Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1903, p. 5

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TflE FLESHERTON ADVANCE March 19 1903 PA.3TOE-I2eu-..a. [vlson Wilaoii '=«rvlcf-'J^uiicliiy 1 1 w.ni.dt 1 p. ni M r .iii({â€" Thm puBtov. Evj'iiii ! â€" I'l iif.'i'iii iiiojtum â€" aiUlrnHses in l)f!)a\F i)t' t!io Bi ilu KDuii-'ty, hy Ruv. G. V. Hu-ll)urt. PASroi-GF.O.F. HURLEDRT. Service lit Ham eiith Lord's Wiiy B.Y r.U. nicutitiH I'lcli VVadiitsdiiy, 7..'iO 1). 111. Tlio pivKtcir will iinsiirli. Topicâ€" "Till! I'aifciiig of thu Wiiys." Vicinity Chips «!:i:ur.iftci-5:-;(i<;« r.f tli« Past IVeck CarcftiMy €ti!Icd for the has c.-mi^ht ninny pi)i);ilti wli^-e tlu-y did not wish 10 bo oau<;lit â€" willi liiryo (inim- titiea of tiinbor in thu hush roiidy to l>o drawn out. To huiub it. will bo ((uito a HoriouB matter. An auction sale of farm stjtick and ini- ploinunts will I.e hold on lot 9, con. I!, N. D. ll.,;oi, Friday, .Maroli 27, at 1 o'clock Thu suddon bivakin^' up of the winter [down on the floor toscnrch for it, in fonio way tho ncudlo was driven into her kni'u head first. In an i\ttt>nipt to pull it out it was hroki'n. Dr. Carter was called bill; could not locate the remnant and MisH Munsliaw waH taken to the hospital in Toronto, whore she was phiced under cliloroforin and the <iiri:iidinij piece of steel located by means of the X ray. Afier aliout two hours' work the doctors succeeded in cuttiiis; it out. The doctors .say it c.iuld not have been located had not a i>iece uf thread remained att«clie<l to it, awd had I lie needle luuiained oiii- bedded in the bene, as it was. no doubt ill time it would have cauRed decay and nocesailated aiii])utali(m. So much for the X ray and modern science. It, will be some days before Miss Rlunshaw is able to return homo. Naviga'.iow is-opon at Owen Sound, hand. J. H. cheap. R. P. Freah lime alway.i on Duokett, Eugenia. New hith mill, for sale L-Jsjate & Co., Ceylon. Farm to Rent- 100 iicnis, 70 cleared. Apply fo Mjs. a. MoLftod, Ceylim P.O M«Moy i;o loan at lowest rates. A. S. Vi'.nDusen, Fle'doTton. T-I'a.>;cl;oi per w:tnts ]insiti.'n â€" nonn'ry or viUap(". Apply n^ ihi.s ofti!!i'. R'Tr. Carlton Belliniy left on Tnusday for Creerr.ore Bom â€" In Fleshorton, o:i Thursday, March 12, to Mr.niid Mrs. Wm. Field, a daughter. Mrs. Gaucher of Now York is the gurfst of hor sister, Mrs. Tlios. Pallister, near the villnRo. Farm to rent or sell' â€" Lot 157 cim. 2, S. W. T. & S. R.â€" 50 acres, 40 cleard. Apply to Noble Lawrence, Ceylon. Noti'je â€" All accounts owins; to Jacob Williama, Eugenia, must be settled by March 26, as I am makin;? a change. Wood lot for saleâ€" 110 acres, none cleared, hardwood and cedar â€" lot 25, con, 14, Artemisia. Cheap. This ollice. â- Wantedâ€" Hemlock lo>,'3, 18 and 20 ft. long, 14 inch top.s. Will pay S14 00 per 1000 ft. R. P. Legate .fe Co., Ceylon. You'll lind a very stylish selection of Lidies' Spring Suitings at Boyd,nicklinK Go's. â€" all the newest weave? and fabrics are represented â€" the firices are right, too. Farm for saleâ€" Lot 1, Con. 4, Osprey. c uitaining 100 acres, well watered. Sold on i-easonable terms. Apply to Charles Hales, Fhsherton P. O. Tho first spring lambs of the season were pui'chasod by buyer -McAulay this week. Mr. Martin Phillips delivered two for which ho reoeired five dollars each. Pure, clean seed oats, barley, buck- nheat and fi-esh garden seeds for sale at Sproule.Crossley &Co's., Fleshorton, also bran, shorts, and chop feed. Creamery and butter factoty at Flesh er'.ori, all complete, for sale cheap and on easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, real e.state agent antf convtjyancer, Flusherton. Money TO Loan â€" At 4^ lo 4J per cent. Expenses low. .41so a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap, -Apply to Goo. Rutherford, Sliel- burne, or DundalK oflice Saturday