Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1903, p. 1

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I :i «• .'f * -m --^ 'r *6*a*<i^i .iOnB^'^â€" » wi»W^^ ^BwV *â-  • !^.iirana. & "TtlUTH BEFORE FAVO«." â€" " PKINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL. XXn, N( 1135 Festiertoii., Ont., Xliursday. June 1 i iOOCi W. H, THURSTON, pRoruiETOB l^atckos V' ; i 1r^ For the JVEillion ! We huvu ail immense su])|)ly nf Watches •fill li.iiul uicliidiiig ill! thu buet makes such as â€" j 'file l)ost wiitch iiKuU; '(i flay. OUfiBHR-HAMPnEN NCV/ YORK STANDARD ELGIN, WALJiiAn . . , . Thd lib' vo nre ;in tlio bfot American makes. Ill oliuiiper WHti hos wu have SwisK wiitclica in h^i' variety. You cjiii't Mi.ike a inisfake in coming lisre^tu aelect youi-'naUh. ""^ W. A. Armstrong. C«yJo'i. Mrs. Afchil'ulil, whu h-i.s boon viBi'inii har m-itlier, Jlrs. J. SpMiit, hm-e tui- tlie {mst week, relumed to her heme in Oul- beck on Siitiirdiiy. RIi3 Aieliie McPhiilter t>{ Owen Sound is vit^itinjJ jiui- muther, Mis. VVriKht, of the back Une. Mi.ss Ai^gie .Jones, who has been visit- ing fri-'nds iu the city fur the past month, leturnecl home lieit week. The Orujigemen intend holdins; i\ basket picnic in Wiiylit'.s !;i'ove on Kriday Jiftetnoi.n, when an enjoyable time is ex- jjectod. There will be a couple of names of football. Mr.s. VV. McMnlien, who has been visiting friends in Baiida, retrunied home on Saurdny ucconipaniod by her brathei', Mr, W. Wilson. Mr. Mattheson of BBlleville isaaaistiug Mr M'^Oill at the station. Miss Wildon, who has visited friends here fir the past throe weeks, left for her home ill Banda on Tuesday. Mf 'MtGralh, who has been runninp th^(ii'l'ivfie''Holel for r.lie past year, Kf'S buck to his farm in Gleael^.- We under- stand lliat Mr ychell of Proton h«.s pur- chased the hotel and took possession oii Mondiiy Mr. and Mis. Will Lawrence entertain- ed a few yciung people on Friday evening. A very pteusaiit time was spent. last week for Vancouver, B. C, as a dule^jate to Presbyterian Assembly. "Josh'' Billinjis has taken up his abode in town, he residon in the "Highland Hill" maiisioiK lately vacated l)y Mr. \rchie Aiv.Leaii. Archie has rented the Okatoau Viiudnai ou the west, bank of the Sauyeen. Miss M. McLenn, some distance snuth- we.st of the village, had lier hand budly cut a few days a-jo by the snap of a cow tie. Dr. Di.xou put several stitches in tho wound. Mr..I. McArthur has put down a ccnftnt sidewalk in froi.l of liisilore, and made several oilier imprnveinenls. Mr. AIhx. McLi'od e.vpeeta to .start his sawiiiill in a few days. Miss May Keijjiiscm accompanied her {{â- Hiidmollu'r ro Shelburiie last week. Uev. Mr. Watson Klls ihe fHil|)it fur Rttv. MatheNOu, while he is out atteiidin;4 iho assembly The A. O U. W.lodi{8 have decided to hold a pionioor aoiiitt celebration <ni tho 1st .)uly. Fuither particulars later. We are sorry tiie Review scribe mis- understands our remarks rei-ardint! the ceniijtery . lie chart-ea us wiih iii.siniia- tioiis or sayings we never thoeuhl of â€" Ueiid it over ng an brother. Eugenia Mr. F. T. Carr has sone to the N. W. T. Bof<ire aoiiiB he was at, the district meeting held tho past week and-appoinied deligate to represent the Or«ngeinen of Artemosia at the meeting held at Winnipeg this week of the Supreme Grand Lodge of Nnrth America. Mr. Oarr'a many friends were sorry to see him go, as he intends to stop until tho fall, but all hcpe to hear from him through some more iiiteresrin!; letters in The Advance, which all enjoyed so much