Tfl£ FLESHERTON ADVANCE Fbbruary 19 1903 â- I # metbodist = Cburcbt Tksherton PA3XOR-Ksiv. a. tviaon W^ilsoii ServlcesSunclay 1 1 B..m.6c 7 p. ni Moniingâ€" Oainii.g by Losing • Eveningâ€" The uf F.ishion Service at Ceylon 3 p.m. FLKSHEHTOX PASTOR:â€" GEO. F. HDRLBDRT. Service at 11 a.m euch Lord's Uay B.r. P.U. lueetino each Wednesday, 7.30 p m. The pastor will preach. Topicâ€" "The WaywirdB >y." Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Curious hand. J. H. Five ladiiv' Aatrachan jackets left ac Sheppard's to be cleared at b g reduction. The thermumeter has been floating around froui 10 to 20 belotr zero in this district since Sunday. Creamery and butter facloty at Flesh- ertot:, all complete, for sale cheap and on easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, rent estate a<;ent and conveyancer, Flesherton. Wood lot for sale â€" 110 acres, none ' cleared, hardwood and cedar â€" lot 25,con. 14,Artemesia. Cheap for cash. Apply at this office. Fresh stock finnan haddif, confection- ery and groceries opened this week at Sproule, Crotfiley & Go's, Flesherton, also flour, bran, shorts, oats, barley and buckwheat. Take Notice â€" All open accounts must be settled with cash or notes on or before the tirst day of l^Iarch, otherwise they will be placed for collection â€" Dr. Christoe. Fresh lime always Duckett, Eugenia. Men wanted to cut 100 cords of wood. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. Money to loan at low^est rates. A. S. VanDusen, Fleshertim. Mr. W. Meek of Whitevale, Ont., gave us a call on Saturday. Mias Ethel Whittfiu left on Monday to acce[)t a posion in Toronto. A;ifis Christene Richardson is visiting friends in 0>veu Sound. Eeuiemher the Joy uirls' concert in the Methodist church on Friday evening, 20th inst. Dr. and Mrs. Muiray returned on Sat- urday from a week's visit with friends in Toronto. The ice harvest is in full swing aud the congealed beverage is of an extra fine quality. Mr. Hugh Pedlar of The Advance staff has been conlined to his room for a week past with inflammatory rheumatism. If you want any kind of a suit of clothes you can depend on getting the closest price at Sheppard's. Mr. Joseph Blakely has purchased Mr. John VVhitton's 50 acre farm, a quarter mile from the village. Highest cash price paid for furs, hides, sheepskins and tallow. Don't sell with- out giving me a call. Mark Wilson,Flesh- srtou. Mr. J. C. Wright of Proton Station sold his driving mare last week to Mr. James Stinsou for a considtiation of $150. The mare is six years old, a handsome driver and worth the money. Miss Stafford of Rock vale l^ad the topic in connection with the Baptist Young Peo| les' Union, last Wednesday evening and Miss Richardson will lead next Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. John Frost, relict of the la^e John Frost, one of the pioneers of the county town, died on Saturday last at an advanced ago. Mrs. Frost was mother of Mr. John Frost, solicitor. The party who took a whip from my cutler at the Methodist Church Sunday morning last will bo wise to return the saino without delay, and not carry the joke any fuither. F. W. Niciiolson. Money TO Loan â€" At 4J lo i^ per cent. Expenses low. .\lso a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap. -^Pply to Geo. Rutherfortl, Shel- burne, or DundaiK office Saturday after- noon. About fifty Tisiters from Markdale were entertained by the Epworth League on Monday ev'ng. Short addresses, music and refreshments constituted the prc- grani. We believe the Flesherton League purposes returning the visit in a couple of weeks. EuDiskillen. Some idea of ita value may be gathered from the faot that two years ago Weiler & Son offered Chambers fCO for it but the offer was refused. Subse- quently they purchased a piece of bush from Chambers, this particular tree be- ing included in the purchase. Mr. Truax bought the lumber^ from the Messrs. Weiler at the rate of §40 per thousand.