Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1903, p. 8

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Maro(i 5 1903 THE FLESHBRTOW ADVA^fCE If )/ Eug^enia Planing Mills Get .your Sash, Doors Flooring, iSheoting, New- ell Posts, Ball listers. Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Itoiling, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- iiigs, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR VV.nOORE WE ARE SELLING Blankets, Bel! riitts AT COST PRICE BvsiNKSS Cards MOULtiOUaH A YOUNG ItaukurB.Mai'kdale Oo » Keaeral banklnv buaiuuaii . Money loaned k ruuonabia rate Uall ou ub. AH VANUUSKN, J r Clerk 6tli Dlv Oourt. Oo Grey SHUor oj Marrlatfe MoenBoe, Couveyauoor Notary I'ubllo AuotloiiBor. Money to loao th per oout. Cliarges iiiodorate. RJ 8PB0UIi» FodtiuaatHr, FleinertoD v^oiumlBsloiiur in H.O.J., Aactlonoer Con- Lender royanour, AppralBer and Money Keal Batttto and liisurauoe Agent. Deode iuortK«808, loasos au'l wills car«<ully drawn up anil valuatlouB luaile on ebortoHt, notice, money to loan at lowest ratoe of InteroBt. Col ootlons attended to with promptness harKea lo\». Aijout lor Ocean Domlniuu taauiahip GompaD). A call aoliclted. Societies U W meets oii the last Monday 1 oaou month, In their loaRB room. Chrlatoo's block. t'leBhofton. at 8 p-m. M.W., Robert Host ; Itecorder, .laa. Felstoad | I'iuan- oier, Wm. Del. amy. VlaltinR brethren Invited. & PHINCIO AKTHTll LODGK, No. M, A A M, meets in the Uaaonic ball. Ktrain b Flosh>.rton, every Friday ou or before F H W HicUling W M. block the full Diocn IMunshaw, Soufotary. Cbas. COUUT FLR8HBRT0N, I. O. F. meots in Ohrlstoo'B Block the laBt Kvldaj cvenini; each mouth. VisHinc Fortistora heartily volooine. O.K., O. W, lioUamy ; U. i'., "• Buskin ; Fln.HecDr K. Murray. (Pay duos to Dr. Murray on or before laat day of each month.) Artemesia Council Medical DU CATITER M O P & 8 Ont, Phyaloian. SarReon, etc OtHoe and residenceâ€" Peter 8t., Plesherton D Flesherton, = Ont. yilEIR I SOI MAXWELL The one price Kt' ire ofTerH tlie remftiiuler on thoii WINTER (500DS Ht a fraction of the reiil value in order to make rmim for Spring Goods, which will bo arriving Hmn Come Soon aud secure your share of the Ijiirgiiins. We nro Imurid to sell. We hivo a Idl of Men'n Jnokets and Under w^.ir, Lailioa Vestn and Hose, Coitoniulo, M'U'daiiy, :iiiil Flannehitlc, Flannel for tho tmys.Prinis.Wruiipi'reito and vibbonR for thu uiils, iir.d CuiHeils for all. Just conic ami see for yoin.solyea. You will find ourGmcory deiiaitmontooinploto in (|UHliiy ami (|uaMtity. And the hhrdware wo handle ia be- coming miireaskod fur every dav. Why? Becausu no sill right. All kiiid.s of Nail.s, Hiiifjes, Gl.i.ss, Putty juid oils. Wo handle the American W. \V. Oil, wliich wo will m;!1 by the gillon or biirril. solirinsj your cm Hloiiij nnd j^et tile bent oil on the market. R. Iilii[ H. J<-. T. nibby,â€" Physician, Burgton etc. Floshorton, Ont (JIBco ftudUoBidenco, OolliiiBwood street, one block east PruBbyteriau church. May be found there day and night. Coroner for County of Grey. SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Miiinbors Collefie Phyeio. <fe Snrpoonn Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fullowahip Diploma , Post Gradu- ate o Ileal School and HoBpital, ChicaRo. diseases of eye, oar, nose and throat Bpocially "^'h!s0FTI,Y. JOHN A. SCOTT, Foversham. axwell. JP OTTEWKtili Veterinary RurReon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" B3oond door aoutli west on Mary street. This street runB south Prenbytoriau Church. H WILSON Veterinary Surgeon, 'iraduate of Ontario Veterinary Association. Bosiduuce.Durham street, opposite Boyd,. Hick liii^'B hardware. Legal J. W. PUOST, L L. B. Barrister, Solicitor Oouvoyancer, 8to oigceâ€" Next to iiostolBco, Sproulo's block Fliheitou, every Thursdo aud. court day" ff n_owen Sound ollloe, Frost" block Poulctt street east. WIN TER TERH JK T -.