Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1902, p. 7

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Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolen* nor the surface off linens. Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the v/orSd producesf and Is sold onjy in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. bcaa tM drinkers try ''Salaia" Creea t«^ In a city not subject to earth- qu£.kes thei'o lived a family who had one of those domestics of the broak- everything-they-toucli sort. Recently the town experienced a slight shock. Pictures wero thrown down, crock- ery and furniture rattled about. In the midst of the tumult the mis- tress went to the head of the stairs and called out, in a would-be pa- tient tone: "Mary Ann, what are you doing now?" R.£DUC£S .ilk for the Octsson Bu. â- Â«> Little Teddy, when told that ho Was jH'owinxf fas-t. answered: "Yes, too fast; I think they water uie too much. Why, 1 have to take a bath every mornijig!" Nodd â€" What do you mean by say- ing that my baby is just an ordin- ary baby?" Todd â€" "AVhy, he is pre- cocious and beautiful, and the best that ever livetl. i.sn't he?"' Field officers of the British Army on active service are allowetl 8(J pounds of baggage, including bod- ding. Other mounted ofBcers are permitted 50 pound apiece. "What happened 400 yeai-9 ago this year?" asked Freddie's teacher. "Don't know, please, sir," answered Freddie; "I am only seven years old." There are usually about (5,000 pa- tients in i-on<ion hosrpitals. 'The average: duration of the stay of a patient in hospital is thirty-one davs. lELLAID MERCHANT HE SAYS HE IS NOW FEELING BETTER THAN HE HAS FOR MANY YEARS. A.IX Open Letter in Which a Promi- nent Citizen. Gives a Strong' Recommendation for Eodd'a Kidney Fills, a Remedy Which He Says Restored Eini to Good Health. Welland,. Ont.. Nov. 3.â€" (Special.) â€" Mr. J. J. Yokom, grocer and pro- vispion merchant of this place, has given for publication, an open letter as follows: "For a year or more I had been ailing with Kidney Trouble, in ail of its wor.st forms. I had a very depressed feeling in my head and lit- tle or no appotite, a constant feel- ing of langour. and I became great- ly reduced in weight. "At timc3 I was entirely incapaci- tated. "I ha^-e spent considerable money In medicines of dilTcrcnt kinds but did not get any good results. I alsf doctored with a physician of vas. experience but got no benefit. "At la.st I became discouraged ano hopeless of ever being well again. One day by luck I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills and begjan to use them. "From the first they seemed to suit my case exactly, and when I had taken liv^c boxes my old trouble had entirel.v disappeared, and I was feel- ing better than 1 had in many years "1 am now in splendid health and able to stand great exertion, in fact my general health is I>etter than it has been in a long time. "Since my recovery t have told many others of Dodd's Kidney Pills and how they cured me to stay cur- ed. Many of them say it seems im- possible and yet they know it is true." (Signed) J. J. YOKOM. Mr. Yokom has been a resident of Welland for years, and Is known to every man, woman and child in the town. He was born in the neigh- boring township of Crowland. witli- In three miles of his pre.s-ent home, and is known as a man of Christian principles who would not make a â- tatomeiit that would in any way be misleading. "Just a Little" Pain neglected, liiay produce chronic Rlieumatism or Gout. Just a little DacUacho may create Lumbago. Just a little Sprain sometimes makes' a Cripple. .Ju.st a little Bruise may do a lot of damage. .Just a little Headache may be the forerunner of Neuralgia. Just a little St. Jacobs Oil, applied in time cures promptly and permanently Aches and Pains. Just a little caution; just a little cos't. Years of Pleasure against years of Pain. QUEER. "He'a a <iueer cuss." "Yes; just now he was saying that nothing was certain in this world but the uncertainty of things, and you couldn't bank on that." "So this is your dull season, eh?" observed the visitor. 