February 26 1903. THE FLESHKRTON ADVANCE Eugenia Mills Planing BusiNKSS Cards (let your Sash, Doors Floorinj^, .Shooting, New- ell Posts, Ualliisters, Cor- ner J51ocks,lI<ui(l Kiiiling, the host of Spnu'o Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Sliingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds (lone to order. New run of .stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR (l/rouLuouaH & younq m l)iviiki;rB,Mailt(lBlo Jo a guiioral buukiutj buBinubd. Mouey loauea a roatiouablu ratu Uull on uh. AH VANDUHEN, J I' CloiU 5tli Ulv Court, Co Oioy â- Muor of .Mttiiittijo liiuousuK, Convoyaiicor Nolaiy Public Auotloiioor. Mouoy to loan 4Jperc«at. ChargoB "J^j^S-btok P Fur Tlie Advance Tribulations jof Tom and Man da R' J Hl'IlOULK I'ojtuiaBtiir, FloBherton ^onimissionor in H.C.J., Auctioneer^ Con »Bvano.ir. Appraiser and Money uouder Kual lOstata .ui 1 Inauranco AKont. Deoils mortKu^o:!. lu»«os au'l willa carefully tlrani) uii an I valuations made on fhortoHt nnticu. nionuy to loan at lowoal rates of Interest. Col uotioiis nttonileil to witli proniplnrBB luuvos lo-.v. A'^imt (or Oeo'Ui Uouiiuion ttauiaUip Company. A call bolioited. W.nOORE Societies U \V uieots oi. the last Monday n in oaou m.Mitli, In their loiiRo yoom, Cliristous block. I'lesliorton. at B p.m. ^1"., llo'.iart Host ; Uecordor, .las. I'-ulstoad ; !• luan- clor, Wu:. ISel.ainy. Visitirg biotbret, luvited. nlUNCK AUTHTll liODUl!!, Ko. IWa, A. C A M, meets in tlio Masonic ball, htrain b block, Klesh^rton. every frlilay on or borort the lull moco. t' H W Hioklinu W M. Chas. Munsbaw, rtiH-rotnry. WE ABE SELLINO Blankets, Beils, nitts I. O. F. meets noUUr KLKailKKTON. U Chriato,;'?. lllook the last l^'ridaj cveniii:; each month. Vi^ltinK Foresters heartllv velcome. C. li.. C- W. Holliuny I T^.^... \\ . liuskin ; Km. Soc.Dr K. Murray. , „t ,,„ (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day i)t each month.) Medical ' M C i' & H Ont. Phvsician. Snrf!con, etc OlUoB and roaidoncoâ€" I'eter st , I'lesberton AT COST PRICE Flesherton, = Ont. yifiiiii I m. M.A.XWELL TliJ on.! prici! st'm' ii!i'.:r.H tlie n muimlcr •)ii thoii WINTIill OOCJDSata fraction of I, lie reil value in orJoi' to MwkB nioin for Sptioi^ Ooud!-. wliicli will bu urrivitit,' soon. CoiTIC 3oon iiiiil SiCU'.o your slmre of the biirL'iiiii.s. Wo ivi'o l)oui J tosell. We liivo a lot (,f Aluii'n .liiuki'ta and T7ndLr H(;;ir,Ijl(lirs Ve^lsinnl IIoso, CoUouridn, Bl jiMlaiiy, :ind l''liiniiuleHi', b'li.nnol for tilt' liuysj', iii's,\VrH))[)i'rolt.! luid ril)l)oiis for the- Liil.i, niul Ci.seitti for iill.^ Just comu and s'>o for yoin.sidves. V'oii will tind oui- (irooury iU'i>'i''t'>ieiil- complete in (juiiliiy and nn.'u.tity. ., And tlie li'inlw-are HO i.aiidlo in lio- coniiii;; niiuoa>lieil fi r i-visry d.iy. Wily? Hi'Ouuso wo sell right. All kind.s of Nails, liin-jres, GL.-s, I'utfcy an 1 oils. Wo handle tliii Anieric.m W. W. Oil, whieli we will sell by tlm ^il!on or l.'irnd. so iiriiiii y^airiMo aloii:; and ^et tiiti l(eijl<jil (>,i tiiu iiiarkut. tTfcK- i^- T- llibby,â€" PUysicIaD, Surgtou &J otc. Ple»herlou, Ont Olllco audUesidence.ColhiiKWooLl street, one blotk east Presbyterian church. May bo founi Ihoro day and niijht. Coroner for County ot (iroy. HCOTT. AND SC'KTLY . „ Mombors Collogo rhysio. & Surgoonn Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship U'Plonia ,1 ost .i.i< »• at.) edlcal School and Hospital. ChicaCT. diseases of eyo, ear, noso and throat specially '""'iLBOPTI.Y. JOHK A. SCOTT, FcvorBbam. axwell. T p t i-TllWiUili •' Veterinary Surgeon Grartuato of Ontario Veterinary Collofio, residoi.ce â€" sjcond door south west on Mary street. Thli street ruuB south Presbyterian Church. Legal J. W. l.'UOST. L I: U. liarrisler. Solicitor Con? eyancer, oto .niceâ€" Next to postolUcc, Spronle's block K'.ihirton every TImrsdo aud, court duj« N"li-Ov.