Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1903, p. 1

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jrksbtrl0n ^itiiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XXn. Â¥ 1121 Flesherton, Ont., Tlinrsday, Marcti 5 iQ03 W. H THURSTON, ^^"Jl^ PBOPhlETOB Railway Wreck. Caiieiess^ess is the Cause of a giiiKJ Fiiiiiiy railway wrecks «nJ cnre- Ie.sKiie=s ill liuyiim waiches frum unre- liahlo persons is often the cause of lo.-ing time ai-d money. Comb Here to got a good relialile tiiiiepifce.'' Ws hnve thern in gold i and hitler liuua. Men's Gold "^S^Tatches Plain ir fancy ca^ejlarne or sm.all size, guaranteed 20 year case, 7 jewel Elgin movement Ladies' Gold "Watches Plain or fancy case, aas'TteU sizes, di'penda'iile movements We feel cmiiiUent we can supply anyj ri^asi'nable demand for a good time pitoe and ai'od I'oking, depondaWe i ctvsa at a reasonable price. Vi A. ARMSTRONO FLESHERTON number cf years, is uiving up business and will leave in about a week 'or Maple Creek. N. W. T. Mr. Thos. Kells has sold his farm to Mr. Ed. Bilker of Orange Valley and will make his lioiue in Markdale. Eugeriia Stone »>ettlement Messr-s. Geo. and Frank Cairns, jr.. are al present visitinz friends in Esaa. Mis? Mart;arel Mc.\rthur wa.s home for Miss Wriiiht's weddin;?. Quite a number from hereaitended the weddincj and re- port a very nice time. Many and very pretty were the presents given this highly esteemed youiifj lady. Mrs. •). L. Wood, who has been sick, is again idjle to attend to household duties. Mrs. George Patterson sr., is very low at present with paralysis. This is the second attack. Miss Atmeda Whittakev has been very sick but is able to be around again. Mr^. McPliaiter of Owen Sound is ro- ne'ving old acquaintances here. The roads this winter have been very bad It hius been no'.hinj; atranue to see horses roll down biiuks.loaiU of hay upset, sleixbo cut. off and teams get down in the snow, so the owners houM have to ask "v neighbor for lo;;j{iiig chains to pull them out, rails otr fences and piy up iho sle^li. I think thHre is about enough snow, any- way, for the present, but wu have had a February thaw l,i.>!t week which lessened it a little. A load went over to Mr. Ferguson's at Ceylon one evening last week an.l report ft very pleasant evenia;; spent in music, games, etc. Huniiug is the order of the day. We can hear shootiii<! and hounds bai-king iu all parts of the bush. One man found a foi skinned and brought it home for his bens and dog. That's what they want, lots of meat. Kill all you soe boy*", and look fur more. It is nothing new here to S8e a fox play'ng on the road ide or in the fields. Ucre'.s where you cet the woilh of shot and the right thing back. The pnow shiwel is in more demand than the pen in these parts. Several suits for damayes against our township fathers are in contemplation, &o many have had their horses injured and cuttera broken by upsets in the snow drifts. A wire fence on exposed parts of the road would remedy the evil. Mr. Duckett has most of the statute labor done this winter shovc'ilini! snow, tryin;.' to keep the roads fit for travel. It is time something was done or it will cost more for damages than the wire will cost. Mrs. Ailam Smith eave a rag bee to a number of hor friends the past week. A most delightful time was enjoyed