Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1903, p. 9

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JFksfetrtxin ^iiiana. "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. TOL. xxn, Nc m? Flesh-erton, Ont., Tliiarsday, January 22 1003 W. a THURSTON, phopkietoe ) Good Goods. Ii. conimencinsr tlie yenr we Iiiive h a <i<iod shiiwinu of :i'l stuck ;iMd it inoiins but a careful KXa^iiina'ion "f (lurstiick to ooiiviiico y"U of the inc. We arejjrepared tn do bijRiiiie-<a with Ml intt-llij>ect puMic and we nflVr Goon Goods Kt reasonable prices lo all our customers. GoLU Watl'Hb.s, Silver Watches, Lal>ies Waxc^bs Mkn's Watohrs, Mantal Clocks Alarm Clocks SlLVEKWAEE, JJbOoCHES, WbdDISO RiSGS EsoAGBMBirr Rises, Watch Chains We do a large business in repairing and if your watch or clock won't keep good ttuiG biitig it here. W.A. ARMSTRONQ FLESHERTON Thursdiy afieruoon, but owing to the extremely cold and etonny weather the | aiiiMUiit of w.jrb lone w.ui not so large as I vr.'UlJ have been done in finer weather. j The meetiin; re Sabbath schoolhouse j 'o..k I'iace ai 'he residence of Mr. Win. j Fletcher on Tuesday eveninsj at 8 o'clock Several of 'liose interesti-d were present and discutssed the matter at some lenifch, aii;uiiients ^lro and con were ur<ied, but the matter was finally settled by a major- ity of voti-s in favor of a Uiiio.1 school- house. Annual (leetlng. HcFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. Engeuia Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mis. A. Carruthcrs, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherwood of To- ronto were visiting friends at Eugenia recently. We are pleased to have our popular youni! CeHchers back again after the holi- days and to know that they are to train the you«ig ideas how to shoot this com- ing year. Messrs. Huuh Fouwick and John Par- sons were up at Invormay the past week atteiidituc the funeral of Mr. Wiu. Par- sons. Deceased was well known in Flesh- trton, having resided there for some -y.«»r3 ee«s«atly, when ho moved Lack to his farm. A young man from Kiinberley had a lather exciting experience recently. While calling on his lady love his horse broke away frott« the cutter and went home. The poor fellow had to foot it home, diagging the cuiter tiehind him all of those dreary hve miles. He needed loua boo's that ni^ht. The snowstoira of the past week has left the roads lu a bad state. Our ener- getic roaduiaster, Mr. J. tl. Duckett, soon «ot his force of men out and made them ready for travel. He keeps his sec- tion of r.iads, both for sum mor and winter travel, the beet of any in Grey county. Mariied--At Manor, N.W.T., on Deo. 2J, Mr. Archibald Cairus, to Mins Jessie Scott, of Balbothie farm. Manor. The many friends of the young couple tender their congratulations to the young couple, who are now spending their houeywoou visiiot; friends in Ontario. Mr. Deagleis thinking of putiinij elec- tric lights in the valley. This will come very hai.dy on dark uiali ^. People will uot bo «o apt to Turnorouud and get lost uD the road. Pont forget the good old-time soiree to be given liy Eugenia Oiajiueuien on the 2Sth. For particu^ats see bills. The many friends of Mrs. Robt . Haney of Paisley are glad to meet her again. MiiK Sliniiie Graham of Burlington Is visiting her larents at present. A large number of our younj; people gave a surprise paity at the residence of Mr. and Sirs. R. Purvw the past week. A pleasant time is reported. Vandelenr The F'orresters opened their new hall hero with a grand concert on Thursday evening last. Notwithstanding the state of the roads and a rumor that the concert was |iostponed there was a largo attend- •liice. Mr. A. Shaw, P. B. R., occupied the chair in the absence of the chairman elect, Mr. John McArthur cf Priceville, who was not able to attend on account of the storm. Mr. R. J. Pedlar gave a number of comic songs. Miss Eva Glass- ford of Caledon, accompanied by Miss Edna Kels on the organ, also gave a number of solos and delighted her audi- ence with her superb voice. The Wode- house string band gave selections at inter- vals and were encored for each number Dialogue.