Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1903, p. 5

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T il £ F L E S II E II T O N ADVANCE June 11 190JJ X-^ I* ^ mctf)0<3lst = Cburcb* F»ASTOW-Ke«..!ri. IviMon Wilson ©«rvic:e*4 !Suiicl«y 1 1 *i i"ii.»Sc Tp. rn Tho (iistoi- will cmidtiot l)Otli ^elvicvs^ E-eiiiut{â€" Sj'iject; â€" " Womun's Plice Hiul P.iWUI." Vicinity Chips r'i;(r;K'{er5stl<*s of the PjisI W«ek Oiirt-iHil} Culictl loe lliv « iti'ioit.^ »»" Fivsli '.I 11 1 ivl.v ly 1 oil hand. J. 11 Duckoti, Kii^euia. MiiiK'y i() loiin lit lowest ratios. A. S. A'anDiiKtM), Fle^h. itim. MisN T'liissiu Tliuvs'ion returned InNt Wl'Lk flllll tllO O. S. bllbiftl'SS CnlitU'C. Mi«i lOlhul WliiUon of Toruiito is hume f.'l- a liolidiiy. ^^^. A.Aliinsiur.v iiucl Bliss Miibol visit- ed 'loiuiilu lust wcik. , • - , _â-  Ml'. Sii'ii S mtli of Miiiiieaohi, ii visit- iiit; lii.s imruirs, Mr ami .Mi». Wiu.Siiiiili, !ift«r :m aliscncu of lifleoii j'tjar.s. Blaol< and t^ii hiuiiil lo.'-t,nio.sil} lilai'k. Ji^ivard tot liis retui'ii. John Halu», i<'le^lltâ- rl(ln. For briin, sliorrs, oats, eh^i), feed, huokwlieal and best, f.iiiiilj' flour i;o to S_jtMuli; (ji'ossloy it tJo.s, Fleslu'rt.oii. Mr. Honry VaiiUasiMi oF S i»a\vak visit- ed liis b. other, Mr. A S. VaiiUusuii, for for a fuw d.iys dui in;; the [jaat week. For Saleâ€" Priviiii; p n.y 4 yea's old, 1j^ liaud.i liijjli, and a good ii»adcr. R. V. Li gate, Ceylon. Tl'C Advance bad a. ijlen.sant call on Monday fioiii Mr- J. \V. Hoalli of El.-i- iio. c. He was acuoiiipaiiied by IMr..}i>hii II b'tuwick of the .same towiisiiii). The Oweu Sound and Chatsworth [lapeis .-^ay Ih.at Fleshortoii will celebrate DoiiiiiiioM Day. We do not know wliere iht-y got llieir iuforiiiation, but .it is in- toi r ct. â-  Mr. Elijah Buckingham of Coll'ngwood ti wnship h.id a iiorse and buggy .sr. dell â-  from liini, a< iiieiitioned in I'lie. AdvaiTce two weeks ago. The oiitlit. wna recoveied last week at Oravonhur.'jc. At Mrs. Frank Tho:ii[)i"n's .sale, 3i-d line, Eu|ihriisiH, on Kridny last, prices luled very liigb, cows i;oiiig from t40 to §40 and horses S135 to iJluO. The .•<ale, incliidir.g cnip,*iie;ti'd over §loOO. Came .\.'itray â€" C.iuie to the premise!* of I iho undei-.siijnod about M.ry the iirsr, â-  two ;i-year-oKI hollers. Owner will- [iltase prove i'roperty, p-iy expuhHos -and take auay il.o -same. Jol.nSianin, KUiiberley. Mr, Hugh Pedlar of The Advance »talf at ended the wedding of a cousin â€" Miss Klla Cariuthers â€" at Avening last week, accompanied iiy his parents and sister. Miss iilbie. _Mo>-EV Tu Loan â€" .iVt ik lo 4j/ 'per cent. E.xpenses low. Also a iniiiiber of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale , cheap, ."^pply to Geo. Kutherford, Shol bunio, or DuiidalK office Saturday after- U 'Oil. A bicycle was stolen from Mr. D. Mc- Tavish's woodshed Saturday night or^ eaily .Sunday morning. Mr. McTuvish thinks lie knows the culprit, as a certain young man disappeared Irom to.wi"i about the s-inie^me, and may make it warm for hiui". * Our Flesherton wool buyer.s took a trip up aniong the clouds on Satuiday iiud JVloiidiiy. Un,the former day 21 cash was pidd iiiitl on Monday one load sailed up to 25f cents < ash. Mr. MeKeiizie Duncan of the back line west was the foriinate uiun to secure ilie latter ti^ure. Let the tigures soar. Tho wool rtvisers will not gtumblo. C. E Tryoii, painter and paper hanger, is open for cnitracts for all classes of work in his line. All work done in a neat and workmanlike ii. aimer, and satisfaction guaranteed. Saliiples of wall piiper from all tbe best houses in Canada from which toiirike .seleclio Orders recjivcd at I'riceville. 