Flesherton Advance, 25 Sep 1902, p. 4

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^^susmi^'^^mism mmm Septemijer 25, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 9«!S!S!S!!! r^.*^*^*#+ I F, T. HILL & CO | **^***^| TREMENDOUS STOCK • 1 -."..''. •:• NEW •:• DRESS GOODS..,. OF OUR new Import Dross Goods aro now pliiced in stock and nmko up tlio most superb collection.!) we've ever had on (jur counters. Almost nil weiives and r|ualitie8, shades iind co!orin:{«, that diirne Fashion docreoa as bcio|{ correct for present mid winler weir MO huro in abundance. We Wrtnt everybody who i.s iriterested in buying a dress or winter suit to see tho various and complete lines We ai'e showing. Well'll be pleased to show you every- thing that's now. Amazon Cloths, 48 inches viride, in black, brown, blue (jray, mid-^ray, dark -gray, myrtle, heather, navy, etc. This ia an excellent «o()d-wearin!J fabric, rich finish, heavy and very suited for separate akirta or tailoied suits. Very special per yarct 48 Zebeline Dress Goods,42 inches wide, medium weight, being equally well adapted for drosses or tailored suits. Those are to be had in a nice assortment of colors such as dark gray, mid gray, blue-gray, green, fawn, etc. and are sure to be popular sellers, per yard only 42 Ladies' Cloths, 40 inch, in pearl-gray, sage green, myrtle, brown, parnet, navy, blue gray, bright navy, fawn, also black. This is a beautiful uiediuni weight cloth, of exira fine pure all-wool, and will give eutire satisfaction. Special only 50 Venetian Cloth, 42 inch, in black, gray, fawn, light, bri'wn, navy, nile green, myrtle, sage green, etc, This cloth is of a medium weight, rich satin finiah.and is warranted not to spot. Special only 65 Serge Homespuns, 52 inches wide, m black, gray, blue-gray, bright navy, dark navy, brown, etc. For an extra wide goods at a low price we believe this line is unsurpaased. Very special only 48 Zebeline Cloths, 42 inch, in dark and light-gray, greens, garnet, blue, etc. These are particularly nice goods and will make a decidedly handsome tailored suit. Special per yard only 75 Scores of other pieces in broadcloths, Venetians, box cloths, etc., all colors and black, per yard from 75c to 1.50 " HOrtESPUNS We have probably the tposl perfect collection of homespuns you'll find anywhere. These goods are made by "H irrii"of R )ckw.)oi,anl for exoellenoe of qa^lity and durability oF]coIorings aronot surpassed by any other man- ufacturer. We have them in all colors at the fcillowing prices per yard, 85ct8.,95 ct8,,^1.00,<1.15,?1.25 and 1,36 SUITING SERGES Extra heavy Serge, 56 inches wide, in navy, brown, myrtle, cardinal, etc. In most stores this line would cost 81.25 per yard. Our price 6 pieces beautiful double-fold plaid Dress Goods, very pretty pa' terns, very special per yard only 75 22A These are only a few of Ihe very many lines we're showing this seasonâ€" all up-to-date new goods. No matter what price you choose to pay,we're in a position to give you the very best values you'll find. We would be very pleased to have you inspect our entire t-tock and make comparisons for yourself. F. T..HILL&CO That Fierce Plastering Again children, fourteen of whom still live,and twelve of whom attended their father's To the Ediior of The Advance. funeral. Mr.Vogt lived to see 14t grand- Dkar Sir,â€" The Patton Bros, think I children, making a total of 217, probably must have been jollying them when I the largest line of descendants possessed referred to what lh»'y culled fast lathing and plastering. Not at all, it was zeal for tho reputation of cur town. You must know that the Advance travels a long way up into the buny towna of Notthevn On- tario »l\d away out ou the wide prairies into those centres of hustling energy, where cities are sometimes founded in less time than it took Patton Bros, to lath and plaster a 20 x 26 house. I notice the charge in regard to the boy who helped them lath is evaded in a contemptible