^ recitations and readings were given by local talent. The proceeds amounted to $30.00. Mr. .Geo. Wright is taking out timber fur an addition to bis barn. Miss Eva Glassford of Caledon is visit- ing at Mr. John Doland's. Miss Ettji Douglas left on Friday to at tend the Normal school at Ottawa. Rev IvtsoB Wilson will preach as usual »t Wesley church on Sunday next. Sac- rament will be .tdministered at the close of the service. Feversbam Steae Scttleaieat Iiitetended for last vvtk. The snow, the beautiful mow m com pletely blockaded oi-.r roads that we were â-  unable to get these iteii 8 posted in time to go to pr«S8 for lasc week's issue, and for the last few d iya all kinds of lab-ir hiM been at a staudBi.<ll in this locality. Mr. Ulrick Stone, «ho has been in the North West for the past three years, ar- rived home on Monday, the 5th, inst. He wan accompani,'d bjr hi« sister, Mrs Joita Auders >ii, and her two children. Mrs. A. visitefl friends in Toronto and tiuwmaaville, siriviag at her maternal home on Saturday.the 10ih,in8». Ulrich is a steady, mdustrious and energetic >oung man with a prosperous future awaiting him. His brother, Keuinald, «lao went out West a y«aragoand located U) the same neighb<irIiood and we are ulad to hear that both are doing exceed- ii>g>r weJLL We uodersund the parties wdlrewaiii heiw (wo or three months, re- turB>«g to their bunies in the North West in time for spring operations. Mr- a*d Mrs. Ftank Ouirus gave a wel- come party to the fouoer's biother, Mr. Archie Cairns, and fci« iUdy ni\ Tuesday night, the 6ti»in8t.jthe iaUer couple h»v- i.iit»r'ivedfr..B» the North Weal on a visit t<./n>« Is l*re. A very pleasant •veniug was the result. Mrs. Geo. B..>'.e had • wood bee *•» A very enjoyable and pleasing event took place at the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. J. W. Hudson of this place on Friday evening, Jan 16th. Mr. Hudson has been teacher for the past four and a half years of the Fevershaiu public school and his late pupils and friends desired to give him and Mrs. Hudson some token of the esttem and regard in which they are held. So a surprise paiiy was quietly arrang d and with merry hearts and with pleasing anticipations of the surprise they would create they assembled at their himie and after salutations had been exchanged and everyone made comfortable. Miss Mary Keruahan,assisted by Miss Beatrice Heit- mac, on behalf of the pupils and friends, presented Mr. Hudson with a handsome oak Morris reclining chair and Mrs Hud- sou with a beautifvil upholstered oak rocker as tokens of the respect and esteem borne them. The recipients were deeply [ touched at these handsome presents and 1 Mr. Hudson feelingly expressed ui a few well chosen words their thanks and appre- ciation of the presents so kindly given. The remainder of ^he evenina was given up to games and mu.sic followed by refreshmenu from the well filled b^kets of the surpriseis. After these had re- ceived ample attention there followed more games, more music and with the singing of Auld L«ng Syne the party iiroke up. All went home feeling hey had spent a very enjoyable evening. Prieevilte Snow, beautiful snow! Ontario's share of laid material is luoie than ten limes largsr than that allotted to Tei»nesee. Are we thankful or otherwise? Several of our pathmasters ha<l men out Ust week making the rtisdM passable. Mr. D. McLean deserves credit for pa.ss ing iHir mails so promptly through rain, bail or big snowdrifts everjr day so far we wish that tlie same cuuid be said of other stage lines People do not like to have important lottec* going south de- layed two or three d»y» fur want of a mail carrier pushtig hia way through • few light snowdtifl*. The AgricuUurMl S-ciety held their an- nual meeting on the 14th and clectid the aame olfioera for anuthsr year. The at- tendance was rather small. We think it would be much better to have a stated Notice is hereby givun that the anuiial meet- tog of the Electoral DiHtrict Agricultural society of Eai<t Grey wilt be held in tlie Town hall, FJesherton, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1903 At cue o'clock J), m. For r«ceiviu&aufl paesintj t-be directors' aud j auditors' reports for jjaat year, electiug officers ' forthe yetLrl9U3 aad such busiuubs as maybo ! coasidored in the iuttirer<t.i of thu sociuty. I As noue hut members for 190U art< eh^jible to ^ offiCe> or bavo a voW at sucb uitt«tint^, kindly! send in one dollar to the secret&rY* beforti the ; day of meeting, or baud same to blia that day • and becomea