"'^; ^;''->-v-„ I About the I ....House I J IN STUAWBEHRY TIME. Strawberry Charlotte. â€" Line in- jivi-dual glasses with strips of sponge cake. Soak until soft one- fourth box of gelatine, in as little water as possible. Add one-iialf pint of fresh strawberry juice and pweeten to taste. Heat in a double boiler, not tin, until gelatine is dis- solved. When cold and bej?inning to jell, stir in one-half pint still whip bag; two â€" one snxall and one large â€" would be better. Hot water should be always on hand when there is siickncss in the house. A screen is a valliable addition to I a fick room, as it can be used to protect the bed from drafts, and the patient's eyes from a strong light, or to shut from sight any part of the room wliere work is done or where there is temporary disorder. I It is also a very good idea to have ; a fever-thermio meter to teet the tera- 'perature, and eveiy mother should know how to use it. Have a shelf in your closet or clip- board devoted to bundles of old muslin for bandages and plasters, and rolls of flannel for hot applica- Jtions or when it is necessary to re- tain heat. It is also good policy to keep ab.^orbent cotton and surgi- case ped cream. Stir on ice until thick, ; ^al plaster on hand, to use in and fill glasses. This will serve ; of cuts and hurts. about Ei.\ people. Measure cream j No household should be without a before whipping. j supply of disinfectants, such as car- Strawberry Salad. â€" Cream one- i bolic acid, sulphur and copperas, half a neufchatel cheese with the i Here is a disinfectant that is satis- hlade of a silver fork; add a table- ! factory, and can be made up quick- Sunlight Soap will not injure yeur blankets or harden them. It will make them soft, white and fleecy. tb i tt spoonful of thick cream, a salt- spoonful of salt, a teaspooiiful of sugar, a tcaspoonfiil of lemon juice, and half a cup of fresh strawben-y juice; arrange the crisp inner leaves of lettuce on a platter in nests, ar\d pour over the cream; if liked, a salt ly at home: Put one teaspoonful of salt ill a pailful of cold water, then dissolve one-half dram of nitrate of lead in a cupful of hot water. and add to the iâ€" ^il, stirring until it is thoroughly mixed. All the above disinfectants, with the ecsception of .spoonful of mustard may be work- ' sulphur, are poisonous to drink, and ed into the cream. Bo sure it is i should bo used with great care, beaten until perfectly smooth. Strawberry Sherbet. â€" One quart of berries, ni'ashcd; sprinkle over with one pint of sugar; add tlie juice of one lemon, and a half pint of wa- ter, in which has been dissolved a teaspoonful of gelatine: freeze as you would ice cream. Strawberi-y Jelly.â€" 1 quart straw- berries, one large cup sugar, Juice of one lemon, two-thirds of a pack- age of gelatine soaked in one cup cold water, one pint boiling water; mash the berries and strain through a coarse mwslin; mix sugar and letiv on juice with the soaked gelatine; pour over the boiling water; stir un- til clear; then strain through a flan- nel bag; add the strawberry juice; strain again without squeezing the bag; wet a mould with a cylinder in the center; i)Our in the jelly and set on ice to form. When serving fill the center with sweetened whipped cream. Canned Strawberries. â€" Do only a few berries at a time; hull, wash and discard e.ll under or overripe berries; weigh j'our fruit, and to ev- ery pound adid a quarter of a pound of white sugar; till fruit and sugar, and place in a ves- sel of cold water; put over the fire and let it come to the boiling point; as the juice is exhausted and the fruit settles, fill with berries in oth- er jars, until part of the jars are full to the brim; do not stir or ntash, ))ut pour one jar into anoth- er carefully; seal before rcrao\ang from the fire; take