Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1902, p. 1

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Jfksfortjun ^iijana. •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL. xxn, N( BC Flesliertoii, Ont., Xljuisciay, October Q 10O3 W. H THURSTON , PBOPhlETOB 4 tl r Brooches Wf are conliniially taking in more stock of tliese lines. Dou't forget us when you wont I^inrra All t!ie Latest styles of the best rings found here very Laclies' Lono- Guards In pretty swell goods aud at right prices. And last but not least Ladies' Chain Bracelets AND Gold Watches W. A. ARMSTRONG. FLESHERTON Eockvale. 1 From Our Own Conespmuleut. j InteoOi'd fur last wetrk. ! Mtsars. Sam anJ Ch;irIio McEee of ; Nmtjiwa aiB visitiu;; at Mr. Jerry Thomp- avn's. - '' 1 Mii3 EH.ma Parke of Turonto is miting , 'at the j'areutal I oiiit>. ' I Mr. Mcf'i.nib of Ci^llingwood is the |f,'uest ..f Mr. .1 Eughah. What might have proved a very serious . aecideut occurred at a threshing iti this neiglil)i)ih'io<l recently. One man threw 'a fork iiiio the mow. Mr. John Brittou | was near the edge of the mow and the i tines of the fork jiunetrated his face in ! two places Fortunately the damage was | nor. aa .serious jis it might have been, , i Our teacher and pupils t mk possession ! of the uew school on Minday of last week, and are now nicely aud cosily settled. Your cor. is triad to note that Mr, Jos. , Sherwood is much improved in health and j able to go to wurk once more. i Our sch.Qol h.is rCiUed an organ and ' are liusily preparing f,,r a c^'nceit to be ' held in the near fuluie. Ktoue Settlcmeut Cause of Splitting Headache Poisons accumulate in tbe hlo<id and spread every moment to all parts of the body. The bcain becomes cooiesied, nerves irritiited, and the re.sult is that ; awful headache. Ferroajne is nature's own remedy for j headaches ; it is a blood strengtheni^r and purifier of uncommon merit, a lasting ' potent tonic, and the greatest invigoran and health maker known. H^-adaches ' never bother people that t-ike Ffrrnztine after each meal. Buy a box from your druggist for 50c. By mail from Po'sun & Co., Kinijstun, Ont. m Kinttx-rlcy Harvostina is past aud threshing is now Fivm Our Oivu Coi respondent The harvest which has been a very tedious one. in this locality w.us finished leist week, aud people are now busy with proyn^ssmg in this lucati'.y. -Crain i.s tl.eir roft cr:>ps. Potatoes in most cases turning out very fair. Fanuera are ' are badly attected wirh roj, but in a few free Bunor Rolls HoBiT roll for S. S. No. 7, Artemesia, for Septe nicer. Cla.ss 4- -Joe Obver, Eiiith Dingwall, .Jennie Whyte, Emily H-nderaou, Ella Meads. Class 3 â€" Robbie_ Paton, Mary Paton, Mary Muir, Fred Vause. Ciiiss 2 â€" Jennie .Muir. Part 2. ST â€" Johnnie Whytu^ Maggie Henderson. Part 2, ji â€" Emma Meiuis,^ ^Vill Oliver, Hannah Watson. James Gillies. Part 1, sr â€" Robbie Vause. Part 1, jrâ€" G-irfiold Whyte, James Oliver, Ira Whyie. ! Those who attended ui"sr regularly are : â€" Willie Oliver, Garfield Wliyte, Jas Oliver, Eubbie Paton. F.E.Stoke, Teach u I . therefore Very bu.sy with threshing and instances the ci op is almost entirely fruit. Fruit is a heavy crop, excepting fri'indi.sease. pluuis, which are conspicuous by their j NntwithaUmding the number of steam absence. The fruit is ui.t of the best threshers ni the county, it af>p-.ars to be quaUty bein^ considerably dcstroytd by ' a diHicuIt matter to procure their services lUSt caused by excessive rains. ! on thi.s line for some time yet, Mr. R. Mr. Jiiliii McGowan has left town. The â-  Whi'.taker being the only one in this ijris'inill here, which did bob ng to Mr. i nei'.'hborhood who has thnshed. A good : D, Henderson, was left vacant by Mr. i yie'd reported. i McGovvan. He will be greatly nii.s.sed as j Mr. and Mrs.E.Sewell of Owen Sound, I he is a goo<l miller and gave excellent sat ] have been spending