Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1902, p. 5

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T il fi F I. E S H E R T N ADVANCE September 11, 1902 IHctbodist = €burc!)» T3cjsb«rton ;».VBTORâ€" .Kc;v.J.». tvison Wilson f^*?rvlce-^Sunclay 1 1 n m.& 7 p. m &ihjfcta for next SSaTihsthâ€" Mn'OilVi â€" The Lord's SIi?nsurc Kveniiii;â€" Tlie Social Evil. Biptlsc Cqurcli, Flestierton Preachier. Rev. H. CooKe. S(jrvice Su'ul-ty morning al 11 nVl'.'ok Siliject for next Sahtiat'i: "Temples ^f GnJ ." Vicinity Chips l"i:ir.icteristics of thi' Past «c<'k t'areruUy Called for the I'lirious r» Fr^^h lima always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. For plough poiuts of all kinds, go t>i I'tter McArthur, Priceville, Slilch cow for sale â€" Apply to W. Barn- lious', Flesherton Miss S. Eg:iu of Hamilrou is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. RunstaJtl.^1-. G'iO-1 ihrc.sbing engineâ€" a baiguiu, if t^kei. M once. R. P Lf !?««=, Ciil-jo. T 10 Artemesia Sabbath soh'«ol coiiveu- tii.ii will be held on Wediiesday.Sept. 17, )kt Priceville. Miss ZilU Trimble left on MtMiday to â- ^ take her s.-cond tciiu at Alma Uulies' college, St. Thomas. Masters Keudal and Dickie Lucas of Markdale are visiting with their gran;! pa, Mr. M. Richardson. Lostâ€" About July 21, one white ewe and two black-faced lambs, ewe and weather. Finder please communicate with Mrs. K. Paul, Eugenia. Mrs. Septimus Good of Buffalo is visit- ing with old iriends here. It is nir.e or ten years since Mr.at;d Mrs.Good remov- ed frcin Fiesheiton. Mr. \V. Stuart and wife, Mr. W. J. Bellamy aud wife and iMrs.J.'iV. Hender- son attc'ided I he funeral .>f the late Jas. Osborne at CoUingwcKxl on Satunlay last. Mr. A. E. L. Malone. late of the •• (Uveu Sound p<>stofBce, who is now acting 'V. - - .ARgeneral agent of the Imperii! L-fe Assurance Co., was in town on Tue.sday. Mr. Heib Smith, heail s;desman wi'h BoyJ, U'cklini; & Co., returned on M>n- day from a week's vi>it at the parental home, Hil'shurg. Mrs. Smith accompan- ied him. â€" D<U2 apprentice wantedâ€" .^n active yuun^ mau about 18 years of ag.s « if.h proper educational .[ualification to learn drug busii\ess. W. Turner & C-., Mark- dale, Ont. Messrs. N. Cisho') and S. P. En bury of Bishoji's Crossing, Quebec, were guests <.f Mr. and Mf. Geo. Buiritt the past wetk. They wiil ai<o spen.l a few days wiih Mr. W. S, Bishop of Kimberley. Mo.vEY TO Lo.isâ€" At 4^ lo 4J p -r cjn- Exptnses low. Also a number of im. proved aud unimproved farms for sale cheap. .Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shol- burne, or Dundais office Satunlay after ^ noon. Farm to rent â€" Uih con. Proton. 100 acres, IK) cleared, fen acres hatdwotid ; in a gowl state if tertili'y, well watered, giKid buildings For further particulars apply li Mrs. M. Egan, or J.Runsta.lFIer Fleshcttinj. Rev, J. S. I. ftilson opened the tern porauce cAiuiaisju on Sunday by the deliveiy of two rousin;? temperance sermi.n.-i, the morning to.\t btiui; from (Senesis i: i) and the evening .Vla'.thow 9: 28 and 2S). The prize list of Ospvey fall fnir, <<' l>e held at Fevershair. on October 2 and 3, i< now in the hanJs of Secretary W. J. Kernahan of Feversham, who »ill supply any por^oit who desires a copy. There will be plenty to go around this yoar, the tditiou couiprisii'g I'lOO copies. Mr. M. K. Richarvlson, SI. P., left on Tuesday uiorning lor a trip to Biitish Columl ia. Mr. Richardson does not kU4>w hoiv lonj; ho »iH Oo away, as his ticket is «<kkI to stopover at »ny point, -^ The trip will pr«)l)a''ly e.xtfnd o-er a ir.onth at 1-. ast.- Mrs J. Fitth.Flesherton.aftera miuth ♦pent as hou.=!ekt eper with Uev.ifv Thorn. • cainc over last week on a vi.