Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1902, p. 5

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<% Ttl£ FLESHERTOX ADVANCE J)ECEMnER 16 190^ fc»A9TO;4 -RiV..!i. Iwlabrt Wilson .5 rvicesSundoy 1 1 a.ir».& 1 p. m Sabisc'.s for next 8»l»biitliâ€" Til-.' p-vsJor will proach mornlii'^ ainl Vicinity Chips <:\i.i«*.icterjsHcs of tfte Past •.r«ck I'arfffiilly Culled for the tnrsoiis -«=â€" ' â€" Corn â€" At Vandeleur on Suinrdiiy.Dec. 0, to Mr. aiii Mrn. S GiUieit, a a.n. Nomlniition X<'X township cnunciliore will 1)0 held on Mmi-iuy, Deo 2!). Gu"d blncksiiiiih wan'ed. Apply to Will. Cliiituii, Foversh.uu. M.s.F,.lw irds of Indian Head.N W T , \\ ihu '.luest "I her couniu, Mrs. U-J». Mitcliell. The ti.tal referendum Vote in thccounty of Grey *''iu 75»7 for, 2295 against. Tile noniiiia:ion for county councillors will lie lield in llie rown ITall, Flcuhertou, on Monday nixt, 22iid inst. Seen Richardson's Advertioemeiit ? It's *»11 true. Fresh lime r.lwaya on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. Money '.o loan at lowest rates. A. S. VanDusen, Floahelrton. For Xmas. presents t<o to Richardson's â- "" drugafc.ire. For Sale -One pair bobsleigha. nearly Hew. Apply at bank^ Fleshevlon. Tho to«al vote tor prohiniiion as Ust . , â- :. Iioard from was 171,880 for, 91,906 •i^' ag.iiust. For saleâ€" One double cuttor.two bin^^le *â- ' cutters ; will e.'cchiinge for hay, wood or iiash. W. W. Trimble. H:i'he6t cash price paid for furs, hideK, shee^'skius*^^d tallow. Don't sell »ith- •\ out giving me a call. Mark Wilson, Flesh - eitou •Have }Of si^n Richardson's slock of perfumes ? I have ; it's immoose. Good horse for sale, 3 years old,Kenei-al ' ' vu.'pose, dark brown, -^-ell broke and sound. Apply E. Wurts, I'roton Station i\ 0. Men Wantedâ€" A couple of men wanted '' to do bush workâ€" one to drive teamâ€" and a lad to do chores. Apply to E. Wurts, , * Proton Station P. O. Richard.son's Xraas. stock of presents are marvelous, very marfelous. The regular service in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath will be a children's ' service, to be addressed by ihe pastor. Rev. L. W. Thoui. Artemesia Council met on Monday to wind up the year's business, which was comprised mostly of settling of finances. The minutes are somewhat lengthy and will appear next week. -J Sheep Strayedâ€" From 'Iw Mndersigued, Lot 10, con.lO,lownship of Osprey, about 2^rd October, two ewes. kws informa- tion of .same thankfully received by Samuel Colquett, Feversham. Notice to Taxpayersâ€" Ratepayers of Ward No. 3, take notice that taxes un- ' paid by tke 14th of December will be col- . V leoted with costs. John Wright, sr., col- lector. , - David and James Ballard and Alonzo â-  â-  Smiih, known as the Melancthou tire buj!S, who were serving a twelve years' *erm in Kingston, have been pardoned on parole. ^ : -^ Farm to Rent â€"Lot 9, Durham road, â-  ': quarter n.ile east of Prioeville. 70 acres, V *iO cleared, good buildings and well wat- •. ,, ered. Must be rented inmediately. Good farm- Apply to D. McArthur,Priceville. Notice~Dr. Ohristoe having retired from busines-s. hereby gives notice, that ."ill notes and accounts must be settled immediately, and thereby save trouble. W. S. Chrisiob. ^ That was a valuabU load of hogs which Mr. Fred Hawtoii of Osprey delivered here to Messrs.Cook & McAulayon Wed- nes lay of la«t week. The single loa<l brought S'205. We have not learned the weight. Money to Loan â€" At 4^ lo 4J per cen- Expenses low. .^Iso a number of im- proved and unimproved fiirnis for sale ebeap, .Xpply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or DundaU office Satunlay after- noon. Rev. T. R. White of Euijeilia occupied thtt pulpit of the Presbyteiian church here on Sunday afternoon, iti ab.scnce of the pastor, Rev. L. W. Thoin, who had a funeral lo attend. Mr. Fels'ead took Mr. White's work at Mount Zioii. The annual Presbyterian Sabbath .school anniversary will be liel-l on Christ- mas evening. Dec. 2u. Preparations are being made for a more than usually in- terest.in!