September 26. 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JUMM §\imm €4Mb Il#'CULL0UOH & YOUNG ''*â- Ilkiikcrs, Mai'kilslo Do a geiiersl bank! tig buaiiiei>a. Monoy loSDsd kC a reaaooable ratu. CkII uii us. AS VANDU8EN, J P Clerk Stb Uiv Court, Co Orey â- suer of Marriage Mcensoe. Oonvoyancer Notary Public Auotloiieor. Mouoy to loan aciiveioaut. Cbargea uioilorato. „„„ FliESUERTON P O RJ 8PU0ULE Foitmaster, KleshertoD v^OiuicIaiioDer Id H. 0. J., Auotioaoor Ooa- • oyaniMr, Appraisar and Moiioy Lender Iteal KHtate ami Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgaitea, loaaea ani wills carefully drawn up an 1 valuations made ou ebortest notice, luooey to loiu at lowest rates of iuteroit. Col octioiia alteudea to witli promptnosa bargo4 low. Agent for Ocean Dominion 'wamsbip Company. A call solicited. ,^ofiftif]$ A U W meets oi. tbe labt Monday in eaon montb, in their loage room, , 'a block. 8 p.m. John ar<l, W. M. ; .1 A K.ilsu adt , Uecorder; W. Bellamy, Fiaancier. Visiting brottareo invited PKINCK.AUTHTK LODGE, No. 333, A. A. M, meets in tbe Masonic ball. fStraiD s blocjk, FieaUwrton, every Friday on or -before the full moon. F H W Hickliug W M. Chas. MuDshaw, Secretary. OOUKT FtESHEBTON, I. O. F. meets in Christoe's Block the last Fridaj evening each montb. Visiting Foresters heartily »eloome. C. R., B. Waller ; K,S., W. A. Arm- strong. gUdifat DR CARTF.B M C P & 8 Ont, Physician Offliee and reaidencaâ€" Peter st,, SargeoD, etc Plesberton X>K. v. T. Blbby,â€" Physician, Surgeon i' etc. Plenhertou, Ont OOlce audBesidence, OoUiugwood street, one block o »8t Presbyterian church. May be found there day and night. Coroner for County of Qrey. 800TT, AND SOFTLY Members College Physic. & Hnrgeons Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship Diploma , Post Oradu- ute o Ileal School and Hospital, Chicago. ili.ioaies of eye, ear, nose add throat specially treated. H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Feversbam . a»weH. Convention at PrlccviUc JP t rTRSVRLIi Veteriaary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" s»ooud door south west on .Mary street. This street rune south Preabyteriau Church. M» Veteririaiy Huri^joii and Dentist, Max- well, graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, ciBlia'tud with Toronto University. Visits - hugeu la Wednesday from 11 u. iii. to 3 p. m., an Foyersham Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. J. W. FROST, L L. B. Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, etc o11:bâ€" .Next to postodico, Kpronle's block Fir -.h ifton, every Thursda and, court days N Bâ€" Owen Souud oUico, Frost* block Pjulett street east. LUC.V8, WRIGHT & MeABDLB Harriateis Bolioitors CoiiveyaDcers, et OIBouaâ€" Owon Sound, Out Knd MarkdaieOnt. -W H Wii.'unT, Mc.\niiLK I B Lucas N 1! -Fleaherton oUlco, Mitchell's Bank every Saturday. TVniiEU & PATTF.BSON Itarriatora. Solieitora, etc HolBoii's Hiinlt, Owun Hound h.iUllV G TUCIvHit Oi;() W PATTKBSON WACKAY&SAMPSON .Harriaters, solicitors. OFFIOI'JH :â€" Owen Sound, Merchant's Baik \Uc>ck, N. of l'».ttir*ou Ilouso. Lundaik, ain Strrtot, every fifctuiday. Money to loan at ij per cent. A. O. M.-iOKAY.M.A., ll.U. HA.MPrfON , L.L.D Always in ttttoiidanu ' at Flesherton and Dunii^k Division OouiLk. sDcutijstni "^â- iB. B C. MURRAY, L, D. S. dental snrgeun j^b^'inor gradnutu of Toronto University and MHM ColUitiii of Dftulrkl H iruudiis of Ontario, (ylTOBTEOppoiltn Annstron^'rf .lowollery Store. - Will «V'' Maxwell llui liiBt Wednesday of eaobiapnth, and Duudalk 1 and H Thursday each inoutb. The third annual Babbiith School coii- venlion of the towuahip of Arteniesia, met at Pnceville , on Wednesday, 17th InHt., at 2 p. m,, with tlio President, Uev. J, 8. I. Wilson, B. D., in the