Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1902, p. 3

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y » -.tiik-'-^^" THE SIZE OF IT, I'ew People Have Any Idea of the Extent of Canada. The new railway line across tho tonlinent to bu built by Iho Grand CVunk will run througli a country tliat is HOO miles north of Toronto. This new lino will parallel the 0. I'- ll. Hcros.s tho Western plains, yet it will run ."iOO miles north of the road ft parallels. This uieaiis that al- Ihongh, ill the public iiiiiid and to the eye, as one looks at a map, the roads may seem to compote with each other and give a duplicate ser- vice, there stretches between them a range of rich country about as tar licrass as it is fioui Toronto to Mont- real. Through this intervening country, however, the Canadian Northern will run. but even so. all three roads will have a wide range of country to open up and from which to draw business. 'I lias long been said that the iVace Ulver country, through which the grand Trunk v.'ill carry its line, is desliiied to be tho greatest wheat-growing region in America. To realize llie size and possibilitie.'J of tho Canada of the future one needs but to reflect that these vast wheat llelds will lie 800 miles north of Toronto. Time thus gives cITec- tive answer to those people in the United States and Europe who have chargc^d that Canada is too far north to over amount to much. CURED ONCE AND FOR ALL f^ODP'S KIDNEY PILLS MAKE rO HALFWAY WOHK OF KIDNEY DISEASE. y. J. McDonald H&d Rheumatism and Dropsy, was Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and Has Had no Seturn of the Trouble :or Five Years. Windsor, Ont., Dec. 8.â€" (Special)â€" It has been acknovrledged for some ?e»r3 that Dodd's Kidney Pills rould cure any case of Kidney Di.s- luse. and of late those interested in nodicaT science have been watching ihose cures to convince themselves Uiat they ware permanent. Gradual- y the conviction is forc«d that Dodd'.t Kidney Pills cure once and lor all. One more proof of this Is (urni-shed by .lohn J. McDonald, a well known farmer, now residing at 130 Langlota Ave. Five yoaJ's ago be was troubled with flheua»iati.im and Dropsy. For two years lie suf- fered terribly, and the UltTcrent inedi- cinca he tried failed to relieve him. His legs were swollen and tlio pains ho sutTered were most acute. Ho iim-d Dodd's Kidney Pills, was cured, and his cure caused quite a sensation at tho timo. Mr. McDonald, speaking of his cure recently, says ; "I have had no rntiiru of my trouble up to the presx^nt, and I am not anxious for any. It is with pleasure 1 acknowledge that Dodd's ICidney Pills cured me. I found them just as represented, and they did tor mo far more than I expected Ihey would." PERFUMES FOR HEALTH. Woman With Scented Handkerchief a Benefactor. To preserve onc'.s beaut.v and cn- hanco one's attractiveness, ])orfumea »re nece.ssary. They a.i"e stiniulating aiKl refre.'ihing, especially lavender, k'miiii, rose and violet. They may prove even more benelicial by de- Hro.ying disease germs. The liberal u.se of scent on the iandki-rchiof is calculated to make it iHili.septic and to destroy the fernis in it. The use of a perfumed •jr anti.septic handkerchief is, there- lore, consistent with the dictates of Daclcriology. So that, instead of practising a luxurious habit, a wo- iiaii who puts scent on her handker- rliiefs may actually be' doing good lo her neighbors by chocking the di»- Iribution of infectious materials. The basis of all perfumes is an es- lential oil of some kiud, derivod lither naturally from flowers or (eaves, or arlilicially by a synthetic procQs,s. In either case, the ossentinl til is a powerful antiseptic and \iq»- ic.sees disinfecting properties, not less in degree than thoco of carbolic icid. The love of perfumes has never >oen the monopoly of the .sybarite. Nero, tho tyrant . had not only his tarinents, but