by all. Most of our young people took in the social at Mr. G. Gorley's on Wednesday evening, and had a lovely time. Mrs. Robf.rt Haney has returned to her home at Park Head after spending a ; plLa-sai-.f visit with her parents at Eugenia. i Mr. Samuel Pedlar has been very poor- ly, but is somewhat better. Not much signs of a lamb about the entry of M'""oh. The old lion was iu the ascendent. We are pleased to hear that the propos- ed railroad is still iu contemplation. Some of our business men have had a j letter from the managers of the company j stating they will be along as soon as ] spring opens. Ceyloitt. Viiii«li>leiir Mr. John Fadden visited f,ieiid!' at Can:!lKi<ine a.-.Kort tiniea.;o. Mr.U iSi.and iMias Id i HoUey attended ihe wtddiug of their brother, Issac, at Bianipton, week before last. Mr. and .>'.rs. S. Priichatd of Manitoba visiie-j the foriner'a nephew, Mr. O.Piit- ebard,liist w>'ik. Mrs. A. Sheldon ef St. Mary'.s is visit- ing licr paicnts, Mr. apd Thos. Kells. Mr. S. J. liowles, one of our b.-iinllion b ys, has l.;keu imto himself a wife m the puison of Miss Agnes M'.-Uougal, from near Pricoville. May iiospority attend them. Mr.Isa.tac HoUoy of Snellgrovo, who was receiiily marrii d, has Rrri<ed with his b: ;de and is Sjicnding the honeymoon wi'h bis imi'int*, iMr.ainl Mis. J.llolley. •Mr. KieJ liolaiid very iieaily had a serious liiu iu his house one ni^ht last week, the llwir hiviii;; caught froui the furnace pipe The fire wiw dsoovcred in the nick of lime and was prumptly ex- tinguished. Five iniiiuies more and the house would have boon in flamov. As it was, cou.sidcrable damage was done. Mr. W. Kells had a very successful sde on Monday week. Mr, Kells, who })as be«D iu V>^ Mttle tnulu Herts far ^ Miss Jean Oollinson left on Thursday to visit her brother in Hamilton for a few days, then she will leave for Chatham, where she has accepted a position. Mr. Geo. Cairns left Monday for Cooks- villo. Mr. Jim Sargeant, who has been in Parry Sound f<jr some lime, is visiting at the parental home. Miss Eliz.i Kennedy is visiting Stayner friends for a few weeks. Mi.s3 Macule McAulay left on Monday for tho Queen city. Miss Anna Chi.slctt is visiting friends at "Homines Mills. Mrs Will Lawrence left for a fortnights visit with Corbetion friend^. We are pleased to leatn that Mr. Tu:'ker and Mr. Marshall, who have been laid up with La tirippe are able to be atound ag.ain. Mr. Will and Miss Jennie Hemphill of Toronto attended Miss Wright's weddina last Tuesday. Mi-^s Jeunie remained a week to visit friends. Mrs. McPhatier of Owen Sound is re- newing old acquaiiitancis for a forlniKht. .Miss Annie Harrison, who h.HS been visiiiui; friends around hero for nearly three mon hs, loft Tuesday for her home in New York stale. \V,' unders-aiid that Mr. R. McGill has purchased another 50 acre farm owned by tho late Win. Uoopc. Port taw Consideriiblo il nea* of a pulmonary nature has been prevalent of lato among children, but we are glad to report that as f .ir as we cin learn the lit'le buft'eieis are all on a fair way to recovery. Mr. Albert Si. oardoAU, wb« was taken 80 ill with preuuionia while visiting friendH at Bolton in the holiday season, and whoso life has since bei-n trembling on the horilerland of that b,'Urne from whence no traveller returns, has so far rec-ivoie-i that bo was able to r>.