Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1903, p. 6

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V ' ^/ Mm Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces» and is sold only in lesd packets. Black, Mixed and Green. apas tea drinker* try '^ilacU" Gte«n i«^ Manitoba Farm lands 8?lb Tj L-I Bj nil tsuw. 560 ecrt, iiU in scttlert (Irfttrlctn, uo-toii iittiitited nhvre Iftrul iBKlIii ({ lit from $10 to 9<2 |Hr( itcrv. ATBiHfc-w prico imifl i et $4 50 iJ©/ ocru. ^VV'l^ O. N4 wi umte, 10/ Church St., Tcronto. Laidlaw Bale-Tie Company MANUFACTUREKS Ol' Hay Bale-Ties SPECIAL STANDARD AND RICH CARBON BALING WIRE. Wlro Straightened and Cut to Lengths ^^ K Dl'KllATK OUtt OWN WIItK MILL. Write Ul for Pricra. HAMILTON, - CANADA The lur^tyt " iclusive Ba'e Tic Factory tu the world -"-'Pir Ilciiiy Irving possesses among iis must vuli:eit trL-asmos two articles a to which |N,'<;\iliiir iiiteiijst attiirho.s.. Duo is a little purse made of green silk tlirOMd. with a silver biind. It was foiinil in tlio pocket of I'Minuntl Koiin on the death of the latter, lUid iid not contain a single coin. The »ther article is a silver time-keeper icaiich formerly belonged to Edwin forrest. The hands point to 30 jVinnUs pa.st live, at which moraont ;h(" groiit actor expired and the (Patch slopped. HOW CAUSTIC BURNS. Take a piece of T.'ooUen clotb, or a piece of a blanket, and boll it thor- oughly In a strong solution of caustic ijo-la, and you v/lU find the wool will gradually be eaten av/ay, leaving pothiut,' but the B'»?loton. Wcmen vio not roallne how " soap Gubstltutes," which are generally surcharged with Boda, or how common alkaline soaps destroy their clothing; consequently thoy. weclt by week, subject costly fabric to such treatment. The hands also are Immersed for bo^s In such solutions, re.nulting In eczema, coarse skin, and brittle nails. The caustic Boda may looaeu the dirt, but it eats away the fabric and ruins the hands. There Is no economy in such work. It is so easy for a woman to test the differeuco between an alkali charged soap and a neutral washing soap, that It is strange that there is room for any but a pure soap on the Canadian market. Sunlight Soap has been tested by chemists and analysts the world over, and its freedom from free alkali or caustic has been demonstrated by the highest medical authorities. Consequently the true saying, " Suu- llght Scan reduces expenses." 602. when his (ortuno was inade, ho' guaranteed, together with his cousin, iLord Mount Stephen, the entire cap- ital of the Canadian I'acilic • Hail- way. IMMKN.SIO PEAT AREAS. There is, according to a contem- porary, a great future for peat as fuel. The most productive urt-a for it is the North of Clermany and the adjoining jiarts of iJenmark and Hol- land. In Frii'sland there are bogs 1, .')()() Kfjuarc miles in extent, and (Jermnny has more fuel in peat than in coal. A sipiaro mile of bog 10 feet deep contains peat e<|ual in heat- ing power to over 300,000 tons of coal. Ireland has a million acres of large bogs from 3 feet to ;^0 feet deep. Lord llrasscv has bidden farewell to jiublic life at the coniparativel.v early age of (K>. but he has done ah inunen.se amount of jiuhlic work in his time. MES.s'li.S. C. C. nirriARDS &; CO. (Jerits.â€" I have used your MIN- AUK'.y IJNIMKNT in my family and also in my stables for years and jonsiiler it the best medicine obtain- ible. Yours truly, Al.i'-UF.D llOf^HAV, Pi'ol)rii'lnr Ko.