"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' '»l VOL. xxn, w. m Klestiertoii., Ont., Thursciay, Noveir\ber e 1002 W. H THtmSTOH, EDITOR & PBOPKIETOB 'â- %. mood is away up Silverware is down "Wfrll, John, ilifl you hear tlie latest?" - "No! what is it anyway, Lizzie?" "Weil, wood is fiyiug high but silverware is djwn at Fleslierton. W, A. Armstrong has a big stock of silvorwaro,a stock that has never been equalled in Flesherton before forqiiiility or quautlty. He bason sale Teapots, Siij,'ar Bowls, Pickle Dishes, Cake Plates, Bread Trays, Desert Setts, Napkin Rings, aud a lot more I can't lemeniber." "That's good news, now we will sell our wood and get some of tb.-it silverware we have been wanting to get so long." "That's just it," W.A. ARMSTRONQ FLESHERTON j havini! erected so commodious iiiid pleas. ! ant II schoolhouso. Tlie proceMl8,.imount- ,' iiig to $23.00, will bo used iu the pur- ' chii.«e of a boll. I The Arnistronji Bros, have just finished ' a neat blacksmith shop, which th«y found necessary for the iiccimmodation of their businegs. Mrs. J. Thdtnpaon is visiting relatives i in Owen Sound. ; Mr. and Mrs. Miidill and family i)aid their furowoU visit at Mr. Thomv,.son'8 on • before leaving for their new home at the "Soo." gists, price 50o. By. mail from N.~ C. Polsun & Co., Kiugston, Ont. Sold by W. E. Richardson. Division Court. Division Court was held in Dundalk on Wednesday last before .Judge Morrison. Following aro some of the more import- ant cases : Sholbiirne Marble and Granite Co. v VVaher Brougliton â€" An agent of the company conviLSsed Mr. Broughton for a monument. After seeing designs and sample, a choice was made of black pearl granite. When the urticio was delivered Prohibition rleetings objection was made, according to defence, ., ,. . , - 1 -u-t- 11 to the quality on the ground tliiit it was Meetinns in favor of prohibition wilt i .... ? , , „ . bo held in the township of Artemesia as Follows : Nov. 10 â€" Port- Law Scboolhouse. Nov. 11 â€" O'Brien's Schoolhouse, 14th concession. Nov. 11 â€" Schoolhouse in sec. 4, near Iniatione. Nov. 12 â€" Vaiideleur Schoolhouse. Niiv. II? â€" Priceville, Watson's h.iU. Nov. 14 â€" Stone's school. Stone's Line. â€" Nov. 14 â€" Rcid's School, Toronto Lino. Nov. 17--K()ckvalo Suhoolhouse. Nov 17â€" Elienezer Methodist Church, Townline A. and B. Nov. 18â€" Ceylon, the Hall. Nciv. 18â€" S. S. No. 9, 8tb line. Nov. 10 â€" Orange Valley School. Nov. 20â€" S S. 14, near Markdale. Nov. 20â€" Eu^'cuia, the hall Nov, 21 â€" S S. 7, Durham Road school .Nov. 24â€" Prutcn School, Chair taken at 7.30. Some of the fol- lowin;,' will be present and give addresses: Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. D. ; Rev, L. W. Thc.ni; Rev. F. W. Varley, M. A.; Rev. J. A. Marlieson, B. D.; Rev. Wm. Chaiitler; Rev. W. A. Rodwoll; Rev. J. Hunter; Rev. T. R. White; Mr. W. G. Pickell; Mr. F. T. Carr. Stone Settlement J^roHi Our Own Co) respondent As the people on thi.s line have been very quiet of late, there has not been very much news. Mr. Ben Stone has been home the past week froi)' where he has been working at timbering, but returned last Monday. Mr. Ben Stone is having a ventilator put on his bain. Mr. Bauks is doing the work. Mr. Henry Stone is getting his house very near complotion now. Mr. John Gibson is doing the plastering. Threshing is the order of the day. not black pearl granite and when first payment was due Mr. Broughton refused to settle .hence suit was entered by the company for ®36. Three members of the