1 my. • Mr. F. T. Car, Eugenia, and Mr. \V - H. tiity of iVJa.xwill, lefc last week for Winnipeg to attend the Supreano Orand Lod^B, L. O. L., ill session there this week. Mr. Ciirr will uo on lo Areola and put in the suiiiiiier ou his ranch, retuiii- uig next fall. A representative of The Adv ance wiw in CietJiiiore the other day. He thinks rile Leautien of the English language are not thoroughly understood down there, as V lie S'lW a lieautjfully painted sign which jead : " No spitting aloud ". and aiioiher announcing that the bather shon would be found " oppsite." ,^ Next Saturday Mortimer Clark, the re- cently appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ontaiio, will bu tho guest of tho Owen ^ Sound 13oard of Trade. Ho will be ac- coiiipaniod by Mrs. Clark aud the Miascb Clurk. Osprey iioiiiiuitioii for Iho vacancy in the iteveship look ylaco ou Monday. Tho eaii<lid.iieH lUMiiiiiated were: W. H. Guy, John Hudion, Dr. Softley, Dr. Scott, .Angus Caineriin, Jos. \ULi3ii and Jos. W. Gaiiiey. All wiihdra* but Guy ami Hudson. Tlie electioim will bo held ou Monday next. Considerable diucuasion ttiok place reuardiiig the condition of roadn and su^'i^catiuu* fur their iniprore- Good t' am for rale. Apply to John U. li«urd, Fluslierion. The murderer of Glorin Wlialen has not yet been appieheiided. Miss Skinner, t.iaolier of Corbel ton public school, spent' Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Heuiy Wusiiii. Afis. MeCurdy and Jli.ss Maggie Flail of Haltoii comity visited with friends in town this week. Toni.ito plant.9, one loud beauliful Tomato jjlaiits :it .Sproule.Crossley it Cii.s, Kleshei Ion. Tlio.su retpiiring sikdi, call early or tend in orders for do ivery. The linul draft of the otatioijin,' com- miiteesends Rev. W. A. Sinclair to Ku'.;enia. liev. T. R. Wliyto g>.-s to Severn Bridge. Biookliolnigets J. W.E'-ox. Ice Ceam and slrawberries and creaii. lJaioina-<, Orargis, coiifectionarj' and sdtdrinks serve I every \Vp<lue:;day and Sa'u:-.lay oven n,' at Spnuile, t^rosuley it Co.'s Icecream pailors, Fksliertim. Wauled lo purelmse â€" a fow shares in Osprey Farmer,' IMilliug Co., (Limited). .•Viiy sl:areholdirs wishing to disjiose oi .mime apply, saying lowest price cish will .iell for. I'; O. box 150, Flesherton. - Married â€" on Wednesday, June .'Iril, iyo;j,at I he paisonau'c, Flesherton. by Uev. I. Wilson, li.D.,.Villiaiii John MeConiiel of rt o.Mliaiik, Out., and 2\''ell,e Isobell Mc- Connel of Proioii. The liceii.se inspectors at Eugenia last week uranted a license lo E.'an's hotel at tlic slaiion. MeOralb, who laii the hotel bir Some time, lias gone back to I be fariii and a transtcr of license h.is been in.ide t-i Ira Sjhell of Proton Station. ' Scliell took possession on Monday. Eleven members of No fi company en- I rained at I his