Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1903, p. 2

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Ceylon Tea Is the finect Tea the world produceSf tind is sold only In load packets. Black, Mixed and Green. bean te* drinkew try "Siladi" Green U% OYER 400 LIVES SAYED WORK CF THE LIFE-BOATMEN OF ENGLAND. Cncidenls Showin£j the Perilous Adventures of Storm Fighters. The recent storm which raged iround the iiortlicast coast of l-n>;- laud lends piirliculur intorost to the lacts now available about tlio worU 3f (Jreat Britain's stonii lighters, Wie lifo-boatnicn, during the year. In the months of l'J02 they saved over 400 lives, often at peril â-  to ;heir own. How K'eat this peril is was shown most slrikingjy at the end of last yeiir in the (.laister lifcbout disaster, when at '2 o'clock on a very cold . md intensely dark morning a re.s- :ue party set out tor a wreck. One oUl man, 75 years old, stcoil on the beacli through the fearful storm gaz- ing seawards. He had often gone out in the boat before, and his two jons, son-in-law, and two gra.nd- Bons were in it then. The boat re- turned after many hours, ajid whoa filmost on the beach was wroclie-J, ttnd eiijht were lost, incltiiUng the old man's two sons. The life-boatman has more dangers Ihan link of drownin,-;. TI.q bowman «f the lifeboat at Clovelly hclpo.(l to Rescue tlie crew frcm a sinking .'^liip kist April. The wealhor was very )ongb and cold, and the life-1)oat- Bien fo\iight with death nil night. When tiie bowman reached home he went to his bed with a chill, . and iieve.r arose. ri:mi.ous APVi^NTunn. Heroi.sTO .stich ns rehidont.<^ in cities regard with wonder the li'eboatmen taJie as a matter of course. 'I'here Oos a great gale anul a lieavy .sea on the North Sea last June. Out- side Berwick, six miles ofT, a bar(nio Was seen 'lyin;-^ Hags of disti'C-s. The lifeboat went out, and found an ex- hausted crew lighting at the pumps witJi a heavy leidc. To try to board the ship in such a heavy sea sccmpd to invite almost cert.iin dostrnotit n. to invite almost certain destruction, but every IllV-bontman volunteered. 'll\c boat attempted to awroach. and was nearly ovei-turnod wllii all its crew. At last three of the roscu- oiH clinibetl on the ship. The storm blew the lifeboat away, the winds tore sii)ars ami sent them (lying in all <lircctions, and it was impossible to stand on the deck. It was decided to abandon the sinking sihip, hut for a time it scorn- ed impossil)lo for the men there to get on the lifeboat. Ity great ef- fort a commiuiicaling rope was tiirown, aiiid slowly all wore carried o%cr it. A slip, a moment's ncrv- Breathing Diseass. Infectious dlseaBes are breathed Into the system from those affected with disease or from bad smells; yet how many women breathe dally the offensive steam from common soape made from rancid fats, and keep their hands for hours In such solutions, and the clothing from such soap suds is worn next the tender skin. No wonder disease and eczema are prevalent ! Users of Sunlight Soap â€"Octagon Barâ€" know the difference between that and the pure, health- ful smell from the vegetable oils and pure edible fata in Sunlight Soap. ^ 308 oiLsmoss, and the sea would ha.vo had its prey. And the coiust sxiilors linxl eleven hours' fight in the hurricane before they reaclied land. iOvery part of the coast can ij^U such u'lb's for the past year. Deal and Dover arc so accustomed to snich happenings that the men there taJfe them almost as a matter of course. To slay out day ai.d night in a raging seii, to fact; death hotir- ly, to underlvako great risf s tor little personal pixjfit is the routine of the coast sailor. The lifeboat is arivancinp- with the timoH. Tlic telephone has hmc been in its .service. Wirebss Iclcgrai hy is now being pressed into use. The old hand-rowod boats in | arts