Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1903, p. 1

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'I ?â-  '.^r^^i^:^ v-.'^.'^-m^ *.».^iji&â€" -JL il : 3Fksb^rt0n ^i^ana. •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XXn, N( 1U6 Plesh.erton, Ont., Xliursday, January lo 1003 W. H THURSTON, E DITOR * PKOFhIETOB Good Goods. Ir, comniencinii the year we have a ajjood showiii); of all st'ick mid it means but a careful exaiuinaiiim i>£ (jurstock to convince ym of the fac. We are prepared to do business with an intelligent public and we i-ffer Good Goods at reasonuble prices lo all our customer.^. Gold Watches, Silver Watcues, Laiiies Watcses Men's Watches, aIantai, Clocks Alarm Clocks SiLVERWABE, BrOOCHES, WeDDING Rings EsGAOEMEUT Rings, Watch Chains We do a large business in repairing and if your watch or ch'ck won't keep good time bring it here. Markdale, Eus;oiiia, Piicevilla, Inistiofe, Dundalk, Protuu, Meaford Uoad and 1 think Zion (I don't mean Alexander Dowie's Zion) tvvo ministor'a for da whole eroundp with salaries of $500 per uMiiUin nr !css. Then it was that the Spirit of God lest'-d on the preacher and people antl many flocked to the standard. B^t a coutrajt reveals that increased riches meant increase ot churches and that meant increase of ministerial supply i aim very iiatualiy increase on financial lines with an increase of church enjbel- ishnients, and what is sciange these things have witnessed decrease in spirit u.ii inlluei.ce allaloug the churches. Some di'chire the cause to be that the functions I'f ihe pu'pit seem to be perfoimed in a Rfrai-pei f unctory manner. The preaching aio.stly is to the heitd and the hHart is neglected The people mourn because they do not feel as they used to do and therefore Ichabod ia written on her tab- ernacles. Ministers' labors are limited to two or Ah most three appoinimeiits with increased ealaries and with no correspond- ing results. But are there not faults . e aewhere? Since those days a change I has come over the people themselves and JFor The Advance they have become wealthy, they havd be- Whafcthen, and who then oontrolletl CmiJ less spiritual jniore worldly indepen- thedestinlesof Arlemesia? Then there ; Jence they are less careful about salva was no drill shed, no township hall, no 'ion ; more absorbed in worldly pursuits railroad, nothing but log built school ', a"d have lesf time and less desire for houses, no permanent newspaper, no fin- ' sodliness. These thins;!", no doubt, em- ished churches, with municipal debts, phasize the cause of excessive spiritual barrenness now existing. VVhere is the line til be druwa? It seems only an earth- quake will startle preacher and people in- t» spiritual activities. Thon too, the places for worship were unafiorned and true worshippers were unaffected by it. Vi.A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON Thirty-five Years Ago and Now. money scarce and lota of whiskey. Tiiere were perliaps two or three <;en- eva! stores, crimped in size and stock. Taverns were numerous, one in every two or three miles of the Toronto Gravel Koad. W. K. Flesher, Esq., was the chief magistrate and had been for several years. The contrast is very noticeable, paints, flourishes and decorations without end Many of the other participants in muni- ' seem to have had a share lu the depletion, cipal management are gone over to the j AH such garnishing, minus the neces.sary £;reat majority. Slone, McVlulleu, garnishing of the heart, is vanity and vex- Cainpbell, Armstrong, Rutledge, Leckir, I atiou of spirK. It is said the City Tab- Elliott, Sullivan, Henderson, Ghent and j ernacle occupied by the non-academic yet others I cannot recall, have served the well stored and spiritually maided Parker, township in their day and have passed over the border. The others then in service more or less. recently deceased, was large and exceed- ingly plain with e.xposed brick walls on the interior yet thousands were drawn if living, are gone to points unknown. If ] thither by the (-.xctptional ability, tact