SALADA Deylon Tea is the finest Tea the world produces^ and is soSd only in lead |)aclcets. Black, IVlixed and Green. b.pan tui drinken try "Salada" Greta U% i t-f What frayed your linen? Not Sunlight Soap- No, indeed I Tt is sinjjulr.r that the mnii Tvho !u^^ uhvii.y!i tell how it should be lone never did it, or anything 1. REDUCES EXPENSa; Akk Top ttj Octazso Bat t-£ =3J Professor Ladd, instructor in psy- cliolo.'fj.- at Yale, while Iccttiring be- fore the members of the .senior cJass like I a short time ngo, unconsciously "gave hiiiiself nwuy" in this fiish- â€" â€" I ion: "Now, let me illustrate that 'I'^mâ€" "They siiy bank notes got i jioint. One day a celebrated psycho- [uU of microbe!;." Jaclc â€" "'Tain't no ! loglst, a world-renowned ii.sycholo- trying to make banknotes un- gist, I might say, was walking down Bookkoeperâ€" "I would like a little more salary, sir. You see, I'm mar- ried now, Kir " Emi)Ioyer â€" "And need the increase for your family '/" Hookkecpor â€" "No, sir ; for myself. You sec, my wife knows just what I'm getting now !" Ifc â€" "Well, there's one thing ; you never liear of a man wishing he was a woman." Sheâ€" "Of course not. It might bo his fate to marry some horrid man." When a man gives health for mon- ey, lie makes the poorest invest- ment of his life. â-ºoi>u!ar.' AH ADMIRABLK rirOD the street when I met a little girl and I said to her " What the rrofo.ssor said was drowned in the outburst of laughter from the stu- dents. IW COtD OLI MATEt. l-xd "Surely you are not afraid of the :iarU ?" "No," .said the small boy ; 'hut I am a little scared of the Ihin^s that might be in it that I tan't see." I,a\a remains hot longer than any other known .substance. Lava which l.s-siiod from Mount Ktna in 1787 was found to he above the temper- ature of boiling water a foot below its crust in 1810, 53 years after its Brui)tion. We believe JONAHU'S LlNIMENi is the best. Alatthia.s Foley, Oil City, Ont. .losepli Snow, Norway, Sle. Chas. Whootcii, Mulgruve, N.S. Uev. I{. O. Ann.strong, Mulgrnve, N.S. ricrro Landry, scnr., rokemouche. N.U. Thomas Wasson, Shcffleld, N.B. The first thing to do, if yoji have not done it, is to fall in love with your work. The man who never gets enough will enjoy what he has more than the man who gets too much. eâ€" 50 "Vou say you couldn't drink the colTee," said the hotel manager to a complaining guest. "Have yo\i thrown it away ?" "No," replied the guest, "I've used it in uiy fountain pen." r 20 MILLION BOHLES GOLD KVERY YEAH. Happiness Is tho abserco of pain, and mil- lions have t:en made happy throuth belne cured by St jAcoes On. of KHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. TOOTHACHE. HEAD- ACHE. l-AMEHECn. SCALDS. BURNS. SPRAINS. CKUISES snd all palna (orwhich an external remedy can be applied. It never falls to cure. Thousands v-'ho have been de- clared Incurable at baths and In hocpitalshave throvi^n av;aylhc!r crutches, btmt; cured ;fter using St. jAcons Oil. Dlreclkins In eleven Uneuases accompany every Ixttlo. COMQ&EHS ARE WE FAUMEHS BLIND 7 The I'etroit Journal recently issued ft special export number. It con- tained an article written by Mr. H. C Morris, the United States Con- sul in Windsor, Ontario. Among other things, he said : "It is commonly known here that some of the Inrgtr concerns in tho United States, in order to under.sell competitors here, have shipped into Canada machines of a former and older jiattern. 