Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1902, p. 1

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>* » "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." m. XXII, NC mo Flesh-ertoii, Ont., Tliursday, Decetrjber 4 1002 W. H THURSTON, EDITOR * PBOPhlETCB Port Law niarmind ! ! ! ! Yes, thor- â-  clooks'are a'arniing and j-jst ills thirn; for these dark, (iull nioniiniji when ynu wish to get up be- foru <i:vj'liaht. A a\c<i asortment of reliable timekeepers, l^rue or small si^ie, fancy or plain, ivli 'lepi?n<iab!e alarms ihat â- 'i;o off" at ihe ri:jht time . A BLACK wood: Tliat looks like black marble, strikes the hours on a musiciil gong and the half hours on a tinkling cup oell ; i^ tastefully decuratfd in gilt scrolls, and has a f.tce that reflt'Cts the beauty and [ worth of the niovenieut behind it Foe Sale at Fleshbrtos. ( W. A. ARMSTRONQ FLESH ERTON Miss Mne^ie Shier, who has been liv- fingenia The slight amount of snow now cover- Add res5 to Voters Isit Qcthiag to you, , / All ye that passby, ' Is it Dothiag to you That thedruDkard sliould di« ? Is it cothi Qg to you That bis struggles are vain That daily the tempter Adds screDgch to his chaia ? Isit nothing to you That tlie heart of his wife Is broken by sorrow, And h&rdfihip, and strife ? Is it uothin^ to you That his children lacls bread? I, it uothiu?; to you That his houie joys are fled ? Is it notliiui; to yo'i That the death dealing b<7wl Is destroviDg hi:i body. His mind, and his soul 7 Is it nothing to you That tlie wine's ruddy glow I s causii^ the jails Of our tamd t j o'erflow f Is it notbicig to you That tho youii;^ of our land Are surrounded bv dangers On every ban i ? It is something to you For augh t that you know, Your boy will be â-  oxt To succumb to tho foe. It is something to you. For you know not the hoar When he whom you love May fall 'tieath the power Of the serpent that coils In Che depths of the bowl Soc-n, soon, to be crushed In Its hideous foM. Then up and be doing I«eet sadly you lue, That ever you tbougtit It was nothing tO}oa. S.F. U. KImberley iiig in Bobcayi;con foe-some time past, is ' in-j the ground makes pretty goixl sleigh- â-  home for a week's visit with her parents. < :ng, a hnppy reiief from the sea.s of mud ; Lille Vera Kennedy met with a pain- | we have had. ful accident i;u Friday la.st. During her Born- On Nov. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. mother's absence from the room she at- John Parsons, a daughter, tempted to make a fire and innocenUy . The many friends of Mr. John Fisher experimented with coal oil. The result ' are pleased to see him home again from ' was that she was quite severely burned Manitoba. He looks as if the country ; about the face and arms. agreed with hioi, but prefers Ontario for a â-  Rev. T. R. White preached an able ^nJ . home. I cunvii.cing temperance serinsn in Mount j Miss Clara Gilliland has returned from ) Ziou church on Sunday. j Muskoka, She had a pleasant time. | Mr. Hutchinson has the pupils if our ! Mr. Munshaw returned home safe from public school in training f'T an entertain- his hunting trip. tie treated his many ; ment to be given in about two weeks. \ friends to a generous slice of venison. j Considerable of the liquormen's litera- I Mr. James Williams is hustling around ! ture has reached here through the mail, ' collecting the taxes. Every .ineis pleased and the result is that it has unintention- : to see him, although sometimes they may ally served to strengthen the prohioition grumble a little at amount on the bill. j cause and one by one those who were un- ! Mrs. Johnson has aone on an extended I decided are enlisting in the rank of the ' visit to friends at Owen St^und and other army who believe they are marching on places. to rivet