Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1902, p. 3

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.i. \ * SECOND LAEGEST ISLAND Bafi&n Land Has Recently Been Coming Into Prominence. Dr. Robert Bell, who in 1897, maPPtHl a long stretch of the west coast of Uallin Land, has since been making further surveys of that ter- ritory, and now reports that the is- land is, at least, 300,000 snuaie miles in area. It is, therefoi"«, the second largest island in the world, being si;rpa^sed ouly by Uveen- laiid. Three years ago* no atlas or other publication enumerating the large Islands of the world included Uaffin Laud among them. It had always Been thought to be composed of a lumber of islands, and is still »hown in this way on many maps. But one by one these supposed is- ands lia\e been found to be a part 3f the main island. Thus Baffin Land has gradiually been represented is increasing in size. The distinction of being the larg- !at island has been held by qtiite I number of islanas in the progress 3f geographical knowledge. For liany years school children were â- ,aught that Australia was the larg- est island, then it was concluded to oe better to enumerate Australia uuong tho continental uuisscs and Borneo took its place as the largest island. About twenty-two years ago it was di.'scovered that New Guinea was larger than Borneo, and so the latter island took second place. Peary has recently outlined the northern coast of Greenland, dis- _sovering that it is an island, and 5o Greenland has been placed at tlie head of the list of large islands. At last, Baffin Land looms up as an Island that is a little over 1,000 statute miles in length, with a breadth varying " from 200 to 500 miles. ♦ ARMOURISD NESTS. In the countries where the cactus lourishes, it is selected by various sirds ana other members of the ani- nal kingdom as a place of refuge. There is a special kind of wood- pecker in Mexico, a clever bird, vhich furnishes an illustration of rhiit birds will do. If the traveller s near a uaass of cactus known as ;he Candle cactus, he will perceive, it some height from the ground, a lole in the mass of spiny leaves .hat appears to be o\idence of de- ay; it was really made by the woodpecker, which pecked away till t made an opening just large en- mgh to get inside the armored xee. It then burrows its way lown the middle, among tho pith, all it is right in the centre, and here it builds its nest, and keeps .he eggs free from the great heat of â- he sun and from enemies. Rabbits aake their homes in the cactus ; •hey burrow under the roots, and o keep clear of hunters, who do lOt appreciate the defensive pro- )erties of the plant, if anyone at- acks a cactus vigorously with a latchet, iiiid manages to clear away ome of the protecting spines, he fill sui-prisc a whole colony of birtls '.nd small animals, the latter on he ground floor and the farmer in he upper storeys. Thoroughness. Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, OfflcUl Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, states that " Sunlight Soap has " a thorough cleansing power, with- "out danger to the clothing or Bkiu." Women who want washing done thoroughly cannot use better than Sunlight Soap â€" Octagon Bar. Unlike common soaps, there is no damage to the clothing, and no danger to the skin ; hence the say- ing : Sunlight Soap reduces expense. Try Sunlight Soapâ€" Octagon Ear- nest wash day, and you will see that Prof. Ellis ia right He should know. 218 JUST A LITTLE TOO LATE. His knock on the door of a cer- tain house was answered by a de- mure little woman, and he felt quite sure of a cold bite ;is he led oil with : "Madam, do not think me im- pertinent, but