Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1903, p. 2

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I About the I i ...•House i TES'ilOI) HKCll'KS. Apricot Soiiine.â€" Beat the whites of 4 i-gjfs to a Ktlll froth wiUi - tablttspoouB granulated Bugar. Add '2 cups "stewed apricotK without Juice, und bake in u moderate oven half nil lioiir. ^St•r\e iuuiiodii>-''-^'y Willi u soft custard made of the 4 yolks of the ej^gs. tJri-en Grape I'ie. â€" Stem and cut Kreen grapes in halves. The grapes will be seedleBS. Fill n nite cinist wltji the fruit, sprinkle over 1 cup Kugar anil a bit of cinnumon. Cover with a top crust and bake in a hot oven. When done you will ha^'e a Bavory jiif that will well take the place of apple. Fruit Dumplings. â€" Sift 1 table- spoon ?reain tartar nnd one-half tea- spoon soda (or one heaping tea- iipoon baking pow'dcr) with 1 i)int flour. liub into tlMiis one table- spoon laixl. Mix with sweet milk, adding a little salt, and cut into Bmall squares. In ench s<pjarc put Home fresh or canne<l fruit, pinch the corners together, and jilace with pinched corners down in a baking pan. Have ready a syrup made by boiling_toget1ier 1 ciij) sugar, 1 pt. water, 1 tablespoon butter; pour this in the pun around the dump- lings and bake. tireni Pea Souj>.â€" Cook three cup- fuls of j)eas in salted water until jKsrfectly tender, and rub through a r.oup-strainer, leaving only the skin.s behind: to the J'ulji oMaiiied aild one cupful of slock, one teasrioonful each i;alt and sugar, one half s-alt-spoon- ful of pepper and one teaspoonful of llowr niadi" jpcrfcetly smooth in one half cupful of milk; cook five minu- tes, add one cupful of cream brought Just to a scald, and serve. One Bpo(mful of whipjied cream (o i'a<h nerving is a filling fini.'.h lo this most delicious soup. A jilainci' pea- soup may be made by substituting Diilk for the stock and cream, in which case the thickening nhould be made of one teaspoonful of flour and two of butter rubbetl together to a smooth paste. Apjile Ice Cream. â€" Riiccc^s In ice cream dcjienils considerably on the method of freezing. Do not use too much salt or the ice cream will be hard, but coar.'c in icxturc and icy in consistency. 'I'lu^'O pints of salt is enough lor a large jiailfiil of <:racked ice â€" or ii gallon freezer : Pack crac'ked ice in la.yers with salt, packing it in firmly but mak- ing it moist with cold water. Ice cream should remain jiacked for at lea.st two hours after it is frozen. It is belter if packed for four or even six hours after it has been thoroughly fro'/en. ICoej) it well covered with cracked ice under thick layers of newsiiariers so that the air cannot reach it while it is rest- ing. A grated apple is a palatalile aidditioii to a plain cream, Ihnoring it somewhat like cocoamit. Make a custard of a cup of granulated sugar, the yolks of four eggs and two cups of milk. Stir the milk over the fire until It is very hot, but not until it boils, then add the crenm nnd take otT the .stove and let it cool. .lust before putting the crenm in the free.cr add a cup of tart grilled apple imd fieo/e the cream immediately. 'llie grated n[>jile should not be nllowisl to stand in the ciifttnrd. but the cream should be frozen nl once. Only a finely flavore<l, tart npjile should be u.<;ed for this purpose. iriNTS TO hoi)si!;ki:ici'Kus. Wlicn boots creak rub the sides of the soles with swi ut oil before re- turning them to ,\oiir boot maker. U'lien stewing fruit add the sugar after the fruit is cooked, and stir it in gently with the handle of the SplKUI. Hemove old paint by wetting it with naphtha. If one apiilication is not enouffh repeat till the paint is dissotvod. Ply Catchers may b« made as fol- lows : Uuil linseed oil with a littlo resin until it forms a viscid, stringy paste when cold. Spread on a ^ thick siring by means of a brush. i In giving milk to children always use either glass or ehina vessels, npt metallic cui>s of any sort. The greatest cleanliness must be observed in their iiiunageinont, rinsing all us- ed glasses, etc., first in cold and then in warja water. To remove stains from flannel is alwn.VK rather didicult. Yolks of eggs and glycerine, in ctpinl parts, applied to the stained purls nn<l al- lowed to soak