giving place to the steam vessel. It is sad news that tl.e great ii stitntion whiih oi-ganizes and rewards all this work the Natiimai IJfeboat Institution, is snilTcring, owing to the iins-nt d>>- pression, from lack of frnls. HE HAD. "Have you ever written anything," sni/d his cynical friend, "to make the world happier or bettor?" "JiaUier," (juoth the insurance ag- ent who somitiiiies dabblod in verse. I have written 8400,000 worth of 1 ife insurance wiUiin the last year." "ITerbort caUs on me every even- ing," said the coididing girl. "Don't you tJiink that is a sign he really carea for me?" "I can't he sure," answered lli.ss Cayenne, •'whether it indicaUos that he is in love, or that coal is scarce at his house." Tyuiring last year there were 119 deaths from accident on the Alps. NOT SO BAD AS THAT. TROUBLES OF AN EI-PJEVE \VEEE EASILY DISPOSED OF BY DODD'S KIDIJEY PILLS. iV. G. Cragg-, of Dresden, Had In- flammatory Eheumatisna, and Was Cured Slick and Clean. Dresden, Ont., Jan. 19. â€" (Special) â€" "Dodd's Kidney I'ills cured me slick and clean ot the Rheumatism," says W. G. Cragg, cx-reeve of this town. "It was the Inllammatory Rheumati.''ni I had, and I think Dodd's Kidney Tills are as line a remedy for that as I want. I am as sound as a bell now as far as Rheu- matism is concerned." This is Mr. Crapg's experience, aad it is the same as many others. Sjinpathetic J.i-tener â€" "In those I Pooide generally hero arc learning dreary, desolate wastes, J'r. Dash- : that Kheuniatisni is simply a result polo, I suppoâ„¢ you grew fontt of of Kidney Di.seaseâ€" that if the kid- even your do'.s." ; noys do not do their duty and take Hetnancd Arctic Kxplorer â€" "Ilea- | the uric acid from the blood, it ver.s. no, mis.S'! \Vo had plenty pcmmican and walrus meat." of REAL TIIINO. "Saratoga chips, hey?" miittored Uhe guest at the clu'ap lunch cornier, who harl broken a tooth on one. "I gue.'-B that's what they are â€" chips from the old trunk." LOOKING VOU IT Cin^AP. Dcnti.'^t â€" "Now, do you want ta.ko gas?" Countryman â€" "Wal, I guecs how gasoline would be' cheajJer." to STATKS OF PEUCITY. Faifitrtcia â€" "How pleased Kleanor looks to-night?" Kdmonia â€" "Ye,'!; she's either had a proposal, or some man has sent her a bo.x of candy." crystallines at the muscles and joints and causes those tortures too many peo[ilo know too well. "I had been troubled with In- Hafinatory Khouuuitism for eight years," continues the e:c-roeve. "I could scarcely get around to do my duties in my .st.ore. I tried doctors and medicines without getting any benefit, till I heard of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Six boxes cured me com- pletely." Cure tho kidneys with Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and your lUvjumatism will cure itself. ^ A '^ Jimmmmmmm There is a g-'od dtmsnd for all kinds yi iir>t-c a i3 Pi'ullrv, especially Chickens. We want larjje qvai tItiL-s to supply demand, f^r^r^ti D»>Ir»ir<ka so consign ui if you want VSOOU rriOWe, AE3I3I S^© If yon have a carload, or more, of A I stuff we ca" It g"^taS^aiOaB«« P''"'" ^'^^i" fer you, or will ship them for you an" make advance against th3 shipment. There is morn I'ntarrli In thus sei;tlon of tho country tlinn all otl'er diseases put togoiher. anil luitil '.Ijo lusi (ow yeiirM wus aupiiof-od ui lio im-uraLk-, For a (freiit ainny yoars iloctor.^ pronouiuprt It 11 local (iisi'aso nnd prrBcritiod local reriicdiert, and by coii.stnntly fading to c\lro with local J.i-catlncnt. i>ronouiiceiI It iiicuraldo. tSciciic'e hint proven catarrh to bo a cuiistitu'-toiinl dist-a.'io and tiitro- foro rcnuiro^ coiK.titutioiial treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, niaiiufuctui-cd by V. J. Cheney it Co., Toledo. Ohio, is tho only ton.stitutioaal cui'e on the mar- ket. It is taken internally in dose.s from 10 droi)-s to n tca^puon^lil. It aets dii-cctly on tho blood and nuiv'ous sur- faces of the system. 