July 23 1903 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Don't yon Olant a Tly net for Vour f^orse ? Wc have just received in stock a tine selection of them, also Axle Gx*eci.se Tpuxiks and Va^lioes Give us a call and see the wonderful display we have for you to pick fi-om. REPAIRING DONE PROMPlLY hvm:. moork FLESH EUTON t. I I Business Cards MOULLiOUOH & YOUNG llBukur MarkdB)e Oo» gaoerkl bsukiiig buaiiiest. Money loaood • roBaoiiftble ratu Call ou us. AS VANDU8EN, J P Clerk atta Div Court, Co Orey â- ijuer of Marriage Iiicenses, Conveyancer Notary Public Auctioneer. Kloiiey to loaa 4iperceut. Chargea moderate. FLEBUEBTON P RJ SPBOULB FoitmaBtcr, Fleoberton v/Otumlssioner in H.C. J., Auctiooeor Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Louder Beal Katate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgages, loasoa and wilU carerally drawn up and valuations raado ou shortest notice, money to loan at lowest rates of ioterost. Col eottoua attended to with promptnese charges loir. Agent for Ocean Dominion Staamabip Company, A call solicited. Societies AG U W meets ou the last Monday in eacu montb, in their lodge room, Christoe'a block. Flosberton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Robert Best ; Kecorder, 'Jas. Felstmd ; Finan- cier, Wm. Bel. amy. Visiting brethren iLvited. MAXWELL rjo You Know, If not It's Time You Did, 'You can buy Dry Good* cheaper in Max- well than aloiia the R. R. Line. To be convinced of the fact just drop in to Stracbao'is old stand, where you will see. •Dress Prints, Table Linen's, Flannelettes. Wrapperette, SheotiOi;, Ticking, 8hirtin!;», Muslin, Lace Curtains.gray and bleached cotton, Overalls and Cottonatle. Also all sizes of Corsets, from 50 cents up. In addition to our grocery we keep FLOUR, FISH an.i DRV BACON, SEED,CORN, MANGOLDS,RAPE, TURNIPS, MILLET, and all gar- den seeds. What you want; and don't see, ask for,and WB will try and Hupply you. PRINCE ARTHTB LODQE, No. H33. A. A M, meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's block, Flesbirton, every Friday oi> or before the fall mocn. P H W Hickling W M. Cbas. Mdnsbaw, SeLretary, COUKT FLE8HERTON, I. O. F. meets in Christoe'a Block the last Frida5 evening each month. Vi^itiuR Foresters heartily veleome. C. B.. 0. %V, Bellamy; B.C., W. Buskin ; Fin. See., Dr H. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each mouth.) Medical [\R CAllTER y M C P * 8 Dot, Physician. Bnrgeon, ete Office and rosidenceâ€" Peter St., Flesherton V>K. h\ T Dibtoy.-PbyslciaD, Bnrgeon •^•^ etc. FIORherton, Got OiBce andBesideuce, Collingwood street, one block east Presbytoriao church. Mav be found there day and nigbt. Coroner for County of Grey. Plymouth Binder Twine For Sale Here . R. K: I N N^ £2 A R ^ FLESH ERTON TONSORIAL i PARLORS Do.n't YOU WANT YOU K HAIU CUT? if SL>, you can gut it done in tne liiU'Ht stj'l« antl in the (juickuat nrdur. Also Shave, Slmiiipo'i,8ingo Eic. dunu iu the moat up-tti-d>ite ^ »fty- a UKINO YOUl< LAUNDI?Y _ S HEFOr<E TUISSOAY ]& ^ A.WILSO^^n FLESHERTON | Xarnwortli IrJoar for Servioe. Alvln ( No. 728 ) The undersigned Iihh a thorousjIibriHl Tiiniwortli. Boar \ivm\ by .folin Hi-ll, of Ain'ji'i', (Int., for service on lot 170 con. 2 E. T. & S. 11. Turins Jil.OO. ISp.lyr. Uiohird Allen, Fleaherlo.i SCOTT. AND SOFTLY Members College Physic. * Surgeons dntario Graduate in Medlciue of Toronto unlverslljr. Fellowship Diploma , Post (iradu- atu eilloal School and Hospital, Chicago diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat apcciiUl treated , H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Fevers ham . a»well T P OTTEWELL 'â- ' Votorluary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence- sjcomi door south west on .Mary street. This atroot runs south Presbyteriau Church. H WILSON Afl«nol«.i«^'^''"'il'''?.,''"*'<' yo'orinary Science i.