Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1903, p. 4

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April 23 1903 THE FLESH ERTO» ADVANCE cpo^^KB^ce^a I F, T. HILL & CO I liousefurtiisbitig needs. . . BiPias We want everybody hureabuuts to know of the cnmpletenes* of our stock tl houaefurnishiiiKs. We're justly proud of tbis department, and, jud)/inu by galea, custoinera are of the same (pinion ton. We've anmiged a very perfect showini! of all lines and not the slightest trace of oxtrava<;Hiice in any. You |caii judge our entire stock by I ha few followitig lines bearing; in mind the fact that our higher priced gouda sre uerer poor. Yuq owe it to yourself lo see our stock â€" we'll do our part to your entire satiyfacfioi). .i . ' jCinoleum* and Oil C/oiAs. Nearly 1000 yiir s of beautiful new Linoleums aod floor oil cloths, from I to 4 yards in width. Never before have wo had such elegant colorings and patterns, and never before have values been bo ijood. This as illustration : 275 yards extra qua'ity Scotch Linoleum, floral or block patterns suitable for dining rooms, halls and kitchens, newest colorinas, and most perfect t[oods iimdo Thi« par- ticular line is fully 15 per cent, below its actual Value Persquaro yard 47ic Best urade and newest patterns of Canadian Floor Oil cloths, per square yard 30 jCace Curtains and J^rt ^ualins. 475 pairs Nottingham Lace curtains all leijgths, and prices from 30c to $2,50 per pairâ€" the v?ry beat values ve've ever heard of any- where. Tbis line is an example : 50 pairs extra fine Nottin-jham L»3e Curtains, lock Stitch, finish- ed edges, beautiful pattern. 40 inches by 3J yards, at per pair only 90 1500 yards, noweht pattern. Art Muslins, in the prettiest combina- tion of colois all of which are ab- solutely fast and durable. One line that wo take particular pleasure in showily is a 40 inch goods, rich coloriiiua in floral designs, scrim border and very suitable for dining rooms and kitchens. The regular price of this particular line is 15 cents. Our price 10 '2^0. Cretonnes 9c, From a host of patterns, ombriio- ing everythtnt; that's now,we select for description this: Extra heavy 25 inch Cretoimes, myrtle and rich dark rod urounds â€" a cloth that will give unVaiunded satisfaction. Regular ]2^c. only Qi/indow Shades In thbse we have everything i.hat could possibly be desired in Htaple widths. In creaiiisand all shades of greens, with dado or lace and ir-serlion, beautiful and durable C'dors that will give the best satia- factioii. Prices run as fol'ovvs : 35, 40. 45, oO. GO, 75, 85. Any kind of shade for plate glass win- dows procured in a few days. Shades, S^olloro and Cur- tain SPoles. Best rjuality Hartshorn Rollers, curtain poles in, ebony, oak, mahog- any, etc. with wood or brass trimm- ings complete 25 Carpets / Carpets / Carpets / We're right at home this season in the sale of carpets, and we're selling lots of them. We were very particular in tha selection of this year's stock and bought only those we were very certain w<iuld sfive eenuine .satisfaction. Almost all kinds from which to make your selection. Our order for wools and utiions alone, bought from I he largest and beat Canadian manufacturer at a .special cash discount, totals nearly 81000, and embraces a collection that hereabouts has never before been approached. Here is one â€" not any belter value than a dozen others â€" but by reason of it^ being a very popular price, we've found it a very remarkably fast seller. 