• H K Owen Sound, Ont DKOINS J.A.NUAI?Y 3, 1003 Our ciiurses in both BuHincss nnd Short h.iiid depart inonta aro up-to-date, liorotigh and complutH. Thn dpinand for yoinij; men as oflico BKSistjin'R ia iiiujIi greater than the supply. â- Circidars niut full inform.ifon free. Addre8.s C, A.FLBM'.NQ, PRIN. indiiiiKi m\ â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring. NVe have just pUcod in position a new plaiior nnd matcher luxl aro prn|)«rcd to furnin!! hiiildini! mntorinl in all thu altuvu lin<-s. Oet our luoratiiun when you want anythinn. Hickling: Bros. 8th oon., Arleueaia â€" l|M««ii P. U, July, '02 LUCAS, WRIGHT & McARDLK Harristura Solicitors ConvoyancerB, etc Chensâ€" Owou Sound, Ont and MarkdaleOnt. W 11 Wkigut, MbAbulk I H IjDcab N H -Fleshurton office, Mitchell's Uauk every Saturday. rUOKBIl & PATTERSON liarrlBtors, Solicitors, etc Molaon's Dunk, Owen Sound HARRY G TUCKER GEO W PATTBB.SON MACKAV&SAMPSON .narrlsters, Bollcltois. OfFlOBS !â€" Owen Kcund, Merchiiiit'B Hank Block, N. of PattJrsou Honso. Eundalk ain Street, every Saturday. Money to lonn at i\ per cent. A. G. MACKAY.M A , II. B SAMPSON, L.L.D AhvavB In attcndauen nt Flesherton and DundalU Division Courts. Dentistry Da. E C. MURRAY, I,, D, 8. dental Kureoon honor Kraduato of Toronto Uulvorsity and Itovill ColloKe of Dental Sumooiis of Ontnrio. Olllceâ€" Oppiisltu ArmitrouK'a Jewellery litore. Will visit Feversliani the InBt Wednesday of imcb motith, and lluiidalk lond -i Thursday u each mouth. •\\j /iv Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery aro done in fii-at-clans Biylo and at l.iwiist rntca Spatial nttontioii uivoii to copyine. lialiios' photos, a .specialty. Picfcuros fiamnd. MRS BULHER itamapipititixinpliixiiisii iJn!n!r£i£r£iX Fevcrsbaiil % FLESHERTON TONSORIAl. S PARLORS % Don't you want your hair cut ? if He, ynu I'll) jfHt it done in tna latiRt Htylo and in the quifl»o.<t order. AlaoSliave, Sf!hampu'>,Singo E'c didic ill the inoit up-to-d.i)u »ay. TIEFORK XUK8DAY i A WILSON : FLKSHERTON The Municipal Council of tho town- ship of Artemesia met in tho town hall, Flcuhurton, on Monday, the second day of March, A. D., IIKW. The iiiembcrH were all prosont, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of sesHion of Feb. 2, 1903, wore read and oontirmed. The following com- munications were presented and read, viz. : The Fanner's Association, asking Council to pass a resolution regardingetjual assess- ment on railways and corporations ; A. McK. Cameron, regarding renewal of charter of the Huron and Ontario railway Co.; Dr. Bryce, certificate of registrations birth, in.iriiaxo8 and deaths, 1902 ; Hart & Co., account 93 for register, B. M. and D. ; Wm. Davis, account for wood fjir hall, 819.50. Bylaws No. G24, to appoint municipal oHiocra, and 625, to appoint road commis- siriners, were introduced and read a first and second time. By-law 626 was read a tliird time, and G24 was held for nom- plction until next meeting of