Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1902, p. 6

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,' L TflE FLESHEHTON ADVAiTCE December 11 1902 F*Ar>Tv)R -re J V...S. Cvji^oii Wilson k i J i rt vic«%Su.nclP»y 1 1- Pi.i\> .& 7 j). ni bubjccU 10" !i<:xfc S.ibbathâ€" Moruiiin -Rev. C. L. Mclrvina will prt-iuli Evunintrâ€" Plaiionn miftilii; RtMruKscsby Mr. M. K.RithiiriiKoii ii:>il tlii.' Pustiir. CdlUMtiiuia ;iu(l siilwcriplioiis in iiid of tliii Missioimry Si'ciety. Stftviou lit Oeylcn Ht lO.HO. Vldnlty Chips 0'«:ir,t<!tt^i'is$i«;.s of Hi« Past «y«M-;k «;:is'efiiUy tJtiJlcsl for the t'U5*U!«S â- â- C'*â€"^ Froali lime alvvnya on liand. J. H. Ducketf, Eiigouiii. Sloiii'y i:o loiiti at lowest ratiiS. A. S. VaiiDuKun, I'laalii-ituu. Towustiip councils will mast on Mon- day next 10 vviiid up thu IjiisiuosM of t!ie yuar. For siili! -Oiia double out! or, two --iii^lo cutters ; will exchange fov hay, wood «r .:a.sh. W. W. Triiiib'o. II ghost o;iaii (/rice paid for furs, hides, shcphkins and tallow. Dou'i sell witli- t.ut t;iviii;,' rue a call. Slaik Wilson, Floah- ei ton. Mi<?s.Ballo Olirifltoe luft on Friday last <in a visit to fi-it'iids inTortnito and CI linuwond. Shy expro's to return home on. the 24lh :u company with a friond. Good hor.50 for sala, 3 years old.Ketur'il purpi se, dark br iwn, 'voU bi'oke and sound App'y E. "A'urts, Proton station V. (). H. Ale.xandtjr, tailor, FU'sl)crton,Ont., Clothes oUiining ai d dyeiiiL'. Special at tenti.ai giv.n to ladies' fuii?. OIHce op- posite livery tt^blu Men Wanedâ€" A couple of men Wiinted to do hush v.o.rk--ouo to drive t.am-and a lad to do chores. Apply to E. Wurts, Proton Stati.oi P, 0. Sheep Strayedâ€" From 'he undei.figued. Lot 10, con.lO,tort iiship of Oaprey, about 23i-d October, two ewes. Any informa- tion of same thankfully received hy Samuel Colquott, Feveriihani. Notice bi Taxpayersâ€" Ratepayers of Wurd No. a, take notice thai; taxes un- paid by the 14i.h of Uec(fniber will be col- lected wiih costs. John Wright, ar., col- lector. The annual Chrislnia'i eiilertaiiiniont of Eugenia Methodist Suiidiiy •school will be held Thursday, December 18th. A good prosjrainme is in proportion. Admission 23c. and 15o. All aro invited. Farm to Rentâ€" Lot 9, Durham roail, fjuarter n;iteeast of Priceville. 75 acres, CO cleared, good buililings and well wat- ered. Must be reiiU'd inuiiediately. Good farm. Apply to D. MoArthur.PrlceviUe. Aio the Douglas brothers 'cornering' the drug business? Tliire's one in VVin';- hain, one in Orani;>^ville, one in Col'iiig- wood, and now the litter has piircbnsed Dr Christoe's drug business in Fle^her- ton. â€" Standard. MoNKY TO Loan â€" At 4.V to 4| per ceii- Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap. .Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- biirno, or DiindalK office Saturday after- noon. A sntisflod customer is what wo try to make everyone buying teem us. We have the riglit goods at the rii;ht prices. Our rubber hoel.s and our ice creepers will give you .sa isfai-tion. W. Clayton. Maxwell L.t) I, will aive a fowl supper in their hall on the evtning of Deceiiiher ll5. Dr. Spri.ulo, Rev. Cobmn the blind orator, and other talent will bo present. See bills. Rev. Ja.s. Colurn will preach in the MoihoUist church. Maxwell, Sunihiy ovenii g ne.^t. A freewill clleriog will be taken in aid i f the truitce board. Noticeâ€" Dr. Chri.stoe having retired from business, hereby ({ives notice, tl.at all notes aiul accounts must bo settled - immeiiialely, and thereby sjvve trouble. W. S. CuuisroB. Reid's school will hold their annual on- turlftininenton the evening if the I'JIh inst., whin the Uhual jully good time nay ho i-xpccted. .