Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1902, p. 5

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T il E F L E S 11 E R T N ADVANCE September IS 1002 n PA9TOSâ€" Eev.JtSi fvieon Wilson 8«rvfcesSunday 1 1 a.ni.& 7 p. nri Snbjccta for next SKbhitliâ€" Anniversary Services Morning and Evening. Baptist Ci:\urcy\, Flesy\erton Praicher. Rev. R. CooKe. Stsrvico SuniUy ni'ir.iing iit 11 o'clook Sil>j-tct for next Sabbath: "Temples of God." Vicinity Chips C''.;ir:icteristlcs of the Past «'cek t'art'fully Ciilied for the 4,'urioiis â- Â«Â»â€" J. H. Fresh lime always o:i hand Ducliett, Eugenia. Remember the anniversary services in the Methodist chuich on Sunday next. Sea prOfcraius for order of services. Farm to rentâ€" Lot 38 and 3'.\ con. 9, .\rteniesii ; fiamc house on rho preniisea. PoHse.s^iiin given lo plouuh. â- 'ipply to J. F. Hi.:k)in;{, Maxwell P. O. The failure of the potato crr-p appears to he ueuvra! throughout Oi.tir'o.ind the lui^cious tuber U expectud to be cla».snd nmonij the luxuries of the cominj winter. Lostâ€" About July 21, one white ewo and two blacU-facid lambs, owe and weatbiT. Finder please coniniunicate with Mr.s. K. Paul, Eugenia. The Scuith Grey Teachers Convention will bo held in Flesberton next month, on Thursday and Friday, October 10 and 17. Druj_' appvenHco wantedâ€" An a=ti<e ymnu man about IS yeari of a'^e, wiMi proper el I'.catio'.ial qualification to learn drug businosa. W. Turner & Co., lyjark- dale, Ont. Special harvest thanks'iivir.g service' of the S. A. will be held at Salem and Fevershani on Sunday e-vcning next at 7.30 p. 111. (jood collections art hoped for. ./;â- .. . Money to Loasâ€" At ^ !o"4J p^-r cen- Exiienaes low. Also a number of ini. prov.ed a.nd uniiiiproved farms for sale cheap. Apply to Oeo. Rutherford, .Shel- burna, or Dunda!)c office Saturday after noon. Farm to^'ent â€" 11' h con. Proton. 100 acres, 90 cleaved, ten acres hardwood ; in a good state of fev'ili'y, well watered, good buildins" For further particulars apply ti Mrs. M. Egan, or .J.Runstadtlor Flesherton, Mr. M. K. Baatoii returned on Friday last from his prospectins; trip through Northern Ontario, where he visited Mat- tawa and the Sault line. He picked up timber at Trout Creek and at Dean Lalte, near Blind River. Mr. Btaton is now engaged lopking for men to go into the bush. Ae 'vill pay an average of 3TO per month with board for Ml and winter. Notwithstanrint; such a liberal wsge ho finds men difliculr to get. Messrs. Will Scntt and Ed. FJemi»)u' of Maxwell left on Monday, 8th insl., for Albert College, Belleville, 'he former to study for the ministry, the latter to take a C"Uinicrcial conrse. Rcpve»euta fives of"^he Methodist Sabb-.th school met. at the home of Mr. Will Scutl-, jr. and presentcdhim. with an "appreciative ad- dresii accompanied by a valise ami ni^ck tie case. With the shorlcniPif of the Clixy^, and longer evenings which are , coming on apace, greater interest should bo taken in^ the public library where there U a great storoliou.se of knowledge much of whieh may be useful in character buildiu" in the after life. Young men and young women cannot invest fifty cents better than in a year's membership i'l the public library. It is ail iiistitutiou that ranks among the bes', and should receive support fr^m every boinc iti town a:id vicinity. Mr. W. Smith, editor the Shelburie Eeoiioniist, u'ceutly returnevi fioiii im ex- tended trip of five week's duration, tjiking in on his loute the Tendacamieg distri-t, tlie Tcmaganiifig fore.st reserve, Diyden, Manitoba, the Territories and throUiih t!ie Rocky mouutaina to British Columbia, returning via the Kooten.iy lakes and Crows Ne^it pass. It is ivit vouchsvfod to many editova of country »owspH[)ers t^o enjoy a triji of this nature and Mr.Smith Hhould feel h'mself spcei.illy f:«vored. Ho ii sbaring up with his renders by giving a i*ltetchy account of his trip. A quiet but very pretty wedding t<K>k place al 216 Palmer.ston avenue,Toronto on Wednps lay evening, Sept. 10th, when Miss Ohnstena Smith of Fleshci ton, and Mr. William S Benthani of Silver Creek, New York, were united in the bond.i of uittrimony. "The marrLage ws.s Bolem- iiizednt the residouce ofjlhe bride's sirter, Mrs. Parr, and the ceremony was per- formed by Rev Ivi»„i, Wilson, U. D., of Flosherton. The bride was attended by her cousin, Mis.s Oeor<iina Smith of Eu- uenia, while Mr Roderick Beiithamahly supported iiis brother, the gtooni. Tim happy couple left by lx>«l next day for Iheir home in Silver Creek, N Y .follow- ed by the bust wishes of their many frieiids. Bornâ€" Pattersonâ€" On Tuesday, Sept. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs.C. Patterson, a son. F. T, Hill & Co.'u change of advertise- ment iirrived too late for this week. Watch for it next week. The teitch property opposide the cem- etery has changed hands, Mr,John Breen being the purchaser. Loatâ€"a while cape near Preabytarian church. Plei.se leave at the Advance oflico. Bomâ€" Gouldins;â€" At San Maieo, Cal., on Aug. 18, to Mr.and Mrs. Dave Gould- ing (nee Allia Moore of Fleshorton)a son. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beaton, of Lake Meg- antic, Quebec, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher of this place, returned to their home on Monday of last week, accompanied by Mr. Ed. and Miss Fisher of Bury, <.Juebec, vv-ho wore also visi'.iui! Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. Mr. .Joseph Blackburn's lawn fence has boon much improved with a fresh coat of p.iint which it has fallen heir to by the kindness of Mr. Wm. Neil who can do a neat job in that line. Mr Blackburn has many friends, but none more cmistant in their attention to him than Mr. Neil whom we know has Mr. Blackburn's deep- est gratitude for his unmeasured kindness to him in his long affliction. The Flesherton public school will hold a grand picnic on the show grounds.Flosh- erton, on Friday, September 19. Eu- genia, Orange Valley. Rockvale, Ceylon, Port Law, Mr. Reid's, and other schools will attend, in a body. An interesting football match will be played between Eugenia and Orange Valley schoila for a valuable cup. Play to commence at 1 p. m. The Ceylon .Juvenile baseball team will meet the Flesherton youths at 2 p. m., when another cup will be hotly contested. All children are requested to secure ba'daes and assemble at the tow-i hall, Flesherton at 12.30 p. m. sharp to form a monster procession, which will parade the principal streets before going to the grounds. During the afternoon races and atheletic sports will be held for the girls and boys for which suitable prizes will be given. A short program will con.sist of music by the school and the distribution of certificates and prizes. Croquet, tennis, swings and other means of amusement. The pupils of the Flesh- erton school will furnish a grand supper free to all. Coine one, come all. Ad- mission (o groundsâ€" adults If) cents. Children 10 cents, badges supplied. nititia Camp. Lieut. McFaxland will be at the drill shed, Flesherti'H. ou Saturday afternoon, Sept. 20, for the purpose of enrolling the members of the detachment from No. 6 company which will attend the camp. PERSONAL â-  Mr. A Mnushaw is spending a week or so with friends at Mt. Clemens, Mich , Miss Hazel McGregor of Durham was the gue.st of Mrs. M.K.Beaton last week. Mr. Cecil Radley of Port Hope is visit- ing *ith relatives in ihia vicinity. Mr. R'idtiie Bentham of Silver Creek,- N. Y., is visiting with friends iti this vicinity. Miss Osborne, of the firm of Boyd, Hickliiiw & Co., has resumed her duties in their millinery rooms. Mrs E Gauden is spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, near Owen Sound. Mrs. C. Bcdlamy has returned homo after spending two wc'ks with her mother at St, Catherines. Mrs. .Aiex. Beaton if Toronto is the guest of her son, Mr. M. IC. Beaton. Mis." Pie'le Christoe is visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. E While, Mr. and Mrs. MeCallu 11. Mrs. Sproulo and Miss Stine of M:irkda1e spent Sunday at Sir. D. Mo- Tavlsh's. Mr. 0. J. Leitch of Riiffalo and his brother. Rev II. H. Leitch of Picton, p lid the Advance a shoit call one day last week. They were in town dispo.sing of IhfLiitch prop:'rty, referred lo else- wheri. Mi.s.^ Kavansgh has severed her connec- tion with the Fli'sherton postolboe and left Monday afternoon for a trip to the Northwest, after which she expects to take a iKinition in her brother's ufBce in Toronto. ttbnberlcy From Our Own Coirespmuient. News is scarce aioiiiid herw at present, asiii'iSt people are liusy taking in and threiihiiig then train. Mr. Simon Plewe.s visited friend.