-- Walkerton Telescope. ^f^&i4>333^^^^^3^:*^ *" Stocktaking Over Miss Ida Irwin, late teacher in the public fchool here, but who for the l»8t year and a h.ilf I a< taught in ManitoVa, visited wiih friends here last week. Miss Irwin returneil to Ontario at Christinas time. She has not yet decided as to her probable return to the prairie province next summer. old resi- away on Mr«. Jeanette Urquhart, an dent of this township, '.lassed Thursiday last at the home of her brother, Mr. Alexander Stewart, Flesherton, after a tow days' illness, at the ripe ago of 87 years. The funeral took place on Satur- day to the Oi-anye Valley burial xround, where the rema'ns of her husband, who pre-deceasod her sonio yw\r8»go, lie. The deceased lady was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church and very highly respected by those who knew her. The brother with whom she live<l, 'Uncle" Sandy, has the deep sympathy of this village ID his bereavement. John D. Osborne of lot 1, con. 11, Osprey will hold a credit auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on Tuesday, 24th inst. All to be sold without reseve, as he has rented his farm and is moving to Manitoba. See posters. R. J. Sproule, Auctioneer. A wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Knott, 4th Hue, Eu- phrasia on Feb. 11, wheu their daughter, Htntietta, was married to William Bread- ner of Rocklyn, at 6 p.m., to the strains o' Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss MableCook. The young people took their places under an aitistJc arch of ever- greens, interwoven vith floral designs, the brido leaning on the arm of her father and looking very cha;minsi in a costume of moy liidies' clo.h, trimmed with white sal in. The bridesmaid wtvs her sister. Miss Rebecca Knott. Henry Breadner .sup- ported thegro;ini. The beautiful ritual of the Church of England was said by the Rev. C. L. Mills, iucunibenr of St. Mary's church, Maxwell, after which about one hundred guests sat down to a sumptuous banquet. A beautiful display of costly and useful presents attested the high es- teem in which both bride aud groom were held. We understand the young couple are going to reside near Heathcote. "The great Canadian West and the church's opportunity " was the subject of Rev. Ivison Wilson's address on Sunday morning last. By the use of a map of the Dominion he clearly exemplified the vast areas yet to be populated. Between Norfh Bay and the Pacific coast there is room for thirty-seven provinces as large as old Ontario, and from Dawson City east and south you could carve out thirty- seven more aud have some habitable ter- ritory left. .Most of this is suitable either for tuubering, mining, ranching or agri- cultural purposes, and the rivers and lakes are teeming with tha most valuable fish. This great laud will iu the near future bo the homeot millions of people. The influx of population du.rini! thej year .just closed was greater than that during the preceding ten years ; and a conserva- tive estimate places the pTipulation of Manitoba and the territories by July, 1905, at 750,000 and perhaps 1,000,000. .\ large percentage of the incoming set tiers is from the western states. All ihis means that hundreds of churches must be built, new circuits formed aud additional ministers provided. As the Methodist church is the largest Protestant denomi- nation in the Dominion, representing about one out of every five of itx entire population, there is speciid responsibility resting on this church. This was fully recognized by the lecenl general«onfer- ence and four missionary superintendents were set apart to supervise and organize this new work, and provision was mad* to raise ?50,000 lo meet increaseil expen- diture in this direction. The speaker showed that