Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1902, p. 7

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-^â- 3* k I ACHOSS SAHAEA DESEHT. Balloon With Pigeons as tb« On^;^ Passengers. London Engineering prints a de- scription oj the type of balloon or- dered by the French War Dttice. An attempt is to be made to senrf* It across the Desert of Sahara. The balloon will not be manned. The sole living occupants will be six pigeons, who will be in the lower compartment of a small car. * Water ballast will be coiTied fn a (ank su.spended by wire ropes below the car. Attached to the valve is a brass wire twelve metres long, bear- ing a steel ball weighing twenty kilos, which will keep the valve clcsed, except when the weight of the steel ball i.s removed, as when it touches the ground. The valve will then open, the water will flow, and the balloon will go up again. Even after a loss of a portion of the wa- ter, the valve will remain closed so lonij as the steel ball is susx>ended. The upper division of the car is provided with a camera, which is capable of taking a photograph ev- ery fifteen minutes. The car will also carry a hydrometer, a barometer and HOW CAUSTIC BURNa Take a piece of woollen cloth, or k piece of a blanket, and boll It thor- oughly In a strong solution of caustla soda, and you will find the wool wUl gradually be eaten away, leaving nothing but the skeleton. Wom«a do not realize how " soap substitutes," which are generally surcharged with soda, or how common alkaline soaps destroy their clothing; consequently they, week by week, subject costly fabric to such treatment. The hands also are Immersed for hours in such solutions, resulting in eczema, coarse akin, and brittle nails. The caustic soda may loosen the dirt, but It eats away the fabric and ruins the hands. There Is no economy In such work. It is so easy for a woman to test the difference between an alkali charged soap and a neutral washing soap, that It is strange that there is room for any but a pure soap on the Canadian market. Punllght Soap has been tested by chemists and analysts the wo rid over, and its freedom from free alkali or caustic has been demonstrated by the highest medical authorities. Consequently the true saying, " Sun- light Soap reduces expenfies." 602. HOW THEY COMPARE. The Scotsman earns on the aver, age £45 a year, the Englishman £38, and the Irishman £20. Scot- land spends £3 per head per year for upkeep of police, roads, bridges, harbors, education, etc., whiie the Englishman and Irishman contribut- e<l £2 ISs. and*£l 4s. respectively. Scottish fishermen bring to port a ciuantity of fish worth for every man, woman, or child in their coun- try, 79. 6q; English fishermen, ,3b. 4d. worth; and Irish fishermen. Is. 2d. worth. Scot.smen, too. app<-'ar to be mo.'-t thrifty. In the savings banks. each Scotsman has £.5 43.; each Englishman, £5; and each Ir- isiiman, £2. j Lover (mournfully) â€" "Have you I learned to love another?" Flirt 1 (who had just broken off her on- jgagement with him) â€" "Oh. no, ' George: I didn't have to loam. The man is very, very wealthy, and the I love came spontaneously." Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the >^orid producesr and is sold only in lead paclcets. Black, Mixed and Green. kpan tea drioken try '^Salada" Greta (r^ thermometers. All the instruments are capable of working five days. There are also arrangements for the escape of the pigeons when tJie bal- loon strikes the ground. There will be a small internal air balloon of 568 cubic metres. The balloon itself will be of 1,000 cubic metres. Another balloon of 37 cubic metres will accompany the main bal- loon. It will be composed of var- nished cambric and Inflated with illuminating gas and will carry a sail. The total weight will not ex- ceed 170 kilos, including the entire equipment. nurses' Experience. Medical men say that a good nurse in a difficult casse is better than me- dicine, but when we can' get a good aurse and good medicine, the pa- tient stands a much better chance of recovery. The few words of advice given below by nurse Eliza King. ire well worthy the attention of all readers: "I have constantly used St. Je.