maniierj I would like to ask Patton Bros, if they consider it fair to â-  try to crawl out of the hole thfy got into by Htriking at a boy in such a cowardly manner. This was the third time you had this boy this season and is it likely by any man in Ontario. Another man in khaki arrived in Shel- burne by Ihe morning train from the south Monday, in the person of Mr. C. Hodgson, son of Mr. J. W. Hodson, Homing's Mills, who arrived at Quebec from England on Saturday. Mr. Hodgson enlisted with the last batch of Canadian Mouaied Rifles at Winnipeg for service in South Africa, and latterly has boon in England, and was at tho coronation of Edward Vll., witb tho Canadian repres- entatives of the ^South African forces, â€" Economist. The Methodist General Conference took an imixntant step at Ihesetsion in Winni- peg, by tixmg the length of a pastoral term at four yt-ars, instead of throe, with W. HOCKLEY I*r»oton - Px*oton Great Reductions IN READY-MADE CLOTHING that you -vould have paid hmi *1 P"[ the privilege of extending the term to five day and board if he was no good ? t>ne|j,^,^,y y,„,^^ ^^^.^^-^^ c.mditions. There would not expect a boy of IG to know as „,.« c„nsia,niblo discussion before this much as a man neani.g 40, and yet he is important move was decided on-a few jUhl fast enough to count one when work- ,,f ^^,^ aelegales thought the term should ing with P»tt.m Bros. Evn in regard j,^ jj,,^ j,^,„^_ ,^ ^,,.,^t manyo.hers I.. iiK-asuremeuts you have neiilur actually , ,i,ouj,,,t 3 y.^^ as at present, was "quite denied m.r proved our siateniiiit Hwt L^jj^^j^ ,„y.._j,uj g„^,,y ^^^^ ^,„i„„ (^ there was only 400 yards m the houses, L,,^!^^ ^^^ ,^.^,„ j^^^ y^„^3 „^, ^.^^^j^j ^^ but like the other you have shown yourl ^ ,,^^^^ majority. Another important nature by trying to strike belo,y the bolt. I „,„,.^ „„^„,^j^,^j „,^ Conference the You want to know why a.,n,eon* does not ^,^,„^ ^„y ^ deciding to appoint a Field do their fa.st work in Flosherton ? Why secretary lor temperance and moral ro- didn't you do yours here, and then we could easily settle the disputed paiiitii. \ gave you one or two ei^aiuplos o( work faster than yours ? Why don't you chl^llen^u to a test of skill ? Also, you admit that you are not the fasteat men hero If that is so h >w c.imo you lot call your work exceptionally fast I And now in regard to your inviiatvm to airry the hod. My dear Patton Bros., you really must excuse me f'>r two roisons. You know It is beneath the dignity of any self reapeciing mason to carry the hod Why my brother masons wnuld call me a scab if I did so, and I d'<n't want my eyes cIokikI, and judging by the amount of mortnr that Mrs. Maiiders shovelled out of the last house you plastered here I iihoiild ii.deuil be in danger. Is that the reas'iii y >u hive no tender 1 But if you tietd a bibi'rt'r why not try the good lady who handled the sliov el ho ably in the uCliur liitU6B ? And as woman is iiowa day'! invadiiif thj duni'iin of nrui, it it ju-t (to-aible that the iinmiso of a future ' jMrtnurahip inigbt induce her to become an nppreii'icu and learn the noble art i>f uy\<i a iqging. MErUANio. Mr. Arthqr Voi<',who died at MiMmiy | recently, waa lairn in Qutnmny in 1815.' He name t4) this country in 1841, settling! in NowGermmy. He married Marie A. ^ Schnurr, who lived until 18G0. The'^ fruits uf hi* HH-T'ftge were ftfteen form. ' â-  5toniach and Bowel Troubles A promptly satiafuctory cure foreranips, colic, indigestion, heartburn, billiousiiess, sick stoinauh and summer complaint, is a few drops of Nervilinein sweetened water. Nerviline at once relieves pain and Butter- ing, erradicates the cuuso of the trouble and cures perniancntly. Poison's Nervi- line in till! best remedy for inti mil pains known ; it acta 30 (|uickly that no house- hold should lie without it. Buy a 2.