-.m ;i.raiid olllco. frost" block Poiil.'tt street east. r uoAS, wuialiT & mcabdle Li Harristera Solicitors Convoyancern, etc Oijleusâ€" awun Sound. Ont and MarUdale Out. W il WRKiirr, .MlAkw-k I U LDCis N |i.-Flo!ili"rton olllco, Mitchell's UnKk dvery Saturday. nUcicRlt & I'ATTKKriON I Ilarristora, Solicitors, etc Molson's Hi'liU. Owen Roun.l HAUUY G TlJUKIUl Ol'lO W PATTliJtSON MACKAY&3AMPS0N .narrlsters. solicitors, (Jl^KICivS :â€" Owen Srunit, Morchnnt s Hank Hloek, >i. '>f Patt iriiou House. i:untla:k ai^i Stroot, every Shturday. Munrv t'l loun at ti per cent. ,\. (1. M.iOKvV.M A , II. r. SAMi'S0N,r..riii AlwiH!-. in attendance at Kli'i.lio! ten and Onndtilk I'ivi-ii.m ronrts. . Iliii I Dentistry Y^ gNTER TERH (.)lir (.â- iill'soa in loLli l!u.'<iiR"S .iml Sl.oillrMid di-|m:l\ueiiiM ara up Id d, id', lloi'"i!!'li r.'id cuiii[)luti?. Tho d> siiiiid fo.- yoiinij men as oHiL-e nasifdau'h is iiuuli t;i-<!atc'i'!!iaii llic sii)>|)l\ . (,'!iv;il>n-!f mill full iofoiviiAfoM free. .Vid oK.s C, A.FLE.VliNO, raiN, \\\X. W C. MURRAY, I^. I>. S. <lor.tai suvK"on 'â- â- ' hoiiov m-:tUmitu oi Toronto Urilvfti-Hity uiui (loyftl CoHi't/t' o( ItMiiMl S.ii-UHfMi,^ of Uiitario. ()tii,.t._opji.,siiti) AriiKstroiic'.-* JcwuUoiy Htoro. Will viKit Fi vi'ri-hiiui t>io luht W»'(lnu..(!iiT 'jf oachntOTilK, ft:i>l UniidiilU 1 uiul U Tliinsiltiy II eatii moi.tli. m C nj|irtnrtnrJirtn-'^nr..artnru-j,iri rxtruT x â- â- ; "^^;#V|| \ Photos^! -TAKCN 'I â€" AT TJJK % Ffesf-serton | Photograph \ OaHlcry S NO. 2 Maiidu's father wna a very popular iien- tleinan. He owued a horse. Tho fact !hat the lioruu had ihe ulHiideiH, WitH knock-kneud, riuulxxiud, spavii.ed, blind and liadlhu a|)|iU'iMiiice nf a Haw hin"-u with a goat skin spread on to dry in the sun, did not convey nny idea but 'lial the owner wa8 a financiHlly distiii«uislicd niaouate. II wits a horso, aiid a Iioiru wiiH reuarded a.s something; purcha.sed or the more iiratitication of a whim. Tom, being heir-aiiparcnt to this Coitain Per- son's only dsujibtir. was occasioimlly fa- vored wiih iho loiiii of ihc beaii'ifiil nni- inal He once had occasion ti> appi ar before a gontleinim in a ncitrhhitiinf,' towiiship who owed him a sum of money, wi;ies for craillini! t.lie previou- year. Toil) boilowi'd the hoiso, nod when he had securely loped lli'- bntfalo rohearniiiul him and was mounted In; asked the pro- prietor wlmt he would tiike for the luasl â-ºhat ho ini)j;lit have Ihe (.Icasuro of bein'^ astride his own pr"periy. 'I'lie baii,'idji was soon Struck, whiiji added lifteen dollars ninre it Tom's liabilitie.-*. As he left, ho 1 tmiirked to the old niiin lliiil he iiiiended to trade it lo his debtor for soiiieihiiii; mine useful. A t lei.'