inetuberJaQd be p>-eparfld to take , part in the meetiug. ; GKO. MITCHELJ*, Presiaent R. RUTHVAN, Ut Vice Presideut ALBX- MUIR. 2ud Vice Prea, R, J. SPROULE. Secretary Dated at Fieahozton, January &, 1UU3. flARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest and Cheapst Store. Interesting Values « « For 3anuary* « « At this store January is a month of money-savin!; for buyers of Dry Goods, and we are anxious to make a general cleaning up in the dittei i'-oartments, making It advisable for us to Cut Deeply into prices. The following list is bu^ few of the many bargains that await you for this month: â€" ^ place of meeting. The same amount ex.- : §7.00 Ladies' Mantles for $1.98 pended for a close little room, would hire 6 Ladies' Mantles in i;reen and black, any of the halls in town and the posters "*if'» vali-et and braid trimming, close- 1 r . 1 1 . . 1 e tittin" styles, former price 5.00, 6.00 and or luenibcrs s notice WKuld statu place i>f » n/i . 1 .1 » i" »•= "•"â- ^, "â- "" »">* •;. 7.00, to clear the lot we have meeting, and while we are scoldttig Wc; tJigQj ^t niifht as well touch another sore s[)Ot. On the first day of show when the judges commence their duties see that all uieui- beis and officers, too. are kept out of hall as much as possible. The judges can get on just &s well without you and a pirtioa of the membership would be better satis- lieJ. 1 marked 1.98 §10. .=50 Mantle.'- for $3.98 8 Ladies' sh-irc Mantles, close-fittinsr, in black and fawn beavers, .some with fancy braid trimming, others silk lined, regular price 9.50, 10.00, 10.60. These are suit- able for any season of the /ear and our price now is only 3.98 13.50 Child's Reefer for f 1,75 SevBtal of otu' citizens are actively en- . 14 Childr«n's Reefers in colors blue, gv- gaged working for the establifihuient of a ' "«='' '"^d fawn, soma are frieze, others public library here. For a sma'l annual l^'^"^' trimmed with braid and pei^ f , •'., , ,. ,. 1 buttons. Former prtoe from 2 00 to 3. 50 fee every family m the surroundmg die- ; y^^^ ^an fit any chUd from 6 to 10 years, trict could obtain valuable reading every . only 1.75 week in the year. â-  Mr. A. McLean (Allie) has arrived from the West with his youug bride on a visit, to his parents and other rel.-itivus here. Miss Martha McKuohiiio of Glovers- ville, N. Y., is visiting here at pres^ut. f r ma-Ywell i 81.50 Ladies" Felt Hats 25c. i Ladies' Felt Hats including this .season's i sailors, walking hats, turbans. To clear the lot we have placed them on a table in the niilliuery show room and mark one price 25 §12.50 Ladies' Fur Capes fot 7.90 4 only Ladies' Fur Capes, two of them are American Seal Fur, with high storm coUur and lined through' >ut with best (jualit.y (satin quilted ) Tho others are Uear Skin Fur with Black Opposum Col- larâ€" lined with fancy faruieis satinâ€" all on sale at one price, reg. 12.00 for 7.90 $7.50 Men's Overct«ts $6.50 10 Men's Dress Overcoats in Oxford Grey Cheviot cloth, with velvet collar and farm- ers satin lining, well made aud this seas- on's style, on sale at 5.50 54.50 Dress Lengths for $2.50 We put CD sale Thursday morning 20 Drefii and skirt Lengrbs, of handsome wool and mohair Mantelessa and Crepons, larye, medium and small designs, hand- some silk-finished goods and worth in reg- ular way 4.00, aud 4.50 each length, your choice for 2. 50 oOc. Eiderdown Cloth for .32c. Eiderdown Cloth in plain, pink, blue and cream and some fancy stripes. "This cloth is very suitable lor Ladies' Dressing Sacques or Infanjj' Cloaks, on sale this week at per yd 32 40c. Ladies' Worsted Horse for 25c. Another 1 )t of Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Worsted Hose (made of pure worsted yarn) and sold in many places at 40c.. sizes 8i, 9 and 9^, our price 20 S|)ecial8 in Horseblaukets. Horse Blanket.s, size 72x72 inches, full shaped and half lined with jute, £anc>' striped heiup coveting, special at each DS Horse blankets, size 72x72 inches, shaped neck and lined throughout with Union tlannel extra value at each 1 25 I 60c. Table Liueu for 47c. Half bleochod Table Linen, full 60 inches ! wide, pure linen, beautifully tinished, j double d.iinask and worth in regular way ; 60c. yard, on sale at 47 $6.00 Fur Muffs for $1.98 Only eight Ladies' Fur Muffs left, but this IS ei{;Iit more than we want to see ne.xt Monday morning. The regular values were $4.00, h 00 and 6.00 each. Y(iu can take your choice on Thursday morning of Grey Lamb. Black Opposum, Astrachan or Greenland Seal, for 1.98 Since last you huarti, from us, our village lia-t undergoau suveial chanstes, tho must couspicmius of these beiu:; the groat piles of suow that Uavu cipuie Xjj block our highways. Miss Felicia Browuridge WiU married 10 Mr. Eiivard Hawtoii, oa Wednesday. 