nothing more, this affords food for reflec j "'"l hungtr for souls of this great and fcioii. j good man. Go ye and do likewise. This There is a marked change in the min- ] meditation of mine is merely thrown it-, ageiuent ot municipal matters. Previous. W.S.C. to this period the collector of taxes was' To becoutiiiued. permitted to hold uncollected .rolls for two or maybe three years, causing inex- tricable ciinfusioii. So much was this the caiie that the time of the council was chiefly occupied by passing resolutions,ad intinitum, regarding th-ise derelict rolls. Not so now; it was changed when Thus. Kells was appointed cidlector and perfect- ed at the inauguration of ward collectors. This acted promptly and satisfactorily Punctuality is now the rule. Municipal A Popular Teacher. Mr. A. lleid, teacher iu No. 3, Arte- mesia,has been on duty at that school for fourtee:! yeais and has commeuced upon his fifteenth. His services are highly .ip- prcciated and on Friday afternoon last the trustee* and ratepayers assenibl d at the j schoiil for a sort of jollification. The children wore trea'ed to candies and oflicoi-8 now know exactly, by a moment's [ oranases, after which Mr. Alfred Hariison examination, the financial status of the j *«' iu^i'ed to take the ch:iir. The pro- corporatiou. The change in the munici- ' S"^''"' "^"^ inried, including speeches^ I)al law di.spei.sing with reeves and dep j (everybody felt like inakini; a speech), uty reeves depiivcs ambitious men from '"uaio and songs by the children,etc. The an interest » hch previously cxist-^d, and , '""'"^ interesting number on this program certainly deprives the county representa- ; ( '" Dominie Reid, afc loast) was when lives of much kno«led;Je they should po- j Miss Lily Thistlewaite came forward and 8CS8 to successfully fill their office. The j '^""1 "" address to their beloved teacher, idea is rapidly gaining ground that in a *Wle Master Wes Orr presented a big very short lime a change in the system i ''""J'" which proved to be a line fur over- uiBSt bo had. In regard to collectors j <=««'• Mr. Reid replied in grateful terms. Rnd treasurers for the past twenty-five ; ^^''•; «PPenJ the address : years or more tiitir bondsmen have never j ^^^^ Tbachkb,â€" We, thescholars and been troubled to i>.iy shortages or collect ''•''«?«)â- Â«" "f S. S. No. 3. in the town- Iwilanies. A record to be much appreci- ship of Artemesia, the county of Grey, J I I take much pleasure in assembling here to- TliRii it was the people worshipped in ' '•*? *"<! presenting to you this fur over- school houses with the ligl.t of tallow <^'"'. as a slight token of thair appre- camllc in msny places. The pastors' res- '. ei*tion of your lengthy services as te.icher ideiices paitook very much of the char- i of"'" section, and also as a further mark nctoristicsof the soho-ilhouscs buiU <,f i of thbir good will and wishes towards you. logs and joiutK, chinked with rail? and ; As a teacher you have always shown a mud plaster. Then there were only | ''vt'ly interest in your.»chool duties and Presbyterian s, rvices at Priceville, later j »> 'he welfare of your scholais. Yon have lo Orange Valley. Then the MethodisU j by yuf punctuality and regularity at had no finished churches and, like other ' school, by your willingness at all times to denominatione. they preached in school- ' f"r^'«o your personal pleasures for the Aouses. Th» MethodUts being the pion- ' advancement of your pupils, piored your- eers to the ';own»hip, hhd nalurally.more | self lo be a true teacher. Knowing ihia. p.iinl8 to furnish and honce their circuit I «« felt it was only ruht we should was » very Urge onj. If 1 remember it ' •ckuowlodge your servicen in mme way. *M compri»ed of FleshertoD,ai the he«d, ' We ask you «o accept this oo«t, ( apart from its intrinsic value ) us an evidence of the good will of the scholars and rate- payers "f this section tind of 'he high re- gard in which you are universally held as a teacher of the youiik. Your courtesy, c.)