.dh le reached his destination, and a very short interview with hisdobtor convinceil liiiii tliat no inoiiey was to he had. However, lie tradud his herao for a sheep and a steer, and Iransferred \m eB'ects fnnn the hor.se's hack to that of the steer. After atmchinK a stout cord to either iiniiiml ho siarled on the rrliirn journey. Tt was now ali"Ut nijjhtfnll. k lefresliini; sprinn lain resumed operations and, allhoii((!i it was warm and deli'jht- ful â€" " Thu kii.dly shmvers when J.ive descends "-it promised lo take ( tf the Hi lie ruiiiaiiiing snow, flood the corduroy roads and infuse into the c'ay such an undesirable frieiuUhi[) for humanity as to prompt it to ri.so up and claim kinship with one and prove that it " stickelh closer than a brother." He had rot gone far when iin enra<.;o<l voice called idler hiin that the (dd liorso was de.td. Toiu would fain have gone b.ick and nttendtd to the funereal rites, but his stock were indis])nsed, r.o he pretended not, lo hear the (dd mail's iipponl. The steer bccr.nie suddenly seized with a propensity to visit every farm in the counly. Tom wasciuite unpreptred for such pnnligalities ; hut "In Roino wo must do as. ihe I{<nnans do." He decided that if ho iiileiided to s'ay in Ihe society of Ihe steer he had better ttssuinu a similar gait Their pro- gress pre.seiiied a very trajjical ai.tl liin- eiitable sight. He was not used to such viideiit cidiKthenica, and had any spirits been abroad they Would have belion d him to ho a puir of itnimated cross bones and tliry h'ul been soieiifudd itt sight if the phoiiiMiienn. The poor sheep a) - peared, streamer like, flying through the air at the tail eud'of tlie.prnce.ssinn Hut at leogih the antics of tlie steer necessi- tated the leavini; of the sheep. Then wiih bolh hands T'oni goispi-d the rope and sjied swiftly tliriiui.di the mud. Un- lil he t;ot home be had no eliance if pliickiiij; any muil fiom Ins por.soii, and it vva* only «liih' Hie sioir was deseiibiu;^ a ciroie proparaloiy to holtiiii,' again tlia' he had an o[j|iortimil v of coUL>rafulatini; himself on Ins endurance anil skill in swipuiny his 1e.-.'«. His sheoii was lost and he inu.si nefes->arily cling to t!i) ox, which wiuild handy pay for ihe liorso he had jiven in ixclianuu. At l-oni;th he leached hmue, where more woo awailed him. It was ill the characier uf a ni't.' from Maiicly say iiii.' that since bo h,ad sold the horse tlio would advise hiiii to secure some i.tber C"mi>ii)y an she doclinod to ride any mole behind Irs oiceil. lie sp.'ntthe ii iniuniii!.' paitof the night in a very feveiish eondilioii indeed. Early ilui folh.win;! nioiniiio he tii'dt the s'e.r over to Minula's fmher, wliiidi i^ati-'-fi^ct- tu'dy Nitrled his account and left him a tew dolhoH lesid.s. Nov.rtlieless, his mind was far I'roui lieiug seltled. '»\ lide he proei edod lo the limise he kciil in iiiiiid the niiittii, " li'inji; heart invcr woii,"elc. lie told Mai. d;i how ll.o old farmer had cidK-il af cr him th.it the hces' WHS deadanl how tlie sheep war, a'aodiee ill Ills 1,'inivud tl.nt iie'rinin.', and Infoiu ho left he uinile ai ittiieoinei.ls to go to thurch the followii.'.{ Smahiv wuh l!;e o.