let me ask if it so happened that you hud a son wan- der away from the family fireside years ago ?" "Yes, I did,'j she replied, as she opened the door a little farther. "He went out into the world and became a wanderer o'er tiie face of the earth ?"' "Yes, he did." "Days and weeks and months ran into years and you heard no word of him ? You knew not whether he li\6d or died ?" "As you say, I knew notJiing," replied the woman, as she stood in 'the door and locked fixedly at the tramp. "Well, ma'am," he continued, "I don't want to raise any fa'se hopes, but â€" but " "But you are just a little too late '." she finished, as he swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to wipe away a tear, "ily wandering son ret'irned abosit two hours ago, and is now taking a soak in the bath-tub. Had you called early* this morning, you know " "Then the situation is (illetl ?" "It is." "Just my luck, ma'am; but. of course you are not to blame for it. I congratulate you and your wan- dering son, and will bid you good day and tiy the family next door." PICTLTiES WITH SMOKE. Drawings in lamp black, which are I now becoming fashionable, formed a I popular amusement in France quite ! a quarter of a century ago," and pro- I bably date .still farther back. The ' presiyit idea is to take some crystal ! or porcelain surface, a plate or ; gla.ss, and hold it over a lighted Candle till it is covered with soot. .Then, by means ot a camel-hair ! brush, a penknife or his lingers, tho I smoke artist removed the lamp ; black where necessary, or thins it, ' in order to produce a picture with shivding. This is a reversal of the ordinary method of making pictures: in the one case, the design is pro- Home .Sweet Home : with delicious on the labie aiid a few friends to enjoy it, there is no place like home. Ceylon Tea Is the finest I Tea the>vorld producesi land is sold only in lead ; packets. i Black, Mixed and Green. : 'a-;an tea drinkers try "Sthda," Green tl^ WHOLESALE Stiijiie Clotbiiig Alao PAMTS. KNICKIIta. ovchalls, smookb. *«. Ask your dealer tor these goods- BEST EVER. WYLD-DARUMC COMPAMY, LIMITSD, TJRONTO. duced by placing coloring matter on 'a plain surface, whereas the new I method consists in scraping of the I pigment. If the artist makes a mis- take and takes off too much lamp I black, he can easily remedy this by I holding the plate over a candle and i getting a fre«h deposit. 3S and POULTRY We oan handii) any quantity of properly packed Apple Also any quantity of Pcaitry (dea J or atiwe.) Write us. THE 1»AW!»QX C0.milis.SlOX iO . Limited, TOKOXT^. ~h SEE WAS mm UP. DOCTORS HELD OUT NO HOPE TO MES. HUFFMAN OF NAPANEE. i Wcnderfiil Case and One Which Goes to Show the Wonderful Advancement Recently Made in the Science of Medicine. Napance. Out., Oct. 6.â€" (Special) â€"This town has furnished a case Khicli ha.s caused considerable talk In tho county. Mrs. John C. Huffman had been troubled for over six years with fe- male weakness unit kidney trouble The pain was so great that she coulJ not hear it and her kidneys ga^c her much bother n\u mn uu; inunmn her so much bother that she could not entertain any eompiiny in her home or take any social pleasures whatever. Her urme was very much discoloretl and gave her great trou.- ble in passing. In addition to these symptoms she had all the pains, headaches. and weaknesses of Kemale T^iouble Mrs. HufTman tried physician's treatjr.ent and many other medicines, but instead of getting Ijetter she Was gradually growing worso and was very much discouragvHi. Alany "of her friends thought she wouW never get bettor, but one Jav (she picked up a newspaiwr and read an advert i.