-operatioii and kindness to tlie scholars under yiiur charge have always inspired us with confidence which we value more than we can express in words. May you be spared many years to wear this coat and may the sunahiiie of the Divine Presence ever rest with you and yours is the wish of your many friends. Signed on behalf of the scholars and ratep.iyera of S. S. No. 3, .\rtemesia , rOEO Johnson, Trustees < Wm. Wyatt, [ M. X. Stevtabt. ricFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. • HARKDALE, ONT. Qrey Counfy's Bi ggest sind Cheapst Store. Interesting Values « 4 For January* « « At this store January is a month of money-saving for buyers of Dry Goods, and we are anxious to make a general cleaning up in the different departments, making It advisable for us to Cut Deeply into prices. The following list is but a few of the many bargains that await you for this month: â€" Riddell.Cieland The bride, who is a nieco and nearly as possible namesake, of Mr. Joseph Black- burn of this place, and havin:; numerous relatives in .Artemesia township, the fil- lowing notice of her marriage taken from the Owen Sound Times of livst week, will be of interest to a goodly umubcr of our readers -. â€" A. very pretty wedding of con- siderable interest to Owen Sounders, be- cause of iha popularity of one of the con- tracting parties, was solemnized at Bal moral, Man., on New Year's Day, 1903, by R'v. Mr. Bell, pastor of Presby'. erian church, when .\llen C. Rodwell, son of Mr. A. M. Riddell of this town, was wedded to Miss Josephine Cleland. The wedding look place at ihe beautiful country home of her pai-eiils, where she has always resided, at seven o'clock in the evening, to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Robert Rutherford. The bride who was given away by her father, was daintly attired in w^ite organdie, trimmed with silk applii|Ue,and appeared as usual the type of loveliuess. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Ada Cleland, while Mr.Bert Thomp- son, a personal friend of the groon:, per- formed the duties of best man After the customary congratulations were extended, theguesis numbering over fifty, repaired to the dining room, where tables wore spread with a delightful wedding repast. The bride was one of several very ac- complished sisters, who were all present. The usual phrase that "the presents were numeious, costly and beautiful" cat) well be applied in referring to the gifts to the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Ridell will reside at Rainy River for some time at least, where Mr. Clthnd is about to begin operations in his timber mills. I S7.00 Ladies' Mantles for SI. 98 6 Lidies' Mantles in green and' black, , with velvet and braid trimming, close- 1 fitting styles, former price 5.00, 6.00 and V.OO, to clear the lot we have marked them at 1.98 I $10..=iO Mantles for S3.98 8 Ladies' short Mantles, close-fittiuir, in , black and fawn beavers, some with fancy braid trimniing. others silk lined, reguLir price 9.50, lO.OO, 10 50. These are suit- able for any season c-f the /ear and our i price now is only 3.98 I S3.50 Child's Reefer for $1.75 ' 14 Children's Reefers in colors blue, gar- , net and fawn, some are frieze, others beavers, trimmed with braid and pearl ! buttons, Former price from 2 00 to 3.50 j you can fit any chUd from 6 to 10 years, jonly 1.75 I S1.50 Ladies' Felt Hats 25c. j Ladies' Felt Hats including this season's isailnrs, walking hats, turbans. To clear I the lot we have placed them on a table in j the millinery .show room and mark one price 25 S12.50 Ladies' Fur Capes foi 7.90 4 on!y Ladies' Fur Capes, two of them are A uierican Seal Fur, with hinh storm collar and lined throughout with best quality (satin quilted.) The others are Bear Skin Fur with Black Opposum Col- lar â€" lined with fancy farmers .satin â€" all on sale at one price, reg. 12.00 for 7.90 60e. Table Liueii for 47c. Half bleached Tablp Linen, full 60 inches wide, pure linen, beautifully finished, double damask and worth in regular way GOc. yard, on sale at 47 87.50 Men's Overcoats $5 50 10 Men's Dress Qvorcoats in Oxford Grey Cheviot cloth, with velvet collar and farm- ers satin lining, w^eJl made and this sens- on's style, on sale at .5.50 §4.50 Dress Lengths for $2.50 We put (ID sale Thursday morning 23 Dress and skirt Leigrhs, of handsome wool and mohair Mantelessa and Crepons, larue, medium and small designs, hand some silk-fini-ihed goods and worth in reg- ular way 4.00, and 4. 