the kettle off, and wthen the water has cooled remove sealed jars of fruit. If jars are per- fectly sealed the fruit will keep per- fectly. i Strawberry Preserves. â€" Allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar to every pound of strawberries; put them in a kettle in layers of fruit arvd sugar and set the kettle on the back of the stove until a syrup is formed. Now allow it to come to n boil, stirring occa.sionally from the bottom of the kettle. Spread thinly on platters and set in the sun to dry. Strawbcn-y Jam. â€" .Allow three- quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of strawberries; put the berri'js and sugar together in the preserving kettle and mash fine; boil for twenty nnnutes. stirring to keep from burning and to make the jaui of a smooth consistency; po<ir into jelly tumblers and seal like jelly when it is cold. Fruit Punch. â€" Crush or.e cup of ripe strawberries and mix with one- half cup of water; powdered sugar is better than granulated. Add half n pint of cold water and let it strain through a fine wire strainer until clear; add the strained iuico of one lemon and one and one-half pints of cold water; mix and set in the refrigerator until needed. DE. HAMMOND'S OPINION. Expert Testimony on Wheeling â€" The Revival. Dr. Hammona, one or :;ow York's most foremo.st physicians, and an active member of the New York Ath- letic Club, was recently interviewed by a reprcseiitalive of the New York press, and asked his opinion as to the merits of cycling as exercise. The doctor stated very decidedly that he considered it absolutely the best possible, if taken with discretion. He of course excluded all persons with very weak hearts, or people of extremely delicate constitutions, but said that nearly every patient go- ing through his hands rode a bicycle when convalescent, and that it was remarkable what progress tliey made towards health. In Canada there has been an un- prece'donted revival in wheeling, and it can be tra'-cd to no better cause than to the introduction of the Hy- gienic Cushion Frame. To use the words of the advertiser. "It is to pint jars with I wheeling what the 'Pullman' is to A LITTLE CHANCiE. A Government Inspector entered a post otflce, and, seeing a woman at the delivery counter, said : "I was under the impression that a man was in charge of this otlice.'' 'And so he was," replied the wo- man sharply, "but I married him. I am in chaxgo now. What do you want ?" But the Government In- spector had fled. isrd's Llninient Cyres Bufos, etc COULDN'T TELL WHY. Thomas and John were two broth- ers in the same class, and they were not the brightest boys in. the school. "How do you spell your name, John?" asked the master, as a feel- er, on the lirst day. "J-o-h-n," responded John wili; pride. "Right. And now, Thomas, spell yours." 'â- T-o-h-ui-a-s," responded Thomas with as much pride and co.^fi'dence as John had shown. "Oh, no, that isn't right," cor- rected the master. "Try again." Thomas made several tries, and always the same. "Well," he said at last, in atone and manner that would admit of no argument, "if J-o-h-n spells Jo-hn. why don't T-o-h-m-a-s spell Thojn- as ?" And the master hasn't yet been able to explain clearly why it doesn't. railioading, â- ' and these words put the argument in the proverbial nut- shell. It allows the rider to hold u uniform position, while the wheels accommodate themselves to the roadbed. It has made bicycling an absolutely pleasant and healthy form of outing. "Massey-Han-is," "Cleveland," "Hi-antford" and "Per- fect" bicycles have fnis cushion frame. ^ "I hear there's another rupture of Mount Vociferous ?" said Mrs. Part- ington, as she put on her specs. "The pallor tells us about the bunring lather ruiminp; down the mountain, but it don't tell how it got alire." Fort Mulgrave, June 5, 1897. C. C. KICHA'IDS & CO. Dear Sirs. â€" MIN.