180 yards, 3 ply union carpet, i'O in., in medium dark grounde, per- fectly reversible, rich floral desisn and an excellent wearer. Up to the present we have never seen any- thing better at £0 cents. Our price for thia line only 37j Stair cai pets ant* stair oil cloths ill abundance. Waltff^apers Judging by the way our wall papers have been selling it's almost unecessary to make mention of them. Up to the present we've sold nearly three times as many as we did ill the same length of timo during past seasons. Every line has been selected with the greatest care and you can get here exactly what you want for any room or hall for which you may require it. Cus- tomers ttll us they never saw such aaup:rb collection and such re- markable values, and we are of the same opinion ourselves. Not a roll .of our new papers (and we've thou- sands of ihom) but is fully 20 |)er cent, below usual prices. This one line to illustrate: 10 patterns, rich he'ivy, frlimmir papr, small, medium and large floral disis;n8,suitj»ble for any looni in the house, with ceiling and 9 inch border to match. Paper of ecpml quality lias nev. r in p»8t seasona been retailed at le.ss than 15c. per double roll. Our price this season: Wall |mpor with ceiling to msteh pel dou'>le roll JO 9 inch border, per double yard. . .3 J/. 10 White Quilts 78c 24 10-4 White Quilts fringed all roundâ€" one of the Ijest quilt values we've ever hid, regular price here $1.10, elsewhere $1.25, special now each 78 Sheetinys Our stock of these is just right â€" so are values. Plain or twilled, bleached and unbleached, in quali- ties that will give thorough satis- faction. You can get these at any price you choose to pay and you can't get them any where for less money. Ask to see them and if you choose make comparisons. billow Cottons 500 yards extra quality Pillow dttons direct frfim the mills, at 15, 17, 18J, 20, 22J One we might make mention of is an extra fine, heavy, circular pillow cotton, 40 inches wide, smooth round thread and remarkable value when you consider the quality, per yard. .18i ZTichinys '• !' ,' III these there is not a price, line or culnrini; missing. If you want a 15c lino we have it in the best quality you'll 6nd. If you want the best, extra fine, wide and heavy, we have it at 22c that in moat store.s will cost you 25c. One line thaf we are sellint; an en.or- mous quantity of is thiK ; An extra full width ticking, licht, medium and dark grounds, beautiful color- ings that are abslutely fast, briuht satin finish and a thoroughly dependable wearer. Per yard only >.,. 20 . , . Jii''- wfillinery This department it.'- plirfecrty ' equipped for the very fiiagest kind of business. We anticipate the needs of almost everybody and have the most .perf el*-' stock of trimmed and untriinmed hats to be found in any retail s'ojre in Grey county. Orders for -'nioutning goods receive prompt and careful attention. Jffardware/ 'f ..... JfTardware/ We hare what you w»nt â€" a big stock priced low. BOYD, HICKLINQ t } • '4 **9 ^ Your requirements will receive our best, mo,st courteous and most prompr atten- tion. Highest prices always paid for produce and 5 per cent, discount for cash. ce:e5C8»:^c8:8:^ F.T. HILL & CO .<^^C8KB:8C8^: The Gamey iuvestigatiou occupied the court of inquiry all of last week, and the prosecution Ims notyelfiuiah- eJ its case at tituo of writing. The country is taking intense interest in thia investigation and, is wo liavo be- foi'o pointed out, it is likely to lie with the people to pronounoo jntlgeniont Mr. KoBS wlien insisting on adjoiirn- inent stiiick a liiglily virtuous attitude and refused empliaticiOly to do buei iifss wliiio these charges were hang- in;; over his cabinet. Notwitlntaud- iiig this, the Legislature again opened for burincBS on Tuesday and will go light on rogai'dies.s of the trial or Mr. g >Hj' forpier attitude. I'erliaps the government is sj conOdeul of its :u- uoqenoe and llml the chargus will be I'ofuted th»t it feids safe in doing this. The people now await Mr. BtraUon'a side nf ibo story, and for t|ie sake of lliu oouuiry let ua liope his defeuao will be a satisfictoiy one. adiau mills can supply the market with a first class article. tjoine measure of relief is to be granted the lead and binder twiuo industries. Vr. Fielding again repeated his threat to abolish the British preference, and negotialiona may be re-opened for recipruuity with the United