- cob.s Oil in the various situations 1 have occupied as- nurse, and have in- variably found it excellent in all :ases requiring outward ayplication, such as sprains, bruises,^ rheumatic afloctions. neuralgia, etc. In cases of pleurisy it is an excellent remedy â€"well rubbed in. T can strongly re- commend it after several years' use and experience. It should be in ev- ery household." I Sister Carolina, St. Andrew's Hospital, writes: "I have found St. Jacobs Oil a most efficacious rem- edy in gout; also in sprains and bruises. Indeed, we cannot say too much in its praise, and our doctor Is ordering it constantly." ' Cast-iron articles were first made in England in the year 170O. I France has about 4,000 duels a year, aud Italy 2,800 on an aver- age. TO «XRE .t r*I.D Vi ONR DAT. ! Tck? Lftxative Bromo Quinina T;iblet.«. AH dntr- siiit.-i refund the nionoy if it failn to care. E. W. G.CTOA sljtnature isoa eaoh bo\. SV. IN A SUBMAHHrE BOAT. An English Seaman Describes Hi; Experience. A seaman who took part in the re- cent trial of Submarine Boat 2 in Stokes Bay, oH the English coast, gives an interesting description of his experiences. He says the sensa- tion when the boat is diving is very singular. The increased pressure on the hull caused by the submersion can be distinctly felt. He attributes this to the deadening of vibration through submersion. There is plenty of light from the electi-ic lamp. A sort of greenish haze silants in through the glass scuttles of the conning tower. At a depth of two fathoms one can tell by peering through one of these whether the weatiier is cloudy or the sun is shin- ing on the water. The first .sense is one of numbness, but he is inclined to believe that this is more fanciful tliau real, and is caused by a feeling of helplessness. There is no per- ceptible vibration to the boat even when the hull is submerged at a speed of seven knots, except for a slight tremor caused by the working of the gasoline engme. The sense of silence is profound. The longest time they were under water was three hours and tweuty-seven minutes. To- wards* tno finish lie felt- slightly nauseated. Two of the men aboard were very sack. The ringing in the etirs seemed to be the chief trouble. All seamen on submarine boats, so this sailor man said, speedily grow pale. The seaman said he didn't like the life. THE BEST FED SOLDIER. The British soldier is the best fed individual of his class in Europe. He receives for his daily rations 16 ounces of bread, 12 ounces of meat, two ounces of rice, eight ounces of dried vegetables, 16 ounces of potatoes, and once a week he re- ceives two ounces of salt, fout ounces of cofTee, and nine ounces of sugar. Minard's Liniment isusedbjPiiyslcians Canada, supiplies 60 pounds of cheese out of every 100 pounds bought abroad. Yearly purchases amount to 265 million pounds. At Plinitz. near Dresden, is the largest Camellia in Europe. It is 160 years old, about 50 feet high, and has 40,000 blossoms each sea- son. TOP mEASUREE. QUEBEC MTTNICIPAL OFFICEK GIVES IMPOETANT EVI- DENCE. â-  Without Fear, Favor, or Affeo- I tion, He Speaks Plsiinly His j Honest Sentiments, Adding I Some Words of Advice. Wolfestown, Que.. Sept. 8.â€" (Spe- cial).