March 19 1903 THE FLE SHEET 1^ ADVANCE ^o^:8:^):8:e:e:8»>^ I Our New Spring: F, T. HILL& CO ^TGSS Qoods J ^:e:e:^^^^ Are Here Wi-'ro iiistlv proud of the mngiiificeiit coUoction of New Dross Fiibrics we've cathored toze»her for this Si-nng's selliiii/ Almost every «viiv«, Klmde and coloring is reprosoi-tod in oui pnisont showinf?. And pncos to. ar.) tlio most ri-asonablo Huch splendid Rn'd up-to-date goods Imvo over been olloiod at. Tlios-j pr lee^ will show the trend of vulues. niick silk Grenadines, in the loveliest patterns wo Imve ever seenâ€" you'll bo deli;,'bled ttlien you^aee them. Special at thiso prices, 95,1.00, 1.10, iiun Siiilinsis. We've now in IIoIUPR|IUII slock 1.15 of those very hii-holnss and desirable L-oods Ibe perfect collection youll pnd);d)ly see this season Not » slinde nor a price i.s niiHsiii-. To fjet thcni riifbt we had lo L'o to the mill where they were made- that accouutH for these vnlue.s which we are very ceriaiii wi 1 not bo oven ii|.pr<mched in M.iikd.ilo. Per yard .{7i,bO, 75, 00, 1)8, 1.00, 1.10 an.l 'â- "" .Satin CJloths. 42 ii.ches, in black, siray, fawn, brown, tireon, blue. et?. This is a beautiful, fine, aU-woul cloth, rich tiniMh -a cloth that will •â- iveabHoIuto snlis- faction, special at ^0 Aiuiizon Suitiiiys, 4i) to 54 inclio.s widp,evei-.v possible Bbadeyuu could desire including l)liick This iean excelltiil mcdiani-priced cloth, of sulhcient wei^'ht for tiiilori'd suits and .skills can bo made wiiliout lining;. These prices are special 45, 48 M SerKes, 40 bhick, navy, bright blue, cardinal, piriiet,' brown, etc. This is without doubt the linost serae we've over seen at this vory popMlur price, per yiird only -" Ladies' black Venetian SuitiiiL', "O ins , rich j^'ossy satin finish â€" one of rhe very finest suiting cloths in the market. Sjiecial value at 1 50 Ladies Clntb 50 ins., in. black, dk . navy aiiddk. gray. This is a beautiful, heavy suiliiin cloth, finest of wool, briiihl finish and of dyes the most permanent known. Special nt 1.50 Other lines of Ladies' Cloth.all colors, including black â€" all price9,runniiig aslow as 50 Ha.sket Cli'th Kuitiny, black, 50 ins. wide, silk finish, linest worsted tliread.aud a dye that will retain its permanency for years. Special nt 1.25 Snowflake«,50 inch. We've over 25 different patfcoms of this ninarkably popular line of suiting. Heautiful combin:'.ti"ns of colniiiigaiid richness of finish â€" it's sure to bo a marked favorite. Special at only 1.10 Other lines of the New Snowflakes in excellent ilolhs at per yard 85 Ulack Venetian .Suiting, 4G ins., finish and :vbsolutely satisfactory Very specii\l at finest wool, silk in every respect. 1.10 NEW BLOUSE MATKRIALS. Any liidy desirini; a new "Blous.i Lensth" would do herselfa great kindness by inspectins "Ur superb collection of these. Neter befcjro saw such beautiful cornbinntions of silk anl wool, is the univerMal exclanuition of Ihosu to whom we have shown them. We have those in stripes, tii^ures and floral de.siijils, lii;Iit and dark grounds, snmll • large patterns. The best of these are S(dd in blouse lenL-ths, only one of a kind at per lcu<»th 81 25 to 2.00 NKW WHITE AND COLOIIED MUSLINS. Thousands of yards of (hia season's newest and daintest colorinijs and patterns, To attempt to describe (horn would be an impossibility. To j^et an intelii»eiit idea of their ronvukable value and beauty you'll have to »ce them for yourself. Every price is fullv 20 per cent. better value than you've been accustomed to gottins;. These prices we claim will n(jt have an equal this season, lOo , 12.\, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18. 20, 22.\. 25, IIO. .35 and 40 I BOYD, HICKLING | & CO., FLESH ERTON = ONTARIO. .pea n He n's Felt Hats at 7g c. 65 JVIen's Felt Hats, including Fedors, Knock aboutj^ and stiff shapes in Black, Brown, Drab, Fabas, Pearl and Gray Shades-^some fur, some wool felts, good styles, none out of date, all in perfect condition. Si.^es Gg to 7^. This lot hats from our regular line that sold for $1.00 $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and ?