this is probably the most profitable investment the church can make, yielding large profits and quick re- turns. LoM than three years ago a young man was sent to minister to the settlors on I he Sault lino running from Moosejaw to the internationul boundary, at a cost of f35 to the general society. To-day there are thirty appointments nu that line, every one of them self-sustainins; and contributing to the gtnnral fund. The ctmgregatioti here is askeil to ct.'nlribnte toward this " special emergency fund " next Sunday :.nd the res^ionse should be hearty and generous. Big trees, it would seem, have not yet entirely disappeared from this part of the country. One day last week Weiler & Son of FoimoM brought in a big pine log to Truax' mill that measured 2 ft. 6 in. ihi'outfh twenty feet from the butt. The tree from which this log wa« b-tken was grown on R -bert Chambers' farm near Program for Concert Following is the program for th« con- cert in the Methodist church on Friday evening, 20th inst. : PART I. 1â€" Opening Chorus, Crown Him Lord of All Mr. A Mrs. Sheppard & Misses Joy 2â€" Piano Solo Mrs. Sheppard 3 â€" Chairman's Address Rev. Ivison Wilson 4 â€" Reading Selected Rev. C. L. Mclrvin 5 â€" Solo The Way of the Cross Miss Annie Joy 6â€" Quartette, " The Old Folks at Home " The Joy Sisters 7â€" Reading, "The Ch;iriot Race." Rev. C. L. Mclrvin 8 â€" Solo, " Camelia and Rose," Mrs. Sheppard 9â€" Duet, " Albion " Mr. Sheppard and Miss Joy PABT TWO 1â€" Quartette, "The Midnight Fire Alarm" The Joy Sisters 2â€" Solo, "TheChoir Celestial " Miss Minnie Joy 3â€" Reading, Selected Rev. C. L. Mclrvine 4 â€" Solo, " Fiona " Miss Allie Joy oâ€" Duett. "In the Dusk of theTwiliuht " Misses Minnie and \nnie Joy 6â€" Solo, In the Heart of the Mighty Deep Mr. Sheppard 7 â€" Reading, Selected Rev. C. L. Mclrvin 8â€" Duet', " Love Divine" Allie and Minnie Joy 9â€" God Save the Kint; Here is an essay on Woman. " The woman is the female of the human race and wins by a short head. In the human race man gets scratched. Woman's crown- ing glory is her hair. P.iit of her crown- iiia glory is usually on the dressing table and fiagments in the butter. Do not go homo with another woman's crowning glory sticking to your coat. Woman considers she is the orcamental portion of the uuverse. She works hardâ€" with her tonge â€" and never stops. That's perpetual motion. Woman is a great hunter and chases some poor chap until he proposes to pay her board and lodging for the rest of her life. She then says, "This is sudden," and the man is booked. She has three objects in life: 1st. dress; 2"d. dress; 3rd. dress. She really has another object â€" her husband â€" but ho s an object of pity. Of iit Oi 0^ Or Hi ilr il/ \it Hi Oi ilb iti ilb \ii m ik il^ ili a« Oil it; Ht Sheppard's We find after taking stock that we have a lot of odd lines which we want to clear out, and now is a good time to get a bargain in any line of winter goods. We have a few Men's and Ladies' Fur Coat.s left and we might say it is a good time for anvbodv wanting a Fur Coat to buy, as the prices have ad'- vanced very much since we bought, of which you will get the advantage, besides a big cut iu the pres- ent price. HEN'S GOODS Men's Suits, Overcoats, Guernsies, Heavy Rub- bers, Felt Boots â€" we have the knife into these lines deep. LADIES' GOODS Ladies' Cloth Jackets to be slaughtered, as we will let them go at any reasonable price. BOOTS AND SHOES Our stock of Boots and Shoes is complete. Sev- eral of our new spring lines to hand, and we want room for more. Q ROCE RIES Stock new and fresh, coming to hand daily. You can always rely on getting the freshest Teas and Coftees from us â€" the Coflee we grind ourselves for you. We here thank our many customers for their kind piitronage during the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of same by honest dealiug and fair prices. hidbest Prices Paid for all kinds of Produce Of ilr i^ Kit ilf 0* ill iV Oi \b iit \A iHt iXt Hi \A T. ik \6 ii^ iii iir \X, iit i^ % id iif \^ Kb 1^ ib \b ib i» ib Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto» 29068* J. SHEPPARD, I TIcsbcrton : Eugenia itr To the Farmers and Cattle The umlevsiguetl has a flue aged Durham Bull tor service ou lot ill, T. & S. U. Termsâ€" *1 for grade cows, *:) for thoroudh- breds Pedigree ou applicatien J.