iplication in fish lore, which is well known in botany. The age of trees is aiJcertnincd l)y the annnul markings. In future it will be a simple matter to leiirn the age of a lish by oxaniining the scales by n microscope. About 80 rings ore formed the first year, 25 in the second, and 1.5 in the third. After- ward the rings incrcaic by 10 to 112 per ,vear. THK MOST POPUCAR DSNTIPRIOE. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. th» tetth. Iwntans *lia breath. ItrangthanB th« gumi TO niuF. A i'»M> •â- i ovF. nxt. T»k • L.tt>l'T> Bfonn ^uinian Txtileto. All Arnr- -i.t. re:iint Ui« funn.y il a !*il* to cure. E. W Brass Band I Instruments, Drum*, Uniforms Etc. { EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BANO Lowest prices ever quoted. Fire catut-igu", I J00111u'itr»ilnn».injllrd free. Write ua for smy. thing In Mn.<lr or tliistml liKtrumrBt'. WHiLEY RQTCE & CO., li.mM, Toronto. Ont and ninaipeg, Man YOUfi OVERCOATS •ad fwled Suiu would look b«ttfr tljed. It nt minX of ourt Id your cowu, wnte dltct MuntrtU. Lot U^ BRITISH AMKItlCAN OrCIN3 CO. Montreal. c Ptnrs'T iN- Delgium has 21) J miles of railway to every ]0t> si|uai-e miles of surface. Ib'ilaiii has 17, tlerinauy 14. and the Viiited fcitales miles only. MInafd's Liniment Cures Mmp. Home, tliough the cnpital of Italy, is not the largest city. It has only 4f):2,O0O people, while Milan has 490,- 000, and Naples 700.000. Psr O .r .^l^tf Vrar*. At Old *ni> WnLTRun RtMior. â€" Vn WinKlnwn ^onttllll|la]r^\tp hin heen n\eA for owtir lil't yntt hjt mlhlnio i.f molhcri for th -if cMWrm wM • iMlh nt. with pt r'Ml •uwe'ji. It louthri the chll.l. Mofteii^ tli« cun.fi. alinllKlI puin, ciir.B w.nil co:ic, kod !â-  ihp lj«..t rvtne^ly for PiarrhiPft 1..* p e» knt t« iha imi p. Sow li» d untMj in oerr p«ri of the wor d. Twiiil;-n?rn-iit> Alwi'lo. Pa <>lu« l« I- â- â€¢ onliMe ta Hire and «Hi for Mr». Wlai.ow'e Uooth ng Byrup fttid iMken 1 other kind. i HO HUMBUG «m»M.i.> LAOf • BumM)e8wiu«V,ttiockX«iK«i ui<iC»lf ^ /VcV ! |)fhoiik»r. StopiiwiBflot »Jt »«»itrvM 4^C^ "^ lit»<,withtati>eMkd». Iitr«fl« )Ura«. Irttiravnialitirp Pft^tt ^O • r t,>n ' |I ' l}.».llfty«,'03forl7yn;Cui«a«IXr 17. lH«is jn. riEicm •itiguTo:^, r>tr««id, Uw^ v. 9. ^ j Dominion line Steamshlpii [ Montrael to Urarpoot Hoftvoo to Li*tr< pool. Portlaoil to Liverpool. ViaQuetna- ; towQ. . lArte •â-¡d Ytut .Sf^ainihipe. Sur«r<or nccorai'Od*lt()& ' fortirclaaBest^ na-iengrrt. &\l.)OD..t aud flt»terYieni» ftre auU'lf^ipa. S|.ec!»Utt«iitliithu« Woiirau to the ' Bac-ond Stlot'Q und Thirtl-C.Krt a.ioniinuaftiton. For ' rntraof [waHtfff ftnd all puticultra, appijr to ajiy a^nt '. of tttu Coiupan;, or j Riol.>rd>>, MIUl4 Co, D. Torrkicr It Co II dUtaSt. Bo to*. Montreal ui t forUanl. >vooD« Photo. Emcruivo, J. LJONES t^C..C? i^ lOtt BAY STREET â€" lOROMlO In .lO years the average height of Ilritish nn'ii luts ris«>ii an inch. The present average height for n man of ill) of the up|ior classes in Mritain is !S feet 81 inches. $100 Reward, $100- The rea'tera of thin pspor vl'A be pleased to l«!trn that t'^'^ts Im itt. i aat one dreadfil diaenio Ihklaoirnteb k« bftn abla to cnre In all \u • likgea inl iii.tt li CaUrrh. Hikll'a Oitnrrh Cure is iiieon'.y piMl'lve ouro now koown to themediotirrntsrn.tr. < » ikrr.t beisj u con •litutlonul dii*eH4e. reqtiiret s cas.tiintlonftl treiitment. Ilsil'a Oautn h Carets t.keu in- tsiniklly. ncMoK direotir oa th9 b:aoi mid inucoua I ur(«co« of Iho «y<tetii. lltareby d«« IroyliMI the r. undatlOD »( iha rtlieat'e, and fiT.ni the pitientilrrn^tli b^ building uo 'he oonttiiu'loii Sid K»iiit.tng nnturs <« da ng ita work. The proprlelPr< have ej much fsuh n ItirurstlTeiowera, thHt Ihoy orTer One Hun- dred Ildlari forsny t-aue that It fnili to curs. S nd for Mat n( tsillmniiMli, Addr»M_ r. J. t'HENKY J£ CO.,Tosdo, a Slid br nranilat,7.K-. Hsl.'e Fnmtlj Pllfsorotho b:»t. niohhsâ€" "Wigwag is olwnys going to low nbo<it something." Slobbsâ€" •That's right. Tie's even going to uiarry n girl mimed Sue." If ycu are Irvinij to save ittvjn- ey we can be of assistance to you and shall be >;lad of na opportunity of showing you in what w ay. Mean- time let us emphasize the feeling of security our depositors have- THE ranada permanent ^ *"=• WESTERH CANADA MoRTQ A QE ConPCRATICN. TOKONFO ST., - TOkOMO. W I» €1143 iHiiM

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