50 each length, your choice for 2 50 50c. Eiderdown Cloth for S2c. Eiderdown Cloth in plain, pink, blue and cream and some fancy stripes. This cloth is very suitable lor Ladies' Dres-sing Sacques or InfanJs' Cloaks, on sale this week at per yd 32 40c. Ladies' Worsted Horse for 25o Another 1)1 of Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Worsteil Hone (made of pure worsted yarn) and sold in many places at 40c.. sizes 8Jt. 9 and 94,, our price 2'> Specials in Hnrseblaiikets. Horse Blankets, size 72x72 inches, full shaped and h.ilf lined with jute, fancy striped hemp coveriii!*, special at each 95 Horse blankets, size 73x72 inches, aliaped neck and hned throughout with Union flannel- extra value at each 1 25 ?6.00 Fur Mufls for f 1.98 Only eight Ladies' Fur Muffs left, but this IS eiulit more th.an we want to see nest Monday morning. The regul.ir values were S4 00, 5 00 and 6.00 each. Yi'U can take yuur choice on Thursday morning of Grey Lamb, Black Opposum, Astraclian or Greenland Seal, for 1 98 Nervous, Sleepless and Exhausted Not sick enaigli to l.iy up, lint you arc out of sorts, blood is weak, nerves un- strung, kidiie.vs deranged, vitjility is low. You sliould take FcrrozMue at once; it will enrich, sireiigtheii and purify the blood, iuviiiiinite and pacify the ii^ives, and increase your energy, vitality and powLt. Ferroziine will renew your ap petife and indigestion, maku you sleep S'lundly â€" in fact will make you well. Try b^errozoiie. Price 5('c. per box, or six boxes fur S2.50 ; at dru;4>;is!s or N. C. Poison it Co., Kingston, Ont, Sold by W.E. Richardson. A very sad and fatal accident occurred when the house of George Thompson, just east of Lr)ckerbv, was burned to the urouiid with all its contents, and an iu fant about twenty months old, a son of Mr. and .'^Irs. Jnhii Hammond, wivs suff- ocated by the smoke. It seeiiii' that Mi. and Mrs Hammond were nt'euding a schoolhouse eiitertaiiimeiil a short dis- ;aiice away, an I had Uft thoir child in charge of Mrs. Thoin;s 'ii, its nunt. In the course of the evenina; the house took fire, and Mrs. Thompson, who was alone at the time, placing the chil I in a place of s.)fo!y as she thought, cliinl>ed lu the roof and attempted to extinguish the flames, but in vain, and the little one, when taken from its place of sopposetl s«kte'y» was found dead.- -Hanover Pout Goods and price described accurately. We tell you plainly what to expect, and when you come you find things ejtactly as we say. There are many other lines re- duced, but space will not allow everything to be mentioned. When iu town our salespeople will be pleaded to show you the bargains. ]M[cFa,x>la.i:idL, Sta.ffox*<l Sc Co. Starting Cbe Vear With good resolutions is the proper caper, and while you are about it just resolve that you cannot possibly do better with your money in any store iu this county than you can right here. Our stock is made up of all kinds of merchandise, hardware, harness goods, stoves and nearly everything Required by the Farmer and ^ -^ Housekeeper, JTA s s s o d lamsHiu iiiiB m mwi Th« and«riiiKne<t h»i> • Sux thoraashWre<l Torktbire bo*r tot Mrvie* on lot M. ttMt oou- o«*uoD, Ar*e«M*i» Varsi* •i. « B.DT80KI We profess to sell at the lo\ve.st living profit and invite a test. Just now we are drawing trade from an iiuniense distance and purpose to continue such ^air foaling As will insure tor us a still greater patronage than that enjoyed during the past year. Get your ready- made clothing, boots, shoes, groceries, gents' furnishing J;^ardiDaT9 and ^inxoarQ ; Where your money go farthest,and that will be from F.6* Karsf edt, qiusJi^Hcn. /

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