council. Oilienn â€" Muirâ€" That tho clerk be paid §29.80, beiiia registrar's fees for 190"^, as furtilied to by Dr. Bryce. Carried. McKenzie â€" Best â€" That the reeve bo reimbursed $2.65, bein|{ amount advanced by hitn to Mrs. Allan for railway fare Gibson - Muirâ€" That owing to the total disability of Fred Gee he bo allowed tun dollars per month instead of six as at prestnt. Carried. Gibson â€" Muirâ€" That the account of .lohii C. Wright, $2, for ti'o, be paid. Carried. Gibson â€" Muirâ€" That the account of Wm. Davis, wood for township hall, $19.50, be paid. Carried. Muir â€" McKenzie â€" That §160 bo ap- propriated for putting crushed stone on road leadino to Flesherton station west of thelhnit of Flesherton, tho police trustees of Flesherton having approjiriated $400 within their limits, and the comniisaionfr of Div. 3 having agreed to expend $150 out of his appropriation on the same road, this special grant and conirnision tobe ap- plied outside thu village limits. Carried. McKenzieâ€" Bestâ€" That Mr. M. K. Kichardson, the representative of the South Uidiiig of Grey in the Dominion House, be and is here.by requested to assist the directors of the Huron ^nd On- tnrio electric railway company in obtain ing an ext.nsioii of their charter for which thoy are applying nt the ap- proaching session of Parliament. Carried McKenzie â€" Gibson â€" That owing to the present condition of our assessment laws agriculture has been made to bear an un- equal burden of taxation, we iherofore urge that our representiitives in parlia- ment have tho laws so amended that the property of railroads aud other pulilic st-rvico corporations should be nssessiul for the same proportion of value as ihj property of private individuals nnd taxa- tion thus placed upen a more equal ba^is. and that a copy of this residution be sent to I. B Lucas, Esq., M.P.P. Carried Council adjourned, OVKRSEEKS 01 HIGHWAYS T. J. Coleman, 11. D Irwin, J. Hill, \V. Purvis, Fred Brovn, .lidm Chard, L. Fisher, W J Moore, Geo Banunn, Edw'd Patton, H H Galiaglicr, Jn.s Foster, \V MeLrtU'.'liry, W Carter, W .J Cargo, Jacob Thompson, 11 McGruther, Th s Henry, J J Brown, F Shier, Jas Cornlield, W J Mnllen, Wm Beid, Jos Uow.st'tt, Ben White, R H Black, Frai.k Cairns, D Mcljecid, Geo Mclvetizie, P Qnigg, Win B!ui.ki)uin, Alex Hop|<ins, Jos Trelfnrd, Dougal McLean, llectnr McKiunon, Dan W hy'e, M Williaiiiiion, Jas Keid, John Vauso, W A Mort'di, .^rchie McLean. Jas Paioii, Aichio Cnnie, Rolit Oliver, Don Caiiipholl, Alex Stewart, A Purdy, Jas Johiston, A S Hizuci, P E Puniy, Jiis Fisher, W U Siminons, Samuel Pedlar,jr , TliiniMS Sullivan, Isaac Sinilli, Thomas Fi.vhei, Thomas Botts, Wm H Sniilh, G MoUlruni, Jus Mutieo, UoUt Planti, Tlios Oeiioo, .laco'i II llollev, Saniutl Oilliort, Le'oiiiid Latimer, Goo Gordon, U Coopei , O.slnvald Walker, Aithur Sewell, John Praiiilt', .Ml X (^irru'lieis, G Ii Jjatimer, John Bnyd, Wm Tiiinl le, A Wilaon, U. Bowles, Uolit Legate, Hoiiry Tuokor, John Adams, John .McGef.Cbaa Wai.son, Uiibt Neilwm, W C H:inlov, Kd«»vd Arinsiroiiij, Itoht .\kitt,Th(>s Thornliiiry, Patrick Hynn, .loa Ferris, .)ohn Bcdiiid, liuin Fatveett, Edward Lettard KH.NCEVIBWEB8 U. Whittiiker, .Io< .