\diiiissi"n only 10 cents. Go and apenil the evening with the ohildren. The Fleslu-rton grr.in market is .laa'n tiiking the le«d thi» .season and last wick an immense quanti'y of ijraiu, mostly oit", was purchased hore, the highest prices beir.g p;id O.iprey tovniship is aupply- nig a superior grade of oats this yuar, reachins( as a general rule 34 lbs. to the VjsheL Got your Christinas photos at Bulmer'a. It is not yet too late. NoTii'U â€" I hereby give notice tbat I have nifuaod payiuuiit of two uotei of 1^100 eacli, drawn by mo iu favrr of Tbos. Talbof, as I have not recdived valuo for the same, luid the public is here'iy cau- tioned against ne:;oiirtliiig lhe.se notes. R. â- ] . Laughlin. A Slielburiie hotel keeper said ho did not care which way llio vnte went on the referenilinu. Another liotelUeeper not many miles from Flesliorton ( not in Fleshertoii, however) refused to registtr his vote on either side. A Cookstowu holelkoepor also expre.ssed the wish ihal the refill enduiu might carry. The moral is ea.sily got at. Priceville Preshyteiian Sabbath school will hold their .annual enterlainuient on the evening of Dec. 24. Mis.i LaDoll of Toronto has been engaged, and a spl-iidid progrum is bemi; prepared. The event is alw.iys liM.kod forwanl to with mucli in- terest iind no doubt the usual large crowd wld be p'osent on this occasion. See bill.i for full piirticulnrs. The Mothodi.'it church choir held -.in cmeri;oncy n;eei;ing on Monday eveniog t!.i the pnvpo.se of ap'poiniing an organist to take the piacu of .M:.-i.s CliiistoA, re- signed. The lot f.-ll to M'S. W. W. Triuiblu, who has acted as a.s,sis*an'. in the past; Mr. .J. \'. . Boyd was eli'i;t,ed scc- troas. in place of Mr. F. Uiukling, also resigned. Mr. Douglas is no.v in p.isu'fsioo of tho drug busini-3.s rec 'ntiy carried oti by Dr. t'liris'oo and places his aiUei ti.^einont before Advance leaileis. He will con- duct an up to-datu di u^ and heed bnsiiiups. Tliore is now a good market here for small saeds, what wo never h.ul bef..;e, and f'irnu IS w !] reap a big advantage. Mr. Telfoi', who is in ciiarju here, comes very higlily rejninmoiKlel and wo r^-el- coni-j him .iniong us. The Uuihaiii people, aoeording 1 1 tho Ch.r iNJele, wore much pleased with tho sin;;iui< of the b'lesherton young ladies who atlonded their aniiivorsaty. The Chronicle saya ; "A very interesting feature of the day's service was tho mag- nidcint Vocal entertaininenb furnished by the three Mi.sses Joy, of Flesliorton. Tho reputation of these, talented young ladies for lirat-cluss vocalists is known far and wide, but this was their fir.st spjioar- auce bi fora a Durham audienco.and witli many others who heard them on Sunday, we hope tho day u not far distant when they will furnish us with another musical treat. Tho rendering of tho Holy City by Miss Alice Joy at the morning ser- vice was li.>>tened to with rapt attention and it was only hy a strong ell'ort, some of tho audience at least, were restrained from applauding for an encore," A couple of ladies endeavored to drive up from Proton Station on Saturday last and experienced a rather exciting trip. When about three mil. s from town one of thoholdba.-^k:! broke, the cnttiM- reached the horses b-'el.i and he tiied to g. t away from it, but both cutter and ladies f.tuck to him like buna'jhs. The animal is said to have hioken the record for trav- elling to town, and the sight as he flow along over that three miles was worth seeing. When iho animal was stopped in the aubuibs by a gentleman whom it at tempted to pass, eaeh lady had hold of a line. The horse's heels were consider- ably cut, but othcrsvise no damage was done. The best part of the j-.ke is thai the ladies declare tlmfc their hor."0 did not run away â€" because they stayed with him and ht couldn't get away. This argu- ment is unaiisworablo. Too Much of a Good Thing It is not often liny business houso is obliged to stop looking for new biisiiios.i, but wo are informe.l from reliable scources thut the puplisliors of the Family Herald and Weekly Sfcrf of MonHei.l havo been forced to abopt thii.couisc for a few weeks in oider to meet tie eiioimous rush of renewal sut-soriptioii.? during Uecomber The teatimotiials from such men as U. G. Wade, Register of Live Stock ; Prof. Shaw, F. W. Hodion, Dominion Live Stock Conimi.ssionor, ai.d othcis,asto ihevabieof thoFuiiiily Herald to farmtrs Inis created an iinmonso de- maul fioni new subscribers. The pub- lishers will dovottt their atleiition this nnnih to reiicwaU ami now subscriptions that are sent (m.