< program. Full pnvticu'ars are given on bills just i.ssuoil. Uemember to wind up the (dd, old holiday by attending this anniversary. Notice â€" I hereby ijivc noticj that I have refused payment of two notes of $100 each, drawn by ine in favor of Thoe. Talboit, as I have not received value for the same, and the pubho is hereby cau tioned againsi negotiating these notes. ^ J. L«U{|hlia. one, took place to Flesherton cemetery on Sunday aftenioon. Mr. Neilson was for ma.iy years a prominent business man of Proton Station, and was a man very highly respected by all wiih whom he came in contact. He leaves a widow and fix children to mourn the loss of a kind and devot^id husband and father. You'll find some swell novelties in Ladie'.H Fancy Neckwear for Xinas at Boyd, Hickling & Co'a. Mr. Charley Richardson, who is at- tending the Toronto CoIlegB of Pharmacy, returned home last week for the ^Christ- inas holidays. Mr H. V. Gaudin and family, who have for the past t*o years lived at Nia- gara Falb. south, returned here last week and will take up residence on their farm at Knuberley. Missionary services Wei« cninducttil in the Stethodist church on Sunday last. Rev.C.L. Mclrvine of Monticello proached in the morning and in theeveninsc Mr.M. K. Richardson and the pastor â- mna the speakers. If you're in doubt as to what to get for Xinas presents read Boyd, Biokling & Co'« advei tiseinent. Full lines gloves, luitts, rubbers, over- shoes, felt boots and slippers, trunks, telescopes and everything m ow line of work selling at Olaytou's. Just arrived at Sheppard's this 'Vt-.-k, a large shipment of flannelettes, wrappur- ettes and fancy waist patteriif, lace cur- tains and a large n.ssortmenr of Chrisinias pre«ents. Call and see them. T. .J. Sheppard. Mr. S. Fisher,Eugenia, hiis four tliree- year-old cattle which came to his premises la.st spring. These liave been a»lvertised but as the owner is not forthcoming the animals will he sold on Dec. 26 unless sooner redeemed.. Bills ai'e up .innouuc- ing too sale. The Liberal Conservatives of North Grev ine^ in convention at Owen Sound on Tuebiiay cf last week when G. M. B lyd and T. I. Thompson received the uiniuimous nominations for the local Leg isiature and the House of Commoas res- pectively. hit. Alex. Stewart of the back line west has purchased the house, office and lot on Sydenham street, ar present occupied by Mr. M. K. Beaton, and formerly used as priuting office and residence by The .A.d- \TiT\ce. Mr. Stewart will become a resi- dent of the village next spring. We understand the price paid was $800. All of the old Artemesia council will seek re-election with the exception of Mr. Boyd. Only one man has as yet an- nounced himself as a candidate for Mr. Boyd's shoes, and that is Mr. T. R. Mac- kenzie of Portlaw, who, at the solicitation of many friends, has consented to allow h;s name to b* used. We have heard of no opposition in the reeveship. Miss Sarah Louisa Stewart, youngest daughter of Mr. Alexander Stewart, Esq., was married a' htr father's residence, west back line, at 2 o'clock on Wednes- day, 10' h inst., to Mr. Alexander Macrae of Coyhin. Uev. L. W. Thom per- formeti the ceremony. Mi«8 Mary Neil attended the bride and the groom was supported by Mr. John Stewart. A nup'ber i>f friends and noinhbors were present at tJu- c«Teniony. The Wedding March was plajed by Miss Wilcox, .\fter the ceremony the guests were invited to a sumptuous lunch. The newly-married couple left by the 5 p.m. train to spend their honeymoon in visiiing Guelph, Ottawa, etc. They expect to return home by the now year. If we ever said anything disparaging of the Durham cement works w^e take it all back and also ap,dogizu for anything we may say in the future. Bro. Rjimasje is the latest candidate to "put up his dukes" at us. He says our iuf)rmaiit re the number of hands likely to be employed was "either a knave or a fool." Well, we do not believe our infer naiit was either of these nasty things. He was probably misinformed himself. But he says that; ma.iy people in Durham believed that our figures were correct. The Durham peopie probably know belter now, and wo will iind out in time. Both editors invito The .