station on Tuesday uimih- in;i for tiie annual two weeks outing. Tiveiity-one iiieiiibers were allowed frotu each coii'pany, but o.ily eleven could be .scraped toi^echer here. Even iho hi;.;her [lay and iuiprove'l proviuder cou^d not induce the young men away this year. In tho Telegram's reuort of llie Metho- dist conference it .says : â€" ''During the calling of the roll a liunioious incident occurred. Josiah Gamey, treasurer of (Xsprey Township, Grey Co., and uncle of K. R. Gamey, M. P. P., was a member of conference, and le.senttd his name being pr 'HoiMced by the secr^'tary as Gamey. "Gaiiimey," lie criied after his naiim was called, and a laugh w-ent louml, soiiie of th 'SO present sayiuL', "Ho doesn't waiit to be taken for H. R." Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, oigaiiizers for Royal Templars, have been ni town for the past Week cudeai'oring to revive the W'lrk in that society, and have met with good success. Two [jiiblic meetings weic helJ â€" one on Friday evening' and another Sunday ovening alter church. 'J'bese- nieetiiigs were wvll attuiidid. An organ izalioii meoiing was held Tiiecdny evening of iliis week when a y-iodly nuiiiLer were initiated into tho mysteries of the society. TllO R. T.ufT. is a str^ii^ society and oU' rs a clie.ip and .safe insurance for those who wish to take up ipsUruuce. Refering lo an inciilent mantioned in Tho .Vdvauce two weeks aijo regarding svcow which got into Mr. Mark .Wilson's celler, I he Durham Chronicle thinks the cow also exhibited much courage by tinkering around a butcbi'rsho|i in that manncr,as well as Mrs. WilKoii,who got up in the ni'iht and imt her out. The Chronicleclainia Mrs. Wilson as a Durham girl auc .says Durham girls are all br.-ive. •• Some have even been known to tackle a man " That statement we take with a grain of salt, beiii;i. suspicious of most statements which are not bused on per- sonal exiierience. If it is aiiy satisfaction to Bro. Irwin we iiiiuht aiso inform him that the cow was a Durham cow. Xn early pioaeer of this village iiassed viway at his home in Merritton on Friday iiiorninii last in tho poison of Mr. John Jones, at the ago of 75 years. The de- ceased gentleman was born in Albion township a.'id camo to Flesherton forty- eight years a!<o, where he opened a tannery on a small scale when there were only two or ihree houses here and Flesherton was not known as Flesherton. Later for live years he kept "ho Boyno Water hotel â€"an old log building near the present school house, wliicli disappeared only three or four years ago. From here ho removed to Owen Sound and followed his trade of currier and tanner, and later worked at various other points. For the past lino years be has lived with bis family at Merritton. Deceased leaves be- hind a willow and throe children â€" Mrs. Clias. Bellamy of this place. Miss Bert at home, and James at Owen Sound. The fiineial to'k place on S-jnday afternoon •o Fle.sUertoU conielery aud was larg ly- attended- A young man living not fir from town took a girl biggy riling one day la.it week, and tho conversation turned to foitune tellintj. He a.sked her whethei; she believed in paliiiis':ry. She looked , up demurely and s.iid : "Well. I don't' know, but I think 1 cmhl