Broughton family swore, at a late court, that the monument was not according to sample, At this court a large number of marble men swore that the Gananoque marble, of which the monument; was made, had ii) right to be cilled black pearl, which is only found in Norway. It seems that the agent, who has an interest in the Oanaiioque niino,liini3elf christened tlie marble "black pearl." The judge evidently did iKit believe Mr. Binughtou and members of the family, who .said the monument was not according to sample; he also evidently believed Mr. Stewart had a rifjhc to christen his stone silver or gold if he liked. In any event judgment was given for plaintiff, with costs, which will bo heavy. Bolger v. Riley â€" P. Bolger gave M. Riley ten dollars. Riley claimed the ton dollars was paid on account of a bugg/ and endorsed it on a note from one Mac- donald. Bolder claimed that it was mere- ly loaned. The judge found that it was loaned and Mr. Riley was obliged to refund the X with coats. Phillips v. Scillcy â€" This was the out- come of a Maxwell fracas, which was ventilated before the magistrate here a few weeks ago? In this case Samuel Pliilips sued Scilley for 860 damages for biting ciU" the end of his little linger. The judge taxed Scil'y $25 and costs, A cost- ly bite. Clark V. Woods â€" Clark purchased a 100-acre Proton farm from Woods, paying §1105 down. Afterwards he clumed to have found that the place was very weedy Root raising is uearl>' completed. We are wondering when the next apple ' and he left it, suing for the return of his paitin)> bee is eoing to be held, as tbo money. Evidence went to show that the apples are vory plentiful. place was as good as represented by the Hallow'en jiaased off very quietly. We vendor. Woods put in a counter claim have not heard of any damage yet. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wood have decided to hold another concert this year and are against Clark for $204 for hay and straw fed off the place. The judge allowed $60 and costs on counter claim, also non- very busy getting the children practised . suiting plaintiff's claim for recovery of iu songs, dialogues, drills,etc. We expect the $106. Iter one than last year. Bockvale Tliorp Wright v. CoUiusonâ€" Wright claimed to have purchused 80 curds of slabs from Collinson at $1.50 to ho de- livered right away. Collinson only de- livered one car load and claimed that one oar was the limit of his ability. The judge, however, thought the plaintifTs Intended for last week. On Tuesday the 2l8t, mat., a concert was given in the school hTe to commem- i>iale the opening of the fine new building pockctbuok had suliered to the tuno of recently erectwL \. very large gathering $68,50, and gave him judgment accord pfttroaized the entertainment, which was i„giy „ith costs. unanimously pronounced to be afirstclass . ». m »»« » Hchool ciuicert. Miss Stafford is to be ! heartily congratulated on having arranaed : The Evils ot Constipation , . This daneerous condition causes sick ,uch a list of entertaining and unique ^^„j„p,,g_ abdominal pains, piles, aud i» items for the progranmio, many of which severe oases insanity and appnplexy. The were quite t.ew to her audience and wore niost agreeable and satisfactory remedy is Ferrozone, which niakus the bowels so Honor Rolls Standing of S. S. No. 6 for October. Class 5â€" Katy Fletcher, Ethel Harrow. Class 4, sr â€" Hunter Harrow, Willie Fletcher. Class 4, jt â€" Lovina Hazard. Class 3, sr â€" Robbie Spicer. Class 3, jr â€" Veronica Butler, Janet