Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1903, p. 8

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February 1 9 1903 THE FLESHBRTOH ADVANCE Eug^enia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, IJuUusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Itailing, the best of Spi'uce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR W.nOORE WE ARE SELLING Blankets, Bells, nitts Business Cards MOULLiOUaU ft YOUNQ HaQkora.Markdale Do a geaeral bankiug busiuess. Mooey loaned a roaaonable rate Call ou UH. X B VANDU8BN, J P I Clerk Sth Div Court, Co Grey S8uer of Marriage Licenses, CoDveyaucet Notary Pubiio Auctioneer. Mouey to loan ik per cent. Cbarges moderate. FliESHBETOR P O RJ SPBOUIjB Podtmaater, Klesherton oommlaaiooer in H.O. J., Auctioneer Con- vuyancor. Appraiser and Money Lender Koal Ustato and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgBKen, loasea and willa carefully drawn up and valuations naade on shortest notice, money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col o'itiona attoiidod to with promptness liaraea low. Agent for Ocean Dominion taamsUip Company. A call solicited. Societies AO U \V meeta oi. tlie last Monday in eacu month, in tUoir loiige room. Christos'B block. Fleslierton. at 8 p.m. M.W., lloboit Best ; Hecorder, Jns. Folntoad ; Finan- ciar, Win. Bui. amy. ViaitiDR b-ethren Invited. DfalNCK AKTHTU LODUE, No. »M, A. " A tl, meets in the Masonic ball. Strain e block, Fleslierton, every Friday on or befor* tlio full luocij. F H W Hiokling W M. Chas. Munshaw, bacrotary. OOUltT FLESHERTON, I. O. F. meets iu Cbristoo's Block the lastFridaj evening each month. VHltiuK Poreetera heartily Tolcomo. C.ll., C. W, Bellamy; B. v^., W. Buskin; Fln.SecDr E. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each month.) AT COST PRICE Flesherton, = Ont. Medical DR CARTF.R . „ ,. M C P A S Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc Omoe and residenceâ€" Peter at., Plesbertou I MAXWELL Tlie one price stora ofters the renminiler on thcii WINTER (JOODS at » fraction of llio real viiluu in order to make room for Spring Goods, which will be arriving 8o<m. Come Soon mid secure your share of tlio barf^uins. We lire bnui.d to sell. Wo lii»VL! a, lot of Mcii'h .(iiokets mill Under' floj'ir, Ladios Yo9t.i and Ho.so, C'ottonadii, iiliudairy, and Flannoletto, Flannel for the Ixiys, Prints, VVrapperotte and ribboiiH for tho «irl8, and Coi.sells for all. JnRt. coinu and Heo for youraelve.s. You will liiiil our Grocery depaitinuntcomploco in C|Uiility and (piantity. And the Hardware no handle is be- ooinin>{ nioroaaked for every day. Why? lieciiuse we sell right. All kind.s of Nails, HinRos, Glass, Putty and oil.s. Wo handle the Anioricnn W. W. Oil, whieli ivo will sell by the gilloii or larrel, .so Ijrinsf your o in aloni; and get thebestoil on tho niarkut. W INTER TERH â- V 1 1 |.; â- W-*H- J^"- T- nifc>t>y.â€" Pl'V'"'*"' Surgeon MJ ' etc. Floshorton, Ont OlBce andKosidence.ColliDRWOod street, one block oaat Prosbytorian church. May be found there day and night. Coroner for County of Grey. BCOTT. AND SOFTLY Members College Physio. 4 Surgeons Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto Univoraity, Fellowship Diploma ,PoBt Gradu- ate odioal School and Hospital, Chicago, diaeasoa of eye, ear, nose and throat specially '"h° SOFTLY, JOHN A. BCOTT. Fevers ham. axweii. County or District Auction 5ales TP C I'TEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residoiice â€" soooud door south weat on .Mary street. This street rauB south PreHbyteriau Church. Legal J. W. FROST, L L. U. Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, etc officeâ€" Ne.xt to postoBlce, Sproule's block Fl-ihorton, every Thursda and court day" N B_Owon Houud offloe. Frost » bloek Poulott street east. LUCAS, WRIGHT & MoARDLE Harrlstors Solicitors Couveyanoors, etc OlBcoaâ€" Ow«n Sound, Out audMarkdaleOnt. W H WKiuur, MoAiiDLE 1 R Ldcas N Uâ€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's Bank every Saturday. rUOKER * PATTERSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc Molson's Hank, Owen Sound bAUBY G TUCKER GEO W PATTERSON MACKAV&SAMPSON .Barristers, Bolicitors. OKFIOKS :â€" Owen Sound, Morchnnt » Hank Block, N. of ratt..rson House. Dundalk alu Street, every Saturday. Money to loan at IJporoont. A. (1. M.