\usBein. D Currie, Woi rient'i, Wm. lil'iir, C. Irwin, Goo Monro, C W Bt llhmy. Geo Biiinie, W H H-'iuphill, .lohn K .Imiiieson, Robt Genne, Ali.'k C'ariutheiu, Alex Mcl>«e, jr. POUNllKKBl'KUS Patrick riuli;oi-,H>ib Purvi-^.G Wriyht, Jns Caini'. IVltr Munshaw, Ed Palter- son, M G Orr. All'Crl Thoinpa'm, The Riverda!e Woollen Mills at Ingle- wood, owned by D. Graham Sons and ' Co., were totally d>'stroyod by fire Tho I :irigin of the fire which started about I four o'c'uck, is unknown, hut is suppasod { tA> have started in iho picker lOom. The losA is estima'td at 820,000, and the I ui'.diii|;Hii(tintehincry iiiBaredfor^,000' We are having very favorable weather at present, but expect the old lion at the end of the month. Dr. Softly has returned home after spending a few days with a friend in Turuiitu. There is a great deal oi sickness with ohildreu uiound here at present. Glad to report Mr. Sample's baby is doing so nicely. Mr and Mrs.John Hiiicksof Weyburn, Assa., have returned home after an ex- tended visit with her many friends around here. A great many others have a notion to try tho West this tlinng. I'arties seem to be the order of tlieday. A very pleasant evening was spent at Mrs. John Buckingham's on Friday evening last. Mrs. B. inteiidi going t ) TaviBtock soon. We think sfime of the young folks must have enjoyed theimielves extra well as some of tliem stayed for several days, but the bell quit ringing when A. came around. For The Advance Tribulations of Tom and Manda â€" " and take those long blue t o p boots and your paper col- lar. You can leave them in th ; barn till af- er the log- i;iii;/ bee." Amand,!, e.xeroi.s 'd a certain elevating influonco over Tom which commanded his respect and made him master of the logging bves, yet a joke at his expense pr.ividtfd excellent amusement for her. There was no »peci:il hurry home, but his evenin^' char had teen u-iueremoni- ou.'^ly curtailed owing to his nervous an- cicipatii'n of the next diiy's porf.a-niaijc«', and Tom more than once broke into a run on his way home through the woods. Her parting words, escaping from her flannel hood, were warm enough to make bis heart laugh at the peristent wind. Tom was as much the champion of the dance that followed as he was of the logging bee. therefore he was envied in a certain degree by other Beau Brummels. His " thro' " was always fini.shed first and at night he danced with so oiucli vehem- ence andj ambition that lit- freipieiitly Hiii.^lied the dance in thecidlir, and when he chanced to rid him.self of the fraudu- lent soles of his Hna long boot.s he fin- ished in sock feet and leggings. Now this ambitious Caesar, too, was punished- becauoe be was ambitious. He aecrete^ Ins sockH and fine Lootn in the liarn n» directed and Went forth to tho log-jing with all the zeal and euthusinsm of an old I foldier going to a tournanienr. °A hile tho lOiging bee was in piogre<a Manda, hit lianCK, with others of her wilful sex, Btolo out with needle and thread and «ewed an extremely vicious Scotch thistle ill the toe of each sock. This was very wicked. When it came time for the dance Tom betook him.self t<i the barn and put on his socks. As they weie (|uite ciimmodious he did not feel thu IliL'hIaiiders therein until, after much stru'.'gliiig, his foot took a slump into its right plhce in hi* tight boot. I repeat that this was wicked, and Tnin was of the .same opinion. After siillerin)/' much from embarrasroeot and a seri.