\ton I'oiid Hotel iMiil l.ivery .Stiibles. F.oxton l-ond. July 4, 01. The sale of pof.tage stamps in the Dnitcd Kiii|4doiii amounts ' lo £14,- 500.0110 yearly. There i.'i iTioro Caturrh In this nei:iion • f the iountr.v thiin ull other fUaeaHes pat loixclhuj-, anil until tho liLsl tew l'n:ii-s was Lupiiosi'tl to ho iiicurahlc. l'"or 1 grL-iii nmiiy .yars doctiiis ' proiiouiicert It a lornl rlist:iisc alul prr.-rci ihcil lociil reiiicith.M, luut l»y coiiijtaiitly failing â-  lo turfi with iiHUil treulr.icnt. prunnunced ;t muuiuhlu. Hcienco lian proven 'catarrh lo liu a cunstituMoiiul ilmcaso and tliert..- joro retiiiirc'M con;ititutioiial troatniciit. tiairs i.iiarrh t'liro. niiiiiui'actured hy F. .1. Ihcney & Co , Toli-do. Ohio, ts tho only cohalilulioiial cure on the lAuB" Itet. It i^i taken ipiciiially in doses from 10 drops to a iL'UPiiooiifnl. Tt acts liri'Ctly oa tho Idood ahU mucoii.s sur- 'acoR of tho systPir. . 'flicy olI'tT one hun- Ired d'dinrs for any cawo it fails -to lure. .^jLUd foi; circular.^ and tcstimonr- ilh. Aildruss, K. .1. I'lIHNlOY & CO., Toledo, O. •Sold by IhUKBi^is. ''ic. IIuH'n jFuuiily I'llla aro the lie.it. In all cliissos of the coinmimily in Snglalid the cost of living has in- treased greatly during I he last lii nonths. now THE ItUSSIANS DO IT. Most of us think of Uussia as a land of snow ami ice, and aro un- iwarc of the fact that excellent :rops are Katherod there in the sum- mer season. In .luly lust a field trial of Ilind- •rs. Mowers and KeaperM was held it Jschigri (Uussia) the conduct of which was renin rkabh^ for its Ihor- oughticss. Till' details of the inspec- tion and judging were so minuto that We publish a few extracts from the oltichil repijrt for the benefit ol aur fainilni; readers PERSONAI, POINTERS. Interesting Notes About Some Leading People. The Mikado of Japan has recently i.SKucd a di.'cree allowing a Japanese woman to lead, if she chooses, a sin- gle life. Hitherto, if luimarried af- ter a certain nJje, a husibantl was se- lected for her by law. The fame of a 'mu-sical prodigy" sometimes lasts through life. Signor Tito Mattel, tho pianist, gave his first concert at tho age of six, and when twelve was awarded a .gold me- dal by the Pope for playing at the Vatican. The house that is being built for Mr. .Schwab, tJio president of tho .Slrel Trust, on liiverside Drive, in New York, will bo regal in its mng- nificencu. The tapestries for its in- terior decoration will alone cost S.")0.000; the whole establislunent costing something like S.5,000,000. One of the members for Melbourne in the Victoriim I'arlianu-nt recently ek-cted, Mr. .1. A. lloyd, was a A.B. in the liritisili navy. The nearest apjiroach to a parallel in the Eng- li.sih Parliament, perhaps, is Mr. .Joyce, the member for Timerick, who at the lime of his election 4\ as a working pilot on the Sluuinon. Notwitlist^aiiding his years. the King of .Sweden and Norway is an athlete of a very high order. No holiday has any charm for him un- les« ho can indulge in plenty of hard exercisie. He can walk twenty-live mills in six "ho.urs, without turning a hair. Tos-sessed of grout .strength. His Majesty once stoiipoil a pair of rmntway horses on the Uiviera and ssi,\t?d the lives of Uiree pi'rsoiis. Henrik Ibson, the Norwegian au- thor, loves to keep his hair in dis- order. This is said to lie his one vanity. Me always carries a little toilet CiiM', conlainiiig a lookiiig- gln.'