-4i*^ Febbuary 19 1903 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE f:f<s:^o^immi^ \ f. T. hill & CO | <s^o^y^<i^o^ Snaps For February ! The following with many other special lines ar on sale now. February this year is a record -break" ing nfonth. More business has already been done than ordinarily in the entire month. Bargains â€" genuine bargains have made it so. These with scores of other just a.s good values will maintain in- terest until the month's end. American Percaline ^- Prints . . « One thousand (1000) yards finest (juiility Aineiican Perciiline Prints, darlc, medium niul li«l)t (jnmnfls, iii Uoriil, ntripe.s mid tiiiures. Tliese aro absolutely iiBw goods, colors guiiiiiiitoed fiist, the ngular [nice of which is 12Jc ii yard. This qumtity is now on sale and will probably Itst u week or ten days, j)er yard only C^c f*l-^-_>_ /'^l/-vfl-» {~*fM*^c> '^^r' 78 Men's Cloth Gaps, representing almost all the lines that I ICll a C'liJLIl ^Ctps 25^ have been selling this season at 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 cents. We do not wish to curry one of these lines into next year's business, hence this tempting; offer. Almost all sizes, your choice 25 cents WOMEN'S OVEKSHOES 75c IC pairs Women's Oiershoes, nizos 2J, 3, 3J, 4. These goods have sold aM sedson fit 81.25 to $1.60, and are UooU value at those prices. Should one of tlio above sizes fit you you should buy it rven though you do not require it until next season. You'll not regret the investment. Per pair your choice 75c 5 90 RAIN COATS FOR 83.75 G only Men's Whipcord, Uaiii Coats, double brea.sted, velvet collar, and every seam thoroughly sewed, assorted sizes, each special only §3.75 • . • . 12io MOLESKIN l«o 7 pieces, good weight, dark Moleskin, excellent as a shirting or lining, special per yard lOo Dou't forget that wo are in » pisition to ((uo'e you CLOSE PRICES on all lines of Hardware. Some found this out several nioiitha ago ; various others are maldn;; the discovery every day. New goods aro being placed in stock daily. LADIES RIBBED VESTS 25c 10 dozen Liidies' Elastic Ribbed Vests, long sleeves, finished fMnta and neck blind, perfectly shaped, and thoroughly first cla.'Js in every particul.-ir. Bran new goods, bought under price, xeu. 35o, Special 25o 6 dozen Children's Ribbed V 'ool vests, the regular 35c quality. Special to clear, 2 for 25o 8 dozen Misses Wool Vests, assorted sizes and ihor- ouulily satisfactory in every respect. Regular price 35c, spofiU'l to clear, 18c each or 2 for 36o ' ZEPHYR YAR^8. 5 Skeins for 10c. 750 skeins, line Zephyr Yarn, assorted ocdors. The price we place on these to clear out all in stock is less thttti one-third their actual ralue. No Onar yarns in the market than English Zephyrs. Special, 5 skeins for 10c KTaird^wape* people *^:e:e:^^»:e:^^:e:8:^ F. T. HILL & CO ^o^o^m^<^^o^(m riunicipai Parsimony To the Editor iif The Advance. Dkar Sir, â€" Another g'aring example of municipal parsimony has occurred in Osiirey. One Polly Campbell, a young woman of 21 years, without irionds or any means of support, is an insane epi- leptic. The ratepayers in the neiLdibor- hood signed and presented a [letitioii to the council re(iui-hlin'.' them to get her into an asylum wluiie slio might be cared for and treated. 'J'he Osprcy Council, instead of acting, ii^iinted out to the poti- ti'iiers tlirtt It would cost the large sum of fro or S'lO 10 si'ii.l her direct • lo .iti as^Uiin, but if she wore committed to jail among criminals that it would not cost an}l!iiiij! ai.il they have refused to net. Fill illy, after waiting about a niontli, ihe neighbors hid to swear out an infiirnia- tioii and have her coininitted to jail and from there b : ser.t on to an asylum. This I'oor gill, whose only crime is that llmiUL'li di.seasi! sln! his lost her rciisoii, has to held with the county ciiminals on account of odicial pai