also bis body, daily ipra.vod with water ilistilled from ',he choicest ro.scs of his empile. Loui.s XIV. was inseparable from Ihe heavy scent of orange blossoms. rhi? great Uidielicu lived in rooms K) tilled with (lower odors that his ;ourtiers nearly swooned upon enter- ing them. tiuecn Elizabeth of England per- fumed her wigs with Spanish leather Iteopod in musk. In tho boudoirs of (a.'»liionK.ble ladies perfumed candles were burned, and perfumed blocks or rakes were thrown into the tiro in iirdir to till the air with fragrance, (nd coffers containing expensive icents were kept IIANOING IN TirE IIOOM. A UiiKl of scented lozenge was usfod to perfume the breath, and wigs or one'.H own locks wore scented. The old process of perfuming the hair wns first to wash It thoroughly, drying, it carefully, and then heavily imprxiignatu it with the odor from a iburnJng pastille. The head was llooscly covered with a cloth, tho pa.slillo iboiiig held under the cloth, first on one side of the head, then on the other, as near the roots as pos- sible. In Paris to-day a fa.'thionable hair- dresser will impart any perfume de- sired to tlie hair. It is done by dusting the scalp thickly with finely powdered orris root it a violet odor is desired. After it has been thoroughly rub- bed into the scalp hot dry cloths are wrapiwd about the head. Finally the powder is carefully and thor- oughly brushed out. The delicate fragrance like that of violets is de- lightful, but it is as .s.hort lived as tho bloom of the (lower and tho pro- cess con.sumes hours. Every woman may not care to go to tho trouble of perfuming her hair, but it well to perfume slightly all but it is well to perfume slightly all UrcHses, underclothing and bed linen, as well as one's stationery. Don't let tho .scent go beyond a suggestion; never strong enough to bo very noticeable to others. If perfumes, as some will tell you, exercise a very marked cITect on cer- tain temperaments, they should be cho.-ren with deliberation and discre- tion, it you want to be lovable and amiable. A violet scented atmosphere, Jor example, makes those who are .sur- rounded by its influence aftectionate and peace-loving. Wommi of lovable natures are always fond of violets. Heliotrope usually finds devotees among the dainty, neat and rather unassuming dispositions, who dis- like fuss and notoriety. Uoso perfume is most frec|uontly usod by those of warm-hearted, un- imaginative temperaments who are inclined to extravagance and have a dLsregard of the more serious issues of life. â€" 1- ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT remoTts all hard, goft or calloused Lumps sud BlemMhe.s from borsaa. Blood Spavin, Curba, SplintH, Rlnj Bane, Sweeny, Stifl»s, Bpndns, Sore sud Swollen Throat, Coushs, etc. Savs $50 by use of ona bottle. War- ranted the most woiidarful Blemish Cure iTsr known. 8old by all drugtUta. No! Nol No! No! TblB word is used four times by frof. W. Hodgson Kills, Offlcial Analyst to the Dominion Govern- B«nt, in reporting the reault ol hla analyses of Sunlight Soap. "No uniaponiflad fat"; that means no waste. "No free alkali"; that means no damage to clothes or hands. "No loading mixture"; that means every atom Is pure soap. "No adulteration whatever"; that means pure ingredients. Try Sunlight Soap â€" Octagon Bar â€" and you will see Prof. Bills is right He should know. 302 Uncle John â€" "What, still studying, Nellie '? They give you hard le.'-wons to learn, I fear." Nollio â€" "Yes, Uncle .John, they are hard to loarn, hut then, .vou know, they are awful easy to to. rot." Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. (ieiitlemen,â€" My three children wers dangerously low with diphtheria. On the advice of our priest my wife be- (jaa the use of MINARD'S LINI- All'iNT. in two hours they were greatly relieved, and in five days they were completely well, and I lirmly believe your valuable Lini- ment saved the lives of my chil- dren. Gratefully vours, ADELB1<;K'1' LlOFEnVUE, Malr'.s Mills, June 10th, 1899. The man who doesn't believe in hiding his light under a bushel usually fools that a bushel isn't largo enough to hide it. THE BLOOD. Tho blood is life. We derive from the blood life, power, beauty; and reason, as the doctors have been paying from timo immemorial. A healthy body, a fresh appearance, and generally all tho abilities wo possess depend on that source of life. It is therefore the duty of every sensible man to keep tho blood as pure and normal as possible. Na- luro in its indnito wisdom, has given us a thermometer indicating the state of the blood, which appeals to our reason by giving notice of its impurity. Small eruptions of tho skin, to which we scarcely pay any attention, headache, ringing noises in the ears, lassitude, slcoplessiness, are gaiierally a sign that tho blood is not ill its normal state, but it is lillod with noxious substances. These symptoms deserve our full at- tention. If more attention were ptiid to th<>se symptoms, and steps taken to remove them, then many illnesses from which we aulTer would becomo unknown. and the human body Would become stronger and healthier. Attention therefore should bo paid to those Warning signs, and the blood can be purified and poisonous substances removed from it by the use of Dr. August Koenig'a Ham- burg Drops, discovered more than 60 years ago. "I see," he said, "that coal ha>i gone up again." "Has it ?" she re- plied. "And they're raising rents," lie continued. "Well," she exclaim- ed, flaring up, "if you wish to have our engagement broken ulT say so. I always hate to have people beat about the bush In a case of this kind." SOMETHING TO RESIEUDER. When traveimg you should bear in mind the road and tho trains that will tak-2 you to your destination in tho fastest time, and in the most comfortable manner. The Grand Trunk service excels in both par- ticulars and passengers from To- ronto to UontreaL, Buftalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will find tho day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafo Poi'lor and Dining Cars serving meals "a la carte." The night trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to all abovo points. You can loavo Toronto for Montreal and east at 9 a. m. and 10 p. m. for Buffalo and Now York at 9 a. m., 4.50 and 6.15 p. m. and to Detroit and Chicago at T.85 a. m., 4.50 p. m. and 11.20 p. in. Tickets, reservations, etc., at elty ofBce, northwest corner King and Vonge streets. , If a man has a light heart the re- flection will light up his counten- ance. THE WABASH RAILROAD Is the great winter teurist route to tho south and west, .ncluding the famous Hot Springs, Ark., Uld Uexico, the Egypt of America, Texas and California, the lands of sun- shine and flowers. Your particular attention is called to the fact that passengers going \.ia Detroit and over the Wabash, reach their des- tination hours in advance of other lines. The new and elegant trains on the Wabash are the finest in thl.9 country, everything is first class in every respect. All round trip winter tourist tickets are now on sale at lewest rates. Time tables, maps, and all inforiv.a- tion about this wonderful railroad cheerfully furnished by any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, District Passenger agent, northeast corner King &; Yonge streets, Toronto, and St. Thomas, Ont, ^ ^ A ClIHjdP PEN.SION. A faithful servant had grown old in the service of a railway company that was well known for its mean- ness, and at last became too feeble to work. The general manager was asked if the company would do sometliing for him, as he was very poor. 