â€" Mr. R. Boulanger, Secretarj iird Trea.surer of this town, is num- bered ;uuong the most prominent and highly respected citizens of th» country. Time and again he has been hon ored by appoiniments to offices oi public trust and there is no man in our community who commands I the universal respect and esteem ol j all classes of citizens more than Mr. Boulanger. I Tliosc who know him well ari; I aware that for some time he wa4 I vei-y ill acd they also know that ht was restored to good health, but many of them may not be aware ol the means used by Mr. Boulanger in accomplishing the wonderful re- I covery wliich he has been fortunati I enough to bring about. ; Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him and he has made this fact public in a grateful letter which reads as fol- lows: "I desire to say that I was com- pletely cured of Kidney Disease and TJrinarv Trouble by Dodd's Kidney Pills. "1 was so bad that I was obliged to urinate often, with much pain. They have relieved me of the pain and the results in every way are satisfactory. "I think it is prudent for every family to keep them and use them." When a man of Mr. Boulanger's standing puts himself on record so frankly ard positively,, there can be no doubt but that he has experienc- ! cd all and more than ho states in his letter. Dodd's Kidney Pilis have now per- manently established themselves as an infallible remedy for all urinary trouble and the closing words of Mr. BouHnger's letter are ar- ad- vice which every household should observe. WHOLESALE Staple ClotbiDg Ala« PANTS. KNICKERS. OVERALLS, SMOOKS. Jko. .A^k your dealer for these goods- BEST EVER. WYLD- DARLING OOMMHY, UMITtB, TJR^IITO, Limitad, TORONTO. The Dawson Commission Co., Can handle your APPLES, PEACHR. PEARS, PL'JKfS, ONIONS, POULTRY (daad vr allM] BUTTER, ECC8, HONEY, to good advantage. Let us have your oonsisnmentt, it will pay you. Stamps and pacts on applioaOon. OUR BRANDS. King Edward lOOOa " HeadHght " 3308 "Eagle" 100s & ^SS " VIotorIa " " Little Cotnot" HULL, CANADA Don't Experiment with other and inferior i} rands, USE EDDY'S ^ He was practical and had been making lovo or- that basis. She was a little that way herself.. "Can you cook?" he inquired. "Can you supply everything to be cooked?" she repli ed. It Tvas a match. MESSRS. C. C. RIGH.\RDS & 00. CScntlemcn. â€" In .June '98 I had my flmnd and wrist bitten aud budly mangled by a viciou.s horse. I svvficr- ed greatly for several days and the tooth cuts rcfurcd to heal, until tour agent gave me a bottle of UNARD'S LINIMENT, which I be- gaa using, aud the effect was magi- cal. In Ave hours the pain had cea."«Kl. and in two weeks the wounds had completely heaied and my hnjad and urm were as well as ever. i^ n-.v.to Yours trulv. WK A, E. ROY. Cairnfge maker, St. Antoine. P. Q. On an averagrc there ore 120,000 strangers stayicg in l.ondon. Siapa lh« tonsil nail n*rk« •«!»• «•!« I«ntiTe Bromo QalDitw T»blfts cur* * c«ld la OM te/. Ao Cure, No Pay. Prit«>5(-»nt». """I think it was* a shavkc for the Red Indians to bury their hatch- et%." 'nhy?" "Just think how lovely tUey would be tied with rib- boii, to bang on the parlor walls!" THE NEW YOUK CENTRAL SPIIUT. The spirit of accommodating the public seems to be the keynote for the groat success enjoyed by the New York Central Uailroad. A ti-if anywhere over this popular line will convince the most blase tra\^er on that point. BN-cry employe seems to have caught the spirit of accommo- dation, of being obliging and mak- ing friends for the big company he is working for, and fi-om the highest official to the lowest employe. "New York Coutral" employes impress pa- trons as being high grade gentlemen aud very des'irous of making the traveler's journey such a pleasure that he will come again and again. Ticket and baggage agents, train- men and porters can smooth or ruffle one's temper so easily ! When you are given the impression there is nothing