'I'he American farmer will buy nothing that is not, strictly up-to-date, and at the end of every si>ason there are left over some ma- chines that will be a year old the next season, and these machines ma.v lack some new innovation, but Vv'ill do the work and are 'just as good' as the up-to-date machine, and these machines â€" back number.sâ€" are shipjjed into Canada at a much reduced in- voice value, thus saving duty. and they arc just as acceptable to the Canadian farmer as any machine." So, according to no less a person than a Consul of the Hcpiiblic to the south of us, wo fanners who buy Uniteii .States machines are really l)uying the obsolete machines gather- ed at the United States implement agencies and shipped into Canada. It Is not to be wondered at that tho United States machines shipped into Canada do not wear or give satis- faction like the Canadian imple- ments. One could hardly expect this> to be the under the rather ex- lraor<liiiH.ry conditions cited by Mr. Morris. IF YOtr MUST TALK. If you would win laurels as a bright con\ersationaliHt, lust im- I}ress your mind with the fact that it is not flow of words that you need, but ability to direct convi'rsa- tion. You must draw out tho timid, avoid dangerous channels, and nuike every man and woiiuin about you lai'pear at his or her host, while lyour own elTorts are conlined to an I occasional word to liU a gap. When jyou are tr.ving to make a company a conversational succe:.s. ahvay:; a\i)iil a raltlin.iT liveliness on .four own part. Don't imagine that to be cle\('r you must l;e a wit. Vovir main object is to make yourself in- teresting, without being obtrusive. If yo\i are naturally witty, well and good. It will show itself occa don- ally. Hut if your wit is forced it will degenerate into mere affectation, and alTectation iu fatal. ITo who plans troid)le for others is the architect of his own mlsfortime. r»r 0..r »l.\»r Vfnm. Av Old ani> Wr.i.i. Tuir.n Ukmkiiv. â€" Mrj WinsloN'n Miotlttiirf.'^yniii lini'i lued lol over lltiy rrura l«y iiii.ihitiB of mothers fur thrlr cl.ilUrfn wlil.o Icethlng, perft-ct nict!i' p. K nyilhci iKm chll-l. loftefiit ihr ifilmr. illnyii alt imtn, liUrcA wlud roMc. a>;il |jith«i boAt ruiiitiily f'>r IM;irrtiu*« Ih iilea un'. to tttu laao. .'lold bjf d tiu.;i-t» In i ?f ry p.irt of tlio wor "I Tircitl> ikTcccuta iltioul'T. Itii rb.llU U i'lC^tuiilntttu )ir Ktirefiuilwik fur .Mr.-- Wiui;on« Hootbtnf rtyruii tnd iftkt nutjttc. kind. !â- •'•' Flddleback-"Whcn Mis.-J Twilling comes in, will you tell her thot 1 called ?" Ibit lorâ€" "Sure, sir, she knows it already." Customer â€" "Wliy doesn't that spin.stei-, Miss Ilrowii, deal at your sliop any more ?" Cirocer â€" "One of niy clerks Insulteil her." Custoiuer â€" "How '?" (irocer â€" "She t>verheard biui telling someone that .she was our ol.lest customer." Minard's Linlmsnt Cures Dandfuif. "T was thinking," said tho idd- fashioned young man, "of asking her father if 1 niiglit pay my adilreSses to her." "I I'm," nuisetl the wise girl, "ill this case I'd advise you to pay in advance." Mlnefd's Llfliment for sale everjwliers Offordcd Motherâ€" ".\"t>v.-, !<( hliy. don't let me sp<>ak to you again !" Hobby Chelplessly)â€" "IIow can I pre- vent you, mamma ?" $200.00 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY FREE LPAI*K NIVCOOA UPML ATtWRVRKBR CPAHK RCYRKH YBRAPHSRE ERPA (â- ( Jnmt'lffl letter* jptoibp nritnttef tleU well kr.R*n fnifu. It %a, \OV C,^^, â- iN l-i- lllh AlKAi; rUI/l-. It ft n>* . , t«^k. Bm! ty ;'»t(ei»c e and |i.r. â- at 5 be C «f Ihem. . > .ittt. I- !â- â- â- 1., : . K J rh* Itih.' HI »7T«rrilt\ ! â- . p#1 llirm. If \ 'lAttr pcMnn »>io(kn ni^kr wut the Ure*tt n-jnil)rrwa will . ut tVf tcion'l ldrri(.it numher lh« ^L.m of litty t Party P'Um. Tot*«pftr»cn maktnir ih« â- < i)(1 nn««crii c«)tikllv cotTeit, tha fttit two ! .tec 5fii.i In eii:isliy f(>TTC!t *n«wtn,th« ..'