^CK.VY.M.A., II. E. SAMPSON, L.L.D Alwavn in attendance at Flecheiton and Dun<lalk Divi«ion Courts. Dentistry DR. E C. MURRAY. li, D, S, dental surgeon honor Rviiduato of Toronto University and tioval (^olloK" of Di'iital S.irgeons of Ontario. OIH(;„_Opposlto Arinatroug's Jewellery Store. Will visit FevorKliam the last Wednosiliir 3f each monti-., and Uuiidalk 1 and » Thursday u cacli uiontli. (;;/;yAmr//£^A^ A Owen Sound, Ont IIKOINM JANUARY a, 1 OO.'J Unr conrses in \ioth HuHinoss and .Sliorlbaud iKpaiuiu'iit.H aro up to date, liorounh and oonipletu. Tho demand for yoini« inun n< otiico wsislan'Hia inncli greater than the supply. CircularH and full information froo. Add^e».H C, A.PLEMiNQ, PRIN, mm m\ â€" KOR â€" Lumber. Lath, Shingles, Plooring. We have just placud in pusitiun a now planer and nintcher and are prepared to (uriiiFih huilding malerial in all tha above llu«H. Get iiur quotations vhan )roa want anything. Hickling: Bros. 8»h Ann., ArMiiMala-llMvaU P. O. f r- rtrtnnruarui jwij;t n.ruwu:if>j;truirir\ru:ix a mm^ Photos *| â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery ai-o doao in lirslolaas stylo and at l.'west ratoi. Siiocial attention nivoii to eopyiiic. Babies' photos,. C^' leoiftUy. Pictures framed. MRS BULHER ilnlnlnJiQuQQiJinlrO £hIr£nli%rCrCn3 '-"â- '^â- "' ' â- ' f::xpe;i!ii..<cf; CopyaioviTS Ac. Anrono scnlkill a pfenlch a... I duvrri'^lnn i.ir.j liuleklir ascAflBhi ofr opinu.u tee wSethcr »i tiiTrnllon In i.robaltljr patftilnble. r\>:niu..rl(4- In many districts of Great Britain auc- tion sal-w of live stock have been held annually for years. Lari{e numbers of pure-bred animals for breeding purposes have been marketed in this way, besides a Kreat many store cattle and other ani- mals. In several proviiices of the Do- minion, provincial sales of this kind have been established with satisfactory results and have created a feeling in favor of county or district sales. There are hun- dreds of farmers throuijhout Canada who raise yearly from one to four good breed- ing mares. Many of these men under- stand the principles of stock breedir.g and have from time to time bred noted show yard specimens. Yet the progress and profits of these men has been greatly hampered because of their inability to sell their surplus stock promptly. Tn some years they have been able to sell ; in other yoars they have had to keep a number of animals longer than their moans or feed warranted. Ou tho other hand many farmers denire to obtain suit- able breediiiii males, but do not know where to buy what thfy want at a reason- able price. The cost of travelling from place to place in search of suitable animals deters them from purchasing at all. With tho idea of brinijing buyers and sellers into touch with each other, a num- ber of breeders of pure bred cattle iu Durham, Northumberland and adjacent counties last year formed the '"Central Pure Bred Stock Association," and start- ed a series of annual auction sales. Their initial sale was fairly satisfactory and they are now arranging for their second sale, which is to take place at Campbellcroft on the 18th of March next, with J . W. Martyn of Canton, as President, and W. B. Camptiell of Campbellcroft, as Secre- tary of the Association. There are many other counties and districts that would find it beneficial to inaugmate sales of this kind, and as a guide to breeders interested in tho sub- ject, the rules governing the Central On- tario sale are yiven below : â€" 1 A committee of three will be ap- pointed to inspect entries, value same, confer witli coiitribulors and reserve the right to either withdraw from sale or ac- cept the bid offered. 2 All animals must be registered iu their respective herd books. 3 Each animal to be in good condition and well halter broken. 4 All entries must be made with the Secretary on or before Wednesday, Fob. 18th, 1903. 