the lust two or three I isfaction to his custom-rs, and ho is al<o 1 weeks wi!tl> the lattor's mother, Mrs. J. ! a ttenial citizen with whom wo are s^rry to pait. He ;.oes to Durham. The mill ia idle i.t present except the choppoi, which is run by Huuh Smith, but we hope to soon have an efficient miller its Mr. W. S. Bishop has purchased the mill. We undeis'and the price v.as somo>vhcro be- tweeii SloOOaad §2000. Hi'Zard. The former is under the Dr's care, but the latter ue\er looked bettor thftu at present. The new building for our Sabbath .school is now bt ginning to b'ok ri-s^ect- abie. Sir. Uaidis' men are putting on the dres.^ed sirtiug. If some of the hmses of the present ilny Standing of S. S. So. (3, Artemosii for August and September. Best three m each class. Class Vâ€"KatyFle'^cher. Ethel Harro-.v. Class ITâ€" Hunter Harrow, Wm. Fletcher, Vimi Hazard. Cliijs III â€" Robbie Spicer, Janet Fletcher, Veronica Butler. ..Class II â€" Ruby Stotie, Ai\t\j Harrow, Bert Whittak.r Pt. IIâ€" Stella Butler, Tommy Si-icer and Emma Whittaker (equal(, Ediia FUtcher. Pivrt I, srâ€" \viKo SpiJer, Johnny Hazard, Rita Boyce. Part I, jr-Eilna McLo-'d, Jemima Spicer, Gladys Hazard. Average attendance 31. J. L. W'ouD, Te.ifher. Mr. T. B. Carrutheis has nearly cleaved were endowed with the power of Unalam 8 out his stock. Mr. M. B- Uainmoiid has ass of old, there wnuld cortninly lie many bought out the store and we will hence- 1 compUiints nnide tn the S. P. C. A. forth have only one store in town. The | price paid was about S4o0 | A pretty weddint! was c-lebra'od ou | Wednesday evening last at the residence '; of the bride's parents, Mr. aiid Mrs P. I Harri.s when their dauijhter. Bertha, Wiis j ujitcd in niarriai-o to Mr. Henry Wallace , of this ).l;vc6. The ceremoiiy was per Mr. Ben Stone has gnne to his occupa tii>ii i>f taking out ship timber and not with ti.e threshing macl.iue.as erroneously stated in fotmer items. What some people would like to know, viz :â€" Who is the correspondent bir the ."ection ? When that road job will be | commenced which should h.ave been j fioished on the 13th nf July ? Whether | fonn<.'<l by Ilev. T. White in the presence of a largo number of friends and relatives, j that autlu^'raph quilt will be finished in The youi.g coupio will reside on a farm i time fur the world's fair at Piiceville ?) on the third line of Euphrasia, a few miles! Whi'n peace will bo prochnmed between from here. We join with friends in wi.-sh- ' tho.s-.! billi:;ercnt kui^hts of the trowel ? ! prospotous voyage iua thtiu a long and ibmugh life. Mi.ss Mary Knott is visiting friends in j Owen Sound at present She attendeil I the wedding of her uncle, Mr. Ben Best, of that place on We<lnesday last. I Born â€" Ou Wednesdiiy, Septem' er 24, to Mr. and Mis. Matthew Ferguson, a' son. I Whether pirihibition will pn.te.t our j orchards from nocturnal marauders ? ^^"hether tilt large aun'Unt of sunflowers' which m.ay be seen growing on this line will fiunish liiiht during the obscurity of) the moon in the total eclipse? Jrhether the .«C;iivi:y of cal in the city will diniini.sh the supply of gas of the anti-jii-ohihition- ists ? Whether our singin? school will be Inspector Greir of Thorubuiv visited 1 re-oroHnized this season, and lastly but. the .vhoo! here Wednesday of last week j leastly, bow many hurricanes will be re- I and ref oi ts the proarcss as fav(u*ble I quired to till the tires of Bobbie's old) Mrs. F. Surbay (neo Miss .