too good for you. whether you are traveling five or five hundred ; miles, that road certainly possesses the lirst big right to be popular. Four smooth tracks all the way from Buflalo to New York, over which a ."scoix- of fast modern cquip- pad trains. including the Empire I State Express and the 20th Century I Limited, run every day. surely shows Neighbor â€" "The baby suffers from sleeplessness, does it?" Mrs. Jer= oloman (haggard and hollow-eyed) â€" "I didn't say it suffered. It seems to enjoy it. I'm the one that suf- fers." Ask for Mioard's and take ns other, THE OLDEST LOVE LETTER. The oldest love letter in the world is in the British Museum. It is a proposal of marriage for the hand of an Egyptian Princess, and it was made 3. .500 years ago. It is in the form of an inscribed brick. The lirst chiuinoy-pot hat was | worn in London by a hatter named Hetheriagton in 1797. A riot was caused, and the wearer wa.s fined. New South Wales is just 2i times tlie size of the British Isles, tiueen.s- land is equal to three times the German Empire aud Belgium put to- gether. ;,:':-.,, §33.00 TO THE PACIFIC COAST from Chicago via the Chicago «S: North-Wostern U'y every day during September and October. One-way second-class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore- gon. Wiishington. California and various other points. Also arpecial round-trip Homcscekers' tickets on lirst and third Tuesdays, August, September and October to Pacific Coast and the West. Full particu- lars from nearest ticket agent or address B. II. Beimett, 2 East King St., Toroato, Ont. THE MOST POPULAR OENTIPRICB. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. F râ€" 1»«« the tssth. StvMt«n> the l>r*atti. StrangtJMna tha gums. Books, &;c. Eagles fly at a height of 9,000 feet, crows up to 4.500 feet. The lark rises 3,000 feet. ..,: jfARIA MONK'S AWFCr, DISCt.OSCRE? of Convent Life. Dicefy bound edition, with tipwardaof fortv illUBtra'.ionn, iOc po«>pald. Small piper editioa, 13o po tpaid. Marie Correll.'s naw book. "Teranor*! Power." rendr'iStii Au« , 73c or Vx pott or express paid. Grivo Qiime of anToonTenicnC expr'H office. NORMAN MCUUAY, 21 BeuTer HalJ Hill, Momreal. Cinad.i. 5TATK OF Ohio. City oy Toledo. > LUCiSCOCNTV. f *^ FRANK J. CHKNEY niakra oath that he i3 senior i>artncr of the Arm o( V. J. CHENl^Y & CO . doing bu.sincss in the City of Toli;i;o. Loiinty and State aforesaid, and that said ttrni will pay the sum of ONK HUNL^RKU U«)L- 1jAR8 for each and every case of LA- I'AKUH that cannot bo cured by the use or HALL'S CATARRH CURt;. FRANK .J. fHKNMY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in niv presence, this 0th day ol December, A.U. 1S.JB. A. \V. GLEASOK. • SEAL • A'otary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure i.s taken inter- nally, and acts ilirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, frco. F. J. CHKSKY & CO.. Toledo. O. â- "<old by all Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family fills are the best. Monkey Brand Soap njmovcs all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish â€" but â- ^on't wash clothes. The first shock of earthquake rec- ! orded in .America was in New York i in 1(563. j Keep Minafd's Liniment in ttie House, | Big guns cost about 5000 per ton to construct. ! For Orir Slxtr Years. j .Vn Old and Will Tri»o Rexest. â€" Mr« I Winnlow'iNoothiiigSyrup ha3 been iisofl ?(?r over 9ixt7 yeaM hy uitllions of oiolhera for their children wbi'a i '.eeth-ng, wilh perfect iucce*. It footbed the ctiil-I. j 3ofceiiA the 5iitn!i. allays »U pain, curaa wind colic, and I is the iwst remedy for Diarrhoea. Ia plea'ant to tho I laflio. :>old by drui;gi-t) in every part of the wor d. â-  rwenty.fiveconta :i Iwt'le. Its valuo Is it-calculable. 