-VUDS LINI-. MENT is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the best liniment I have ever u(od. MRS JOSIAH H\RT. 7â€" 59 Oil City, Feb. 5, 1903. Mas.wy-Harris Co., Liniite'ii, Toronto, Ont. Gcntlcincn. â€" Please send me ono of your 1U03 catalogi^es of (arm ma- chinery. I have used no nuuhinery that gives as much satislaction as Mawei-ll arris. New Zealand's capital, AVcllington, is not the larg:es-t city in the is- lands. Duiiedin, Auckland, and Christchurch are all largo. ,-j» •• MWs Liniment Relieves ieufalgio Babylon's population could never have excocdefl 1, 1200. 000. Probably the number of people in Rome was less than this figure. "Yus. my poor brother had no eddication. an' it wur his ruin !" i"How was that ?" "ITe forged a nauie on a chetiue an' the sijellin' wur bad." EMERGENCY SUPl'LIES. In every household there should he kept on hand supplies and appli- ance to be used in the sick room and in cases of emergency. . A clo.set or cupboard should he set ^part ."or these supplies, and should be easy of access and known to all .the fan-.ily. Besides the medicine chest there shoidd be a small wait- er, a spirit lamp, a safety lam.p, i ported two deaths by falling from *'i>r Oorxixtr ITrnrs. Ax Oiu A.ND Wir,i.TRiBD K>»>nY â€" Un WitiKlow'i ^ooLnin2 Syrup bts be«n uaej for oter »ixiy yean by millions t>t nioiners for their cl.iidren whi.« l«;cthliig, w<th yrr'ect cucudP*. It ftoothw tllu cttiM, coftoiia llie gun,?, &]1ajh alt pain, eur^t wind L-uiic, »:i<i is the bottt r.!nietl>' fur ninrrhcDii ts p;«ft<aii'< to tho taa. e. isoiU by U uygUli in «?«ry pan of the wor d. Tweiity.tiT«o«iite ft buttle. Ui v»:uo ii it>ciki(>ulfthio. >ieflur«Kud«lk for Mr,). Wlacion's ljuothiB< Byruy »ud tklitiiaotliarkinil. .;. l-i9 oINGUL.Ml .VCCIDENT ALOFT. The ship Ocrtrude. on arrival at Falmouth, England. recently, re- matches, a mcai;uring glass, one or .two tumblers and spoons, a small Vessel for heating water, a mixing bowl and a snwll pitcher. There Ehoxild also he a canful of nvHistard and one of flour aiid a small basin for toilet purpo.ses. < On account of the efficacy of hot- Water applications, no family should be without at K'ust oiio hot-water aloft. A sailor was seized with ill- ness while on the topsail yard, and fell with such force against another seaman who had gone to his assist- ance, that both were hurled into the sea, and perished before assistance could reach them. Another hand was struck by the falling men, but he managed to preserve his hold. «nd reached the deck in s.uVty. Treherre, Jan. 6. 1902. Ifasfcy-Harris Co.. Limited, Winnij eg, Man. Gentlemen. â€" It gives me vc:'y much pleasure to inforui you thtt t'.e No. 4 Hinder whi.h I purchased fioai your Agent he;c last sunmier ha.'s gi-ien the \ ory best of Sivtis'faclio-.i. t'o ng its work to perfectijn arid drawing light â€" very nua;h lighl*[ than I expected. My croji was very heavy, snd some of it very bnidly down, but \ our binder did its wo.-k splendid. 1 had no trouble what- evcr I hope yovi will sell lots of hit\deis for lOOH and isave my bro- thel' farmers lots of trouble. I wisji you everv su.cess. R. M. FERRIS. GRAINS OF GOLD. Tost experiences give good coun- sel, but make poor patterns. The shield of faith was not meant to protect the conscience. There is a diflerence between draw- ing the people and reaching them. A lie is a loan on which you will never cease to pay manifold inter- est. It's no use picking the mote out of your brother's eye with the hatchet of hatred. It will be time cnotigh to indict others when we have finished the in- ventorj' of our own faults. Xotliing is more dangerous thcin a friend w»iihout discretion; even a prudent enemy is preferable. ^Vhatsoever you do not wish jour neighbor to do to you, do not unto him. This is the wiicle law; the rest is a mere exposition of it. Ee vigilant. Keep ahead rather tlian behind the times. Cut this out, and if there be folly in tJ;e ar- gument, let us know. Strive to avoid harsh words and personalities. Do not kick every stone in the path: more miles car. be made in a day by going steadily on than by stopping to kick. I'ay as you go. Do not meddle with bu.