simony. Would these oflici.ils who have children fi el happy if one of their daughters were sim- ilarly treutiMl? lu is to 1)0 hi'ped thit this poor girl will not have a lucid period while in jail, and ask Komo visitor why she is heri! mid be told it is on account of the wisdom of the Osprey Council, tiyim; to nave the rich municipality of O.sproy 85 ..r SSIO ! Thii only rehitive she has in the world U an aged wirlowed step-giandniother who feels keenly the aetnui of Ospny Council anil who wept bitterly when fhe found out vvhm I hey were not Q(jing. It is an oihcial s mine, and hiimanitar- ian sentiments are at a low ebb at the towiithip board. John A. Scott, M.D. Maxiiell John Alex. Dowie To the Editor uf The Advance DkahSih, â€" Some of this man's dis- cijiles send out to tliidr friends the pajier they issue called Leaves of Healing. In' one of the bite numbers, after the iibuse of Metliodist.s is exhausted iheie is not mucli hft. It "ould seem that this John Alex. Dowie partakes very much of the nature of the Cnnadian skunk, so volum- inously does he bespatter all opponents with choice morsels from his wellsiorcd, poisonous vocabulary. What hisiot'y o{ John Woiloy fnils to furnish he supplies. Hb sugi{ostM seipienoes, which in the very nil ure of 'hint's ('oiilii not and d.d II it occur, and after bednii.'gliii« Wes- ley and his follnvi rs he unwittingly says li.i was a liiiod man The object of Ibis i« apjinri'iit. Il is produced as a eollat- erolliisliow if p' H^iiilu the snperioiity of Dowif's Zioii Thnlroiibhi is ihal Me'h- odi.iii Rtavi Hnhiiid. .lohn Wesley is long ago dead, Inn his w^rks follow h'm with liigaiiMc «tiidoK. Why.'' Itoemise of the j;riai troisin of the great mini's hut wuids : " TIki lies' of nil is, (imiI is wiih u«." Yet with'Mit stint this Dowie blasiti • he names of her bishops, her churehe* Kiid lull' men beri, Tiii- Dowie «'. ems to buvo a uroit fi.- mill rity ivitli the devil, and '% not chas e III' i-par.ng in 'he uie of bia name What (ither r.di|jl<>i.|^t» d-iiii aiiti-n^cred and bJ.i-pl'CinoiM.L'hn Ah x. Dowie usoi as hii nriuory and plays with them a< toys, to »ii« iliKUUHi of 1 and eiery discioit per- â- III. The very party diatribuMi g those papers, when attached to another denom- inationâ€"for thoy are well knownâ€" refused to take their church pap>ir, which, for merit and usefulness, compared with Leaves of Healing, is not to he men- tioned. These people are monomaniacs and always have been changeable in their religious selection. Leaves of Healina verily is a misnomer. Did it ever record a case of bealinir small pox, cancer, ty|dioid or typhus fever? Is it rconrded that they ever received into their institution any of the contavious diseases ? Tlie answer is No. Such is beyond their limit. There was one case ol iiceideiital liurning, Dowie's own daugh- ter, for whom out of humanity's pity treating by orthodox iinthods ind a doc- tor was Oinpioyed. But it wa.< the devil's Work â€" so .said this self appointed Elias. What a specimen of a seventy times seven proven impostor ! "Leaves of Henlii.g!" Should it not deliiie tihe cases to be healed ! Does It pri tend to set a broken limb or heal a case of apelidicitis, to cure a'l ovarian tuinnr or extract a soldier's bullet '/ 1 presume no one having n re- spelt for truth will assume 1 lie re«|'onKi- bility of K.iyiiig yes And yet some people get belterâ€" not by this man's pniyeiH nor the prayers of his disciples, but simply from the forces of nature -vis na- turae â€" an unllagiiiiig expectaiiey in purely nervous troubles. Thiso undoulitedly often rectify the disord. rod system. The iinfortun lies who go to "Zioncity" buy tlie'r pi.iperty but get no ileid, only a lea.se for JOOO years, more or loss, lifter that It reverts to Zion. The lease has Riieli a tail â€" iiuiii! expect to see its rever- sion Whit this nioineiitous delusion will assume no one