U/TOftlLwJ ,v*y^' I 1 1 Trinity! ****! CANADA'S r* |ooa«J LEADING Im3«m - RESIDENTIAL ^ UNIVERSITY NEW CALENDAR NOV; READY For Calendar iiml nil Iiifoi'matioH, address. DR illlGKL[Ji, LN.VEH8ITY, lOrOOlfl Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczema. Soap RKDUCES POISONING BY PEHFTIMES. Power to Intoxicate and Benumb Has Been Proved. Though it is popularly believed that stj-oTig perfumes have power to intoxicate and berajmb, and though workers in perfume labora- tories are occasionally so much af- fected as to need medical aid, little attention has been, paid by phjgiolo- gists to the effect of odors. But ixow a German physician has made a series of experiments which fully confirm the popular belief. The ex- periments were made not on htnnan beings but on frogs which were put under glass bells with sponges sat- urated with viai'ious es.sences. The effects are similar to those of chloroform. There is a brief stage of excitement, followed by partial or complete paralysis. Although many ddiors were used they were found to differ only in rapidity of action, and the notoriously heavy and "heady" niusk was found to be one of the Blowe.st. Can^phor, peppermint, lavender, and cloves are also slow, while aldehyde, turpentine, older flower, ylang-ylang, "peau d'Es- pagne," asafetida, bisulphuride of carbon, mustard, and nicotine act quickly and energetically. In some cases the effect was instantaneous. The frog would jump about in a lively manner, but would soon Etop, close his eyes, and rub his nose witli his paws. His breathing and heai't iction became slow and labored and ho perspired profusely. If ho still tried to spring he often fell on his back and had hard work getting on his feet again. If the action of the fume were continued the frog's breathing became convulsive, his head fell forward, and his only re- sponse to an external stiniiulus was a spasmodic attempt to breathe. His e.vcs turned outward and his heart beat more and more slowly until it stopped altogether. -♦ St. Jacobs Oil is a ph.ysician's formula, established lift.y years; the pain soothing virtues are so evenly balanced as to meet all cases where pain exists, and where an outward application is generally applied. St. Jacobs Oil is trul.v worth its weight in gold, even for the cure of nerve pains (and pretty well all bodily pains proceeding Irom the nerves), it illustrates how wonderfully the essential elements are combined; its mai"^ellous penetrating power en- ables it to seek out the painful spot in the sciatic nerve, deeply embed- ded, as well as the face ixnd brain nerves. It cures neuralgia gently I Ad surel.y, and after the applica- tion, if tlie nose of the tjoLtle is held to patients' nostrils for. sa.v, ten minutes, the.v will fall off into a restful, peaceful sleej). There is no other remedy in the world that will :do so much, and do it so quietly and effectively as St. Jacobs Oil. E\'er.y family should have a bottlo handy by them in the hou.sc. It acts like magic, it always conquers pain. THINK TWICE. Before you push a brother down. Think twice. Before at others' sins you frown. Think twice. For who are you in judgment hall Your brother to the bar to call ? To-morrow you may slip and fall â€" Think twice. Beware the stinging gibe and quip- Think twice. Lest you yourself should feel the whip, Think twice. Withhold the gossip's idle sneer. The thrust that draws the bitter tear. For Fortune's favoring gale may veer ; Think fwice. Is charity a quickened art ? Think twice. And docs it thrill both hand and heart ? Think twice. The mercy you to others show. That mercy you shall some day know ; With others' faults be kind, be slowâ€" Think twice. £XP£N5£ Aik for the Octacon Bo' *" t-f PROGRESS OP INVErTION. Successful experiments have been made for obtainijig alcohol and sug- ar from pine orkd birch sawdust. French cabinet makers have learn- ed a wa.y of preparing sawdust and niiUiking it into articles of ornament that resemble carved woorwork. A Canadian inventor claims to have invented a system of telephon- ing between stations, utilizing the railroad tracks instead of a line of wire for the transmission of mes- sages. "The Automotor Journal, London, dofc/cribes a new traction engine call- ed the "pedrail," which literally walks upstairs wiUi the stride and su.refootedncss of an elephant and hauls loads far in excess of those the wheeled traction engine can move. ♦ THE TORONTO i^E'WS