Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1902, p. 5

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The flesheeton advance AUGUST 28 1902 tnetbodist « Cbureb* c»A8TOKâ€" Rev.J.S. I vlson Wilson Scrvice^Svindny 1 1 n.m & TT p. m SntjccU for ner.t Sa'jbiithâ€" Moiuiii!; â€" " What doc->l "ihou heri», Elijfth'f" â€" A mcssagrt tothe liueouraged. Erenini'â€" Tlie Devii in Ink. Vicinity Chips iiUarac'tcristics «r tU'' Past ftcek <;aref»illy Culled for tli« Curious -*»â€" Arte.uieaia council will meet oii Monday next. Fresh lima always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. Housekeeper wauts .situationâ€" For in- formation CDmrannicate with this office. Miss Wilila Grosaley is in Toronto this week alttinJina'the millinery opening. Tlic Slithodist church atmiveraary ser- vices will Vx; held on Sunday, Sept. 21. JFurtber announcement later. . Mr. C. W. Bellamy v,as at Guclph Ift.st week aticm-Uiig as delegtito tlio t. O. F. fii^h Court- Fiv saleâ€" GiXid tnpestty cari;ot, lUmost Sew, also other artiole. Apply to Mrs. IF^te Graham, Fle£herti>c. Go'xi cider vinegar tor pickling at the Medical Hall, 30 cents per gallon, -Also pickling.spice.-. Try thom. Postmaster Sproulakft on the harvest eicutsion last week for a visit with frtends io the Noithwest. He oicep'-S to absoiit about three weeks. Heart locket with name inscriptiw fuund on ihe recent excursiou lo Owen Sound. Owf.crcaii have it by applying to A. S. VaiiDusen, Flesherton. Owen Yaiidusen, one of the oldest res- idents of Owen Sound, and the man wlio started the first uewespaper there in ISoO. died last week, agca'S2 yeai-s. Toiiders wanted-For the paiutins; of the"wn3dwork if I'he outride of the Meth- odist church, Fioahorton, u,. to uoou, Monday, Sept. 1st, W02. For speciti- OHtioDS apply to W, Clayton. MoNEVTO LoASâ€" At 4i,lo 4J pjr ceii Expenses U>\Â¥. Also a nuinlier of im- provtHi and unimproved farms for sale cheap. 'Apply to,p^eo. Rutherford, Shcl- l.urue, or Doikak 'office Saturday -after- noon. Farm to rentâ€" 111 h con. Proton, -lOO acres, 90 cleared, ton acres hardwood ; in ,1 good ativto of fertility, well watered, good buildings. For further piuliculars apply to Mrs. M. Kgau, or J.Runstadtlor Flesherton. Owing to unfavorable iveather the Methodist Sabb.ath school picnic was held on the ;igricultural grounds Friday after- noon. The best of a Ind situation was made and the youus people enjoyed themselves very much. Mr. Chailey Richardson and W. Eng- lish returned last week from a twelve day- trip around the Georgian Bay. taking ia Killamey, Collin's Inlet, the Bustards, Bing Inlet. Parry Sound and the Cliristiau Uland.s. Dr. E. K. Richardson was also one of the p;uty. Wo are givinT very special values in all lines of summer dress a<>ods, prints, mus- lins, uingkanis, summer corsets, summer underwear, men's summer suits, ladiet' shirt waists. Wo give you 25 pounds Kedpaths yrajiulated sugar for §1.00. Tbos. J. Sheppard. We notice by\ho Brighton Ensiiin that at a recent corona'ion service in that town •'Mr. R. N. Henderson, one of Toronto's celebrate<l baritone siug-rs." rendereil a nolo which was very highly appreciated. This is our own R. N. who i.s deveh'ping a powerful v«i?c. But then Newt, can Jo anything ho undertakes and doit well. Master Edgar Morrifon, of Maxwell, who att>nded the Flesherton school a year or so ago, d.-^iui; work ia the con- Unutlioii cWs, h.i.s .secured his second clans certificate after putting in one year Ht thu CoUhigwiX'd high school. The young man is only nixteon years of age. Mr. irwin Morrison, reeve of Osprey is his uncle. Mr. F. T.Carr of Eugenia occupie<l the . Mothodisi pulp t <n Sunday liori.ing, I preaching from .lictcJt. "Salt is good The -seruioii waa very highly appri-ciatitl by those who heard it. The evening .