.â- ] four c^fM-nt ftcfiH itqutlly cnrtri't antwrn, . ))<• unl.Kud *a (in In liVt prtMi!l«.n«, i!riTl4^<l . K THIS AI'VPHTISl-WI-NT. If >•« ti.-» rt i^b f: I r;.,.,, tUc «ylt..l« iiiiti d $: !!»♦» > f mi'lv wtih a WANT k tKWT~ 0"t f-nvthlM lili« â- rompirT*^ ii t « k^ i « -i , i r (-nti .»irg e .^ht n»nii. f r < »» rip'.y. l)0 NOT DM AT, WKIIB AiONCE, A<Wr«n, TAklblAN Ml iHCINH Co.. I oWPd.-*. ONI Amu. $100 Reward, $100 There .is more Uaturrh in this rertion of tho country than nil other'-es put together, rnd until the last few I'cars was supjio.scd to he incurable. For B. great iimtiy ycar.s doctors pronounced It a local and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science ha.s proven catarrh lo be a cotistitutionnl fliseuso and there- fore retjuires conKtitutianal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I''. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the mar- ket. It is taken Inlernally in doses from 10 drops to a tcaiipoonful. It acts (lirectly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. They otier one hun- dred dollars for an.v case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address, F. J. CUKNTY .t CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. T.Oc. Hall's Family I'ills are the best. 1â€"32 Opportunity generally knocks dur- ing oflice hours. For years I had suffered with im- pure blood, and no lemedies I used save any relief, tTfTlii I took Vv. Koenig's Hamburg Drops, tvhich completely cured me.â€" August lieitemeyei-, 1,509 Jlilliman St., Baltimore, Md. PcopTe who lamer.t that they are not appreciated seldom appreciate others. Monkey lirund .So.ip cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, kr.ivfs and forks, and all kinds oi :.'Utlerv. Health brings wealth more often than wealth brings liealtb. Minard's Linlmeot Mkn Heeralgia The man who has never been tempteil may be unintentionally hon- est. ird's Liniment Cures Burns, etc Ttcturned Fighter â€" "And as I was being carried away in the anununi- tion waggon I " Listener â€" "Don't you mean the ambulance waggon ?" Ueturned Fighterâ€" "No, sir ; I was so full of bullets they i)ut me in the ammunition w-oggon." ONE 8POONFUI. Vill build for you good health,'' through good nerves, by using South American Nervine Almost all di<-.ear-o is the result of poor nerve action. Without good i nerves neither brain, nor stomach,/ , nor liver, nor he.irt, nor kidneys,! I can work well. Nerve food musti bo such that it v/ill be absortfd by tho nervs ends. Such a food is" South American Nervlue, the greatest tonic known, a cii.i'e for dyspepsia and all stomach ail- ments. ADOLrH Le UoniK, 1). C. b, Montrc nl's well known barritter, writt-s; "I was suiTcrtn;,' from insomnia and ner- vouii debiluy. prustration iind exhaus- tion. I took five bottles of foutb ADict- lean Nervine, and ani whoily recovered. The Great Sooth AnicrlCKii Rheumatic Curt is the only one iliat ha » not a single case of fnilnre in its reccTd. Ccro sure within three d«v8; relief iuilant! MUSBC leachers WANTED U6 Main Street. WiNNIPI-a, MAN. lUly. To sent! for our Crm< (>lete :iheet MuaIo Catalocuea nnd Special Uatc5. Wo nro cqulpppil to fiuppty every Music Tcachor iu Canada* WIALEY, ROYCE » CO,, Limited I5S Yonuc Street, TORONTO, ONT. 1-ao AGENTS WHY WORK ON OOMMItSIOH? W.I wsnl lOBtsrtlroii intiislneR* lor loiraelt Ton i«n iniiii* imtnlj (lollirs »«.