'When is the busiest period in your fac- tory?" "When the whistle blows for the men to leave work," answer- ed the manufacturer. "I wouldn't be in Jim Thomp.son's shoes just now." "Why not?" "He left 'em in the cellar iast Monday night, and they dumped four tons of coal on 'em before Jim was up." How's This ! Wo olTer Ouo Hundred Dollars Reward lor any case of C'atarrli tl»ut cuiinot bo cured by Hall's Untanii (..'uro I-'. ,J. CHKNKV & Co.. 'tolodo. U. Wo. the undersigned. have known 1''. .) . L'heney for llic last 15 years, and Iioliovc him porl'ectly honoraljli! in all husiiiess trtiiKsactions a:»il nnancially ublo to carry out any obligations mado by Ihoir Una. UK.--.1' &. TKUAX. Whoie.salu Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINU, KliNNAN i MAliViN, Whulesulo Druggists. Toledo. U. Hair."! Catarrh (.'uro is taUon inter- aally. acting directly upon the blood iiid mucous surfaces of the system. Testimor. ials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. iSolrt by all druggists. Hall's Family i'llla ore thu bast. HER 1I>EA OF IT. "Do you believe in short engage- ments?'' "Yes, indeed, and lots of them." fmard's Liniinsrit for Rhsuinatism. The last persons judicially exe- cuted in England for witchcraft were a woman and her daughter, hanged at Huntingdon in 1716. FROM TORONTO and Canadian points to New York and Philadelphia. The best route via Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ser- vice the best, scenery unsurpassed, Pullman palace sleeping cars, din- ing car service, meals a la carte. The only line from Canada landing pas>- sengers near all European steam- ship docks in New York, saving pas*- sengors for Europe a long and ex- pensive transfer. Route of the Black Diamond Express. Day train, try it. For tickets, Pullmans and further particulars call on Grand Trunk Agents or on Robt. S. Lewis. Canadian Passenger Agent. 33 Yonge .street. Board of Trade build- ing, Toronto. Austria-Hungary lias the longest frontier of any European nation, its frontier line being 2.i>90 miles Great Britain has l!.753 mile® of coast-line. For Orrr Sl\»y Ypara. Ax Old and WellTriio Rrscedt. â€" Mrt WinaloiT.s .'oijlhlunSynip liM baeii used for orer six'.y Toara by iniUious of moLhors for Lhflir children ifrhi'e icotii'iij. with perffics rmjcoGC. It soothoa the chil'I. lo'f.on^ th« gum?, ailsys all pain, cures wind L-olie, anij 13 the lioot remedy for Ditirrhma. Is p!oa<anfc to iho \xi o. fold by d-uggi-As in every part, of the word. 'r\venty-ftTecon'.a abotilo. Its thIuo la if^caloulablo. Sa Furo anil asl[ for .Hr^ Wloslow's 8oo(hiog tijrup. anl take uo other kind. It is calculated that 3r>0 acres of British land is annually devoted to interments. Malta is the most thickly populat- ed island in the world. It has 1,- 3(5i'> poople to the square mile. Bar- badoes has 1,0')4 people to the s<iuiire mile. WABASH RAILROAD During the months of September and October, will sell one way sec- ond class tourist tickets at greatly reduced rates to California. Wash- ington. Oregon. Utah, Montana, British Columbia and other Pacific Coast points. Tickets will be sold via all direct routes. The Wabdsh is the shortest, best and juickest route from Canada to the above points. Finest equiipped fasseuger trains in America. Rates, time-tables and all parti- culars from any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, Dist. Passenger Agent, N. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., Toronto, and .St. Thomas, Dnt. A wall 30 feet high and 13 feet broad could be built all round Eng- land with the coal annually raised in that country. filifiafd'sLlniiiieiitiiig best Hair ReslofEr The largest butterflies are the "bird-winged" of the Moluccas'. Their wings are som..times twelve inches in expanse. .-:";!/ „:'.-./V EN0L9SH SPAvTh LIHfMEHT removes all hard, soft or calloused Lump.i .niid Blemishes fi'om horses. Blood SniiTii:, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stiflos, Spraiii.s, Sore and Swollen Throat, Cough.'*, etc. S.ive $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the mo.sc wonderful Blemish Cura ever known. Sold by all druggists. London uses annuall.v about IS million gallons of water for extin- guishing lires. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disin- fectant Soap Powder is better than Other soap powders, as it also acts as a disinfectant. Insects will never attack books which are dusted once u year with l>o-wdcred alum and white pepper. .'lioard's Lieimget Cures La The average ago of the men in the British Navy is between 26 and 27 vears. TuJ-Av^ n^A^A : kiMdy ^ £u&^ ^e.e/Aj > Liiy's Natural Flavor Fodis^ OooJuid Jn»t rxfcfljjy Bight, th«a pnt up talier- renaTtogerro. yttumll naTar tccp hou«i Tfi^i- ont LxBar'a Foods when yon oqoo tr? ttani, JLIEBY, McNEM-L & LISSY. CK?tA60 ^ i3l; for oar booklet, "How to XLlce Uooo i .BEla« TO EiT." It will bo MU jou irm. '^ A.AAA A A A..Ak.^>»..AA.:^ â€" By uaoa â€" Standard American Wioks AND Sarnia Lamp GH. ^Tkoleiale oair> ' g« S W3* -*"!a?MUEU N06ERSf>itES.TOR0ilT0i) ~ YQUOVERC0AT8 ~ and f&drtl Suits would look better drod. If n> i^enl of ours iu your town, writo dtreot Montrerkt, Box 153 BRITISH AMZnlCAN OVEiNQ CO. Montreal. The Waterloo medal was the first given to all ranks alike. THE MOST POPUtAR DBNTIPRIOB. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. PrMtrves the taolh. Suwstens the breath. StrenKthens the gums Dominion tins Steamsh!|9l Montf«ftt to Llr«rpoal. Bosk^n to Utct- BDol. PorUand to LivenioaL Via Quuto*- tOWD. Large aad Put Stcnm^ipa. Superior accommodatloq (or&Uolassnof pafsengero. H&Iooim aod 8tat«rcoiM iu>) ainid^tpt. Special att«i)tion hu bttin â- tven to Uio Sccomi Saloon and. Tliird-Clst* acoomzBo nation. F-jf rAU^ofpMfi&gtiaud all particulars, apply \9 ac/ ^^iS. of the Company, or fiiohardf, Mills 4 Co, D. Torrance ft Co . 77 i^tata St. Bostoa. Montreal aud PorUauilt \vooo a PtsOTO. Emcravino. ip- J. L. JOftiES tf^G.G? i^ - :6& CAY ST R£CT,â€" JORtlWlO _ AQEHTS WAMTgO Sf'r K'„r °''-"- I on an' South Airican 'Wiu-. Bo ' P»7i') • ling W!itefort»rDi«. Us'^DKRWOOD S 'iV'JOO. 63 A.icltt'at St. tt.. Tofiiito. Ont 5* Coronaj All kiDdl W4 I £nd onipty crite*. pay hiiihcsS piica'. and rs* ioii promoDljr. 0.\-takio Poultry Co., It Carlnw Ave., Toronto. SMITH & CAMSRON Solicitor* of Patentt [ Caoada Ijife Build g, Toronto. ^ I'MSsaFtoiKKiaEaBffitscna Write tor frceoOvicoi To sciij for our Com- plete Sheit Music C&talo^ues and Special Rates. We are equipped to supply every Music Teacher in Canada. WHALEY, G9YCE S CO., Limited 356 main Street, 158 Yonge Street, WINNIPEiO, MAN. TORONTO, ONT. Teachers AVe cu:i handle unlimited quau'.itiesot lii-st-clas3 dry picked Poultry, anil want 10,000 Turkeya nud Chickaiis la fill onr order trade. APPLES. \Ve h.tve ,i trade tii.it will take ant qiiantiry of first-class, properly packsu Apples, and we can take cureoftbem. We have ample storaee. \Vt cin al«^ he'i,1!« your BUTTER, KGllS, HoNBY, 0.\I0!J3. BSANS an 1 other produce lor; ou. livjO.WfiO-l CO:jI:£133!9;4 CO.. LlniUoif, Gor. W33tMArk3t ami Oa:b},-,is Sts, TOaCNTO. .''o^.c^ponden.o Invited. f We Could Ma] .'^g'J A t>crson usually begins to lose height at the agx! of (iity, and at the age of ninety has lost at least one and a half inches. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Gentlemen, â€" Theodore Dorais. q customer of mine, was completely cured of rhcutnntism after Ave yearg of suffering, bv the judicious u.se ol MINAUD'S LINIMENT. The above fact can be verified by writing to him, to the parish priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isadore, Qu». May 12th, 1808. May W© Hand ) "Vou Ono of These 7 This Flonr^ do-Lifl Ciia- teliUiio i!rooch and Lookat id A gift to er^ ry porncn I a'nfvrotinff I thifl A^i'^T" UiitiUieat. that wc want to send you an Absolute Gift, you would read every word of this Adver- tisement, and answer it at once. END us your name and address on the below request, aadwe 'will take pleasure in sending you free oi any charga this exquisite gold finished and hard-enamelled Fleur-de-Lis Chatelaine Brooch and Gainsborough Locket. This is a princely gift being finely â-  gold finished and sells regularly at $i.oo The Sccret-Lockct ' opens and will hold two pictures. It is the embodiment of artistic skill and beauty. 1 he present is unconditional, it being a bid for your friend.ship and good-will. With the Chate- laine Brooch and Locket we will send you ten boxes of Standard Electine Medicines to se!, if you can, at 25 cts. each ; then return us our money and we will give you absolutely free all the following magnificent premiums : One Genuin&Solid Gold Shell Ring, set with five siinu- lative Rubies, Emeralds or Opals ; one Nethersole Illusion Bracelet ; One Imported Parisian Belt Buckle, and a complete set of Table Tennis (the most fascinating and popular game in the world. ) Never before has there been gathered together such an array of beautiful and distinctive premiums for so light a service. Our medicines and pr emiums st and squarely on We know this from ' " ~^ The estates belonging to the Duke of .Sutherlnnil cover an avea greater than the two counties of I^anca-shiro and Rutland combined. - %mh lliilment Is the bsst, W P C 1 153 their merits and are satisfying in every respect thousands of testimonials from cveryprovincc praisingourremedies and expressing delight with our splendid premiums. It will be to your advantage to reply at once â€" don't put it off till to-morrow but write now before you forget it Remember, all you have to do is to sign and return the attached request to day ; the Chatelaine Brooch, Locket and Medicine will be promptly mailed postpaid, and even if you do not sell the Medicine you at least have a $1.00 Chatelaine Brooch and Locket for simply making the effort. Do not hesitate, you can count on our fulfilling every promise to the letter, and you will be more than satisfied. Lay down this paper and write us now. The Electine Medicine Co.. Limited. y.i TORONTO, ONT. Request for f Icur.dc-Ui Chatelaine Brooch, Camsborough Locket, and Medici.ic ELECTINE MEDICINE CO., LIMITED, Tonnto, Ont. Ship immtdiattlyhy mail otu Flnr-dt-Lit ChaUtaint Brtceh inttt LocitI ; cite lo ln>entr-kvi crnl hcxet tffEleetinc Medicinfs. IiXfrte .'« makeau larntil effort to itUlhc iw- dicintanJ return you l/i4 nirmci- with the tindcrsta^diKg tlial I am lo receive for Ihti j<»> met aStlid Gold Slteli',->t»ne Ring, a Nethersole lltusion Bracelet, a» importal l^riii,iM Belt Buckle. »Hd a complete set c/Tabit Tennis. If Iftliltaseiltkemedicine, la/iUrelum it to^OH tinlhin thirty days, and retain the Ckaltliine BtoocitaHd Locket as a ii/tfrom ^o«. Name ~.. â€" â- .' â-  â€" ~~~.â€" »-..~...~..h~â€" â€" - â€" â€" . .Address â-  â€" __-_â€"___«_-__ W U WritA yanr nasa ••4 a<4i«cs Ter^ vtry ptataly. Otir rcmedicsafe Btectiac Little Liver Oraoule*, *lectlM« Kidney HeaiiB, Htectine Wood and Tissue Builders, %ectiae rntumo Broactao Tablets, Vectiae Headache Tablets.

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