Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1903, p. 5

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t i THE FLEStJERTON ADVANCE .-,-.,j/ â- â- â- '*â- _â- â- .' April 23 5903 .V. IHcthodist * CburciTt Tlesbcrton PA3XOH-Hev..a. tvlsoti \Vll»ou S «i"'Xio-e-< 3'-in day 1 a.m.dc "Zp. m - Mon.iuK â€" Reception Sen-ice. Evening â€" iiiichingii From LUe'a Wruck- Rges. Vicinity Chips €U:tr:tcterist;ic8 or the Past M'<-:c)i Carefully Cull«d for the t.'uriaus 1 hand. J. H. Fresh lime always Duckett, EugoDia. ,>^ Division Court will meet in Fleahertou ./_"0U the 29th inst. >•',- General Buden-Powell of Mafikiiig fame has been touring Canada. There are eighty inmates in the Simcoe bouse of refuse. Mr. Charlie Sullivan left on Monday to take hia situation at Indian Head. For sale- -Cheap on easy t«rni8,a couple cheap f;irins. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Money ''.o loan at lowest rates. A. S. ^.VanDusen, Fleahertoo. Ben Sheppard, formerly conductor ou the C. P. R.. has purchased the Pacific Hotel in Owen Sound. Fred Ryder of Proton has the contract f(ir the brick work of the new House of liefuge iit MarUcale. Fiinn to nnt or sellâ€" Lot 157 con. 2, S. W. T. & S. Râ€" 50 acres, 40 cleard. Apply to Noble LaTrenco, Ceylon. . )hlr. Ted and Miss Susan McLachlan of Durhanr, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Alice Uolinan, 4kh line, visited with her grandmother during the Easter holidays ^ ! The numerous flags in town flew at half mast Monday and Tuesday in Jhooor of the illustrious dead at Toronto. Lostâ€" On April 6, between Flesherton and Dundalk, a goat skin robe. Leave at Advance office. Alt". Munay.Markdale. Those who had thought summer was with us got a severe set back ou Tuesday whsn a snowstorm made things very disagreeable. ' , An auction sale will be held on lot 25, eim. 10, Osprey, on Friday, May 1, at 1 o'clock p. ni., the property of the late Thos. Hudson. See bills. J. J. Kaitting auctioneer. MoNBVTO LoAJJ â€" At 4i lo 4J per cent. Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap, .^pply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or Dundalu office Saturday after- : . ' a(a>n. Farm to rent for a term of years, consisting of one hundred acres, lot 32 on the 10th line of Arteinesia ; good stone dwelliny, bank barn, well watered with pumps add sprins, and a good orchard; also a liuautity of saiall fruit, and about 60 acres under cultivation. Any one wish- inc to rent apply to Johnstone Gibson â-  Credit Forks Dr James F. Boyle.who recently prac- ticed at Prioeville, has just completed a jpost-graduato course in Scotland where be has succeeded in taking Iho degrees of L. R. 0. F. and L. R. C. S., Edinburg, L. F. P. S., Glasgow. Since leaving Priceville two years ago ho has . isiled many places in .\si.> and Africa m a furgeon of ocean steamers. He intends returning to Canada very soon. Rev. L. W. and Mrs. Thorn wi'l take a trip to Vancouver ih* latter part of next inonlh Mr. Tho«« will go in the capacity of delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly and Mi-s. Thorn as an intercKteil niilht soer. The rev. gentleman's con- gregation will call it a wedding trip and secure a supply during the pastor's •baeuce. Mr. R. Kinnear, mercliaut of Maxwell, was a c<dlur on Monday. His eldest daughtir has been serii'usly ill renontly but is now improving under Dr. Scott's treatment. A correspondent to a Col- lingwood pjiper stated that Dr. McFi ul of CoUingwood wus treating her, but this was an ermr. Mr. Kinnear U doini; a nice general s'ore business and inserts his ailverii'tuient in The Advance. At the Kiniberley public schcvil the