SAYS: "The Massey-Harris Company not only occupies a foremost plac« among Canadian raanufacturinp houses, but the amount of capital invested in the business, the number ,of men which it employs, and its ivast operations, entitle it to a place â- among the great ind.ustrial concerns of the continent. Outside of tht United States, where the high tariO makes it practically impossible for a foreign company to do business, the MasEcy-Hat^ris bin/ders and mow- ers are known and appi-eciated wherever agriculture is carried on undar modern conditions. The com- pany has had, and has yet, many keen rivals, even for the trade of the Dominion, and it is entirely owing to the merit of the imiplements which it turns out that it has been able to build up the world-wide trade which it now possesses. The heads of the Company are among the most experienced and enterprising business men in the Dominion, and the suc- cess which has attended it ever since Its establishment is, no doubt, largely owing to the fact that they have always been on the alori, for improvements, and have never rest>- ed satisfied with their agricultural machines, no matter how well they might work. while there remained any chance of increasing their effici- ency. Those who remember the old factory in which the company con- ducted its business for a number of years, have only to look at the im- mense workshops of to-day. cover- ing acre after acre of ground on King street west, to realise the en- orniGUs development of this busi- ness. But. besides the Toronto fac- tory, there is one in Brantford as well, and the two employ nearly twenty-flve hundred lutm. It will be readily seen that the output of 30 much labor nnist bo enormous, es- pecially when the fact is taken into consideration that the macliiuery used in the manufactory is of the very bluest grade, and that every time-saving and labor-.-javing inven- tion which tends to cheapen or has- ten production is employed. In Australia and South Africa the Mas- .se.y-Harris binders are nearly as well k.'nown as in Canada, and the an- nual increase in the trade with tliose colonics shows conclusively that they are making their way into general favor. The Massey-Harris imple- ments have plu.ved no inconsidera- able part in building up Manitoba .and the Northwest, and have done miagnili'cent service out there in lightening the labor of the pioneer and softening the hai-d.ship which iniuRt necessaril.v be feared by those ;taking up homes in a now and un- settled country." A PRACTICAL VIEW. "As a now woman," he said, "I suppose you will object to the wed- ding-ring as a symbol of man's tyranny ?" "Of course T shall," she replied. "Under no circumstances would I consent to wear such a thing. It is not essential to a marriage, and it stands for all that is objectionable in the atarriago relation." "And &n the same theory," ho continued, "I suppose you will Pe- fuse to wear an engagement-ring also ?" "Wellâ€" no," she answered, slowly and thoughtfully. "That's a very different matter." "But theoretically it " "There is no use arguing," she in- terrupted. "I don't care what it is theoretically. Practically it is very often a diamond, while the wedding- ring is only plain gold, and that makes all the difference in the world." How's This ! We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any caso of Uatarrli that cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY & Co., 't'oleilo. O. We. the undersigned, have Itnown i*'- J . Choney for the lost- 15 years, and l>elievo iiim perfectly honorable in all business transactions and Unanuially able to carry out any obligations made by their llrm. VtK.-rjl' & TKUA.X. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. WALDING, KINNAN & MAKVIN. Wholesales Druggists, 'Jolcdo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taUen Inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free, i'rico 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family t'Ula are tlio best. Aunt Singleâ€" "I have known girls to marry in haste and repent at leisure." Ada (meaningly) â€" "And I.ve known people who never mar- ried at all, and repented ever after." Dear Sirs, â€" I have been a great sufferer from rheumatisrm, and lately ha.ve been confined to. my bod. Seeing your MINARD'S LINBIENT adver- tised, I triod it and got immediate relief. I ascribe my restoration to health to the wonderful power of your medicine. LEWIS S. BUTLER