'I'hey otter one hun- dred dollars for any case it fails 'a cure. fcJeiid for circiilara and testimoni- als. ArtdiOEs, r. .J. CHKNIOY & CO., Toledo, O. Wolrt hy 111 nsgists. 7,tc, llall's Family I'ills are tho best. Strojih.tntic'in is said to l:o the most deadly poiison on earth. It i.s made from an Afi-lcan plant by ether and alcohol. A TRACTABLE MEMORY. "I see you don't remember me, .sir?" "No, sir; I dont." "I'm llinks. I owe you S.'iO." "Ah! Now that you mention the â€" ahâ€" sum, I remember you perfect- ly" AN AOMinAHLt FOOD IM COLO CLIMATES. Tho lapse of 00 yoarR bars action;) for tilio roi'ovcry of real proiH'rty when brought by the Crown against a subject: so (lie undisturbed pos- se.'^fiioii of IV pioi'i! of stolen common- land fill' this pori<).d makes its title valid in law. MIS OW^ FI{.RR WILL. Dear Sirs,â€" T cannot speak too .'.trongly of the excellen-o of MIN- ARD'.S LINUIKNT. It is TlIM rem- edy in my household for burns, sprains, etc., and wo would uot bo without it. It is truly a wonderful medicine .KVUN A. MACDONALD, rublisher Arnpiior Chronicle. A DIIKAM OONE BY. Harry â€" "Can't you think pf any- thtiig that would make you happy, Harriet?" Harriet â€" "Yes; I wi.'-h I were a little girl again, to jday with tho Iial)er dolls maidu nowadays." roil THE LITTLR ONES. An A B C book, beautifully lllua- triited, Is one of tho latest advertis- ing productions of Massey-Ilarris Co., Ltd., the makers of tho famous MuBBc.v-Hnrris farm implements. IJy mentioning this jmper nnn send- ing y.-)ur naiuo nnil address on a post card to tho Company in To- jronlo Vfu can obtain a copy. £4,300 of the King's Civil List .is appropriated to chai'ilics. AVTIAN TIIIO .LAMPS ARE LIT. The children like to get an attrac- tive book to read after supperâ€" so do the old folks sometimes. Wo have plousure in informing our farming readers that by sending their name and adtlriK.s on a po,';t card to Mas- siw-Ilurris Co., Ltd,, Toi'onto, they will be sent a Ifassfy-llarris Illur.- Iraled, free of charge, lor one yvir. It is a bright little inagazine, con- taining many new pictures and some good i-eading. Don't forget to men- tion this paper, or you may not re- ceive the journal. For teit months I suffered with Rheumatism ; I coiild move neither hiinds nor feet, and felt excruciating pains in my whole body. A (Jeniuin friend rcconimeiM'^d St. Jacobs Oil ; the result, astonished mo nil pairi viinisdii'd, anil I was cui'cd. â€" J. B. llyland, Troy, Jlew York. T.ightiilii,'? clouds are seUloni'moro than 700 yards front the eai'th. ; 'JO RE-MEMBEIl. S you shoidd bear in tmd the trains that 'Pho Duke of Deviiishire ikiskoso'! a copy of Claude Lorraine's "Hook of Truth," said to bo the most val- uable 'book in the world. .Coo.imo was refu.sc^I for it many years ago. sowF/rniM â- When traveir:; mind the road will tak-,- you to j'our destitiation in the fa.'i^tost time, and in tho most tonifortablo manner. The Oriind Trtink .service excels in both par- ticulars and passciiKors from To- ronto to ?douti-eal, lUslialo, New York. Detroit and Chicago, will lin<f the day trains txiuippcd v>-ith wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafo Parlor and Dining Cars serving meals "a la carte." Tho ni.i^ht trains carry Pullman sleeping cnrs to iiU above points. You can lea. o Toronto,' for Jlontrcal and east at a. m. and 1 (J p. m. for DuiTalo and New York at S> n. ni.. 4.50 and 6.15 p. m. and to Detroit and Chicago at 7.S5 a. m.. 'l.r>0 p. m. and ll.ilO p to.. Tickets, reservations, etc., at elty olllce, northwest corner King Mid Yoiige etroeta. 