^it ut pleasure and busineis. She wa-s the guc-«t of Dr.niHl Mrs. Huf.oii and other friends while in towa. Mrs. K. is enjoying Ftcsherton very in nch. -Review. .\ leinperan:? convention for Oenr.re Orey will be h, Id in Fle«herum on Mon- l)a; nfterM on r.e.vt, Sept. 15, f.r organi a.i'ion purpivses. The aftern.,i>n ses-siou ; will he held at 2 p.m.a'id a mass meeting â-  in the evening at 7 30 p.m., when aueakers* . will be pru.sent to oddreus the people, i E/eryh..dy is invlte<l to be present at i these meetinas Delegate.s from a Jistince ' will be billeted. Boyd Bros, erected a 2o<xl l.trca stabUi ! on thfir Ill's Oneaftem-><,a last week. The raisins; was done in the re'jubition way j with chosen .sides. VV. P. Cro.ssley and i 0. Patterson were captains, and ths former won. \V. P. Ls .so proud over liis victory that he insists on hiviii'^ it printed. D. McTavish.blaoksinith.hiis purchanetl a tire sottrin^ machine. With this machine tires can be set without taking them off the wheel, the work being done in from eleven to fifteen minutes. The machine weighs two ton and cost §210. It will be in operation next week. Any kind of a tire can be set by it, fnra a J-inch to four inches. The n-xm train on Tuesday was nearly two hours late owinsr to a rather unpleas- ant experience coming up the mountain. It was found impossitile to pull tue whole train aud it was divided inri- tw.i sections, one section rtniHiniug on the track while the oiher was taken to the top. On the engine's return it was unable to stop ow- ing to * wet track and crash, d irito the coaches, giving the pa.<senges a bad shaking up. Some who lai their heads out i.f the -.vindows got severe cats and bruises by bein? pounded against the sash when the impact came. Peterb. ro printeis passed a resolutioM calling for patronage of home industriea and deploring the action of mtjEchauts, etc , in sending prin'ing out of town. Yet the printing hoases of Pe'erboro are themselves the worst sinners in this respect we have fver known. Ii" there is any town.ship clerk from Rainy River to the Otrawa wh â- lias nut been asked to send printing to Pcterboro we would like to know it. Consistency is a jewell, but it appears to be au unknown iiuantity in Peterboro. Postmaster Sprnule arrived home on Sunday from his trip to the Isorthwest, having gone as f.ir :« Brar.dou. where he visited with hisdaughter.Mrs.Geo.Hig-iin- botbaui. Speaking to the .Advance of his journey Mr. Sproule says the story of looting indulged in by the party as pub- lisheil in :he papers was highly colored. Only in one c ise where a do2en passengeis entered a store to make purchases aud could not be waited on a few of the cr')wd helped themselves to what they wanted as the train wits leaving. At the annual meeting of the W. M. S. the following otticers were elected for the ensuing year : Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) J. S. I. Wilson; 1st Vice, Mrs. W. H. Thuiston; 2nd Vice, Mrs. W. Trimble; Cor. -Sec, Mrs. \V. A. Arm^l rung ; Rec Sec , Mrs. Burtitt , Treas,, Miss Chris^oe. The year just closed lias boeu the most suc- cessful in the history â- â€¢f the society, no doubt owing to the iadefatigible efforts of t'le Pres. Ten new names have been adde<.l to the membership list, and over sixty dollars added to the funds. Already plans are being made whereby it is hopeii that the iiicoir.ing year may be still n;ore suc- cessful. Mis: W. J. Bellamy received word on Thursday last: hit her father, Mr. James Osborne of Xottawa<aga, was very ill. She started iunuediately.but shortly after leaving a telegram arrived announcing that Mr. Osborne had p,asjeil away. The funeral tO'>k place oi, Satuiilay to Coliing- wooJ cemetery. Deceased was 75 yetus of age. He was born in county Tyrone, Ireland, and immigrated to Canada away back in 18".