'How long has he been with us?" tho ollicial iiuiuired. "Over forty years." "Always did his duty '.'" "Never ini.s.sed a da.y." "You say ho is very old and feeble ?" "Yes. The chances are that he will never leave his bed again." "H'm ! poor fellow ! Wo must do something for liini. I'll give him a free travelling pass for life." Unjust weights and measmrcs to tho number of 63, 9.50 were .seized in London during 1901. SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON, rhiladelphia, Atlantic City, Balti- more. Washington. Old Point Com- fort, and the .South via Lehigh Val- ley Railroad and its connections. Four fast express trains daily tor Wa-ihington, Ashoville, Southern Pines. Charterton, Savanali, Jack- sonville. St. Augustine, Palm Beach. Tanipa, Miami, Nassau, Cuba and all Florida and winter resorts south. Excursion tickets now on sale. For full particulars, illustrated literaturo, maps, etc,, call on or address Robt. S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, 33 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. Licences have been taken out for 1,250,000 bicycles in France. Doafnesa tannot be Curea )iy local apcUcnlloDs, as tbey cennot reich tho diietsed ponton of iho ear. Thero isonl; one wi\7 t» euro da&fne8S, and that 10 by con^tltu' UoQ&l r«inedl«)>. De»fnc8fl 1y onusad br an toilanicrt coDcllkioa ofllie mucoun lining or the Kaitarhian 'I'tibe. When ibis tube is In-, flamed you nave a rumbling sound orimpar feet tiearinK. and when it ia <nt roly closed dcnfnoss Ik the result, and unleni iho infliim. r^atlou can be takf n cut and Ibis lube re^^Uired In IIS normal couditi'n, bearing will be de' ttrof s<t torsTcr : nine caaoi out of ten are oiusad by ivtMrrb, ^hlch ia nothing bat an In- limned ooaJltton o( the mucoai sur'acc. We will uivo One Hundred Dalliira (or any caseot Uoafnesa (oauxed by eats rrh) that can •ot bo ourad by HaU'H Catarrh Cure. Bead )or circulars, (rao. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Drucglftr, 79r. HairaFamTy PiiU are tliobest. The Philippine Islands grow 1U>,- 000 tons of hemp yearly, but could produce live limes that amount with ease. m\n Linimeni cures mm in cows. The Welsh Eisteddfod is tho big- gest open-air concert in the world. At least 20,000 people attend it every year. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. The world uses about 817,000,000 worth of buttons yearly. AN ADMIIAILI NtD EPPS'S roa MAINTAININO ROIUiT HIALTH COCOA IN (OLD tUMATIt. W P €1158 ADVICE TO A YOUNG HtTSBAl^D.â€" Don't start out your wife advice, but bring her home a packet of by giving CEYLON TEA. SHE MUST HAVE GOT IT. ".Johnny," he whispered to her little brother, "did your sister get a note from me last night ? it was written on pink paper. "I think she must have got it," said .Johnny, 'cause when she came down to breakfast this morning hor hair was done up in pink curlpapers." Lever's \-V, (Wise Head) DLsinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in tho bath softens the water at the same timo thut it disinfects. .Servia and Switzerland are the only States absolutely without a navy. That of Belgium is extremely small. For Oi-rr sixtr Tears. Aw Old akd WBti.-Tai«D Ri»sbt. â€" Hn Wiaslow'R foothine Syrup haa been iiseU tat nver lixt^ yenrs by nlillioDS of oidthera for their chiitlran whi'fl ioethinf, with perfecl tuccfls*. It 500thei tlie cii.M, ioftaii.4 the Bum.4, allays all pain, curea wind colic, aud isthe belt roniedy for Diarrhoea. I.l pleiMant to tho las'O. t'old by dnicKirta in erery part of tlie wor'd. rtvaiity-tlve cents a bottle. Its ralue fi ii'oalculable. 4e sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Sootbing Syrup, and cake ao otbar kind. In 1871 Germany had 85 blind to every 100,000 people. This profor- lion has sunk to 67, and is still do- creasing. Minard's Liniment Cures Colils, etc, Of cities of over 100,000 popula- tion, the United States has 38 ; England, 26 ; tJermstn.y. 15; Russia, 10; France, 9. Peerless Plum Puddlnis. With the frost conies the appetite for heartier table dainties. Why ^.