after- n on. The uiidorsigned has a largo stock ( f organs and sewing machines which lie is prepared to sell at sacrilice prices for tho next fifteen days. It will pay you to in- vestittate. C. Patterson, Fleshcrton. Laiiig Bros, moving picture cxliibilKm in the "own hall last Friday evening was well attended and much enjoyed by those present. It was all the luanagers claim- ed foe it. Mr. "E. Thompson is acquiring quite a ropuiation as a manufacturer of wedding oikes. He last week shipped a handsome 5-story spocimcn to Stanton, near Shol- burno. Rev. Ivison Wilson was called away on Saturday la.st to tho homo of his parents in Brighton, by the serious illness of his mother. Dr. Chri8ti>coccupii'd his pulpit on Sunday morning and Rsv. T. White of Eugenia in the evening. An cilicial of the Fleshorton checker c'ub hai handed ua tho following list of officers: President, Theo Dawe ; vice president, Malcolm McDonald ; See, Ed. Bentham;Treft.s.. T. J. Sheppurd; csp- taio, J. CornfieJil,. There in said to be a membemhip of 24, and expect to have one more oyster feed before tho Backers begin lornu.. p. m., the property of Mrs. Mary McLeod. D. McCorniick aucti<meer. See bills. R. Cameron, while wiling Danker Mitchell's residiT.co one day last week stumbL'd .Ivor a piem- of wire and went through the ceiliiii.', knocking :iS three or four sipiare feet -if lath and plaster. One of his shins w.is badly p.^eled. Revs. R. Fowlie, of Erin, J. R Bell, of Laurel, L. W. Thorn, of FUisherion, and.l. A. Matheson, of rriceville, Ijavo been uppoin'ed to represent OrangHville Preshyteiy at the General Assembly in Vauc'iuver, B. C. in Juno. â€" Economist Farm to rent for a term of years, consisting of ime hundred acres, lot o2 on the lOtli line of Arteniesia ; good stinie dwelliiii.', bank btirn, well watered with pumps a.id spriuL', and a good orchard; also ai,uftntity of smallfruit, andabout (iO acn^s under cuUivati(ui Any one wish- inL' to rent apply to Johnstono Gibson Credit Forks A few years ago a number of farmers of Proton, Osprey, Melancthon and Arte- ti.oiia were wheedled in'o investing money ii: ii woollen mill, whicli was erected nt D'.indalli. In connection witli tho mill a retail store w.t.s also inaugurated. The concern has never paid any dividendH and the retail btore will bo abandoned. The Chatswovtb Nows says : â€" "Mr. T. A. Strain of Tnessalon, an old Fleshorton boy, has been runnins; hunt up against a ivhold streak of Kood luck. In June 1900 ho and R. Pringle located a ri(di iron property in Wells township, Algoma, and last week they sold their claim to tho Ilecla-Ciiluniet Mining Compatiy for the sum of §15,000, receiviiif; a liberal de- posit down and tho b.ilauce to be paid in three months." Heretofore newspaper publishers have boon obliged to place a Icont stamp on all papers addressed to Great Britain. By a recent change, which went intoeft'ect last week, newspaper's are carried across tho briny for the .samo price that they are carried to any point in our own country. Hereafter tho (irice of The Advance to any address in the United Kingdom will be one dollar, inst.iad of §1.50 as in the past. Send it to your old country friends. Messrs. Fred Hickling, John Wright and W. A. Atnistrong paid a visit to Shelburne on Friday last, where a lodge of instruction was hold in the lodge room of Lome lodge A. F. & A. M. M. W. Grand master Judsie J. E. Harding, R. W. Bro. A Cowan D. D. G. M., Georgian. District, and a number of olhur Grand Lodge officials were present. A banquet was served in thetownhall in the evening. St. Mary's church. Maxwell, which has undergone much needed improvement within the past year, both interior and exterior, has still further been improved by tho actpiisitipii of a new church organ, which was |il:iyi'd for th<' first time last Sunday. Tte incumbent, wardens and congregation, alsOjDuiidalk fricndsare to bo congratulated on this latest improvement. Mr. Thomas Ross, warden has boon most zealous in his oU'orts on behalf of tho organ. The organ is the cathedral design, made by Karo ifcCo., Woodstock, in per- fect consonance with the style of the church, and is made of solid walnut ciise, veneered walnut pedals and knee swell, cintains ton sots of reeds â€" 4 of 28 notes each; 5 of 33 not-s each and one of 13 notes with 21 stop^, and cost §140. It was i/iiiohased from Mr. Kennedy, agent, DundaTV. Mr. .'V. l3oyd of this place received word nil Friday la.'