before. Mes.srs J. \V Hnath and Joseph Fen- wick of .Alanford were visitors at Tdr. Fenwick's over Sunday Mr. Fred Pedlar is suffering from quin.sy. Kev. Mr. Fleinming of Maxwell preached tea laije congregation at: the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. All were debghted wiWi the d scour^ic. There was no service in the Methodist ehurcii on Sund.vy evening, as Mr. White had ni)t relumed. . v Mr. l'"enwick had the misfortune to lose his fvamo barn on Monday morning. He used ii as a iienhoiise, but had some hay in it, which was burned. Only fm- the neighbors his house and stables would iij-l '.Ktve gone up in the bla/.e. It was calm and the lire was kept under control. There was no iiisniaiicu on the building. Mrs. Munsh.iw is very ill at present. Dr. Carter is attending her. PHcevllic The f.iriiiers are complaining about the continued diy weather. Some fields of mangolds have been plowed up and re- sown with other otop. Mr. Jolin Burnett rii-sed a Lirgo ex- tension to hisbain lastTliursd^'y. Mo.ssrs. Daniel Whyte and .VUnn MeDoimld were captains. It. wa.'» oliserved that Ciptain »Vhyto nalherrd tho nnijoriiy of the villagers present ti his .side, and he won in the nice by considerable odds. Mr. Alex. Whyto received a severe injury on the head by a falling sledge. In the even- and Mt. Burnett a lawn piesejited a nn re Httractive appeal am c than any garden tluwer, because it contained '.i or 4 score neatly attiied, ((ood Icuking laditM. Mr. C. C. James went to Toronto last Thunidayus a dulegatti tu the MuthoUist conference. Mr. D.MvDuuoId, (gravel road) sthrted l'«rt L:iw Crops of thislooafity have made a very L'Ood start, but the land has became vniy dry .Ijid rain is much needed. Fall wheat which looked ratl'er delicate in tlie eiuly purl of the season, has inipiovcd wonder- fully and with few exceptions promises well. The semi-annu.d di.-,trict meeting of Arteinesia L. O. Association was held on Tuesday of last week in McKee's hall,4:th line. Paitieuhirs are not to hand, further than it was decided to celebrate the glorious tsvell'tli at Markdalo. Two ti»hiiig parties from this neighbor- hood lately visited Thornhury and suc- ceeded in capturing considerable number of ibci liiiny tribe. Ml-. John Brown. of the east back lino, and son, took a trip through western On- tario, in quest of a farm. Thomas Taylor took a tiip to Toronto lafit week. R. MoMaster sustained tho loss of a horso last week. • Mr. George Thompson attended court in t^wen Sound as a witness for the de- fence in tho O'Brien suit against Arte- niesia and Euphrasia. W. a. Campbell visited tho Queen City lately. Mr. and Mrs. Thoni of Muskoka visited with Mr., and Mrs. James Gordon. Go!dou weddingâ€" Mr. and Mis. J. P. Nichol.soii. who for eighteen years resided on the fourth line and removed to Oak- ville about seven years aijo, celebrated at the latter place on Monday, May 18th, the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson were married on Jei-sey Island, and in 1854 tliuy came to Canada, settlinu in Toronto, where Mr. Nicholson engaged in carriage building for four years. They Ihon mov- ed to Don Mills, where they spent two or three years, and then moved to Toronto Gore, where Mr. Nicholson conducted a carriage shop for sixteen years, after- wards coining to Artumesia, where eighteen years was spent, t^uite a iniir.