Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1903, p. 12

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J Janl'arv 22, 1903 THE FLESftERTON ADVANCE jcft»:B:8:8:^^:8:e> | r t. HILL& CO | <^o^m^<^^o^ TIlia list of Jiiiiuary BurHniiis iind many oUier.s is now on mile and will reiiiHiii at tlieKO prices until all are sold. Come a^ enrly and a« .iftenuaymcan â€" thurearo valae« iu every duinrtmuiit that will ni>t be apprnachod elsewhere. All Trimmed Milliner if at Half Price 37 Ladiea Trimmed HaU, beautiful uoods, many of which were Irimniod spooinlly for mid-winter selling. Oomo as soon as you can and make your selaotion at exactly HALF FORMER PRICE. Your Choice of Walking Hats for 1 9c ' 75 felt sha|ioa and Walkina Hats, splendid a»sortnaeiit of styles and colors, wi>r>h up to 81. 26 each. VVe wnnt to clo.ir out ev(!iy <>na "f these diirin<; the nest two weeks, and have made the price the lowest you or wo ever -known for i;ood» of equal merit; each only 16c, WOOL TAMS ANDCHILDS BONNETS 27 Wool TaitiH ind Fancy Bonnets, niceW trimmed, up-to-date gdodH, your choice while they last, at ex- actly half price 1 76 QUILTED UNDERSKlflTS FOR L38 14 only rich satin finish (luilted Underskirts, splendid wearins and beautifully finished goods, your choice while they last for only 1-38 W COL BOAS 10c. 16 only Child's White Wool Boas, slightly soiled. Tliesn are flio "left overs" of our fall selling and are worth 2Dceach, your choice only 10 1.25 UNDERSKIRTS FOR OSc. 19 only Black Sato, n Underskirts, nicely finished and perfectly lined thioughout, your choice 98 SILK RIBBONS 4c. and 7^0. YARD 390 yards fancy tiilk RihlKins from Ito 4i inches wide. These as a matter fl course will sell quickly, many of them reachint; lees than onn-third their regular value - -two prices on the lot, at 4c. and 7Jc. yard. 60c. WOOL VESTS FOR 25c. 38 Ladies pure all-wool Vests, perfectly shaped and finished. These are bareains at each 35 $6.00 Ladies Cloth Jackets for %\ .9H 22 LwUea' Cloth J«ckets,(a98orted sizes) good assortment of colors, some silk lined, tlioroughly well finished and everv one abareain. This bargain lot of Jackets has oiily to be seen to bo appreciated. Worth $500 to 39.01 «VQry one abargai iHush, your choice for only 1.98 Hundreds tf Remnants on Sale at a Fraction of their actual Value RemnantK Flannelette. Remnants Cottimade. Remnants Lace Remnants Embroidery Remnants Tweeds. RemnanU Worsted Remnants Dress Goods. Remnants Linings. We're making a clearance of all lines of Winter Goods. Romnsnts Shirting, Remnants Laces. Remnants Seri;e. Reinnants Trimmings. Reduced pricen in Furs, Men's Remnants Flannel. Remnants Braid Remnants Panting. Remnants Sateens. Clothing, etc , etc. OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT is bccomin^i better known and more popular every day. Not a single artiole in the entire department is marked too high. Fact. People invariably wonder at the littleness of the prices, but in doing a big business wo naturnlly can aflfnrd to ask a very small profit. Consult ua when in need of Hardware. r:i^o^<i^o^o^o^o^ F. T.HILL & CO ^:e:8:^^:8»5^:e:e:BKe:^ Conservative Convention The annual meeting of the Liberal Con.servative Association of East and Centre Grey, was held in the town ball on Friday afternoon last. Owing to the stormy weather ihe ulteudauce was not so large as it would have been under favoribls condititms. However, there were several from outside points in Eu. phrasia and Cullingwood township as well as a few from Artemcsia and Markdalo and probably what the meeting laclied in numbers was made up in quality, for the meeting was enthusiastic from start to finish. The President, Mr. Thos. Kella, of Vandeleur, was present and took the chair. He stated the object of the meeting and after electing Maj )r Edward Rorke, Recording Secretary, pro torn the elec'ipn of officers was proceeded with as follows : Presidentâ€" Dr Scott, Maxwell. Vice Pres. â€"Samuel .McNight, Epping. Rcc. Sec â€" W Turner, Maikdale. Troas â€" ,)no. W. Kenny, Hoalhcote. CorreapomiingSecrelariopâ€" W. Broese, Chatsworth; R. L. Mortimer, Shelburne; Major E. Rorke, Thornbury. Dep. Vice-Prosidontsâ€" Thornbury, A. Campbell; Collingwood Ip , Geo. Badijer; Osproy, Jos. Ferguson ; Mealord, A. C. Todd; DundalU, S. Bull; Euphrasia, Jas. McConnoll ; Holland, Jas. GilleH|.ie ; Sullivan, Wm. Pringle; Arteraesia, H. McLouj/hry; Markdale, S. L. Halhorl. Auditorsâ€" J. F. Korr and Jas. Rorke, Heathcote. The President, Mr. Thos. Kells, then