chair. Devotional exercisea were led by Rev. Mntthewsoii of Pricuville, followed by PreHideiit's address. Rev. J. Buchannii of Dundalk was ur«od to remain for the evening serri;e and take charge of th« question drawer, which he consented to do. "The Teacher's Responsibility" was the subject of an address by Kov. A.Cook, the key note of which was the spiritual life of the teacher. Our responsibility is, 1st, To our charge--a little wrong at the bfginning will make ii fearful difference at tiie end ; â€" 2nd, to bring before him the "reat truths of the gispel; â€" 3rd, Have, a gift fur teaching â€" different natures require different treatment ; â€" 4th, Have power, brought forth through the indwellins; of the Holy Spirit. Among some of the forces which tend to make us forget our responsibility the speaker plaoed the following : Wu look upon our work as routine, or we become indifferent to our own spiritual life. He gave as the remedy, a deeper spiritual life, and said (he most successful teacher is the one who lives nearest the Godhead. in <;ii;irinru:^ir>firini>fViiTi>ru-iru>fiiyiiiix dm Hi Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Fleshertori Photograph Gallery ai'u done in firsl-clnss styio and at l.iwest rates. Special nttention Kiven to copyino. Ilabieit' photos, a .specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BULflER ! xtiiihi inKr£f ii&£rjiiiiiiit iEnjifutitrtrtri JFavnx foi? Sale CHeap. Lot Id, conoejWlon 19, township ot osprey, clear of incumbrance*; O.'i acri'.^, (W> cleared, bal- ance hardwood l>nsb; in g(jn,t atate of oulttva- tioii..<4<mr'a<'-u0«t»<n< wsetis; good frame barn ami ai«l>le» nndi-r, <UxfiO;aguiiil liou«e Mxai, S utoruv, niidiir Bto:ov alone, upper frame, well lltiljliiid, agoO'l (i'0-,t prjpf cidlai ;wuo<l>lied HG x-JO. a I.Vbariel ciatoin and uever-lailing wall aii'l iMimp in pnnd order, all under roof; planty of w.itor loratock In pasture. Tcriua i>l sale, CJUO raali, bala^icu to miit the purohaaer, 5 per cent, on haUnce. »ly rpaaoii for si'lliDg la ill. nesa and the place iiinai be aobl. There la an urcb.ird o( alvitit Ii acro^ MwlJuawaait » «»*• acro" ci( (all wb»ai . School] mile, chnrchea within I or? mile : aboi iLt M iiilliw from Fav The subject of the address given by Rev. J, Bunter dt Markdale was, " How to Conserve the Results of Sabbath School Teaching." We give give four points which were ably enlarged by the speaker. By not loping sieglit of the children after leaving school; do it by personal work; bring them to the point of deciding for Christ, and by nut forgetting them in after lite. The children of the public school marched in in a body and took their places in the front pews of the church. They weie to have been addressed by Rev. W, N. Chanllor of Markdale, but in his abB9noci^t$^'-)-Buchanan e ndeav ored to combine his "Noimal Class" with the scholars' nieeling and succeeded most happily. We feel assured that sU who listened will understiind and remember the first, five books of better th'iri ever before. A nominating committee was appointed to elect officers fur the ensuing year and the cunvuntion ndjournwl to the basement where the ladies of Priceville had ivepared a sumptuous tea for all who liad attended llie session, including the boys and girls. The evening session was opened by Rev. F. W. Var'ey after which the nominating committee brought in their report as fal- lows :â€"Pri's., Rev, A Cooke, Flesherton; Vice Pres. , Rev. .T. A. Matheson, Price- Ville; Sec, Rev. T. U. White, Eugenia; Treas., W. II. Uunt, Flesheiton. Ex- ecutive coniuiittoe, Mr. Jerry Thompson, Mrs. W. H. Thui-slon, Mr. Peier Muir. After the elucliiin of otticerH the preai- dent elect. Rev. A.Cooke, took tiie chair. He gave a short address. Discussion was op,;iied by