-s anil a einih, which are at- tached to the lii.iof; of his grey hat. lie will often ix-niovo his hat to look into the mirror to see how his hair is lying. If it is not rough enough to truit his fuiu-y, he n.sios tho comb to give it the requisite tangle. King Eilwar.l enjoys a salary of over 85,000 a day, and this is by no means so large ns iiuin.v other niliMS receive. He gives away a groat deal more money privately tliiiii anyone imagines, and is often nioii' than goneroas. He pays for all lii.s boxes at the theatre, and for all his owu tcloRraans, letters, and parcels. His military warilrolie is \^^luell at S75,0l)0, and tho saloon carriage in which ho travels on tho (••oiitineiit cost bim S.'lo.OOO. King I'dwaril has given in public charities LSI ,r>r)O,O00. As Piiiico of Wales his telegrams and stamps cost him $5,- OOti a year. ] .Seventy years ago Ixjrd Strath- Icona was an errand boy in a small villa-KO in .Scot laiwl. Ho I)05sos.s<m1 untiring energy, immense wlf-roli- ance, and stupendous powers of iier- sowi'ance. In aililition to these qualilU-M ho hail a constitution like iron. At tho age of sixteen he went It is understood that it is in con- templation to start a memorial to B.OOO colonials who lost their lives in South Africa. One hundred years ago there were five carriages to each 100 people in England ; now there are 17. BIABETES CURED. PHYSICIAN AMAZED AT QUEBEC CASE. C(Mnv6 BmtM. rJiJUy ^ ^m^^ M tic ^^n/r^ ^A^^ Ajmjrn^A^^^ "A/ Avfy J^^A^ /^^i^^^^^nr^^^ CANADA Don't Experiment with other and Inferior brands, USE EDDY'S! There are about 7,000 unemployed workmen in Newcastle and Gates- head, representing about 80,000 per- sons, who aro on the verge of star- vation. This Hitherto Incurable Disease Has at Last Yielded to Medi- cine â€" The Statement of a Man Cured of a Very Bad Case Four Years Ago. Quebec, Jan. 13.â€" (Special)â€" Phy- sicians and others interested in medicine have been very much inter- ested in a remarkable cure which has been made in this city. If tho facts are as reported and the gen- tleman in question has signed a posi- tive statement giving details and all particulur.sâ€" this case will mark a new era in the treatment of at least one hitherto incurable disca.se. Some few years ago, Jlr. Sum Desrochers, of this city was aliuirst dead with Diabetes. He had been ill for over live years and toward the last the symptoms became so very marked as to leave no doutit in the minds of his physicians as to tho na- ture of the ailnu-nt. Ho had an unquenchable thirst, his feet were alsvays cold ; he had some very acute pains around his kid- neys. These and mun.v other symp- toms were all present and no one thought for a moment that he could ever j-ecovor. He tried every remedy for Diabetes that he could hear of but all failed to do him any good, and when his hope had almost gone ho determined to begin a treatment of llodd's Kid- ney Pills. i'rom tho very commencement he beg.ui to feel a little belter day by day. and as tho treatment proceed- ed the unfavorable symptoms grew less and less till linally he wns com- pletely ciiied, sound and well. His astonishing recovery created quite a sensation at the time and many woudering intpiiries were made by the doctors and others. II he luidii't Diabetes then nobody ever had it. and Diabetes wns incurable â- ! â€"Then how could ho be cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills ? TIs" cure wns only temporary and it would return was what many