Burin. Nfld. ^ 8â€"59 GREAT GRANDMA'S CURKS. The "grandmother remedy" is not always a thing to laugli at. for sometimes it cures ; but sometimies, too, the matter or the manner of it seems to warrant a smile, as in the case of those health hints, which were written in a family Bible eight.v years ago by the great-grand- mother of the present owner of the Bible : A stick of brimstone worn in the pocket is good for them as has cramps. A loadstoan put in the place ware the pain is, is beautiful for the Rheumaliz. A basin of water gruel, with half a quart of old rum in it, with lots of brown sugar is good for Cold in Head. If you havo hiccups, pinch one of your wrists wile you count sixty or get somebody to scare you and make you jumpe. The earache â€" Put onion in .your oar after it is well roasted. The consumptionâ€" Eat as many peanuts as possible before going to bed. 1-45 Fresh Frozen Sea Herrings In casks ofabout 650 Herrinq^s; $1.60 per 100 by the cask, or $1.70 per 100 in smaller quantities. Labrador Herrings in half barrels, $3,00. THE DAWSON CQMMlSSiON CO., L IMITED, TORONTO. Oh wi-etche<l lot of the twentieth century man ! Not only is the air full of microbes, but now wo must have a care not to inliale a wirleless message. Keep MWs Liniment in tlie flnse, A RECORD BREAKER. Tomâ€" "Thei-e are microbes on inone.y." Pick â€" "Well, my wife can beat the world as a microbe-killer." For Oiir %\\ti Vrara. Ax OLD AND Well Tried Rkmedit. - Mr« Wintlowi .'â- oothiniSjrup hM beenmeJ for OTer «ixtr yoara by uiillioni of moihera tor their cUiidren wn le IMtbing, wiUl perfect tucoesp. It soothe* tbo child, •oftens the gumf. nliajra all P»in, cures wind colio, »nil is the boot reiuoily fur Diarrhioa. Is ploa-»nt to mo ta»i». Sold by druBtisli In oiery part ol tho "'>''''â- TwoDty.flTooonwabot'le. It» raluo 1> iiicaloulablo. «e sure and »•'< for Mra. Winaloii'a Soothlnf SjfuP and t«ke no utbsr kind. ^*^*' IIIighwajTuan â€" "Your mioney or your life !" Poet â€" "Money I have none ; but if you will tell me some of your adventures, I will write them down and divide the profits with you." NEEDED THE MONISY. Her Father â€" "I hope you realize that in marrying my daughter you marry a large-hearted, noble girl." Her Suitoi- â€" "I do sir, and I hope she inherits those noble cjualities from her father." EITHER EXTREME UNCOMFORT- ABLE. "What does comfortable circum- stances mean ?" "Why. .you're 'comfortable' you're neither poor nor rich." when Hsk for Minard's and tale no otiier. THE SAFEST WAY. Jagson â€" "I wouldn't stand for that if I were you. Why don't you call him a liar ?" Wagson â€" "That's just what I'll do. Where, whei'o is your tele- phone?^^ ifi?i!Gna^i=iiii T^TT- n 'i^*rT* ff iiiilKiili nii la tkftP«c*>%ttBJ»r(l •!•*•& bar «lr» fpno*. Ontl.flDrina wiro (not orlinp*d>â€" t«)r«i vpthAslMk â- |ti tn wint«râ€" regniRt*^ it« own tonaloa ftJI Um tlm'». ""* I U •â- â- â- », Amm no* booon* febo ticbi ._ - .__ _ , I VKlcMt WMi«plw>A0t&Ba aitralm of nDpcnndfl. Oinimon ti?rlBnt« iplioM at «Aoa bU I po«*«. m#»aiM«]Onifti>«tit«f faneon, ponitrr r.Attrtfr, atw st .•-•-- Tten«« wmftaM Co.. Ua«t«d. WalkervUle. o&t. St. JohsuR.i. j.-2_87 THEORY OF LONG LIFE. Baron Ivtigo Ortliel, a iriiscovlte land owner, has for the last ten years never left his bed. He is in perfect health, but has a theory that to live long one must avoid physical exercise. On the- other hand, he considers it nece.ssary to keep the brain active, and for this reason he pei".sionally .superintends his inuiicnse estate, receiving his stewards and tenants in bed. He is a great traveler, too, and is moved from one part of the world to an- otiier in a portable bed. IWinaril's Liniment Luifidnan'sFflenii Softleighâ€" "Are you quite sui'o Miss Banks is not in ?" Tho amid- "t~)f course I am. She gave me one of your photographs in Older to make me doubly sure." Monkey Hrand Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinwaio, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery. "Johnnie." .said his mother threateningly to the incorrigible, "I am going to have .your father whip you when he comes homo to-night." "Ploa.se don't, mamma," replied Johnnie, penitently. 