cun, with certiii.ity, predict Aecording to the conclusions g nerally lield, no denomination can con- tinue unh'ss they go to the whole world and preach the Gospel ; if tin y have mis- sions, to the hoatheti, of wliicli Dowij has none â€" there might be soni • lo'pe. Just inia.iine thi* Klijah dressed and diiven in s'lito with c-'[)iirisoiiud Inns, s and car- riage, with foot man and a posse of liver- ied Boldii rs, adherents ueeompiiiyini; him. This dovoiit man of G'lcl, who avoids the pomps and vnrii'iea of this wicked world, and to whom some l''lesh- eitoi.ims bow the knee and cry " Hail, Elijah I (01 I help them, ll^'iul the fol I'lwinii pariigiaph from tho Christian Oiiariliun â- J.)hii Alexander Dowle, four.ilor ami " liBHil puali ' or till) niuircll otlloil In Zliin, and tlio selr.stvltsl Hucuiut Klijiili. tins lieuii Inivlag liis diha|i|iobiCnuMitH am) trllmlationH just iii unll- liary uiorliils do. A bliort time a^o itwisaii- iioiiijcod, witli a Rrimt tluuiiBli of trii-n|u'tH,tliat tho Bou-lu-luw and daiifilitor oJ 'Joiiinal llontili, Idnied ovili thii work of the Siilvatloii Army in liBiijiuMi, Weill on tlielr way to Uliludijn to cast III tliiir lot wiU) th« peO|.l.i or Zion. (Jo toClil- caij.t thoy did. and saw and lioard. but tliev are now liRck la lielKium, orRanleliiR an inclc|iond- elJt ovuilKeliKlii" nuoiiey nloii^ linos soiiiuwliat Riiiiilar to (lie Army. Tlioiu^ti Dowlo sutiiim do.* Birmis of rlvnlliiig tiio (jfry of Boloinou's time. wii.)i lit8 ^oi'^' oils loiiijdu Vurvlro Ktifl llvovtod vetiiiiieiH, it IS ho Qiiueli of htieba vupavt tliat thu Cliljl»or-nf Kivo of wliat ttiuy haw in iiiotlurn /.ion Mrs ilootti-tMiliiioi-.. exin-esHUH lioritis.. Kii*t in lanuuAf.'ti tiiai iv at lea^t oxtiroHiiive, and tiio Krcat pltcriiiiaku to /inn tliat wan to nave lieiHi iiiiiin;ni'ati!>l witli the adlinfir)!t of tlieHii Weil i<tiowii worloirH tian lieon indutliiitoly pTiht|iol((i't. 1-h'ell llowio. elevoi' and mahterfni as in Is N florlina It dilllcull to inal<«« Hhrnwd- neit do iliti work of homiHty and pbriii^litfor' wai'diioM<, â€" Vniideloiir On Wednesd.iy rvaning last a number of tlie inembem of Point VHndeleiir, C. t). F., 'oguti er with friends and a'ji|uain- taitooD, nirt at (ha hoii.e rf Mr. Qtorgr Warling at a party given in honor of Mr, and Mrs. W. Kells, who are abrnt to re- move bi Maple Creek, N.W.T. After a very pleasant time spent with music, games and other amusements, Mr. John Bolaiid, on behalf of the Court, presented Mr. Kells with a beautiful gold watch chain and souvenir charm. Mr. George Warling ivad the following address : Mr. W. T. Kells : Dkae FiUENDâ€" We, the members of Court Vandolour, No. 482, having with regret learned of your intended departure from nur midst, we keenly feel the loss the neighborhood is about to sustain in your removal, remembering you as a good chihl, a bright boy and an obliging neigh- bor, wo cannot allow you to depart with- out some token of jur esteem and regard. W'e ask you, therefore, to accept this chain and souvenir of our Order. Do not ucce|itit for its intrinsic value, but in the spirit ill which it is given, to lemind you of your birthplace and friends in the lOast while you aro, wo trust, prosperous in the West. VVisliinn you and your es- timable wife health, long life and pros- perity, siyjiied on behalf of the IoiIl'c, (jfo. WAitLiNO, John Bolank, M. Bkauk, S. Gii.hkiit. Mr. Kills was taken very inueh by surprise and thanked the friends for their Kitt, linjiing that should any of them visit Maple Creek they would make their home with him, where they would receive a warm wolcomo. The Eugenia Furresteis held their an- iiual ball at the club house of Mr. John W'eiier on Fnday evening last. Mr. William Ifuchnnan and daughter, Tilly, are visiting friends in King town- Bliip this week. Mr. H. Douglas left week before 1-ist via Monl.roiil with a shipment uf cattle for