-fnrn home lifc-t week, but considerable lime will yet elapse before liis usual healh and vigor mill be retiaiiied. Mrs. Magee, who is spending the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. Janiioson, is. sufTcripg another attack of illness. Iteing; hdvanced in years, hopvsfor her complete j r«t)ovcry can hardly be eniortnined. Mr, Ms«nu has removed from the Down farm to the township of Eiiphrasin. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson visited friends in Holland last week. | Master Kobbie Cornfield was laido6F' from school for a few days from the effects ' of a kick on the shin from another boy ; while playin-.i football. '. Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Magee of Meaford ' Tisited friends here recently. j Mr. Robert Cornfield has sold his farm , to Mr. George Ludlow and purposes go- ing west lu the near future. HcFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. HARKDALE, ONT. Qrey Country's Biggest and Cheapest Store. The Toronto Stock is . . Here . ; Hlmberley Mr.S. Burritt visited friends in Thorn- bury recently. Mrs. E. Hurlburt has returned to her homo ill Moosejaw after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hurd. Master Everet McLean of markdale spent Saturday ai.d Sunday with frieuds here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Abercrom hie attended a family reunion in St. Vincent, a cele- bration of the 87th birthday of the for- mer's mother, who is hale and hearty Her live sons and two daughters, with a laiae number of her arandchildren and great grandchildren, spent a very pleasant afternoon with the old lady. Mr. Herbert Fawcelt of CoUinswood spent Sunday at his parental home. Mr. C. Knott spent Friday and Satur- day at Owen Sound. Mr. Robert Fawcett is teaming heading to Heatlicote. Mr, T. B. Carruthers went to Thorn- bury on business on Saturday. Mr John Irwin of Heathcote, is visiting friends here at present, Mr Robert Carruthers is home from North York. $5,ooo worth of New Goods from the liquidated stock of McFarland, Gray & Southgate, Toronto, bought at 63c on the dollar. Honor Roll.s Honor ndl of No, 6, Artemesia, for February. V sr.â€" Frank Harrow. V jr.â€" Katy Fletcher, Sadie Fletcher, Ethel Harrow, Mabel McAithur. IVâ€" Willie Fletcher, James E, Whit- taker, Hunter Harrow, Thos. L. Butler. IVjr. â€" John Cairna. Ill â€" Janet Fletcher, Spurgeon Whit- taker, Rob, Spicer, John McArthur, J. McAithur, V. Butler, Bella MoLeod. IIâ€" Bert U'hitlaker, Matigie Boyce, P. Cairn.s, Tommy Me.Arthur, Willie Mc- Arthur, Ruby Stone, I't. IIâ€" Einin.i Whiitak.-r, Stella Butler, T.inniy Spioer, Edna Fletcher, .Minnie McArthur, Fmst Purdy. Pt. I â€" \\ illio Spicer, Harry Hazard, John D. Hazard, Geneva Butler, Rita B> yce. J. L. Wood, Teacher. BCCKVAiB SCHOOL, FEB. Class v.â€" Victor Phillips, Elwood Genoe, Clast IV. Sr. â€" Bessie Russell. Class IV Jr. â€" Jessie Phillips, Fii.ley Boy, Vara Phillips, Geo. Eng;i«h, Mabel Chard CI ..SI HI. -Albert Hoy, Vickie Park. Arthur Chard,^ .Jennie Park, Freddie Rii!<8(dl Class II. Sr. â€" 'EImn .Annstrong, Fanny Portoous, Charli-y Hoy, Geo. Park, Leila Cbrk. CmIss II. Jr. â€" Lewis Pedlar. .May Gil- esjiio, Ernie Rnsell, Edi.a Park, Ellio .