September 18, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE :r 'i: i f fv Si:, *4f#*^^ I F, T. HILL & CO REDUCED IN F»I^ICES. For the next ton clays we shall offer the most remarkable values in all lines of sum- mer goods. We must have the space they now occupy for Fall Goods which are arriving daily. These prices with scores of other lines should make buying brisk for the next ten days. 20 Dozen Seamleas Cotton Hoae (hennsdorf dye) the I'fgulnr 18 cent quality. Special until all are Rold 2 piiir for 26 500 Yards Fancy Ccilorod Muslins, alsu white. None of these are worth leK9 than 20 cents, while most of tliem are worth 25c. per yard. E.vtra siiecial until all are sold at per yard 10 48 Lndieh Colored Shirt Waists, self collars and fast colors. Most of those have been in stock but a few days and are reguljirly sold ut 50 cents. Clear- now at, each only 25 3 Dozen Ijidies' Velvet Belts, ( new stylo, ) Clearing at, each 15 I New.. i Goods NOW PLACED IN STOCK 1^ New Import Dress Goods Men's New Suitiiigs Men's lleady-tn-wear Suits. _, Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits. ^ ;,' . , 'â- New Shirtings. '~r. ., " '' New Flannelettes. -.â- ••^•"< - _ New Shoes â- '"â- '•'.-"' Now Rubbers. These Goods are now in stock and ready for selling and represent the best values you'll find. In anticipation of an unusually large li'all Trade, we are paring clown profits to the lowest point. vfr' HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. r^^ F. T. HILL& CO ^^Ht^m^rÂ¥^m^m: There is tliia about the plebiscite vote: If yau are not for it you are against it ; if ,Yoa do not vote for it yon vote agaiust it ; if you stiiy at home your vote is counted witli the liquor party. Those ia favor of the continuation of the sale of liquor do not need to cast a vote, and still their vote couuts one against prohibition. That is the pecularity of this contest. Thcie is not a fianchised man in this province who can shirk responsibility. The Toronto exhibition piled up the shekels this year in a v/ay to make Toronto busiuess men Bmile from one Bide of their countenance to the other, also up and down. The receips are given out as being §;aO,000 ahead of any former year. It means a big haul for Toronto and a bis financial dram from the country at large. Oct Lame Back or Lumbago ? I Nj need of that now. That sort of pain ; can be knocked out in short order, for Polaon's Nerviline which is live times .stronger than any other, penetrating at once thrimi»h the tissues, reaches the .source of auflerinj;, drives it out and thus gives relief almost instantly. Not magic, but strength that givua Poison's Nerviline this porter. You .vill lliink it magic how- ever if yuii try i^, pain goes so (juickly. Sold by deiilura everywhere, in large 25c. bottles. Diuiiel Matlhows.a fanner near Water- ford, committed suicide by taking arsenic. Arthur Brunei, convicted »if fraud in connection with St. James' division of Montreal elections, hus been released from jail. The Fleshurton Advance man put in a nervous apology lust i.ssue for printing a sermon. Wo have been engaged in worse than that for the last six months and wo haven't made an apology yet ; but we're a little obtu.S'j, â€" Durhu;n Chronicle. Frank Ifuliins, of Elmvale, mot with a fatal accident on Monday. He was out shootinu, and in order to'fasten his l>oU, rested ihe gun on the ground with the muzzle in hi.s armpii. Tim trig';('r evi- dently g 4. r:uij;lit in tome Wiiy, for it was I di.schnr;;ed, blowing his loft nnn and jiait of hid side ofl, killing him instantly. De- ceased was the adopted son of Mr. Lent, of Elmvale, and was sixteen years of ago. No m.m coiiductiiv^ business deponilent Another mnrderer has been com- mitted in this country by a young London shun production who was given a home near Ht. Thomas. It ia pretty nearly time tliat something was done to prevent the influx of this putrid stream of humanily to our thores. It i.s a hard matter to deal with, because tlio good cornea with tholupon public patronage can do so prolitahly bad, but it is pretty iiparly, always safe to judge any production of London slums 03 particulaily vicious, and a rigid inspection by competent ofificore of every cnild be sent out might pro ducf a more uuobjectiouablo class of cliildren. At any rate some effort should bo mado to stem tlio tide of viciousness which, undoubtdly, has been llowing n[.'on ns for many years. A gnarantee should go with every child foisted on this country with n statement of its antecedents, former place of aboil.i, and any other mfoim- alioii thil might bn thotight nocess'try I ) guard the safety of the homes where they liad haven. The. wife of a