>us du- raiitfemeiit in tho vital pirt-t of his dig- nity, he was forced to call his opponent it' the previous contest to his aid. The i>(iod Saniaritin laid hold of the affecterl membu-r, and after lon^ and tedious toU- ing succeeded in removing the boot and exmictiiig the ill-behaviui; little criminal, all excepting one or tv/o fiendish tUnms which seemid, to Toni'i temper, to a^sume a \ iciou.s adherence that was certainly maddening. iiy s 'me intuilioii lie found out the iiutli >r of his woe. When h-i came in ho was iininu'li^tely irtpiestud to s u:ure his partner for the dant^e, and on declining wii.t tisked 10 call ;>S. After liuriinii a inaliciiius look at Manda she, with a sweet and pleadim; look â€" one thit Torn could not tell whether itwasmeant to coax t)f defy â€" asked him to call. for one dance. He feigned a severe he.idache and direct- ing, aiiain, a pernicii.us eyo at Mi«ndi», letired to ariotlier room. He often filled the oflice of ciller, and now, whether there were none nhn well enough undcr- srond the roniineof the dance, or whether those who may have been virs-d in the elements thereof were unwilling to take upon themselves the risponsibility to iiiaint.iiii discipline, they had to dance without one. .As soon as Manda could delude the scrutioizing eye.'*) of those present she followed him. •' Here is a phial of camphor, Tom," and piUling the the cork she bade him Binoll it. " It will prol)ably do your hfad g'od," she said. But Tom appeired resistned to bear the aching. Slie t'ontly ran one fiitu little hand unil,ir his h. ad aud v/ith ih« orher gtntly pnsied it do.vn and â€" smiled. She wiis crouched down 1 esida the sofa. Foraettina himself, he looped his fingers in her s.itiii hair and kissed her, and by the time sh? had her home- made beavorskin cape around her he was quite well, but on the v.iiy to her home he never mentioned the real cause of his indispnaition. â€" H. PERTGO. FITS! tUtil^B Fit axn tor EpUepfjr uid klndiod ttffectloDB In the only BucceMful romedy, and Is now used by the best phjmicfAna aiu] hospitalt in Eurui>c aii<J Amerio;^ It U couoiictitiaUy rccuQimotidtMl to tixe afflict ed. If yo'i suffer flvra EPILEPSY, FITS, ST. VITUS' DANCE, •r kBTfl chUdren or nslatlrea that do ao. or taow a . trieud that 19 alfllcted. then send for a froe trial bo.;tlo I and try It. It will beaeutbymall j^ weiuUd, Ithaacurodwliereevory- {hlnj; «)90 boa failed. , Vihezi wiitln^ mention this \ paper, and glvo full addrew to TUB LtEBKi CO.. 179 ^^K Street wcit, Toroato* s E That's the name that ^.uarantees the best nursery stock. FORTY FIVE YEARS is cur record. We want a few more wide- awake travelers at ones. Salary or com- mission. Write us if you want work. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Nurserymen, Colborne, On*. C HA iibU McTAVIBH 111 fiisiiii mimi Bifi[K F r F..-at C!;iS5 BiiggiiM, Carts, I'ioisuro ami Lutuber \>agon.*, QUtiors, SlHighs. \\ « ke-p a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMlTHi.NQ still '.'uuanlee fir-*' cl iss \vo k. We keep on hand I'longhs and Plough rejwirs, and Harris and Noxnn repairs for lim'erK, Moweis, inftt. hineiy, also Binder 'Iwine on haiiil. idso Massey- •il kiinls of mben in town q\vz ub a can cM^&BSi^^ 'St . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND I'LOLQHS . . ^ â€" GO TO â€" ^ Heard's Works, Flesherton ^ We Imvo (^utter.s, Sleighs,Bu<^gips,Wa!j:gons antl Carts 5^ Meury, Dynient ButterfieJd nn;l Wilkinson ploughs 5^ Shares and repairs of the best ({uality. Spring tooth JJ^ mid Iron harrows. Also first class hanthnade harness. â- Â«. I^orse Shoeing and aencral Blacksmitbing. ^

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