other day, a small class was up for exaui- inatiun, when the teacher said : " Ni>w who can tell me who Longfellow U?" A six-year-old boy in the class held up hia h»nd and s»id ho knew. When askud to t«ll, ho an8»er«xl, "Squir* Stewart.'" The S<iuire is a resp«<!ted citisan of Kiio- bvrUy and measures 6 ft. 0. in. over all. The laugh which followed the above a>>awer wm heartily rsoehoed b/ tba l^tjuire, when he heard of it. Navigfttiuo is open to Fort William. The Oran^eTille Suo, one of the oldest established newspapers in Outarto, is said to be fur ta'e. .*•- Mr. Robt. McOruther, east hack line, purchased last week from T. Meicer, the noted stock raider, a fine two-year-old Shorthorn bull, for which he paid a good round sum. Mr. McGruthor places hia advertisement in this issue. C. £ Tryon wishes to announce that he is open to receive all jobs of paper han^iugand painting. All work neatly promptly and satisfactorily done. Sign paintin<; aspeciuity. Orders received at Priceville, Co ConsuitiptftMSe Tha uadersiKD«(l bavioR beoo restored to health by simple meuUB, after uufftirtng for a«T- eral years with »evt*rH llln^ a£Ft±ctiuu. and that dread dineasecanAUBptloa, is anxiouB to m&ka known to bis fellow avSeroTs tha meaait of care. To tho8« wtjo dti&iru it, he will cbtierfully send (tree of cbarfje) a cupy of the preacrtption used, which tbay will fina a sure cure for censuiBp- tloa.utboia. catarrb, bronchitis aud all throat â- .nd lung flialadlcs. Ha hopes all suSarera will try bis remedy, aa it ia invaluable. Thoaedeuir- ing the prescription, which will coBt|tbeiu noth- iag and may prove a blesaing, will pteaae ad- dress. Rer. BDW.UID A. WILSON. Brooklyn, New York. Thoroug^hbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mititOt 29068. The Education Department has issued a circular to school inspectors asking that Arbor Day aud Empire Day be properly observed in every school. This year the form-fr falls on Friday, May I, aud the latter on Friday, May 22nd. Work has commenced at the house of refuge. Mr. John East, Orangeville,whu has ihe contract for the stone work, cement work, drains, etc., has a large gang of men busily engaged in excavating, and expects to have tnat part of the work completed by Saturday next. â€" Standard. Mr Mortimer Clark, K C, has been appointed Lieutenant-Governor of On- tario. The new Governor was born in Scotland in 1836. He is a Presbyterian and has lived m Toronto, where he prac- ticed law, since 1859. He has not been known as a prominent politician. With the advent of spring tha pedlar from nowhere, selling everything that no- body needs, wilt be callinj; at your door. Don't be fooled into throwing away your money, efipefiially if you have a long un- paid account with your local grocer, or butcher, or storekeeper. Thus speaks an exchange. A novel exhibit will be made at this year's Toionto Industrial by the Clergue Company, who will show the iron in the crude state and all through the various processes, until it is turned out a finished steel bar. They will also have an exhibit showing the process in which paper ia made from the spruce tree until ready to write upon. We wish once more to impress upon our readers the fact that anything sent in for publication must be prepaid with a 2- cent stamp, otherwise we have topay two cents at this end. One cent will not carry anything in the nature of a letter tti rough thu mails these days. Nearly every week some correspondent to The Advance overlooks this fact. Uillsburg people are making application to the Ontario Government for certain amendments to the Police Villaae Act, uiving extended powers to these villages, and securing