left the chair, but before doing so, he ihankud the Conservatives for h(moring him vrith the office of President of the Association fur the past twenty four years. He had ondeai^ored during that time to further the interests of the '^ity, and he Uianked the Cuiiservativea for the assist- ance given hiiH in hw duties. He hoped bis successors in otHce wcvuld meet with ihe same courtesy front the membors iii the Association and that prosperity would tiond their eflorts. Dr. Sproule, the senior member for th» ridinx, than rose to his (uui alid ajsike lu highest terms of Mr. Kulls as an'^tllicer and a gentleman. lie, ns a representative of the ridinij, had an opporiuiutyuf learning hismany good qualities, both in ofikwand out of it, and it was doubtful if the As- sociaiion wiiulil ever get a president who would do as much for the giiod of the party, as had the retiring piBflident. Hi* y.jan of office l^d a telling etfuct and he bfslieved when a giKxl. etiijient ottiour was f. Ill lid heithoulii ntii be removed from uth.-e. Uuford takinij^ his teat, the Dr., on b'ihalf of the Coiiimrvat^ive Associ«ti<)n C K tst and Centre Urey,. preseiiied Mr, K<.-lis wich a ijold headed cane, buaring the following inscription : "To Thos. IJLelU from thp Liberal Couserv.tive Association of East and Centre Grey, on his retirement as President, 1903" Mr. Kells was so taken by surprise that he could hardly find words to express his feelinas. It was an unex[)ected gift, he said, and would bo prized very highly. He did not know that he had done any- tliina to merit the uift, but had merely performed the duties pertaining to the office. Short speeches followed by Mr Lucas, the junitjr uiotnbeir, Messrs. T. H. Dyre and Arch' Campbell, all Rpeakiiiu of the faithful service Mr. Kells had given the party and that he was justly entitled to some recognition. After the presentation the Vice-Presi- dent, Mr, S. J. McKnii<lit, of Eppiiip, took the chair. Dr. Spmule and Mr. Lucas addressed the gathering on the political questitnis of the day. Other importiint business was tran.sacted aud at the close of tlir meeting chose pro^oiit were i:ivited to dine with the Thornbury members of the Asssciationat the Revere House. â€"Herald I Tlesberton Furniture t lUarerooms. We are carrying the iiewest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, coiisisti«i,' of : Parlor and bedrooin 8ufts,,lpun|;e8, sideboarils, extBiision and centre tables, cbairh, wiiidott- Jihades and curtain poles, pictures^'easeU, btc, Whichwe OfTet-at -â- ' LOWEST piyiCEs Picture Framing and General Re pairing. Uudertakiny^, in all its brancliB.s. Sati.sfaotion guaraiiteca W. H. Bunt, - - Prop. Hawtonâ€" Brownrldge RIENCi A very pretty wedding took place in Maxwell Methodist church on Deo. 3l8t, when Miss Ethel S. Felicia, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. Albert Brownridge, became the bride of Mr. Kdwara Hawton. The groom was supported by his cousin, Mr. Herbert Hawton of Rob Roy. while tlio bride was assisted by her sister Laura and hor little cousin, Elaie Brownridge, who proved to be a very pretty little flower girl. The bride was l-eautifully attired in rrsani, with white watered silk and lace trimmings ; the bridesmaid in white organdie, and the llnwer girl in pale blun, carrying a basket of pink carnations. The bride carried a bnquel of white carnations. The ceruniony was performed in the presence of about one hundred guests by Rev. T, Scott The biidu was presented wil ha numberof costly and useful presents, chief of which was ahandnoine musical in- Ktrument given by htr parents After a Bunip'uona fo-vl dinner, a few hours were apent very pleasantly, then ihft bridal tmrty took the oveiiini; iraii' to visit friends at Toronto, llomanrille and New- castle amid the coni{ratulationB and good wiihesof their many fiieiids. Trade Mariis CoPYRIGWT« &.C. Anfone Btrirtliig a aJculch and doacnntton nm; qulciily uffrortuia our oi>iiii()n freu »fiol!ipr t : mvftiiilfin in probnbljr pAteiitahle. t'oninimlpn. tionanlricLlrcfwiUdonttul. Hnm'.bonkon I'an riu •mil froft. Olrlost aecuic)' fur fiM-uiiiii: i»aU'ni *. i':ituiit8 taken tlirouL'h Munu A i\^. iooqItc fptcial notice^ without cbnrco, lu tUo Scl^nfiflc Httterlcan. \ hAml!