Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1902, p. 4

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' < ' ^' Seitkmher 11, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANdE f ^imm^^ I F, T. HILL & CO I mm-m^-^^ rk:dtjced jn pi^iceb. For the next ten days we shall offer tlie most remarkable values in all lines of sum- mer j^oods. We must have the space they now occupy for Fall Goods which are arriving daily. These prices with scores of other lines should make buying brisk for the next ten days. 20 Dozen Seamless Cotton Hose (liermBtlorf dye) the iTi,'ular 18 cent tjimlity. Spcoiiil until nil uro sold 2 jjiiir for 25 500 Yards Fancy Colored Muslins, also white. None of iliese are worth lesa tlmn 20 cents, while niobt of thLMU are worth 25c. per yard. Extra special niitil all are sold at per yard 10 48 Liidics' C(dored Shirt Waists, self collars and fast color.s. Most of tliese have been in stock but a few days and are regularly sold at 50 cents. Clear- now at, each only 25 3 Dozen Ijiidies' Velvet Belts, ( new style. ) Clearini; at, each 15 „ New.. I Goods NOW PLACED IN STOCK. New Import Dress Goods Men's New Suiti.iws Mod's Ready-to-wear Suits. Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits. New STiirtings. New Flannelettea. New Shoes ;;â- 'â- â- 'â- ,.' New Rubbers. Thei^e (loods are now in stock and ready for selling and represent the best values you'll find. In anticipation of an unusually large Fall Trade, we are paring down profits to the lowest point. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. •^b»-^i*««^*^* F. T. HILL & CO THE TEMPER.\NCE CAMPAIGN I Tlipi'o 13 a nnivorsal impre-ssiou abroad that it i<j a forlorn hope to at- tempt to carry prohibition under the | conditions laid down by the Roh? gov- j crnmcnt, but since making a careful j reading of the proposed Act wo fail to I see any justification for this helief. | The conditions are not so hard aa the : jMople have been led to believe. It resolves itself down to this : If the I people aie in canicHt arid will takn the pains to come out and vote aa they would in a political contest the Act can be carried without any doubt. It simply means tiiat the temperance party must poll a majority of tiio votes I cast in the political campaign of 1808. Hectiju 101 of the Act reads in full as follows : In casO it appears frciin the said susn- mary that a majority of the votes on die Kaid <|UeHtron are in the allirni- alive and that I ho nurtiher of votOii on llio Siiid ijucstion in tlm nttirniativu exceeds one half of the nuinher of votes cortiHed to by the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery as heruinatter mentioned, the Lie\iten>int Oovornor in Council slmll i.ssno his I'ro- claiuiition in Ihe Onlmio (Jt(x<((.' doclarui},' I'lut II, of ihJH Act to bo inforjo oii.froin and after tlie first day of May, li)04, and I'ut J I. of this Act shall com! into force and laliu edect <>ii,fioin and nftor tlui snid date accordingly, but ttie provisions coii- laiiied ill sud I'att II. with rospoct to applications for license, and all iimtifii C'liiiioctud therowilh or appertaining thereto, and w.tli rrspect to the issue of such licenses may 1)0 resorted lo, applied and followed at any •Unn before the sard tiist day of May foi the puipi HI) of procuring the in:me of I'.; MIS )s under this .XiU to take e.'lect on ami from the said dute. (2) I'he Chirk of the (.-"lown in Chancery shall certify under Inn band and seal to the I,ieutenaiit-(Joveiiior in Council the to'.al nuinbi-r of votes arrived at by aild- inx li);4ether (1) th" Mites polled for all of the ea'idi latos at the general election of iioMiibcrs to Borvo in tlie r,e;;islalivo .\ssonibly in the year 18'.I8 except in the lilecloril Dutnci of Ottawa ; (2) one half of iho Votes polled fcir all the ciindidates ill the -aid Electoral District*if (Htawn ami {.\) the liuii.bcr of votes poll d at the list contested election held prior to the »"iid general tlocliou in tvery elect nal dittrict for which i; candidate was rtitiirn el ill 1H;)8 by acclainaiion. The one thing in the above which HJiould inspiie con!idi;uco in n victory ia the fact that shnuM this luajmity bo .secured this Act ia brought into fjrcc, no matter what govornment It jJdB the reins at 'I'oroDto. The Hec- tion eayt) tl:o Lieut Gov. in Council thaU isstie hil proclamation declaring the Act to bu ill furco. Tlinte is no lialf way ineusiiro about it. It roftii wholly with the tcmpmance i>cople to «1j their duty in-r.