Fletcher, A. B. McLeod, A. A. Snell . Class 3, sr â€" Ruby Stone. Clars 2, ji â€" Apnos Harrow, Katy Mc- Leod, Bert Whittaker, Maggie Boyoo, Pearly Cairns, Wm. McArthur, Tommy McArthur. Pt. 2, sr- Stella Butler, T. Spicer. Pt, 2, jrâ€" Edna Flether, Frosty Purdy, Emma Whittaker. Pt. 2, sr â€" Johnny Hazard, Harry Haz- ard, Willie Spicer, Rita Boyoe. Pt. 1, jr â€" Jemima Spicer, Edna Mc- Leod. Average attendance 32. J.L.Woon, Teacher. Honor roll of Eugenia public school. Class V â€" Charlie Smith, Daisy Smith, Willie Wilson. Class IV â€" Ida Osborne, Mary Wdson, Virgie McMullen, Millie McMullen,Fred Smith, Ada Turner. Class III sr.â€" Alex.Fisher.Mabol Carr, Tena Williams, Weston Carr. Class III jr.â€" Elwood Purvis, Bertha Williams, Annie Napier, Edna Williams. P. H. Badoeiiow, Teacher. JUNIOn DEPARTME.NT Sr II â€" Clara Liitinier, Ethel Armstrong, Albert Sloan, Fred Graham, Ettie Thomp- son. Sr. II â€" Horbie Fiahor.Katy Jainieson, Mary Jamiuson, Jakie Sloan. Sr.Pt. IIâ€" Ettie Latinier,Russel Parks. Jr. Pt. IIâ€" Albeit Williams, Nellie Campbell. Pt. I Sr.â€" Riissel McMullen. Pt. I Jr, â€" Elsie Armstrong, Annie English, .\llie Williams, Wesley Arm- strong, Geo. Williams. Rockvalc school report for October. Class 5 â€" Victor Phillips, EUvood GenoD. Class 4, sr. â€" Be.ssio Russell. CliHS 4, jrâ€" Reta Thompson, Mabel Chard, .Tessie Philips, Georwe English. Class 3, srâ€" Vera PhiUips.Finley Hoy, May Fisher. Class 3, jr â€" Maggio Fisher, Walter Akitt, Arthur Gbard, Jennie Park. Class 2 â€" Sam Simpson, Chailie Hoy, Lei'a Clark, Eva Radley Pt. 2, srâ€" Ernie Rus.sell, EUio Arm- strong, Reta Fisher, Carl Atkinson, Pt. 2, jrâ€" Mary White, Richie Clark, Jininiiu Armstronu, Annie Betts, Pt. 1, srâ€" Gertie Fisher, Nellie Fisher, George Chard, Walter Fisher. Pt. 1, No, 2â€" Eddie White, Edwin Smith, Abbio Gillespie, Reta Fisher. Pt. 1, jr â€" Slim Fisher, Leila Fisher, Minnie Armstrong, Frankie White. Average attendance for the month, 50. H.W.Staffokd, Teacher. n 'r. ncFARLAND,STAFFORD&CO. HARKDALE, ONT. ' , Qrey County's Biggest and Cheapest Store. Home Comforts.. Comfortable, Economical and needed for the home It's the constant watchfulness that accomplishes so much for you. We have been wideawake for your necessities in the way of Bed Spreads, Comforters, Blankets and Sheetings. $2 00 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS 81.45 pr. 75 pairs pure white unshrinkable wool blankets with fancy coloied stripe borders, thoroughly scoured and cleansed, size 56 x 76, in rcRular way sell at $2, on sale at per pair 1.45 §13.25 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS §2.69 pr. 25 pairs extra fine unshrinkable super wool 7 lb Blankets, soft and lofty in finish, thoroughly cleansed and scoured, in regular way would sell .it S3.25, on .sale at per pair 2.69 7Ib 4.LL-W00L BLANKETS FOR $8.25 pair. The manufacturer guarantees these Blankets to bo made from pure white Canadian wool, absolutely free from any adultration of any kind, extra 3. 45 BEST BLANKETS MADE FOR $3.00 '. .. , Extra superfine all pure wool Saxony Blankets, guaranteed absolutely pure, fine soft aud lofty finish. These are tliu best blankets made in every respect, sizes 56 x 74 inches for $3.00 per pair ; 00 x 78 inches for $3.50 a pair ; 68 x 86 inches for per pair 4.50 $L25 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS FOR 95c pr. 75 pairs 11 x 4 White Flannelette Blankets in pink and blue borders, a beautiful soft finish , and in rejjulnr way .sell at 31.25, on sale at per pair 95 SI. 