«oninly Ilhi8trat>»i1 wot'lily. iMilatlmi -â-  f any aclentldo JitiirnuL I.nrri'tt c.lr- Terriifl. f.f a rmw; four monthfl, |L Bold by all newM.ie«lori«. MUNN&C0.38"â„¢'""""- New York Drsiicti omce, IBS r St., Waiibva;:tnn D.r notice orCransUr Notice is hereby rItod that an applloation will be inade to tlie llooniie board for the Centre Hiding of drey at the very earlleat op- uortiniltj after thia notice nhatl apiioar in the tiaiherton Ailvanoe oewsnapi^r for tw^ncoDSAc- utivoiHsuee, forthe traDstor of the license of the hotel at the Village of Maxwell, lu the Jownsliip of Osprey, in tiie dentre Biding of the LdUTity of tirey, from Oeorge U. 'Hasuford i?.i'"'?f,'," bolder or »aid lioonae, to R. Ilrown, ortlie Villataof BirRhainptoii. in the County I of Simcoo. All parties lntereate.1 are hereby I oallei onto govern themselvea iu il^e matter, and all and every objections to faid transfer Should at once be sent to .lanioa Cauipboll.KaT License Intipeot^r Ctutie Oroy.OlarksbiirR P.o! Dated this lath day of Jamir*. A.D.ISWJ B. BHOW N, Trturfe 'ii e. Cur Ciu66inff jCiai Papers inaikerl with a * give biilanoe of this year free. Thk AnvANCK andâ€" ♦Weekly Mail and Empire with pi-e- mixm I 1 75 ♦Weekly Qlobe i go Family Herald ami SVqukly SUr and premium ... j gQ Oiuly N«w» 2 30 ToHVito Daily Star 2 30 ir.ronl.i World s OO Ouatdian 1 90J Hi»y I Sun. j^gjQ Potatoes ba^ The Markets. t'aref^llv Vorrer ed Each Week Oath Peas Wheat m-..'. Barley ^*»t .' Butter * Kiigs fresh Pork 7 Chiqkena per pair, . . . Ducks |ier pair ...... ' Tuckuys per Ik Geese pef lb 1 2& 28 TO 70 66 to «5 45 to 45 17 17 SStt -.o 20 M) to 7 00 85 10 60 Wto 00 n tt 12 • »tt ft 0»to 6.00 6^M», 76 BOYD, HICK LING &c CO., FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO. WHITEQOODS - SALE - We have prepared an elegant display of New White Wear for January showing which cannot fail to interest lovers of pretty and dainty lingerie. Everything is offered at popular prices and every individual line has been selected with the \new of combining the best possible appearance with dur- ability and careful finish -Thus assuring the best of satisfaction to the wearer. Under Skirts Under Skit'ts, fine co'tou, deep Lem, sis row tucking Under Skirls, fiiie cotton, deep Uem. five rowa taakiug and dust frill Under Skirts, firie cambric, deep frill, trimmed wide lace and ineeition with dust ft ill Under Skirts, fine cambi-ic.extr.t deep tucked fnil,ti-iin- ined embioidery with dnst frill Under Skirts, extra fine crtmbiic, deep frill tiiiiimed six rows tucking and widd embroidery with dust frill Under Skirts, extra fine cirubric, deep frill trimmed 18 rows tnckiiig, two rows inseition and tine wide embroiders 50e. 75c. SI.OO •1.50 $2.00 S.i.25 Night Gowns Night GowDS, fine cotton, frilled collar and cuffs 50c. Wigiit Gowns, fine cotton, fancy yoke,fiilled collar and caffs 75c. Night Gowns, fine cambric, embroideiy trimmed collar and cuffs, yoke with insertion $1.00 Night Gowns, fine cambric, embroidery trimmed collar ^ ,. ; aud cuffs, yoke and insertion and tucking $1,50 C:^ Chemises Chemises, fine cotton, frilled neck and sleeves Chemises, fine cotton, trimmed and fine embroidery front, ueck aud sleeves Chemises, fine cambric, embroidery trimmed front with tucking and fine insertion Chemises, fine cambno, trimmed embroidery yoke neck and sleeves, front all tucking 25o. 50c. 75c. $1.00 Drawers Drawers, fine cotton, deep hem, four row tucking Drawers, fine cotton, deep hem and frill Drawers, fine cotton, deep frill trimmed embroidery and four rows tucking Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill, fine embroidery trimmed and five rows tuckin" D Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill trimmed tine embroidery, and insertion with six rows tacking Corset Covers Cornet Covers, fine cotton, assorted sizes 2 for Corset Covers, fine cotton, embroidery frill Corset Covers, tine cotton, embroidery neck aiid sleeves Corset Covers, fine cambue.tiimmed embroidery.tucked front CorsctCovers, fine cambric, trimmed embroidery and wide lusertioa Carset Covers, fine cambric, trimmed fine washing lace and insertion '^ 25c. 40c. 6O0. 76o. $100 25c. 20c. 25o. 85c. 50c. 50c, SOc. 20 10c. 25c- 10c. » ' i' White Goods Special Our Special Cotton, 36 inches wide, free from dressing even and close, finished soft for the needle. Special Fine Cambric Embroidery and Insertion. AU new patterns. From 3 to Torchon Linen Lace-standa washing well- Lace or Insertion. From 10 to White Victoria Lawn-39 inches wide-fine and even m texture. Regular I2,^c. value Linen Damask Sideboard Scarfa Special at Lmen towels, fringed ends-deep red border all hnesâ€" si^e 27 x 12. Per pair

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