-ly as well 8« they would if it were a case of politics aud) prohibition will be carried. Certainly! a great moral question of this kindj should be worthy of more atteutioni than a matter of politicsâ€" surely thcj people will consider it a moral dutyj devolving upor. them, even at the I sacrifice of a little time or iiiconvcn-! ieuce, to come out aud cast their vote I on Dec. 1 next. No matter if the way be a little difDoiilt, victory means all| the more. EAST GREY FAIR. Exhibitors of live stock this year at the East Grey fair will have tho privi- lege of enjoying export opinions as to tho merits of their aniiuals. The government will supply expert judges for horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and swine . For horst'3 the judge will be Dr.tl.G.Reid of George- town ; beef cattle and sheep, John Campbell, Woodville ; dairy cattle and Bwino, R. McCuUoch, Suclgrovo. Flesherton is tho only lair in tlii.s county where thoKo expert judges will be cinpioycd, and tlii.s fact ought to draw out iti ojinpclitioii all tho bjat stock ill the county. In all other do- , parttnents the society will have to ^ supiily judges as usual. There was a desire on tho part of the government to Biipprcas 3p.)a dill ^ ;v.\ 1 oilior special atttiactions, but their oppo;ition to this has boon withdrawn, they having tacitly admitted tiiat something .if the kind is necessary. Dills of tno East Grey fair will bo issued this woek giv^ ing full tinnoiinceitioiit. W. HOCKLEY I*r»oton. - Proton. Great Reductions IN READY-MADE CLOTHING iVlen'.s all-wool tweod suits, §9.00, reduc- ed to 75 iMen's Fancy tweed suits, $7.50, reduced to 5 tX) Roys' 3piccesitit.s,S3.75, reduced to 2 95 Hoys' 2 piece suits, *:5. 00, reduced to 2 25 Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dross "oods, regular sclli.ig price DOc. to -iOo., reduced to li) Hoys' blouses, regular prioes 60o reduced to 45 Groat snaps in tlannole'.te shirts. 50 Men's llaiineletlo shirts, regular 50 Cent, denriug out at 35 Tailor-made Suits A snap for young men, ruj;ular SIC and «!17 suits for 13 and 14 Every suit gnaranterd to Ht, or uo sale. STRAW HATS. Men's tine straw liats 25 to 30c fi.r 20 Ljidies sailor hats, regular 50uik1 GOc for _ 40 24 Men's Sweaters, clearin)) out at o8 12 Boys sweaters, clearin<< out at ... .45 .\ large nasiirtnioiit of Ladies kid gloves, ref.'nlar $1.25 and §1.15 g,.ods for tK) A Large Assortment of Fancy Glassware l>idl)est i>rice paid for Butter and €99$ ••••* Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Tiiko Imxutivu lliomo Qninino Tablets All tlruKKlHt^ vututul tltH moiioy if it (aila to cure W lo.Uiovo'uulKuature i» oil (lach box 9oo Notwiihslnndiiig the large utunber of cement factories that Imve been opon- od for business during tliu past year or two, the demand still appears to more thau liiKip piico with the supply, in fact tho prices have ftctmilly advanced. Owen Sound comont is now qiiotul, il 20 and ,•? 2 BO per barrel, an advftnct> of 70c. frotu spring prioes. Now hbcs for cninont are daily being discovered | and the limit of production is farfiomj being reaolk'd, Won't somebody plouae' pirsent us with a few cement shares ! , Wo undorstrttidono of the Owen Sound | factories receully paid their sliiircliold era 100 per cent, dividend. A few' about: I 1 almrcH in that concern would Ht'iit u.^. " Looking back«l see 1 never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We liave litteii successfully stubborn cases that otiicrs have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, Su,l.scril)o for the A.lvancc '»eweler and opticia nowâ€" 20 eta. to Jan. l8t,1903.| ^i rj^^^pxON. Bov(l,f)lcklliig W^ FLiE-SHERTON Our First Anniversary. At the expiration of our first year's business and the conclu.sion of a very successful summer season we desire to extend our cordial thanks to our customers for the generous sup port accorded us. For the Future. We're not standing still! For the coming season we are making full preparation, and can coiiiiilently promise that our customers will find every possible want anticipated, as we intend showing the fullest and most widely assorted selection of seasonable goods ever exhibited here. SOME : : : EARLY ARRIVALS. y^ New goods are coming in every day and we're «^ busy luiiricing them oft' and putting themin- ^ to stock â€" among them are â€" New Dress Goods New Homespuns New Blouse Cloths N ew Broatlcloths â-  "'-. New Trimmings New Wmpperettes New Flannelettes New Mantles New Furs New Footwear New Fall Caps New Rubbers New Overcoats New Clothing. HEAHD^yy^i^RE I>EI>'T SPORTSHEN'S REQUISITES. New Breechloading Rifles and Shot Guns Smokeless anil Nitro Powders Shells of all descriptions. Re loailing Tools. Shot â€" all sizes. LAHP GOODS. New Lilirary, Banquet, Table, Hall and Hanging Lamps. New Glassware and Chinaware Dinner Setts â€" Tea Setts Toilet Sotts. A wonderful variety of Fancy China. Popular Prices. Boyd,l^ickltng&eo. 'jKr.i

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