• wwk. Ao^nt.rvlr new nroiiotltia* Wri»» lor i>>rtiiiulsr>. Torunu> U ln« CRN t'llM of Urn Till B..iiliit'a>of 0»iisd> i^ ORIQHTON & CO., 30 Ohuroh St., - Toronio Havo You seen It? What? I.,*''» rrtrpkss It^cipn 3X0S«:r*liiffr l^e Honir, r*iui .ind PT*'* tftj'.tnnii-nl of huvsn tiitirs*or, 3ii \*%>*. Son.l ^l^crk'K. Monejr refuniteft tl ' o h Is i.ot wurihlt. -V ro>il(Hln liiia i.,r oaDTs R!iB. -WilUan •o^|«j_l|^i.liill.r. ]a;iul» 8-i4 %h^eje/nj 1-13 1-45 Fresh Frozen Sea lerrings In casks ofabout 650 Herrings; $,.60 par ,00 by the cask, or $..70 per joo in smaller quantities. Labrador Herrings in half barrels, $3.00 THE DAWSON CQIVlfvUSSIOH CO.. LIMITED, TORONTO. HEAD mw^ii 112-118 mm sl west TORONTO. Far tJ-.a Yea? Endod 3fst J:e:o:n»:ej', t3C2. rcc. ao, 1901. To Kct Leiccr Assets Eoe. 31, iyc:2 To (.' Rcco.'pto >.sh fcr Prcraiumr; Cl,iy4,3a§.(51 .Ci.ciy.Got; 'lo L'ush Income on lavcslacnis.. -liV.iti" 74 .47 ^ Dec. 81, I'jo::. Dec. 31, I'JCJ. Dlsbijrserrents I'.v paynicnt for lloith L'iaims, I'rotits. etc lly ali other i'aynicnti...""!,!^ ",' 1.270.840.21 t&,4o3,14'J.81l 5.'57.:...'513.1* iUC.bni.ya G9t,3i>4.47 ?4. 773, 785. 35 I'y Mort -ajcs, etc ci 070 vn-4 un by l.ebeeluros (n,.rl.ct valuo C.1.097.53-5.512): liS^SiGSi:?^ Ijy .stocks End Bondd (market value 51501- •"^-"•">'^- '- (04.00) ' • 1 4r,5 7.,,, e, fn*'"' ^^'â- ='''-'- 'â- 'â- <=1'-<^"''S L-omiianys buii'ri-' .'-â- '•01 \'S Loana on Toiitits. etc.!'... ..'..." ".". i;y v.*"""* "" Ktocj.s (ncsirly oil on call) uy tasd in Qtaki aaici on huad 4(14.684.69 H:Jl,«4a.u:! ;i.'st.L'a7.uo «y.i68.i7 Jly l'rcr.ilusi9 cutstcndiii-, etc. (less cost colK-etuiai lly Inttrcst and T.euts' diie aiid accru'cU.!!; 54,773.785.35 19S,'.iSi).10 38,045.76 Dee. 31, 1U03. CO, 000. 00 Liab;il*ic3- 'I'o Cuarnnteo I'lrrt' 5 To A.surarco unrt An-.u;ty i'(> 'rnY.?^1.*'\""' 4.383,565.00 10 l)oath l^osBca awaitine proofs etc f5,010, 50.203.45 S4.4'J5.' â- CSJ."* NotSurpJus * S3IB.044.76 Audited ond found corroct. JoHN N. 1.A1C1:. Auditor. The llnanelnl poaltleri of thn Camnnrv la uncx not «urpluato Ilnblllt,ono»co3fio -.h/t o^ any fv'ew insiiranco issncil durinp unej Excelledâ€" Ita porconiaea of ' other Ko.-no Oompany, Insuranto in foicu ot end of I'JO:.' (net) PRESIDENT ilONIM L. BLAIKIE VICE-PHESIDENTS JAS. TiioHBunN, M.D. iio::. sm wm n „„„ DIRECTORS HON. SENATOR GOWAN, K.C. I.L I) C M G L. w. SMITH, v.%i\.. K.C, n.c.L P. lIcCUAE. Fsq.. (^nclph HAIIACIN-G DIEECTOR WM. IWcOAUE, LL.B. F I.A . F.S.8 8ECRKTAIIV MCDIOAl. DIPKCTOR L. GOLDMAN, A. I.A. j -0.037, 2Gt) 00 HER EDITH, K.C. K. (UiHNEY. J. K. OSnORNIO. Esq Esq The Heport contoininK the proi civ'.inRR of tho Annnal ".v.- .^\: "'".o'Tlng marked proo .s uf tho con.ii' MCDIS TIIOKIIURN. M.D. (E-din) January BoUd position ol tliu l^ompnny, will io sent Ptli'S. held ...11 , , .^ |'ri;f;ri:!.s and 3?gf,gMc^S'L ii3 "°'?„;r^i!;^? 1*^?!^^ Cents' Si?]ts Gleaned jKiol. Poi-tlanU to Liverpool tnirn Vis gun n<- LsMO sn«l Fast Stesnuhips. Superior .ie,<omn!od»Uoi, f'.r all c U«»t <'f s»«ennTii. S.Ioom s»il Ststorsonu «re snii(lihli.« HiKWisI «ll»rtl in hsa l.rM, dii-n U> Ihf Beconil Siloon sn.l Thiril ('I«m «CLoir,:'io.ladon Fo- »|i parllculsra, spi.lj to sity seem oftne ( ompsny, or _-*» Rietsrd., Miili » Oa. d. Tom»Be. *ro . 77Ml»tcau Boilon. >lonir.«l snd I'oriland 1-8 Any ouniitlly of dry. uilx.d wo- d suilablo foi brick linrnlns. fcr early delir.r.- Ststo rash •'"'' 'X.CO.. I Taiouto St., Tornnir, Xe'.e- Iihont M.iin '07. 'J 7â€"19 9-03 or I)ye.l ; «!.o t,naic«- ,.t all ki,.d., sn.l M('.i«e IfsiKio:? ofeve'v .!,i--."i«MrtT WUTISH AMERIOAN DYBINQ CO'T, UoaUeal, I„j3S£j, Oii»>rs & guebse. RUBBER GOODS Lnto."it ^'ovetiie:^ nil styles. Correspondence invitei'. En- close i.'c stiuun f"'' ei.cMlar. fHE UMlVSnSAL SFECIAUY CO., r. O. II0.X nil'. U'.nu.'.r.l. C.-B7 I