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVEKY YEAR. CUPID IN COURT. A mairiagc in extraordinary cir- ciur.sUinccs took phuc at tho Water Police Court, Sydney. .A Cerman fireman was being prosecuted by a iilttMl lover on n charge of stealing a chain which she brd given him on his promi.in.g to ii'.an-y her. While in court a friend .sought to convince acc-ised o( his faithlessness, ai\d said "'"5 'that if ho did not nmrry the girl he "would be put in gaol. "Will 1?" ex- claimed the tiennan, excitedly. "Then I'll marry lor." The magis- trate tell in with the arrangement, and a clorgymait having to n n.im- moiiod, thoy were marrio;I in the nia«i.Ktrato's room, in the prowmco of tho court olVicialf*. Tho brii'o and l.ridi groom then entered tiie co'urt. wboie tho n.ngisitrato annotinced that tho groom was dis<\!m.rged. The lat- ter grimly thanked his worsliip, and tho pair went away. %mh \l\ikwA Cyrss Di"?le[iiiP/ THE WABAlH RAILROAD Is the great winter to:a-ist route to the south and west, ,ncluding the famous Hot Springs, Ark., Old Mexico, the Egypt of Ameiica, Texas and California, tho lands of stm- shine and floweis. Your particular atlonlion is cnlUd to tl'.e fact that pass nijers gcii g -.ia Detroit and ovei- the Wabash, reach their des- tination hours in advance of other lines. The new and elegant trains on the Wabash are the iinest in this country, everything is first class in every respect. All round trip winter tourist tickets are now on sale at lowest rates. Time tables, maps, and all inforn:a- tion about ti-.is wonderful railroad cheerfully furnished by any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson. District, Pas.senger agent, northeast corner King &) Yonge streets, Toronto, and St. Thomas, Ont, 556 Main Street, WINNIPEG, MAIN. To send fcr our Com* ptete 31ieet Musio Catalogues and jpeciui Rates. We are equipped to supply every Musio Tca.:ker in Canada. WiALEY, S07CE S CQ., Limited 15S Yonge Street. TORONTO. ONT. AGENTS ? WKY WGt^K on OSMMISSim^ wMi*-. toatAftjwni in tmlqeai or yo iiFeK Tim caa lujtkfl twenty iloUarsje- wce'r. A.i â- entirely new proyoi'ion. AVr;t- Tor iwrticulftrs. Toroa.u U t^« CKI* CUE of tn* To . li .sinesa q; Cacn-ia. 5-8 CniQHTOM & CO , ;:3 chu.^{:h st, renoiTA CLEANING ^ WALKING OB OL'TIKIQ . - _ - suira C»n be tlone perfectly by cur French Process. Trj ii Bnirin:: f.Ms niSAN oYtixn co . .MONTKKAL, XOROM'J. OrXAWA 4 QUEBEC Have You Sean it 7 v* tiat 7 Lss'a TiiceleBj Kec"!):B 3i>iti Serrtta fcr tVo Itarac. F'imand er» y cepattni«'Jt ot huitan .pii.*ii'ur. Jm ;iftgi?s. fcenaSoccnt?. Money rofunJe4 ii i » li !s t-o5 worth ti',. A rood.ido line i^r viLaT.i S'iia, -WUiiftm D.-iKK^. ru^li8li«r, lorccta Very nearly two-thirds cf all the cofToo we drink conies from lirazil. The (tnantity Brazil exports is now nearly 1,180 million pounds a year. ^m\h LiniiiSiif L'ures Cele's, etc. Son â€" "But accitipiit.s will happen, father, in tho beat regulates! lami- lies." Father (angrily) â€" "That may he. sir, but I would have you to unidei-stand that nunc is not one ot the he.'-.t serrulated fajnilies." m"^ M^o3fo's Llo'meiii i'oiES fiphlf ^na. The Bank of Kn^^Umd began opera- tions on January 1,1{>V)5, at (!ro- cer'.9 Hall. IVndlry. In 1090 it stopped payment liltopcther for a time. In 174.") it had to i»ay clainis in siTipcnces in order to keep adoat. Ladies' asid IVIen's ffivftTlhin!;ia Furs aX lowest pilco.9. Sjnil for Ca;al»i{. RAW FUR3â€" Wo pay higU8;li prices. Scud tor price list. P. II. 8ASTE10 Zi. QO., 77 Klnj St. East. Toronto, Dominion Line Steamshlpd Uontre«l to Lir^rpooL BoiK)n to UtAr- yovl. Fortliuid to LiTurpool. VlaQueciu. town. IjnrgH ftnd Va.%t ^teamshipe. Superior ucconntt)od»tloa for kII clawcf (>f pH'^etifttjid. &;iluou.i snd Stu*ervoin.ll A.-e ftnii(ishlp«. bpec'lat nttontton ha.