England. Toothache Cured in One ninute isaturatosoinobaltingl'.vith Poison's Ner- viliiieaud pl.ico in tho cavity of the tooth. Hub the (laiiiful part of tho face with Ner- vilino, bind in a hot flannel, and the toothache will disappear immediately. Nervilino is a splenditl lumsohold remedy for crumps, indigestion, sumnior com- pbiint rheumatism, neuralgia â- ind t.ooth- uchi'. Powerful, penetrating, safe and Iil^asant for inieiiml and external use. *rico 25c. Try Nervilino. ♦ ^v*. • . Tho direoturs of Paisley pork packing factuiy have decided to offer tho properly for sale. On Wednesday afternoon Conductor A. Iinbrio of Toronto Junction had a narrow escape from dea'ii at C'orhotton. Ho wan in chargii of an extra freight and w.i8 HtoppiuK olf the engine while the train was ill motion. He slipped and fell and tho truck of the teniloi- struck him on tho legs, splitting one knee and badly hriii - inu 'he other. Inibrie had presence of mind enough to grib the truck and push himself under the .italion p .a form, other wise he would have been gnuiid to pieces under tho wheels. The injured man was brought III Orangevllle and Dr. T. H. Henry attended t^ihiF. injuries and he whs then runiiived to his home at tht> Junction, â€" -Orangevilln Sjn. I BOYD, HICKLING W & 00., I FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO. February Specials.. The lines we mention this week are of extra vahie and you'll find them worthy of your special interest â€" they're money savers ! We display them on our centre tables and invite your in- spection. 'Hen's Suits. 15 Men's Tweed Suits.all heavy winter weights, well made, well trimmed ami nicely finished, neat patterns in dark grey, brown and olive coloring.s. Sizes 36 to 42. These are a lot of good selling Suits of which we have an incomplete assortment. $7.50 Double Breasted Suits for $5.50 7.00 Double Breasted Suits for. .5.00 5.00 Single Breasted Suits for 4.00 4.75 Single Breasted Suits for !3.25 6.50 Single Breasted Suits for 4.50 i^o^s' Suits, 19 Boys' 2 piece Suits, sizes 24 to 28, including blue serge, gray anil fawn halifax, and some neat patterns in dark colored tweeds. Regular price ranged from $1.85 to $3.60. Selling at $I,60» A Clearance In Ladies' Jackets. This week we otler a special clearing price on 15 Ladies' Jackets â€" you'll find a variety of different styles in the number and a fair range of sizes- colors, navy black and myrtle. Regular prices origionally from $5.00 to $7.50 February Clearing Price $1.80 Some Wrapperettes For Quick SellingI 20 patterns of Wrapperettes and Fancy Flannelettes comprising stripes, checks, plaids and fancy designs, in light, medium and dark grounds. These will ctimmend themselves to the careful housekeeper as just the thing for children's wear, also for house waists or for quilting purposes. The regular 15c. quality for IOC» " It* The regular He. quality for The .Markets. Carcrullv €orr««- cd Kncli Wcch Oats i!8 -o 28 Teas 70 o 70 Wheat 65 to C6 Barley 45 to 45 Mutter 17 o 17 KiiK» fresh 16 -.o 16 I'ork 7 00 to 7 00 Chickens per pair.... 25 to 50 Oueks per pair 40 to CO Tuekeya per IW 11 ti 12 Ueeso per lb 8 "O 8 Hay B 00 to 6 00 I'otatoes bA« 67 '.<u 76 Xarnwortli Boar for iServioe. Alvin ( No. 738 ) The undoraignod has a thorouehbrod Tamwnrth. Hoar bred by John Bell, of Amber, Ont., (or service on bit 170 con. 2 K. T. & S. R. Terms f 1 (K). Sep.l^r. Uichard .Allen, Flesherto.i, TlesbcrtotiFurnittire mareroom$» Wo are carryini; the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, con.sisHnn of : l^arlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension siid centre tablet", chairs, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easeU, oto., Which we otfer at '* I* LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and Oonoral Ro pairing. Dndortakinij in all its \ branches. Satisfaction guaranteed W. M. Bunt, - - Prop. | [ WMMpinMRB"