-olicited. township, and resided on the Meaford rond for the last forty-sight yours. Do- oei'.sed was highly respected, a consistent meniborof tlio Methodist church, and in politics a staunch Conservative. Ho was born in Druinel.iinpli, Co. of Tyrone, Ireland, Sopt 'i2, 1822. In November, i8.")0, ho was married to Mary Buchanan and imigralcd to Canada iu May, 1851, settling first in the township of Vaughan, Co. York, where he lemained three years, then removing to .Artoinesia where ho has since lived. Deceased was the father of ten children, of whom six are still liv- ing â€" throe sons and throe daughters. The funeral look place on Saturday to Irwin's burial ground on the gravel road and was larytly attended. People witli Bad Breath Generally sutfer from (Catarrh and should use Catarrhozono inhaler four times daily, and bo cured. Tho pleasant scented Catarrhozoiio vap<ir spreads through every air passage of the breath- ing organs, and roaches tho very root of the disease at once ; it kills the germs, purities and cleanses tlio inuoous .surfaces and erradicates every vestige of catarrh ill a short time. Pine sweet breath, free from headache, sneezing and discharge are ipiickly deriv- ed from tho use of C.i'.arrliozono inhaler. Conipleto (mtfit, guaranteed to curOjCoats SI. 00, trial size 250. Druggists or N.C. Pohon & Co , Kingston. Ont. Cattle Estray Cinno to fcborouii sos of tho underftignetl.Eu- (1(311111., about Oct. 1, four yoai'Iini^ cuttlo. Tlie owner ia reqiiosteJ to prdvo properly, pay ox- peiiaua and taUe same a\vav. S. FISHEK. Tarrj^pu^ortti Boar for Service. Alvln ( No. 728 ) The undersigned has a 'thoroughhrod Tamworth. Boar bred by John Bell, of Amber, f)nt., for service on lot 170 con. 2 E. T. & S. R. Terms $1.00. Sep.lyr. Richard Allen, b'lesherio.i. Horses Strayed. Camo to tbo proiiiiHes of tho undorRitinGfl, lot .'iV.Cou, KJ, ArtoDiosia, abont Oct,lst.,one hnrso. Tho owner is reqiiesb.'xl to prove property, pay c-xpeusos aucl tako tho sumo awtiy- \Vi.r. Samplh RiiLionia P. O. fay i> 9\ (?> (f> (0 (t> ft '((^ it/ \6 Oft 9) ^y ill T. J. S HE P P A R D Seasonable ioods* County C^ounetl Election Notice 18 hereby Rivon to tho olectora o? tho* Bixth Comity Cotiiicil division of tho County of (aruy, that a mooting of Baiil uUjotors will bo hold in the town hull, Kavoiinn. on XJoiKlay tho Giind day of Deconiher, A.D., liW'J, btttwoop tho hourB of one and two o'clock p. m., for tlio pnr- jKJHo of noniinntint; caiididaton for tlio Oihuos of comity ootiuc.Mor.s for said division. If after the tiuio abovo uan.otl or after tho JapMo of tho time ( viz. iho followlLj; day) in wliiuh candidatoa may withdi-aw from nomin- ation, thoro remains tnoro thnn twooanuidatos, a poll will heoponod in each of tho pnllttifi sub- diviiiions in said county council divifiiou on Uronday.tliH nith of .Tanuary A. D. VMi. from tho hour of nine o'clock ii. m . until flvo o'clock of samo uav for tho oluctioii of two county Gounciilor.s for said county t;ouncil division. Dated at Fuvorshani thia lirst day of Deceni- bar, A. V., lOOa, W. G. AI.rSTKlt. KominatiiiK Ollicer- ii ill 111 Notice is boroby given to tho oIcctovH of the ,Kth county council division, of tho connty of 'iiTV, tliata uiut'tiut: of tbo said flocto s will l o h.ild at the Town Hall. Kleshortoi!, on Moudav Iho ii2nd .lay of OeiMUibor. ,\. 1). l'.M)2, hotweo:, tliu houis of ono and two o'clock p ni.,fur tho purpo'-o of noniinatiiiw canditbitos forjtho oflico .if count, councillors for the said <iivision. If after tho lime above named or after tho lapau uftinio( vi;;. tho followinj; da;.) ,in which candiilatoa nominated may witlidraw. thoro re- mail's more than two ca;ididatu.