Rev. T. R. White on "The Clmrch's Ut'sponsibility'' to the Sabbath school in regard to the provision that the church should make for the Sabbath scliuol along the line of proiier, ventilation, heating, lighting, and th.'ir toinponil needs. He also refeiTol to llio church's ivspoiisibility in providing nov^oHnary ruoiiis for classes. Rev. F. W. Vaihy followed uy taking U[) the chutch's responsibility as tho paront of the Sabbath school. Tho Sabbath Kcliool was tho progeny of the church and assucii it should be given the spiritual teaching and training given by a pirent to a child. The church is ros[x>nsiblo to a i?reat extent fur tlie spiritual life of tho sabbath school. Rev. Jaa. Buchanan also joined in tha discussion and reforred to lliB Ui'ile. The Word of God boing one thing that makes men and women strong and themfore we should get tho boys and girls tu love the Uible and it they du so they are not likely to go far Ksraj'. Ho also touched on the tirat^Siib- l>,uh school in the old testament tiiiio-', that spoken <pf in Neh 8. Here we have the t^acheis giving the ]ieople tlie word the Law or tho word ot God. Tlio Sab- bath school was one of tho places whore luen and women could study the word of God and he ur^^ed that the church should form part of the Sabbath school. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson took the subject, 'The Sunday School and the Temperance Prublein." The impoitant Ihuugbt in thisdiscouise was that iif the l>iys and girls laklnit the place of AJioku men and women who fall in tlie ranks of tlie throng I if drunkarda. ''The men in |)ositions of tiust, in the office, in tho Hture; on tho farm, in the pulpit, and in the shop will soon die, and who will take their places?" U* Ui{.s," oomoi tho answer. " The I saloonkeeper, the hotelkeeper,the drunk- ard, the brewer,lhe poor wietches tramp- ing all over the country with their bleared faces and wretched rags, and the criminal will Soon die aiiti who will take tlieir places?" "Us boys," comes the prompt rejily. Every time u drunkard drops out of the ranks to his doom a boy steps up to fill the gap and we must save the boys. The Sunday school is the must efficient woiker in this and we must rouse 6ur selves to our responsibility. The only etticient way is to wipe the iniquitous curse clean out, no half measures will du. The collection and questions were then taken up and Rev< James Buchanan of Dundalk was called on to answer the questions. Mr. Buchanan is a man of wide experience and is thoroughly capable of handling the question drawer. He had some very difficult questions along sound experimental linef. and ai' were answered practically and to thtf point. The meeting was then brought t 'om by tho doxology and benedictiun. ' *^ â- Mr. J, H. Meir of Owen Sound claims to have the oldest copy of the Bible in Canada. It was printed in 1594, and is therefore 308 years old. It is what is known as the "Breeches" Bible. In ad- dition to the well known Genesis III: 7, as "Breeches" instead of "Aprons," there are numerous other equally curious variations between this and subsequent editions, a few of which may be men- tioned. In Luke 11:16, the word "catch'' is substituted for "manger." Another peculiarity is the employment of tbe old title "dame" for "miatress" in Genesis XVI: 8. The note' to 2 Chronicles XV: 16 is " Herein he shewed that be lacked zeal, for she ouaht to have died," or in other words the mother of King Asa ought ] to have been murdered. There are otlier pecuiiaities toonumerousto mention. The copy in Mr. Meir's possession is perfect, except that a small piece' i^ turn from two leaves in Proverbs, and one minor title is wanting. Mr.Meir intends putting it on exhibition at the fair this week, where it will no doubt