-vment which s«iid that Dt>dd's Kidney rilUs would cure Female Trouble. As -she had tried so many other things without being able to get any help, she was very doubtful. hut eoncluded to try this remedy. She us«.h1 six bo.xes and wa.t com- pletely cunti. She is ti>-day swund find well, witliout a single symptom of her old trouble left. She was cured nearly live years ago and Is to-d.\y as sound and well a woman as there i.s in Napant".. She Bays: "I can conrtdently rtcommoml l>odd'8 Kidney Pills to every wo- man in Canada for they cui-ed nio completely and mine was a wry bud 6a.se. "They are certainly a groat irxHli- cinc and I will always i-ecommvml them Ici women who may bo surtVi-- Ing as 1 was with Female WeaknesK »n«l K'riney Trouble." LOST HIS RHEUMATISM By the Use of a Bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. Sergeant Jeremiah Alaher, of Ard- cath. Royal Irish Constabulary, says : â€" "My friend, Mr. Thomas Hand, has been a great sulTercr from rheumatism in the back and ioii.ts for the last four ySUrs, during which lime he has applied many dilleienl methods of treatment, but obtained no relief whatever, and for the last two years has been unable to walk without a Slick, and sometimes two sticks', and was In great pain con- .stantly. I induct."d him to procure ti. bottle of St. .Jacobs Oil, which he applietl with the most a.'itonishiiig and marvellous ci'ects. Hefore he had finished using the contents of the first bottle he could walk readily without the aid of a stick, and after a few applications from tho second bottle lie was free from pain, and has been ever since: and although fifty years of ago and a farmer, he can walk and wonc without e.xpe- lienciug any paiu or dililculty what- ever." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh tliat contain Mercury as mercnry will hurdly destroy tho scnso of Bmellan-.icompletoiydeniase the wbol6 system when entoring -t through the raucous surface.^. EHcb articlej* -hould never be used eicep: en Sreacriptioai from rcput^blo physicians. a.s '.ho amage thsy will do !»tB:i f:M to th» good jroa caE pod.«lb!y derive from r.hom. Ha !'< Caurrh Cuia, manufactured by F.J. Cheney it Co.. To- ledo. O., contains no mercury, nnd ia taken lu- ternally. actings directly upon the blood :ind mucouf; ^urface^ ct the system. In buying Hali'.'^ Catarrh Cnre be sure you get the genu ine. It is 'Akdn internal!y,and mode in Toio'io Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Sc Co. TesiimoaiaU free. Sold by DmEgisw, price ".5c per bottle. Hali'd Family Pills are the beat. Mrs. Mann. â€" "Tommy, you have been a very naughty boy ! When j your iai.>a comes home shall 1 tell him about you ?" Totamy â€" "1 think mamma, it will be more interesting if you remind him of those happy tliiys when your loves were young and fresh. A man lil;es to hear sweet things when he comes home at night, tived and weary." FROM TOHONTO and Canadian points to New York and Philadelphia. The best route via Lehigh Valley llailroad. Ser- vice the best, scenery unsurpassed, I'uUmaii palace sleopiug cars. din- ing car service, meals a It*, carte. The only line from Canada landing pa.'J- ssengers near all l-hiropean steam- ship docks in New York, saving pa.^^ seugers for Europe a long and ex- j pensive transfer. Route of the ! lllack Piamoml Expi-ess. Hay trai^i. ; try it. V^or ticket-s. Pullmans and j further particulars call on CIrand Trunk Agents or on Kobt. S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger .-Vgont. 33 Yonge street. Board of Trade build- ing, Toronto. "This man Lobbs is one of the [ luckiest fellows I know of. You ', heard of his arm being Blown off last week in that explosion?" "Yes: I but there is nothing very lucky about ithat." "It was his right arm, you Iknow." "Well, what if it was his rinht arm?" "Whv, he is left-hand- ed." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or callotised Lumps aud Blemishes from horse.-;. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, liing Boue. Sweeny, Stifles, Sprrtin.", Sor? aud Swollen Throat' Coi!.i!!s, etc. Save $5(1 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by .ill druirsists. Si.xty-one million out of the 121 million acres which make up Spain's area are mountain and waste land^ Lever's Y-'/, (Wise Head> Disin- fectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfects. Mrs. Binks^-Why, Mr. De.smond, did you go to the dinuig-room be- fore you greeted the hostess?" Mr. Pesmondâ€" 'Well, the hostess will keep, but the refreshments seemed to be getting away." "I don't want to go to school I any more on rainy da.vs." said little ; Tommy. "Why ?" asked his moth- er. "Because I was the only boy i there to-day, and " "You were, lonely ?" broke in his mother. "No: but I had to answer all the ques- ; tions ol every lesson." TO flRE A < »:.B IV 0\E DAT. Tak» L^xatiTc Brom > ^iiiniae Tiblot*. Ail dfUJ- ii»t-s rwfual tho money ir it f ,iU to cure. B. W. J- CTgs Mguature L on eucij box. CJi. Although Jupiter is 1,3S7 times bigger than the earth, it is only 300 times heavier. ingrd's Lioiment for sale everfwliere Hamburg has 305 firemen to every ! 100.000 inhabitants. London has i only 13 to everv 100,000. 1 Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Gentlemen, â€" My daughter 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it re- mained slid aiul very painful for three years. Pour bottles of MIN- AUIVS LINIMKNT completely cured her aud she has not been troubled for tw-Q years. Yours truly, J. P. lkVesque. St. Joseph. P.Q., Aug. IS, 1900. For O iT M\«T Tcirs. .4< Old and Wtll Triid Resedt. â€" M.-; WIdsIow's ^ooUlJai Syrup has beeo umU for o»er «i«j years by millions o( mothers for th-:ir children wUi <* '.«thnr, with perfect t«cce..». It looCiei the chilJ. ' softens tha gun:p. all.iys %v. pain, cur-9 w:n*l colic. »ad 1 istho be.-t renieu" for Dia,-r>icea. Id ple».ant to the ! Taste, ^olii by J-usgist^ in cTery part o! the wor d. i rwenty-aTecentsabot'le. Its Ta:uo ia i; c»Icul»b;o. ' •ie sure and asli for Mrs. Wias.ow a tio-jlhtng Syrup 1 3ud take nu other kind. Penmark has 1.1(57 miles of Gov- ernment railways, and o'2o miles owned by private companiew. Good Things to EMt From Libb;'bfaasast)?cienickjtciMnc. wtlftT* pun£7 preT»i:a. aJI moats luad la LIBBY'S lyatural Flavor Food Products oro U.S. GoTBmaf â- â- .Ti^p»ct«d. Th»whols omo- a«M and fooduMs i c-.^rj article !« prei«6rTad In ltd pre; Brstion for jour- -•.>T«tti9nc9. i.i U.a iiaadj ilo»M3?oniaa can*- A«a;',.. la T^^ur rantrr »h«i*«* an«blM7ou to baro kiHA'** --â-  a^uil tho ajMtitlftU to tlie T«rr be*t meAJe. The . â- > b*ok, 'Hww to afakti dood Thi-ig^toEai," te. â- â€¢ ali »boi]£ (h»mâ€" Met tr««. LlMiy'd lU&s of [Qe World* m&ilad Cra* for 10 <Mn£^ ;^-«urd. UB3Y. McNeill & libsy. chicaoo. Minafd's Linimgot reiisvcs fieoralgia ; Judge â€" "Your age?" Lady â€" "Thirty years." Judge (incredu- kni.'ily) â€" "You will have some dilli- culty in proving tliat." Lady (ex- citedly)â€" "You'll liud it hard to prove the contrary, as the church register which contained the entry of my birth was burnt in the year 1855." MUSIC'S Teachers Minafd's Liniment Cufes Burns etc, Heâ€" You always remind me of .something very disagreeable." She â€" 'Sir ! I â€" 1 " 1I« â€" "Yes, you re- uiinl me of all the time 1 have to spend whore I can't see you." .-Xnd the cloud* lifted. THE MANY APVANTAGICS offered pass>engers bound^for ItuiTalo and New York by the tirand Trunk's fast "New York l'".