\riiistioiiii. Part n. Sr â€" EdOie White. Richie Chirk, Mary White, Barley Phillips, Nellie Fisher. Pait It Jr â€" Gertie Fisher, Walter Fisher, Albe t Gill. «|iie, Ueta lUt's. Part I. â€" Sauimie F;alic.r, Minnie .Ann- strong, Mabel Rjulley, Leila Fisher, E!- woikI Parti idge, Frankie Whi'e. .Average attoidance for the month, D1. â€" H. W. Staffdrd, Teacher. Contrary to tha gonernlly ncccptred idea that tavern licenses should be raised nvthor than redoced, the council of Not- tawa.<«iga haa lowerei the fee to the extent of ten didlatfl The CoUingwood Enter- prise thinks their i-in will find them out at aext elaotion. We have got the first choice from the wholesale stock and will have on sale SATURDAY MORNING The Biggest Bargains ever oflFered in Markdale consisting of Clothing, Overalls, Boys' Knickers, Men's ard Boys' under- wear, Rubber Coats, Flannelette Shirts, Cotton Shirts, Gents Ties, Su-spenders, cottonades, Denims, Shirtings, Moleskins, Tweeds, Suitings, Trouserings, etc. We are too bu.sy marking off and putting new goods in stock to quote prices, but you can judge the whole sttxk by these few: Boys' Blue Serge Knickers,sizes 22 to .32, for 25c Men's Cottonade Overalls, regular 7oc for o'Jc. Men's Worsted, serge and tweed suits,reg, 8.50 for 5.90 Men's Wool Tweed Suits, reg. S. 00 goods for 4.90 Men's Worsted Pants, regular 2.50 for 1.(38 i . Men's Mole Cottonade Pants, reg. 100 for 99 cts. v i â-  ' â-  Men's Blue Denim Overalls, reg. 90c. for 69c. Men's Waterproof Pea Jackets, reg. 2.50 for 1.39. '; All lines must be cleared out at once to make room for new spring goo<ls which are arriving every day. Big bargains ! Come early and get first choice : 8 o'clock Saturday morning will not be too early. ]M[cFa>r>la>n.cl, Sta.ffox*cl. & Go. VV. HOCKLEY VV. HOCKLEY £ Proton Station 2P» 5 Thirty Days' iBarfirain Sales, Ready-to-wear Clothidg 10 Tweed Suits, regu'ar $S.30 and ?900for S«00 5 Tweed Suites, regular ?6.00 for. . . 4 50 Men's Fur Caps, Bell coney, only 6 left for 6 cmly Ladies' Caperines, regular price 84 f'>r Greut reduction in Ladies' Cloth Coats. .\ la-g'' assortment of Mom's Pea Jackets and Heavy Ulsters IX' rook botto!^! prices Meo'.i Heavy all-wool au-mseys at per suit 89cts ICO ifli'S L'i(.lies' all-wool hose, very _ heavy at per p»ir '^oci 1 40 a ,J Grcceri^s A Specialty 5 lbs. Choice Japan Tea 1 00 5 lbs. Choice Black Tea i 00 Go»d salmon per can 3,, 3 Ms. sel.Raisinf 05,. 6 I'os. fresh Fig< 2uc 3 lbs. Coronation biscuits 25e 2 cans Cr-sent Baking powder 25c F.'aked Peas, u.^r packet Oc 3 Boi ties E.xti acts 25c Good (jTOiiulatod Sugar 24 Us 1 00 Brown Su'jar, 31 lbs j ^ (» Trinidad Sugar, 28 lbs i Qf, 3 plii-s Prioce of Waks To!.n-co. . 25c 3 pings Biiur T<.h,icco 22o ^ Come and inspect Our stock of Caqjcis. i^ You will find the prices right and the goods first cla.e.s. 1 ^j All wo. I Sheeting 72 in. wide, on sale at 43 cents p. r y nd '^ 12 Men's Cai.li-aes. tegular $1 .W for SI, 10 caeli. La g.i New Stt.tk o: ^ iSterlin^j- Boots and Slioc^^ I LADIES, r:;',ars: «n.l yon wia twrmve a lUmi.lr .,( SLUCtM'S PENNYROYAL TEA. SMhIs of ladwiL mv.. \kzn fnr !Uii« by *lt IHunrittL nt tttrvct. turn T. A. »L0CI:M CH&MICAL QO^ T(>ROt«TU. CAN. mimi mm sebhice ThK nnrtmigr,*!! ku » flr« thornnKtibrsd \<>lk^l'ila l>t»i (or ••IT,** on 1*t 34, flftn uoa- »l / MmiuD, Arl«,a«r.iik. • •I. W X. DT10H'

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