- ber of relatives from this district were pi-esentand together with Oakville friends a voiy enjoyable time was spent, the venerable couple being entirely taken by surpiise. Duiingthe afternoon a ooii- graluhitory telegram was received from Flesherton friends, and the following ad- dress presented to Mr. and Mrs. Nichol- son . Ui'ii Dkab Pabknts,-^wo do not deem it ijeces.->ary to explain at length the reason for the iuva.sioii of your lioino to- day by so largo a company. Sulhce it to say that all present have assembled to coiitjratulate you on thoconipletnm of the liftielilh year of your ..larried life. VVe believe that our presence hero will show y.u more plainly than any other ways wo could devise the sincerity of your affec- tions, but we ask you to accept tliese smiill tokens as a taneiblo reminder of our family re-union to-cjay. Wo feel grateful to our Heavenly Father that He has granted unto us so hum the benelit of pnreiitjil care and ministrations and we liray tl^at it may be His divino will »o further extend your probation. We wish to call to mind to-day our dear brother.s nnd.sistor whMn God pleased to call to lIim«olf in His own good time, and whon we have all received the summons home may it be t. form a comi.lato family in the Kingdom of God. Signed on behalf of the family. Miss AuoK Nicholson, Miui. Cuas.Jaiiuison, â-  » H »>l > â€" children, as she seonis to bring a blessing with her every tiiue she comes. Win. Best, sr., is visiting friends in Owen Sound. The punoy's badly missed at present. ' T. Aberoroinbie's son, Elwood, is in tho Burrard Sanat. rium, B. C, where he underwent an opeiation for appendicites; also his daut,htei . RaclKd, is in tho St Luke's hospital wi'.li intlamination of the storaauli. Hope they will soui, be all right again. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Hve children of Eburne, B. C are visiting at Mrs. TlK.mpson's parenfcd home, T. Aber^eroni bio's. Hope S\)uire Stewart hasn't run away with the railroad, as we haven't seen or heard of either since he went to Oltaw.-i to bring it â€" oh no, to got a bonus to bring it. Well, I see by the published minutes of the township coniieii of Euphrasia they are at that old puzzle trying to make jui auditin-'s report out' of tho accounts of l!)tl2, which J. iVI. sot for them. Mr. Editor you would hardly know the place where the bin Sivaiiip was in tiio valley, and the old corduroy orossway ivas, since friend Lluid has taken such a dislike to stumps and old higs. It's a pattern for others to follow. Go thou and rib likewise. Mr. and Mrs. Breadnor of Honthcoto paitl a Hying visit to friends in town on Sunday. Tho Goilites conducted an all-day meet- ing in the union church on ihe first Wed- nesday of this month. The village look- ed as if we were having .i fair day or some other big show, as so many lails and la.ssies in tlioir best bibs and tuckers were on (ho streets. We're building a new .sidewalk on SVashington street. B. Smith is bossing the job. Nuffsaid, the job will bo well done. If you have any influence with the w-ealhor man please as'n him send us a wet day,3o tho people can get a day's last. HcFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO* HARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest and Cheapest Store. These Are . â- f â-  â-  Bargain Times,,.. There i.sn't .a dull corner in this whole big store. There isn't a corner bu'. is filled with nionoy savino merchandise, foi'the wants of summer shoppers. Not everything is cheaper than it has been, but much is cheaper than it should be if producers are to have their rights. That they have chosen hard cash to uncertainty, accounts for llu) baruains we olTer this time. A cuuple of dayfl spent last we.'k among