\press, " lea\ inj: Toronto O.l.T p.m. daily, a'c seen a' a glance when the splendid equip mcnt is considered. A full diniiif car ser\ ice until Niagara I'alU i; reached, a cafe parlor car rtinnin; through to BufTalo, and one of Full man's finest sleeping cars from To ronto to New York gunranteoB pn trons comfort and luxury as well a speed. The cafe and dining cars an acknowledged to be th9 handsoniesi in .America. Iwing electric lighted am equipped with electric fans. Clt; oflice, northwest corner King an Yonge .<itroot9. ^ . Teaclier- "Who built the Sue.i Canal ?" SuuiU Uoyâ€" "Nobody, sir. Hit wuzu't built. Hit wuz dug," Stacn ih<- «'<iuith nail work< off the <o!d L»x»fiT* Bromo.ijuiuin.> TahlcU cure .-i col<l in oaa >»y. >oCun,KaPaf. PTic« 2i ceiui. Small Nephewâ€" "Uncle. why do you always take a dog with you when you go out shooting: are you afraid of the rabbits?" Minafd's Liniinent Cuies Oandruff, I In Russia no iihotographer cau j practice his art without a license. THK MOST POPULAR OENTinilCK. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. the teeth. Sweeten? tha br»ath. StrenBlhene tha gums To send for cur Cow" plete Sheet Music Catalogues :ir.d Special Rates. We are equipped to supply everv AUisic Tcacber ia C:inaJa. 11^ A MTKn ^YHALEY, eOYCE n/lil I CLf S CO.. Lhntttd 350 .Main Street, 15S Yonge Street, WINNIPEQ, .MAN. TORONTO, ONT. 10 HUMBUG Ir^Kr?^;:! twhorner. Sti<[.*swm: .^f ».: »;c« from r r«. wiU\ i«i,e U^d*. B»Ir«ct» IIOHM. Tp>biiionidsfrf«. rr4e«tl iOorv?ii'1 II tnt '.riftl ; if It wt>tk«.««B,t kii&nr,.. F4t 4 II.3.1l»y6,'W;c.r l"Tr»;C;iuJiDec ;T. >l,19jn. FiaaSBSIUGUTON, F>lrArld, I<»I,g,li^ WABASH RAILROAD Puring the mouths of September ard Dclober. will sell one way sec- ond class tourist tickets at greatly riduceti rates to California, Wash- ington, Oregon, t'tah, Montana, British Columbia and other I'aciJic Coast points. Tickets will be sold via all direct routes. 'The M'aK"ih is the shortest, best and luickest route from Canada to the above points. 1-iiiest e<juti've<l f a.-isengcr trains in America. Kates. tinie-taW(>s and all parti- culars fron\ any ticket agent, or -I. \. KUhard'--on, fiist. l'as."»cnscr Agent. N. K. Corner King & Y.ui.iiw Sts., Torouto, and St. Thomas, Oj-.i- Dominion Line Steamtiilpt Montreal to UT«rpool. Bo«fon to Liver* pool. Portl»B.l w l,i»«r»ool. VinQurtni- town. Lute and Vx^t StiMimihipa. SiiMrior aeconixodatloa Inrail ciaJtmotpasonttra. SiIoaBS aod Su>i«fo«oi« m «ml(l»hii>«. Special ittonUon bu kotu giten to Ul« Sivond Sitloon anj rhir4-ClM acvowniodaUon F»» nbrt t>f fa^Ktv »Dd »:l puticulwj, spplj h> imi ^unt 01 tho Conipauj. or Riohinls Mills k Co, D. Torraoc? .» fo T7 Stalest. Bottea. MonlTtalvii PortiMiil ' GOOD MONEY Karned knitting for us. V/e rent new knitting machines'. Other in- (Jucemtnts to right parties. Send for particulars at once. l">ntario Fur- nishing Co., Toronto, thit. Gents' Suits Gleaned or I>T«d: klAO tiUI»:*' Wear of all kiniU. ami Uoii^ Hanclnrn .>f every 4weripUon. GOLD .Mia>Al.:.><T PYLK3. UUTIBB AMERICAN DTBINO CO'Y Mwtirnl, TofaotOk OUan * 4«ak«gk \VOOO S li>HOTO. EVCR U IWi^ fir J. IJO^ES tNC. C9 i^ -10© BAY STReCTâ€" lORONlO BY USING Standard American Wicks Sarnia Lamp OiL ^^*ff^ Samuel R0GER6p«is.T0R0NT0L' (anada P AND UICGI ermanem «x"> WESTERN CANADA Mortgage Corporation, Toronto Stre«t, Toronto I "* I out I SAVINGS DEPARTMENT wo receive depoaiu of one doll&r and upward*. Interest »: Sa Per Cent. Per Annum is jiitid twica a ye.vr. If not witjidr w i i& is added to the nocount and bear* Intereot at th» same rate. Absolute Security. j Prompt artd Courteous Attention W P €1149

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