for half an hour be- .'ore the garment is washed, is the ,)iily reliable remedy 1 can advise. Filling the Jelly (Jlusses. â€" 'When the fruit juice is ready, take the kettle to the sink, skim thoroughly nnd strain into the glasses. Let them cool uncovered that the steam may not collect in drops of water on top of the jelly. The toj) moisture is what causes jelly to mold. W'hen cold, cover with melt(>d paraflin and put on the tin covers and label. CVCVMJiKH RELISIPES. Stewed Cucumbers : Pare ripe cu- cumbers and cut them into quarters. Scrape oil the seeds and cut the quarters into two or three pieces. Pour over enough good brown gravy to cover, and let them siiinner gent- ly for half an hour. Then arrange the [lieces of cucumber on nicely browned squares of toast nnd jiour the sauce over. The suiice should be seiisoned to taste. Cucumber Chowchow : Pare enough firm, ripe cucumbers to make 3 qts. when chopped. Do not remove the seeds. Add IJ qts. chojiped white onions, measured after they are cho[iped. Sjirinklo \ pt. salt with the chopped vegetables, and put to drain in a coarse muslin bag for 24 hours. The next da,y turn the druined vegetables into a large lowl and add 2 oz. white mustard seed, 1 red pepjicr und 2 gi"een peppers chop- ped line, and 1 tablespoon ground lilack pepper. Mix all the ingred- ients together, rover them with cold vinegar, add a few nasturtiitm seeds and bits of horse-radish and jiut away in a stone jar. MULBF/RRY WAYS. The mulberry is a fruit suifUciently delicious to make it much better known than it is, and when canned, Iireserved, or made into jelly adds very pleasingly to the variety of fruits stored for winter. The fol- lowing recipes are delightful ways of u.sing this ncgle:;ted fruit. Cunneil Mulberries : Allow 1-3 lb. sugar to each pound of mulberries and place in la,\'ers in a preserving kettle. l^et stand for two hours, then bring very slowly to a boil; cook t wo minutes, skim, and can iniJuediatoly. Preserved MtiUerries ; Cook 2 lbs. luulherrieH in u very little water until soft. Then (iress through o line si< ve to extinct nil of the juice. To J qt. juice ndd T) lbs., granulated sugiir: idace over the lire, and boil and skiin. Add 4 lbs. mulberries. Then stand aside oV(M- night to cool. In the iiiorning the sjriip should be jellied, if not, boil it again very gently for another 15 minirtes, be- ing careful not to break the bi-rries and when cold seal. Miillerry .lelly : Cook the mulber- ries until soft in a very little water, then strain through a very line sieve. Add an eipial (|iinntity of rhubarb juice, und allow 1 lb. sugar to each jdiit of the mixed juices. Pro- ceed us for oti'.er jellies. I'lilher â€" "Well, my son you are gazetted and are now prepiircKl to join your regiment and light for the glory of our country. Ho you think you have the necessHry (iiialiUcn- tions?" Young Olliceiâ€" â- Well, T should think so. I am the champ- ion long-distance runner of our club." Mwa.VH aim n litth' higher than the mark â€" if the mark is a djmpio in her chin. -*w~ia A DANGEROUS BUSINESS GREAT BISKS THAT DYNA- MITE WORKERS RUN. Woolwich Arsenal Has Been the Scene of Many Explosions and Fires. The awful disaster which recently occurri'd at Woolwich Arsenal Jbrings to mind other catastrophes of a sim- ilar charucter which have wrung the heart of the nation. These have, un- fortunately, .been many; but. ns lyd- dite is a coHipuratively new discov- ery, it has not been responsible for many of these terrible accidents. Lyddite is really the British name for melinite, and is un explosive of truly awful power, which was in- vented by M. Turpin, a French chem- ist. He sold the invention to his country in 1886; but in 1891 it was alleged that he and a caiitain in the French Army had bc>en su])plying in- formation respecting his invention to foreign countries, and the jiair were sentenced to imprisonment, exile, and fines. In 1888 the patent was bought by Messrs. Armstrong, of Elswick, and sold by them to the British Govern- ment. I.YDDITE, SO-CAIJJOD. Lyddite is so called because it was first tested at Lydd, a little place in Kent, where many of our soldiers are trained every year to become marks- men. Woolwich Arsenal, as might be ex- pected by reason of the highly