^ spend time and labor * V. when Libby's Plum Puddings are so delicious, pure, wbolasome, and so easily secured? Ask your Grocer. They are among the best of LIBBY'8 Natural Flavor FOOD PRODUCTS Put up in convenient size key-opemng: cans. Our little book, "How to Make tiood Things to Est," Is free. Write for It. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed aaywhero lor five 2c stamps. Libby, McNeill & Libby, CHICAGO, U. 8. A. CLEANING LADIES' . . . # iViinarti's Liniment Cures Oiptittieria, ^ In Berlin doctors' coachmen wear white hats, so that a pjiysician's Carriage may be easily recognized in lase of necessity. WALKIMI OR OUTINQ SUITS Can be done perfectly by our French Process. Tf? M. BWITIIH AMimOAN PYIIHO 00 . UONTUGAIi, TORONTO, OTTAWA Sl QUEBKO THB MOST POPUUtR BKNTIFRIOB. calvIrt's carbolic TOOTH POWDER. PrtMrvta tha teeth. Swaatana tho isrmtll. StranKthans the eums Teachers WAINTED 356 Main Street. WINNIPEG, MAN. To send for our Com- £lete Sheet Music atalogues and SpeclarRftte^. We arc equipped to supply every Muste Teacher in Canada, WHALEY, eOYCE 8 CO., Limited 158 Yonge Street, TORONTO, ONT. A GOOD •'o" WATCH S236 Send for (all particulars. Addre8S D«pt, B, VIM SUPPLY CO., . Hamilton, Ont S TAMMERERS. Turkeys Geese Ducks Chickens t We want io,ooo jj Turkeys, 2.000 \l Geese, 2,000 ^ Ducks, & 10,000 J Chickens to fill y our orders. I( W you have any it ^ will pay you to ^ ship us. W We also want ^ any quantity ot ,^ new laid eggs. Tha Dawson Commission Co., umito« TORONTO, Tho Arnott Institute, Berlin, Ont., Tr W, J- Arnott, Suporintendont. Wo trea", the cau!*câ€" not simply the habit, and therefore pro- duco iiaiural B peech. Write for particulars. VooD a Photo. Ewcraving^ ^ J. L JO^ES CnG.C? ^ - I6S BAY ST REET. â€" TOROMIO Dominion Line Steamthl|ii Monlraftl to LtverpooL Boikon Co Uvei^ pool. Portlaad to Lirerpoot Via Quoenv { town. I Z«arsB aud ViMtStcamAhipt. Superior uccomniodatloa i for allcliUHQa of paiiengera. Sftlooa« and StAtoroonu { arc Kiuidsblps. Spoclat atttoUuD has bota nlTen to tho Second SalooD aad third-OlaM acoommodAtioD. Fof ratuanf puHABc and all pariiculars, apply to auy agoal of tho Companj, or nioharda. Mill* t Co, D. Torranoo ft Co.. 77 bldU bb. Boeto^ Moairual aal Pytlaii4 D. II. Bastedo & Co. T7 KINO 3T. EAST. TCRONTO. 30 Years in th« Fur Trade In ToroAto."*' '*-^*-'*' "*--'*- ^A Manufaoturets of Furs ^V of every kind. ^^L rOR LADIES' ANII MEN'S WSAR. ^^^^B Beud fur Cn'.alrR. ^^HH Morcbanta will ilnd it pay to aorli M^^^m up w th ua. â- ^^V We pay hiKhest prircx for R.VW m^HH FUKS and QEN'SINO Pruiupt ^^^^^ reiuroa. Ship bj expiean. ^^ ' Send for Prfoe list. V.'e wftiii tha »er»ioM af n number at fatuillea to 4 > knitt ng for ii> at bc«e, wUoio or iparo time. We fiirniKh i?6 inAcUiae and fupply the yarn free aod liijr for the wul'if assent la* Distance no b'ndranra. S7 to $10 a WRol£ ms^ ac;urcliDg to tlmiMlsrecatf 10 the wo.Ht. Wl-lle al ouc J for psrtleula.'S. Kaiae ref rfencw^ Tbe n<»Riiuioii Knittiiig Co., Dept. B. TORONTO, ON'T. is the most important consideration to a De- positor. Other induce- ments are of secondary importance. On this basis we can with the utmost confidence so- licit your account. Canada permanem \ AND WESTERN CANADA Mortgage Corporation Toronto 8tr«»t. Toronto TH E LAST SHOT OROen AT ONCE. WE OUARANTEC ALL C0OD8 TO ARRIVE AT DfiariNATION ON OR eCrORB XMAS «VB. This $8.00 Morris Chair Packed Free and ^^ ^^^ H-iv^F^k. Freight Paid, Sf^^MSm d^ ^S0 Adjii.stable to four positions, spring .senta, up- holstered in the host monarch Velours, golden oak or mahogany lini.shed frames. .This is tho biseeit barxain over olTered in Canada in Morris Chairs. Uphol.stored in blue, brown, "wim.son, olivo and terra rotta. Remit by either P. O. tuoney order, express order or registered letter. THE DUFFETT FURNITURE CO., om...* a4l VQMOS •TBIBT and 2, 4, e, 8. 10 and 12 Ceuu STREET. TMONTO.

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