••er- mon by the pAst<^r wan on "Pany Poli- ties," and was nnuoiatly good. ^Vo pur- jMxse pttbli>hii g a report of thi.s sermon next week. The Ranlen j>arty held at Mis. Hiiiibliii's fwidence, MHXwell.lost Wednesday crtsn- ing under the audpices of the English charch there, turned ouc to be a decided success. Notwithstanding it wa-s a ni.^at busy time with the farmers of the rieisrh- borhood and the night was most unfavor- able for an assemblege of people â€" raining heavily most of the evcnin.,', a g"odIy number gathered and enjoyed themselves indoors with games, singing, etc. The procsuda of the evening amounted to about twenty dailara. Messrs. J. and J. Paton, at S. Talbot's residence last week, lathed and pl.aattretl, two coats, 50t) square yards in five and. a half days. This is considered pr-itty fast work and the gentlemen would like to hear of some one who can beat it. Mrs. J. P. Ottbwell of this place has among her many floral treasures an hy- dran>;ea of the Thomas Hogg variety which attrActs much attention. The plant measures twelve feet iu circumfer- ence and is loaded with huge bunches of bloom, ranginsj up to nine inches in diameteMind two feet in circumference. There are forty-ono of these fine bunches in bloom, making an extremely attractive plant aQd^one of which the owner is justly proivi. BiLsiness was aood in the pnlico court OB Monday when Magistrate VanDusen had four caaos b.'fore Uini Messrs. Sam Phillipj, VViu. Piiillip-s .lohnand R<ibBrt Sciili-y iif Osprejr were charged by G. B. Glassfo^d of Maxwell with having created a disturbance and fighting in hio hotel on Wednesday of hust week, 20th inst The parties acknowledged the corn and were each taxed 32 and cost.s,aniouiiting in the aggregate to §33.66. We understand that other c;»se3 are likely to develop out of th fracas . From aha;iJsome illustrated prospectus of the Meaford high school,, issued by £ne Mirrevr printing othce, Meaford. we learu that this up-to-date and very well-known high .schiol has aaain been unusually suc- cessful in its work for the year. Seventy- eight per cent of those recommended p.assed the various axammatiotis. Of the 28 who wrote for Part II Junior Leaving, 22 were successful ; and some of these successful ones spent only one year in the high school and at tiieir entrance to the high school knew nothing of Algcba*, Euclid, Latin and German. We notice also the wide range of work done this year by this sciv-xd, â€" Matriculation, Junior and Senior Leaving, Scholarship, and Commercial Diploma. In fact there is no form of work done by the largest Cillosjiate in the country that the school doos not do. One pupil, 2«. H. Anuing has won the Chancellor's scholar .ship (S^WI and the Mowat scholarship (S150) given by Queen's University to the pupil ranking highest in JIatheinatics. AH parents, pupils and teachers wishing a copy of this useful and beautiful pro- spectus whioh is a compendium of useful information not only about Meaford and its high school but about all the various courses of study and the latest educa- tional changes of vital interest this year to every teacher of continuation work, can have one by sending name and ad- dress to J. L. Ootnwell, B. A., Principal, Meaford. Cuiupbelton Hero to the Front That famous Clydesdale stallion the Maxwell Company h.ave will stand for mares at .Maxwell hotel for season 1902 at $10 00. Is one of the sreatest stock getters in the cauntv, which is proven by his stock. G. R. GL VSSFORD. 