prove an objact of special interest to thoio desirous of delving; into Biblical lore. â€" Sun. An exchange remarks: â€" The drawback to the work of a good many country cor- respondents is that they cannot resist the temptation to get off" jokvs at the expejw© ot other people. The joke is usually wrapped uji in such a way that only those with local knowledge can see the point. Nevertheless the point is often so sharp that it liuits Everybody enjoys harm- less fun, but the private doings, the little ambitions, tho hive making, tho little slips and petty misfortunes should be let aeveieiy alone To never wr'te about a nciglil'or iinytliing that you wuuld not like wiitteii about yourself, is a fcolden rule. A few nights ago a Winnipeg policeman arrtstod a sleep walker who had wandered fnr away from his home in his night clothes. Ou arousing him from Ins slumbers, the prisoner enquired : Surely Vuu are not guing tu lock me up. I can't be responsible for the c<mditioii you found nie in, I am n somnambulist." " I can't help what church you belong to," replied the cop ; "if you belong to every church in the city, you can't walk the streets of Winnipeg in your shirt tail." The little chap who wrote the follow- ing cumposiiiuii on "Heads" goes to the public school in a neighboring town : "Tliero is a lot ot hods, red liuds, bawled beds and so 4th. Pa he's got one â€"it's bnuled. Mn she's longheded and Pa he's bullhcded and I am red hedcd and level to. Tho smait end of a buy is his bed excu|it wlicn hr's spanked. Pa says if a feller gut u hod he can get a bed in the world, but I don't want a hod like he gets when ho gets out with tho boys." .\ school teacher named Mim Emma Emersun, living ne-tr Oraiigeville, has entered suit at O8goo<lo Hall against the School Board of Melaucthor. Township, Dufforin County, for unstated damages for alleged injury to her health, due, she says, to the unsaiiitaiy condition of the school. D. McTAVISM jLa t* For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons Cutteis, Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. * ALSO MORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHI.NG and guarantee first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough reptiira, ai,d «Uo Massey- Harris and WoXon repairs for Wndefs, Jlowers, all kinds of maohinory, also Binder Twifie oil hand. » (Uben in town give US a call « .♦ l^arness ^ ♦♦. If you want a First Class Hand- made sett of harness go to HEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS ft FOR THEM. Sr A. Fq^st Monttis SPENT AT THE Owen Sound, Ont. Will- tit a young man or woman for buiiiness. The best course in Canada and reason- able fees and expenses. College circular free to any adiircsa. C A, FLEMING, PRIN. Owen Sound, Ont. ^(opsthe Cough aiid works off the Cold Laiiatlye Brouo-Quiniiie Tablets curca eoV n one day. • No Cure, No Pay. Price 2 5ceu t Jl« milson = Tksbcrton « « « Fleshertons' Tonsorial Parlor Wantedâ€" Barber Apprentice good chance to learn for the right young man. Bring along Ya Laundry. « « « Jl.aijison = Tksberfon 1^ K & K K/?< K Kd^mm^n k &i\i k BLOOD POISON If yoQ ever contracted any Blood Disease yots are never safe ttnless the Tims or ' poison has been eradicated from the system. At times you see alarmtng^ symptoms, j butUve in hopes no serious results wtU follow. Have you any of the ioHowLn^ symptoms? Sore throat* ulcers on tbe tong^ue or in the mouth, hair falling' out, ach- inirp^iiis itchiness oi the skin, sores or blotches oo the body, eyes red and smart, I dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness â€" Indications of the secondary stag-e. Doa*t trust to lack. DoaH ruin your oystem with the old fog-y treatmeat-*-mercury and potashâ€" which only suppresses the symptoms for