the manufacturers and wludo.salo houses en- abled us to pick, up some of the most astounding bargains we have ever secured, and us we always sell as we buyâ€" at the lowest living profit, our patrons will reap tho benefit. Road the list through c^irefully : i',-. Honor Uolls Honor roll of Rockvale School for May Class 5. Victor Phillips,Elwood Gonoo. Sr. 4. Bessie Russol, Jessie Phillips George English, Joseph Simp.son. Jr. 4. Vera Philips, Fiiilay Hoy, Mabel Chard. Jr. 3. Arthur Chard, Maggie Fisher, Dora Pedlar, Bdd. Chard, Fred Russel, Nellie Pedlar. Sr. 2. Sara Simpson, Leila Clark, Eva Radley, Elma Armstrong, Violet Spense. Jr. 2 Edna Fisher, Call Atkinson, Ern Russell, Reta Fisher, Ellie Armslrona. Sr. Pt. 2. Harley Phillips, Ed. White, (equal) Ed. Smith, Goo. Chard, R. Clark Jr. Pt. 2. Gertie Fisher, Reta Botts, Waller Fisher. Ft. 1, Wessie Smith, Sam Fisher, Ella Genoo, Elwood Partridge, Walter Croft. Pt. 1, jr. Rob Blakey, Art Porteous, Will MeMullen, Ella Blakey, Elsie Croft. Average uttendauce 59. H. Statforj), Teacher Honor roll for S. S. No. 9. Antemesia, for llie month of June. ClaV Ul, jr.â€" Ruth Paul, Fred True- man, - Class II, sr.â€" Maiiiio Magee, Willie Milligan. Ella Magee. Clivss IJ, jr.- â€" lennio Carson, Ethel Trueiiian, Charlie .lamie.son, E. Hopper I't. 11, class I. â€" Ehvyii Jamieson, Bella Genoe, Newton Benson. Pt. lljClass Uâ€" Nettie Truomau, Newt Benson. Pt. II, class HI â€" Zaidoe Lawler, Lyda Trueiiun, Wilfred Blagoo, May Parson, Charlie Wiikiusoii. Pt I, class I â€" Georijo Benson Myrtle Par. son, George Carson. Pt. 1, class II.â€" Edna Wilkin3on,Lillie Lawler. Pt. I,cla8slll â€" ^oy Genoo S;vidio Ped- lar. Averige 23. L. F. Mahshali, Teacher A SOOOP IN SUSPENDERS 40 doz. Men's Suspenders in assorted stripe and fancy welis. Hoicules back, strong fancy buckles, sold all over at 12io and 15c. a pair, we wore surprised when we g(.t this lot at tho price offered, but j^jU get tho benelit. All on sale Phursdav mnvniiig at one price. Your choice for 5 '12i DRESS DUCK FOR C^ 10 pieces, about OQO yards, Navy Bine Dress Duck, 30 inches wide, vc^y suir.-ible for dresses, aprons, shirts, etc., renular value 12Ac. a yard, on sale Thursday morning for ti^ lOo. CflTTON SOCKS FOR no. 20 d:z Men's heavy Cotton socks blue and brown, heather mixture with white heels and toes, and ribbed tops. These so:!ksare special value in the regular way at 10c. a pair, but thoy got slightly soiled which .accounts for price. On side on Thursday morning at 5 25o.- LADIES BELTS AT 15c. 10 doz Ladies Patent Leather Bolts, nice, bright, polished enaniol, strong ail- justablo buckle, a regular 2oc. belt, while thoy last 15 A WHIRL IN HANDKERCHIEFS Wo secured 60 doz. Ladies Fancy Handkerchiefs at a most ridiculous price â€" tho top one of each dozen was slightly soiled, but as handkerchiefs usually wash well this does not particul- arly hurt their value. There is not one worth less than 12ic. and many of them 20o. and 25o. values. Fancy hemstitched embroidered and lace edu'od, regular I2i, l.") and 25 cent handkerchiefs. For sale Thursday morning at your choice, 4 for 25 A SKIRT BARGAIN. 