5 An entry fee of $2.00 to accompany each entry, same to he returned if animal is sold: C A charge of 3 per cent, on the sale price will be made to cover expense of sale. 7 All entries to be iu place not later than 11 a. m. on the clay of sale, to be numbered for sale, and for ipspectiou of inieiidint! purcha.sers. 8 Each animal when sold becomes tho propoity of the purchsser. 9 Terms fr sale, ciish. 10 All settlementH to be made with the Clerk on the day of sale. Rins^ing in the Ears This is an unfailing sign of catarrh, hiiJ if iiiit chocked will ukiinatoly result in deafness. The simplest rcinody is'Catarrh- o/.one, which if inhaled a few times daily, prevents tlio catarrhal condition from sproadnit;. Catarrhozono quickly stnps tho ringing in tho ears, head noisas, gives ponn.inoiit ro'.iof t > catarrhal deafness, b'or catarrh in any part of tho system, bioiicliil is, asthma, lungor throat troubles, Catarrhozono i.s a specific, and is guaran- tjod topormimehtly cure or your money back. Largtt .^izo, $1,00; trial s'zo 25o. Druggists or Poison vtC>., Ki'ii^ston Out. liuleklir ascAflBhi ofr oputU.u tee wSethcr »i tiiTrnllon In i.robaltljr r>19il>^b's. rv>:niu..rl(4. lloniiIlrlpllTr«*in'l*>ntl»l. llutu!lmt,)rnivPal» fiUl •vutfiuA. olai*«t i»o<»lify for •t.curtnc pii'f * '.-. PaUiiU talkOT' tniouuia MMini A ,:o. k..^.' 9if€\akW3i\c*^ «Ul].;jt elarfe, In tlio ScfeuKlfif Kitter;::a:i •utatum c.t »r»t ^ - - â-  . â€" y<»nf : four moQ%] m.\^Si'::TJsi.M ^s^mM D. McXAVISH iH[ f[[SH[iiioN mm mm For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANDQE.NERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and i^uurantee first chi.ss work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harris and Noson repairs for binders, iMowers, all kinds of ma'jhinety, also Binder Twine cm hand. » Olben in town give us a call « . . FOR FIR3T CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . SE â€" GO TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton We have Cutters, Sleiyhs,Buggies, Waggons and Carts KJeury, Dyment Butterfield and Wilkinson ploughs Share-j and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth and Iron harrows. Also fir.st class handmade harne.ss. â- a. -6 ^ Borse $!)o$fng and @$neral Black$mitbing« _ MPim S S ^^ ^ A A JHERE'8 MONEY IN IT. (f yoa do not believe It write to OS > pay good wages to active men. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY Nurserymen, Colliome, Out, BstabUsliad 1837. $A fi d^ ^^ u) 9 u> M> Feeding Hens Sawdust ^^ IWltWUMtlillMUW U WUMUiUiUiUiUilJlfV :! -isf Prevented and Cured. Four in&rvelous free remedies for all sufferers reading this paper. New cure forTuberculosis,Con8ump< tion.Wcak Lun^s, Catarrh, and a rundown system. Do you cousfh ? l^o your hin^f s pain you ? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Uo you .spit up phlegm ? Does your heacf ache ? Is your appetite bad ? Are your lungs Vdieate? Are you losing â- .>!h? Are you pale an,' ;hlnP Oo you lack ntan.ma ? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the <«ecla of tho mo«t dan|;erou9 malady that has ever devas- tated the eartti â€" consumption. Yovi •rtt inviteJ to trst whnt »hi» system wilt do (b» y*ui. if you ave sick, by wrilingf for a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and lb« Four Frc* Prrparations will Nc forwar*^ yom â- t oncf, vtth Complete dir«ctiona K^r ute. •II,. c, .._ c : ..: ' ---onsunip. fcll Luafl »licsl«U by I.OS* oc This isriot a bulletin issued by the Out- ario Agricultural college. It is a personal oxpeiienee. A friend of the writer who is not ad- dicted to hard work, wished to miko some money in the easiest possible way. The idea occurred to him that if he wculd start a hennery, tho hens could lay the ea^s, the children could leather them and he would exert himself enough to market them. After he had secured some hens it dawned on his bntiht intellect that he had nut taken into consideration the ques- tion of food for the fowl. If he had to buy that it would make "reat inroads ou the yross profits of the buistiess. lie therefore bought a small batch of becoud rate wheat, went to a sawmill near, and gathered a sack of sawdust, which he tot ed home. He then he^;;an feeding the fowl a u'ixture of wheat and sawdust, at first putting in but a small portion of the choapei ciminiodity, but each day decreas- iog the (Quantity of wheat and increasing the ((uantity of sawdust untd the wheat was entirely abandoned and those over- worked hens had a regular diet cf saw- dust three times a day. Strapge to relate I hey .