29a. Horse Breeders, Attention I Having purchased the famous youuc Clydes<lale strJliou, Hi nour Bound, fi'-iui Mr. Will. McCluiiL', Euphrasia, I give notice to parties having mitres to breed that he wiil s'an.l at my stable, lot No. 21, con. 10, -Vrtetiicsia, for .service the balance of thi.s sumni jv. His color is dark liay with one white hind and one fore foot. with star on foreheml. He has proven to be a very sure foal getter, and the 10 or 12 spring colts from hiin are of superior quality and »11 will be about the siune color a-s himself. He was 'i years old la.st 33rd May. Terms: â€" To insure, SS.OO, with reduction en- ugh to pay jiaities timo coming a distance. Inspection invited. Peiligree on applicitiou. JOSEPH BUCHAX.AN. He Is a Flatterer. The writer of the fidlowing letter has Battery down to a 6 no art, and his quaint methods embvdden ii-i to put his letter in tyj>e,fi>r which offence we trust the writer will j>artlon u.-<. George's ."tttful way of referring to our depleted pocket book ia oortainly goovl. Grand Kapids. Mich., Aug.20, '02. yir. II'. II. Th)mifu, I'le^eiion. Dt.tR Friend :â€" I w.as much pleased to r»?^d in the Advance r<^ct•utIy that you H-ere going to have a week's vacation.even though it meant th<> su.sponaion of your nji'wsy puhlicjition for one issue. You will no doubt wonder why I should be in- terested in your behalf, so will expltin, and yriu will then see that I am prompted by a purely selfish motive Here it is . â€" On previima occasions when you have laid aside the pencil, .scissors aud paste- pot and taken a jaunt up the lakes in Search of recreation and northern ozone, and later returned to the arduous duties devolving upon a country publisher, you hare inserted in the colums of The -Ad- vance a seriid story brim full nf interest- ing descriptions nf your experiences while abroad. The perusal of these chapters I have enjoyed to the utmntt, especially so your voyage up the Georgian B;iy some two or three years ago, so you see I am anticipating another treat in the coming ts-sues of your paper, and the more inci- dents you have to relate.the better I like it, for you have a way of describing things that is peculiarly interesting. Usually, after a fellow baa had a vaca tion, he is somewhat short on "phaBsce,"' so, taking it for granted that an odd dollar w->uld come handy to you in case of a possible emergency, I will en- close a Canada money order for that amount and kindly ask you to credit me with same on lubscriprion. Cirdially, George V. Hot.mav. PERSONAL Mr. Lorenzo Norris of Woodstock is vi.siting his mother, Mrs. J. White. Mrs. A Allan of Toledo, Ohio, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Beat, who is sick. Mr. Downey of Toronto Junction spent Sunday with the family of Mrs. Joy. Mr. J. D.Clark of Oicawa paid a flying visit to relatives here on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R X.Henderson of Tor- onto are spending a few days here with friends. Dr. T. Henderson, Toronto, called in on Monday wh'rn in tuwn visiting old friends. For the story of a gr»od exciting time (not our choice) tead Eugenia correspon- dence. - V. Twenty-nine tickets were sold at this station last week for the Manitoba bar- vest excursion! '*^ Miss Stella and Master Eddie Loucks leave to-day (Thursday) 'or an e.xtendei visit with friends in (3ttawa. Mr. and Mrs George Mitchell left last week for their home in Buflalo after a visit with friends liore. Miss Edna Pedlar of Thorahury has boon the ijucst 'if young girlfriends here during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt and Master Everett of CoUingwood visited friend here the past week. â€"THEâ€" WESTERN FAIR LONDON Sept. 12-20 - - 190? A n«dley o< SpcctacaUr Merit Prof. Hutcliinsoji, the Huiua'i Bomb, m a thrilliu.:; b^iloon a.scension and para- chute drop. The nurvelous Cycle Dazzle Tho Osiiatos in a sensation novelty. Thi- great Gay, the Handcuff King. The Olifans, Continetital Eccentriques. Man- ning and Du Crow, famous M-mopedes. Rosa Navnon, with her Troupe of Trop- ical Trained Binis. The Bai-I Bros., Ac- robatic Wonders. Chri«aie M. Jonc;. Cornet Virtuoso. Magnificent Pyn^tech nics and many other features. Special train service over all linos. Exhibits further ahead than the times. Grounds incidiously beautiful. Buildings irresist- iblylnviting. Prize lists, maps, programmes and infojtiiatiou for the asking frtun Lt.