dang- erous work executed there, has been the scene of many disasters similar to the lamentable occurrence on Juno 18th. One of the most curious was an explosion which took place in the rocket factory in 1883. On this oc- casion the town was literally bom- barded by the exploding projectiles, fortunately, with little- damage, and the loss of hut two lives. But the alarm causzd among the inhabitants of the town was very great, as can well be imagined. .Several terrible lires have devasta- ted the historic Arsenal, which was originally built on what was a huge rabbit-warren. At the beginning of the nineteenth cent my it was prac- tically razed to the ground, and ?1, 000, 000 woi-th of damage was done. Again, in 187;!, the Itoyal Military Academy, which formed part of the buildings was destroyed, and the lors to the nation was $r>(H).0OC). Several explosions have taken place there in addition to these ho- locausts, and many valuable lives have .b<'en lost. I>ynniiiile bus been the cause of many terrible exjilo- sions. In fact, we owe the invention it.self lo one of these catastrophes. Prior to lS(i8 Mr. Alfred Nobel was. comiiarati\ely speaking, in a small way of business as a manufacturer of nitro-glyceriiie: but in this year his factory uus blown to pieces by an explosion of this highly suscep- tible concoction. â- SMOKFLKSS GUNPOWPKH. This awful incident, which would have been sulVn-ient lo have convinced most men that they had better seek fields and pastures new, only incite<l Mr. Nobel to further experiiiieiit . and he discovered that by mixing nitro- glycerine with powdered charcoal it became to a great extiut safe to handle. although none of its tre- mendous explosive power was lost. The result of this discovery was dynamite, out of which, together with a smokeless gun|)owder which he also liivented. Alfred Nobc 1 made a fortune of $XO,00(i,(i()0. a greater part of which he left, on his death, for the inslitution of what are now the famous Nobel jirizes. These are five in number, und are awarded an- nually, and each is of the value of about SH'.di'H. Last year one of t hes(> substantial awards was won by an Knglishman â€" Majcu' Uos.s â€" for his di.s<-ovcry of the fart that ma- larial fever is caii.sed nnd spread by mosquitoes, nnd for instituting of- fe<'tual means for dealing with these pois<inous pests. Hynamite has been largely utilised by desperate individuals, who. tak- ing advantage of its peculiar powers, have endeavored by its means to make the world ring with their griev- ances. But iierhaps the nuaiiest and most tiuiible u.'e to which it has ever been put was by a man named Thmnns. This individual consigned a cask of this terrible ma- terial to be conveyed by the North- Oermnn Lloyd steamer "Mosel" to a foreign port. With it he sent n clockwork machine, which would, in eight days, give the cask a powerful blow, exjilodc- the dynamite, and wreck the ship. But from some cause the dynnniile exploded in the dock, 1 nd eighty persons were killed and about two hundred injured. After this awful result of his fiend- ish plan Thomas committed suicide, confessing before he did so that his object had been to obtain the paltry sum for which other goods of his on the same ship were insured. Subsequent to thisâ€" in 1884â€" an ex- plosion took place nt another of Nobel's factories, nnd ten lives x^cve lost. CHllMINAL GUNCOTTON. The highly explosive and excoc.tling- ly powerful material known as gun- cotton, from the fact that it is made of purlfie<l coltun steeped in a mix- lure of nitric and sulphuric acids, has been responsible for ninny ca- Inmntles. When it was first intro- dure<l to England, a trial of its cnp- nbilities Was made ut the manufac- tory of Messrs. Prentice, at Stow- Uiarkel. The result was a terrible explosion, involving the loss of twenty-iour lives, among the killed being Messrs. A. E. H. and W. It. Prentice. Besides these, sixty other persons were badly injured, and near- ly the whole town was destroyed. But it came out at the inquiry af-« terwurds that sulphuric acid had be<!n added to the guncotton after it had passed the tests required by Government, nnd Messrs. Prentice had sulTcred as a result of their own lamentable foolishness. One of the most terrific explosions of modern