\da Barritt) i bike ? of Toronto is spending a few days at the â- pjuental home bore A fe^' of the stock breeders of this vio- inity took in the fair at Flesherton on WctlnesJay and carried oft a iiu nber of prizes. Mrs. C Kelly of Toronto is the guest of Mrs T. Abercrombie Mrs. Melviu Harris has moved to Join her husband in Collingwood. .A nuii:ber of the people of this vicinity m-e slightly und.T the weather and some seiiou.sly ill. The infant son of Mr. â-  and Mrs. Ge',>. Walter is very sick. Miss Lily Curry has what may pno.o to be a very serums ca<e of knee tmuble. For about a year she has been troubled wbh'a slight [laiu ill the knee. On Wednesday, October 1, she was at the Klesherton fair Elmwood, Sept. 27. â€" James Ruseel of this village' cotnmitted suicide by hang- ing himself on an apple tree near his own hcmso. Russel got U|i at b a. m , and asked his wife where the key of the door wa.s, stating he wanted to go out into the frB.'«h air. After unlocking ihedoorhe we.it out This was the last seen of him alive. About half an hour afterward.s Mrs. Russel went out to gather apples, and I was horrified to see her husbiiiid, with a ! piece of ch)thcsline about; his neck, h.ang- \ ing from the tiee. The limb from which i he was banning was only about five and Report Rockvale fur September. Cia-ss 5 â€" Victor Philips, El Wood Gonoe. Sr. 4â€" Bessie Kussell Jr. 4 â€" Rela Thomj>son,Je6sie Phillips, Geo. Eni;lish. Sr. 3 â€" Vera Philiipa, Fiulay Hoy, May Fisher. Class 3, jrâ€" Maggie Fisher, .Jennie Park ar.d Nellie and Dora Prdlar (equal.) Cbiss 2.â€" Elma Armctrcng.Leila Clark. Fannie Portcous. Sr. ivirt 2-Lewis Pedlar, Edii.i Park and Mny Gillespie, all C((ual. Part 2. jrâ€" Mary White, Richie ClVk. Sr. 1-HarIey Phillips, Geitie Fisher, .â- \llie .McDowell. Part 1, Xo. 2â€" Edwin Smith, Abbie Gillespie, Eddie White Part 1, jrâ€" .\niiio Pedlar, M nnie Armstrong, W essie Smith. Average attetr.lance 45. H.W. Stafford, Teacher. FoIlowiuR is the liouor nAl of Prictville public scbool. eauior de;)iirtiuotit,for tuooth of Sopiemoor. Form Vâ€" Stttuley FerR-isou, Sarah SIsLean, Jest<ie .MeCrao. Form IVâ€" Magjiio Trvon. Hoctor UcEiunon Frank Aussom, Lucy Watson, Annie McCraa, Kobbio Coukfv, Jonniu McLuan, Tena Me- Doiiaid. Form IIIâ€" 1<. .MoDinooii, Alice McDou^'iIl, D. McLean, Llz;'.ie .Mather. Will Cameron, Neil UcKinuou, MsKgic Keifihos. Will Tryou, Author TattcD. Jobu McLoau, Cliarlio Mathesou. S. M. Fasticxn. Teacher. ncFARLAND,STAFFORD&CO. ^ HARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest and Cheapest Store. New and Charming Mater ials For Shirt Waists. "^ A seasin "r two ago when silks were in the lead of popularity we didn't believeâ€" nobody believed either â€" that silk and wool could be so exquisitely patterned ius to almost supplant silks fur waists, yet this has been accomplished. The sofr, woollen fabrics, sune of them w^ith a dash of sillc combined, are taking firsr place for waist making. Anion;; this new and varied aa.'iortment just ill of waist materials all the leading .shades are to be seen, some with stripes worked of silk, others with p itleniK worked of silk. 2J yards sufficient for a waist at 50 and 7'> ctj. per yard. 23c. DRKSS GOODS FOR 16k. 675 yards of double fold Dress Gooiis in tweed weight. Colors navy, brown and green mi.xture'iand a u-od durable cloth, our price 16i 38c. ZEBILENE DRESS (JOODS FOR 25c. 430 yards of Zehilene Dress Goods in colours brown, gray aud green. Our price wtis 38c., now only 25 35c PLAID DRESS GOODS FuR 25c New plaid Dress Goods double fold, in silk mixture and would be good value at. 3oc., ive have it marked to sell at 25 SI. 50 LADIES WRAPPERS FOR 81. 15 Anew lot of La lies wrappers in op'ira flannelettes, coloi-s garnet, blue and black, bought at a reduction therefore you can reap the benefit. On sale this week at • 1.15 35c LADIES VESTS FOR 25c Ladies Union Ribbed Vests, with lon-j sleeves and sold iu most places at 35c., our price 25 25c SHEETING FOR 10c Twilled, unbleached sheeting, full 72 inches wide, and heavy weight. In regular way sold at 25c, oui price 19 i OFF FLANNELETTE REAINANTS A case of 8349 yards of Flannelette Remnants, in stripi s at ime third less than reguhir value, in lengths from 2 yards up. The Tc quality lor 5c. ; 8e quality for ok., !)c quality for C JIEN'S DRESS OVERCOATS A