the fetters of and emancipate ; Mr. Editor, we are waiting for that ', their fellow creatures from this dire foe, much tilked of railroad. We are inforra- IbaC has wrecked so many homes, that '' ed one of our businessmen has had com- > has bliuhted so many lives and caused so manicationa with the company and pros- â-  many heart slings and heart sorrows; that pects are bright at time of writing, is a menace to national prosperity,a men- ' Miss Bella McKenzie of Cedai View ac3 to the health, morality and happiness '. Farm, Ceylon, is the guest of her sister, â-  of humanity; and a foul blot on our otvil- Mrs. Wm. Hislop, of Eugenia. ization. We believe that on Thursday • â-  i« " â-  the voice of Ontario will ring out such an liAdy Bank emphatic "Yes" as will not only bring j the Liquor Act of 1902 mto force but will j '''<"• ^'^^ "me past thu place hiis been show to the world that we will n..t Ugal- , "elected owing to the busy times and ize this baneful def=troying traflSc. '^In- i "*'*» '^^''i- scarce. asmuch as ye have done it unto onecf the ; ^now has come although .some of the least o£ these my brethren, ye have done fa"nei-s were not quite ready for it. l'^ it unto me." Stone Settlement Mr.;vV. A. Dayman of Walters Falls was arouuj on huisue.« on Tuesday, 25th of November. Mr. George Stuart hrs returned from Powassen, where he delivered a carload of oattle. Mr.and Mrs. Albert Ellis have returned from a visit to Powassen. Mr. Wiu. Ellis li;vs also completed a visit there. Mr. Tlius. Abercrouibie has put up a HOW stable. Miss Burton of is visiting Mrs. Wm Elli-j at pre.sent. Mr. Joliii Plewes has moved to Kirk- ville for the winter. Mr. Hugo Smith is running Mr. W. S. Bishop's chopper. Mr. Charles Stuart of Meaford visited the parent.d home last Sat. and Sunday week. Mrs. Coffey visited her brother, Mr. A. Myles, recently. Mrs. Buchanan is the guest of her brother, Mr. .\lbert Myles, at present. Mr. A. McLean has returned from the United States. The temjieranco meeting was largely attended on .Monday night, Nov. 24. Rev. T. U. White occupied the chair. The audience listened with deep interest for over three solid hours to the addres-ses delivered by Mr. M. R. Haimnond, Rev. J. S. L Wilson of FleJ»herton, Mr. W. A. Dayman of Walteis Falls, Uov. Dr. Mc- I>aren of Roc'<lyn, Mr. J. M. Davis and Mr. Win. Stuart. It is almost needless to 8«y that the addresses were good and the meeting a most enthusiitntic one, cU«ing at the late our of 12 o'clock. Mr. Jas. Myles has Utoiy wedded his fourth wife, biinglng her from Onnge- ville to reside here. Our school concert, if we are informed aright, will be on the eiehteenth of this month, at eight o'clock at nii^ht. A good ! time is assured, without one word of jest, ; for of all the concerts e'er we ha:l, this is | to be the best: for the youngsters have have been practising the last half year or less, so when they're on the boards, there'll be no jumbled mess. There'll be sorio songs, and sinking by the school, recitations.dialogues as is the general rule; a fairy drill by little girls, a speech by : little Ned, a drill by maiden sojers, dressed in white and red, and armed with â€" but never miud just now, but when Mr. T. Thorn bury on Friday morning of last week sustained a heavy loss. On ' going to h s st*xble he found a valuable j mare stniiigled by being fa.it m the .stjill. Mr. GeorgM Ottewell, jr., met with a j severe accident; on Saturday evening having his leg doubly fractureil. Mr. Josh Osborne spent Sundiy with his brother at Kimberley. Miss S. Morton of Lions Head ia visit- ina friends hero and also the parental home in Singhampton. IS MONTHS FOR $3. The Editor of The Toronto World ' riakes our Readers a Special Offer W. F. Macetiin, M. P., is desirous of 1 thev'ie at their exercise they will show you '"creasing the circulation of The Toronto . â-  , ,, 1. -1 '1 I World to 30,000 before the end of the huw to shoulder arms, secure and trail a so, .. ,_ tu„ w' _ii ; a j .u i. • u. ' ' year. Ihe >Norla is considered the bright- px:h,^2i?S^.