times took place some years ago on the London Regent's Canal. On the barge "Tilbury," then lying near the North Bridge Gate, Hegent's Park, was stored no less than live tons of gunpowder. It was to have been u.sed for blasting purposes, but at five o'clock one morning the whole cargo exploded. The shock was felt thirty miles away, and it seems almost incredible that only the lives of the men on board the barge at the time were sttcriliced. tiiea.surf:s destuoyelD. But the damage wrought by the explosion was indc>ed terrible. Its efl'ccts extended over a square mile; hou.ses in the vicinity were blown down, and windows innumerable were shattered. Among others, the house of the famous artist Mr. now .Sir â€" Alma-Tadema was com- pletely wrecked, a great number of his pricele.ss art treasures being de- stroyed. The pity of the whole na- tion was aroused, and considerabl.y over 880,000 was subscribed by the public towards repairing the damage sustained b.v the sulTerers. The cause of the disaster was ra- ther curious. It was found that the c'.xplosion had been brought about by the ignition of vapor from benzolin'.: by a lire or light in the cabin of the "Tilbury." The Grand .Junction Canal Com- pany was declared guilty of great negligT'nce, anil hold responsible for the damage. It cost them nearly SHOO.OOO to settle the thousand-odd claims which were made against them. APPETITES Handel OF FAMOUS MEN. Always Ordered Enoug^h for Three People. The majority of the great musical >;omi>o.se:s had ajipetiti's on an e(piality with their talents. It is told of Handel that when he dined alor.o at a restaiuant he ulwa.vs took the precaution to order the meal tor three. Once on asking, "Is de tinner ix-tty '?" nt a restaurant, or a tavern, us it was then calle<l, where he was little known, he got the reply, "As soon i\s the com- pany comes," aiul astonislu-d the waiter by s-eating himself, with the remarT<, "Hi-n pring up do tinner. I'm de company." The ai>iietite of Haydn was yet more voracious. He delighted in dining alone, and always linishetl the meal ordeixni for live persons. A former Duke of Norfolk also found a dinner of live "portions" within the s<;ope of his afvjietite. Lueullus reserved all his .s\imptiious feasts for when he was quite alone, and it was on one of these occasions that lie ujibrnided his cook for serving him a dinner that only cost about £100. and gave htm a list of the dislies he should propnro "when _Lu- cullus dined with Lueullus." Brillat-.Savarin .immortalizi'S the Cure de Breipiior, and tells us that gt a single sitting this reverend gen- tleman would eat us much food as ITREADSLIKEAMIRiOLE ONI-Y DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ABE DOING SIMILAR THINGS DAILY. Reuben Draper's Gravel Cured Three Years Ago â€" It Has Ne'rer Come Back. Bristol P. O., Quebec, August 3.â€" /Special).â€" Reuben Draper, well- kno»-n here, tells a storj- of his cure of a bad case of gravel that would be con.'^idered miraculous if similar cures by Dodd's Kidney^ Pills were not being reported almost daily. •.'â- About three years ago," says Vr. Praper, "I was taken ill with what I thought was gravel. I was suffer- ing great pain, and the doctor I tent for gave me but little relief. Another doctor I tried failed to cure ire. and I was getting weaker all the tinae. "Tlien n man advised me to try ;)odd's Kidney Pills as they had fured his mother, and I did so. In {u?t one week after I started using ham, T pas.sed a stone as large as ^ small bean, and in four days after f passed another about the size of a frrain of barley. That is two years ligo, and I hav« not had any trouble •Ince. " Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all aib /oents of the bladder and urinary or- tsa*. » WILY BELGIAN MAIDS. They Wanted Husbands and Most of Them Were Successful. Eaucaussincs is a small village In Belgium which possesses a good su[>- ply of girls, who realized lately that a great many of them wore destined to be old maids unless they took the matter in hand themselves. After many meetings, from which all mar- ried "folk were rigorously excluded, the girls determined to give a groat dinner to which unwedded youths from far and near should be invited, says the London Express. Notices of