-Co.m. W. M. Gartshor£. President. J. A. NBLX.KS, Secretary. f1dtiiini$trator'$ Sale. ot Valuable property in the township of Osprey, in the coanty of Grey. ITntter iastTUCtioatflfrom the .\<lmiuistratn>r ot iU« ooUtso! Mu»RO L>aa.'., !it« c! tto townslop of Osproy iu tho county of Giev. faru>»r, Oo- oeaaeU. thevo willbosold by iniWio auction at the Teuivora-x^o Hotel 111 the village ot Ftjver- sba-..; iu Ibe -uuuty of Grey, ou Friday, September 36th, A. D. 1903 at 2 p. m., tho following property, namoly :â€" Lot niimber Sovei'toon (17' in tne Kleventli cnuces.iioTi 01 she t >WD8hi)) ot C5;>iey in tlis countv ol Giey.ooutaiuinsoaeliunared acres, ba the «aJiio mt>rt> or less Tbis fani! 's rituato about ouc mile from tl)« village of Fover^liaiu. AlKiut oiiihty acres »-re clearvj aud tho biilsacp Is tiuiborod with UarJ- woort. UiJon tho j-vcuiiBi's are said to l>o a fraiuo house.orin aUTi ahalf storioi. bigh; a frame bant SCilH HI a iiramo strawshorl. 4a.x48 with »ti»bl«s beneath. Tb«ro Is a nuiall orchard on cba preiuise?. XKKMS of SALB Ten percent, ot th« iiwrvbaso moiMy to be paid totha vmxioror bid solicitor on thsdav ot nale and t!io r>alaiie:* i'l thirty o.iys theroaftor wtthoiU iuterodt, into tbn Oauatian Ttank of Comiupicf at roro-.ito. to the Joint cr*Iit of the adnui^i>trator au;1 tho uIHcia) Kuanlian. Tho I'tov'crtv will b9 fold !>at<ject to ft re- serve biU. ttxc.t b^ the oniciat Guartliau. For iurt>,)r )<a- tic^iVAn ami eonditi.in.tof sale apply to the auderaigued. \Vn.i.tiv O.^VIDSOS, t.ruA9.\V)UGaT.t:M(-.MiDt.K Ad-.niniatrator, V«ndor"» Solicitor*, Hob Koy. !>. a. Owen Bountl. QatcO August X<nl, A.D., 1903. The Markets. CarefDllT Correr ed Each Week Oats 38-0 38 Peas Barley Butter £&gs fresh Pork 77 77 46 (0 48 15 to- In 13 :o 13 7 2S to 7 25 Hay Potatoes bag 6 00 to 6 OO 45 -.0 50 For Sale or Rent. FARM FOR SALE Only $1300. 9500. balance easy terms- intarnat 5,^, 100 acree, 75 cleared and under cultivation, balance ba<f c^tdar swamp and half mixed hardwood.. Com- fortable frame dwelling, frame ptst bam half mile from good school and 3 miles - from village of Eugenia, -^pply to R. .1. ^ Sprouie, Flesherton. , For sale or to rent for a tana of vearaâ€" two lots oil the corner of Peter and EhzalKth street. Flesherton on which are erected a sood brick dwellins lioas9,framo baru aud stables, together with other out buildicgs ; also good orchurd of apples, pears, cherries and small fruit i ; occupi- ed for the last five years as a Presbvterian manse. Apply to Mas. Sttibs, FleahortduP. O. Flesherton, July -21, 1902. [ Id ilES THE OWEN SOUND cifiiiHiiiiin RE-OPENING Cu«$day, Sept, 2,1^2. The Owen Sound CoUegiate Institute will re-open for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept 2nd, at 9 a. m.,wben pupils will be enrolled and classified, and classes organ- ized for the General course ; the Commer- cial Course ; for all grades of Teacher's Cert ilicittes ; for Pass and Honor Junior and Senior Slatri.-uIation,and for entrance into all the learned professions. Staff and Equlpmaat The Staff consists of eight teachers, all speo- ialisls, and men of the highest profasaional standing. The equipment is thorooeblv modern and efflciect, and among the best in Oatario. I CTwa ^ The fees are: For County Grey pupils. Ten Hollars per year; for pupils from other counties Ten to Twelve DoUara per vear. For annual Announcement or other iaforma> tion apply to THO». .MURRAY, JNO. U THER FORQ, P'-incipaL Sec'-Treasnrer. FapxTi for* Sale Mt- Clieaip. Lot l(s conce£6iou I'i towuship of osprey, clear of incumbrance; 96 acres. 