^2.25â€" Yru'll see them displayed in our windows. Jlli at om uice 7§e» Boots for Wet Weaih er 38 now pUterns of Appliques and Giinpes have just been placed in stock â€" blacks, whites and creams. Ladies' who have seen theui say llioy ntver saw such a superb and perfect collection. All prices from 4c. to 1 45 jier yard. cb^^^cec^ceco:^ F. T. HILL & CO ce:B:^ce:e:e3:e:^ THE GAMEY CHARGES 1 will it be? Whatever tlie result, wo will ibe likely to have our nostrils assail- I eel with less clinrgos of corruption for The GTamey revelations in the Lcg-| some time to come. It will clear the islatnro week created one of the | atmosphere like a thuudcrstorm in tbe grcatcHt political seiisatious that wcjapiiugtimo. It will wash away tbo iKivo bad sprung upon us for a groat i dirt which may liavo accumulated in j^t;;;^,,, f,„„, ^,,^^, any yoais. It is a grand climax to our legislative halls. This result will in moral ahd social many yoai the charges of nmcbine corruption which liave been rung by Couserv.i- tives for years past in oohneotiou with our olcctious, It is the great spec- tacular finale. If these charges are not now brought home there will be lilllonse for' further attempts to be made ill that direction. If they are not proven to the satisfaction of the people iu this case the country will sny there is nothing, and never lias bc!) anything, in tlicni. Two polit- ical parties â€" not individualsâ€" are to- day before the bar of justice. One or llio otiior must be discredited and bHilcr accordingly be beneficial lliou^ should come of it. h nothing else statute prohibiting the s\Ie of cigarettes to minors but that law is evaded. The Dominion Parliament has power to stop the manufacture and it is to ba hoped our Lenislators at Ottawa will accede to the re(piest of the W. C. T. U. and in compliance with the largely-siKned who are interested roforin, pas« an act 30 pairs Men's Kip- boots, bellows tongue, high Blucher cut, large eyelets, English oak tan- ned, triple soles, solid leather throughout, thor- oughly durable and just suitable for the heavy wear of Spring wear. Sizes 6 to 11. IJegular $3.00. _ Line Special $2*S0 prohibitihg tho manufacture cursed cimrclte â€" Ex, )f the The Late Judge Creasor .Judyo Oreasor, who died in Owen Sound last week, was born in the county of Siincoo and rocoived his early education at Barrie Grammar school and studied law under the late Hon. .Jas Patton, Q. C, and the late Oonnty Crown Attorney -lohn McNab, of York county. In pait- ner.ship with Mr. Putton ho opened an ollicii in Oiven Sound, Hud practiced there for a number of years, afterward joining his brother, the late D.A. Oreasor, under llui firm name of Creasor it Oreasor. On the dissolution of p.-iitneiship Mr. Dun'jnn Morrison, now juinor iudu'O of Of course there is I the county of Grey, formed a a possibility that a tribunal appointed by the government itself may decide that these charges are '• not proven," but tho country will bave the evidence before it, and after all the people themselves are the ones who will have to pioiioniico judgment. A large pro^ poitiou of the people to-day believe that there is guilt. Tiioy do not go so as to say that Mr. lioss was nwaie of the nefariouo business that was going on, although lie enters into the chftigca, bu^ they say li3 ought to iJHVe been aware of it if he was nut. Even the stannchest llcformer will not say lie believes that .Mr. Gniney would stand on the floor of the House and nmkc thoclmrgos ill all the cir- cuiustaiitiai detail whioh lie did, kiioning them to bo false. The fact of tho matter is, that the story lias Ftimiicd and lionificd the people of this iiroviiice as notliing before has ovor done. Tlie charges of machine ooiTuplion lia/o iu the past been looked upon as a good political cry anl little else. When cvidenoo such , , , .. ,, , - â- , 1 1 As a result of tho crusado auHinst the as Mr. Gamev pioducea 18 placed be- . . .. • n a .i 7 t .i â- '^ ' I use of (;ij;aietteH m U. S. tho sale of these (ore iia we stop and nib our eyes andi^,,,,,^,,,, ,,„jy destroyer, of thoynuth fell say, is it a niyhtinare ? Have tliespjoa ...iijions in IIMIO m oompRred with the things been true? Goldwiu Hlillth,| previous year, and 1001 saw a furthBrdrop who is not a man ll>at la likely (nU>f 65niillion«. As a rrsult of the olTorts form a liaety opinion, believes Mi- i"' ^'"' ""*' cizarotto League which has it« Gamuy '8 story and docs not hesitate [''"^^'noart^*" '" Chicago, strong anti- ship, and the (inn of Creasor & Morrison continued until I8'.)l, when .lecensed was appi'inted senior juiiyi!, lillinu the vac- ancy caused by the deitli of .Indge Lane. From 1858 to 1874 he whh (y'oui.ty Crown Attorney for the county of (Jruy. He was crealed a Queen's counsel in 1881. In his yfiuiif' days the late judge was very active in military allaiis. Al the time of the Trent affair he ori^«nizod a company of inf:iiitry in Owen Souml, and served throu}>hoiit the Fenian laid as iis connnander. On the fornialion (jf the 3l8t Keijunent he was appoiiiti-d major, holdini; Ib.e posiiion for some ywirs, until his retirement. In education matters .ludae Creasor was iUbo prominent, and was a mom ber of the Hoard of Kdiication for many years rmd was its chairman for a lonu lime, lie was also an elder and of- licinl of tho Division Street Presbyterian church. The dec bhuI gentleman «r< re- uardi'il a« a warm fiienil of oilu.ati(Ui,and ill his long association wiih Imth teachers and pupils he hid endeared him.self to all. .iudi-e Creasor was one of ihe most prominent inember.