\dvance to g^) over and inspect the works. We will certainly do so just as soon as we can get our axle properly greivsed ! The three of us will then form a in'oces sioii don 11 to Ciinp Creek and find out what the actual condition of affairs is. This will be next s^irin^. The CVmnty Council niut in Markd.ale last week to select a site tor the poor hou.se. After two days' de'iboration the recommendation irf the committ e to sel- ect the Thihadeau farm wms rejected and the Marsh property chosen in its steid This property lies on the north side of ihe villaj'O. As it stands now Bro. Rutledge will not have to move into the countiy to "spend the evening of his life." Just a few blocks wdl besuHicient. As for our- selves, we have walked six miles before and can do it attain. It pinches the Owen Sound editors, however. There isn't one of them capable of walking that 25 mi es and it makes them sore to think the county will have to put up their railway, fare. DiKD â€" .At Proton Station, on Thursday, Dec. 11, after a long and painful illness of cancer, Archibald Neilson, iige<l 51 fears. The funeral, which was a largQ A Qbod Quarter Dollar's Worth Is contained in a bottle of Poison's Ner- viline, which cures rheumatism, neural- gia, sciatica, tiJothache, headache, cramps, .sick stomach, and indigestion. Mothers find Nerviline is first class liniment for children's sore throat, hoarseness, cold in the chest, and taken in hot water before letiring is a splendid remedy for colds. D(m't be without Nerviline ; it is the most economical, potent and reliable household liniment made, and costs only 2R cents. High Tariff vs. low Tariff. The great question before Canadians to- day is the tarift From one end lo the other of this broad Dominion the question of a high or low tariff is being discussed. Honest discussion is what the people of Canada want. It will be interesting to know that the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has opened its columns for a full and free discussion of this im- portant question." The leaders of both political parties are invii-ed to give their views. Farmers, manufacturers, import- ers, etc., will have an opportunity to ex- press themselves. Tlie Family Herald, being a purely non-political paper, abso- lutely independent of all political parlies or interests, is the one paper in Canada wherein such an open discussion can be Ciirried on. With the Family Herald and Weekly Star's immen.se circulation at every post office in the Dominion, this will be a splendid opportunity for the leaders of both parties to air their views on the tariff question, and the public will naturally expect to hear from them through the Family Herald and weekly Star. The discussion will be watched and read with interest. Horses Strayed. Came to the preoiises of the undersigned, lot 37,Cou. 13, .\rtomeBia. about Oct,lst.,oue horse. The owner is requestsd to prove property, pay expenses and take the same away- Wm. Sample EuKenia P. O. ii: gomity goundl €kction Notice is hereby eXiavx to tlio electors of the Bi.\th County Council division of the County of Grey, that a meetiuK of said electors will bo held in the town h&ll, Ravenna, on Monday the 22nd dav of December, A, D., 1902, between the hours of one and two o'clock p. m., for the par- pose of nominating candidates for the offices of county councillors for said division. If after the time above named or after the lapse of the time ( viz. tbe following day) in which candidates may withdraw from nomin- ation, there remains more than two candidates, a poll will bo opened in each of the polling sub- divisions in said county council division on Jlonday. the fifth of January A. D. 190:1. from the hour of nine o'clock a. m . until ilve o'clock of same dav for the eiection of two connty councillors for said county council division. Dated at Feversham this first dav of Decem- ber, .A. n., 1902. \V. G. ALISTEK, NomiuatinK Otficer T. J. S H E P P A R D FLEBHEHTOX AND EUQKN'IA Seasonable @od(l$« You will find all needful goods for this season at this store up to your expectation. We have spared no pains in the selection and the many who visit us is proof that this store gains in favor daily. Our Ladies' Suiting's In this line we have all the new Fabrics.and they are worthy of your inspection. Gents' Furnishing-s - Our Men's Suitings in black and colored worsteds.and Scotch, English and Canadian tweeds are complete, with a fine assortment so that when you want a suit to order we w-ould ask you to call and see our collec- tion before buying. In Men's and Boys' Eeady-to- wear suits, Overcoats, single Trowsers, Overalls, Smocks, Ties, Gloves, Collars, Underclothing, your needs are well looked after. Boots and Shoes Our Boot and Shoe department is filled up with a full stock