65 cleared, baU anCQ hardwood bash; ia good sta*^ of oultiva- Mon,clt?or of noxious weeds; good frame bara aud stablos under, 40sGO; agood boose 30x39. i storey, under storev stone, upper frame. woU finished, a good frost proof ceMartwoodsbed ai x30. a 15-l>arrel ct3^e^n and uever^faiiinR weJI and pump in good order, all under roof: plenty of water for stock iu pajJture. Terms of sale. ?oOO c;us!i. balance to suit the parcb&ser, 5 per cent, on balance. My reasou for selling is ill- ness, and tbe place muse be sold. There is an orcb ird of about IJ acres and between 6 aod 6 acr«s of iaJI wheat. Scbool J mile, cburobes within 1 or2 mile?; about two xuiles from Fev- sham Applvtothe owner bv letter cr en tbe premises. - JOHN SPEERS, Feversbam, P.O.,Cnt In tbe matter ot the estate of Mungo D&ttd, lat« cf Che Township of Osprev. in th** CouQtv of Grey. Farmer. <ioceas<»d. - Notice is iibrebv ^iven pursuant t^_â-  'Jie 'He- vised Statutes of Ontario,' 1887. chBiTter 123. that all creditors and others havini: claims a;^ainst she estate of the s&id MUNGO UAXD. who died on or about the «ltiveut:i 'iij of Siaxcb, A.D., I90£, are required on or h^jiore the tWenty-secouti iay of September. lOOJ to ?ead bypost, prapai : or deiiver toiWUUani Davidsoc. Esq., Rcb Rov. P. o.. Ontario, administrator of tbe estate of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and fuU narticuiars of their claims, the statement of their accouutia an 1 tho nature of the securities, if anv. held by them. Andfurtiior take notice that aitci- sach mentioned dat« the said executors will proceed to distribute the aiisecs of the decease^) auicnu: the parties entitled thereto, havlugre^axi onlv to the claimb of which they shall thon hav»» uotace. and that the said esecntors -xi'.]. not oe liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or itersons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by iiimi at the time of such ilistributioo. Dated the 18th dav of A>agust. A.D., 1901 LL'CaS, WHIGHT dk Mc.lKDLE, Solicitors for the administrator. Owen Sound, Oat.. ICIliy 1108. Ft>R Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ^ - Flooring. We have just placed in position a new planer aud matcher and are prepared to furnish building m.iterial in all the above lines. Get our quotiitions when you w.ant anything. Hickling Bros. 8th con., Artemesiaâ€" Maxwell P. O. 10 July, oe C X Sbeppard FleslTorton Eugenia ^ Special 2/a/ues Tjhi;^ 7/^onih . . . ^> ^\ m m 9\ n\ musliii-s price, troods. »^ \»/ \»/ Hi \»> w \V \V ilf ^^ ^ iff ikt \A iit \«i 7)epartmeni, \k We want you to see the snperb selections wo have made to sell at popular prices. These inclinle every fashionable fabric and are out after the latest (lesig;ns in all lines of summer goods. Our prints delaines, Sunituer Dry Goods all being cut iu AVe have received already some of our fall Our stock of shirtings, cottonades. Haunelettes.wrap- perettes, cantou flannels and derry being very well shippetl. We are giving some special values in men's and boys' clothing, we want you to bnng your boys here to our clothing deptirtuieut antl let us show you how coui- plotely yet how economically Ave can fit them out not only with suits but with every article of haberdashery from hats to hosierv iuclmliug shoe^. Sn Our 9^i en's of the swellest tailors. You will find in our store the latest styles of hats and everything that is worthy in habertlashery but at prices considerably below what othei-s charge for identically the same qualities. sooxs A^MD skoe:s Our Boot and i5hoe Department is complete in all lines of Men's heavy and light shoes, women's wearing and fine shoes, also girls" ami boys' in all prices. We buy direct from the inauufacturei"s thereby you the middle man's profit. .sixvmg GROC£RI£:S Our stock of Groceries is always kept fre.^sh. Our i?,x'. Japan and lUack Teas being somewhat extra in value, we w(.)ultl a.sk vou to "ive tlicin a trial. A full line of crockery always kept ou hand. Highest price for all kind's ot pi-oduce. ili ill Of \ii \iif iAi ilii Oil T. J, SHEPPARD I

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