^u„ ilS^H »,'",'?""'=''• 13urhai,i street, or- poslto Boyd, HiokiiLg's hardware. Legal ThoruuKlibred Durham Bull for Service Cord l11into» 20068. Tlirt undersignod lias n ftim ago'l Dnrhnui Jliill tor si^rvioo on lot. III, T. iinil S. H. T(iriii> -*l for fiailn chwh, ifA for tlioroiich- 'bretls. I'tfdigrutt oii api'lif^^tiiiii * IVDU i.I'VKIl KInsliertnn r.O „ , . •'• W. FROST, L L. M. Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, eta offlce-Next to postoHlco, Sproule's block K.iliortou, every Tburmls and, court daya N It-Owou Hound otllce. Frost" block Poulott street cost. r UCAS, WRIGHT * McABDLE " HurrlBtora Solicitors Conveyancers, etc ..."I?''.'',?""*'"'" Sonnd.Ont »nd MorkilaloOnt. W H Wbioiit, McAnuLE I n Lucas N n -Fle»luirton office, Mitoholl's Dank every Saturday. I1ACKAY&SAMPS0N .llarriatera. tollollors HI Ol'I'ICKS :â€" Owen Sciiiid, Mercliiiiifs Hank Ulock, N, of l"iitt.jr«on Ilotieo. Enndalk aiii Street, every Hktunlay. Moiiov to loi.n nt -IJ per coiit. A.Q.M.iCKAY.M.A., H.i: bAMP.SON,L.L.D Alwavs In attoiidaiico nt Fleehorton and Duudalk Divlklon Courts. Dentistry rvR. p. C. MURRAY, L, D, B. dcrtai Rnrge-m 'J honor gnidiiate of Tnrnnto University and Itoval ('olloue of licintal S.irui'ciiia of Oiitarlc. OlIIcoâ€" Oliposltn AriiiKtinilg'H .JinvuMi'iy Rtoio. Will visit Maxw.tll tliii liiht Wi'ilnosilny â- jt each iiioiitl;, anil Duudalk I and ti Tluirsday In each tiioiitli. Pope Leo died on Monday at 4.04 p. m . The King and Queen are at present paying a visit to Ireland. A meeting of the directors of the Elec- tric Railway Company waslifld at Wiilker- too, on Friday last, in acunrdance with the rcfiuirfinbiila of the Act extundini; the charter. The amount of stock re- quired to le«\lizo the proceedinna was subscribed, and all npcessury steps taken to carry the projrct into effect. A vote of tliniiks was passed to Hon. Scnat< r Landi't'kin, and Mr. Ross M. P. for their raluaUe assistance to gottin<! the new act through parliament.* A provisional agree- nient with the Sawyer Coin|jany wa.-* en- tered into, t.i be ratified pcrniancnily by September first, should Mr. Sawyer bo satialied with the conditions after goino over the route in the nicuntiine. He and Mr. May are now on the ground, examin- ing waterpowers and business conditions. The meeting was well attended and the directors felt hopeful of success.â€" Bruce Herald. A peculiar accident happened on the farm of Alex. Henry, Nornianby, near Calderwi'od. >fr. Henry was cutting hay with two mowers, when one of the teams became frightened and ntn away, sniash- ing the mower and breaking both hind legs of a tine mare worth 9176. A rifle was brought to the field and the unfort- uniito mare was shot. But the farmer's troubles did not end here ; the discharg- ing of the rifle frighteii' d the second team until thsy, too, run away, also smashing the mower, to which tliey were hitched, so that Mr. Henry's