-t here on Sunday. Ho and Mr. Ler<liu Plewes have returned to CollinuwooJ The tormer will go iiiilbrj^ at Erin and the latter at Kirkville. Miss Annie Knott of Buffalo visited frienrfs in this vicinity last week. Mr. Bishop of Bishop's Crossing visited his brother, Mr. S. Bishop of this place. Mr. Win. Best was here lust week looking after the building uf his house. EiiiCenia From Our Own Curitapoiident. Harvesting has been a tedious job this season on account of the wet weather. A few more dry days and all will be gath- ered in. Tiie potato rot is going to be more serious than it was at first thought to be, as it seems to be general all over the country. The meetings held in the Presbyterian churckare well attended, as Mr. Rogers is a forcible speaker and by tender plead- ing tries to win .souls for the Master. A serious feeling seems to be in the com- munity. We trust a turning to good will bo the result. Born â€" Near Eugenia, Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. David McMuUeri, a son. Born â€" Sept 14th, at their home in the Valley, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hislop, a Sim, still born. Mr. William Wilsiin, who is afflicted with that dreadful disease, cancer, ia very ill at present. A larger number of our Eugenia people visited Toronto during the exhibition. Now they have all got safely home we hope to have a spell of fino weather. Recently a few of our gentlemen friends went to Kimberley on a fishing picnic. The fish were rather scarce but tliey found the skunks very plentiful of them are wearing new suites of cloths ever since. Of course they say they don- ated their other suits to the missionary Society. â€" â-  getting tired of going away to picnics there are so many mishaps, The Markets. VurefuIlY €orre«' ed Ea<^h Week Outs. 27-0 27 Peas 00 o 60 Barley 45 to 48 Butler 14 o 14 Hugs fresh 14 '.n 14 Pork 7 20 to 7 26 Hay....... 5 00 to BOO Potatoes bag 4o oo 60 For Sale or Rent. For sale or to rent for a term of yearnâ€" two lots on the cornor of Fetor and Elizabeth street, Flesherton ou which are erected a Rood brick dwalliui; bouBe.fraiuo barn and stables, together with other out buildingB ; also good orchard of apples, pears, cherries and small fruiti ; occupi- ed for the last five years as a Presbyteriau manse. Apply to Mas. Sykes, FleshertouP. O. Flesherton, July 21, 1002. FARM FOR SALK Only 91800. S600, b.ilanco eany tormx interest 5%, lOO acres, 75 cleared aud under aultivHtion, balance half cadar Hwamp and half mixed hurdwood. Com- fortable frame dwelling, frame pi si barn half mile fiuiii good school and 3 niileH from village of Eugenia. Apply to R. J. Sproulo, Flesherton. THE OWEN SOUND RE.OPENINQ Cuesday, Sept. 2,1902* The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will re-open for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept 2nd, at 9 a. m.,when pupils will be enrolled and classified, and classes organ- ized for the General course ; the Commer- cial Course ; for all grades of Teacher's Certificates ; for Piiss and Honor Junior and Senior Matriculation, and for entrance into all the learned X'rofessions. Staff and Equipment The Staff consiets of eiRht teachers, all spec- ialists, and men of the highest professional Btauding, The equipment is thorouRhly modern and eUlcient, and among the best in Ontario. Terms : The fees are: For County Grey pupils. Ton Dollars per yeor; for pupils from other counties Ten to Twelve Dollars per year. For annual Announoement or other informa- tion apply to ngled by a vicious horse. I siiifer- | greatly for several days and the j Some i^'-'^ '^"^^ refused to heal, until > lar agent grave me a bottle of j NARD'S LINIMENT, which I be- ! In the matter of the estate of Mungo Dand, late oil the Township of Osprey, iu the Oountv of Grey, Farmer, deceastd. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the "lie- yieed btatutos of Ontario," 1S07. cliH;>tur IQO. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said MUNtiO DAND. who died on or about the eleventh day of March, A.D., 1908, are required on or before the twenty-second day of September. 19C2 .to send bypost, prepaid or deliver to William Davidson, Esq., Boo Roy. P. o.. Ontario, admiiiii^trator of the estate of the said dttceased, their Christian and surnRines, ailaressea aud descriptions, anil full particulars of their claims, the statement of their achouiits and the nature of the seuuriticE, if any, hold by them. Andfurtber take notice that after such mentioned date the said executors will pioceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having ro^.ird only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or i»er&ons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him; at the time of such distribution. Dated the IHtfa dav of August, A.D..1S02. LiUOaS, WKIGHT & Mo.AllDLE, Solicitors for the administrator, Owen Sound, Ont FOR Lumber, Lath, lu using, and the effect was magi- Euu*oniirpeople'"s.iy"tii6y'^''-e '• /° f^« , ''°"-'"'* the prtn had „i ^f „„;,;., „,„.,„ ^„ ,,;'n„:..o '<-'*". and in two weeks the wounds d completely healed and my nd and arm were as well as ever. Yours truly. A. "e. ROY. irriage maker, St. Antoine, P. Q. yOMSBlBE