-t of tho death of his. sislor. Miss Flora Boyd, iit Auhosim, Ka.s . on March 7. Miss Boyd died very suddenly of heart dise^i.so at tho ago of 59 years She liv«<d with her brother, Hugh Boyd. Although a sufferer with heart trouble, she was in unusually good health when she retired at night. She did not rise at the accuatonied hour, and her brother, upon going to her room to c.%11 hnr, found her dead. Her death had evi- dently been a very peaceful one. Miss Boyd was born in Vauchnn, Ont., and went to AchoBon in 1883 and was very popular among hor neighbors. She lived for some yof.rs with hor sister, Mrs. Alfred Malloy, Acheson, from whose homo the funeral took place. Miai Minnio Munahaw mot with a very., peculiar and {Minful accident Inat week. Whilo sewing she dropped her Oeedle which olung to her dress. Getting Joy for the Ruptured ilk il/ a« 0/ Or iit ^/ \ii lit â- ^3^3:^^ The great attraction of ttiis ♦ , store is » » ii RIMG G Call at tho Munshiiw House, Flesher- tou on Wednesday, March 25, and see THE ]SE\V JASPfiR TRUSS. It is a truss constructed on an entirely new principle and will hold any rupture. It is endorsed by medical men. In a largo percentage of oases a cure is effected. Sold under a guarantee. If you are not satisfied bring your doctor with you. ill' i^ iki vfe iHt ^? m m S Wall Papers, ?^^ "^'^.^^V''''" f^'^P'-^'"" =''â- '' "'"'â- '^ )t VW ^ ' bt'autitul 111 ettiH'l, than any W seen l^etbro ; the stripe.s with comljinalions of tloriil S^f liei-aklic .scj-oll patterns, from the chea]) yoods to *^' embossed gold and colored stripo.s." Which we are opening up daily. As case after case are opened, new andattractive goods are brought to light, and to tlie Ladies Ave give a personal invita- tion to visit oiir store and in.spect all the different lines just come to htuul. New Prints, New Flannki. ETTEs, New Lace Curtains, New Tahle CJoVEKh;, Corsets, (tloves, Art Muslins, Cretonnes, Ralw DAY Garments for ladies and men. A. G. McKay's election expenses in in the North Grey contest wore §1431.44. His bill for iirinting and p'j.<ting up bill.q was §571.80. livery hire f 579 25. As a member of the Ontario Legislature gels only .WOO, it would take Mr. McKay's salary for nearly two and a half years to pay his election expenses if ho got his board and â€" well, oilier rofreshnients,froo. â€" Cho.sley Enterprise. Messrs. George and Robert Wesley Hetlierington, s<ms of Robert Hethoring- ton, 3':one mason, who resides s(mth of Heathcote, on the town line, cut seven cords of hardwood in live and a half hours for G. \V. Hutchinson, of lot 19, con. 1 Euphrasia, on Friday, February 27th, and they have §10 to say that thoy Ciiii out 12 cords in ten hours, and Mr. Hut- chison says he has another §10 to back them. A Normanby farnior named Michael Donahue who is retiring from farm life, has had great success with sheep raising. In giving his exporionce in sheep raisiiii; to some of his brother farmers he said for the last ten years ho hiis kept from six- toon to twenty ewes and in that time never lost a liinib He feeds his ewes dry oats but no turnips, carrots or roots of any kind This hint may bo worthy of notice by brooders of this valuable stock. Co €on$umg>ti«7e$, Tlio uiiilorBJt^iieil Imvin^ ln.'on restored to health t)y einiplu moans, after siitformg for «ov- erftl yoaiH witli kovht*) Iuiik affoction, ami tlmt (Ireaa dlBcaBo consumption, iti^iixious tci make known to llin follow siilTerers the iiiean^ of oin'o. To those who liusiru it, he will oheorfnlly solid Ureoot ohari,'e) a eoi»y of the proscription uscil, whicli they will Ihid ii sum cure for con»uinp- tion. asthma, catarrh, bronchitis untt all ihmtit ami luiiK maladies. He hopes all suttiMKiB will tryliisreuuHly, iiH it i.'