^, settling at Toronto. In 1860 hu caiue to Osprey township aud in- 18S4 removed to Nottawasa^a. He was a brother of tho l.a*e John Osborne of Fleshartoii. tie leaves a widow and ten children l^vmg. Mrs. VV. J. Bellamy of this place ia a daughter, itnd one son, Mr. Will (.>sb.>ino, lives on ihe 8th cou. of Osprey. .\nniversa!v services will be held in Fiooiierton McthodLst church on Siinday, Sept. 21. Tlie prograii^, which \vill Ih.> printed aud distributee, this week, wdl give the public a:i idea of the nature of the service, but wo might raentiou the fact that at the oveuit g »-rvice one num- ber will be rendere^-I which wiil be worth travelling many miles to hear We refer t-i » trio by the Mis.«es Annie, Allio and Minnie Joy, " Guard WhiU» I Sleep." This is one of Ihe umst beautiful things in music, and under the rendering of thes-,' tweet singers this piece al m* ouiht to fill the churli to overtlowing. The even- ing service will b.- 1 ir^ely music.al. Thu pastor's sermon ia the morning «ill l>e to children iml in tho evening on "Ideals." See the progrein I'ur full partici^lars. We just opened i;(i this week the tineot j aiuioitment of children's jackets we have | ever .slio vn a', very cl .se prices. Thonia^ Sli«ppar'l. Rev. John Stafford, who has been vis- iting with rehitivesh.-re f>r aereril weeks, Ibft on Monday nioriiinj la.st for Clj^re- mt'iit, southern Calif'Tuii, wh-nre be has accepted a professors!. ij> ia the ui.iverstty. No. 6 Company, 31st Regiment .\ delatchmeirc of the Tlst Reaiment will attend the Divisional Camp at Nia- gara on the lake from Sept 23nl to (Jet. 4. No. 6fconipany is renuired to fumLsh 1 officer, 3 serjeants, 3 corporals, and 3 privates ( for fiitigue duty.) Applicationa for posiri'Mis on the detachment should be made at once to Lieut. G. F. McFarland, Markdale. The Markets. Owen 5ound Fair Elaborate preparations have apparently been made to make Owen Sound fair an uD<{ualitied saccess. The speedin? in the ring is intended to take the place of a rice meet and there will be first-claas racing on all three days. As atrractiooa there will be seen on the grounds "Hercules", the famous white steer, weighs 3999 lbs. ; "Tiny", the diving do2, who will dive from a tower 75 feet in height. The world renowned 48fhch Highlanders band hiis been isecured and will give full atter- niK)n and evening programes. A special, single fare, return train will be run Wed- nesday the i7th, so as to give the people not only an opportunity ot attending the afternoon but the evenin-g concert, which will be uiven in the .sharing rink. The train will leave Flesherton at 9.37 a. m., returning after the evening copc^Tt. Tickets good for thre« days. U81S11BE BUS FDB SE8IICE Tlie undersigned tias a fine thoroughbred Yorkshire boar for service on lot M^ fifth coa- CBSsioo, .\rtediesia. Terms #1. W R.DYSCN" Hdmini$trator'$ Sale Valuable property in the township of Osprey, in the county of Grey. Under iostructionsltrom the Administrator of the estate of MungolMnrt, late of the township ofOspreviu the county of Giey, tara'er. de- ceaiied, there will be sold by public sactioa at the Temperance Hotel in the viUatja of Fever- shatii in the county of Grey, oa Friday, September 26th, A.D.ipos at i i>. m.. the following property, namely :â€" Lot number Sevei'teen tlTi in the Eleventh oonoeosiou of tlie township of Csprey in the county otGrey.eontaiJingoao hundred acres, be the same more or Less This farm is situate al>out one mile from the villige of Feversham About eijihty acres are cleared aud the balance is timbered with hard- wood. Vpon the premises are said to bo a frame house, one and a half stories high; a frame baru 30x40 and i fia'ojo straw shod, «x4S with stabits beue»th. There is & small orchard on the premises. TERMS of S.VUE Tea per cent, of the purchase money to Ve paid to the veudor or bis solicitors on the day of sale and the balance i'l thirty nays thereafter without interest, into the Oauailiau Hank of Cemmerce At i'orouto. to the joint credit of tlio administrator aud the oilicial E^usrdian. The I'loperty wi.l b^ sold subject to a re- serve bid. iii;d by the official Guardian. For further particulars and couUitior.s of sale apply to the uudersisued VVii,i.i.vM D.wiDscN, Luc.vs.WriuktAMc.Vrpljs .