\COB LaVBR FlMhertonP.O. Auction Sale ^ OF â€" Valuable Farm Property IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY. Under and bv virtue of tl\o power of sale ia a cert.iiu mortgage from .Mexailder ForgiisoD to the VeudorH, whicli will be produoodat tirjie of sale, aud ol default boiug Uliido in piiymeut of the moneys thereby et;cured. there will be offered for sale by public auction, by U. -i. riproulo, auctioneer, at Muushaw's Hotel in the village of Eudcuia on Friday, tho 27tb day of February, at one o'clock p m. the following property, namely; Lot two in tho ISth coucoii- siou of the ?aid township of 100 acres, more or less. On the promises are said to bo log stable, frame stable and frame house. Soil said to bo good clay loam; orchard; couveuieut to church aud sobobJ. Terms 10 por cent. at time o' sale, oud for bal- ance the terms will be liberal.&uil will bo made known at time of sale. Vor futhor particulars apply to W. J.Bellamy, Fle»hertou, or to Harwich, Ayi-kswobuh k Wbiout. Vendor's solicitors. Toronto. Dated 5th day of February. lOOS. Feeders I would call your attention to the Blatcbford Celebrated €attle Tood ^^^. And Calf Meal. This food is very highly re- commended by the Groat Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. K. McGill at our Station, ou his farm, where he has some forty head of feeding cattle in stall. Those wishing to try it can get any quantity for a trial, anil from the recommendation 1 have no doubt it will repay any feeder of stock. W.E.Richardson, : Flesherton. Farm Stock, Iiuplemetits, etc. The iimler- siguedbas been iustmcted to sell by pub'io auction on Lot I, Con. II, Osprey Tuesday, February *^4th« 1903 Tho followinK vaUiAbU> farm stock, iiuplo- nieutn, etc.â€" 1» gi^oil milch cows, all believed to t>e in caU; 10 head vonnu cattle, ristii^ S years old :0 head young cattle risii.R t year old; ; wcUbvtHl roatlster uiirc, risiutj three years ohl; 2 brood sows. In pig ; 8 well bred owes, all be- Utfvmt to bo in laiub ; I doiuociat wa^ou ; 1 pnir bobsleixhs; :2 set iron harrowH ; 1 set sprina toiHh harrowa, 9 good Floury plowa ; 1 root pulper ; 1 cutting box ; 1 ra&iiing mill ; I mower: 1 sttu*! land roller ; 1 sen flier, I sugar kottU\ 1 ain^Ie buccv. about 100 bushels 9i>elt, aUo a quantity of buckwheat and pure clean seed oats, a uuntbor of baruyard fowl aud a qnantitv of household funntiii-e. TKKXiSâ€" Spelt, buckwheat, oats and fowl c«t«h ; ou all the rest suniH of %h and under, caah ; ov;*r that amount 9 motitha' credit on ft|H>roTe«l joint novas, or a discount at the rate of A per ee it. )>er aanum will be allowed for cash in Heu of notes. Btilo at 1 p.m. sharp. The whole to bo told without reserve as the owner is giving up farm- Seeds Seed s $eeds> « « « CLEAN AND RELIABLE We have now on hand a choice stock of thoroughly recleaued Alsike Clover, Mammoth Clover, Couuuon Red Clover, and Timothy Seed, specially selected and thoroughly cleaned for our retail trade and we invite inspection anil comparison with anything that can be produced from any seed dealer in Canada. ins »â-¡â€¢) Kolne to Manitoba. JOHN' D. OSBORNB, K. J. rropriator SPROULK. Aactl«DMr ^ Drugs atid Medicines. -^ We have our stock thoroughly assorted and everything kepis of standard stivngth and quality with Mr. T. S. Dawev a qualified druggist, in charge. Respectfully yours, W.J.DOUGLASS <& Co., Flesherton.