60 COMFORTERS FOR 81 19 Reversible printed Cambric Comforters ot now patterns and good heavy fillini; on sale at 1.19 ~ $2.26 REVERSIBLE COMFORTERS FOR'$1.75. This Comforter is filled with absolutely pure White Cotton which is especially prepared and carded into cross laps to give extra strength and buoyancy, on sale at 1.75 $2.50 REVERSIBLE COMFORTERS FOR $1.90 Fancy Siit.oen Comforters, largo sizes, made from fancy art sateens, re- versible, and gnaraiited pure white carded cotton Hllnia 1.90 $2 75 REVERSIBLE COMFORTERS FOR $2.26 Reversible Comforters of printed art sateens of rich colors and fancy stitching, pure white cotton filling, on sale at 2.25 $1 00 COLORED BED SPREADS FOR 7.5o. Bed spreads in blue, and white, and pink, and wliite mixtures, centered patterns with border all around, worth $1.00, on sale at 75 3 EXTRAS IN WHITE QUILTS Fine Satm White Quilts, best English makes, full bleached, very rich in finish and new designs in Roman and scro(d pattern, our regular $1.35 line on sale for $1.19 ; regular $1.50 on sale at $1.26 ; and $1.75 on sale for 1.50 65c. FLANNEL SHEETING FOR 45c. Eight-quarter Union Flannel Sheeting, in white, full 72 inches wide,Bold in regular way at 05c., on sale at 45 jyidS^ki^lkTld, ^tkffoi^d ^ Co Lumbermen's Supplies Class V- -B. Lawrence, I. Legate. Class IVâ€" Robert Tucker, N. Collinson. Class III sr â€" O. Tucker. CkiisIII jr.â€" Fred Chislilt.M.Stowart. Class II sr.â€" Z, MoLt-od, Cecil Leuate. Class II jr. Minnie Hemphill, Maude Hemphill. Class I Pt. Iâ€" Willa McLeod, Vera McMullen. Class I sr.â€" L. Hawke, Percy MoLood, Howard McCauley. Class I jr.â€" Charley Chislitt, Ella Whittaker. Average attendance 41. T.J.COIXJUBTT, Teacher. thoronnhly appreciated. Rev. T. R. well ordered that natural and nnassisted White of Eugenia waa in the chair and ^clion is established. It is mild and cer v«ry ably filled in the intervals with a few tain in action and never causes distress or nml, chosen speeches on our Canadian l-~"--^lVrti: ^^J^^^^^^ aysUiin ef education, which he aeclarea j„jg,j^j„g3^ ^^Xw, billiousness and head- *M«eooni\ to none. He •Isc compliment- gj},e dissapesr ai once when Ferroaone is •* the trustees of the Rock vale school on osed. Recomraedded nud Bold by drug- The new Vancouver Australian cable was completed last week. Great Britain now owns un all-around the world cable. It requires ten hours for a message to circle the globe. Horses Strayed. To tba premiseB of the uclerRianad In Cnokoo Vallov.ono bay maro aud ore yearling oolt. Tho owuer is requonted to prove property, pay •xdeDMM and take them away. JOHN WBUKH ii SONS, V»Da»l«U( Snag Proof Rubbers. We have -J, splendid variety of .snag proof rubbers m all sizes,, for which we quote a few prices as follows : Snag proof Duck,6 inch.leather top,rollededge,$peCial $2*5^ Men's 2-buckle Perfection, special $2.2 5- Men's 2-buckle Perfection, Toronto brand, special 1.75. Men's 1-buokle rubber 1.00' Boys' 1 -buckle rubber ^ ^ Men's plain overs. Maple Leaf brand 75 Ladies' plain overs 50 Lumberman's heavy sox, 50, 75, ?1 00 and 1.2ft. f>ardware Departtnetit. « « 5aws, Xcut and Others; Axes and Axe Handles. HARNESS SPECIAL Heavy team harneca, with britohing, hand-sewed, complete, usual $29, special prico- $20.00 Double heavy harness, silver mounted, was 830, now 820.00 Single drivinu harness, worth 810, for 14. CO Single driving harncs.s, worth 16, for l.'IOO Single hnrness, worth 810, for "". . . 8.50. F. 0, KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON ^1 .••i. ;* t-u'