foretell more enjoyment if I saw the lines In your hand." The young man, who was slow to comprehend her iiieHiniii;, sal with bowed head and wrinkled l>row until at lea.sl two miles lia<l been traver.sed. Then a great lij;h; broko upon him and an ex-' punsivo siHilu i-liuiaMU'd his features. Ho took the limui ui one hand and gi?tspod the sitiiatioiK A younir man named WilliaikV Lee, a spiniiur by trade, who camo lo Duiidalk about ton days ayo to work in tho woollen hnIIx. died suddenly Saturday evening at his Ixiarding house. Deceased was about ^ yeaiB old, and wua truublcd with Msthuia. Doctor MoWilliain wa« chHwI i» Bud pronounced cause of death to be heart failiue. Ue was hurried ia Maplu Gco«u Cemet.ory, Sunday aftornoiin at the ex- pense of the (own. There has been soinfc litigation with re- Kard to the McPhorsnii eHt:ite of this township, a claim having been nut bv a sister of the deceased for Jr'27flO. His Honor. luilge Morrison has liaii«led out his tiniiing ill tliis'iniilter slating that he be- lieves tho nolo to l)o a forgery from a signature altnched to a lotttir ill Ihu poa. session ofllio claimant. This contention was supported by expert evidence. .I.W. Frost appeared for tho claimant, W. H. Wri'.;lit for the (jxeciitors and H.F;. Samp- son for the widow. Of claims amounting to a'liiosl live thousand dollars only §(i4.()4 tva.i allowed, the widow's riglit to almost the entire estate. being thus recognized. •y^^^.^.^.^'^ 'i^-^-^^.-^.^ ?T. J. SHEPPARD Tho uiHlurfiiMiiuil Ijavint; buon vectored to iicuilh Ijy siinplu inuiiiis, hUit milfniiiH for wev- Li'al yoars witli sovcno l;inn alt'cution, anii thut rii'utid niutiiiHucoiisunipttuii, in aiixiouH to nntkb ki.owu to hiti fulloWbiili'uH'iK tho iiiuiiiiK of uure. To thoB*.' who dusiro it, lui will chut'ifully Hond ilrou of c'mivt;o) a copy of tliu iireKcription uMtiil, wliich they willliiid a mnn vnro for consump- lion. asthma, catacrh. bronchitis und nil throat luiii hiuii maladies. He hupus all b'UlTorLj's will try his reiiieily, us it i.i iiiviilimhiu. Thuhude-sir- iiit* tht? proycriptiiiu, wliiuh will cost|thniu notli- uit; and nuiy prove a Ijii-SBinti, will pUmiko ad- .Iress. Kov. KUWAKO A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Nrw York. TRANSFER OF LICENSE Tako notice that a traiisfor of tho liconso of ihti 'Hcbc Hotiil of Ctjsloiiisto liH mado from Miuhuol MfGvatli to Ira it. SchuU of whiuh all partitiH tttkti iuiii<'(j. Coylon, ont., (irey Coiiuty, 8th Juno 1903. The Markets Carefully tJorrc*- c«l Eiu-h MV Wool 14 to Oats i'8 -o Peas (it) o Wheat «,") to Barley 1,") to Butler 15 to Kilgs fresh H -o I'ork 7 50 to Cliickoiis iier pair. ... 25 to Dueks per jiair 40 to Tuckoys per lb. ...... 15 tc (leesu per lb 10 'o Hay 5 00 to Potatoes bag 75 '.o 10 28 (iU 05 45 15 11 7 50 50 GO 15 10 G 00 SO Olt 19 MIS ! In tho ntatter of th(i E^tuto of Cluirle.s HuleSi late of tliu Township of Artu- intisia in the Cuuntiy of Grey, K-ir- uior, (Ujcoascid. Notici! is horuhy f^ivon. imrsuaiit to The His- visud Statutosof Ontario. IH'J7, cliuptor l'J9. anri aiuendiiuuitK thorcto. that ail uroditors rnd utiiurs hnviufj claiuis aRHiiiet tho cstatt) of tlio t^.iiii C'lia.luH HaleH, wlio diod ou or aliout thu tWLMitidth day of March, A D H'O^.ttrcroqiiirod nn nr btifoie tho twonty-socQiid day of Juiin, A.I). I'Mi, to send bv powt prepaid or 'dLdivor to MusHrs. LiiuaR. Writilit & MtiArdlo, owen !