^ becDglTwn to lA« 8ece&d S:iloun :tod Thlid-OI&M accooimoilallou. Fol ratra iif I^iuens*) aud all partii-'ularfl, apply to any a|;«ot of tho Comfaoy, or Kicl'.ardn, Mills k Co, D. Torrance A Co.. n litate lik Buitoa. Moutreal aal FortlvM? "What biff words your sister u'ses», Harry!" "Ves; she does when iilio's first introdxiicod. She'll bo all right after a white." When washing greasy dishes or pots and pans, Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will remove the grease with the greatest ease. Happir.ess Is the absence cf paii. and mil- lions have been iriarie happy thi. lurh being cured hy 2t Jacobs Oil cf RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. TOOTHACHE, HEAD- ACHE, LAMENEr,.S, SCALDS. BURNS, SPRAINS. r.RUISES and all pains for which an external remedy can bs applied. It rover fails to cure. Thousands who have been de- clare J Innirable at baths and In hospitals have thrown away their crutches, bein? cured after using St. Jacobs On.. Directions In c:::ven languages accnmpapy every b.-tHe. OOMQH3ERS PAIN ^ 1 1 rir 1 rr-Tr t â- â- â- â- ^â- a â-  â- Â§â- â-  â- > •â- ^\^l!^t are yon Roing to do with your boy?" "He fwm.s to thin.U he i-nn deride nil that himself, diigt now he tells me there is more money In piiacy than in an> thing <''>c."^ "What docs ho mean t'y -that?" "Oil, I fancy he's pot Murvan the hvtccaneer niixo<l tip with Morgan the limutcior." "Yen, 1 know of one care where cx- re sive u.^-o of tho piano actiiHlly causoil lunacy." 'Isn't l.hat awtid' "Aral did tjiey lock up the unfortu- nate pianist?" "Of com to not, th<'> locked up the l*oplo that went ora/y." NOW IS "THE TIME To use Br. Agrew's Catarrhal Powder. It isai. antiseptic, heal- ing dres.sing. ap ied directly to the diseased s\ rface by the patient himself, who blows the powder through a tube into his nostrils. The cure dates froin„ Jlhe fii-st ptifT. You needn't snuffle from colds or hay fever '\i yow have the catarrhal powtler m the house. , Cures a headache in ten minutes. I London has now 21,300 lunatics. Tho number has increased 50 per cent, ainco 18'Jl. For 0.*r M\*j Tears. Av Oil) .KXD Wri.i.-Tntsn Rcxsdt. â€" Mrs Winnlii" > ^oothin,vSyrlln has beau used for wv^r vXn \o.^r.i '..y i:iil)i.in« of niolhsrj for th-»ir children wbra J«ri.ti n,f, w-.th pcri'-K-:. RtiTee^^ It soothes the chil4, ^'•ri*(tH tlio guma, allay.i Hit pain, ourua wind coUc, aiso Mill l>«»t p-medy f"r l>iarrli<Ba. I^ pl9a*ant to the ;i.s r. >'old by a-lis?i't.3 in e»ory part of tho wor'd. 3 wt;nty.S»ece»u » t.ot'le. lu value ll i'-'Cfcluutable. :e .IK* and .'.sk for Mrs. Wliw:,.»w» SaoUkiog Syrup. AUA u-kite uu ullier itiad. 173 dilTcront sipccios have now bcon clnssilied of blind creatures which live in caves. Rev. J. L. MURDOCK writes "I have! used Or. Acnew'a Catarrhal Powder 1 for the last two months and am now completely cured p; Catarrh if flvo years' standing. I ia certainly mag- ical in its eflfect. 'he first applic*- lion boae&ted me within live luln- utcs." Dr. AgfKw's Pills costing 10 cents for forty doses, two-fifths the pr c of other first- class pills, first c .'anse and then cure the bowels aud liver for- ever. 1 kltllM^ I m^% mm ^mjm\ m wa. Tommy â€" "I think mamma is an ; nwful (;otS!p." Kthel â€" "Oh, Tom- i my! how can you say such a thing'?" i "Well, she is: e\x>rything 1 do tJto ' immediately goes and tells IHipa- I hate gossip." SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON. ' rinladelphia, Atlantic City, Baltl- â- â€¢tore, Washington. Old Point Com- fort, end tho .South via Lehigh Vol- ley nallroad and iCa connections, i-'our fust expreSi) trains daiiy fc-r Wa.'shington, Ashoville, .'ir.otit^icrn IMnos, Charterton. .Savanali, .lacls «on\illc, 'St. Augustine. I'alm Beach, Vanipa. Miami. Nassau, Cuba and all Klorida and winter reports souh. K»xcur!»i'on ticket? now on 9*1?. t'cf fu'l particulars. Illustrated literot'iTO, •'.ifS, etc., call on or address T!obt» S. Levrt.s, Canadian Fi-ji3eng«r Agea'^j 33 Yoa«o â- treot, Tcroutc, Oixt. a-oa â- 

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