loss that day totalled up to a valuable mare and two good mowers. Arthur Runnings.son of William Ruu- nius, a rafter, for Maitland.Rixon St Co., Owen Sound, was drowned in the upper Sydenham on Saturday.a* a point known locally as the Sand Bank. He wa.i in baching, and attempted to swim across to the island. When ten feet from shore he turned as though to return to the starting point, and 8«nk. Hi» conipan- ions gave the alarm, but the body was not recovered for oVer two hours. The young niun was sixteen years of age, and of a religious turn of mind, Iwing an active member of the First Methodist Church. Cleave and Rattle, hound dogs owned by Messrs. Melville McU<<l a.id Ann a .Merriam •->£ C'hatsworih, have recently Vccome fast friends and at every oppor- tuniiy go to the bush and run together. Ratilu was liberated one d»y List week and Cleave bi-oke Lis tie to ji 'in his com- panion in the run. Cleave took tlie rope with him and in the cliase it became fastened in the shrubbery and hold biin. Ral tie reniniiied with bis less fortunate d(ig friend until ihey were discovered on the afternoon of the following day. The uround for the length of the rope was deeply pawed, and the animals Were r.eai- ly exhausted. Thuro i.s in this a losstn of friendship. â€" Banner. Thomas Rogers of Mitchell sued his brother, John, ut the Spring Assizes in Stratford, to recover a legacy of §600 due him under the will nf his father, who died in 18112. The father's farm was bo- quealhed to Jnhn <n condition that he paid over the legacy, but he secured an ngreeineiit from Thomas, who is not overly bright, by which he was to give Tbonnis his boatd and clothes as loni; as the money lasted, but wiis not to pay him anythiii;! fur lii.s !,'.l)(ir. Chief Ju.sticc FaU'onbiiilge hn.s hftiidtil out his doci.<ion, holding that the agreement was ill-ad- vised and iipprovident, and giving Thos. judiiinent for the JiKK), with inten st for six years, and a further sum of S50, the value of a C'dt taken from him by iiis broiher. Thusaro the helpless protected. Fall Term BEOIMS Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 1902 Owen Sound, Ont. In a few months at the institution you' can acquire the very best training in Bu.si | iie.s.s Subjects or Shorthand and Type- : writing. This institution has the very 'â- b.st equipaienl in Canada. I Announcement for 190v-4 sent free ! on applicittion. { C. A.FLEMING, Principal .;fcfvK\.K&K&:Kv:K^,K K&K K tJ. K K-iA "Wood's Scfore and After, Phosphofllis©, The Urcat Ecgllnh Rcms^r, ia an old, well eetab. liabod and reliable preparation. Uastieea prescrlboU auil nsod over40}eara. All drug- gists iu tlio Boininioa of Canada Bell and lecouiinoud na txtiua the only medicine of its kind Unit cures and CURED WITHOUT CDHING, FAIR OR LOSS OP TIME No matter lio t Ioti(» ym h.ivoauffrrcd rr howbarbaronaly yon h.ATibcf a treated bv stirgeone, by ctilti.-ig. olrctcUliigaart burning, tt.^ ask yim to Itivcatifata car MEW MtTrUOD of curia.? It. Oar treatment ia oiijlnat with ourselves, ai.d la t't^rrault of Mycarj'cxporlcaco In tlicnosiwclaldljcawa. Tbostrlcture t';;, itioln tho tan.tl U p.ilnleaf->ty nbr.orl>cd and Iumilo r-moveil fcrever. Any cli:;<:anr(T.^, ^vIllch oftoa nc. cnmpaaleactrlclurc,c;i.