Methodist miniitor in West Virginia lias been married three tiiiie:). Hit miiileii name was Partriiljio. her ti;>t liubband was named Uobbin, In.r for any hnigth of timo unless his business is kejit proinivntly before the public in the paper published in his town. It is all very tine to talk of the people all knowing whure to find him, hut ui.fortunately f(jr the man who doua not advertise, the people do not buy that wny. Four times out of five the goods were practically bought befi>r-j leaving tho house. That is the phioe of business and the goods to bj purchisod had been selected from ad- vertisements in the papor. If you are represented there you reap tli) benefit ; if not, well, you don't. Many persons, too, decide on purchaaina gowls they would not h;»vo l,h,)iig:i' o'" but for liaving their attention called ti them in an adver- tisement. Advertising not only brings people to your place of business biit inakos it oa.^ii'r to sell your goods when you have them Ihoro. The proa;wro s business is invnriably (me well advertised. « lALLlAlR^r ,. Sept. 30-rOct. 1 ^ >^cpt. 5i3-24 , t , ,, , . FlFSlIERTON Becoii'.l .SpaiMW, iind the I'^'ent oiio s rjj.^ j^.^ uanTc is Qjaylo Thi-r are now two IJob- 1 Chesloy .... . . , .'T. .'. . . .-.S.'pt. Toâ€" Ki biiiH,'.ne Hjiarrow Hud three little Quay Ins | Owen Sound Sept. KJâ€" IS in th!> f.imilv. One grandfather was aK'"'''"^*;""'! ' S-jpl. 23-2fi , .,â- ., , 1 . , , Menf.-rd V. . .Sept. 26â€" 2ii hw«n and the -her was a Jay, but I's « Waitrr., Falls Sept tO-Oc. 1 (I'Bd HM I n..»v hu'« » bird of par idi h) ' Puvor»h»ni .Oct'.- 2â€" .S They live on H iwko Avenue, Kigh-vilio, 1 Mirt.d«!e Oct. 9 â€" lo Cauaiy l^lsiids, and the f.dlow who wrote this «rticlj is a lyre bird and an iutcresed family. â€" Ei .dutivi; of th â- ichanije. Chat«w,.rth Sept. 2.3-f?4 Meaford Sept 25.2{J .-^rie-DHSin, Prioeville Oct 14 J5 Euphrasia Oct. J W. HOCKLEY T^vo-ton. - JProton. Great Reductions ]N READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's all-wool tweed suits, §9.00, reduc- <i'l to . ..• fi 75 Men's Fancy tweed suits, *7.50, reduced tc : ... .....5 00 Boys' 3piecesuits,Si;i.75, reduced to 2 95 Boys' 2 piece suits,! 3 00, reduced to 2 25 Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dress goods, regular selliiig price 30c. ta 40o., reduced, to 19 Boys' blouses, regular pri-ies COo reduced to : .^.45 Great snaps in llannelet te shirts. 50 Men's flannelette shirts, regular 50 ceiit, clearing «ut at 35 Tailor-made Suits A onap for young men, regular 816 and ^11 suits for .' 13 and 14 Every suit guaranteed to fit, or no sale. STRAW HATS. Men's fine straw hata 25 to 30o for 20 Ladies sailor hats, regular 50 and 60c for 40 21 .Men's Sweaters, cKariu^ out at... .08 12 Boys sweaters, cleariiif; out at . . . .45 .-^ large aasortmeat of Ladies kid gloves, regular ^1.25 and $1.15 goods for .: . .90 A Large Assortment of Fancy Olassware fi$igl)e$t pr\u paid for ButUr and Eggs Salt for $ak W. HOCKLEY. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take I;axativo liroino Quinine Tablets All drugf;idt3 rotund the money it it failo to euro W a.ii rove's sifjnature ia ou eaob box 2So *' Looking back.l see 1 never saw before." This is (lie exclamation of satisfied customers. ^ _^^^, ^.^,^. We have fitted successfuJfy VtuBbofh cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIf ", FI.S-SHF.RTON. Our First Anniversary. At the expiration of our first year's business and the conchision of a very successful summer season we desire to extend our cordial tiianks to our cu.stomers for the generous support accorded us. «^/V^^«/« ^ %'Wik^> For the Future. We're not standing still!' For the coming season we are making full preparation, and can confidently promise that our customers will fiiid every possible want anticipated, as we intend showing the fullest and most widely assorted selection of seasonable goods ever exhibited here. SOME : : : EARLY ARRIVALS. 1^ N N cw goods are coming in every day and we're marking them off and putting them in- to stockâ€" among them are â€" ew Dress Goods New Homespuns New Blouse Cloths •< .•â- ^ .' New Broadcloths v â- - New Trimmings New Wrapperettes New Flannelettes New Mantles New Furs New Footwear New Fall Caps New Rubbers New Overcoats New Clothing. H:iLRr>i»rii.R£: i>esi>'t spoRrsriEN's requisites. New Breechloading Rifles and Shot Guns gmokeless and Nitro Powders Shells t>f all descriptions.. Re loading Tools. SJiot â€" all sizes. LAHP GOODS. New Library, Banquet, Table, JIall and Hanging Lamps. New Glassware and Chinaware Dinner Setts" â€" Tea Setts â€" Toilet Setts. A wonderful variety of Fancy China. Popular Prices. SBovdtl^iciilitig&^o wur