^c. b'ttle of Nerviline to-.liy.i'ts all right. Eugenia Planing Mills. . . Get your Sash, Doora, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Po.sLs, Ball asters. Cor- ner lilock.s.Hand liailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Sliingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ing.s, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteetl. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR Men's all-wool tweed suits, $9.00, reduc- ed to 6 76 Men's Fancy tweed suits, ft7.50, reduced to 5 00 Boys' 3 piece suils,$3.76, reduced to 4 95 Boys' 2 piece suits,! 3.00, reduced to 2 26 Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dross goods.regular selling prico 30c. to 40i;., reduced to 19 Boys' blouses, regular prices 60c reduced to m Great snaps in tlannelelte shirts. 50 Men's flannelette shirts, regular 50 cent, clearing out at 35 Tailor-made Suits A snap for ynung men, regular $16 and »17 suiiK for 13 and 14 Every suit guaranteed to fit, or no sale. STRAW HATS. Men's fine .straw hats 25 to 30c for 20 i Ladies sailor hats, regular 50 and 60c for 40 24 Jlon's Sweaters, clearing out at d8 12 Boys sweaters, clearing out at 45 A largo assortment of Ladies kid gloves, regular $1.25 and $1.15 goods for 90 A Large Assortment of Fancy Glassware l^idbcst price paid for Butter and Eggs ••**• Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. TO CURE A CULD INONB DAY Take Tiaxative Broiuo Quinine Tablets All drugfiists I'ufuiid tho tnouey if it faila to cure W U.Ci rovu's siRoaturo is ou each box 98o •' booking backd see I never saw before." This is tht^exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, iCWELCR AND OPTICIAN Boydtl^f cklitig $£o . Fall riillinery Opening Tuesday and Wednesday September 30 and October I, 1902. We have pleasure in announcing our Fall Mill- inery Opening for the above named dates, and cordi- ally invite the attendance of the Ladies of the vicinity. Miss Osbom will again take charge of the Show Room and we have made preparation for the most elaborate Knd comprehensive display of the latest creations in Fall Millinery. Ladies requiring "Rush" orders will have prompt attention. JS^g^ p ALL SUITINGS. Our selections of New Fall Suitings cannot fail to meet every individual taste â€" we have secured the most popular colorings and weaves and can fully guarantee quality in every instance. We lay special stress on our " Harris " Home spuns for high finish, wearing qualities and stylish appearance. Harris Homespuns All pure wool, in black, light and dark grey, reseda, myrtle, blue, navy, fawn and .brown in medium, light and heavy weights suitable for skirts and suitings. 52 to 56 in. wide. Three prices, 85c. $L00 and $1^25 ^ Zibelline Cloths f^ Very stylish goods, in black, grey, myrtle, navy, brown, fawn and red. Width 46 to 54 inches. 55c. and $1*00 Bx*oa.dLclo'tli.s Pure wool, superb finish, in black, blue, navy,grey, brown, fawn and biscuit shades. Widths from 46 to 54 inches. Prices from 75c. to $|.S0 Cheviots, Poplins, Venetians, Amazon s.Repps, Satin Cloths,Henriettas,Serges,Meltons, etc. â€" new selections in all the leading popular shades. Prices from 2oc. to $1.00 Bl ouse Fabpios We're making a specialty of "individual" waist lengths â€" no two alike â€" in a wide range of colorings and effects in the most fashionable and correct cloths, including Delaines, Printed and Embroidered Cash- meres, French Flannels, Fancy Bedford Cords, etc. Prices from 50c. to ^OC* ptt yard* Blouse Flannelettes Onr range excites general admiration â€" the cloths are wide, soft, beautifully finished- the designs are exclusive â€" the colorings new and .choice. Prices from 10c. to 2Sc* per yard* ^ On Fair I>ays we shall show ' the largest and best selection of Furs, Over- coats, Clothing and Mantles ever exhibited here. Come and see them I When you think of buying a new Stove or Range get our quota- lions â€" They're right and we have lots to choose from. 7-^>-. •>-/â- .'- Plow Points â€" We have all kinds â€" 25 cents each. Boydtl^icklmg&Co, •«» .^

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