BllB FOB SEB1ICE The undersigned has a lino thoroughbred Yorkshire boar for service ou lot 34, fifth con- ceBsioQ, ArtOiiioBia. Terms SI. W. E.DYSON. Hdmiiii$trator*$ 9ak OF Valuable property in the township of Osprey, in the county of Grey. » â- â€¢> * tJndor iustructiouslfrom the Administrator of the estate of Mungo Daud, late of the township ofOspreviu the county of Giev, farniei', de- cottsod, there will be sold by public auction at the Temporanco Hotel in the village of Kovoi- shau: in the county of Grey, on Friday, September 26th, A.D.1902 at 2 p. m., Jho following property, uaiiioly:â€" Lot number Seventoon 01) iu the Bloventli concession of the towushii) of Osprey iu the county ol Grey, contai.iiug one hundred acros,bo tlie same more or less This farm is situate about one mile from thu village of Feversbaui. About eighty acres are cleared and the balauco is timbored with hard- wood. Upon the premises are said to he a frame liouBo.ouo and a half storiei, high; a frame barn :IB.\10 and i frame strawshed, 4:1x18 with f tables beneath. There is a small orchard ou the pruiuises. TERMS of SALE Ten per cent, of the jiurchase raonay to bo paid to tlio vendor or his solicitors ou the day uf sale and the balance i'l thirty jays thereafter without iatoi'est, into the Canadian Bank of Commerce at 'I'oronto. to the joint credit of the adijiiuiitrator and the oiiicial guardian. The pi operty will bs sold sn bject to a re- serve hi.i li.'ca b.v Ult oltlcia! C; •.!., :^li.%n. For further paiiilcuiars and con.iitiunsuf sale apply to the undorsigucd William Davidson, Lucas, WiiiaHT&MoAiiDLE AdL-iiuiscrator, Vendor's Solicitors, Kob Itoy, p. o. Owen Sound, Dated August -iird, A.D., IWi. rhe microbe of con.sumption ha.g on known to remain alive on a days. ok for 103 For O . < r Sixty Yean. ', '?'â- ? i^" „ WellTbikd Rimebt. - Mri dow » toothmi Syrup liu boan lued for ower siitj ^«otUUii ii» »f mnll»,rn tor thtit 'â- bllilr»r â- mt-'-:. Shingles, . Flooring. We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher and arc prepared to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when you want anythini^. Hickling Bros. thi 8th Con., 10 July, '02 Arlemeaiaâ€" Maxwell P. O. fit â- ^. €♦ 3, S b e p p (f> Flestierton « Eusjenia is giving FBI â-  "'- ' _ t. ^J Special Values uhia v7/onth . o . •fi in all lines of summer goods. Our prints, muslins, lelaines. Summer Dry Goods all being cut in price. ^^ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE FlesVierton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at lowest rates. Special attention given to copyina. Babio.q' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BULflER ulnjuuuTinjijTriWjutnjuvnjiJU tjuvju • Cl>« Flesberton ♦ ♦ e?ii??orijim 111 IS TME PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNE: •S. A!l kinds aljd prio:;s Whiprt and lashes Trunks and Valioo'!, combs and brushes, Sweatpails and collar pads. Axle Grease. Hoof Ointmeiit and Gall Cure. Bitts and Snaps, Buggy Dusters and nil styles and prices. Rubber Kuirs. Woollen Rug" Harness Polish and Metal Polish and Everything in our line. Ul. Itloore > FIcstKHon m We have received already some of our fall goods. Our stock of .shirtings, cottonades, flannelettes,M'rap- perettes, canton flannels and derry being very well shipped. We are giving some spcci.i! values in men's and boys' clothing, we want you to bring your boys here to our clothing department and let us show you how com- pletely yet how economically we can fit them out not only with .suits l)ut with every article of haberdashery from hats to hosiery including shoes. Sn Our 9Ifen's department. We want you to see the superb selections we have made to sell at popular prices. These include every fashionable fabric and are cut after the latest desigu.s of the swullest Uiilors. You will find iu our store the latest styles of hats and everything that is worthy iu haberdashery but at prices considerably below what othere charge for identically the same qualities. BOOTHS i5.NI3 SHOES Our Boot and Shoe Department is complete in all lines of Men's heavy and light shoes, women's wearing and fine .shoey, also girls' aud boys" in all prices. Wo buy direct from the manufacturers thereby saving you the midtUc man's profit. # â€" -. .. GIROCSKLIES Our stock of Groceries- is always kept fresh. Our 2yc. Japan and Klack Teas being somewhat extra in value, we wouUi avsk you to give them a trial. A full line of crockery always kept on hand. Highest price for all kinds ot produce. T. J. SHEPPARD Mj \i/ \^ il/ \\i \>) ill ii:

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