24 Ladies Summer Skirts in assorted styles, white duck also fancy now blue ill Mercerised finish, handsomoly trimmed with rich wide insersioii, double stitched seams, wide sweep, new adjustable w-aist hand, lonuths 38 to 43 inches, made in \-ory latest .styles for summer of 1903; The regular values are .S'4.00 each, but wo got a bargain in them and can say 2.75 16 00 TAILORED SUITS U.90 Eight nioncansavo 4.10 each by leaving their measure for a suit this week, and at tho same time secure imo of tho most fa.shionable tw-eeds in tho market. A suit made from Coronation Tweed with the bei5t trimmiiigs all through, lit and workmanship guaranteed. Regular value 10.00, while they last 11.00 lOc.STAIR CARPET FOR Gj One piece, 70 yards. Hemp Stair Car- pet, 18 inches wide, in nice pattern with border up sides, regular 10c. kind On sale this week at 6i ENGLISH LINOLEUM AT 45 CENTS Another lot of Hoavy English Linoleum in tile and flinal patterns, wear half a lifetime in any ordinary house, good value at OOo. per scjuaro yard. Onr price 45 2.50 OHARCO.'^L IRONS FOR 1.25 We secured at a snap 25 Charcoal Irons, they are the best and latest improved kind wo know of. Iron any time of tho day or night without a lire. They pay for themselves in saving fuel in a short time besides ahvaj's ready and no hot fires to keep up. VVe soil the iron with a large sack of charcoal, tho two f.ir less than half the price of the iron. On sale Thurs- day morning at 1.25 25c. SERGE CAPS FOR 19o. 60 Men's Navy Blue Serge Caps auto- mobile style, hiyh crown, stiff peak and hand, regular 25c. kind for li9 The store is full of just such values as above but space will not allow us to men- tion all, many of the best bargains ue\ or get into print. Business is booming and every department shows a substantial increase over last year. Wo aro determine'd to keep tho business growing. Come and see us, no need to buy unless you wish. I W. HOCKLEY W. HOCKLEY ^ » Pi'oton Station „.. S Thirty Days' 55 Kluibcrley J. R. Fawcett's aged mother in paying him a vLsit. TheTild lady looks real tine. llup« shtt may long bo spurvd to viait her Honor roll for May, S.S. No. 7 Arto- mosin. IV class. â€" Edith Dingwall, Joe Oliver, Nellie Meads. HI class.â€" Robbie Paton, Mary Paton Will Whyte. 11 class â€" Maggie Hondor.son, John Whyte. Sr. Pt. II.â€" Emma-Mends, Will Oliver Janios Gillies. Jr. Pt. II,â€" Bobbie Vau.se. Sr. 1.â€" Ira Whyto, James Oliver, Oar- field Whyto, E la Gilchr st. Jr. I. â€" Elmer Watson, Sterling Whyte, Ed Dingwall Those inoi>t roaular m atteiidanco: Noll Meads. Robbie Paton, Edith Dingwall. Avefage attendance 21. Ft,ork:icb E. Stonb, Teacher. Bargain Sales. Ready-to-wear Clotliiiig 10 Tweed Suits, regular $8.50 and S!).00f<.r.. ?»> 00 5 Tweed Suits, regular SO.OO for. . . 4 50 Men's Fur Caps, Boll coney, only 6 left for 1 40 6 only Ladies' Caperinos, regular price S4 for 2 76 Great reduction in Ladies' Cloth Coats. A largo as.sortniont of Men's Pea .Tackots and Heavy Ulsters at rock bottom prices Men's Hoavy all-wool guern.seys at per suit SOcts 100 pairs Ladios' all-wool hose, very hijavy at per pair 26ot ^ ^ Grocei'i.s A Specialty 5 lbs. Choice Japan Tea 1 00 5 lbs. Choice Black Tea 1 00 Oond salmon per can fJo 3 lbs. sel. Raisins 25o 6 lbs. fresh ffigs og^ 3 lbs. Coronation biscuits 25c 2 cans Cr^scnt Baking powder 2P Flaked Peas, per packet , . 3 Bottles Exttacts 25o Good Grannlatod Sugar 24 lbs 1 00 Brown Sugar, 31 lbs 1 00 Trinidad Sugar, 28 lbs 1 00 3 plugs Prince of Wales Tobaoco. . . 25o 3 plugs Brier Tobacco 25c Wm. Harden of Collliigwood died in the hwpital there, itis kaid fiom beiiitr b.'Utitllj; kicked. Come: a,ncl inspect Our stock of Carpets. "SE You will find the prices right and the goods first class. ^ All-wool Shooting 72 in. wide, on side at 48 cents (ler yarvl. 2P 12 Men'* Cardinnns, regular $1.50 for 81.19 each. Latge New Stock of "^ Sterling' Boots and. Shoes. ^ ^ <»

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