\i'ii -11. I'K.tUJO. THRILLING EXPERIE Of Motorman Waldsn, In the employ of TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. DID liOT WAMT TO GIVE UP WORK BUT WAS FORCED TO DO 60â€" TELLS HOW FOR CIQHTEEN MONTHS HE HOVERED BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH, TREATED BY THE BEST PHYSICIANS IN TORONTO AND HIS CA8E PRONOUNCED 80 SERIOUa THAT HE WAS ADVISED, AS A LAST RESORT, TO USE THE DR. SLOCUM TREATMENT-IS NOW IN QOOD HBALTH AND BLESSES THE DAY HE HEARD OP THIS MARVELLOUS REMEDY. Mr. Alfred Walden, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, who has been in the employ of llie Street Railway Com- puny for a number of years as motorman, informs us that he had an attack of la grippe, followed by tvphoid fever, and after many weeks of suffennff it resulted in a complication of throat and lung troubles. Durintr this illness he was under the care of one of the best nhysicians in this ci*y, who pronounced it a very serious case and advised him to stop work, which he was finally compelled to do. Mr. Waldcn heard about the Dr. Slocum Remedies and commencL-d their use and after usinj; them but for a few weeks he notleed a great improvement. After usinff this valuable treatment for some little time, the cough slopped, pain in left lung feascJ, appetite improved and night sweats were clu-cked ; and in about three months he was able to go back to work, feeling as v.cU as ever. When interviewed, Mr. Walden scorned to be iix the best of spirits and expressed himself in the most grateful terms, as he considers himself coiiiiilctt;!/ cured and in the enjoyment of good health. ^\'hat the Dr. Slocum Remedies have done for Mr. Walden has also been accomplished in thousanJs of other hopeless cases, which tcstimoniab we i»aTe on file. A Hew Discovery that Cures Consumption. The Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cure for Humanity's Greatest Foe. Four Marvellous Free Remedies for all sufferers reading tliis paper. Now Cure for Ttibcrculosis, Consumption, Woal< Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown system. Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh ? Are you pale and thin ? Do you lack stamina? Do you cough ? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm ? Does your head ache ? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devastated the earthâ€" consumption. You are invited to test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writingrora ^^^^ ^^^^^ TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will be forw.irded you at once, with complete directions for use. The Sloium System is a positive cure for Consumption, llmt most insidious disease, and tor all Lung- Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of Flesh, Coughs, CaUrrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and 'simpinri"" to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company, Limited, 179 King Street West. Toronto, giving t>ost office and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be nromptly seiit. Persons in Canada seeing Slocuoj'a free offer in American papers wiU please send lor sampli Toronto. Mention this paper. les to m ';.?:â- â- ii[ wmm mwk w Fur Fust (JIas.t Bu!j:<;iv.M, CHrts, Ploii.sure ami Lumber W i cuiters, SU^i'^h.s. \Vt^ kii.^p ;v sti-clc im li.-iml to oIioum' fioiii. CrS'v, ALSO MORSE SHOEING ANO GENERAL BLACKSAllTHJNa CT^ >^YV mill u:ti-iriiiiieo liwr chiss woik. ?^^ (iJl Wo Uoep 1"! I'lmil I'loiiyli-i and Piouyh ropairs, and nl.-o Ma'^my- IfivJ 1 I. and l'l()ii;;lis and Plough ropairs, and nl.-o Ma -^-^„ ll:.i-ii.s and Ni'Xiin rci':'irs for I'iiidcrs, Mnvcis, I'l kind i^') =-i-^ FOU FIR5T CI.A.5S CARRIAGES AND i'LOUGUS â€" CO TO â€" Heard's Works, FSesherton Wo have Cutters, 81eii;lis,I-U}ij;ios,Wat2goiis and Carts I'leiiry, .Uyiueut Uutteificld <nv\ Wilkinson plouj^hs ^ .Sh!ire>s and repairs of the be.'