-iapti=ara,tho lullsnicit anrfscn Ithcald u;>, allecalilinir and burnlnir scnaatlnuaceaso; the Kidncyaand Bladder l>ccor.io etron^ and normal, the •ezaaloriraaa retrain vl;(nr anilvltilltv and the patient fecls&a tUoucUlKo vrcto wortUUTlag. AUcaaciaro treated under & OXJU r;KW KKTHOn TUrATMCJIT will cure yon, n.id mnkeatttan I of yo«. Under lia In !loi'nco the brain brcomnu acilve, tac blocd puriLci: k<> that alt pimiiles, bloichf<M and ulcere lieal up; tito nf^rvea become atron^ as uteel, nn tbat aervoaanesa, baRhfutneaaand dca{)ondr)icT disappear; the eyes bcconio bilgbt. the I face (all and cliar, enemy rnturna tu I'lo bo<)y,aad the r.ior.il, pliyak.il and nrxual a/stsme ore luvijfor.iieil; alt dralna Cf.vwâ€" do nioro vital v^aaio from the syntism. Tliavarloaaorirnna l>rconie nainraland laaulr. You fei*l yourself a man .ind Know marrlai^e caotiutlien failure. We Invito) all thcaflllctcci loconanlt ni confidentially and free < f cliarice. Don'l let nn.iekH and fakirs rub you of yonr hard-caroed I dellara. WE WILL CUKE YOTI OB NO PAY. Watrc.it and cnre NBHVOUd IIEHILITY, BEXnAr., WEAKNRi)9. RMIB- nroNa. svPiiiMa. oLr.ET, strictttrb. varicocele), kidney aad ULAZ>OEIl U18EASEH, and alldisctarapeeallar la maa and women. wornmnjATiou mcc Boom rnok (niaatniied). H â- aabWtocill, write for Q u m mUom ft*â€" > (of limmtm TfmM DmKENNEDY&KERGAN fflves nniveraal satisfaction. It promptly and perinauiintly cures all forina of AcMoua Weak- nesxt KmiaKiuHf, ttfH'rnuUorrhitat Impotencj/t and nlleiTxotsuf obusuorexcesees; tho cxressite aao of TulHtrco, Ol'iutnor fitimutant.^t Mt^ritill and Jlrnin Worn/, iillof which lend to Infirmity, Insanity, Consnniiition and an Karly Grave. Price $1 )>er paekafiTO oraix (or J5. One u'ill plrnae, iijt will cure Mailed prtnapty on ro- oelpt o( i>rioo. Send for frooiiainplilot. Address XtXB W*.od Cuiikpi:Dy, WlndiOTa Oat a Canada, Wooirnriioaplioiliiio iii hoM ill ll.i.lii;il,>ii by DouKlttss & Co. uiitl \V .!; l!libai(iaou, D' Uiiiiisla. . la !>••#••«. â€" > Oe» I ^ K - 'A r^ fs y\ ^ K \ K The iindern^'iiu I bin a iluo thnroiiabbiwd apeelinun of till. loiKiwiie.l O. I. f. tyno of hcE for aervloo cu lot ?H. O- P. It. Jo.S. WATSON, Ir, Proton Station P. The Markets. Ciirofiillv Corrcr «d Encli W<- k 14 t. 10 5!8 -.. 28 «M> o W) 05 to On 4.') to 45 14 t.. 14 12 " 12 7 f'O to 7 nO 85 lo Wl 40 to 60 1ft tc In IU -o 10 â- 00 tu e on 7» v» 00 Wind Oatti , reiM «'« 4. •>•«••• . Wh.»t t Hurley . . . ^ Itutter i K^Ra fresh â- I'ork { ( ;<iicliens per pair. . . . D« k« (ler pair i Tuokeya jwr Ik 0*«s« per lb I Hay ruUUMbMI , Farm for Sale Cheap ! Lot Ifi, con. 13, township of Opprev. clear of incumbrance ; iM acres. 75 cleare<l, balance hardwood bush : in goon state of cultivation ; Rood frame barn and stablna under, 40xGO ; a good honse30x2G, 3 storey, under storey stone, upper frame, well finished, a Rood fiost proof cellar ; woodshed 26x21' ; a l-'V-barrt-l cistern and never failing well and puu:p in good onler, all i under roof ; plenty of water for stock in pas- ture. Termsof Bale, $SO0caab, balance to suit purchaser. 4 per cent on balance. Beasou for selling. illiie>8. and place must be sold. There ia an orchard of about Xi acrea. School j luile. churchea within 1 or Smilea; about two miles to Foversbam. Apply perauuallv to JotiN bPEKKS, Feversbam P. a. ^^ â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" ^iâ€" ^ T?nT^r^?» Any Spectacle is no more adapted to your face than any coat to your body. The fit of the frame is as important as the fit of the lenses. We make a specialty of both. W. A. Armstrong, - ifEWCLER AND CPTIClAXi FLCSHERTON. THOnOrCnBKED Dl'KHAM Bull FlTlt iService For service on lot 106, 3 8. W. T. A 8. B., Artemosia, tbe tborouKbbred Durham Uu)l " Motel Bov," No. ajOJS. bred by Couu Kuapp Durham, Pedigree ou application. Terms St Wkslkt Bvskin. Prop D. McXAVISH w \m\m mm Bii[i For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutlers. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHING and guatunlee first class work. We keep on band Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Masaey- Harris and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, -xW kinds of m't'.'hiiiciy, also Binder Twine on hand. » Ulbeti in town give u$ a call « TJeslteridn Furniture 2 Ulareroomse J We cnrrying the newest styles o 8 lonable goods in all lines of ttrniture, consisting of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboard.i, extension and centre tiible.0, chaiib, window shades and curtain poles, pictures eaiels, etc.. Which wo offer at LOWEST PRICES mm mi FOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring. We have just placed in ^>^>sition a new phiiier and niatoher and are prep-irod to furnish building material in all the alx>Y« lines. Get our quotat'.ous when you want anything. Picture Framing and General Ro- ^f |-jj(^[^j I f|<y B T O S. ..„:..;..<. liiidertakin'./ in .vll its W â- *^ Ijairiiig branches Undertakin/ in <vll its SfttiMfaclion guaraiiteett. VV. rl. Bunt, - - Prop. 8ih con., Arlemesia â€" Maxwell P. O. July, '02 . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS â€" 00 TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton We have C utters, Sleighs,Biiggies, Wafigons and Carts J'leury, Dymont Butterfield aud Wilkinson ploughs ^ Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth 5 and Iron harrows. Also first class handmade liani'.^s.s. \ l)or$e Shoeing and General Blacksmltbi^d* I TItOHOUOHBHED SHOKTHPU-N Eugenia Planing 3uii for sei^vice Mills (Jet vour Sa.sh, Doors Flooring, .Sheeting, New- ell I'osts, Ballnsters, Cor- ner Bloeks,Hand Bailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sitl- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds ilone to onler. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our linos guaranteed. Walker Sloan i^Siritir^-c-F^ PROPkffiTOR I'or Ecrviou on lot l:V\ T. A: S. It., Arioiueaia the thoruUKbbied Unrbaui bull !««aENERAL GORDON" Roan oalvcd April Ctb, 1^S>, bie.l by .\rthnr .lohiiston, Vandoleur, Out. tiot bj- Kiii^lit of (Irov, SIWI.Daro.LuBti-o Wtli.i.T:iVl>,l.y Sir Wa.ter, l:C>.17-Ln>tro sBtliâ€" U'OJH, by Venturer, (iuip.> t;n3. Ladv VioK-t Lustre linip >â€"ilsi, b> Koyal Hope I ;tiiik!l. Lnatro lOtli. by Moniiosu rl;'<7Hiâ€" I >xi.>vil laiBf.o. by nta DuKo of uif.ird, ri'*rniâ€" laistie aHi.bv I'rl.ice \rlliiir 1 1072.1â€" lustre Jril, bv Ma«nuni Honuin (i;WT) -Luatre l»t, bv hloonisbniv (WI72)â€" I.Ubtre. bv 3iid lii;ko of Nortlniaiborland (StVIOiâ€" Blun llol'i by l'»< lielor lltWI- by Kalian iNH.-.), bv North star (t-V.). Tormaâ€" «1 for Rnulea. »3 for tlioronitlibveJ'. lAuR. WM. 0AVI3, Preprlelor Farm For 5ale Tba ood«r«<i!i>e<1 ofteta for sals Lot* M, IT, M Con 3. K. O.K. Arteiu»»la. 130 acres, about IS cleared, frame dWBllini; frame baiiK bare, la In of ealtiration, about I uiilo Ircoi . I Htatlou C. P. H. Al'Pll â- »» W. i. MELUAkiY . rieebartoc. Of