. iuviihmblo. TliosodOBir- iiiK the preBcviptioii, whicli will cost|thoni nocli- itli" ami uiav prove a bleSBilis, will ploaso aii- dross. Kev. KUWAlin A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N^w York. â- WB^ to answer some remark which C^nernl Waldo, whom he met, made I in passing. After parting from the i«Joctor, Waldo went on and chatted I for a moment or two with Orlebar somewhat to my surprise, consider- ing the man's conduct of the day I previous â€" and then joined a group of i)assengers further aft. At tho end of live minutes En- riquez, tho stowaway, now serving as an assistant stewani, came on deck with a tray on which was a glass of dark liquid that looked like port wine. He took it to Orlebar, who drank it at a gulj) and replaced the glass on the tray. Enritiuez then started to return below, but as he wa.s nearing the companion- way ho tripped and fell, dropping the tray on tho deck with such vio- lence that the empty glass was smashed into half a dozen pieces. Regaining his feet in an instant, he collected the bits of broken glass and tossed them overboard, after which he procei-ded on his wn.v and disappeared down the stairs. During tho next few minutes I was occupied with the navigation of tho vessel, and jiaid no att«ntion to what was happening on deck. When T - â-  Our Clubb/nff jCiit FIE .\0VAXCK and * Weekly Mail and Empire with pre- mium 8 1 75 ♦Weekly Globe • 1 80 Family Hera'dand Weekly Star and premium 1 80 Daily New.s .3 10 Toronto Daily Stnr 2 ;10 Torcmt.. W.u'ld 3 25 Guardian 1 90 Sun 1.80 ^ Hi i*i i\t \ii Hi \ii Hi \i/ v»/ v«/ a/ ii/ \i> ii) Hi Hi ii/ Hit iSt Re f I able Seeds, ^^^ ^^^'^ purchased large- ly in garden seeds this year direct from the grower, L. L. May Co., and will be prepared to give you any kind of seeds. 10 pack- ages for 25 cents. Boots and Shoes, -^'"^"y ^ur boots and Shoes assortment will be found a large assortment of J. i). King & Co.'s make of boots. The name above will recommend them to you as good weai'crs. Our grocery department is always well supplied with choice fresh groceries to please the taste. Our teas are always reliable. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND KQOS We are agent for Butterick patterns. When want one we will get it for you. voii \it Hi Hi i^t Hff i^t Ht Hi \l/ Ht \it Ht T. J.SHEPPARD, To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders ^„-,,, I would call your attention to the . Blatebtord Cleiel^rakd C^attie Tood ^ And Calf Meal. This food is very highly re- commended by the Great Stock .Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. 11. McGill at. our Station, on his farm, where he has some forty head of feeding cattle in stall. Those wishing to try it can get any tiuantity for a trial, and from the recommendation 1 have no doubt it will repay any feeder of stock. Red Clover Seed, Mammoth Clover seed .Alsike Clover seed, Timothy Seed. We will .save you money and supply you with choice clean, .seed. Give us a call wlieii you i'C(|iiire « Drud$» m^dicin^s orStaJonary « Tfioroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mintOt 2^6$* Tho undorniitniKl lias a fine aced Uurbam Bull for Borvico oa lot HI, T. * S. «. Tormaâ€" tl for liraile oow«, til for thorouRb* brad>- VaaMorno on application. JIACOH U^VBa PlatbartonP.O. We ai>e soiling WALL PAPER at! cost. See it. half of the original' W.J. DOUGLASS & Co.^ Flesliertocu.

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