-'(»und cnt., Solicitors for \V. ./. CaBWcU, tho Adniinis^. tr-itor of tho efitatuof the said dfcuaBod, thnir (dpistiaii and surimuius, addroFsusand dusurip- tioiis, and full partiuuhirs of thoir claims, tllo Htacumont of tliidr acL'Ouiits anil tho uuturo of thuKecuriLius [if any] held hv tluini. .Ami further taku hotiuo that aftor Buch layt muntioimd data tho said AdminiHtrator will prcicuod to difitrihiiti! tho QESotti of Iho ciocua-'o I UHJOUR tho imrtics entitlod thuroio, having I'n- i^anl only to tho claims of which lio thatl thon havo iiotico, and that tho said Adminis- trator will not bu liublo for tho said arfHuts or any part thoroof to any perHcu or porsonti of wbusc claims notiou shall not havti huun recoiv- oil l>v thoiii at the tinio of ^5uuh distvihntion. DatKd this IHtli dav of May, \.\>. IWX LUCAS, WIUUHT & M<:AliDJ-.i:. Sulic'tor fur Administrator, owon Sound 1 1 jii In tho matter of the o.slate of Frederick Kennedy, Ute of tho Township of Arte mesia, in the County of Grey, Fanner, deceased. NOTICI! ia lioiobv Riven )nn-simnt ^to Tim Uoviseil StBtuoB of Ou'.aiio, isil?, uhaiitui 1 J.i. anil amumlaieiits tliei-tto. tluit all cruditoi-s aiul otluir.s liavili),' elulms asjaiast tlio estate of tllo Riiirt l-'reiloiicli Komioily. wlio ilied on oi' about tUo twoiity-oiulitli day of Deconil)er,.\. D. UK)-.!, are VQ<|nii'ol on or butoi-u tho twuiity- soeond day of .Imie, A. IJ., Iii0:l. to sued by imst pi-opal.l or df livin- to Messrs. lii.cas, Wn'Kht.t McAnllu of tlio Town of owe" St.v«nl, Saliciiorn lor Donald Htovvait aud Donald C. Me.Aitlliir. Exocutoia of tlio last Will aud Tusf.mlunl of tho saidduoottsed, llloir elu-istiail and sni-miiinis, ilddl-casesaiul doBci-iption, and full paitioalai-a of tlioir claims, tho Btatenioiit of tlioir iieeounts iiud tbe uatiiro of tho suenriUestif i»ay) hold by thoiii. A.N'13 FUltTHHR tako notice that after suon last luontioneil datu tlio said exocii tors will pro- cood to dihtiibnto illo aasetn of tho docoasod lunoiiM tho piirtios ontitlud thoroln. haviiiR le- uaidoiilv lo tho claims of -A-hiuh they shall thou liavo not ioo. and that tlio said oxoentors will not bo liable tor tho said assets or nuy iiait thoroof to aiiv poi-aon or iiorsena of wlioao olainm notice shall not Uavo boon roccivod by tliniii ot tho tinioof sucU diatiibiition Dated this IS li liav of Mav, A D llfJ3 LUCAS. WltlOHT it Me.VltDldi;. Holieitui's for lixooutors, owcu Sound i«i (1/ ih Our .stock of Prints, Dres.s Muslins, Art iMn.sliii.s, Swis.s MiiHlins, liuve nil beon repli«i.she<l this wesk, and we are showing a fine assortment in all these lines, and woukl a.slc the huh'es to call and examine the l^eautiful goods. Bargains iara. T. J. Sheppanl, when in the city the past week,clear- etl out several lines of Ladies' blaclc fjirnier's satin .skirts, .some of the finest (jualities ever shown in this country, beautifully made. Dress -goods in black serires, henriettas, worsteds, snow Hakes, homespuns, all the latest designs. In prints n^e keep Walter Crumb's celebrated-prints. They are tlie best washing gootls in tlie