a time only to break out again when happy in domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on you. Our NEW METHOD TK£ATMENT is guaranteed to cure yon. Our Buaraotees are backsd by bank bondH that the disease will never return. Thousands of patients have been already c^red by onrNEW METHOD TREATMENT for over 20 year*, and no return of the disease. No experiment, no riakâ€" not a ^^patdi up," but a gofii* live cttro* Tbe worst- cases solicited. Nervous Debility OUB NR'W MRTHOD TRBATMRNT will cure yon, and make a maa of ^oti. Under ita inf laenca the brain becomes active, tbe blood purified so tliat all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong- aa steel, bo 1 that nervonsness bashf ulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy retnrne to the body, and the moral, physical and sex- ' nal systems are invigorated; all drains ceaseâ€" no more vital waste trom the system. The various orjraas become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. \V« Invite all the afilicted to consult us con&deatially and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakir, rob you of yoor hard-earned dollars. W8 WILI, CUKE YOU OK NO PAY. __ We treat and cure KKRVOU9 DEBILITY, BBK tTAL ^^EABrttESS, EMT9- 8I0NS, SYPHILIS, GLEET, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY and BL AOOER DISEASES, and all diseaaes peculiar to men and women. Cures guaran- teed. Are you a victim? llave^ymlost hope? Are yon contemplatlnif marriage? Has your blood own diseased? Have yon any weak- ness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Conaultatlea I free. No matter who has treated yoo, write for an honest opinion B'ree of Charif Char^es reasonable. Book. fro«.-^The Golden Monitor** [illnstratedlou Diseases* men "' 'Diseases of Women* All sent Free sealed. "XboWJm<MOiSin." [ iUnst rated 1 ou Diseases of VajricoceU, Stricture and Gleet." 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE , i --^ Trade Maf»k» '' ' y'f ', "A' • O ;'Yi-.i.-.Mrs Ac AnTonefSnillfia r. !>».'< 'h »ril l!'-»crlr" -:i ninT au!'ilcly iv.n«.-l«ln mir npliilon f-c. whnlicr .-.u luvuiitloii Unui'inK/ rulc'Int.lo. rniiiraiuili •- ll>iii«strt(Jtt/«i»nQ.1?fi*':il. >''nn'l'.i'H»kMn Patent/ â- nt fnrfi. tfl-'fit .-.i;cnt:T far swurn'»f p;kt«".tli. I'alniiU •? II trinmjli Mimn K Co. r»-vulv« r f f irti I '.ic*. Ttt'ioiic chfti;*. IntSe & handfiomfiT UltiitT'ttoJ wo*V1t, I.tircrest c»f M.nlion cf nnr •oti'UUdo luuriuil. T<:ruiH, 93 four moitliB, IL luii all newadf^nlors. NN&Co.""»«'»*«'NewYor^ Miafa Office. SB P at- WuhlMloQilX (X No medicine eenl C. 0. D. No namos sn boxes or envclopas. Everything I oonlldential. Qiiestlon list and Cost oi Treatment, FREE, for Homo Cure. us SHELBY ST. DETROIT MICH. K & k; K & K^ K^'!Ks;Kya^^K & ro^ K> >^A\ K Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2906S. i%> '♦) ti-rs«;-< The uuderRi^jned has a fine aged Duvharii till for sorvicu on lot Ul, T. ct 8. H. Termsâ€" f I for Kfade cows, 9» f or thorouKh- reds Vcdh;i'ee on appUcatluu. .TACOn LRVER Plesberton P.O. Tarnwortli Boar for Service. Alvln (No. 728) Tlio unitetsigiied t>».s a thorouuhbrcd THinwoitti. BoHr bred liy John Bell, t)f Amber, Ont., for service r>n lot 170, con. 2 E. T. * S. R. Termn 81 00. ISop.tyr. lliohard Allun, Fleahorton. Advance To the end of tho year for 20 ceots. 2 TUsbcrton Furniture marerootns* We are carryini{ tbe newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, conHisiin^ of : Porlor and bedroom suiU, lounges, side)K>aril.«, eKtenKion and centre lalilec, chuirh, uindow shades and curtain pn'rt", picture*, easels, etc., Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framifig and 'General Re- imiriiig. Undertakini^ iii Ml 'its branches. S."tisfao(ion guaranteed. W. tt. I'unt, - - Prop.