\dministiator, Veudor*s Solicitors. Kob Koy, p. 0. Owen Souii.i. DdtsJ Aus<i-=t *<rJ. -^-D.. 1303. ruvin ruiJTjannnnninxuxrinnjvrirtrtri X ^)^^? Photos ** m â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery 5] are done in Sm-da.^ style and at lowest ratei. Si>ec!al attention -J] given to eop)iii!j. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BLILHER ] t'arefuilr I'orrer Oath Peas B,ar!eT Butter Eifga freak.......... Pork Bay Potatoes baj? ed Earh Week .38 •.,, 77 »â-  45 to 14 u 13 -.0 25 to 00 to 45 -.0 38 77 48 14 13 25 00 ot} FARM FOR SALK Only 81800, $500, balance easy terms interest 5,\, IW acres, 75 cleared and under culrivarion, balance half c^dar swamp and half mixed hardwood. Com- fort.ible frame dwelling, frame \h st baru half milw from good school »nd 3 mileH from village of Eugenia. Apply to R. J. Sproule, fc'iesheiton. For Sale or Rent. For sale or to rent for a t^rm of years â€" two lots on the corner of Peter and Elizabeth stre«t. I Flesherton on which are erected a good brick dwelling hou3e,fvame baru an(>sIabies,togetiier with other ont buildint^s ; also good orchard of apples, pe&rs.cherries and small fmiti : occupi- ed fur she last Sve vears as a l»Tesbyt6rian manje. Apply to Has. Syshs, Fle-hertonP. O. Flesherton, ./uly a. 13<>i THE OWEN SOL'N MGIilfllSIIIllIi RE.OPEMNQ Cuesday, Sept. 2*1902, The f}At-!. .S...U!id CoUcgiute Institute will re-opeu for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept 2nd, at 9 a. m.,when pupils will be enrolled and classified, and classes organ- ized for the General course ; the Commer- cal Course ; for all grades of Teacher's Certificates ; for Pass and Honor Junior and Senior Matri.uIaCion,and for entrance into al! the learned professions. Staff and Eqalpmeiit The Staff consists of eisht teachers, all spec- ialists. and m«n of the highest profeaaional standing. The equipment is thorouehly modern and efficient, and among the best in Ontario. Terms : The fees are: For County Grev pupils. Ten nollirs per year; for pupils f rom'other counties Tea to Twelve Dollars per vear. For annual Announcement or other informa- tion ap ply to THOi. MURRAY, JNO. RLTHERFORD, P-ia cipal. Sec*~Trea8urer. Farm for Sa.le CHea,p. Lot 16, concession 13, township of csprev, clear of incumbrance; 95 acres. 65 cleared, Ijal. ance hardwood bush: in goo.l state of cultiva- ti..»3. clear of noxious wecis: good frame barn and stables under, 40x(M; a good house 30.t36, i storey, under storey stone, upper franie, well finished, a go.xl icos: proof cellar; woodshed 36 x^. a l5-barrel cisftim and never-failing well and pump in sood order, all under roof; pleuty of water for stock in pasture. Terms of sale, ^oCOcash, balance to suit the purchaser, .3 per cent, on balance, ily reason for selling is ill- ness, and the place must be sold. Thero is an orchiuJ of about li acres and between 3 and 8 acres of fall wheat. School } mile, churches within 1 or-2 miles; about two miles from Fev- sham .\ppIvto the owner bv letter or on the premises. JOH^ SPEEKS, Feversham, P.