said. Now. however, after four years have elapsed Mr. Desrochers stoutly declares that he has not since had the slightest .symptom of his old trouble. Every one is convinced that "Diabetes is curable and that Dodd' s Kidney Pills will cure it. ENGLISH SPAVIN UHIMENT removes all hard, soft or callouiwd Lumps »nd Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Cnrbs, Splints, Hing Bone. Sweeny. Stiflss. i^prniiis, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $30 hy'uso of one bottle. War- ranted the most, wonderful Blemish Cur. ever known. Sold by all druggi.-,t». London policemen pi^rol 2,445i miles of streets. The Cunard SS. Aurania. very early employed as a transport, and the Allans' Ionian, more recently chartered .for Government service in connection with the late war, have left Durban for Bombay, carrying back Indian troops. fiSioard's Lioinieiit Cuies Olpiiffuria, Permission to reside in Canada has been yivcn to a large number of Iluservists. T^ ff% T-a-Uei anl Gentlemen. Enjoj 11 r* E I >*'"'' ^^3-*'°^ ^^ ho i.e by ma]c< i t» U ing^3tJ$10 per weot. Add om yaf.-s y^BSCBIS Etgya withtwjcet.C stami), B^jx :^9, ioorii's Lifliineni w% mm in cows The number of visitors to the | it Ciuiyle House at Chelsea, London, last year was equal to any of the preceding: like periods since ISO.'j, wliile the United States, as formerly, furnished the largest proportion of pii^^rriins from outside of Great Britain. London, Out. For O r ^Xs^Xj r4>.ir.t. Af Old and WlluTrist* RsMeoT. â€" \\ \Vtnslow>J'oothinf(Syrui» liaa bcsii u.^fl for i>T*r sia -earj by niiliiona <<t moihcpA for thr;r t;hildrcn whi i eer.hmr. with ptTfect .'iitxreas. It »*jt^.w the chil>., 1 .ttftftiis ilitt KUin?. fcllBysall jiaiii. curtt w w\ cntlc. n.d ' .*lhe boat rerreJy Xsr Uiurrhtea. Is ;»**'*!i'i to the ! neio. >'old by druKKiKta in every iwri of the wor d, Til send for oiir Com- plete Ijhest Mu5ic Catalogues and Special Rates- We are equipped to supply every Music Teacher in Canada, WHALEY, ROYCE & CO., Limited 1S8 Yonge Street,- TOPOISIT" Which aro the most contented bird.s-.' â€" Rooks, because they never complain without caws. Monkey Brand Soap removes all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish â€" but won't wa-sh clothes. Teachers WANTED 'S6 Main Street, Dominion Una Steainshipa Moncr«al to LiTarpooL Boalou to Uvvr- pool. Portland to LiTerpooL ViaQuetua- tovo. Large and Fast Steamships. Superior accoeiuiodattoa ir ail olaiwea of ra'-^engnrs. a uooaa a:)d Scaterotfrai dtiUips. dpcci&l ntteuttoiihas beea given to ih« 9.iloon and Third-Ctiiifi a^'cotumodaiion. Fat paatag-' aud all particulars, apply to any ageul of tho Coins>%uy. or K4Chnrd«, MtUa ± Co, D. Torranw & Co.- TTHtstaSt. BofltoB. Moatreaian I Porttfuit^ for I Twenty-rtveceiirsabotila. Ita valuo i» â-  caknitablo. 1 •'*' *"j'S !«* Fura and ;wk for Mrs. Wltulow'i Southmf Syrup twcomt ^ and takenooiherklad. * ' "^ i r-iVLV'^P' rdii, For njido np G'>o*l,. Suits In C'lo h, Velret, Silk or Vim »ud ait TsUi-iblt. hou^e il%ngiaK>*. tiothiui V> e<iu:i' .i it daiia by rbo BCmaH AUB8I0AN SVIIHO GO., Montreal. Coke has increased in price in live years. 2(X> p'jr cent. '1-he 111 ins invited to compete weroL^^ Canada, in tho days when it took Masrie.v-IIarris, Deering, Osborne, I'lano, Adriance Phitt. Walter A. A'ood, McCorinick, Milwaukee and Johnston. Piano. Adriunco Piatt and Mct^or- Diick dill not answer tho invitation ; the Milwaukee dinlined to take part because they deeineil one month's notice insiilllcient ; Walter A. Wood acnt machines but did not partici- pate. 