of seasonable goods, heavy leather and felt for Men, Ladies and Children. Our I^ubbers We handle the celebrated Maple Leaf Brand and we have a large assortment of heavy Lumbermen's in the Snag Proof and heavy rubber; also Snag Proof long rubber boots as well as a full stock of rubbers for boots. ]VIilliri(>ry The stock in this department has been replenished since the openings by large shipments of the latest and most fashionable styles. The assortment is most complete and will be maintained throughout the season. C. % Sheppard, US ft? xHit mi m /TV iffV 9\ \t/ Or ilr \lb ili il/ Of Of \A %»; ib ilt ilii iii # # illi \kt \4^ m Notice is hereby fliven to the electors of the flfth county council divisiou. of the county of 'itrov, ibat'a meeting of the sai'l electois will i-e hold at thn Town HaH. Fleshcrtou. oij Monday the 22nd day of December. A. D. lOtW, botwoo-i the hours of one and t-ffo o'clock p in. .for the purpose of nomiuatinfi candidate;^ for the office of count\ councillors for the said division. If after the time above named or after the hipso t f time ( viz. the folIowinK day! in which candidates nominated may witJidraw. there re- maipfl uioro than two candidates, a poll will bo opened in each of the polling subdivisions iuu said c» unty council division.ou Monday the 5th day of January, 190;', at nine o'clock a. lu. and reinaiu open until five o'clock p, ni. of the same da\ for tht* ejection of two county councillors for «aid division.- Dated at I'loshortoa this fourth day of Dec- ember. .\ D.Jl'JOS. W.J. BELLAMY, NomiuatiuR OUicer. YOBSSllBE BKB FOB WE The un.lersigned has a flue thoiouKhbred Yorkshire booi- for service on lot 34, fifth eon- cession, Arto-Jiesio. Terms S). W.K.DYSON- have overcome the misty vision th* creeps on with the advance of years, and now 1 am the most pleased man I know." A pleased patron is the best advertise ment. We give free tests and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, iCWELER AND OPTICIA Just opened The largest Stock of perfumes ever ottered this side ( of Toronto from the best French, Engli.-^h, German ' and American makers. ' .\lso Ladies' and Gent's Companions iji tlie newest fitj'los, and .s^ lue use- ful tliiiisjs ill Sterling silver. In •oys we are full ^s wu enii l^e I'f all kinds ; I!iigU'.<, Guns, Air R:fle3, Rdckiiig Horses, Dolls, ail kinds from 1 inch to 36 inches long, some drocised ithers to tlicss youi-selves, Hand Slcii:hs, all si-^es and away down iu price. A larorq sbick of uiechanical toys very amusing, boats, l>,'th .sail and stfuni.Stenm Enyines. Tiain, Tram Cars, 'tjorso.s. Tin Top.'), li-i^i Tops,Paper Tops wood- en Tops, Koys' toi>l boxes, school b'Xi's, Girl's work hoxos.Glove and h.mkerchief bo.to.s, all kind.s of boxes. In gimes wo have a larae assort uK-nt, card games of all kinds, I Fort-, pitchinn rini{, carpet balls, table cro(iuet, Pin^' Pong, table tennis, Crockeiiol,and many others. Also a l(irj<e st<,ck of pictures and story books. Hymn bookn. School books. Bibles, and other books in a good assortment suitable for gift*. Pictures, Auto and Photo Albums. Theee with our reijular stock makes our plHce alxjut m full as it can be with sweets, nuts and oraiiaes. About IGOO lbs. ju-it arri\edthis morning and will be opened at once. " Thanking all my old friends for past partonage and ^ â-  hoping they will give me the usual liberal call. i I W.E.Richardson, : Flesherton. ; W.J. DO UQ LASS& CO. 'S ^•pening ^nnouncoTnont To The People of Flesherton and Vicinity: â€" We beg to announce that we have purchased the Drug, Stationery •-uid Seed Business of Dr. Christoe, and liave niaile a very careful and thorough examination of the stock on hand and have rejected ard destroyed everything in the line of Drugs and Mediciues which we found to not be of prime quality and st^mdard strength and trust by fair dealing and careful attention. to busitiess to merit a fair share of public pat- ronage. We have on hand a large stock of ClJ^ristnias Coys and novelties which we will .sell at sacrifice {iiife--c;ili and .see. WishiuK all the conipliment>iof the s aioti, Respi'ctfullv, Wo a. DOUGLASS <Sc CO. ! N. B.â€" We are open lo buy any >|unnlity of Clover, AUika or Timothy Seed, Rud wilS I |jay the highest io«rket price, soqt ca^h â€" S«tnd SainpleSv

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