<:einied to thrive ani.azingly. About tho time thit he had tauuht the h' ns t.) live exclusively on sawdust, he realizi'd that he could make more inoney by incubating the egg9 and marketing broilers. Accordingly aasoon as he c<iuki persuade one of the hens to set he put 13 eggs under her. He tht-n awaited the process of incubation, which though slow was sure of results. On the expiration of the requi^ite num- ber I'f days, he repaired to li.e smoke- house where ho had installed mother hen and yanknig her off the nest discovered that the hen had performed her part well. The eggs had hatched out 2 clothespins, 9 croquet halls and one jumping jack. Nervous and Sleepless There is just one cure and that is plerdy of f ckI for the blood and nerves, which is best ."uppbed in Fertozone, than which no blood hu.lder, nerve tonic or si rengih pro- ducer is better. Fen ozone prompts healthy digestion, which results in im- proved nutrition. The blood grows rich and led, furnishes stability to the ontiro system, and the store of nerve force and energy increases daily. A nhuildirg of the constitution, new vpirit^, health and streiiKth, all come from the use of Ferr- ozone. This niarvilous rt-novator is sold by Druk-gisls for 60c. « box .ir six boxes for $2 60. Hy mail from Pols, n A Co , Kingston, Ont. S. Id by W. E. Richnrd- son. ^ FLESHERTON TONSORIAL PARLORS I Don't YOU WANT YOUK HAIll CCT ? if so, you can get it done in tu» latest style and in the quickest order. Also Shave, Shampoo.Singe Etc. done iu the most up-to-date way. Bl<INO YOUl< LAUNDI?Y I3EFOE?B TUESDAY A.WILSON : FLESHERTON ^w Beauty and Utility though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit yo-u with a frame best adapted to your features, W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTiClA.-^ PL^SHERTON. The^. bUmSvs^etn M«rositiv«cur« forCr ^oi>. lliAt I K«; it\ai.uou» Asmâ€", »nj for kU Liu) TrvuKa Ac4 i iwnW.*, tomflkaiaJ t.v 1.om a 7lsi.li, Co«urk« Catar2< li«lfcw«. Biuwkiii* ami itn i '•:• >ubltv. ,Ri-,niy ,,-l». to A» tyflL. a i wâ€" CkMlicri v.o.s^uy. Ltmitmd. ••» «!.ii itn- Wwl. T«<M»a, *f I A curious freak io the animal kineHoni WAsaecuiud by Vol. Sur. Simon We.t a few days ag", a cow l>cilot>gini( to I'aul Coonty h»>iiiti giveii birth to a ctif whi<h b«*n> • 'tntniie rotteuiblnnae to a \)if. Th* fac* and head have tha feature* of both; the lor« p»rt o iba hody ik naiuriil Uke a ealf, while llie bind ^tt ol the bodj and leu* are dacidrdl* pig, li i« • • f f taiilure and Mr. Weat vill ha?e t pceaerved.â€" Madoe ReTieir« One so frtqtently reads of th.e pat.inul bo t'as appliid to the uiuk-sirable youtl.- ful suitor th«t it is a pleasure to chronicle the more humane met hod, adopted by a wealthy Glas^'.w ineichant for ehoKiuu' off a "follower" ^)£ his daughter. The g'rl was very young and so was the follower, but novel th. less be iall.'d fonna'ly ou tho ol j-c' of his Btfections. The inerchmt and Ins wife entered the room, thf latter hearing a gla.s8 of ndlk and a huge shcenf Irtad, apre.il with buiterand jam. 'Now dear, luuaway to bed," said the kindly inoiher to her" daughter ; "It's time all Kood girls should be in bed." Then the Ghiswow uierchaiitaddtcsaed the a-stoiiish- fd )oui.g limn : â€" "Now youiiustet you ilrihk that glass of niilk and take that slictt of bread and jaii' to eat oii your way hom» â€" and l.ur y for your iiiotlivr (uut>t ho aitx- i. lis about your being out «. late by your- self." The yuui<K umudid not c»ll sKaio. Mrs Laidlaw. . f Primron*, c<-Uhri.t«(| her 100th hirthday o:i Monday last week'. This ten.»»k«blo <dd lady is iu got>d health and is still in pt>e«e«ssoii of all Imr (acultieti Mrs. Laidia* has livrd tu â- â€¢â€¢ bw gre«t> irroKt'liniiidchi 'dr*n â€" ShellMtnia ftc* Pnm. i- %

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