'i'he jury coinpri.si-d tho President of the Agricultural .Society, who is kiso a member of the Provincial Council ; a didegato from the Minis- try of Agriculture, two members of the Prm'tnrial t'ouncil, Ihreo eslnin ttwrrers, seven district agricnltiirnl lns|M'ctorH, and two i.^ricullurisls. (We refrain from giving the naiuea becHiise they are Kusshin and very hnrd to spell). Tho ground wns liiinpy. and a hill Jide test wns chosen, 'fhe crop wns KTy long rye, heavily mixed with nroi-ds and partly laid. In tho Hinder trial the machines ivorkeil for about \\ hours. Ilio worlciii|{ of earh iBOihino was watch- wl bv four Juilffi's. •The :Mn.ssoy-IIarri.s Hinder did well In riittliig tho laid grain. hid the Hinder which hiiil leas laid grain to cope with, failed to takfl It iwiie running over tho rye." The result of the Hinder and other tests was that Mns.S(.j-Harris Co. w.r!. gi'cn th** Highest Award In more than a month lo cross the At^ lantic. mill eiilvreil the si'rvico of tho IHul.son Hay Conipiiny. Later on, >00«W<H>0<J<HW<tO<>i>tKH5iJ If you are cougltjug, take I>r. August Koenig's Hamburg Divast Tea. Tho Rtreet'passenger tratlic of Lon- don gives employment to 50,000 persons. l/linari's Lini^ient Cures Colds, etc, A doi,' ambulance is likel.v to be es- tablished shortly in conneclion with : the Jtritish military service. The j dogs on the war ambulance are in- 1 tended, when trained, to llnd the ; casualties on a. widely scattered battlefield, and so shorten delays in search work. jHavoYouSeen It? WHat? i Leo'.H I ricclca.i Efc-p s 3'> OSftTilsfor tlie Homr. 1 f rniaal I'ra'-y liPiKviJnUDt of birijan 'ndea-or. I-t] ii*gr». s^oiia -5 c?nii*. MuLcy rtfu m'stl if • o li i« i ot worth it. .\ f.o.>daiilu Huo ci- (.tttiTii 8,ta, -William Brii;i{«, PilflJshtr, 'loronto. "%v o>:]s&3s:. II :r.traber of fasitl-es to d i k' iit-ufl for II* »t bctitft, vth'ilenr •p*n* time* Wis furni»h *'o machine .-fid Mipl'ly ilio yam Xxv i*nd \ ay for th» wor* ^^arrnc d. l).s Rfjc** n.» h utl!au p. $7 lo %\^ :\ \rr«k DKtd? ar onling to till** f^efowd to '.\* wok. Wrtio &l nwtLf for UArC^ouIa i Nara« ruf [oqcok TiiP l>oiuiii!o:i MnUtins Co., Dapt. B. TORONTO, ONT. . JACOBS POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetacfac All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS PAIN. \V()N'lll'".KI'UL GUOWTH. ']"ho extraordinary resuscitating power of light received a very curious illustration a few days ago in tho silver mines at l.aurium. A mine had been abandoned more than 2.000 years, and the seeds of some poppies were found beneath the slag of a species which had disap- peared for tv^etity centuries. The slag beint! removed, in ii short time tbi^ entile sjiace was covered with the most gorgeous show of poppies. After their twenty centuries' rest they had bloomed as vigorously ns ever without air or a single drop of water. MInard's LinimeRt Cures DisteniiJ^. What error in arithmetic doe.i ge- ology tench? â€" That stone.'; imiy bo quarts (quartz). AN ADMIMBLI PSflD EPPS'S FOR MAINTAIIIINO ROBI coc FOR MAINTAIIIINO ROBUST NEALTU Turkeys, Csase, Oii3k3 Cliio.i ens. If you want best prices ship youi poultry to US. We want la'se quanti- ty to meet aomaml we ha\o for it. IH COLO CLIMATES EGGS We can grct you BI2 Prico» for ThfQi-n. ""> Qawaon Commission Co., uiiitad TORONTO OoiuigTiment. and Co respoiilfo filched. jiaot»«SAia