1 Ho iure and ask tnr Mr*. Wloaloir 3 Sootiimg Syrup. , and take no otlie." kind. "noio is a periodical devoted to ;.crial navigation." "Ah. it must be a Uy-napor." "I'm to w^ait for the money." BY L'SI.NU-- Standard Amerecan Wicks AND- 'â- â- 'â- ' Sarnia Lamp OH. OSJEEN CITYOI3LS% ^«*^ SAMUEL ROGERS PMS.TORONT0(. JBra$$Band Instruments, Drums, Uniforms. Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND LowoGt piices ever auotod. Fine catalogu'\ 500inu^tr\tlond,m<\iit>a free. Write u< for anj* thing in Vlujile or Ylnslml Inslraniciit . y Hi LET RQYOB & CO., Limited ToruDto, Ont. and VVlnalpcg, Mud Dominion Line Steamshipi Mtinu-aal to LUwrpool. Bostaa to LiTor- pool. PortlMid to LlverpooL Vi;t(^ue«n^ ion. Irfn^o fcnd y.-vitt Si'oaaahipft. 8up«nor nccommodatlo* for all cI&Mca of riA-*«nsenL 9kl:>on« and ^U>«r lomi w AinMithip*. spociai aCt«nU(>n bna bcrD )nrtu to Ul4 S«con4 3»I'>.)0 .lad Ttaird-Ciaaa aL*oommcK!aiiou. Fot rat««orpaArng"CkQd all porttcuian, appi; to any ogeDl ottAo Conipauy. or RiotanU. MilU i Co. D. T»rr»nce * Co. i Under the Gothenburg system ia I Sweden, liquor is sold to customers by Government at cost price, plus five per cent. Minafd's Liniment Lumberman's Friend; A new dialect dictionai-y of Eur- , li.sh words i.s being prepared by | Prof. Wright. He is being a.9.>4isted ; by 600 contributors. The work will be ready in 1903. and will contain ' lOO.OiiK words. Yorkshire alone con- j tributins 20.000. j \vooo a Photo. EwcR;*viMO ^ J. LJOSi.ES tNC.C9 i^ -lOtt BAY STREET â€" lORONlO a popiular road. So do red-capped porters in stations, excellent dining I cttr service and all the modern equipments for enjoyable traveling. I But best of alt is the spirit of I being oblifcing and civil, answering I questions politely and a4«isting ; in I short, helping the traveler, who may bo making his first trip, to have siujch a good timo that he will come often and feel at home. And the New York Central can Justly be credited with having inculcated this spirit of accommodation in its em- ployes to 9uch a degree that it is I 90 pleasantly noticeable as to bo ' termed "The New York Centriii I Spirit." â€" From the Commercial ' Wesit, MilincuLPolia. THE MANY ADVANTAGES odercd passengers bound for Buffalo and New York by the Grand Trunk's fast "New York Express," Icavinjz Toronto 6.15 p.m. daily, are seen ai a glance when the splendid equip nient is considei-ed. A full dinin(. car service until Niagara Falls i; reached, a cafe parlor car runninj. ] through to BulTalo. and one of Pull man's linest sleeping cars from To ronto to New York guarantees pa I trons cotJ/ort and luxury as well a j speed. Thp cafe and dining cars art I ACknowled^-ed to be the handsomest in America, being electric lighted and I equipped «^ith electric fans. Cit\ I office, northwest corner King ami i Vonge streets. YOUR OVERCOATS ud ttiei Salt* woold look Iwtter ijti. U oo xxat of oon in rour town, wnla direct UontnU. Box UlL BRITISH AMCRIOAN OVSINa OO. Montreal. WANTED Rellabie Men and Women. '-,3 per MONTH *n.l SiJO v«r DAY KXPKNSF-S to ttrnlucp our ffiMtU a::d UkCk up &(iv«rtts tig uiAtt^r in «n!i Md oouiitrj. STEADY ALL TIlK YKAK. •«ii»rjf or coiu«iB«lon. Rxpeiienc« nnnfr^aaarr. i >>!to (or particular*. IntcrnkUoaal MoUlcina Co., 'intlou, OnL. IOHUIIBUB?/.^^>i\.':i flnniKDASwind V, M-xs Mwkei &nriC%]f fit«i,«iUt fKcnnhl»4». Bilrac** Nor**. 4. Mkfi, tn f or 1 T rn ; CMMdk Dm 1 7 , WtUjM. rABiUB&iauTOftrtMvu, SAVINGS If you are trying- to save nion- ev we can 'oe of assistance to yo'J and shall be glad of an opportunity of showing you in what way. Mean- time let us emphasize the feeling of security our depositors have- THB Canada permaneni *"=' WESTERN CAHADA Mortgage Corporation, TORONTO ST., TORO NTO \V V € 1145

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