^t. quality. Spring tooth ^ aul Iron harrow.i. Alsoiir.st class Iiandnia(io . barne.ss. nvti done in tir.n.iluin MyUt ni.d til l.nvost ratcT Siio-ial atr.oiiticiii L'ivoii to co|iyir.a. f'..i!iics' plui'.na & d;iucitit'.y. F*iv-tu;-o., k!. MRS BULriER von Lii.iiber, -atb, SUing!es, Flooring. W'o liave jiwt pliicoil ill iiusi'ioii a iipw jjlai.ci- i.ii.l 111 .toher mid i»ro lir.iii-.roil lo fuiii!«Ii Ixiililin.! matoriii! iii »11 lli" n?>'Vp JiUeH. Oet iilir i|Ui(liitii>ili wlioi) >'>J wftnt anything. HIckling Bros. 8th o«n., Arleiu«<ia- U»K««il P. O. July, "02 I irminf -n.lli m»»5t â- ^•â- 'l • n»< ilewr rj. ^ ^.. â- n I . ;.ly luHuit;-!!! •'•â- ' '.r.m. a (r-o \f^' n-v •• tiK.'Iitiort t^ ri-ob.T'>(/ t'4'<7Mt.lt>'x ^ fir-'ri.ir'r-v. I' iii»"lr't.i:rroiiniIcatiiJ. Ili-j«:h'>.'Vn')l'.i!oif* »Ml friv. C'lil-Mt rifcno* for i.<'i .'»in.i ti..' -â- . Wntiaittf t**tf.i tli-ou/» BI»n*»vi* iv-. m>c*i--i irc'al-.'.otic,; rll^..u^c^â- l«â- t, inll't A lnn<:»om5lr Iftn'ro"*' «'«'i'lr. 1"««»> •'*»• cnlftlU'ti ' ? ant ^^'(^.I'it'i l.,;irnfd. 'l'«t'n« •• « (Uiir- loiir nionUu, it. buW u»«U i.«>«v».»4.-». Ur*iioli Otllcu. SC V fu, TTocli'oiioii. U. r Amiiiij! ilio iiucst.^, wh 1 !inB'ori!(l ".oshhs h' ilie tcr;ilile ccinHHu'iiUimi uf tlm Vic- tiiiia lidlul.QuB'H'f, (.1, Dtii). 14bii, UiVIiss Loyd .if Qu'ilii'i; city. -Slio rocoivid Rome liiiii.H iiliimi iliii h«\k,l .:nl ri;j;iu Rrm, niul liiT es'Vipu fr.m do.ti h win iiliii-ist: iiiir.icu. loil-i. It, Hidu.« all h>T it;r.o.i«l oH">!i:t.N sliu li)<it tliio valiuiMo ttiimins, un-? cotit.iiiiiii}; |)ont.i«u slHinpH wi'}i 1.5,(190 faricli.-s, in- cUidiiig thu r.2ir l^lnll(l.^ ; i sivoml, an aliiicist ciiiiji'.tj c.d!x.;i )U (if tit.> llovo'i- iH'ii of Caiiiidii. iini i\ i!:ir,l ulliiiia cf "otitiius" of ,\l\ tho coim'rio.^ tif the wml 1 th'.' U.iniidii i.s.siuH l>fii!;;t:i)inid -lo. Tllost> l..ij,'0 CO loiti'in, vhliiod nt ft') ur t;50,000, wiTii tlio •viirk I'f •in cniiro lifetiiiii'. iMi^s Loyd had 11 > iii.'»ttrniico whatovo on any of h- r onllictioii" of atami..s. or other etlVot-N, tlu'iisforo her l.irsiri total. â€" Slnii.p Sheet. .Tohii rirtiHiiiif Cnrric'i attcmptod Kuicide liy nhooliny hiiiisidf. Tho chnrijo entored litdow the uMii ftii.l oniiii' out hu-low the iji'. AtihcliiiiH of willing I, u i.s alivo iiiid n Wiilkirtoii fU)ctor who is littciidiiiK hna »<ime hoiti Ihm ho ii'iij|iiil! iliroiigh. (ins* is ihii ntnn wlm in lu iti p<'itr for ( tjul bI llio S|iriii); A«hiziis in »\'ii!kntiiii on il e oh«r<u of tiring 0. Uaukci'* bum ill Canick. ARE YOU AN AGE^ST? Are yoB earnino $13 per week? jf nat write te CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, NUMerymen. Colborne, Ont. EstablUhed 1857. X Ail vsi'hiiiivu aakii : liutv ikiicIi noid would a «ni) iihuok chiuk if a wo'lihink Would chiicik «ood? It's hurJ tn fay Wu .siiunlil tliiiiU, howi'Ver, a woiKlilnck Would Nodiicr chuck cliuck than ho w uld w.xiil. Hut, Hpu.ikini; of \vin>dcliiic\H,tho woodohuuk 18 a k;voun I log. Now, how much Krouiid would a tiruundhog grind if a groundhog Wuuld i(rind ground t ThoroiitSil^red Dmhani Bu!l for Service Thv underH;,jiicJ haa & Uno ago] Durham I'.t.li lor aoivio oi> li.t 141, i'. >C K. H. idiiu»-»i lor Ki»ie ciiw», <»:i far thotoiiKb- tjivdft I'edl^leoun AiipllcKt.l.'>u. M^-