the coming festival and its reasons were published all over the country and even in Holland. This very original way of securing a husband has just come ofli, the preparations and decorations of the village having kept all agog for a week. A table was i)laced in the centre of the village street, and the hostesses, •dressed to kill," awaited the arri- val of the guests. At 3 o'clock the girls, with their parents and the bachelor guests, as- sembled in front of the town hull. whence numerous addresses were giv- en on the subject of matrimony. Then the event of the day took place. The loverlcss girls took their places at tables first, each leaving an empty seat at her side, and wait- anxiously for the youth who should elect "to sit beside her. There was an awful pause ere the first man screwed up courage to leave the rest. who stood huddled together as if for protection from the danger that awaited them, but at last a brnwny fellow of about 40, from some distance, whose hearth was comfortless without a wife, made .1 choice and took his seat, and then another and another, nnd soon all the places were taken. Pinner lasti'd till 7 o'clock in true Flemish fashion, ending with songs nnd s|)eeches. By this time nccpiaint- ance was made, hearts were warmed. would seive a working man for ten '"id declarations made, and the girls ila.vs. Brillat-Snvarin once saw him demolish in tbieequarters of an hour "a quart of soup, a jilate of bouilli, a large leg of mutton, a .sujierb ham, a copious salad, a pouml or two of chee.se, a pr<Hii- gious cpiunlity of bread, n bottle of wine, another of water, and a cup of colYee." A modern epicure, the Vicomte de Vieil Castel, on a wager that he could consume .'iOO frnn.s worth of food and wine within two liciirs, won the money in one hour and forty minutes, in which time he swallowed twenty-four dozen oysto. s. a beef-S'teak. a pheasant stulTcHi with tnillles. a salmi of ortolans, a dish of asparagus, nnother of young pens, a pineapple, a ili.s-h of straw- berries, and l'»ve bottles of wine, ending with colTee and liiiueurs. who had succeeded in .securing swi'Ot- hearts made, their appearance in the vill;ige square arm-in-arm with their cniitured swains. Very few Were left lamenting. The dinner was followed by n ball in the open nir. nnd many wedding days are nlreudy fixed. Hostess. who has nuule unusual preparations, says, towards the end of dinner: "I tell John that if he will bring people home unexpectedly to dinner, they must take just what we have." (3uest (wishing to put h<-r at her ease) â€" "Oh. that's all right. Jlrs. BlulTer; I'm nn old trav- eler â€" used to roughing it now and then, you know." FATE WORKED FOR HIM. But He Wanted to Go Too Fast, and Got Left. j The ingenuity of the mild Hindoo I is nn amazing thing: it must also be I somewhat of a nuisance to its pos- 1 .s(>ssor. We have not met for a long , time nny case in which niis«liriK-ted j cunning has gone so far astray as ' in the matter of the property of Mussamnt Gujar Bibi. says the Pall Mall (iazelte. This lady's ne- phew. Aladaine Go|)al Khatlri. forg- ' ed her will in his own favor; proceed- ings were instituted against him by Mussamnt Ham Hei, his uncle's wi- dow. Before the case had jirocixMl- ed far. however. Mu.ssnmat Ram Dei died, and the case was taken tip by I her brother. Beni I'er.shnd, who also ' died before the case was concluded. The case has now been brought lo ; nn end and the forger has beeii con-' demned to live years' imprisonment â-  for si'eking to obtain property that I would have come to him naliirullyi hud hi' waited, since his aunt has no i more conno<tions to dispute Madame ; Gopal's claim. There's an ironical ju.'-'tice nbout this conclusion of the \ matter which will give the prisoner plenty to think of while he i. doing ituio. ' Good Things to Cat on the Lawn Polltd Han. B«tl »iij Toojue. (>x Toii«e (wlialt\ Vetl Lotl, Urvi;.'d Han. BrliLcl BmI, Sll;td raiok«l UM. All Natur.il FLivt.: r,.:i,ls, P.i:.:I.tMl- .â- â- ~\ wholesome. Your ;reccr slioiil-l have lluni. Soud flTf. 2o ftAHiii.for LlhhT'«biic Atlin of tho Wo 1.1. 11uiul»on)« W>.^l«iâ€" " ttow 10 Mftko v^ood ll.lnsBt.. I'm' (V.*. llt»!>y. McNeill &. LIbby. Chicago.

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