States. liie term liae been cxtouded for the free importation of beet sugar ma- chines. The budget Bpeccli dclivorod by Hon. W. 8 Fielding ouiilaiued many important â-  mouncemonta. Tolls on Canadian canals are aboliiilied for two yeara. A soriax wbiob will inorease duties on Qarma:) irapirts by one- Udffl went into f >ro F, iJay moruiiig. A duty of MV«a doilaii per ton on itMl raiil will • impojoj when Qan» The Road Question MrEuitou, â€" I notice a writer in last isaue re. the road question, nays the query iu his mi'id is, " has the mmnty of Huron any previous practical experience in gravel roads, and whether it was satiafactory or hot?" 1 And 111 the report of the On- tario Aiiricultural 0omini8.sinn, appendix B., 18K1, page 212 : " In Huron, in ad- di'ioii to the railways already named, the ctmnty ha« purh.tpn, iwu-hundred miles of the finvst gravel ri>ad8 in the province. " That surely is previous practical eiper- leiice. " Ho says Orey haa had sinkint{ fund anil interest for gravel roads." Cei- tniiily, we had to pay for them, we can- not gel Kood road* without, and the moat aorious part he s.<y« ».r«in, w.>» the money required to keep the roads in repair, until the ratv|Hiyers gnmned und<«r it« weight. But 1 siy they did not gru^n »a hard nor â- â€¢ much ill ••rnn«t as the testn drawing loada on th« bad roads. He abould t«n «s in what way tbe millioa dolUn rnwt 's a political bait ? If it is it has no hook or string attached to it,«s it is a fact that that amount is set apart forroad purposes, and any or every county in the province may get its share and all on the same basis. Arc his figures for the road to the •tationnota little too high? If the amount was spi ead ov,ir say 10 years the county would not need to borrow as he figures on. If he would read the Act he would find th.it the hearsays re. control of govoriiment engineers, inspectors.reports of road, etc., etc., have no foundation in fact. His proposal to dispense with â- ttttute labor I think ia a step in the riuht direction. Ho finally asks, what is to he gained hy such a grant, and answers, "Simply nothing." Ia that correct, as we are likely to have to expend an amount on the roads for the .loxt ten years equal to that required to get the grant anyway ? .Vonid we not gam the full amount of i{r»iit by truing hold of the schsine ? -â€" .l.W. R J. Hodburn exwarden of Dufferin was exhibuinn to his friends m Sbel burn »n egg which posaesaed features not often met with in these articles of com- merce. Tlie peculiarity of ita construction censisted in ita having two distliioi sheila, separated by about an eiuhlh of an inch, the apsce beinu filled with the ordinary suhiUnco known as the si hike. When first shown a third shell formation was Doiiccableontaideth* â- Â«{, bat thia waa worn off with mtteh h»n<Hin«. Mr- Bed- bum diaeovared tht freak at braakfaat a (ow dajiago.â€" rtM Pitaa. 11^ ._w-. 6c OO., FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO. At no other time in the year can you find us better prepared to serve you in everything befitt- ing the season. Ladies' Suitings ' ' / New Dress Goods ' " ; . . Dress TrimraiDgs i â- â- '^^^^^^^ and Satins. Laces Embroideries -â- : â-  ;•; ' Millinery Z^^;-: Parasols • - "-â- â- â- â- â-  Beits Ladies' Wrappers ^ 2 Shirt Waists Eeady-to-wear Skirts - Underskirts WhitewDar Ladies' Underwear Keady-made Clothing Gloves and Mitts Carpets ; ,: . Curtains Linoleums Oilcloths l^ardware Depart » « » 4 t I » â-  » i » â-  "-« i Curtain Poles Wall Papers ' >- â-  V . . Paints ' ' V v .-. '% -^ Kalsomines .; • ., â- t , X ' Window Shades Oils ^7.; ':'':-':''":.:. :' '\. -,:-.. ..'I..., â- â- â-  .â-  Turpentine ^ Dry Paints % \ Cream Separators Bari-el Churns Creamer Cans Milk Pans V': ^/ ' Flower Pots ; ;• ' • Crock Churns - ' - ' Cream Crocks Butter Crocks > t ' .V. If you want a good Wire fence- ingbuy the ** IDEAL" We sell it.

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