-rfness know nothing of. Never buy article you do not need simply cause it is cheap and the man sells it will take it out in trade Ceylon Tea is the fmcst Tea the v/orirt produces, and Is ^id e ".{y in Jnad packets.^ Black, Mixed and llrezr.. W?an Ua. dtisken try "Siliii" Ctn^a Uf, 9-, ^anltsba NortlMSfet lam you any bc- who THE crcAT P!:A:rif r v ST.>,:jt;T ziupr.tii, Winnipeix, have opci;:ri en oSco for sale of their trtock ar.ri .'.^ri.Uota uirl Northwest land. t-.t . I Victyiui street. The Mana}.'<r, Mr. .1. J. 3ao:x?bank, will be rieayi-d to yivo t;;y iiiformaiicn to intondiut: p>:r- chosers or invtsfors in the Wo5T, titijj5;r in stock, homosieaiir. improv- ed tit unimproved farm.-;. PrL-F[)ectus furnished and corrc:>- pondcnce solicited. Stats ok Ohio, City ok i'oleo'), > , Lucas CoLNTV. i " FRANK J. CIIKNEY ninlics ontb Llmt iic IS Eunior parlinir of liiu j;r::i oi (•'. J. CUKNl'JV & I.U., doing bu.-.iiii!R8 in tll« City of 'J'olcflo. County aiul State aforotiuii), and tiiiil saiii liriti will pay Iho sum oi ONI', llUKDHluU J)Oi.- LAUS for each and every citse of LA- lAKlUl that, cannot ue cureil liy tiii? use ot H.-VLL'S L'ATAitUH L IJUL;. FItANK. ,). L!11uN1;Y. Sworn to before me anil substribcd in luy presence, tins tjlh day of iJcceiuber, A.U. lb,Sti. A. \V. GI.EASON'. Mr. l!in'<s (suddenly a'.vakmed)â€" "Wilioâ€" who's there '?" ilurglar (wilh pistol).â€" -iJon/t yor dare move, or I'll -" Mrs. Hink.sâ€" For >nercy'r. sake, don't shoot I You'll wake t':i-> babv '" Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Inter- nally, and nets directly on llic blooc! n.n<l mucous surfnces of the Bysleni. Send for lestlmoniala, free. F J. CIJL;N1:;V & CO., Toledo, O. "^iild by all Urutrgists, V5c. Ball's i'araily Pills arc the best. G.\UDENS IN THE ICE. A glacier, when it dislodges itself and sails away over the Arctic ocean, never travels alone. In the wake of e\ery largo one floats a line of similar cimipanions. The Eski- mos call this phenomenon "the duck and ducklings,' and any one who has watched the iirogress of the wild duck followed by her brood will ap- preciate the aptitude of the name. Strange as it may seem, plants grow and blossom upon these great ice mountains. Wlien a glacier is at rest, moss attaches itself to it, pro- tecting the ice beneath, just as saw- dtist does. After a time the moss decays and forms a soil, in which the "seeds of buttercups and dande- lions, brought by the wind, take root and flourish. Tho:e who have traveled much in .\ix:tic lands say the poppy does not bloom during the brief northern summer. Over 1,500 British vessels plying in Kastern waters are manned by Chinese crews. Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Drops is the oldest and most re^ r.owned blood purifier and health re- Ktorer in the world. To ensure per- fect health, take Dr. August Koe- niir's Hamburg Drops. France grants bounties to builders ot large ships. During the past year 3S large sailing-vessels were built in r'n?nch ports of 2,000 tons or upwards. Minard's LioimenI for sale enef^wlitie The Academy of Music, at New York, will hold 4.700 people. The ne.xt biggest opera-house is that at Fariua. in Ital.v. -It is built of wood, and will hold 4.500. Lifebuoy SoaiJ â€" <liaintr«rtant â€" i»' Strongly recommended by the m»di-; chI pi^ofessiou as a safeguaixl ajgatnst inlcctiois diseases. paton Square is the largest si|uare in London ; then comes Cadog-an Square, and third, Lincoln's Inn Fields. The fourth and fifth nro Delgrave ami tJrosvenor .Squares. ^ioard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. ins'rumonts. Druma, Uniforms, etc EVERY TO'^N C.