^.,Ont ii Ii CiffiiS la the m&tser of the estate of Ifan^o Dand, late of tbe Township of Osprer, in the County <^t Crrt?y, Farrier, 'Ject?8S*^. Xoticd ia hereby ;^vea puriuact to the '-Be- vi3€d Statutt?s of oucario, " 1H'J7, chapter VS. that all creJ'tors and others hpvinc claizus acaiast the estaceof the said MUNGO DAXD. wno died ou or about the eleT^enth "lay of March. A.D^ I'X'i are required on or before the twenty-eecoad day of September. l'X2 to send bypoBt, prepaid or deliver to W'iliiani DaTidsoc. E^.. Rob Boy. P. o.. Ontario, administracot- of the estate of the sai'i deceased. their Christian and snmames. addresses • and dtjscriptions. and full particulars ot their claims, Che statement of their accoants aia't the nature of the securities, if auy, held by them. Aad farther take notice that after Bach oientiooed date cheeaid executors will proceeii to distribute the a^^setsof the deceased amoas the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the oiainifc of which they snail then have notice, and that the said executors will not oe Uable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or T>^rsoas of whose claim notice snail Qoc have been received by himf at tlie time oC such .iistrifaacton. Dated the 18th dav of .\ugust. A.D.. 1909. LUCaS. WHIGHT a X1c.\KDLE. Solicitors for che ailministrator, Owen Sound, Oat. IGlllllG BRIS. â€" FOR Lumber , Lath, Shingles, Flooing . We have just placed in position a new planer and ni;itcher -ind are prei>»red to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when jo«: want anything. Hickiing Bros. 8th ct>n., .Xrlemesia â€" Maxwell P. O. 10 Julv, 'OS 1» â-  Si ^^ "-^ '•^ ^^ ^i ^A ^ ^^ -^ -y â-  'J j^ * . ^- M*- -^ -^ :^ -^J â- '^ -g ^ . Flcslierton « is giving Euacnici Jg Spec/a i uaiues Tjhi'cf 7?lonth , . . Cbe Flesbcrton ♦ ♦ f>arnc$$ Emporium ? ? ? IS THE PLACE TO | BUY YOUR HARNE5S. | .\11 kinds and prices Whijis and Lashes 1 fruiika and Yalice*. C"inb» and brushes, Sweat|vads .and collar pads. .\xle Grease, lU>of Ointment and.G'tU Cure. Bitt.« and \ Snap*, Buasty Dusters aud all styles aud \ prices. Rubher Uuies. Woollen Rugs | Harac's Polish and Metal Polish and Everything in our line. If m (f 9 (f (n lf!i muslins pnce, roods. in all lines of summer goods. Our prints tlelaines. Summer Diy Goods ;iU being cut in We have received already some of our fall Our stock of shirtings, cottonades. thuuielettes.wrap- perettes, canton flannels and dewy being very well shipped. We are giving some special values in men's and boys" clothing, we want you to bring your boys here to our clothing department and let us show you how com- pletely yet how ecom^mically we can tit them out not only with suits but with every article ot'haberdashery from hats to hosiery iuclutling shoe.-^. y/2 Our 97/en*s department. We want you to see the superb selections we have made to sell at popular prices. These include every fashionable tabric and are cut after the latest designs of the swellest tailors. You will find in our store the latest styles of hats and everything that is worthy in habenlashery but at prices consitlei-ably below what others charge for identically the same 4ualities. «'%'%/%^«.-««-»^^%^ BOOTS AND SHOSS Our Boot and ^hoe Deparlinent is complete in all lines of Mens heavy ami light .<hoes, women's wearing and fine .-ihoes, also girls' aud boys' in all prices. We buy direct from the matiufacturers tliereby you the luiiidle man's profit. saving giioc£:ri£:s Our stiK^k of Groceries is always kept fresh. Our 2.>c. Japan and Klack Tcii;^ being somewhat extm in value, v.e would ;isk von to ijive them a trial. 01. IDoort « Flesherton , A full line of crockery ahvaysi kept on hand. I Highest price for all kinds ot produce. ; T. J. SHEPPARD $ \*^ iii iif \» ili iXt iit Oi \i^ Of iXt \ib ik i^ ^• }A Of % it Oi \it 0^ 0/ Of \it \l« m Oil

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