-j, a ))olI will bo o])uued in oach of tho pollin;; Bnb{livision8 in [.aid 0- mity council division. on Monday tho â- 'ith day of .Tuiiiuir,', V.hy\ i'.fc nine o'clock a. ni. and remain open until 11 vu o'clook p, m. of tho same (lav for th.) oloction of two county oouucillora ft>r «aid division. Dated at Kleshertou thisfourtli day of Dkc- ciubur, .\ D.ili*o2. W.J. BKLTjAMY. NoniiaatinR OlV.cer. YOBsseiBE im m mm Tlio iinilcraij^noil tiiifl u flue tliurouf^hbrod YoiUsl^iro boar for aei-vico on lot ;;i, flitb oon- uosiilau, .\rtuaiu8ia. Ttirui.< »!. W. P.. DYSON • You will find all needful goods for this season at this store up to your expectation. We have spared no pains in the selection and the many who visit us is proof tliat this store gainsin favor daily. Our Ladies' Suiitin^s In this line we have all the new Fabrics,and they are \i/ worthy of your inspection. M' Oil fJfS /»> Obituary. AnirthtT old roaidont of Arieiiio«ia township pa.ssod away from ea:th on XhnrsUay last, in tho pernon of Mr. Col- woll Carson, at the ai<e of eighty yearn. Mr. Caraon was an o.J pioneer of tho 9\ m m Gents' Furnisb-ing^s Our Men's Suitings in black and colored wor.steds,and Scotch, English and (Canadian tweeds are complete, with a ftjie assortment so that when you want a suit to order we would ask you to call and see our collec- tion before buying. In Men's and Boys' Keady-to- wear suits',' Overcoats, single Trows^\s, Overalls, , Smocks, Ties, Gloves, Collars, Underclothing, your needs are well looked after. Boots andl Shoes Our Boot and Shoe department is filled up with a full stock of seasonable goods, heavy leather and felt for Men, Ladies and Children. â€" Ml I T !â- ! mm ^â- fcM^ M W IM I â€"11 ,a| IBII..I, â- MfcMâ€" 1â€" I I â- â- â- â- â- Ill I H 11â€" â- â€" ^^â€" «â€" ^ Our I>^ubt)ers We handle the celebrated Maple Leaf Brand and we have a large assortment of heavy Lumbermen's iirthe Snag Proof and heavy rubber; also Snag Proof long rubber boots. as well as a full stock of rubbers for "! bffots.- IVIillirt^ry The stock in this department ha^ fceen replenished since the opening by large shipments of the latest and most fasiUpSble styles. TDe assortment is most compfet^ and wiU> be maintained throughouli ' season. ih ikt Hi \k'i' \^, Hi il/ \h il/ 0/ he â- :»?*• Spsx have overcome the misty vision tha* creeps on with the advance of years, and now I am the most pleased man I know." 4 pleased patron is the best advertisd ment. We give free tests and guarantee satistacdoo. W. A. Armatrong, I JEWELER AND OPTiCI*. < i i "^â- ^f^^^f? Just Opened Tiio largest Stuck of perfumes ever oilci-ed this .nide oi' Toronto from tho l)est French, Engii.sh, German and American makers. .Mw) Ladies' and (!or,t'«Conii)aiiions I bo.xes. In ill ilienewe.st styles, mid soiiio Use- ful tliiniis ill Sterling silver. In *oys we iiie full is wo can l~o of all liinds ; I'ngle.s, GunM, Air Tillies, Rocliiig Hoises. D.ilKs, all kinds frmn 1 iiioii to mi incliiis lout;, some ilies.'^ed ullii'i's to die.ss youivsidves, Hand .Sleiulis, all sizes and away down in prion. A lar'ji) utoek of nieuhainca! toy.s veryaimisinij;,l)oata, b'llli sail and .steam, Stoiiin Kiii-incs, 'I'lain, 'L'lain Cars, "Morses, Tin Tops, Irmi Tops,l';iper Tops wood- en To|).s, Boys' tool lioxes, seliool boxes, rl's woik hi)xes,G!ovo and hankercliivf bo.xe.s, all kinds of ^iinos wo liave a larse a,shortinent,eard Kanua of all kinds, F<n-% pitcliiu!,' iin<,', carpet balls, table croi|uet, I'itiu' Pong, table tennis, Crockeno!,and many otliors. Also alar^o sti.ok of pictures and story bo.ili.s. Hymn lioolc.-, Sehool boolfs, Biblesi, and otliur books in a oood as.soriniunt siiitahle for oifts. Pictures, Auto and I'lioto Albums. Tlnwe with i>nr ro:;iiliir stock niako-s our (ilaee al'out as full as it can be with swi'His, nuts and i>ranu>'H. About lOUO IIh. just airivod this morning and will no opened at once. Thanking all my old friends for past partonage and hoping they will give me the usual liberal call. W.E.Richardson, : F.!esherton. This space belongs to ^^. % Douglas, 13I'^UGGI3T FLESHERTON, ONTARIO^ Look out for adv. next week^ â- i .wi a BJ L,

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