LEADER In Men's Dress Overcoats we have procured a dari: grey cl.t-viot, velvet ctiUar aud liy front which makes a very dressy also durable ooit and up- to-date, our leader at 0.90 MEN'S HEAVY ULSTERS A LEADER In Men's o^tra heavy Fiieze Overcoats with large collar, plaid lining and a verv warm overcoat, a leiulerat 4.90 83 no BOY'S SUITS FOR .?2 95 Boys' 3-piece suits from 2S to 33, in blue serge, al.so brown tweed, will tailored and triniiued.and would sell at 83.50 in regular way,our price 2.95 EXTRA IN MEN'S UNDER UTIAR Men's all-wool (stamped unshrinkable) Shirts and dtawers, in Scotch irake, special vilue only 50 Meu's all-wool Fl-ece lined Shirts and Drawers, stripe fancy in e.Ktra 50 heavy weight, special at each ^taffoi^d & Co 6d Co F. 6. Har$tcdt*$ For all fall 6oo Where Voii will Find, a, 'Well ^^ssortecl Stock JH_ and got coid in the kiice. Dr. Shultiz of ^ „ i„iif feet from the ground, and when' He tthcote was cousulted and he is afraid the bone is aftected. j found his feet were res' ing on, and his knees almost touching, the ground. Mr I Russel was fireman in Goodfellow A' j Howson's saw mill, where he worked j until about two weeks ago, when the mill j closed down. A widow, a daughter, and â-  three sons survive him. Revolution in Newfoundland Since the introduction into Newfound land of the new inhaler i-emedy. "Cat- arrhozone," thetreatineutof cata/rhal dis- eases bas lieeii entirely revolutionized. The old time snuff and internal medicines have been srt aside aud everyone is in- halinit Catarrhosone;it clears the head and throat in two miuuirs, and is very agroe- ahle and pleasant to uso. C.-itarihuzone is a wonderful cure for coughs, colds, cat-,,,. , , c „â-  i arrb, asthma, brimchilis, lun« troubles 'â-  l'"""^ '"S'"' » """'"" "' Sullivan, near uid deafuess. It rolipves quickly and Chcsley, while digging post holes f mnd f cures peimanently. We advise our read- what looked and burned like anthracite, er» to fry Cotarthozone. Price 91.00, ' .„j „ „„ i->i.„.i„„ u...:.,«_ _ ._ -„ :_ ' .... â- '.,. Tk • . T« 1 Z ., . ••!<« some Cnesiey businesa men are in. itm size 25c. Druggiata or Poison * Co., ..... i KingatoD, OoU vesttjpiMnK the matte?. I In view of the prospective coal famine the following despatch to a daily news- I paper will l.)e doubly interesting: Christ"- After a good deal of study and worry we have at la»t "'iiirgered" out why so many coutitry editors ijets rich the secret of their succes.s. A child is bom iu the neiahborhoiKl; the nttendlns; physician gtts §10, the editor gives the loud-lunaed youiig-<fer and the " happy purent" a send off and gets §0l). It is christened and the minister Kets $3 and the editor gets $0. It grows up and marries; the editor publishes .another lona ninded, flowery article and tells a d"zen lies abcmt the " beautiful and accomp lished' biide The niiuiater get« SlOand a piece of cake, .and the odi'nr Kets SOOO. In the course of time it die<>; the doctor gets from ?') to $100; the minister j>er- hap» gets another §5; the undertaker gets from $23 to $50, the editor publishes a a notice of the death, an obituary two colums long, lodge and society retolutions, a lot of poetry and a free card of thanks, and gets $0000 No wonder w m.iny coaotrj editors not neb , Men's waterproof smocks.just the thing for a cold wet day 2.2.> Boots and shoes the very latest Men s English Kip Bluchers, guaranteed waterproof. If they dont prove .'^ati.sfictory after wearing then), you may have the privilege of retrrning them Here is and get your money back $2*75 CALL AND GET PRICES IN GROCERIES A Fresh Stock always in Hand HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE HAI^DWAI^E DEP'T. Heating Stoves, . Cooking Stoves, Box Stoves Parlor Stoves, , and Kanges. FURNACEiS A SEPOIAETY F. Q, KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON ^ t

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