'Pa is always so tired when he comes home." AN ADMIKASLI fUOD EPPS'S FOR IMINTAINIHO ROSUtT HIALTH COCOA Minard's Liniment is used liyPliysicians She â€" "Didn't our honeymoon pa.ss iiuickl.v. dearest ?" Heâ€" "AVell, I should say it did ! Why. it seemed no time before I had spent all the inone.v I had." WHEN YOU'RE RUiN DOWN .lust build np your systom wiih tho great South American Nervine, tho health builder, blood maker and norvo food, tlmt is quick- est and most thurouifh in its action. Will put every orjrsn In the body I n Kood worklncr order speedily and permanently, tlirouifh giving thorn a new nervous onor;;y, and flllu tho systoia with health, vigor and rich, red blood. J. W. Dlnwoodle, of Campbellford, Ont., Btatcu : " ''or years I was troubled with nervousness and impaired livor and kidnoys. I was treated by Bevonil doctors : tried ovory medicine. Last fall I procured a botlla of SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE. I took but a very few doses and tho nervous depression loft ir.y entire 8.V9- toni. T will nover be without it." DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLEi TABLETS allow the sufforer from Indigestion to eat heartily and heavily of any- thing he likes while curloK him, for the Pineapple ictually diucsta tho food, letting tho nlomach rest and get ooiuid ^ hllat you onjoy life.â€" Price, 3S ceutii. 9 Hay Bale-Tses Speoial Standard and High Carbon BALING WIRE Vtire Itralprhteneti and Cut to Lsngth*. WB OPERATR OUR OWN WIRR MILL Writ« ua for Price*. L.AIDLAW BALE-TIE CO. Hamilton, Canada. Thj IftrceKleioluairs Ealft-TIa Faotory in the wuild. 3-8-12 Bra$$ Band ln•^ru^l•nt•, Drums, UnlformVi Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A CAND Lowe.-it priuoD ever quoted Fins cnlaloRUC. SOOIl'.ustratiODP, mailed free. Write nn for any- thine in MiKlf or Wnvlrnl In>trnme.>(<. tfH.\LEY ROYCE & CO.. Limited. Toronto, OoU, and Winnipeg, Man 1>20 IM tOLD OU MATM. 1-18 12â€"03 'Waaxa.lioca, -too : .\ny quat;tit7 of dry. mixi-d wd d Ruitablo foi I>ri(*k tmrnlnK. f':r narl.v dtliv r*- Stifo tt^\\ prior, f.o.''. yoar » % ion. Addi-eH.<. 3 M' 80.N liaii.;K CO.. I Torouto St., Toronss. Toe phone M.UD 707. "^ 7â€"19 Have You seen it? What? L*e'i Pricfleu Rfcip't - 30t04(i^rrlt fcr thfi Uomr, Piu-m and pvflry dfpartnmnt of huvfto • ntlnii^or. ."^J liftgfB. H«ii4 3a c^ui*. Mntiflf r«fit iiJ«<l m • o k U i oi worth it A Koixtiide tine i.r ukufa a. .a, ~ Wthian £-14 iOOD TIIINGJ' TO EAT Libby's Natural Flavor Food Products These delicious preparations allow of all sorts ()[ impromptu spreads without the impromptu appearance, and permit the hostess to enjoy rather than slave. Our booklet, "How to Make (iood Thinos to Katt" free to houseketipt-rs." Libby's At- las of tho World, containinff 32 new maps, published expressly for us by the larffcst map and atlas publishers in America, is ready now. Indexed, and ffives new maps of China. South Africa, tha Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, and is of as much prac- tical use as any atlas published. We mail it to any address for 5 two^ent stamps Libby, McMeili & Libby, Chicago The World's Greatest Caterers PATENTS SMITH & OAMERON bulic.torsor Patoata > Cau:t(ln li f o Uiii:dg,i To onto- WriLo for free adTico Hominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to 1 jrer- pool. Portland to LiTerpool. Via Quetnu* town. Largo nnd Fast Steamshtpa. Superior nccommodatioo fur all diitiMa of pa-ifcniierB. SjIooui and Htatorooms riro amidships. .Specml uttcntiun hivs lietn civeu to tlie Second Siiloon and Third-Cla.--8 accoiiiinoua'-ion. For rates of pas^agH and all iKirticulars, apply to any aseot of th© Company, or - "" Bictards. Mills & Co, D. Torrance & Co.. TTatateSU Boktoa. MunlnMd»ud Portland. 1-9 F BENCH GLEANING. For made up Goods, Huits in Cto h, Velret, SiU or Fun and all Tftluable houco IIangiu£A« uothiD| to equal it if done by 'lie MmtH AMERjOAN DVSINQ 00., Montreot 1-44 RUBBER GOODS Lotost Novolties, all styles. Corro.spondenco invitee'. I'Jn- closo 2c stamp for circular. THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., p. O. Box 1142, Montreal. 6-57 (anada permanent AND WESTERN CAHABA Mortgage Corporation Toronto Stroot, Toronto Paid-up Cnpital, $6,000,000. Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.' Invested Funds, $33,600,000. Absoluts S03urity. Your Savings Safe. Prt*«ul< nt. Gl 01 av. G.ODEKIIAM iRt. Virel r,:niileut & V.tt a.iiiR l)ireof.rr. J. riKKBKKP .M/IKO.V 2nrt VicePrc>ld ne, W. H. Ukatt*-. â- ' CANADA'S PRiMI£R COMPANY." i-2-2'7 ENGINE PAGK8NGS. CYLINDER, EMCINE, DYNAMO, .N» MACHINE WILLIAM C. WILSON & <;0. 4-2-87 .HH I ILIJ I J.LHU l Jim ..J ' .,.. 'l J>.. I .WJ mtmtm IRRSt'Sr