^,^^::^^Z'-Z^^'^z^'^.^^^^^ ncFARLAND,5TAFFORD&C0. HARKDALE, ONT. Grey Counfy's Biggest and Cheapest Store. ONLY THREE WEEKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS. Trade is in fnll swing ; store crowded every day; salespeople on the jump, and facilities taxed to almost their full capacity. From now on till Christmas the ciowds will be greater continually.aiid elbow room will be at a premium unless you shop early in the day. The comfort, the convenieuience and the all round satisfaction are in the shopping before noon. This advertisina week after week is intended as sort of a directory, showing wherg to find suit- able ^hings, and the price you ought to pay. Buying in large quantities for spot cash puts us on the ground floor in regard to values, aad many prices here cannot be equalled elsewhere. The bargain oflferings this week are the best put on eale for some time. Shop early in the day. 10c. WRAPPERETTE FOR 5c. 20 iKeces fancy wrapperette. in assorted fancy patterns, reds, blues, greens, bniwiis, etc., full 27 inch wide and a gi'od, heavy weight, suitable for wrappers, children's dresses, etc. Good value in regular way at l(k. a yarJ, on sale Thursday morning at 5 .'iOc FRENCH FLANNELS FOR 25c. 10 colorings in French Flannel, lovely fine-duished cloth, neat, small designs, full 28 inch wide, very handsome for waists, dressing sacqnes or children's wear and good value in the regular way at; 50c. yard, on sale this week at 25 90c. HOMESPUNS FOR 69e. Two shades only pure all-wool homespun dress goods, "full 56 inches wide," mid and oxford grey, equal to what we sold early in the season at 89c on sale this week at gg 60c CORDUROr FOR 39c One piece only Corduroy, rich, heavy velvet cord ia navy blue sh!u3e,28 inch wide, just the thing for boys' school pants, regular value 60c. yard, on sale this week at, 39 ?8.50 LADIES' MANTLES FOR *6.50 10 only Women's Rjkglan Coats, latest tliree-quarter length, in either semi-littiiig or box back .style, made troru storm proof frieze, in rich oxford gray shades, good value at $8.50 each. on sale at 6 50 ?1.25 WRAPPERS FOR 75c. 12 only Women's Flannelette wmppers, made from rich pattern grey and black wrapperette, waist lined with heavy cotton, assorted sizes, compare them with what ynu see at S1.25, nur price 75 25c. HOSE FOR 19c. 10 dozen only heavy ribbed blai-k wo<dIen stockings in sizes 6i,7, "i and 8, pure all-wool, extra heavy and worth 25c. each jwiir, on ssle this week at 19 GOc. HORSE BLANKETS FOR 39c. 23 only berap horse blankets, fuU size, shapeJ, strap and bjokles, made from fancy stripped hemp, wurth (JOc. , on sale Thursday inorning at '30 25 dozen silver plated knives and forks, either dinner or decerc .size> I'tcst shape,guaraiiteed triple plare on good steel. put up i doz. knives and i doz. forks in neat box, sold everywhere at S2.50 set, our price 1.50 Remember this sci-re is the people's store. Everything open and above board. AM goods marked in plain figures, and one price to all. Your money back if not satisfied. D^m't lose sight nf the fact Ihat the price you get for produce is not near so important as what you can buy f.ir your dollar. A dollar wisely spent at this store will go farther than any o'her pl.ice we know it M6ff^flki)d, ^tkffoi^d & Co J The Trader*' Bank will op«n a braooh t^ 0««Q Sound. support arms, port aims, and charge with i est newspspor in Canada. It is published bayonets low; they'll present arms, re . every weekday morning at 4 o'clock. Its verse arms, and rest with heads bowed I "»»'''* '^'"^''P"''^* '*'â- Â« ^^^ ""^^ accurate, â-  ., ... , . J , ] particulaily those in which the farmers low, the way that real soiers do when "^ j u t • . .1 ' â- ' â- > ' and raeichants are interested. they lay a comrade low. They'll .