-i of the Masonic frat- ernity. Me wasa charter mouiber of 8*. Ueorire'.s Ijodge, No. 88, and on the fium- aliou of N'-rrh Star liodge, .t22, In came a member of Oeorgian Chapter, No. 52, Uoyil Arch Masons. He was also a past D D.tJ.M.for tho M»eouic district No. i> Thu funeral Friday afternoon Wtis under Masonic nuapioeg. A small boy out of breath pulled up in Thus Puehlnmn & Go's, grocery store the other day and t.dd Mr. P.iolman of the trustee board, that thei-e was some- thin' doin' up :it tlie school. Accordingly tho ollicial wended his way there, hut before he got, within thu building's pre- cincts his nostrils were tnated to one of tho vilest oonglomerntions ot general rottenoas that ever emantod from any source ami was wafted any place. The cause of the trouble wasn't apparent and C(mse(iuently two of tho departments- whore the stench was particularly ninrked partner- l_IiHd a holiday. George K. Holwi;>,tin. smith, was nonfood and he at length located bii; brown cat on top of the boating ilucs in a state of mortification. It was removed . Tho air was cleared and teaching was r.-fnimcd next day as usual. â€" Hanover Post. Beautiful Spring Goods Coming in Now ! Ladies' New Suitinge New Blousings New Silks New Underskirts New Trimmings New Laces New Lace Curtains New Carpets Men's Spring Suitings New Felt Hats New Prints New Flannels New Spring Footwear. I^ILltliyMVILT^E OKJP'T Ab, we have said, this ciearolte bill* aro now before mora than 20 Legislature*. It is high time that the Canadian I'arlinuient wnsdoin^ aomelhinK to say so ) lisrge is iu any event the grand fiimln Kither a government must go. ^^ ^,„|, ,^^ ^,„ „f ei^„«tt«,i„ thiscountry or a meinber cf tbo Legislature must j „,;„, ha year 1002 the oonsumption of bo branded as oue of tlie greatest liars of cigarettes had increMed 13 million orrr ^.t Canada liaaever produo^. VVbichtho preoeding year. The'ge ia a^yroTiuoiai Captain Lambert, of Southampton, is tho of a ben that is a curiosity. She is 31 yoari old, which is in itself suflicient to mark her as moio, than an ordinary bird. Tli«j Deacon Hays this ben is, a thoroMgbbred brown Loahorn and in her young days was a Hno speci- men of her brci'd, bearing' all tUo mark- iiij;s that no to prove tho brood in its per- fection. About fivo years aijo, however, this old biddy in loality showed tlio white fohther, for at moultinij time one arew in her light wing. Then by degrees this brown hen bocame white -snow whi^e, Anoieridiango is now taking place, and if sho lives this brown Letihorn that turned intoa whita one will bo a black ono. â€" E\. Chief Game Wnnlon Tinsley, states that 181 wolves were killed in Ontario du'ing lUOa For these tho (icivernment and uiuncipaliiies paid 82,715. at H6 a head, the whole sum being paid by the Govern- ment when tho animals were killed in un- organized districts. Mr. Tinsloy says it will not ho long till thu species U exter- minated. A little girl tells what she knows about Kini> Solomim in the following essay : King Sohmion was a man who lived over so many years a^o, and in timt country in whioh ho gnvernod he was tho whole King SolomoM built Solomin's temple, and WIS tho father of all the Matons. He had 700 wives and 200 lady friends, and that is why thoi^are so many Masons in the world. Seasonable gootls we're selling now ; Sap Buck ets, Sap Spiles Horse Clippers Horse Singers Nest Eggs Milk Crocks Milk Pans Cream Cans Churns Carpet Sweepers, Brushes The Markets. t!arefuHv Correo cd Ench Week Oats 29 -o 29 Peas 70 o 70 Wheat 05 to 05 Darley 45 to 45 Butter 10 o 1(> K«g3 fresh. 13 -.o 13 Pork 7 00 to 7 00 Chickens per pair.... 25 to 60 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Tuckoys per 111 11 tt 12 Oeese per lb 8 "O 8 Hay e 00 to 5 00 Potatoes bati 67 '^o 75 ^^m Wringers Washing machines Kalsomines Prepared Paints XgnTi"w/ortln Boar for Service. Alvin ( No. 738 ) The undersigned has a thoroughbred Tamworth. Boar bred by .John Bell, of Amber, Ont., for service on, lot 170 opn. 2 E. T. & 8. R. Terms fl 00. Sp.lyr. Uiohard All«n, Fleshtrtoa, \ TUsb^Hon Furniture i marerooms. We are carrying tho newest styles of seasonable goods in all lint's of Eurnituro, oonsisling of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, chairs, window shades and curtain poles, picture, easels, etc.. Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- (lairing. Undertakini; in all its branches. Satisfaction ganriiiitticrl t W H. Bunt» - - Prop.