AT THF, TKLEPHONK. In Stockholm almost every ho.ise- holder is "on the telephone," and practically every kind of business is discussed by means of the Instru- ment. This fact has been turned to account liy the police nuthorities in a curious way. The creditors of ft business man who had serious doubts of his integrity employed a detective to obtain information nljoiit him. The delertivi- tapped" the telephone wire from a hou;-* nt which the sus- ppct wns staying, and overheard many jirivale conversations. The action of the delect Ivf, however, has aroused ronsider.\ble Indignation among the community. 3â€"03 A number of llgurea are given of Madame I'atti's earnings, and it is believed that sho must have made a round million pounds with her won- derful voice. During one single year she netted XTO.OOO. Day after "da^ during one part of her career sho maile within two or three hours over .CI., 000. It is anticipated among London Scottish Volunteers that the succe.s- sion to the comimvml of that regi- ment will fall to Lord Archibald Campbell. Lord Archibald, who is the Duke of Argyll's brother, was at one tinui captain in the oth Volun- teer Dattalion of the Argylo and .Sutherland Highlanders. PERSONAL TO SUBSCRIBERS •tTTTK WILL. .SKN1> to every sub<;cril)<!r or rcniier o( this paper a tull-nized »» ONV HOI.. I u (i!»..lf*gn nf 'IT.U-ii'M- t.y mail ro.STrAll). sulticient tor one inonth'ii trciitmiint, to bo paid (or within ono month's time alter rocelpt. if the recolvnr can tiuthhilly say that its u.so ha.'* iIimio him or her more gooit than all th« ilrun.i ttiiU rtopcs of quacks or gooil doctors or piileiit laoilloim'.s he or »he ha9 over iiscit. lti;Ali this over ni^in ciirefnlly, and uiiik^rstand thut we aak our |«ay only when It luv.s iloiif you good, nml not before. We take all the risk; ,vou hftvn nothinu; to lose. ir it does not lienrtlt yon. you pay wf, nothing. \'ITAI'><*IIK Is a natural hMul, ailanniiuout rtick-liko * sutistaiicc â€" mlueral â€" OltKâ€" niiiu'd from tho ground liki- gold uiid silver, and requires about twenty years tor oxldi/nllun. It loiili'in'T fr<-» iron, tree sulphur and inngueKiuin. and ono i»ackat{0 will eipial In iii. •Vicinal stn«if<h and iiirativo value Hull Kallons of the most powerful, clHcaninm niliii-nil wawr. di»«k (r^sh nt the s|»riugs. It is a geologionl discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. It is the marvel o( ttie ceutur.v for caring such iliseasi>.s us Uiieuiaui.i-:>i rtri.-nt a lliscose. Ilr.M>»,», tllood J'oisoi.tng. Heart Troul.l.., futarrh and I'hroat alTcct- iona. I.iTiir, Kidney aiirt Itladdor Ailments. Stomach and female Itisnrders. l.a Orlppe. Malariiil Kover. Nervous I'rogtratioii and i.Vtieral I>ebility. as thoWr sands t(*tify. and ns no ono i\u«w,>ring thin, wril4ng lot a pacKUg.,. will oeiiv after using. (Jive age. ills and sex. This olTer will challoago the attention and considiTntion. and alterwnrd th» r^rattttiile of every living person win. desires better health, or ♦â- ho stitTeri pattiM, ills and diseases which hace defled the inedical world and grown worst with age We care nv)t for your skevtirlstu, but ask only your luvi stlgation, and at our expeu.se, regnrdless of what illii you hove, by .sending t* us for k package. Vou must not wr'^e on n p. stnl rard. In aaawM- to tht). address Tttca N4IL, teologltt, D«|lt. t».O.L , ttl Mitl >ti T*r«lt», Ont. ^.rfv....-^. .«»w

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