mailcet, Ijusides being the new designs you can't get elsewhere. a SiiTEJElfS Just to hand â€" a fine assortment in dress ' sateens in black, black and ^\dlite and fancy colors. Something nice for everybody. Boots and Shoes Our stock i.s complete in Men's, Women's, . Children's, all the leading makers such as King's, Sterling Bros., Williamsâ€" all solid goods. Wool ! Wool ! We want your wool and will pay highest price in ca.sh or trade, Avhen selling call and see us. Our stock of cottonades, .shirtings, white and f;i,ctory cottons, towels, ^Tabling, and Table cloths, are worth while seeing. I>ldbe$t orkes Paid foral! kinds of Pr04^SIC«» Agent for IViit! :-i-ick Patters, .... -s â- -^y ^ ^ •.* :* :^ :^ :* :^ ^-i- i i^iSesdEi i ii:i ^ St; SEj ^- ^- it; tfl- ^ € i^ ii/ U> \ii \h Of a/ 0^ v^/ \i w/ vlif lit \A a> \ki ih \i) ii) \k i^f ih/ J/ \i> \l> i^i i»> \i/ ift iHf ili ii> ^> i«> i^ iif ^f TftOUOUGHIillKD SHOUTHORN Sull for Service For sorvioe on lot i:ir,, T. & S. It., Artom'>.'*ia thotboioimlibiod Dnrbaui bull ••GENERAL GORDON" Roan oftlvod April nth, inOO, bred by Arthur .lolinston, Vaudoluni-, Ont. (lot by Kni ht of (Ji-«». 247H4.Uiim,I.UBtro Wtb.2Ta70,by Sir Walter, t;B.'i7-IjUstre 'ifitliâ€" KlOliH, bv Veiitairei-, limp.) 044.1, Lady Violet Lnsiroiiniii.)â€" Jim, bv lloviU Hoiio laaWJ). LustvHlillb. bv Montroso (:HK7ai^ oxfoni t..intvo, bv biili Dnko of.oxford, "M77«h- Lu8tio,')tli,bv Prinoo Arthiii- 1 liiviii-liustro 3id. bv MuKiinni Hoinim a:tii77l -laisti-a 1st, by Itloonisbuiv (W7J)-L"iitre, bv -Jiid Dnko of Nortbumbdrland iMWfi)â€" I'liio Iloll. by Bachelor (ir>fi6l~bv Snttau (MM.il, bv North star M"*). Tonusâ€".*! tor gradBB, $.1 for thorQii«lU)ro.lB.. l.Auc. W.M. DAVI S. Praprletor Farm For 5ale The uiidoraiuned offers for n&le Lots 18, 17, 18, Con », N. D. U... Arinin»«iR, l.'iO aoiea, about ^.'> olearodi frame dwAllinn, frame bank burn, in in good >t«te of niltivntion, aboiiti 1 luile from Flahbarion Station ('. 1'. It. Aiioly to W. J. HEIjLAMV. FloshBrlon, or ' " ^ MABTIH CUCCKS^KiDJlwortb To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders. .... I would call your attention to the <- , Blatcbfcrd ^ejeSjratcd ^attl^ food AxD C.UJ'' Mkal. This footl is very highly re- commended by the Great Stock Breeders in the StateSj aud is now being tested by Mr. .11. McGill at our Station, on bis farm, where- he luis some forty head of feeding cattle in stall. Those wishing to try it can get any ([uantity for a trial, and from the recomniendatioii 1 have ho doubt it will repay any feeder- of stock. W.ERlchardson, : Flesherton. Farmers! Prepare for a dry summer and sow the famous Essex Sowing llape. Anticipating your Needs W. J. Douglass & Co. have a good stock of thi.s famquns Egli.sh K;ipe â€" pure an<rfresh (not old stock) ^ :.; but guiyantecd new stock, bought for spot cash and â-  ' >; we ar$ giving our customers the beuefiti '" Wa hiivo also it good stock of uhuige Compton's Early Corn North Dakota White Hint and Giant Prolific Sweet Ensilage, all bought for spot cash. We .solicit your patronage for pure Drugs, patent medicines, garden and liekl seecis^ oil cake and house plants in bloom. At/L NEW STOCK W. J. DOUGLASS . . &Ca . a

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