•ulvance | Any reader of this paper who mentions and retire, and fire on the knee, with ; this otfer, and who sends $3 before the British fame they'll take good aim and s""-! "^ '•>« y" will receive a receipt up .!„.. n, ., . . T I I. .u 11- .-Vpril 1, 19C4. The regular price of The slay the enemy. To relate the whole w , , • 0.1 t ri. ..1 11 ' •' i norld IS s3 for one year. It iS the only 1- manoouvers of these sojers prime, would cent uioiuing p^.per published lu Canad:i. monopolise loo much space, and take up A sample copy of The World iii.ay be too much lime; but I'll give one word of 1 «««" a*^ '''"s "'IJce. Orders with the S3 „ : . 1, • lu u should be skt.t by registered mail or by wariitiig to each one III the room, bo caie- 1 , , ..-,./,, "J ,, vr o , , . , , ., postal note to Ihe >vorld New-paper Co., fin that some of those maids, don't shoot ' Toronto. you with her broom. Twa bonnie wee â- - â- <»â-  lasses, sprigs o' the hoatherland, will sing j The (.ublic school curriculum is likely ta ye in Gaelic, but few will understand, ' to be further enlarged by the addition of but those wha ken the prattle o' the , another subject. According to a despatch bairnies twa, wull think o' the l>innie from Ottawa, dated Nov. 21, Hon. M.E. brans, of auld Scotia far awa. Just one Beruier proposes to cuminunicnte with word more before I close, yea, two things the several provincial governments in re- I may state; the first one each should gard to the publication and use of charts guard against e'er it may be too late. | of the metric system of weights and First â€" Last year there was tea and measures in the common scho.ds of Can- cakes, this year there will be none, they ada. By this means it is hoped to have say tea drinking and eating takes up too ' the metric system thoroughly ma.stered much time for fun; so pack your waist- by the rising generation, thus helping to coats well, ye swains, so that they fit you pave the way tor its introduction into ti^ht, or you will surely hungry be, before Canada. Mr.JBernier thinks that the | you get home that night i Federal government should contribute to t Second â€" Last year a charge was ma<le, the expenditure, and his idea is to h.^ve i this year it will be free to all who evmie tho matter coiitrolletl by a Committee . and pay a quarter dollar fee, If any one upon which the Dominion should be rup- of you should think the fee too much per resj-nted. Tlio ministemf inland revvnu.) head, «ell,theii you'll lie Itt iu for fifteen has received a letter from a United cents instead. But a quarter will not be Stites sena'or to the eflect thtt he will, refused if you feel so inclined, as there introduce a measure iutu congress for the ' are expenses to be met, which should be adoption <<f a metric system by the; borne in minil. But come along at any officials of the United States governmeiiL rate, you. we'll be glad to see. With this on January 1, 1904, and by the general reqiMat I still rsmaia yoors tru« and public ^rmighouk tb« uuvm « jrear tt»m faithfullyâ€" that ds(^ • y^ T ^ â-  ^ - ^ ' ^^ r .Jy9^^j^s^2; ^: ^L:^^^ Call and Get Prices ^^ <^! On our well-assorted Stock of Furs ! ! ! ^#-- rien's Fur Coats Wombat : Dog and : Cape Butfalo. Coon Bear Ladies' Assortment v Ltulies' Black Astnieban Coats, all ' sizes. Also a v-vll assorteJ stock of Caperines. Astrachan and Wool Seal Gauntlets. .... CX-OTHXNG, ROOTS and SIIOES. STOVES : STOVES Saws and Axes Handles : Handles F. 0, KARSTEDT, FLESH ERTON r

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