rights from township cmncils that are often refused them. The At- torney General advises that Hillsburg should apply for a special act of incorpor- ation, with three trustees as now. He says that by this method the village would be independent of the townships, and have all the powers and rights that iucor- porled villages and townships have. Here is also a pointer £or Fleshertou. An itsin appeared in our issue of two weeks ago regarding some difficulty which Mr. Paul of Foversham had with one Simmons of Xotta»'Asa2a,copied from the Creemoro Star. Mr.Paul informs us that this item as published was entirely wrong, and produced docuirentary evidence to prove his assertion. The horse in ques- tion was only released by Mr. Paul wh4a Simmons paid all charges against him,con- sisting of a lien for 9100. Thi* puts a different face on the deal. Mr. Paul holds a document covering the :«bove state- ment, s'gned by Simmons. The only "snap" which Mr Paul enjoyed was the securing payment for the lien held by him, and as f-'r 'hypnotizing" the con- stable that certainly was a fairy tale. Feversham, Maxwell, Priceville aud Badjeros have public libiaries and Sing- hinipton is orttanising another. The Fle»huiton libniiy, which contains about 1400 volumes, is out of it this year so far as securing a government grant is con- cerned, owing to indifference of director- ate and public last fall. ThU is too bad, but it cannot bo hsiped now. It will be the cor<'eot thing (his c«>ming fall to see that it i* put <-n a Solid basis once more. There is just a pomlbibty, should libraries nontiiiUi) to spring up all over Ontario as they liave in this district, that tha gov eromeit will find itself anaUe tc assist these libr*n«« in future as {t^bss in the p».^t. Tbe undersigned baa a fioe sgsd Durham Bull tor service on lot lU, T. aud S. R. Termsâ€" SI for grade cows, i3 for thorough- breds. Pedigree on application JACOB LEVEB FlosUerton P.O. THOROUQHBRBO SHORTHORN Bull fox* Service Igned baa a » fine two-year-old tboroufibbred Durban) bull for ^service on lot 156, back ltae«a&fc, Arteinesia. purchased from T. Mcroer, the noted stock raiser. Terms $1. Pedigree on application. BQBT. McGBDTHEB, Prop THOKOtJGHBBED SHOKTHOBN Bull tor Service For servloe on lot 135, T. * B. B.. Artemesia ♦be thorongbltred Durham bull " GENERAL GORDON" Boan calved April 6tb, 1900, bred by Arthur Johnston, Vandeleiir, Out. Got by Kniaht of Grey, 24784. Damiustre !!9th,27376,by Sir Walter, i:)557â€" Lustre 26tbâ€" 16028, by Venturer, (imp.) 8445, Lady Violet Lustre (imp.)â€" 8181, bv Hoyal Hope (3239-2). Lustre 19th. by Montrose (34873) â€" oiford Lustre, by 15th Duke of oxford, (23776)â€" Lustre 5th,bv PrI jce Arthur (16733)â€" Lustre 3td, bv Magnutu Bonum (13277) -Lustre Ist, by Bloomsbury (9972)â€" Lustre, bv and Duke of Northumberland (3646)â€" Blue Bell, by Baohelor (1666)-by Sultan (1488), by North Star (458). Termsâ€" *1 for grades, S3 for thoroughbrads. 1 Aug. WM. DAV15, Proprietor THOBOyCHBRBD DL'BHAH Bull FOR Service For servioe on lot 166. 3 S. W. T. i S. B., Artemesia, tbe thoroughbred Durham Bull " Hotel Boy," No. 36658. bred by Conn Knapp Durham. Pr-"-' ---.â- ., •"â-  Terms f 1 Pedigree on application BaLBT Bnsaj2f, Prep [ For Service on lot 27, OOQ. 8, Artemesia Terms 75 oeota l>j tha wsson. „ „ . SAMUEL PKDLAB,PBop. MayTTB I Tksberton Furniture » marcrooms. We are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goodr in all lines of Furniture, eo'isisitng of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, e.^tension and centre tables, chairs, window shades and curtain [joles, picturei, easels, etc.. Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertakini,' in all its branches. Satisfaction guaraiiteea W M. Bunt, - - Prop. s FOR m ill ikt im iki ili iki lif \it ili \i/ Oil 0^ iA^ iii \k \Xt iHt \li xHt \b ib \b \6 \b \b \b ili ili i^ 0^ ^ iit Oi T. J. SMEPPARD'S, Lumber, Lath, Sbiajrles, Flooring:. We have just placed i<> (tusition a new planer and iii'jfcch«r and arc prepared to furnish buii<tlni( material in all the above Unes. Get our quotations when yoa want anything. Hickling Bros. SthO'-n., ArlsQisaia â€" Maxwell P. U. July, 'W YL.4P& Xl-tUltr Trace MAfwa Ocs:sN3 CO^YRIOKTS -Ac. Anyooa iwiidtng aiketeb ond Heacription niaj •nickir asc-arlaln oof ppuOtui free F!jotliof &j InTtnllon !• rn>*>*Wy pwi-mt-vb'e. ComiaLnlc*. tlTOHtirldlroanUdeiilUl. Hiuidbookoii f»i»uu MKt fr»» iHdwt annoy tor •Kmnnt r*;**:!*- r>t<uta t«k«a throoih Mann A Co. rc««l«« ITMMI <mMo^ «nho«t Mart*, la the Sclentifk jnmcHcaTt AkimdacMMly t1taM«CfS vMkir. )_»r««,t«4» mUitan of any trt«iufc_J»ttr»»L T-j^SS a rwr: t»arM*ntk»fL â- oMSrdl •••Mmims, J^itlinevvr Q'^entng . . . jg ii ii Wed. and. Thiurs., April 7 and. 8 it/ \i/ # iti 16 iit iti it iH m Of ik iit VIr Ht it iit ^ ^ii iit Hi iit YVE will make our annual display of Spring Millin- ery and invite every lady who is interested in the great question of " What to Wear " to visit our opening and find the answer to the question here. The Millinery styles are prettier, daintier and more striking than ever. This year our buyers took pains to secure the prettiest and newest Millinery they could find, and we think when you see what we have to show you,you will realize that this search has been a success and that Millinery is quite different from what is usually shown ; then our lovely models of French, English and New York hats, and original conception from our own trimmers.which for variety, elegance of style and artistic beauty have never been equalled in any of our displays. The Gentleman WILL PLEASE XOT FORGET OUR â€" Spring Suitings ! And new styles in Felt Hats. Everything right up- to-date. Order vour suit earlv to avoid the nish. You will always find us leadere in our lines. We are also well supplied with a choice stock of Ready-to-wear clothing: to suit your prices right. T. J. SHEPPARD, -^.^â- 3^-:^r^^^^^ $i&^:^.^&5 &^e- To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders I would call your attention to the Blatcbtord eeicbrakd Cattle Tood And Calf Meal. This food is very highly re- commended by the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. K. McGill at our Station, on his farm, where he has some forty head of feeding cattle in stall. Those wishing to try it can get any quantity for a trial, and from the recommendation 1 have no doubt it will repay any feeder of stock. W.ERichardson, : Flesherton. Jm'portant to ^armeTS and W. J. Douglass & Co., Druggist and Seedsmen, Flesherton Will for the folllowing ten dayS sell at the following prices Re-cleaned Alsike clover seed from $8.00 per bushel lie-cleaned Mammoth clover from 7.50 per bushel Re cleanetl Common red clover from 7.50 per bushel Ro-cleaned Timothv clover from 2.25 per biishel Curnip seed for 15 cents per lb. Garden and Flower sectls at 2 cents a package and all other field and gartlen seeds. Drugs, Medicines, Stationery, Books and wall [^taper at low , . prices. Cemts €a$b. ♦ Also notice that the Steele.Briggs & Co., will give a cash pRiZB of $3.00 ana $2.00 for the best samples of Royal Giant Sngar Beet exhibited at the Flesherton fall show, 1903, grown from seed purchased from as and our certifiicate of the £tct will be accepted as to the geauiness of the roota.

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