^.^ KAVS A i.»?^D Lowt-itr prico.-i ever quolwl Fine eii:a'ufiu«. 500 il UBiriiiioDrt, iiiuiicri fr«*». Wriic infornny- tbit^t? in Hnnlit or nnM-m; l:l^Iru»te4l*. WH.IIEY ma & CO.. Lifflittj. Toronto, Out., and ''.Vinaif.ei, 3J»» 1-2(1 FEATHER DYEING ClMallig ud Cnrlln; aud Kid OIotu oleuwl. Thiaa mil be nut by iruat, lu irnr oi. Ue best pleua ii BRITISH AMERICAN OYEiNC CO. Montreal Any aua-mty of dry. mix.d wo d suitaMdfur *nck burning, l.r »«riy q.1;t. r/ Sl«M •%»>, MRU. K CO.. 1 Toroiito St.. Toroais. T« «. phone Mala 707. m 7â€" 19 STO^EmONS At RsT... L»i« SiOiM, no,r ViM»», 1«»C Out 13 Kma 8f. WIST, T«II©»T3, I g-ao nmvmn Uih« PcrtJaail tsmwit B». , i^mtta* Seminien Line Steamthlps MonlrMl to Litsrpool. Butan t* Utm- pool. rortlanil lo LiTerpool. Vi» OuMU- town. •.I^!?*i'!ii*'°;^*'-*'""''"P'' glj;«"6r acosmnodiitian are amidships. Special atlcntien has hâ€"a ciran to Lho Sacand galoon ami Third-Claas luiaoviaodaUon For raUaafi>aaaa«eaod all particuiara, arplT lo any uant •I tha Gumpanr. or . â- â€" »i«tajd«. Mill. 4 Co, D. Torreoca S Co. . 77fitat<8U Boitoii. .Montrralani! P.nland. a^ RUBBER GOODS Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited. ISn- closu 2c stamp for ciicular. THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. O. Ilox il42, Montreal. 0-67 Vienna holds the world's record for suicides. Between January and Septemtjer last year 2r)0 men and 98 women killed themselves, and 367 made unsuccessful attempts at sui- cide. LEMONS WE HAVE THE BEST ORANGES We have Mexicans, California .\avels, Valencias, and Sevilles. Carload every week. Wl the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Egrffs, Poultry, •Maple Syi up and oilier produce to advan- tajie for you. THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited., Cor. West MarKet St.. TOSONTO. 1-^5 110 YOV EAT FEA-NVTS? The pea-Tiut, or groutul-nut, ripens under the ground, hence its name, it has a tiny, four-leaved plant, something like the leaves of the tre- foliuni, and, as it grows, so the stem gets pushed under the earth and forms the fruit, or nut. It grows in the warmer countries, and wa^ known to Fliny and other an- cient celebrities. Until quite recent- ly, the pea-nut was regarded as synonymous with vulgar tastes, but it has" won Its w.<\y into favor in a manner that is rather startling, and is ousting many of its ftllows, con- sidered much .-juperior, from the des- sert table. I'nited Stales legislat- ors have become so fond ot it that a pea-nut stall near the Capitol is looked upon as a necessity. Bat, drink aad be m*ny whila (iving th* digestivo apparatu* a bsaling, wtaolcsome reat '. It can be done by tho uaa of Mt. VON STAN'S PWBAPPLB TABLETS. Pineappl* will digest meat in a <ish at IK*. Tho rtst cure is tha bast c a, kke o«ly cure far dyspep- (ia. That's tha wbole storr except that tbalarsataMati digest (aod, tba naall sacs tooa a^ the dlteatWa awaratus.â€" Price 98 cents. Dr. Af^ntw't Catarrhal Powder opans a new tunnel in a choked up Bostril and lines it witl; a new mc*.i- braoe. In ten minutes will relieve cold or catarrh or cure the most obstinate keadache. A quick cureâ€" , alow rtmedjr. 11. H c aafe cure- not a t =ara ABOUT BONDS. Of Isauas of Govern, irant and Municipal dtbenturespurohased after thoreuRh expert hiwastlKatlon For paopla who want an absolutely aura Invest- ment thsy oannot be exoelled. Wa have other grocd Bonds ylaldins attractive In terest rates - as high aa 8 per oent. WR TE FOR LIST. t-i OOMiKlON SECURITIES Corporation, Limited, tS Ring It. East, Toronto. .jii[ii^u£2i^£i&'.