31st Dec. This very pretty and fashion- able wedding took place in t he presence of a large number of guests and \i8itors in the Methodist church. Rev. and Mrs. Scott spent a week of the New Year with the former's mother, in Mouktoa. Mr. tteo. Buckinitliam, of Albert Col- legiB, preached in tho .Methodist church i here on Jan. 4lh. This young prophet is very acceptable, even in his own county. Mr.Pealar is at preseot runi.ii., thej^ S^ HOCKLEY W. HOCKLEY g I Goods and price described accurately. We tell yf)u plainly what to expect, aiid I when you come you find things exactly as we say. There are many other line* re- I duned, but space will not allow everything to be mentioned. When in town our ; salespeople will he pleaded to show you the bari;ains. I ]VIoF'a,]?lci.]:%dl, Sta.ffor'd Sc Co. blacksinitbsbop at Fevershiiiu for Mr. W. Cliutoii. Mr. A. Long has moved his business to the stand foimcrly uciupied by Mr. Pbdar. Mr. Brown of S.nifliampton, who mov- I ed into the ho'el here a short time ago, I seetns to have for>aken it a^aiu. j Keiton Broii. have ru-iiistalled their j threshing engine in their ch<ippiDg mill. Faruii rs will find thli quite coufeuieut, and villagers will be pleased to hear the whistle Mow. Revival meetincs are now in progress at Providence church. F*rolon Station Ccyi««. Thirty Days' Bargain Sales . Groceries 1 Specialt7 Mr. EUitoi, you said your airr«spou- dents were shotfelliug snow last week. Well, we are doing th« same yet, and by all apiiearaiioe will bksly be kept at it t<ll the 12th of July. On Wednesday last the stock train 1 extra itoing s><u<h. got stuck in a suow 1 bank the other side of Corhetton and was \ uot rolea.sed till the next day at n"(>n. | Miss Lilhe Burnett of the South Line is visiting at Mr. J. O'liielia'a. Atthe annual meeting of the S>»bbath •cbooi the f<dl'>wiiiu ullicera and teachers were elected for the yesr: .Mr. S. Hem- phill. Su|it ; Mrs. H. Tucker, »ns. Snpt. ; Mr. S. Hemphill, treasurer; Miss Nellie Cook, orgsniat ; Mr. R. Tucker, St-c Teachers, S. Hemphill, T. 0..h\uott.Mr». Tutker, Mm. C-ok. Mm.'McAulay, Mt». J. Patton, MisR Millie Co«*. Mr. Betmet, th<' y mna man who hid his two tegs taken off here some few weeks sgn, was t;iken to his home in Tsr- on'o on Saturday. Mrs. H. Tucker viniled her dsnchttr, Mrs. Cruickshank of Wiarton, last week. MissJiknte O'melia left on Monday to visit Tp^xlto friends. Rauiy-to-w«r Clothiug 10 Tweed Suits, regulivr $8.50 and $9.00 for ^O 00 5 Tweed SuiU, regular $6.00 for. . . 4 60 JMeo's Fur Cape, Bell coney, only 6 left for 1 40 6 only Ladies' Caperiiies, regular price $4 for 2 75 Great reduction in Ladies* Cloth Coats. .A large assortment of Men's Pea Jackets ai«l Heavy /1 j f, , Ulstei-s at rook bott^Hu prices ^'^ Granulatwl Sugar 24 Ibe Men's Heavy all-wool guernaeys at per suit 89cta 100 pairs Ladies' all-wool hose, very heavy at per pair 26ct 5 lbs. Choice Japan Tea 1 00 5 lbs. Choice Black Tea 1 00 Goad salmon per can gc 3 lbs. scl. Raisins 2Bc 6 lbs. fresh Figs 25c 3 lbs. Coronation biscuits 25c 2 cans Cr^eent Baking powder 25c F'akad Peas, per packet 9c 3 Bottles Extiacts 26c 1 00 Brown Su«ar, 31 lbs i 00 Trinidad Sugnr. 28 lbs 1 00 3 plugs Prince of Wales Toba^ico. . . 25c 3 plugs Brier Tobacco 26c Come and inspect Our stock of Carpets. You will find the prices right and the goods first class. All wool Sheeting 72 in. wide, on sale .nt 48 cents per yard 12 Men's C»rdi-.!«i.R, regular $1 60 for $119 each. Uige New Stock of iSterlinsi- Boots and Sboes^. ^ We are pleaiiml to IxHri^ ||^4 Mrs. Sargeaiit, who has 1 1)«^ lery iU) i« iin- priiving. Mrs. D. Stewart wA Ni^s M. Stewart, who have bevn visiting friends in Caledon for the pa<t 3 weekn, r»!ilrneU bo u« this wi«k. \wm BiiB FOB m\\\ o^M Ths T!ti1».r«ii;n«d bM a ftiie thoroifcfcbre' Yorkshire l..«v (nr iflivio* on loS 34. fifth eoi e«a<iou, .Aitti.aesik Toms ft.

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